HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-11-05, Page 3OUR DEARONES
mothers, Wives and daugh-
Thousands of Them Suffer.
Be'a celery compound Gives
em Health and the Fresh -
Bess of Youth.
When the nervous energies are exhaust-
ed, women suffer from constipation, dya-
pepsfa, kidney disease, liver trouble and
prostration. They are weak, tired, have
headache, backache, sideache, and cannot
sleep. It is then that the wreaking of We -
moon's delicate organism begins.
When sickness, disease, and disaster
threaten, PainWa Celery Compound should
be used without delay. This marvellous
modern 'medicine will quickly impart
strength to every weak organ, and restore
the greatest blessing of life—health. A few
week's use of Paine'e Celery Compound will
give vigor to the nervous system; nutrition,
digestion and every special womanly func-
tion will be naturpl and regular. Rosy
cbe@ks, sparkling eyes and the freshness of
° youth and beauty always follow the health- I
giving influences of Paine's Celery CoiYi-
Not All Against Him.
The St. Thomas Times (Conservative)
does not approve the course of the Tp -
Ionto Mail and Empire and its imita-
tors in their' attempted detraction of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier. It is ready to ac-
cept Col. Denison's praise of Sir Wil-
frid's course in England in opposition
to the Mail and Empire's abuse. It
says: "Of course, we readily concede
to all the journals of the party the same
freedom and independence which we
claim and exercise for ourselves, but
We not only regret the condemnatory
olainion exppressed by out, confreres of
Sir Wilfrid'a action, blit feel strongly
convinced that they are judging him
unjustly." Then after referring .to
Col, Denison's opinions it says:
'•In the Mail and Empire there is a
cartoon representing Sir Wilfrid in a
nightmare caused by the appearance
of a goblin in the shape of a club, with
one hand pointing to "Laurier's speech
before Toronto Board of Trade," and
the other clutchingat the string which
fastens the Cobden medal around Sir
Wilfrid's neck, and trying to deprive
him of it. The title of the cartoon is—
"A horrible nightmare should Sir Wil-
frid dream that his Cobden medal was
nhrained under false pretenses." We
boldly assert that, there is nothing in
the Premier's speech before the Toron-
to Board of Trade to justify the insin-
n%ttion that the medal was obtained
wider false pretences. On the con-
trary, his course was entirely straight-
forward and honest. He knew that
he would have no chance of sticcess,in
the mission on which his heart was set
if he assailed the free trade sentiment
of Great Britain. lie therefore avoid-
ed doing this, and took the far wiser
course, in our estimation, of going at
his subject in a more circuitous wayy
So far as we can see, his plan is work-
ing well, and there is every reason to
believe that preferential trade will in
the long run prove the welcome out-
come of his efforts.
rhe World's Favorites for
Dyeing Light, Medium
and Heavy Goods.
Diamond Dyes do a range of work far
beyond the possibilities of soap grease and
crude package dyes. The common dyes on
the market are deceptive in character and
ooinpoeftfon; they are made to sell, not to
give-pgranteed satisfaction. The major-
ity of the colors of soap grease and crude
package dyes are so weak that they will
hardly stain the hands. Diamond Dyes
give colors to light, medium and heavy
materials that are as fast as a rock, and
last as long as the goods hold together. The
heaviest tweeds and cloths can be dyed
with, Diamond dyes. Soap grease and imi.
tation package dyes dare not attempt such
work, because the colors are not sufficiently
penetrating and powerful.
If you desire success in the dyeing oper-
ation, and wish to save money, use Dia-
mond dyes for home Dyeing. All up-to-
date dealers sell Diamond Dyes and strong-
ly recommend them.
While at a thresbinq on McLean's
farm, near Brewster's Lake, Osprey, a
boy, twelve years of age, son of Jacob
Loughead, was kicked in the face and
kno, ked senseless. His 18 -year-old sis-
ter. who witnessed the accident,carried
the boy home and then fell senseless
herself from nervous excitement. The
lad is recovering, but the shock was too
much for the sister and she died.
The grandchildren of the late Hart A.
Massey, five in number, have entered suit
against the trustees of the estate to set aside
the sale by Cheater D.Msseey to his fatber;
the late H. A. Massey, of 113 shares of the
Massey Manufacturing Co.'s stook, and"t�
have it declared that daring his life till
Mr Massey was guardian of his grandohil
dren. It is claimed that the shergp � were
given to the son in trust for the grendobil.
dren, and that H. A Massey bad no riybt
to buy the shares. All thio tbo defendante
deny. Besides many gifts during his life.
time,Mr Massey left hie grandchildren $75,.
003) in cash.
q *bousands Could Tell the Same Story of
Misery that William Davidson Tells—
And Thouaands Have To -day the Saint
Song of Rejoioing — Cured by Soutl
°American Nervine. s,4' t -
"I suffered untold misery for over threi
montba from neuralgia of tho. storbach
Phyeioari d}d tbeit best to help me, but al
attempts were baffled. I saw South Amer
igan advbftised and'kesolved to try it. Th
first bottle gave me great relief, and after :
had used six bottles was completely curei
of thiss Theclford, Out dreadful Sold aby�WAtts CO. '
�„ +TNIi NVRt£cw,
at�nerna whehi thep� sfite Moat �
I>a ismbo t splendor bbthed the Ia'4
><,6e(n4ered wheats the *ayes had tt�tviiwt
,p mi'gtzty' verso& the stratia. t
Ileltr'naken lawns sell to of steal
With rush sad ttetrvroed utero tepabeasatl, r
.aastl m$ny a rose had oleoma it utd dated
Qlnse aha span Qua: etwai wss toewcl.
Abant ter catye yyooi ties
Rolled hank is,$ circ r% aotaeasltass
And,avery� billow on !ho tslscL
Soetndd btiYBM v'ii'h a hnrapa Groeu.
The-uiopa.aird stars Looked coldly Qd1PA. ,
Acid coldbe donrorda opyr .r0.71rrrhln►
lit, ht -the gioriou6� atm t Treliiolm 1
AVTonld`nefut gitraia db alar s6a1►
tznongtbanveirdatrdjWreaed es
That shook tlrahir cant/ haV1
TUn dank! acid dood)Y r off hiy i
Prdlonged"tae o xis ts.,
And oat�f the and wi tt Band
A114;;me® Lisa treesal'ti Henn► t
Anti o'dn'my' a leolr:ondep0 ¢uep
13e•eahoan wills the Mii*ft" brocaai.
-Ala, thee" I M0114 1k "otung the ddosa
Of iifet'a inualtrt NobulDry p� ,
Hu1L many tYfnli Mad 806% Berta
i.tas stranded 'ncetla a w!"laortb ilk,
Grind many o rnnzrr'ria-, v�ephiag tfiN�, ,
Lreels ghnebly dauT» gtpieapd� bites t
Iseab h9 ehonid neve t mese bottold
The riahW of that snD agars. '
—Auguatua Waters in lhrbt VarkLacl{� '
A simple Rxplaasthm a/ "� Puzzling
It to a curious. fact hod,+ mw vuodWsitoaad-
ng.a many oommon and o"atwntdy, eilri
gle tbtngv to modH@rd bf (Shiba tnvedl-
gation. Theexplan&eten of law files walk
�n the ceiling, as given In some o1 our vld
eaders, was that each lttft fly loot to 0
ninlature air pomO, a theory that to note
moved to••be fahleAona, Vb was eappowd
ahat'the bottom of the toot adhered to tins
biose by auction, all air beneath h being
axessed out, W that it was bold to vlwo by
be pressure of the air without. Aub film
lade been kmwb tat walk an tube inner
Me of a glass teoeiver after on the air had
seen exhausted, which shows that ttbgy do
cot need the pressure of the air to upbotd
them. A microscope aramtuaftan of a
ly's foot ciearly dtsprtaves tike "sucker"
theory, for the foot cushion y. oovel+ed With
hairs, when
job prevent a dium contact of the
Feet; with the glass,
A later theory, propounded h' Socias,
was that flies sting to the gtasa by means
Df a viscous fluid substance wbloh atudes
from the bairs in thete feet This theory
ruse thoroughly hnvestlgettlad 12 yen" or
to alto by lir. Rvmbout, wbo detaonatrated
that It was only partly siaucd, for emuQB
these hairs do carts" o1sude an ally
fluid, the fluid is not sticky and does not
harden when dried.
It is to Dr. Rombout'a esperbnents Shat
aeience owes what is now regarded do the
true theory of the walkime of One on
smooth substances—tfiat they hang on by
the help of capillary adheston—the molee-
ular attraction between solid tpad lislndd
bodies. By a aeries of nice calculations„
such as weighing batreandmeaeti ingthelr
diameters and immersing the cut end of a
hair in oil or water W make 4t adbere
when touched to glass, Dr. R'ombout
proved that capillary attraction would up.
hold a fly were it four•ninthe as heavy.
again as it is at presents It is true that
the foot hairs are very mtvuiat but as arch
fly is Bald to be Wrolshed,w0h 1'0,000 to,
12,000 of them,,wo need not be surprised
at what they can do.
Reasoning from this tbeary,, vF¢e Wlabt
concluded that flies fled it d�bolt to
mount a glass slight* damyaced, because
of the repulah . Between rite watery eup-
face and,tbe oily Myrutd .--vdYng 1500zu tto
feet, and we !night likewise ev ect them
tp be Impeded 'by aAlight ooatftiql of dfiBt,
because the spaces between !tie hairs vMuid
be filled with dust. CuorePol ofiservlirdan
seems to confll'm these infef aaeg Wbw
we see a fly staking bfe toifilt, be to nofi.
as we might guVpose, caeantng hU bo4,^
lint his foot, so that thoX may the rr01e
readily adhere. RvetW t}De has D0400:
how gnfakly a fly tal;:ias flielik evtaa when
he has bean dostna half an hWr 1tt 6he
some position. Thib new dmftj iYta9M'�!
easier to undegr$"d how bib cutin 00
bonseld for the etd4' pvesla:jlte KW
and the "gram•, thbroolsly�bQihh Q�
to leis effort fry nvr 2
ffiielr inveluntiiry bold,—Our A lr
And Every Breath She Drew was an Ext
cruciating Pain—Rheumatism had Fast-
ened bis Talona on his Prey — South
American Rheumatic Cure Snatched her
from his Grasp.
"For fifteen years I had teen troubled
with rheumatism. It settled in my back.
At times the pain was so severe an to en-
tirely lay me up for weeks at a time. I
was just about discouraged and had given
up hope when I was recommended to try
South American I4henmatic Cure. I did
no. The first bottle enabled me to leave
my bed, and in one week from the time I
commenced its use I was completely cured.
It in undoubtedly the beet remedy in the
world for rheumatism." Mrs J.Beanmont,
Elora, Ont.
"Mammy," said PlakaoInny Jim,
"what does white folka mean when day
talks ob language habbin lots o' shades o'
"Doan you know what dem Is?"
"No, mammy."
"Weil, I'll iilustrldy. Dab's yoh unlet,
be a black man; yah fhthab, he's a dark
skin man. Yoh ofdlsat brAw's a brown
suits man ad yob next bbra"'s a bright
'akin man. An dar you ha "--4Wasbhngton
Hardships In Alaska.
Hungry Higgins—I wouldn't mind gots)
to Klondike if it wasn't for having to dig
out the gold.
Weary Watldne—Tbat ain't the worst
of it. It bee to be washed softer 16 f6 dhhgf.
—IndiantiptiHB Journal.
Britain ocouples a very blab place IDD
mining of all kin4e. Melte thin 8D0.000
Of her pettp% axro errlrphryad . , Elie lntly
and they pYod'uge over .20,0 ,000 worth of
mfp9rais afims ly. .
Tis 1ghL gittlCittt8 trlioro�hfa�e
' sKnuinotltg"tl�vart+lY odi miili6lr.
4i kr6fiiaifi'a Painless corn extractor. Ra.
I .r.- �.. .16 .. - ....,L tri, , stirs, tr ed ®iaction iFanov aettina rld of
MUD1,00's Cooyerts
Che People of Canada are
Satisfied and Convinced
Chat Munyon Has Kept Faith
With the People and
Made Good
Sia Remedies are Becoming the Safeguard
o the Home -The People Have Trusted
and Have Not Been Deceived.
Mrs Mary Mose, No. 23 Chestnut St.,
Coronto, Canada, says:—"I have used
dunyon's Dyspepsia Oure with splendid
•esulte- I was so bad with this disease
bat food would lie for hours on my stom-
wh causing me great pain and agony. I
ileo had severe pains in my back and I
vas frequently troubled with sour stomach.
[ had to be extremely careful what I ate,
rut after using one vial of Munyon's Dye-
?epsia Cure I am now able to eat anything
:vitbout distress afterwards. After suffer -
ng for years with this disease is Its a plea-
sure to be again able to eat anything I de-
sire. Thanks to Munyon."
Munyon's Rheumatic Cure seldom falls
to relieve in one to three hours, and cures
In a few days. Price 25c.
Manyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively
aures all forms of -indigestion and stomach
broubles. Price 25o.
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia
ind breaks up a oold in a few hours. Price
Munyon's Cough Care stops coughs,
night sweats, allaya soreness and speedily
heals the lungs. Price 2Ec.
Mnnyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures
pains in the back, loins or groins, and all
forms of kidney diBesse.-Price 25o.
Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervoneness
and builds up the system. Price 25c.
Munyon's Headache Cure stops headache
in three. minutes. Price 25.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cureB
all forms of piles. Price 250
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im.
purities of the blood. Price 250.
Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon
to all women.
Munyon'a Catarrh Remedies never fail.
The Catarrh Cure—price 25o—eradicates
the disease from the system, and the Ca-
tarrh Tableta—price 25c.—cleanse and heal
the parts.
Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in
three minutes, and o'ure permanently.
Price $1.
Munyon'slViolizer restores lost vigor.
Price 01.
A separate cure for each disease. At all
druggists. Mostly 25o a vial,
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 and
13 Albeit St., Toronto, answered with free
Medical advice for any disease.
A young lady, who came out from a
house in the west end of London,when
hastening round a corner, ran against
a little street arab. She said, "My.
poor boy, I hope I have not hurt you.
I'm very sorry. I beg your pardon,"
The little chap was quite astonished.
Taking off the three-quarters of a cap
which he bad upon his head, he made
her a grand salute, and said, "You can
hev my parding,(for• that's what he
called it,) mise, and welcome; and the
next time you run agin me, you may
knock me clean down and I won't say
a word." And then, when the lady
had passed on, he turned to his chum
and'remarked, "I s% Jim, its the first
time Lever had any ask my pard-
ing, and it's kind o' took me off of my
You always think of a pretty baby as
plump and chubby. Scott's Emulsion jnst
gives this plumpness; not too fat, just
enough for the dimples to come. Babies
like it, too.
[Montreal Herald.]
This has been a notable year in Canada.
These events may be red -lettered in the cal-
Tariff revised.,
Treaties denounced.
Preferential trade established.
Enlarged exports.
High cheese price.
Cold storage system a success.
Fast steamship line.
Intercolonial extension to Montreal.
Good wheat crop in Northwest
Crow's Nest Pass ,Railway being built.
Reduction of C.P.R. freight ratea.
Canals being rapidly completed.
Increased railway earnings.
800. wheat.
Klondike gold strike.
Yukon district organized.
Expedition to examine Hudson's Bad.
Territories' new constitution.
Postoffice Department reorganized
Militia Department reorganized. ,
A Curiosity Eventrim B
Every boy and girl has some memento 6
or troasnro of the last vacation Some of
them who have been on long journeys to
the mountains or to the sea have returned
with a whole box full of curiosities, which
they exhibit proudly to their friends.
Others have taken photographs or made
horbarlums or collected minerals or dlffer-
out kinds of woods. All of these thtnge
are full of Intertret; espeota;lly R they are
explained in a charming manner. And
this suggests the ourtosity exhibit
Therourioaltyoxhiblb maybe•in the form
of an eventng party alien by a boy or giM i
to other boy8 or girls, or some young peo-
ple's club nosy offer ib as one of rte even-
ingattgnntisi Jp ulthar Caen all of the
guests ! til bring theft' vacatioII
treasmab-»overythktg of intereeb which
havti activated during the summer. i
Va. artialets to bo•labolod-with its utmne,
whereilrn>L �7 vLhom ooUeetied and any
otbee Int l Main in i'o&v 4 to it. AA
largwtootiW or are pmrtdbd Pbr &dAbi� n1I e
tmtataily grouped where they can be seen
by every n6mbeto of the party. ' A feature .
of V w evuning Will be the opyortunity
given tv somp of tha.brighter, and wittier
talkgroa to te113IIiw eaoh. of thel4 tieeaures
was obtalvad., oC cant, g�ues4 may be called
upon to toll abont bt�' or her dearest 6'rea-
sure, Aftorward throe judges may be ap-
pointed to select the basteoUactrion of treas-
ures, and.a btete ribbon, or some appropri-
ate Ilttlo prize maybe bestowed on the win-
ner. This forme an eaoeed1rigly Interest -
IN mA bu;txxwthu evening gathering
either fbr yo fblh or for childr m It
maybe caller curiosity evening.---Chi-
cugo Roaamvd.
Whore Neddle Found Ulm.
Vibm wus babyP Itieddlo looked. ander
all the sow and Lawrence oven pooped
Into big tin cake box. You see, baby
had one otaa little tooth. in his head, but
that one was such a sweet tooth. And he
had twtoo boon known to creep out into
the y)antsy tato t1w cake box. But he
wasn't there thfe thri a Ho didn't seem to
be anywbieve, and mamma began th get
I� the dtn r bell,, No(%" idle said,
"and ring it out the back door for papa,
And, Lawrence. are you sure you honied
In Q the cioac:W There's the UPIFU closet,
yon hssow„ =4 Bridget/s closet.'
`I rno" in � m ail, " Lawreneecaid
despondently- "He isn't anywhere, I
gine ho'e devolved. Hr's sweat enough
to. '
Papa oamie to and hunted too. Out -
doom and in fhny hunted, goWbg more
frighteDed till the tiara. Then Neddie
found b.tnn). M laughed till tho two anx-
ious taears just onossing over the bridgg of
his noes lost their balance and tumbled
down hi1L
I salad Ned,dte found babA but many
and t ml q It was only his little, soft cham-
ois shote be found and part of two little,
black stockinged legs in them. The rest
on, baby was out of sight.
Papa's tall, square spr'apbas reit in the
library was over on its side, and baby had
crawled in and gone to sleep. How mam-
ma laughed when ho was found h—Youth's
An Ancient Do1L
The sketch illustratee a prehistoric Mex-
ican doll unearthed by a French a ut2iro-
Positive - Proof
Messrs, T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ont:
Gentlemen,—Some two weeks ago I ob-
tained a boa of your Heart and Nerve Pills
from our popular druggist, Mr E. Scarlett,
cf Dundee, and I can ii'ow unhesitatingly
any that they have been very beneficial to
me in relieving an obstinate and long stand-
ing complaint affecting my heart and
nerves. I was troubled with the well-knowti
symptoms of heart and nerve trouble, such
as sleeplessness, dizziness, palpitation,
neuralgic and other pains for such a long
time that I bad really given up hope of a
cure. 'Now, out of gratitude to this reme-
dy, and no others may learn of its virtues,
I give my unsolicited testimony.
There is no onre so good for heart and
nerve troubles as Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills. This is my honestopinion.
My wife in also using this remedy with
great success for fluttering' of the heart.
(Signed.) J. D. Robinson, Dundas, Ont.
Lasa Lixer Pills cure constipation, bil-
iousness and siok headache.
.. yiniJli ' fe ott
.. �atttnrsi . ��S�i�Sai��t sett
Vloglf* I:r. Cbtpwlw The izume Is hol-
and Contains a rattle, which proven
that prehistoric children were not unlike
the Iloilo ones of today.
Ery Dons".
You see ray dolllo? She's ao dear,
Sho ion'tpretty? Why, that's queort
You don't Iwro dpillo as I do,
Or else you'd say Shells dear all through,
R110 camp Mab Chtamaes. Yes,.l s'poso
Be might have given her better clothes,
That Santa C•lnuni But then, you roe,
Ae knew that she would come to, me
.And that I'd love bar just the Same.
once shm got tont. Will was to blame
That time. He tangled up hocr hair
And hurt her eye, but I dbn't care
>59 couldn't loco her,' t wui;h he trtedt
I found that donie when I'd cried
And loolred all overl Why, you know,
She can't got lost, I love her sol
And once that dollie tried herself
To fall down from a high, hirlh shell
Where mamma put her, ani f aprend
My troch and caught her up fnateadl
She's very cranky since that fadL
She has her troubles, like we dil.
And such a lot that dollid's bore
I have to lave her all the morel
But I mn't think how yon can say
She isn't pretty I Every dny
She grown morn swootor, and I know
It's just because I've loved her so I
—Bva Lovett.
Her Stiff Hnees.
Dottle—Mamma, I guess my dolly's
mamma must have been a very unpious
Mamma—Why so, Dot?
Dottie—Why, she made her so her knees
won't bend. I have to put her on her
stummick to say her prayers.—.Exchange.
The Way 8c Board It.
A little 4year-old wont to Sunday school
for the first time and hoard the children
singing, "Once I was blind, but now I can
see." That afternoon her sister heard her
sing, "One side was blind, but now it can
see. "—Philadeiphla Times,
Sable Island's Ponies.
Sable Island is famous throughout the
f°anadhan maritime provinces for its race
of wiled ponied. 'They wete originally
plaead there in order that. they might fur-
nish food for sallors shipw'rockod there fro-
Tom and the Collection Plate.
"No, tbauk you, I've got sumo money
of my own, " Said Ilt do Tommy politely
as the co4tt'ibtitiob plate passed in front
of Min othe ocooOon of hill first VUlt to
ollmfolr.-•�gi►. ..
Learn to Graft.
Every farmer who has an orchard
hould learn to. graft. It ie much more
atisfactory to do the work than to
hire it done, and besides, at the rate
which most grafters charge, the labor,
It ,simple, and not hard, is better
paid than most work that farmers do.
A fop -grafted tree, if a considerable
In of grafts are put in, comes to
bearing quickly. Ifyou hire the grafts
P in, most will try to do with too
Yew, leading to a large wood growth,
and delaying fruitincr. There is still
another point in promoting early fruit-
fulness. In selecting the graft, choose
new growth on the end of bearing
imbs. -Trees from the nursery are us-
ually root -grafted, and as it is much
more convenient to take scions from
I stock that has never born
fruit, these are usually chosen. This
s believed by manyy to be one reason
why young trees do not come into
bearing as soon as they used to do,
when nearly all the trees were grown
from seed and top -grafted.
Sometimes it seems to a weary woman
I she most certainly give up. The
simplest and easiest work becomes an al-
most insurmountable task. Nervousness,
sleeplessness and pain harrass her and life,
seems hardly worth the living. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription was made for her.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery was
made for her. The former for her dis-
tinctly feminine, the other for bar general
system. Together they supply a scientific
and success course of treatment. The
"Favorite Prescription" restores healthy,
regular action to the organs distinctly fem-
inine. It forces out all impurities,
strengthens the tissues, allays inflamma-
tion. The "Golden Medical Discovery"
makes appetite, helps digestion, promotes
assimilation, fills out the hollows in cheeks
and neck with good solfd flesh and brings
back the gladsome glow of girlhood. Send
31 cents in one -cent stamps to World's
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
N.Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page
CommonSense MedicaliAdviser,illustrated.
Didn't Approve of It.
The lesson was from the prodigal
son, and the teacher was dwelling on
the character of the elder brother.
"But amid all the rejoicing," he said,
"there was one to whom the prepar-
ation of the feast brought no joy, to
whom the prodigal's return gave no
pleasure, but only bitterness; one who
did not approve of the feast being held,
and had no wish to attend it. Now can
any cf you tell me who this was?
There was a breathless silence, fol-
lowed by vigoc'ous cracking of thumbs,
and then 'from a dozen sympathetic.
little geniuses came the chorus:
-Please, air, it was the fatted calf."
Positively cured by these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per-
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regiilate.tlle Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small Pill. SmaH Dosaa
Small Price.
the fraud of the day.
See, you get Caster's,
Ask for Carter's.
Insist and demand
Caster's Little Liver Pills.
Cures Rheumatism. Nopra)gia, :K
Eczema al?d .11 B1994
Lion i can to any one tamwi
acing the medicine I hays
the disease. I have int
weight, and now enjoy para
Price $1, 8 for $5. All dealers or address
The steady increase in our trade in good proof of the fact that our goods are right, li.,
Out' prices lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We manufacture furniture on a large scale and can afford to sell cheap. It you 1 ,
from us, we save for you the profit, which, in other oases, has to be added 3n?
the retail dealer.
This week we have passed into stock Boma of our new designs. Space will not
us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer_.1*,+i..,
Remembei; wp are determined that our prices shall be the lowest in the trade
In this department our stook is complete, and we have undoubtedly the best ftto
outfit in the county.&)0ur prices are as low as the lowest. !
P S—Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. CEdley's, (Fane, C'
Director) residence, l t'
A new Broom sweep► cls,
Brooms at 100 '
Hub Gr'oGery Brooms, two for,
A dandy one fox
These Broome are great valne, having been bought at reduced figuree ,Y
We are going to s
give the public bargains for the neat sixty days. No
excuse for not having a clean house. Crockery, Glassware, and all
kinds of Groceries, new, and fresh.
GEO �WALLtO�P,u - C1><ntar;
What ? Why the fine stook of Fall Goode that has arrived at the Empoiapd
DRESS GOODS that will please any one for both quality and price. Hands
Linen Towels, rand Mantle Cloth; Ladies' Misses and Children's iTe�fds;1
Men's and Boys' Underclothing of extra good value. Men's Cardigan e�$dTt
the best value ever shown in the village. One piece of English Cotton Ty¢ijie
double fold, regular price 01, ours 75c; who will get the snap ? Is it 100
Shoes you want, if so this is the place, we are in good shape to supply y0rt
quality and lowest price is our motto. Boys' Long Boots for $1. Porhalis;; !
want some good Timothy Seed—we can supply you. We also have tl
thousand and one articles that you want. Highest price for But
Terms Cash.
Dost Yoe R A,...
We handle the Celebrated Lapham's Rival. It hal
Slotted Capillary Feed Piece, therefore will not scads;
or drop ink. «�
Do not allow Dealers to press upon you linee "just as g(oc
but get the best.' /'
t n',A ,
If your Stationer does not handle it write us and will send`
our reduced Price List,.
The Copp, Clark Co., Limited, 'oro
Children or Adults.
DEICE. Sac. Beware of lmitatlon►t
G I Ve The only food
the that will build
Baby up a weak cora, .
a titution gradin
Chance ally but surely is
Cardinal rood
a simple, scientific and highly
nutritive preparation for infants,
delicate children and invalids.
0 Ki ftnY wllToiOf1 & Can., f•aornttroe., ?
,Illy husband has be eau
troubled with dyspepsia`
and finds Ripens Tabules,
the only relief. He hits ;
been troubled with �xYd �-'
gestion for the past
teen years.
f j
il"iltll��." i ... '° �Yfilii'r-',IJ:�YIY�i.�i3t �, .,....i,...'i.,Jlrrn. s....u.. alR.�x��•.+a,..