HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-11-05, Page 1F y � .,, T T X � ., } dooanese, or #t yea feel week or is
i?i to•day, if riglttl gbosep, beyNJ doOttwn,"'you Are taking rtyks,in,401.
{ oo;nea the heirloom of the !enure. t atrnent. Yon are aot efglzr 'Ott
No gift is more appropriate an
tlaa w,e,ddtn da ,node Rnore tel I?erhalia not, t►etthe; are yo $o '
k .., y ------ --- _ - _ T--- - �- . 1x3 a is your' ooridzt, . ata `dtw , ,
eRiao sr more, lasting than one Tbfe retnedp dist gareo eve,rytbiag,ottr
11 I. team our Silverware or ONT. NOVEMBER 5 1897 $1 a year in advance 01.50 when not so aid nothing. our 131arod $u(: _T .l
e tcclery, It Outlaeta the re- ROBERT HQLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTON, v , paid Iron POIRare hot 4 oursrll; •Th '
c ient'a life, attd becomes the y g 11ey h0 .
taanred heirloom: of those who � don't onto e n thin ,
howevex, been prO.vAlXl fip boa p .
follow Cxoderic4t Township , oifio for rundown oyetema, ferpa '
-p �-Ul �t VIES. $ayfield Foister $Hill weakneaees, triad all dteaauea et;iria
W� are, glaa to allow visitors the . LL V J..�1 ACOIDENT,-Mr Sellars met. with a CHuRoa.-ao,aclal servLes are closed NOTEe.-Mr A. J. Courtice
i;pat shipment o! the holiday No- What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for puplioatioa here, Quarterly services will -be held ,Holmes- from impoverished blood, � iugt , 'ter
' , various accident on Suuda�y ovenfng, villa, supplied Rev E. Ayy.. Shaw's pulpit on the blood, parifyiag #t, rfdil "Ike..
b Apllett nto ba a bi ale the was unconscious Y p are t Bethel
lance, uMr McClure gcon. 1 a ,curing neryousnesa, heada660,
volties t at are nowhere. Itwill on Sunday, Nov. 7th at 10:30 at whichwith disoase-sot on the nerves,tot in she
• delight you to see the beautiful lE3a[eter Mias Zinkan til! s leak. Q.
THIGH BROSEx, On Sunda cast Y Y , p , p
new things already in stock; it NOTES. -John Treble, of the north y for some time, put is now on a fair REPAIR. -Mr O. Gin[, is having his tlderich Townahip,,3e.o a child ver They have oared otlrera- ^pany
will [ane leasnre to show the 13 -year-old daughter of B. Church- g F them. The can and Will ,gnig yorX
I g Y P sada is at present on the 'sick list. Mr ill was thrown out of a rig and had her wap to recovery. house overhauled preparatory to ocou- ill witit_9u64m� y
them. Wilson Sheere, of Melbourne, visited. thigh broken. g CSmtcs.-St. Andrews' was ver Fancy. It will make a comfortable and From as only, at 250 a box, 4r 5 box, .,
g y • $1 at our store,•or mailed our , bf
his parents here on Sunday. Mr Geo. Scaoox, REPART.—Standing of pupils tastefully decorated, for the children's commodious dwelling when finished. West Wawanosh � ,
Cly elegy a Davis, of Seaforth, was in town Sun- price, and your money I'Alo,.I,
,Isetlrelery day; he brought his newly -purchased of S.S. No. 4. Hallett, for the month of service, -by the youn people, under SCALDED, -On Sunday last a eon of HvSgIxG BRIE. -On Thursday night not satisfied.1.
driver, Parrot, With him. Mr John , October :-- 5th class, -Bruce Medd, the supervision of Miss Mary Gardiner, Geo. Holland, aged about 1J years, hap• last, by special invitation, a number of
You'll always Sad here. In foot, F p ,Christens Livermo[e,Effie Bunter; 4th with ferns, autumn leaves and flowers. oned to et its hand into a, of of hot Young people congregated at the home
Bennett, of Melbourne, spent Sunda P AL-fiEN Et W.1T�8[3rl�, },
yoa't1 Snd a popular afore, fall o! in town. Mr Robt. liarnea,of London,
class, -Sarah Reid, Alice McVittie, The Lou Graham Mission Band has water and was severely scalded about f H• G, Taylor, and whiled away the �11s .j
Annie Leitch; Sr. 3rd, -Beal Farnham. started adorn after its holidays; the of• the arm and body, hours o! evening b kindly assisting
popular goo do at popular prices. totted town Sunday. Mr R. Dawson the worth Graduate Druggists & OpltL.ciaiis . ,'G
yy Wilson Sundercock, Sarah Fahtervice; firers for the year are: -Mrs Graham. ENGAGED. - MISS McMath y landlord in husking his ex- purchased the old foundry and in- ,who for g (Ili>FttOxt. ;,
Jr. 3rd, -George McVittie, Pearl Pipe, President Miss Mc�enzie,'Vice Prea. the est 8 ears has been teacher at reliant crop o£ coin.
el ` :i tends making it into a bolt factory. By Ethel Pipe; 2nd class, -Mill Adams, ' P F
all appearances into a bells will eel P Y Miss Flossie Stanbury, Sea; Miss Don- Union School, tende her esignation AI7CTION SALE. -On the 17th inst., We fits spectacles as perfectly Aat�' >,
w FF R Roe Livermore, lila Stewart;Part II, aldson Treas. e The p F leg �
i ;; forth their inert chime in our midst y y + recently, which was cep rid Miss Ben Holtby disposed by auction of his can be fitted. quality -of the g se#
-Rather Scales, Douglas Rogerson,
s - very shortly. Messrs Sanders, Hawk- Pare I May CHANGES. ---Mr Barges and famil McClaskey,daught .M Claskey, farm stock at very remunerative fig• and frame de the price, but $l,. f4;
, CY•e I Albert Livermore; ,- y Ad- i
Shaw, Bolton and Cantiff, spent There- hale moved into r Geo. Castle s has been engaged 'n er--plae`e at a sal- area. He leaves shortly for Middlesex an ordinary price. Cheager gIN, 4 l
£'� c g ams, Willie Youn , Willie Bembridge, house on Main St. Kra:Rathwell and ary of $300. The ady will, no doubt, county where he has purchased a farm. are injurious. , ti•
ti day in Grand Bend, in search of ams;
Jeweler & Expert H. J. TunxtaoLL, eacher:
p they were successful in ba in agood- daughter have come into town, and rove a good successor to one who has Mr Holtby and his estimable family ._... �;�,....
Watch Repairer
ly number of squirrels. rocker, PROMOTION. -Following is a list of taken up their residence in the house one excellent work in• the section. will be greatly missed by those who Thames Road.
foreman of the Advocate, who has been the pupils of S. S. No. 2, Hallett, who formerly occupied by Mrs Campbell. NOTES. -Hallowe'en assed off ver had the plea re of their acquaintance. }•_,
A Y NOTES. -Mia D. Duncan and 2►ltiro,
laid off duty for it few days this week were promoted at the recent examina- Mr Parsons, of Belgrave, has purchaa- gUietlp a few pranks being played on F'ER90NAL.-Ghas. Washington and Mille, of Birkton, were the nogg a 6o�:
� � with a severe attack of quinsey, is, vr� tion: -5th class-Dpreathi, Snell, Hat- ed the property belonging to Mr Sid. Moeda evertin The oun folks children made a Fhort visit to the old g
y g• F g Mra Wm, Moatieth on I�'ridap. his#'
are pleased to see, back to the old job tie Bullen; sr.4-•Richard Brown, Eva Hanna, and moved in. Mrs Green has spent a leasant evening at the resid- homestead one day recently. Ernest E. Montieth, who has been se�V::I Iltr
�, again. On Thursday a team. belonging Brown; jr 4 -Percy Eaet. Geor a Cook; purchased the house on Douisa 13t„ for- encs of t Wm. Mone on Monde and Mise Isabella Mckenzie war a guests
Sltmmerhlll to Mr Robt. RosaS,cf Ro erville,became jr. 3 -Rosa East, Eva 'Miller Ida Cor- marl beton in to Mr R. Armstren p of friends in Londesboro on Sunda , Miea Gardrier,5esforth, returnercl, tet he
g + Y belonging g• nr ht tripping the tight fantastic.. Mr �' home on Friday owing to ill hi?t, tli'^
%!,,. NOTES. -Mrs Brownlee has been ,get- frightened at some tile lying on the nteh; sr. 2 -Chas. East, George Bailey, Mr Mallough has sold hie bakery to y . Hick laked several clusters..of ripe Miesse Thom, of BloomingEon, were gg
. `+'u A p News reached here on Tuesday, t h ivy
tin in some dr goods, as well as ro- roadside in the outskirts of the town Cree Cook, Glen Cook, Norman SLyy; jr. Wm. Clark, of Seaforth; Jno. Biggart raspberries the other da tbis is pretty guests at James Bruce's one dap last y
i cartes, and ie doth a cod business. and made thin a lively for a time, but 2-Jenuie Glew, Wilfred Bi in, Flor:(, will take charge of the business here. P Y Gardiner, of London, formed of rti
F of g g g g p erg g good for the first of I�jovember. week. John Scrimgeour and family, quhar, had died of blood pofoon[ng, ':he,;
The Orangemen have a supper and en- fortunately no damage was done save McNiel, Evelyn Tiplady; Pt. 11-Dor- Mr Fisher has purchased Me Bergen of Goderich, spent w few days last
�' +• +tanto nmeat on Friday evening, Nov. a few straps of the harness being brok- cas Churchill, Lily Reid, Anthony Van- place, and has moved in. RAG SEE. On Thursday afternoon week under the parental roof. Miss C. was at Farquhar last week a,p . ront(y .E,
h 5tiii, in commemoration of the discor- en. Sergt, Harness, of the 33rd Bat- Edmond, Glen Cornish, Ethel Qovier, of last week quite a number of young Mills, of Blyth, vietted under the ar. well as usual) attending Ill p�ot)i,Qr
t , .: NoTFe.-Mise Duck, of Mor alba is
OPY-01 of the Gunpowder Plot. talion, received word that he Carman 61y, James McNiel. A ladies in the vicinity of Taylor's Corner ental roof on Sunday last. Mr at- who has been sick ter several tnotitlrQ„
X visiting at the Rectory. Messrs Hol- assembled at the home of Mrs A. Teb- with whom the cad news will go bort
F' fit, ° ` F�11Z$,WELz SitRMON.-Rev, Wm. has been appointed to take charge of DISGRACEFUL. -There is no more mam and J. Whiddon have 'been re- rick Nugent. of Goderich, has for same t.,
butt, in response to an invitation to a time been renewing ac uaintances in ham' '
i` the garrison at Winnie Mies Ada quiet, peaceable citizen than Mr Geo. as g ragbee. The afternoon was spent in this township. John Thompson s ant DEATH.— It is with sorrow tb-i;.,- �t
ti • ' ", .,ti Gout, preached his farewell sermon Holden, after a pleasant Miss
o£ two Lyon, of the 11th con., and yet be has eyeargeMr John hErwinrhase arrmtved satin and social chot,.while the host- p
a h: X. In. Sunday last, During three weeks with friends in Buffalo, N. Y., continually been eub'ect to annoyance ha,ne from Cleveland. Mra Sellars has g a day last week withfriends in Hullett. announce the death of MargaretFasvl• r,:
yo ra h ire'there has been nothing b eas spared no pains to have all present Miss Curran o ,
y g returned from Detroit. Messrs Wm. f St. Helena, is at res- gate wife of Mr Thos. Russell pf Iiivis
1" is oay and good -will, and be oes returned home on Wednesda , Miss and div raceful con uct at the hands enjoy themselves. A large quantity of ent the guest of her aunt, Mrs Richard side farm, which sad event occur�reit,6 t
• g C1ara.Cudmore held a quilting bee on 'of a crowd of youths who should know Whiddon, Alex. Brown g
&;. y 4vlt<h lite best wishes of all for h ,, Arthur Peck, rags were rolled Into the ball by even- Thompson of the 4th. Mrs John Bell, the 28th inst. Deceased has been Fiie _ r;
$i flature welfare. His learned and Thursday, at which a good days work better, and w o may yet have to ppay Robt. Erwin, Alec Ferguson and Jas. fn showing that the ladies are bound F '
was done; in the evenrn a. number of for their misconduct. Last Thursda g+ h of Londesboro, after a weeks sojourn feet for aboul9 2 ;years, and up te1.
y ail cert ,discourses will not soon be g Ferguson have arrived off the Govern- to sustain t e high reputation they with former ac uaintances, returned 'time of her death bore her suffefi e.`
%otteus b his man friends here. young people assembled and a good night, after the family had retire ment boat "Bayfield,` and are looking have gained for themselves to similar q g
g p y time was spent, Meseta Harr and the were awakened b a voile of g home this week. Miss Mary Thom is with a �heerfulneas which only thoao y
F y y y y in the best of health and spirits. Mr enterprises. ,.This is the first gathering home from Goderich on an extended who Have their faith fixed an that sufi`e�
r': ,ScHooL, The Standing of the public Chas.Cann,who have been in Manitoba Atones on the house, sufficient to break P
school here for October is as follows:- for some months rev in the bountiful windows and inflict other War On John Stanbury was vieitiag tfrienda of the kind this season but we hope visit. Mise Emma Dobie, of Goderich, foundation, the Rock of dges,cad h»ve `ir
..._ P >, �1 y here on Sunday. Mias Mabel Whid- that it may not be the last. spent a da last week with Mee . Flea- She leaves a husband, one eon and fiivo, a
111-5th class - M. Murphyy,� sr. 4th -W. Jor- harveat,returned home ridgy looking Saturday night they came an removed don has returned from a week's holt- - p y
dan, John Mair, O. McIiveen; jr. 4th- hale and hearty. Rates, took away two buggies from the dayy in Gorrie. The new captain of the dan. Robert Medd was visiting Nile daughters to mourn her loss, The bo •1
J. Murphy, Jane Mair, A. Colclough; THE NEW ERA GIVEe THE HOME NEWS drive house, and smashed a large pane Salvatiod Arm has made a ver fav- Auburn friends last week. reaved family have the heairtfelt syr►k+,,.
Sed -L, Butt, A. Lovett, I. Merrill; 2nd of lase in the window each actions F y pathy of this community in their .ss•
11."g + orable impression. CoA and see our cloak or Fee Coats, Robes affliction. The large number of Y s:=
i ; -C. Colbourn, M. Garvie, R. Colbourn; are scandalous and the perpetrators Blankets, etc. J. NICHOLSON. Holmeavrille g � ,
sr. II Pt. -R. Bi! P: Wright, C. leave themselves liable to severe pun- RE-QPENING.-The re -opening ser- CaORCS NoTEs.-Quarterl services which followed her remains to their':
Butt; r, II. Pt.-R.11Tea1, I. Colbourn, IIetborne. F TEMPLoxte.-The Templar rally will Lust restin lace on earth showed tt�eo-�,
iahment, The can save themselves vices at Bayfield Methodist church last of the Auburn Circuit will be held next g I?
j p be held oil Monday night next. All
x E. Hard sr, I Pt. -M. McLoughlin, DEATH. -Dr J. H. Gardiner, a well- trouble and ex ease if the make cod Sabbath proved A gteat success, The high esteem In which she was held ;',,� s
y p y g h Sabbath at Westfield at 10.30; Quarter•- the members are requested to be pre- a .
L. Jordan, B. Ball; r. I Pt, -M. John- known medical man of London, died the damage the have done. The far- aermona were of a high order, the con- 1 Board on Monde following. Rev: ,
g y F g seat: Good program.
Ston, B. Allen, J. Allem I of blood -poisoning on Tuesday. Speak- niers are; determined to stop practices gregationa were large, and the collect- C. Gouzens will preach in Auburn CHORAL. -The class will meet nest BruCefielid w fi ';
Ing of the London Advertiser of this kind, and will adopt heroic tons amounted to '$15. The song ser- F y Tuesday evening. Quite a number.of ' F
PRESExTATIoN,=On Friday evening P on Sunda nett. A four days' meet- NOTES.- Halloween assed o vow
r " says:- In Dr. J. H. Gardiner's death measures, if necessary, to protect them- vice and literary entertainment was g names have been received•for member. quietly; F Y
k'llast a -number of the friends of F, P Westfield,
tali iouF cervices will be bald in aleft . ;the bo s,esaisted b thdi'toxtI1, :,
O.M. �iitp assembled at the house and London loses a public-spirited citizen, selves and their pproperty, and those not so great a success, numericavllp,but Westfield, commencing on Tuesday. ship for the singing close .to alert in ern.Lrghts, established an implem11 rtr�
resented him with a beautiful ease a popular and upright man, and a who prowl around farms at I night, the program was ,excellent. Re s. Bur- the 9th fust.; the astor hoe secured + oho on Main street; we do no know
r P clever practitioner. He was the son tun and Graham delivered stirring ad- p December, still there's room for more. p
chair and prayer book, accompanied when they should be at home, must the assistance of Rava. M#Ilyard,0aten, SCHOOL NOTES. -Inspector Tom paid how mane implements they gold kyr
by an address expressive of their ap• Mrand �Mrs, Peter Gardiner. and was make the consequences if they suffer dresses; Miss Zinkan spoke with apti- Godwin and Andrews; service will be his semi-annual viait.to the school. on what price they got fop them. Qwtpg
preciation of him and the very high born in Btirliugshire, Scotland, in 1850. ersonalin'ur rude and uniqueness, and the cin rug y the afternoon of the23rd ala; Mr G. M. thxe
p j y. held twice each da at 2:30 and 7.30. to the illness of Rev. A it Muin
esteem in which he is held. Mrs SiIC Three years later his parents came to was all that could be desired. The On account of Rev. Mr O uzen's oor was no preaching in the Preab tet?tt4[k„-'
p SUDDEN. DEATH. -Many of the pec P Hilly accompanied him. Holmosville A 3
Canada and settled in Usborne town Presbyterians ,courteously withdrew health Mr R. Howson, o Londesboro church on Sunda morning, 1.
'was also presented with an easy chair.• pie of the County of Huron will learn . ,. annual examination will be held on y
'• Mr Kilt ,h 1..ver feelingly thanked hie ship, Huron county. He was a clad- their service on Sunday evening. The took charge of his dutiesn the circuit; Dec. 17th Shaw, of Rgmondviile ocular ler
Y y y g y with much regret of the sudden death g Friday, and S. S. No. 9 on h
1 rienda for their onerous and entirelyiaixe youth. clever at his books, and at program of the song service and liter- he reached an excellent s mon Bab- services int a evening; we Are It ,,, �,
unlocked for reco nition of himselthe age of 17 secured a teacher's first- taxMcol collector of the Townshthe ip 11 -known of Hul- Grp entertainment i9 as follows: -O g MLEAGUE. a Tie annual meeting of the g' P
i ,M p bat morning. There was no service to know that Mr Muir is able tor. alt i,.
YI g class certificate. When 18 ears old P ening selection by the choir; prayer by in the English Church last Sunday. League was heals on Moeda avenin around again. A little snow -story vii'
t a - Whatever he had done had been dfsin- lett. which sad event happened while Rev R 01 Burton; selection choir; g g „ Monday,evening. g' ited us on Friday last; the pul•itp iifhc� +r'
, terestedl , and if' it bad in an way he began teaching school at Fullerton , H + There was a lar a turnout to C. E.; The to is Warted Resources, was
�, •, p y y sitting at dinner in Sills alai, Lond- duet, Messrs Lobb and E. Potter+ ad- g A s'.=.
Corners, Perth county. He then re- . + Mrs Wm. Fluker took charger of the well given b Russell Forster. It was whiteness of the snow formed +, d6oi o' s
been of moral or spiritual benefit he Mr Hill
ry Tuesday, the 2nd feat. g F
solved to to enter the medical profes- dress, Rev R. C. Burton; Atiet, Meseta meetin also consecration night. After he strange contrast that it left very, socia ,
„: -was amplyy repaid. After spending the Mr Bill observed that Mr Neflans was g' g Darin the month o£ Septeinbet+-obi`
1.evening pleaeanti all de arted,feelin Sion, and went to the Provincial Lobb; ,solo Flossie Brown; vocal, ,•
y p g ap arentiy not eating, and went, up ' NoTEs.-Mr R. Stalker and Mr E. League the E. L. Reading tnrcl eld g'
Universit . He took a post graduate p Measre Mcllvane;address, Miss Zinkan; its ilial meeting. The course for this till Oct. 15th rain fell on 5 dada on l ,.»+,
that when Mr Kilty moves away the and asked him what was the matter; Rowed ret trued last week from Mani- g
V , course in ondon, England, and walk- Solo, Alf. Erwin; duet, Messrs Lobb; year is well selected, and will na'doubt and a little snow or sleet on 8ept.1
section will lose a man o£ sterloinalPand ed the leading hospitals of Paris, receiving no reply, he h Fetched to the vocal, Messrs McIlvane; solo, Richard lobo looking hale and hearty after F
� ,':, •opal, one who has strong S c returningto C nada in 1879 and local- front„ -room, hera�Me srs_-Bell and Peck; address, Rev Mr Graham; duet, their hard work threshing. Mr C.Cul- prove interesting As well as instructive. byteria n churchllto•nightn (Frfda ,,- °'-
Iiersonal traits of character. and who a ' Cosham were, remarkin that Mr lis took a tri to the Sault to look for PRODIOTIONs.-The following is the
'`,f ed in London East. He soon acquired • +' Messrs Lobb; solo, Bettie Brown; duet, p result of the recent romotion and re- Our tailor.. Mr Delgatty, hoe remode �
as every respect worthy of the esteem Neitans was ill sent Mr Belt into the
in which he to held. a large and growing practice, 1 which Messrs Lobb and Potter; quartette; vo- a situation. KessrA. H. Sturdy, W ni. P from the old stand to Main street, gi!Vif
linin room, and hastened for a doctor. view examinatfana:-II to III, total,
- be enjoyed until his death. Dr. Gardi- cat, Messrs McIlvane; doxologyy; belie- Patterson and W. J. McBrine went to M, required, 340 -Hent Badour.463, hire a call. w!.
r"r Mr ell. thinking possibly Mr Neflans diction, Rev Mr Graham; "We 11 never Parry Sound on a hunting �ex edition;
her was a staunch Liberal, and an gg pp Florence Trewartha 457, Ro r 1
TUlekersmitll effective advocate of the 'party's tin- was choking, turned him around from say Rood -bye in Heaven," choir. Great we wlah them success. Mr Reynoldµ y Pickard
� ° 'N PkRSONALrMtse Hattie Dodd, of y P the table, and ave him a slight slap e • 432, Mabel Willson 418, Birdie Willson Blyth. , ° `
ciples. He was a cod speaker. He g g credit to due Dr. Sheppard, Sas. Wal- and Kastle, of Znribh, were they Eddie Williams 396 Blanche Teb-
F, g was prominent in . aaonry. He be- on the back. Mr Neilans looked up, lie Jae. Switzer, Henry Peck, and guests of their sister, Mrs J. Nicholson, , OoMixG ANNIVERSARY. -On Sunday` y
Olfnton aid a fipin visit 'to jrienda in and a arentiy recognized nixed Mr Belt butt 378, Edith Mulholland 516. Part Nov.21st the anniversary serman.d ,sif”
this vicinity on Sunday last. Rev, Mr longed also to the Independent Order P g auneeI t Clark, the Committee. to as were Mr Kelly, of Newbury, Mich., , Y
f Newcombe ver ecce lobi ocou led but con d not speak, and fa a moment w om were entrusted the re airs to and Mies Kestle, of Zurich, also. Miss II to II class, total 700, required 350- the Methodist Church wf1I be readlted,� 'l
Y P y of Oddfeliows (Dominion Lodge,) and F Frank Evans 582, Mervyn Evans 558, in the morning M'
' ' the ul it o£Turneroe church on Sun- more expired. Dr. Agnew and others th church, -for the faithful perform S. Wilson Sundayed under the parent- F g by Rev. Mr illys,rd, q
x s' p p the Independent Order of Foresters. P Wilfred Colclou h 478, Evatena Mc• and in the avenin by Rev. Mr 'Cie'
day. Miss Mabel Stanbur ,of the Lou -arrived in a couple of moments, but he
y In religgion be was a atrong Presbyter- an a of their duty, also to the cohere• al roof, Miss Stout has aerated A s it g
ellt.•, don road, visited friends in this locality fan. In 1888' be married Miss Ida was dead before they entered the room, dation, for their noble contributions nation in Glinton; she has engaged Mr. Cartneyy 476, George Colclouggh 417, went. both of Clinton. tl pullet•_;
fi , last week. Mr John Rath, of Belgrave, Johnston daughter of Mr J. Johnston, expiring as gently as if going asleep, toward the renovation. Messrs Don- A. Weathereld to teach in her place. Permit Halstead 395, Daley R'illiama meeting will be held on ttie foil l ,--,,
, ,: std aft in visit tc: friends in this vi- g and it was difficult for those present to aldson, Lindea , and Geminhardt have Mr A. Weathereld has secured the • Pt. I to Pt. II, total 500. required evening, when the above •gentleingp,°
I+ flying city, an cid and res acted citizen. y
y A realize that he who batt gone out in done their work well on the shed, school. at Suiumerhill for next year. 2 I -Oscar Tebbutt 385, -Edgy Willson are expected to Geist in the spE;tt
clnity on Sunday last. .Mrs Gardiner and the two children- , _ 805, Arthur Sturd 257. Lr Pascoe, o£ Windham, chairman ,>_tt1*;
the morning to attend to,,_,he duties of whilq Mr Clark has done his art ere- Messrs. D. McCormick grid Zettle, of Y
TES. -Mrs H.O'Brien has disposed Egbert, aged 7, and Lorena, aged 8-, his office, apparently in robust health, A
of her fwrm to Mr J. Holmes,oE Clinton, have the sincere sympathy of the com- dltably in the interior of the church. Zurich, taro up here Saturday last NoTEs.-Mrs Talbut, London Town- the Western District, will also apek. ;
far the sum of 2400: the farm is pleas- inanity. lig was a model 'husband was nowlyinglifeless before them. Mr The friends are expecting a spiritual trying to rent the hotel. Mr C. A. ship, is 'visiting het daugghter, Mra E. The collections and offerings on tlialN.
$ Neilana was born in the south of.Seot Johnston. Mrs Peters, Chicago, who def will be in aid of the church debt
�' } '' anti located, contains 25 acres, has .and father. The mother of deceased is harvest het e, and return thanks to God howson had the misfortune to break
y land in 1834, where he remained until g has been viaftfng her dan liter, Mrs �P
F' good buildings and %s considered well Still living in Fargnahar, Usborne he was married, and a few ears there- for his abundant gifts bestowed, of a shaft in his en ice, which caused A Iberal a eal"is made, and it is hop
f r worth the above cite. Mrs a Brien township. His surviving brothers are a temporal character. This week them to lay off work for a while. .A W. Mulholland, returned on�bursday. ed that this will be the fin#ohing up'" , . ;;o
g P g after emigrated, together with other four days' seivicea are being held great man of our citizens have col the church deft.
5- 1 • will dispose of her farm stock and im- Alexander, of MCKillb township, Y rs Hamilton, Clinton, has been the
P members o£ his family, to Canada, and Tuesday Rev Mr Half, At present. eat of Mrs Holdsworth for a few XoTEs.-Mise Pettit. of Norwtch,l�ittrl ',
L plements on Nov.9th, and will remove James and Robert, of Usborne, and settled in the Townebi of McKillop, of the church;
" to Seaforth at an early date, having Peter, of Mount Pleasant, Mich. where he worked wit r Govenlock of Belgrave, speaks at 2.30, and Miss d a. Quarterly meeting will be held Mrs Lumsden, of Hamilton, `ver vatst-
s - leased a house there. TsE NEw ERA GIVEe TSE HoMENEWe and others, until he c me to the Town- Zinkan at 7.30; Wedneadap, Rev Mr Seaforth io tie Methodist church here next Sun- tors at the paraorisge the past .,.
a„s f
Graham at 2:30, Miss Zinkan at 7.30; da Rev Mr Stout preached his fare- Master Henry Swan, of Torontil, tRtis'
4 ship of Hallett, an there purchased Thursday, Miss Zinkan at 2.30 and 7.30; NOTES. -Mayor Scott and wife are well Sermon here last Sunday. Miss a visitor in town on Sunday. Miss+°;,1,r�'
1 Egmondvrille part of let 5, con. 1 , which he after- Friday, Rev R. C. Burton at 2.30, and visiting friends in Jacksori,Mich. John L. Talbot returned to her home in Lon- Stevens paid a visit home on $ti , _ '
r, NOTES. -Jas. Cumming, tax collect- Londesboro wards sold or exchanged for part of at $ p. m. a meeting will be held fn the Coventry left on Thursday for Nebrae- don last week. Mrs G. Tebbutt is via- M. A. M. Babb was in Cranbroot1 ,
'" or, is on his rounds gathering the all lot B, bon. 12, where he has resided ever ka where he will in future reside. Mrs
g g ANNUAL MEETING. - The annual Lawn hall, when tem stance addressee icing friends on the 18th. Mr Lr. W. Sunday. Mr J. B. Kelly. who fdt,djer» l
,els. Mies Dora Garvp, who has been , since. He was a useful and active bug- pp Dolphin, of Chicago, is visiting at take
the est meeting _of the Londesboro Butter and these man, not eel in his own neigh- will be delivered by Revs. Messrs Hen residence of Mr Wm• Sclater. Miss and xet . Andrews spent Sunday in ly had control o£ the eectitc �liggh__C
visiting Mra J. 13. Weber for p Cheese Manufacturing Co. will be held y g detach and .Graham, Mies Zinkan and Wroxeter. Milk is being delivered at Iamb, and lately disposed of it to :AQ0
borbood1., but throughout the County, Belden, of Molesworth, is visiting her the factory every other dap now; the V. Livingstone, has secured the" Q,iM.
dnontb, has returned to her hnme in fn gill's Hall here, on Wednesday, g others. On Sabbath evening, Nov. 7,
Toronto. Mrs John Rsmkfe met with having worthily held several important al 7 m., Mias Zinkan will conduct, an brother, Dr. Belden, of Seafortb. Geo. gator will close down a week from tion of head electrician of the t
, 10th inlet., at 2 P. M. offices from early life, being school p' Irwin, of the Huron road, who is a ane- y
a painful accident on Friday last,while evangelistic service In the Methodist Satur a Mr Ira and Miss Bessie rich plant; John's man , friendsin.tlio;
BIG THRESHING.- Mr F. Yun blot trustee and 4lecretary of the Board for church. eesaful poultry breeder•,swooPed in$63.- Pickard and their mother spent Sun- wishing himproaperit3fn hfs`rt8at, t
.• lucking appes; the ladder on which gg over 30 pears: postmaster of Harlock, 7o at the fall fairs hold in this vicinity.
she was standing slipped, and she was threshed 100 bushels of oats in 1 hour and mall carrier from star o. h to Qon- dap with friends in Varna. of labor; He has been a resident° o
•thrown to the ground; when picked up . the farm of Mr R. Radford a ahoy t ' Colborne John Jones, of Leadbury, left tiers on •LEAVING. -Although h onl a small Blyth for considerable timer, and +�gl
etre was unconscious. Mr l#. Bnboltz, time ago. Mr Robt. Crawford fed the Stance and Harlock fora quarter of a Saturday for the old country with a g y fated the sectile light, of WhiC1Y t,, , �
who was injured some time ago. does machine during that time. century; agent .for the McKillop Mut- CHURCH. -Tho quarterly services consignment of cattle beton m to Mr country church, weak in membership,
ke much im rovement. Mr G. SEFT.-One day last week o rein- nal Insurance Co., from the time it was were held in the church at Benmiler on bt Winter. The Ladies'Aid to
the people of St. John's church, in con• ow enjoy the use. Rov. ve, 01
not ma F `�
Y goodly of the Methodist church gave a very junction le and Miss Thompson were bl •''
:: , , <Aberhardthas secured a good situation. pang of gypsies passed through the vil- first organized, and just commencing, , Sunday, Oct, 31st; a oodl number unction with Summerhill and Middle- t y F R .'{
A pp. successful eu er in the basement of y gates to the with
linin Couveh . "on• ";`,
^` In Roberta' drug store, Seaforth. loge and two of the women called at his 27th year as collector of rates in the were resort from each of the appoint-. P ton's, have been extremely fortunate g
Mr 0. Crawfords, and one of them Township of Hallett, and in making menta and listened to a very interest- the church on ridapevening. The Y. in having -tot --their pastor during the connexion with 'tinily Church. ,�; `"i
` HenryGeorge, New York, the well- Snatched a orae from Mrs CaawfOrd his returns and other business relations ing and profitable sermon from Matt. M. C, A. rooms were opened for the last three years a man of more than.11
mown author and reformer, died al and took a p5 bill out of it and attempt- with the Township, was always meth- 26• �'�• The league at Bethel was Season on Friday evening; there was a o .dine rp talent; in ing person of the Nensall
k F
Square Hotel on Friday,after ed to leave, but finally threw back $3 odical and very correct. MI NeiWag largely attended on Friday night, and large attendance of Young men, who ev Mr Stout. It has been their prix- NOTES,—Benin's mill is doing a gra,,
Union Sq i n eetin s and a lace alit and left with the rest. leaves a widow, the partner of his_joys. the topic was taken by Misses Lizzie spent the evening very pleasantlypplay- liege week after tack to listen to die busine+n, running night and dap, • 'J'0
s caking at several camps g g q and sorrows for over 43 years! also one Olivant and Jane Blake; each gave a i��n�� crokinole, checkers, etc. Mr D. D. courses, whish, for depth of leer nine, salt well pump was drawnttp the otter. ;
the provious evening. HOME CIRCLE NOTES. -The officers von and Seven daughters, tif.whorxi "very interesting paper, Wilson is ver busy at present ship fb and purity of diction, are seldom equal- day, in order to replace an old valval...:"-
1.• - of this society re ort a rapid increase y p g
•. • in the membership here twelve initis- are at home, and three in thb,trulted NOTES.- W. Williams new barn is eggs to the old country. Air J. Reid led outside of city churches. Great•, NEW PROPRIETOR.-xhenow jird l ��
Y C left on Saturday for Algoma, where he therefore, was their sorrow and dieap-
tions during the past few weeks, and btates. He was a 1?resb terlai. Ott rd- completed; Mat Maine was the builder, y star of the Commercial is A. A: C>fcsetit.,•
s t $ ligion, and for many 'pearls lbi!<der of ;.be is a first-class workman. R. •Moore will in futureareside; John will be gr pointment when on Sunday last, .at the familiarly known by his mangy"frfeiidtr•i
1$?,00 six a It for next meeting. A close of the sermon he made the an-
y �p Psalmody in Burns nhurcll,, litilletii. is building a now house. W. Manning 1p missed by the Boys Brigade. The + as "Happv Days," and the rm r6Voa:'
i,• ,pedal meeting will be •held on the In potftfcs he was a Reformerj,tbou b ,bas bought Mr T. Cotte's farm on the western football association match be- nouncement that hg hsd, in al! proba- pp
evening of Thursday, the 11th when n btlity, raridresaed thein as their pastor malts being mado indicate thrlt his,
NewYork return it is hoped every member Will ie pre- not taking `a very active ppart, yet to 14th con. of Goderich toaQnahip and iu- +ween Berlin high school and Seaforth, uaintances are numerous, fpr biv
{ was well read in the publid questions laude movie there in the spring; John for the Hough cup, was playyed at Ber- for the last time. It is Said that the q
sent. of the times. a was of a vetji egci» Manning of Stratford, is going to take lin on Saturday; Seaforth 2, Berlin, 0, g house is enjoying a large atronage;
,Would ntl doubt be a popular rias; aha rescan he is leaving de is because of ter-
4 ' NOTES.-MiSS E. Heck has returned able and genial disposition, and It will charge o� the farm in Colborne. Mr Mr SteQhen Srnith intends removing Lain alleged slanderous stories t6hich BvazxEee CHANGE. 'The busiirear'
tnehy vvonld take advantage at ft, bnt,it's from a lengthy visit in Toronto. Quite be mane a day before wg See his` fke Flick has lheilargeat quantity of appples to Manitoba shortly, Mr J. Coleman, hsve been in circulation, iMpeaehing tormerlp conducted by.. Jets Gtllnllk'ia
ote that can't be had this year. $$2 a number of sports took in the hunters again. He wits a member of the C na of any fainter in Colborne or Ashtleld, ex-hotelkeeper, of Egmondville.bas re- his character. It is. but another fn- has been boctght by Joe Blaitci, ii Yitetcl[
pt is out "J'nbile6" Underwear [will excursion to Muskoka. Rev.J.A.Ham- dtan Order of Foresters. The fun rel stance of a great and good inan being ler of large ex e, lenee. wlao wi11'. iq6
�• ori s supply far this winter, It is i k an v.J.A. day he had 45 barrels racked of winter moved to town. Mr Wilford Fulton, p
1-1 give, y pP filch was in S pp will take place Prom his lata >5eaide ce apples; they are the luck* peopple they of Exeter, has entered into partnership tnado the victim of "that abominable customers the beat Attentfdu. 0 'fid
600 garment, Shirts !or .Dratvero, all Misa M. Agnow roturned home to Bel- this (Fridap)afternoou, to Hut, ,_ ale ej have carrots that meASure 17 nchso with Mr Stephen Smith in the feather tittle-tattle, she cud that's chewed by laude entering the wholesale blYelk. _ .
,tool, double breaated, ribbed skirt. full grave on Tuesciay. Mr Bowcock re- tory, Hullett. around and weigh 8 pounds; why can factory: The local lodge, Ancient Or- human cattle," gossip and slander, and
length. It's soft to the touch and will turned haute to Toronto on Tuesday, • heat td a let's hear tt. Mr a .Hatt, or., der United Workmen, has 120members. all becAuso he had the courage of his Mtlnthrapa
;r We, We've elieeper goods at 250, i brother's lxealth havin improved Constance � bo liaa been sick for soverat weeks, Miss Tons, Hickey and Miss M. Zettol convfetions, and refused to sacrifice his NoTtte.--ilii Will. Mfllor, tlleislie.
f . • . jA- rased•- Scotoh wool fit 750, his gg
, dn; considerably. -MISS Ethel I?ohert . of NOTES. --The uditerly sacratineti i'; We are sorry' tb Say is no batter. eft an Tuesday for England, for their religious principles upon the shrine of maker fs alightly indisposed., So,pp,
, . al� �ll,r $. • Clinton, ,was the guest of Dies Elva service of th" M thodfat churclx 1vlli % .< health. Wm. Winter purchased a lot the great god Party. It oes without of the Winthrop cheese, frbrrt sotxie iii
Adams d, favi dayS last week, and re- held at Londesboro Sunday, .hctlrri ing g . foreseen cauae,waS not up. to b#, stAth�;
or �'2 b''tt'" j* g16. , ou s better range of from the Coleman estate. sag. Kyle to sayin that he add liIs amity' carry
o consequently there will be 'no` oor. , Steblllty lafid a with a ver sore face; he of a with them, to their new field of labor, aid, and, therefore, had oto be's4ld s►
ori t _ , bean you'll, find elsewhere in turned home Monday: Thos. Lawson and con aqua 1 e P very . is 7S! : t,.: , . .'C omits IV. Dakota, y da cox. REPO1tT.--The followin is dud his 'aw irlivared, and the Spmpathp, t aspect, and hearty teat loss. Tho Ii�atrrielAds: of Vit'
returned froth St... li . vice bore in lire fternoon 8ut1 _� . 1C1g g table .ailed j
.,.., cul. I cd oaehmere Ts. X. Dd and > ' report of S. S, IVY. 3 Startle�+ far slight attach a! lock aw.� oe7d ati11 of a large majority of his par- Alder will be tessse,16 6 t lio is
tawil b ° oli osthweka, last ween, �r 't>it`Iz► g pp gg
wOretr ,W • kvwot`itio, ericra heavy woo{ m Man• School ata pain. Mfg ,Flossie MCC,Ire{lq flee p , , he had a s ish[onera here. -ChM. p
Mr To Millot11rtV�o.00irtled fro will the Epworth Lea ue » topfd; October. -•-5th class, --Oliver ;Mel ween; Oudmore son baiiovan shippeI a Car covering from leis recent, illnoss.
_ose, 11•' „t';. , J, Boll ;lttf8 on a visit tow P , ggr. 3 silo 'fir 4th Eva Reid- Jr. 4th, Laura, ne harsea to Liverpool this week, baster, of 5minhrAle, fs 46 ti
itoba. Mir next `�uesdA at x.80 p.m M,, . of � �
' dan Ad xletr it, ori Wednesday. l aro vision�`��iieMe .Iitcharason, Ida Geld', taut geld Sr. the lAtbde ACcotn guying them. John Kippen dwelling place in thst Village;
We ters;stilZ tielllti%,�et�> ' xoea #dr 85o, Lon d., p and wife, di Ethe , w y �-
'� , , et y `les 114vet been ship- i.-. alt Rat well MabeNickolaon old his fast hound 80 , for ATH --We are ver sort Indeed to he Intetnd$ trebicltitig ill ftlttit'e, ,• : -
• 1 it 600 "3t ll bslraaya Several cars oi' lip• . p this week. Mr S. S. C7dle, of EthCX, iXIIt: E h , Thompson s Iy DzE Y
And Lined O clef ... '- A s ec a Mitchell. The a th f Mrs Coopet" dullard hats ld >sis tXrl+fi-0 . t Ar+a
+ l . o slurin the ,vet e k 1 1 th s v ll ' e s alit . s fietiet, hales Sanders n;Jr.I) I,--(a}eor a �fieidy tg20, to 11 r. C#ad'gpy, of .l►fi c announce tho d Q
tins ilea tbp notoht3kar 'igtlktl. til10t;a p g, li formerly of i tag , P p
bf floe. (l. Ct. T't lytic, hie on t d ,, it Peck Percy Ti et: Sr.1,1, Barn on ootball club defeated the StArs wife oif.J'ames 170o ler, hroh took place Mr 8f11, Egrnriiidvllle, .kealt� lig I
,, y . , F ,iur f
Block,! riicettng, do s this riceek wltkt his areal )b iter a to a otracted d lire theirsfrotix. Mr,lir.'iGlril+ o
Wednesda eve iia to.Wako.o,rrange . �' tie . rawti• 110 i3atob Ma is Ulat , Jr. >:Y,--Clharlie of. .dn llCty>xt1aV, b� t►dgg rtl Saturda moxnttxg, after r
y friends here. Ml= Q r g p
""" "`• .. a ¢ lz1 t ol>id•l to Bra, 1 ra Richardson Lun ,el fi h tAkerl asftitd ll as : t�edeesed was a member oP the ,lure
fbaKfutba,tiob.. MIrJ laethit+
;; wuaats fat~ th ,�. .. ? ! rick res#denco is neArl bolleteil thwei ,la dy ,�otl►itn P IiCv. , l ... 1 n� .l
. i- b _ the r hA c ' And was °coli lam l of this. le4iov,A to it �►�
- 'ho , Tetlal�Ce, ick t „kes1� lace Fr o is us. �SAc1tf ellveen, Sr. part t, Allie Peck,Hthel :tion. with Ta no , Dlrbs> oa 1 Prel3bgtol{iarn.chur h, g VitVV*
d,r , s �' Utr Robt. Araastr bg b , $' , : g p .. _ . e 4 ,�tt` t
�atC buy .y . $ a a#ternaan at :.rib l.. , e ar e• Jr• art I--fiulnm Reid Ma re 17�r C�ibk► de or;d'(14ldt.bf dlt> atCerlaetl, 'X'he xemalna facie in eki+ed ttarth,t4 ttx>ie a ate o .T. 14 to
d p! t a es.fawbrddrtra the people wl�o lien �C It i? 1► . os
aboetl00 front homo.
rfiiioiorttr�ladk, Datablltihe 15G�.: • T� Nxlw Eae!�' :fgb tem tnilaClt this gear: ` etc Failte. lila fo>`,,Jnllaext, t isi+eelt in Jalril'ei celritltory, dt�fttag tyle
I � ) a' •
4 I. ,,. f •
11 I
* ,,.
, - .,'
w j �S,Am"
N7�W,il...s _Ar r+ ;._ �'� �.. `r `'4a..•,,:i.`S 0I,��11