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The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-29, Page 8
717 75 _d 'The Clinton New ]Era will be sent to new subserbers, to any address in, America, to 31st Dec., 1898, for$1, Cash tud- �� 1^ MORE he Clinton The following Institute ants of the Clingn Collagglate Institute +have, on appeal, ohlained Junior Leav- R'JD,A�t, OCTOBER 29, 1897 lag certificates:- Leonard Hamilton, Wil- The Best , Book la Stout, nty-on Whitely. This ®m et Stock mikes tweety-one successful, of the � twenty-five who wrote. FARM SOLD. -The McTaggart farm, There are few stores any where that Garry so complete a range of everything that goes in the' A.cCXDEN'x8. - The other day Mr on the London road, Stanley, a short to make up a complete Dry Goods stock as is to be found here. Bu in from Us World, ;alaaudler, employed at the Organ ',distance from town, (advertised 13 the y <'I actor , had the misfortune to get NEW ERA) has been sold to Levi you ire not narrowed down in your Choice to one or two patterns or qualities, but one of is hands severely cut, and a Wiltse, for the sum of N.M. It is an find�zari0t enough t0 suit ever taste and ever pocketbook. we buy in quantities, 4Quple of days later EAigh Rourke excellent farm of 97 acres, and some y g y P y q , --'The Bible --for thirty cents; give you your selec-• xtearly lost one of itis thumbs in a years ago was held at. a much higher k0e quantities, because our business is bigenough t0 sell quantities. l 1a; pine. figure, but as farms are now going, it q ' g q tion o£ three styles for that price, Containing psalms is considered a very fair sale. d revs» OF REFUGB NOTES. -Mr (deo. . . �` au maps, padded or stiff board covers. we sa it gm%th, late of Wroxeter,who has been ABOUT IYoNEY.-This has evidently Millinery L,adXeS' without fear o£ successful contradiction that ltsu- an it; mate of the House for same time, not been agood year for honey. Speak- a c d4eih on Wednesday morning, of con- In with Mr Isaac Dodd the other day, Shaker perior book for the price asked_ . For 55 cents ;we offer r1susumptiou and heart trouble ac the age he r"Parked that although he had 50 Ours is the largest brightest, i5 years; his remains hiive been to - colgnies of bees this yea;, which is b Underwear Flannels \ °ll one we are sure is as good as you have been asked en to Wroxeter for interment, twice as many as he had last year, yet best lighted show room in the y seventy-five cents= for. Better Books at higher prices, WBDDED.-Rev. J. A. Snell, of Rod- he vnly qqct 700 pounds of honey from Count. It's light enough on equal value. ney, was mart ied at Toronto last weep these, �phereas be got 1500 pounds last g g The demand for Shaker to Miss Webber, daughter of Rev. G. season. He attributes the difference the du lest day to see exactly Webber, of that cit Mr Snell is a to the general coolness of the Bummer. + That Plant y what you're buying, and large � Funnels seems to have no dative of Exeter, and brother of Mrs AMATEUR SHOTS. -On Monday a o t Cl. Roars. The father of the bridelwae enOu h for you t0 6110 in Com- pelt. Each season Sees the t at One time actor of the B. C. Church shooting match was held between two t, 3' 1) p sides of amateur a, captained respec- fort. Our Milliner is new and here, tively by Lack Kennedy and Dr Bruce, y sales of these goods on the in - c FAA,M RENTED. -Mr John McClach- with artificial birds. The followingwhat's fashionable, the st les which you have cultured outside all summer, would crease. We have in stock to- has tented his farm on the 13th of was the score out of a possible 26 each: we show are right up -to -Yate. now look so nice in your parlor. Get a Jardinier and i WHulett, which was advertised in the Lao$Kennedy................................ 15 Milliner business here is good. day thousands of yards of them put it there. No good reason why you should not have Aw ERA, to Robt. Craig, who at pre- Jno. Miller, Jr ................................ Y1 3' g P cent resides on the Avery farm south D. AgeeMcPherson ........................ ....... 9 People who want what is ex- and can give you man de- one. we Can furnish them 35c to $3. R. Agnew ........................ ............. 8 I b y r of town, for a term of ten ye>zre, ata - actly right just what fashion o rental of about $300 a year. The farm Total..... ...........47 i sirable lines you can r, et ' n0 Often the •"heapest, Always the seat. z is one of the best in Hullett, nd Mr Dr. Bruce •,•..........................•....•... ig calls for, are finding out that 111cOlacherty is fortunate in sec ing a J. E. Hoover .................................. ie where else. A prominent fea- tenant like Mr Craig, who he ea in Andrew Porter.........--.. ................... 0 this is the place to get it. New D. ��� E. Cantelon.................................... 19 ! ture of our shaker stock is Who The Improving the farms under hi care, goods are comlrig tri every Co ' even if they sate rented. Mr Craig re= Total................48 Clinton. S trtains where he is until March, when week. The stock is always immense range of English Although Andy Porter was not able y e Mr Chas Avery will resume it. score he managed to g put Bond shot bright and fresh, and we've al- goods imported direct by our - r RAILROAD NOTES. -It is years since through the trapper's hat, and is still the railroads were doing the freight wondering which is the safest -to at- ways something new to show. selves. These are totally dif- n business they are at present; cars are tend a raffle or a shooting match. in demand at all points. A few days ferent from an you Will See since between London and Wingham, NOTES. -In its report of a football '� y serviceable a,.. Conductor Ireland handled 110 cars of match between London and St. Caths- Ordered Mantles,elsewhere. we would draw. a$" incoming freight, something remark- rives, on Saturday, the Mail, alluding p x, able. On Monday Messrs Turner and to one of London, players, says:- articular attention to the fine Q4'4, pR "Ransford was the br; ht articular we do a big business in we are doing a big business p % > � shoes for aF Reid, of Varn s i ed two cars of I? �� +, stock from here. On Tuesday Messrs star of the victors; thio is a well Mantles to order, and turn out in Lad�s'Underwear; the kinds assortment of Tweed effects known Clintbn bo son of Mr John r "-Cantelon & Fitzsimons shipped a quan- Y- and wrapper patterns. There r tity of. hogs, purchased at $4.60, but Ran9ford, The Holmesville Creamery .some very stylish garments.— we are selling are the perfect is nothing -to t0 a llal th0m for \ \ Delicate Feet. the price has gone lower. C. J. Wallis Case was argued in Chambers before Our selection of Mantle' Cloths fitting, soft, comfortable kinds g g � \ also shipped a car this week. On Mon- Judge Doyle a few days since, but no isn't da D. Cantelon shi ed a car of a les judgment has yet been rendered. A is Ver lar e both in materials that ive satisfaction ever time Cheap dI'eaS. It e difficult to find easy shoes in summer y PP PP y large, g y styles. Most any soft leather made up '�'' ^ • „to Liverpooh farmer told us on Saturday that a � f �in suited for ladies and for child- English Shaker Flannels, 27 inch, in light shoes will give comfort. It's the win. year ago he had a number of good + Ladies' ribbed Vestao long sleeves, dark and light colors, suitable for �, ,. , ter weights in shoes that cause all. the trou. TRIFLES. -Good butter is a little farms offered to him to rent, but this rens wear. Just two or three open front .20C 1 . Substantial shoes don't u• -tally give scarce. Got your auction sale bills at ear, when it became necessary for quilt hangs ................ �C b e / delicate feet much comfort. Our , . �11•made, items to give you an idea of ; the is he ERA 11 it. Fall houseclean- im to rent, he could not secure one of ,g y Ladies' Hygeian vests, open front Extra heavy Flannelettes, close and T;. perfect•fitting and substantial winter wear, i( ing is here in all its glory. There has them, the owners concluding that as what we ve got. and long sleeves..................2r5e strong, fast colors, a line worth 90.. 6C / s will fit the tender pointe on your feet and been an "epidemic" of colds on the pro• times. were looking up they` would P yg give you pleasure, while the quality and llf,k ' your as 1 An extra special line of H Bran Vests, 32 inch +,,.,,., rthe Advertise The NEw VyRA ieoah Un'► ersitmathletic At the Toronto Fancy Tweed Mantle Clothe, fur child- soft finish, good weight, baa ::not wide Flannelettes, , a great r q ysatisfactory, fid In the NEW ERA. E y games on friday ten's meters and jackets' ..........75C range of colors .................. C pries will be equally to ways glad to got the latest news -not their championshipwas won by S. P. clumsy, open front and long sleeves v2 :chaff`, but news: Some or the gravel McMordie, with points; the new Heavy Tweed Ulster Cloth, specially worth 60o,.speoial at ..............29C Our famous line of ,heavy English "• , put on country roads three months ago champion. who is a third ear arts good color ................ y flue ribbed Wool Vests, open twill Shakers, new patterns ......12ie This is the season when fly,: , � y g P• y ......$i.25 Ver !.: ' IS practically in the same position as student, is a son of R. Mcblordie, o! front ............................500 Tartan Checks in dark and light colors $C =z< when first put on, and the sides of the Kippen, nephew of A. Monteith, Clin- Fine Black Beaver, nice glossy finish.$1.50 Extra fine and soft finished goods, special at ........................ i+riC English Wra i 4a' , road all cut ser parties driving a avoid ton, and graduated at Clinton council Fancy Boucle w Cloth in myrtle red, P g pperettes..............12 C RUBBER r R R Fj GOODS the gravel; hereafter it should be a rule ',ate. Re ulcer nestle of the council lJ L.J .LJ .L..I y� } • not to ravel until the fall. The town next Monday evening John Powell navy, brown, black, very stylish Drawers to match most of above, and Double Told English Shakers, dress ,,•,,. y goods..........................$i.601 Ohil(lrep'@ Ve@t@ 60 Pzaw@xs of all kinds. patterns 24c was infested on Saturdayb clouds of who has been on the sick list fora p ,,,,,,,• •. small flies that were like dust in the air couple a weeks, is now able to be are worn. II'e have lull stool; of both the Granby THE NOMINATIONS. -Ver little around again. Geo. W. Rogers moves -- ' y itohie nen home on Raglan St, this and the Canadian Rubber Co., In all tersest was taken in the nominationek a house at present occupied by for deputy -reeve and Councillor for S p George's ward, on Fridayevening,on : n Mary St,, hits been rented b y the different styles. Mise Gauge. The many friends of h 140�dgens i a couple of dozen electors being p e- p, S aiding are pleased to see that he O ent. Wm. Jones and W. C. Sea has fully recovered from his recent ers ?.. were nominated for the position of illness. Mr Cuninghame, agent for Wnr.-Taylor► Sons Deputy -Reeve and Win Robb and A. the Dominion Express Company, has Direct Importers of Dry Goods, Clinton. M. Todd for the Council. After the received instructions from the Comp nominations had closed no speaking any to forward, free of charge, all E was indulged in. Mr Searle has since monssupplies ' or Clinton and Walkerton. >r tendered his resignation, so that Mr the Rus Russell County fire sufferers. - Jones is deputy -reeve. Mr Robb has Mr D, A. Forrester still continues to er�� l5ad corieii]erable experience in muni- improve, but is yet unable to leave his • cipal affairs, and would make a careful bed or even sit up On Moeda Robt. representative; he is not making a per- Elliott, Porter's Hill, made a sale of conal canvas because he does not be- tee o � e ' one thousand barrels of apppies to A. itieve , n , if bg, but he is still scan- &G. Macpherson, London. PQessrs Seale �• • ` didate, and, if elected, will certainly do � Hoover, of Clinton Marble Works, � Quality all he can in the interest of the town have recently been erecting a number 'kll And ward. of their beautiful monuments in dif- ferent /� �j STOCK NOTES. -Mr IEC. Plumsteel has cemeteries, and recently took A Box 111 Given Away. bought from J. E. Brethour,. near an order for a very fine one to be erect, Vase and tratfot$, two Thorobred Yorkshire ed to the memory of the late J. Walker �_ i sdws, for breeding purposes; they are Mill road, Tuckersmith. The open Our latest in advertising is taking like wildfire, and the e Ones; Mr Brethour is one of the lodge meeting held by the Good Tern- keys to the safety cash box are going out by the dozens I 'Tgest dealers in Yorkshires in Amer- plars)aat Friday was most successful, y Ica. Mr Jas. Snell, who mads such the room being packed to the doors; every day. Some one customer will get the keny that will = Pr' 1C� eztensive purchases of thorobred an excellent program was rendered, �� open it, and the contents are sufficient to supply many a sheep last week for export, states that Mr Houston, a good-looking chair- " 11 file demand for good tock is so great man," doing the honors. Sunday was want. with ever cash purchase of $1 you can select a . • .. t ' that the same stock could not EO -Gay such a delightfarl day that a certain ^l ken and there is no telling but what you maybe the one. �i be purchased for much less than double young man concluded a swim would �' Q.d,� y, the prices paid for them. This will be 'ju refreshing; s stripped off and On Jan. 3rd, next; you can bring your kens and if you ARE THE INDUCEMENTS WE OFFER YOU d jumped in but h quickly jumped out `6 have the one that fits it, you can take the keys, aso- goo . news to those who still have thorobred stock, and should serve as with his teeth chattering, and felt that > > � ' f ail incentive to others st e l a e in the several costa would i necessary before '32 in. Flannelette, heavy weight,-reg.10e••••®1C g his body resumed its normal neat. have lately free. same line. list H. Plumsteel }ase sold to The Western Schoolr Ma azine is ub- Mr as. Steep a thorobred bull calf, gg P ry "Jubilee Chief," which be took to lisped at Emerson by Ballantyne & Have you seen that . 500 yards Print, 14 and 12e for• • • • • • • • •••• IC Manitoba for breeding purposes; Mr Ha ;the latter i,ra sone Rev. A. whic9i Special SX11Y't ale•leap has seoiired a veCy fine animal of Y: Bartley, formerly o4 Bluevale, and great line EYf•UnderclothinT •�•�T choice ck is in . 'Some first-class Jer of Miss C.• Mountcastle will be much is lb being sold 50 Cents Ladies Wool Vests, 35e for • • • • • • • ► • • • •••• • •25C g will be remembered as an attendant at "Jubilee," say stock is advertised for sale in this Clinton Collegiate, The many friends + issue of the NEW ERs. we are free t° confess that we have the largest and fines pleased to knew that s3se is rerovering The best line on the mar- selection Of Shirts in the west, but the stock s 10o large Q $E GOT LOST. -Early Friday after- from her recent accident,. and is able .......... . �•• g Ladies' Wool Vests • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 C noon last Mr S. Hill, who makes his occasionally to be out, though'notable ket for the money. for this season of the year, and on Saturday next we will home at Mr Jas. Young's, started is yet to walk around. is the Clinton commence the greatest Slaughter Sale ever announced t0 .......... . Rattenbury St. for the purpose of vis- Flre Fund some one else in ©limen g g Ladies' Vv ool vests • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • 855C it the Library. As he did not re- has contributed $2 "trim His name " `� �� the public. we are noted for our good goods, and the c� turn home in the evening, the family Clintonians appear to be, generously The Leader at 25c. rices which we quote below should be sufficient induce- 14C 150 `20C 25, 35c became anxious and started out to see siding in this relief movement. Prof, 1) Children S Wool Vests, + • what was detaining him, fearing that Chant, of Toronto University, btrotber is just about sold out, and ment to make a quick sale. The styles and patterns are " he had met with some misfortune, as of H. B. Chant, has an amt3cle in the We thought we had bought ��T he is very feeble. It was found thathe last number o8 the Methodist Maga- g the latest, and newest goods and our special prices Will Ladies' Wool I�OSe, plain or ribbed • • • • • • 25C had not been at the heading Room at zine on electrical topic i. The News enough to last us until make a great rush, so be in time and et first choice. all, and it was only by the merest acci- Record intends to change- its day of Christmas. last Ver, We g i, •'r dent that his ,whereabouts and condi, publication to Thursday. Mrs,Thos. BOYS' Ladies fine ribbed wool Hose, 50e for • . • •40e wr ~.tion were discovered by Constable Cooper has sold her frame. dlling are trying to get more as DEPARTMENT . Wheatly and Welsh. He had passed and lot on Albert St. to Mrs Garvie, of there is bound t° beh through Tomlinson's stable into an out- Goderich township, for $5'004 Hill & a rush No. 1 -Boys' Fancy Sateen Striped Shirts, in sizes 12, 12}, 13, l3 7 Ahouse, and fallen on the floor in such a Joyner, flour and feed merchants, for it when the cold weath- extra good value at 40o, sale price 250. Children's fine wool Bose • • • • • • • • - • 18e to 35c way that be was unable to help him- have dissolved) partnership; Mr Hill er strikes us. Line No. 2 -Bo e' Flannelette Shirts, 12 , 12J,,13, I3}, regular 25c goods, .Self, With conaiderabledilBculVy they will continue the business. Mr Albert sale price 16 cents. Ladies' fine ribbed Cashmere Hose, first 4 : pueceeded in getting him home. Had Grigg has bought out the-, jewellery e remained where a was, the proba- O business of his•deceased un¢ie; Joseph bility is that he would have been dead Biddlecombe, which has flourished in MEN'S DEPAR ,NT.. quality, double sole, heel and toe, 45 & 50C before morning. Although able ' to Clinton for over 40 years; being a prac- ur Underclothing is . talk and converse freely, he seened to tical man MrtSriggshould have nodiffl- the best On the market for Lille No. 3 -Two dozens odds and ends in sizes 14, 14J, 16, 16J, regular $sive' no idea whatever of what had culty in retaining his shti" of trade. price ran u , dale price GOB. The greatest snap ever offer- Children's fine ribbed Cashmere Hose �huppened. The Guy Brothers' Minstrels, Will ap- the money. ed. They a picked cep in a harry. pear here on. Monday, November Ciouble knees, soler heel and toe. •25e to 45C 'AL i`JUMI3 CORRESPONDENT, -The Mr Forester„of Markha Line No. 4-A fine Regatta hue of $pitta in regular sizes, one tarn down ool- ma. cousin .of 77eaf,Mute is a neat little paper pub- Mr H. B. Chant, has takem a situation lar, nine pattern aid a good seller at 750, sale prion Goo, �li6bklat the Deaf and Dumb Institute, with Mr A. 1. Holloway. Judge Mas- Our 2l'ic line of Men's � P son held CoUrt for revision of the Vo- Line No. 5 -New re Belleville. In its last issue appear the regular goods, white bodibs, fanny fronts, one o{ our newest 1011owin items, contributed from Olin- Hosiery is perhaps the and beet selling lines. Price $1.26, eels price 7G sante. g � tars List an Tuesday, and added 28 � t✓�f by a I Ay who has the misfortune names theveto, striking, off 12. The cheapest goods ever Offer- Line No. 6 -Extra good quality of French Regatta goods, the newest patterns ff be dumb:- Mr Fred Hayward, bro- ther stone masses commenced the founds two collate and separate naffs. rice $1.2G of Minnie Hayward, wheeled to tion of the �3tazvel Memorial Hall es- 0d, and if a big sale is an P sale price 760, Exeter some time ago to see a friend; y y y Every week we are adding something now in Hats, and this week we show he enjoyed himself ser much, but terday. The Collegiate Institute board evidence, they must be Line No. 7 -Our beet line, all the newest and latest patterns,'two collars and some nobby, new shapes in Dress Hata, Walking Hata and Sailors. The y has secured the services of Miss Nettie separate cuffs, price $1.50, sale price $1. great business that is done in this department shows it is the moat popular P P P c'buld not stay there long We had Combs, to succeed Miss Topping, ata right. pisco with the public, for Millinery, and we offer you as an inducement ' the pleasure of seeing Mr Wni. Small- salary of $5W a year- there were a Line No. 8--�Consiste of a fine Knit Top Shirt in five colors, usually sold for ` don, Cranbrook, the other day; he number of applicants; it is unnecessaryThose 355 75 cents, sale Brice 50e. STYLES --THE LATEST, came to Clinton on his wheel, to visit to say that Miss Combe is well qualThe aoove goods which waoffer at such tremendous reductions are all now goods, 'iiia cousins and friey des did not know Ked for 011 position. We are informed LEATHER BRACES and as there will be a rash for thein, intending purchasers should be in tim. VARIETY—THE LARGEST, �th>ft there were any deaf mutes IloinR that a cod Ie of men are cin Here, and was surprised to learn that p going through � this neighborhood offering to sell there -are two; we spent the time very pianos, and getting farmers to sign or- sold everywhere for 50c plea ktitl , talking over old times. Mr dere for them; their business may be have been going out by PRICES JUST and Mrs R, Ha it and their little .perfectly legitimate and tight, but the Jackson ,in nday aft ro Ecom Pig- warding of the order form is said by the dOZOn9, and we have Bros, The Great Milli cry I�IXIpOrlum, i ecin, Mich on Sunday afternoons they our informant to be singular; farmers! Aft their home Thursday noon, drivingg should be very carefal to read carefully only a small quantity All the way, with a team of Horses and before they sign any. order .presented., left. The Famous Clothiers, Clinton, - a, buggy; the distance is about 200 by a Strang r-. so many have been �-j i #les• they cA11ed on Minnie Hayward, r�windled in tills way that too mticll • L -+••••� 1 & G O but, e�e watt not at home; the are un caution cannot be exercised. yo a sH e S rd , .. ,�Ys,►n�l.f 11Cir rrr xr?; ,` -- The L dl©:Q Fft,voxlte E�ts�lbli�bimltnt� Clinton . 1 i ,may `� . � y,,, : a'• -•:F. 'M `^ J i ii