HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-29, Page 7Q
,M P
g P n o a , bier
enough forte dimples to some. Babies
tacks With Increasing Severity Until He
like it, too.
The Clinton
New Era Will be
For Twenty-seven Fears
Mr and Mrs W. R, Kelly are people who
ny of fat hogs wanted for
sonar-•Lioulzed by the Crowds—A Brass I
Powis on Glowworms and Shines Like a
chi g;purposes, for which the high-
Providence whereby the life, health and
est drarket prices will be paid. Parties
happiness of their twelve year Died son,Mas-
having hogs to sell will oblige by leave
ng word at the shop.
the Stroets--Ponton Lepves for same.
Napanee, Oct. 113.—There is joy and
It.. Fitzsimons, Clinton.
and is now residing in this city. A Sun re-
rejoicing N apanoo to -night. The bund
we;ara coins business on the Dash prinoi•
plej and will supply our customers with
British scientist called It the apteryx, be -
the' best meats at the lowest paying prices
ForImpure, Weak and Impoverished
Their favorite has been discharged, and
cause it bad no wings, or, at any rate,
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate,-
on being informed of the object of his visit,
tion of the Heart, Live: Complaint, Nea-
at once told the Story of the oure and how
ralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
Most of them thought it soino kine] of pen -
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
Change. a
Business nge.
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
Female irregularities and General Debility
'The undersigned desires to intimate to
Laboratory, Goderich, 0n.
the people of Clinton that he has bought
that it belonged to the ostrich and emu
out the butchering business lately conduct-
ed by Reid Bros., and will continue the
Prop. and Manufacturer
notbing to warrant a commitment, and
Same in the old stand, Huron St., Clinton,
where by strict attention to the wants of
Sold in Clinton by
ing that he could not rise. I at once went
his customers, he hopes to merit and receive
the size of a not very large ordinary fowl,
a fair share of patronage. He will sell for
was this one. Notwithstanding that the
cash only, and at the lowest prices.
walk. Medical aid being summoned we dis-
Magistrate threatened to arrest and fine
ostrich need not be ashamed of. It has
Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton.
oovered that inflammatory rheumatism had
the disturbers, or rather applauders, the
the thick, scaly, clumsy legs of the ostrich
tribe, and in defemo uses them, with their
Produce uce ExGi'll,l /[g G
Up& claws, in exactly the same forward
13eadquarters for all kinds of 1
ihrminting manner as strnthioue birds. Its
himUt1M Wo, which look more like hair
dread disease and again we were in terrible
AM bier, ,give it anotber point of
-we"_have a choice stook of FEED CORN��L�1�2'
carriage on his way to see his miothe4
VM the tribe of birds to which
who is the guest of Mn. judge 77il'Kin-
it belongs.
Highest market price, paid for coarse grain,
The use of the long, snipelike beak was
a puzzle for naturalists until Sir W. J.
r taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs
the carriage and make a little speech.
Buller made a study of a kiwi be captured
Then there were three cheeers for Pon-
and kept captive while in Now Zealand.
ton, Porter and all the others concerned,
During the daytime the bird bid itself
Best Embalming Fluid used.
and someone said, "Clear the way, boys,
away and went into a sound sleep, from
Flour & Feed Store
Splendid Hearse
he is going to see his mother." Then
which it could only be temporarily roused
! L I
there were three hearty cheers for his
Residence over store
mother. It was a good-natured crowd,
came on it woke up at7d apparently be-
In large or small quantities.
armed with tin wbistles and other in-
i L} +,
struments of torture. Headed by the
ler could not see what It was doing until
y 1
r#ouiaas Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of
Neer to Commercial
ial Hot IIotel.
This establishment is in full o• oration and a
I abound in Now Zealavd, a worm measur-
order filled in the most satiefactory way, Come
tery and granite work a specialty. �'rfces a
the addresses by counsel of an able de-
Mr. Ponton left his home
tug 15 Inches In length and covered with
reasonable as those of any establishment
scription. for
9E&LE & HOOVER,Clinton, In
The Molsons Baeak
in Belleville to -night. The Pinkerton
threw tb to the captive kiwi. By the llght
men left for Toronto on the same train.
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885
The undersigned to prepared to do all kinds
CAPITAL - $2,000 000
of stomping for Hate, Persian Rugs and arta-
cles of like nature. Work done ppromppt%y and
REST FUND $1,400,000
at reasonable rates. HRS A.WORTH1Nt3TON
Huron Street.
OOf beak and leavo bahJ11 It
enougb of i s A 0 to Set c4 blie bird's
WM. MOL80N MAcrsnusoN, President
WOOII•I3 I'3E[0f3P3E110"XW3F.
F. WommRsxoN Tso;itss, Gen Manager
The Great Englimh Remedy. .
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
promptly, anges permanenant6atly ib
issued, Sterling and American exchange
bought and sold. Interest allowed on de-
cure forrms o�e u
g,c&k,r6s6 B11U,}0,,,,,ypO/-„1_
posits. SAvutas BANK—Interest allowed on
atorrhea. impotenclfand all
Sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to
effects of abuse orI+kuoesses,
on their own note, with one or
alentalWorry,excessive uae
tmore endorsers. No mortgage required
Before and After. 10O°'Op{nesorSttmu
H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton
grmtt y, InsanttY. Cb,rsarnptton and a,a early grave.
Has been preserlbod over 36 years In thousands of
oases; is the only} Reliable and IIon W llf&M w
D, 1101ACGART.
known. Ask druggistfoe Wood's Phosphodine;if
medicine In of this,
bo offers some worthless plata
inclose price in letter, and wo will send by return
'mail. Price, one, package, $1; sti, $6. Ota wilt
please, stm arta owv- Pamphlet& free to a" address.
'� jP"wtaadser, o'n�t~'�ae. ,
A. general Banking Business
Sold;in Clinton and everywhere in Can -
ada byjall responsible druggists.
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
t t
B���ille� N�rs�les
'Trees, Plants, Shrubs.
This old -established and reliable business is
being continued ae usual, and those who want
anything in our line can relv on the very best
of service
-Advances made to farmers on their own
Cholce'lPlauts for Spring Bedding.
notes at low rates of interest.
Floral Deslgnrigfor Weddings or Funerals
A general Banking. Bneiness transacted.
Fruit and ornamental Trees
Spruce. Scotch A Astrachan rine
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
Pr ees of entire stock very low.
All orders promptly filled.
J. P. TISDALL, Manager,
John Stewart Estate f ntntnlller
Have, You Tried
Goo Watt President, Harlock P. O.; James
cot Vlee-Pcy.Treree., Seaforth P. O.; J.
u is
Shan non, t3ecy.Troas., Seaforth P.O.; AI.11Iurdie
losses, Seaforth P. O.
Lispector of
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; M. Wardle, Sea -
forth; Geo. Dale, Sealorth; Goo. wtytt, Harlock;
Seaforth; Alex. Gard not, Laad-
T. E H s,
Carbutt, Clinton; Job. McLean,
Thos. Nellans, Harlock- Robt, McMillan, Sea -
forth, and J. Cumin s, L!gmondville.
Parties desirous to offeot Insurancea or tran-
sact other business will be promptly attended to
be had at
on application to any of the above officers
add to their respective offices,
JAS. STEEP, Clinton
E. TAYLOR, the celebrated Cutler
and Grinder, of Sheffield, England, is back
We Will Pay Straight Weekly
to town for a short time, and is located on
Dmsley's Corner. He will do
& Repairs of all kinds
Of from $10.00 to $30,00, according to ability, for
canvassers on "Queen Victoria : Her Life and
on abort notice and at reasonable rates.
Reign," after a trial month on our big commis -
cion. The Diamond Jubilee is booming this
Pocket Knives robladed and made equal to
Razors, Scissors, and all kinds of
wonderful volume, keeping all hands working
early and late. The only Canadian work accept-
knives Sharpened. Umbrellas and Parasols
ed by Her Majesty and endorsed by the Royal
Family'. A beautiful big book ata Small price;
r f;
neatly repaired and old ones bought. Cross
burry your
CO, Lptdi ati%,o Ons BRADLEY-GAii
Cut SaWo gummed and sharpened.
sent to new subscribers, to any address in America, to 31 sty bee., 18913, for $11 Cash,
Attacked with InflammatoryYou alweiys think of a pretty baby as
Rheumatism at an Early Age. plump ane chubby. Scott's Emulsion just i
ivea this Ium ne8- Ot to i tmannans,mmumuulaulununuununenuquunuuu,nu,....
Each Successive Year Brought Fresh At.
g P n o a , bier
enough forte dimples to some. Babies
tacks With Increasing Severity Until He
like it, too.
Was a Physical Wreck.
From the Bun, Belleville.
Mr and Mrs W. R, Kelly are people who
The Judge's Charge Favorable to the Pri- 1
are deeply grateful for the intervention Of
sonar-•Lioulzed by the Crowds—A Brass I
Powis on Glowworms and Shines Like a
Providence whereby the life, health and
Poko o' hfponchino.
k I
happiness of their twelve year Died son,Mas-
Band Heads the Procession and Parades
When some 80 your ago Captain Barclay
ter Harry, has beenrestored and preserved.
the Stroets--Ponton Lepves for same.
brought to England in the good ship Prov -
Mr Kelly is one of the beat known conduct-
ors on the Midland division of the G. T. R,,
Napanee, Oct. 113.—There is joy and
idenoe, the first specimen of all iluknown
extraordinary bird, the bird men of the
f i
and is now residing in this city. A Sun re-
rejoicing N apanoo to -night. The bund
day were very sorely puzzled. The natives
porter having heard of the cure of the little
It out,crowds line the streets and the boys
of New Zealand called It the kiwi, but the
fellow and the joy of his parents, oalled at
hold undisputed possession of the town.
British scientist called It the apteryx, be -
their home and was met by Mrs Kelly, who
Their favorite has been discharged, and
cause it bad no wings, or, at any rate,
on being informed of the object of his visit,
the name of the town for the nonce is
only little flappers not worth calling wings.
at once told the Story of the oure and how
Pontonville. After a trial extending over
Most of them thought it soino kine] of pen -
the results were attained. We were living
seven days, in which a large mass of
guin, but some years later Yarrell, who
in Madoo when our boy was about five years
evidence was adduced, the Magistrate
ivas a great authority on birds, showed
of age and in the spring I went to Dell him
arrived b ]
u at the conclusion that there was
that it belonged to the ostrich and emu
onemorning. He replied tomyeallbysay-
notbing to warrant a commitment, and
tribe. It is a smaH fellow, being about
ing that he could not rise. I at once went
if ever a popular verdict was given it
the size of a not very large ordinary fowl,
to him and found that he was unable to
was this one. Notwithstanding that the
but lays an egg that in point of size an
walk. Medical aid being summoned we dis-
Magistrate threatened to arrest and fine
ostrich need not be ashamed of. It has
oovered that inflammatory rheumatism had
the disturbers, or rather applauders, the
the thick, scaly, clumsy legs of the ostrich
our boy in its grasp. All that attention and
exuberance of the crowd could not Ix:
tribe, and in defemo uses them, with their
doctors could do was done and the attack
suppressed, and they applauded ever!'
Up& claws, in exactly the same forward
passed off, but the following spring while in
p g p g
Point In the Magistrate's summary favca
ihrminting manner as strnthioue birds. Its
Peterboro he was again seized with the
able to the accused. After the trial
himUt1M Wo, which look more like hair
dread disease and again we were in terrible
when the accused was stepping into hi
AM bier, ,give it anotber point of
dread of losing oar child, When the warm
carriage on his way to see his miothe4
VM the tribe of birds to which
weather came again he rallied,but was very
who is the guest of Mn. judge 77il'Kin-
it belongs.
weak qpd only a shadow of his former self.
son, he was qurrounded by a large crowd
and was forced to put his head out of
The use of the long, snipelike beak was
a puzzle for naturalists until Sir W. J.
the carriage and make a little speech.
Buller made a study of a kiwi be captured
Then there were three cheeers for Pon-
and kept captive while in Now Zealand.
ton, Porter and all the others concerned,
During the daytime the bird bid itself
and someone said, "Clear the way, boys,
away and went into a sound sleep, from
he is going to see his mother." Then
which it could only be temporarily roused
! L I
there were three hearty cheers for his
by vigorous poking, but when darkness
C �l�
mother. It was a good-natured crowd,
came on it woke up at7d apparently be-
g i ° �- o
armed with tin wbistles and other in-
came Quite lively, but even Sir R'. J. Bul-
i L} +,
struments of torture. Headed by the
ler could not see what It was doing until
y 1
band a procession was formed and the
be devised a very ouaning experiment.
principal streets paraded. The trial to-
r He took one of the larger glowworms that
day was of an interesting character, and
I abound in Now Zealavd, a worm measur-
the addresses by counsel of an able de-
Mr. Ponton left his home
tug 15 Inches In length and covered with
scription. for
a glowing phosphorescent eilme, and
in Belleville to -night. The Pinkerton
threw tb to the captive kiwi. By the llght
men left for Toronto on the same train.
ed its own lamp the glowworm was Seen
�s f�• bopd to tali inside the ortals
bite ort
Des ire all we could do he uses again attack
*n H. Ponton upon being sworn
OOf beak and leavo bahJ11 It
enougb of i s A 0 to Set c4 blie bird's
i i J
D®== OF
Castorla Is put np in one-aizo bottles only. It
Is not sold in bnik, Don't allow anyone to sell
yon anything else on the ploa or promise that It
is "just as good" and "will answer every par
pose," •i=sle See that you got C -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A.
Tho face _ .
p t elmilo 17 O11
in the peat spring. You can imagine the said AB follows: I Identifythe all 01 bea>< In 4 os h(+ dematnr0 avarq q 51
p t" t low, se that the oi, of wrapp0r
fear and a,-eAd with which we watched these
paper produced; I have seen it before; 1 Q 4 , q 's b k WA Sable in the dark-
recurrin attacso, each one more severe th%u I
g evidently, made it out at some, time. it 1 b 'tea kiwi wig torpl� trill. lane dy-
the last, and each on, leaving our boy in a is a specification that I make out every lag the do time, but at ni lot N wad 1
worse condition than those that went before, .w
.o night when I balance my cash. It shows to dent a ut, thrusting i ItilimingtFed
His tastlattack confined pini bed for three the amount on hand at the end of the beak in every warm burrpw K oa torose
months, and his heart was dangerously af- day. The figures 16 and 1 were put in fleallP for the Inbabit4VA of the
fected. His sufferings were to "rible, And it first and indicate what cash I had In th6 .4,1 glnq It fort -b Iitliie by lit -
was pitiful to see him trying to c ;vrry food Ii7P_a tJte It o0v®n be breakJ
P Y g safe on the day when the slip uses made Hunaponry
to his mouth. His nervous system wAe so out. The other flgure6 indicate what I rte pre►• i ni A.a_.19
a tee alt trueShattered that n form of St. Vitus' dalCe had In my cash balance at 3 p.m. I used dleapplxu with b ynt had affected him, and his arm and hand herotrembled so that the could not feed or aid one of these every night These figures isotwA B spool4Qttl bird in the
Y were not put there for any other pure -^ 60udon Stietali.
himself. Some friends advise& me to try pose Z cannot tell what the figures on ^'"—
Dr Williams Pink Pills and recommended the back of the slip Indicate. I had been
them so highly that my husband, and my- q Beayan's Wf kat Gskt�i'
self decided to try them: We gave them to writing my uebjt and credit on the back Is something good to eat. If you occasionally feel t6t you
Harry for Several months and when the of the slips. If there were,,any differences d rewdt writer upon the objeew of hie- lvould Pike some to appease your appetite,
spring Dame watched anxiously, fearing a in the cash I usually Carried the slip in I tOrlOOd latesest connected with the early try some of the following
return of the trouble,but were thankful and my vest pocket over night; when • It I lite of Bunyezt At the little village of El -
delighted to see no symptoms of it, nor has would be thrown In the waste -paper i stow desoribbs, among others things, the Heinz's ,
wicket oa which fl roe rt , Iieinc S Sweet Pickles 35c a quart,
he been troubled for the past three years, basket. When there was no difference in � 8a eP Y n the �lf � v f •;^
„ my cash I left the slips under .the tel- story of Pilgrim a Progreso Anything Heinz S Ubans in Tomato Bance Blue Label Catsup,
What is the condition of his health at pres- that het readers to ietnro in inter Y Art f
ent7' asked the reporter. "He is as sturdy lee's sponge, and they would be placed pe p gins- Potted Meats —Ilam Chicken Partridge, &e
and as healthy a boy as parents could wish in the waste -paper basket by the - care- tion the scones described in $bot book will f 1 � ,
for, I attribute his recovery and present taker. I did not have this piece of paper be widely road and with intense pleasure.
in Mrs. MoGreer's room, and had no o To the village of Histow there is abun-
health to nothing but Pink Pills, and I re- P- Every delicacy the market affords, at lowest possible prices.
commend them to all," portunity of doing so on the night of the dant material that to visibly associated The up-to-date Grocery is q
Rbeumatiam, sciatica, neuralgia, partioI burglary. I left the hotel after supper, I with John Bunyan. The isolated church
paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervone pros- and went to the Dominion Bank, where towex contains the very be119 In the ring-
ing- OGLE
tration, nervous headache, and diseases de- I lit the gas. I then went down to the ing of wbiph BttfiyAn tt�}oioed and after , phoIIA. 23
pending upon humors in the blood, such as Merchants' Bank, and met Mr. Smith, ward trembled. Above x11, I must men-
scorfula, chronic erysipelas, etc., all disap- junior clerk. I spoke to hien for a while. etion wbat appears till recenity too bane
He left me and went to the station. on The attention.
pear before a fair treatment with Dr. Wil-
liam's Pink Pills. They give a healthful his wheel, and. I met Sam McCoy at the + "wsc sero" of the "PLlgrim's CARidAurt-2TT WAGONS
glow to pale and sallow complexions. Sold Campbell House and went to the Domin- Progress" is oommonl teptnsentad as e��1 by all dealers and postpaid at 50c. a boa, ion Bank and listened to the band ploy- garden gate or a turupt a gate, but reallyl� ?,
or six boxes for $2.50,by addressing the Dr, Ing on the market square. I left McCoy the term denotes a email doorway out out
illiam's Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. there and went over to the Paisley of a large door, Concealed behind a tree
not bepersuaded to take a substitute. House, where I remained until a fevv at the wont end of Blabow church is just We Deep in Stock and make to order
g1 Stith a stimll doorway in the broad wooden
minutes after the band stopped playing. ' surface of the great door. Carriage& and Waggons, of all kinds.
I then went down to the Merchants'
Meat Cooked r Cold g g Throeen this lowly opening Banyan � RUMBALL.,
Bank again. I stopped there talking to
Any one who has ever picked up with a Mr. Coates, Mr. Smith and others. Then must often drawn
passed when a boy. If a
bore hand a piece of intensely cold iron Smith of tired and wanted to o to a°re etmplpdrawnand engraved, i believe a CLINTOR
knows that the touch burns almost as bed, and I walked down with Mr. we shoals haven, eorreet pioture of that
badly a6 if the metal were redbot. In- Coates as far as the railway 'bridge, I which was before hie imagination when
deed, the action of great beat and that ofAfter talking for a while, I left him and I he deseribed the early steps of Christian's
extreuio cold are so similar that a Hunga- came back to the Tichbourn House I pilgrimage. f�
elan chemist has turned the latter to ac- corner, where I met Nightwatchman _. ___ __ / �" •"=� /
count to prepare meats for food. He cub- perry' and E. Rowland Hawley. I went ° b aG1
jocts the meat to 60 degrees of frost and up to the Paisley House, and, after be -
then seals It up in airtight tin cans. The Ing there for some time, 1 got a jug of
result is that the ineat, which is pracdoal- water, and went to my rooms in the «
ly "cooked by cold," will keep any time, Grange block. This would be between Foot=form" Shape
and can be eaten with very little further 11.30 and 12 o'clock. I told Detective
preparation.—London Tit -Sita Hodgins in our first interview that it English Style, rounded curve on outer gide
was 12 o'clock. There was nobody 1n my ® ' Of shoe, tapering to narrow flat toe. Fits
A erre Sign. room when I arrived there. Ifound my
"Wben a woinan," said the corn fed room in its usual condition. I went to Comfortably a foot which looks larger than
philosopher, "Gays that eho really believes bed immediately on my arrival. I un- the shoe. Laced—Buttoned—Congress
She Ifi ttig tet and her husband roe dressed •myself. The light was put out N16HTS —or Oxford, in Black, Tan, Seal Brown,
torts thatat it fn boaonso she sats too much when I agent to bed. The windows of5
and doosn't do onottgh work, It Is safe to my room were up. After going to bed, I TO Carmine, or Wine color. Halfsizes5ib II.
presume tbat the honeymoon has exceed slept till morning, and got up about 8 Widths B to F_ Goodyear Welt.
to be." --Savannah Bulletin, o'clock. From the time I entered my piles, whether itching, blind or $3.00, �¢.00, $5.00. Stamped On
room until I left in the morning about 8 bleeding, are relieved by one
o'clock I was not otpt of my room. Thereapplication of ale'
1 �a was no person in my rooms that night,
neither male nor female, nor of Any Dr.Agnevv, sOintment"`rhe 51atel' Shoe" CATAtocw:
kind or description. I made no noise in 35 CENTS. FREE r
my rooms that night that I know of. I
camp to Napanoo in November. I have And cared to 3 to 5 nights.
heard during the course of this trial the Dr. M. Barkman, Binghamton, N. Y.,
�- g writes: Send ma 12 dozen more of Ag -
evidence of Mrs. McGreer, and cannot new's Ointment. I proscribe, large qna 1.
account for the noises being In my titins of it. It is n wonder worker in skin
Thehsleet existence — `—�
of mankind is something roome. From last November up to the diseasoa afid a great euro for phos. -23.
like an account in n ledger. time of my arrest I have not spent any rl • TAYLOR & SONS) SOLE AGENTS FOR' CLINMvi
Health on one side—dis- money that was not my own. When I SOLD BY WATTS & CO., CLINTON
ease on the other. All the left Toronto and crime to Napanoe I had
pure air, good food, ra• in the neighborhood of $80, which I had
motional exercise and sound saved from my salary and from an acei-
sleep go on one side of dent policy I had received. I saved the
the account. It sums up health and money to buy a bicycle. I bought a bi-
strength. On the otber side, are bad air, cyclo In the spring from Mr. Normile. I
poor food, overwork and worry. That foots
up weakness and disease. did not use the money that I had saved ® ~
When your appetite or sleep is disturbed; In Toronto to buy a bicycle or for any
when the stomach and liver are not work- purpose after I camp down hero in the Icycle
Jug properly, or the bowels are not in regu- spring. My salary was sufficient for my
lar condition; you are losing vitality and ordinary expenses. I incurred a few ac- i
strength; figures are going down on the counts in Napanee. My object for doing so
wrong side of the ledger. -Unlegs this is was to pap for my bicycle. in $10 pap -
stopped and the other side of the account
is built up, you'll soon be a physical menta and at the same time save my
bankrupt. money. I had paid those debts oventn-
The most profitable account a sick man ally, part of them with my salary and Wl*sdom can open in his Ledger of Life is with Dr. part with the money that I had saved. I
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a -paid all the accounts within a short _
wonderful and scientific tonic which im• time; because I saw that I could fiat
'parts a direct and healthy stimulus to the cavo the money and keep up my pap-
entire nutritive organism. It strengthens menta on the bicycle without atria off "! k
the digestive fluids and the liver, and en. y putting _
Tables the blood -making organs to produce my debts Indefinitely. My mother had
pure, red, highly -vitalized blood also requested me to pay the money I
It is not a mere temporary exhilarator. owed for my clothes. The checks pro- /
It feeds the constitution with genuine, per- duped in court are mine, avid my object
manentpower. It writes big, round sums in keeping them was as receipts. I paid
on the health side of the account, and the checks with my own money when Is to purchase a bicycle of highest reputation like a
wipes out the figures of weakness and dis• presented, and there was nothing ,ease. It animates the vital forces and g eon-
builds up healthy flesh, muscular energy trary to the ordinary mode of procedure
and nerve -force, of the bank,
For nearly 3o years Dr, Pierce has been
ellief consulting physician of the Invalids' A heavy fall of snow is reported in
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, England over the Westmorelaiid Hills. E ND
N. V, His formulas are everywhere recog•
nized as the most effective remedies in the The St. James' Gazette, referring to .a
world. His "Pleasant Pellets" are the the recent correspondence on the pro- + " ;I
imost pbrfect and scientific cure for consti• posed Sealing Conference, calls Secretary Which will run easy and last for years.
pation ever invented. They are not violent Sherman the trans-Atlantio Polonlus
in their action, but perfectly sure, and at
the same time comfortable, Their great and says he ought to be allowed to play s
p the fool only at home, and that foreign H. A. COZIER & CO., W' COOPER & CO. AGTs t
e utation has enlled out a score of imi• gn •,
tions which druggists sometimes tr diplomacy ought to be placed in more
jto aubstituttt, but there is nothing "just competent hands. TORONTO. CLINTON a
k.., .,< ... 1 . r...,., i1...,.. - a�.,...,..,...,.,�.w-......,...,,.....�_•�wh,. �..:,,.ea.,.m.,..,,. .` - ..,.;>, ;:,..✓ �t ..��Ltt� .., ._
AM-ge table Preparation forAs-
similatingLWoodandRe uja-
fillg the S tamachs andBoivets Of
Promotes Digestion,cheerful-
'Wiass and Rest.Contains neiftr
O luln`,14orphine nor Nmccal.
riyv &fold Ib S/L' Fl.% 7
itect.ue SJIr-
k I
• Anise JeerL
Cia,ifi4 Su5,. .
illi'ra7ryc earl llaivr.
AperfectTlemecly forCOstipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
f i
assn and Lomas or SLEEP.E::.n
P ,
Tac sio rte signature of
D®== OF
Castorla Is put np in one-aizo bottles only. It
Is not sold in bnik, Don't allow anyone to sell
yon anything else on the ploa or promise that It
is "just as good" and "will answer every par
pose," •i=sle See that you got C -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A.
Tho face _ .
p t elmilo 17 O11
in the peat spring. You can imagine the said AB follows: I Identifythe all 01 bea>< In 4 os h(+ dematnr0 avarq q 51
p t" t low, se that the oi, of wrapp0r
fear and a,-eAd with which we watched these
paper produced; I have seen it before; 1 Q 4 , q 's b k WA Sable in the dark-
recurrin attacso, each one more severe th%u I
g evidently, made it out at some, time. it 1 b 'tea kiwi wig torpl� trill. lane dy-
the last, and each on, leaving our boy in a is a specification that I make out every lag the do time, but at ni lot N wad 1
worse condition than those that went before, .w
.o night when I balance my cash. It shows to dent a ut, thrusting i ItilimingtFed
His tastlattack confined pini bed for three the amount on hand at the end of the beak in every warm burrpw K oa torose
months, and his heart was dangerously af- day. The figures 16 and 1 were put in fleallP for the Inbabit4VA of the
fected. His sufferings were to "rible, And it first and indicate what cash I had In th6 .4,1 glnq It fort -b Iitliie by lit -
was pitiful to see him trying to c ;vrry food Ii7P_a tJte It o0v®n be breakJ
P Y g safe on the day when the slip uses made Hunaponry
to his mouth. His nervous system wAe so out. The other flgure6 indicate what I rte pre►• i ni A.a_.19
a tee alt trueShattered that n form of St. Vitus' dalCe had In my cash balance at 3 p.m. I used dleapplxu with b ynt had affected him, and his arm and hand herotrembled so that the could not feed or aid one of these every night These figures isotwA B spool4Qttl bird in the
Y were not put there for any other pure -^ 60udon Stietali.
himself. Some friends advise& me to try pose Z cannot tell what the figures on ^'"—
Dr Williams Pink Pills and recommended the back of the slip Indicate. I had been
them so highly that my husband, and my- q Beayan's Wf kat Gskt�i'
self decided to try them: We gave them to writing my uebjt and credit on the back Is something good to eat. If you occasionally feel t6t you
Harry for Several months and when the of the slips. If there were,,any differences d rewdt writer upon the objeew of hie- lvould Pike some to appease your appetite,
spring Dame watched anxiously, fearing a in the cash I usually Carried the slip in I tOrlOOd latesest connected with the early try some of the following
return of the trouble,but were thankful and my vest pocket over night; when • It I lite of Bunyezt At the little village of El -
delighted to see no symptoms of it, nor has would be thrown In the waste -paper i stow desoribbs, among others things, the Heinz's ,
wicket oa which fl roe rt , Iieinc S Sweet Pickles 35c a quart,
he been troubled for the past three years, basket. When there was no difference in � 8a eP Y n the �lf � v f •;^
„ my cash I left the slips under .the tel- story of Pilgrim a Progreso Anything Heinz S Ubans in Tomato Bance Blue Label Catsup,
What is the condition of his health at pres- that het readers to ietnro in inter Y Art f
ent7' asked the reporter. "He is as sturdy lee's sponge, and they would be placed pe p gins- Potted Meats —Ilam Chicken Partridge, &e
and as healthy a boy as parents could wish in the waste -paper basket by the - care- tion the scones described in $bot book will f 1 � ,
for, I attribute his recovery and present taker. I did not have this piece of paper be widely road and with intense pleasure.
in Mrs. MoGreer's room, and had no o To the village of Histow there is abun-
health to nothing but Pink Pills, and I re- P- Every delicacy the market affords, at lowest possible prices.
commend them to all," portunity of doing so on the night of the dant material that to visibly associated The up-to-date Grocery is q
Rbeumatiam, sciatica, neuralgia, partioI burglary. I left the hotel after supper, I with John Bunyan. The isolated church
paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervone pros- and went to the Dominion Bank, where towex contains the very be119 In the ring-
ing- OGLE
tration, nervous headache, and diseases de- I lit the gas. I then went down to the ing of wbiph BttfiyAn tt�}oioed and after , phoIIA. 23
pending upon humors in the blood, such as Merchants' Bank, and met Mr. Smith, ward trembled. Above x11, I must men-
scorfula, chronic erysipelas, etc., all disap- junior clerk. I spoke to hien for a while. etion wbat appears till recenity too bane
He left me and went to the station. on The attention.
pear before a fair treatment with Dr. Wil-
liam's Pink Pills. They give a healthful his wheel, and. I met Sam McCoy at the + "wsc sero" of the "PLlgrim's CARidAurt-2TT WAGONS
glow to pale and sallow complexions. Sold Campbell House and went to the Domin- Progress" is oommonl teptnsentad as e��1 by all dealers and postpaid at 50c. a boa, ion Bank and listened to the band ploy- garden gate or a turupt a gate, but reallyl� ?,
or six boxes for $2.50,by addressing the Dr, Ing on the market square. I left McCoy the term denotes a email doorway out out
illiam's Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. there and went over to the Paisley of a large door, Concealed behind a tree
not bepersuaded to take a substitute. House, where I remained until a fevv at the wont end of Blabow church is just We Deep in Stock and make to order
g1 Stith a stimll doorway in the broad wooden
minutes after the band stopped playing. ' surface of the great door. Carriage& and Waggons, of all kinds.
I then went down to the Merchants'
Meat Cooked r Cold g g Throeen this lowly opening Banyan � RUMBALL.,
Bank again. I stopped there talking to
Any one who has ever picked up with a Mr. Coates, Mr. Smith and others. Then must often drawn
passed when a boy. If a
bore hand a piece of intensely cold iron Smith of tired and wanted to o to a°re etmplpdrawnand engraved, i believe a CLINTOR
knows that the touch burns almost as bed, and I walked down with Mr. we shoals haven, eorreet pioture of that
badly a6 if the metal were redbot. In- Coates as far as the railway 'bridge, I which was before hie imagination when
deed, the action of great beat and that ofAfter talking for a while, I left him and I he deseribed the early steps of Christian's
extreuio cold are so similar that a Hunga- came back to the Tichbourn House I pilgrimage. f�
elan chemist has turned the latter to ac- corner, where I met Nightwatchman _. ___ __ / �" •"=� /
count to prepare meats for food. He cub- perry' and E. Rowland Hawley. I went ° b aG1
jocts the meat to 60 degrees of frost and up to the Paisley House, and, after be -
then seals It up in airtight tin cans. The Ing there for some time, 1 got a jug of
result is that the ineat, which is pracdoal- water, and went to my rooms in the «
ly "cooked by cold," will keep any time, Grange block. This would be between Foot=form" Shape
and can be eaten with very little further 11.30 and 12 o'clock. I told Detective
preparation.—London Tit -Sita Hodgins in our first interview that it English Style, rounded curve on outer gide
was 12 o'clock. There was nobody 1n my ® ' Of shoe, tapering to narrow flat toe. Fits
A erre Sign. room when I arrived there. Ifound my
"Wben a woinan," said the corn fed room in its usual condition. I went to Comfortably a foot which looks larger than
philosopher, "Gays that eho really believes bed immediately on my arrival. I un- the shoe. Laced—Buttoned—Congress
She Ifi ttig tet and her husband roe dressed •myself. The light was put out N16HTS —or Oxford, in Black, Tan, Seal Brown,
torts thatat it fn boaonso she sats too much when I agent to bed. The windows of5
and doosn't do onottgh work, It Is safe to my room were up. After going to bed, I TO Carmine, or Wine color. Halfsizes5ib II.
presume tbat the honeymoon has exceed slept till morning, and got up about 8 Widths B to F_ Goodyear Welt.
to be." --Savannah Bulletin, o'clock. From the time I entered my piles, whether itching, blind or $3.00, �¢.00, $5.00. Stamped On
room until I left in the morning about 8 bleeding, are relieved by one
o'clock I was not otpt of my room. Thereapplication of ale'
1 �a was no person in my rooms that night,
neither male nor female, nor of Any Dr.Agnevv, sOintment"`rhe 51atel' Shoe" CATAtocw:
kind or description. I made no noise in 35 CENTS. FREE r
my rooms that night that I know of. I
camp to Napanoo in November. I have And cared to 3 to 5 nights.
heard during the course of this trial the Dr. M. Barkman, Binghamton, N. Y.,
�- g writes: Send ma 12 dozen more of Ag -
evidence of Mrs. McGreer, and cannot new's Ointment. I proscribe, large qna 1.
account for the noises being In my titins of it. It is n wonder worker in skin
Thehsleet existence — `—�
of mankind is something roome. From last November up to the diseasoa afid a great euro for phos. -23.
like an account in n ledger. time of my arrest I have not spent any rl • TAYLOR & SONS) SOLE AGENTS FOR' CLINMvi
Health on one side—dis- money that was not my own. When I SOLD BY WATTS & CO., CLINTON
ease on the other. All the left Toronto and crime to Napanoe I had
pure air, good food, ra• in the neighborhood of $80, which I had
motional exercise and sound saved from my salary and from an acei-
sleep go on one side of dent policy I had received. I saved the
the account. It sums up health and money to buy a bicycle. I bought a bi-
strength. On the otber side, are bad air, cyclo In the spring from Mr. Normile. I
poor food, overwork and worry. That foots
up weakness and disease. did not use the money that I had saved ® ~
When your appetite or sleep is disturbed; In Toronto to buy a bicycle or for any
when the stomach and liver are not work- purpose after I camp down hero in the Icycle
Jug properly, or the bowels are not in regu- spring. My salary was sufficient for my
lar condition; you are losing vitality and ordinary expenses. I incurred a few ac- i
strength; figures are going down on the counts in Napanee. My object for doing so
wrong side of the ledger. -Unlegs this is was to pap for my bicycle. in $10 pap -
stopped and the other side of the account
is built up, you'll soon be a physical menta and at the same time save my
bankrupt. money. I had paid those debts oventn-
The most profitable account a sick man ally, part of them with my salary and Wl*sdom can open in his Ledger of Life is with Dr. part with the money that I had saved. I
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a -paid all the accounts within a short _
wonderful and scientific tonic which im• time; because I saw that I could fiat
'parts a direct and healthy stimulus to the cavo the money and keep up my pap-
entire nutritive organism. It strengthens menta on the bicycle without atria off "! k
the digestive fluids and the liver, and en. y putting _
Tables the blood -making organs to produce my debts Indefinitely. My mother had
pure, red, highly -vitalized blood also requested me to pay the money I
It is not a mere temporary exhilarator. owed for my clothes. The checks pro- /
It feeds the constitution with genuine, per- duped in court are mine, avid my object
manentpower. It writes big, round sums in keeping them was as receipts. I paid
on the health side of the account, and the checks with my own money when Is to purchase a bicycle of highest reputation like a
wipes out the figures of weakness and dis• presented, and there was nothing ,ease. It animates the vital forces and g eon-
builds up healthy flesh, muscular energy trary to the ordinary mode of procedure
and nerve -force, of the bank,
For nearly 3o years Dr, Pierce has been
ellief consulting physician of the Invalids' A heavy fall of snow is reported in
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, England over the Westmorelaiid Hills. E ND
N. V, His formulas are everywhere recog•
nized as the most effective remedies in the The St. James' Gazette, referring to .a
world. His "Pleasant Pellets" are the the recent correspondence on the pro- + " ;I
imost pbrfect and scientific cure for consti• posed Sealing Conference, calls Secretary Which will run easy and last for years.
pation ever invented. They are not violent Sherman the trans-Atlantio Polonlus
in their action, but perfectly sure, and at
the same time comfortable, Their great and says he ought to be allowed to play s
p the fool only at home, and that foreign H. A. COZIER & CO., W' COOPER & CO. AGTs t
e utation has enlled out a score of imi• gn •,
tions which druggists sometimes tr diplomacy ought to be placed in more
jto aubstituttt, but there is nothing "just competent hands. TORONTO. CLINTON a
k.., .,< ... 1 . r...,., i1...,.. - a�.,...,..,...,.,�.w-......,...,,.....�_•�wh,. �..:,,.ea.,.m.,..,,. .` - ..,.;>, ;:,..✓ �t ..��Ltt� .., ._