HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-29, Page 6THE QVILEf ,453 N64V88 *6:
Worlhod Him -Ate eP! #Or -It" Coo"- VA
CraW and Woo happy.
Three ragged ]Mlle neaps-boyllintent open
0 saws of craps attraoted A half 40ieu
idlers into a down town alloy Bart night,
One of the gamine, a bright, eager -look-
Ing chap of not more than 10, s&u4g4 to
be, in filo language of the crowd,. ''i ji
against !t,"" and.bie oov.00ge4 lomft'a nd
final b3akruptc$ excited tbo aympathiea of
the audience, k0vlapy tbcso, of a sportive
looking lndlv:Idpal, with an exgeptlonally,
good natured specimen of the genus "'jag;"
The loeer quickly sized him up and made
a dlreot appeal, which resulted In the.
banding over of a nickel, which Was
quickly staked. Fortune smiled and the
nickel was doubled.
"Daus' I leave it lay?" thogamin queried
of his "angel." The "angel" hesitated 1
and the gamin shouted quicirly, "Come
seven, for a dime. "Again he won, and
this time be dict not leave to waft for his
backer's 4proval to "leave it lay." This
time he lost, but the sport's sympathies
were now fully enlisted, and he willingly
produced another coin. "Play It all, kid,"
he said.
"Pi's my point. Como, fivel" squealed
the "hid." And five, o¢odient to his sum-
mons, came. The laeb contribution had
been 10 cou"ts, so the now, booming urchin
was the possessor of 20 cents, all of which
be unhesitatingly left to await the issue
of bbe neat throw.
Again fortune favored, and 40 cents was
staked on the boat turn of the dice. Los-
ing, little persuasion was noeded.to obtain
another dime from the now thoroughly in-
terested "angel,"
Doubling bis stakes each time he won
and calling on his backer each time he
failed to pass and lost all he had previous-
ly won, the game continued for nearly an
hoar, and the "an lrs'.•patloAce or his
supply of small of;lingo was at last ex -
boosted. a"
"Not a cont," he said in answer to the
last appeal
The gamin, with.big tears In hie'eyes,
turned to the other spectators.
"Onix a nickel," be beseeched. "I
know T kin pass." Butr indifference was
stamped on over] countenance, and, see-
ing it, a marvelous change came over the
grimy face
"Come on, boys Dat sucker won't
cough up no ,more coin, but he's a pretty
soft sort er guy at dat. We worked him
for more'n two oases, anyhow. Let's go
divvy up."—Chicago Times -Herald.
Not Confined to Foreigners, but Are Used
In American Communities.
A wagonload of wooden shoes, such as
are worn by European peasants, lay in a
heap on the floor of a woodware dealer's
store down town in New Yorke the other
"Who wears 'em)" inquired the writer
as be looked at the stock.
"Mora „people than you would think,"
was the answer of the dealer, "and not
only foreign born, old fashioned folks, but
quite a number of Americans. Their chief
sale is in winter. In fact, there is little
or no call for them at any other season.
Our customers are mostly dairymen, gar-
deners, farmers, brewers, dyers and men
employed in slaughter houses. Chicken
cleaners In the dressed poultry business
who stand in feabhors and steam wear them
to save their shoe leather. Gardeners'
wives and daughters wear them about
home, and sometimes in the severeab weath-
er in the market.
"In the cold weather car, truck and cab
drivers in New York and other cities wear
them far the reason that they are warmer
than any other footwear. Some drivers
cover them with black cloth, or blacken
them, and then tack old rubber or leather
bootlegs to the top. Worn thus the thick
Bolen aro a great protection against frost
and one's feet are always dry. They are
also worn by street cleaners and men who
work at paving roads, especially when hot
aspboU is used, which is found to be very
dcatruatiae to leather."
Wooden shoes are now sold by the then -
sands in New York. Some of them are
made in Maine, but most of them come
from Holland. They are made of birch, ,
ash and boxvmod and Boil retail at froM 60 "The Beet Popular Life of Her
AGENTS, DRaiesty I have ever seen,"
cents to $1.25 a pair, according to finish writes Lord Lo
and quality.—Washington Star. Sales unprecedented.
--- — Big commissio
Toronto, Ont.
The Oorb Hao .Taw."
The earlier editions, of WQbster'n Dlo-
tionary contained a verb "to Jew"
and de-
llnect It "to cheat," "to play with," etc.
At the request of a number of Influential
Taraelites the word was eliminated from
the book. As a smatter of fact, however,
the word had qo oonneebion with or refer -
,,once to the follgwers of the Mosaic faith.
It was derived from the French "jou" and
/jouir," which means "to play with,,, to
.eboat," eto,i but its ortbopophy had be-
come corrupted to "Jew," It did not ap-
pear In subseq+ocnt edltiouq of the work.—
13abrow Standard.
Club Way.
"Mrs. Flourish wants her paper on
'Mission Work In Alaska' to come first on
the programme."
"She wants to getaway W go to a pro-
gtessive euchre party." --Chicago R.eoomL
F err CaseAdjourned.
Shelburne, Ont., Oct. 18.—By an "ar-
rangement between the Crown and de-
fenco, the celebrated Hamilton forgery
case was adjourned till Saturday, the
28rd Inst. Ball was given by each of the
accused, John Hamilton, Adam Loudon,
Robeitt Twibble, James Sammons, and
Thomas Gallagher. The Crown has not
Intimated reasons for the adournmeau.
In advanced stages of Con-
sumption, Scott's Emulsion
soothes the cough, checks
the night sweats' and pre-
vents extreme emaciation.
In this way it prolongs life
and makes more comforta-
ble the last days. In every
case of consumption—from
its first appearance to its
most advanced stages no
remedy promises a greater
hope for recovery or brings
comfort and relief equal to
Scott's Emulsion. Book on
the subject, free for the ask-
SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Out.
A S a laxative, one pill acts perfectly,
//A and if a stronger action is
desired a cathartic effect is produced
by two pills. In obstinate cases,
where a purgative is necessary, three
pills will be found sufficient. These
pills leave no unpleasant after effect.
One pill taken each night during
thirty days will cure constipation.
•RIOT WC. OR a FOR 91.00
Lorne, about "Queen
Easy o make $5 daily.
u Outfit free to canvassers
I� Frontward
'When a man gives us an order for a Suit of Clothes we
begin right then and there to look for his next order.
How? By making him the very best garment he ever
had, and charging him as little as we can afford.
This will bring him back nine times out of ten. Making
good clothes is not only commendable, but ought to
be profitable in the long run. That's the and we're
.looking frontward to.
New Goods, New Styles,
Large stock just arrived, consisting of Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables
and chairs. Bought of 25% off the list. It will pay you to drive ten miles for
these goods.
Picture Framing a speciality.
,��iv�y Schools au�1EpW orth (a
gretit mission to teach in the definite work
Iteagl �$ of Wingllaill 1
saving souls. This cannot be done with,
oat the tborough knowledge of the Bible.
, ..
TbQlloading direlo waa'very well sustained
VISI riot,
a all the Loaguers were urged to taking
Lleoussion followed with many points of
Is Only What Ought to be
Convention At {Kingham.
interest and profit,
The subjaot,"Outside work of the League"
Expected From
by D' 0. Taylor, of Lucknow, set forth a
plan of syetematio canywo of each Sopietyy,
e convention of the Sunday Sohools
which could be wrought by .every sooiety
a worth Leagues to the Wingham die-
with good reauits. A cycle of prayer and
off o the xetbodrat church, was held on
reading, the outline of daily reading con-
°RVeduesday and Thursday, October 13th
petition with• the Sabbath school, was re.
*,0414th when upwards of seventy delegates
oommended as very appropiate. The need '
qWO present, The first day of the conven-
of entertainment of a Christian character
*on was devoted to Sunday School work.
The ohairman of the district, Rev. Dr. Pas-
should be employed in connection with all
meetings and social gatherings.
Upright in Everything—Always Keeping
+000.'000upiedthe chair, and gave an earnest
The discussion brought out many points
Faith With the People, and, Above All,
said vigorous address,
'The first topic, "The Teacher in Prepar-.
of -great interest.
Rev. A. 0. Crews, General Secretary of
Curing them of Their Ills—Why Would
*lien and Before His Class, "was introduced
the Epworth League of the Methodist
not Success Follow?
by► gory Bugpestivo paper from the pen of
keV• D. Ro ers; of Bluevale, who was un-
Chu oh, gave an excellent address on the
different phases of the Chrietain work of
Mr A. Atkey, No. 40, Northcote Ave„
ri� •
'able to be present. I — In regard to the
the young people. He dealt with the need
Toronto, Canada, Bays: have been a
constant sufferer for the last ten or 16
ireparation, he considered it a good thing
?to pursue a course similar to that practised
of the student's forward missionary move-
menta, and recommended very highly the
Years- times I suffered severe pains in
i5 ansa ministers in the preparation of
y y P p
so orcin apd contributing to the general
pP g g g
Che stomach and chest. At other times it
has taken the form of soreness of the stom-
their eeruY)n., viz:Begin with the study of
their leasqu early in the week; read it over;
plan of missionary work, instead of taking
side interests into consideration, syben pre-
ash• Again intense spasms would
otudy the context. The banner wasrecom-
senting their offering to that work. Hebe-
1 have treated with a ascots, of medical
men who all failed to effect a care. I
aruended as an efficient help in. preparation.
emphasized the.wiedom of entering
gen taking Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure, and
Prayer must not be forgotten, no matter
:]low fullacid complete his mental preps,-
into the missionary work.
The evening eespion was begun by sing-
I can unhesitatingly say that the new
ation. 2—When before his class, the Teach-
Ing a number of Hymns, after which the
treatment has acted wonderfully and I
have vastly improved. The pains have
or should know and recognize the members
of ,hie cissa. Encourage the children to
Rev. A. Cunningham, of Kincardine, took
charge of Ilia devotional exercises.
disappeared and. the depression after eat.
memorize the title and golden text. He die.
Rev. T. W. CoBens, of Fordwich, then
Ing also. I mast, express my entire eatis-
faction with Munyon's Remedies."
couraged the use of lesson helps either by
spoke on "The Spiritual Work of the
teacher or scholar in the class.
League." The importance of the work was
Munyon's Rheumatic Cure seldom fails
A short discussion tock plaue after this
pointed cut. The design of the League
The kind (
to relieve in one to three hours, and cures
in few days. Price 25o.
paper was read.
was then touched upon. of
The next topic, "The Difficulties of Sun-
Christians we want are those that pay as
Manyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively
dap Schools and their Remedies,"was intro-
well as pray. The Christian who will go
cures all forms of indigestion and stomach
4 upon which a very interesting and
out in the world and stand against all that
troubles. Price 250.
,profitable discussion took place. Diffioultieg
is not in harmony with what is in accord-
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia
were recognized, which will no doubt disap-
ance with God's Word. The temperance
and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price
,dear when grappled with vigorously.
c Luse was then touched upon, and the ne-
, 250.
Rev.W.M.Pomerov, of Bethel,introduced
eeAsity of our standing true to it was point-
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs,
the topic, "Theimportance of attendance of
ed out. The necessity of all taking part is
night sweats, allaya soreness and speedily
Zanday School scholars at the regular ser-
the development and up -building of the
heals the lungs. Price 25c.
Rioes of the Chureb." Children are always
Christian work of the League. The neves-
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures
�eYpealed to be partakers of God's services
sity of being Bible students. For Peute-
pains in the back, loins or groins, and all
it the Bible. Until we bave measured the
costal services we must have Pentecostal
forms of kidney disease. Price 26e.
full capacity of the child, we cannot excuse
power. We want enthusiasm in our work;
Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness
]gm from the public service. They have
it stirs us up, and we are not so apt `to be
and builds up the system. Price 260.
deeper thoughts than you can give them
affeoted by what people say to us We
Mnnyon's Headache Cure stops headache
credit for. Children like to go to church.
should be enthusiastic in this work, because
in three minutes. Price 25.
'This should be our motto: "All the Church
it is for eternity.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures
in the Sunday Sehool,all the Sunday School
Rev. A. C. Crews gave an address on the
all forms of piles. Price 25e
lathe Church,"
elements of success in the League work.
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im-
Discussion -Bring the children to church
The following were the points dwelt upon :
purities of the blood. Price 25x.
S "
that they may be prepared to attend Sun-
Success was defined; objeete of the League:
Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon
h day_ School. Algreat majority of children
I—To save souls; 2—To build up Christian
to all women.
An trained to stay at home.
-character; 3—To train for work. Industry
Manyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail.
The next topic, "The Teacher's relation
and activity are necessary for success. There
The Catarrh Cure—price 25x—eradicates
to the Scholar outside of the !school or in
is need of new and improved methods in our
the disease from the system, and the Ca -
every day life," was introduced by Mrs Coy.
work. The value of variety was well brought
tarrh Tableta—price 26o.—cleanse and heal
Ser, of Whiteehurch. We are before our
the parts.
scholars living epistles, responsible for at-
Aresolution was passed tendering ahearty
Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in
tendance at Sunda School. The teacher
vote of thanks to the people of Wingham
three minutes, and care permanently.
must get in touch with the scholar. The
Methodist ohuroh, and especially the Bel-
Price $1.
teacher is responsible for his everyday life
leting and Reception Committees, who so
Munyon'siVitalizer restores lost vigor.
—force of example, haoits, attitude to the
satisfactorily conducted the work.
Price $1.
-various services and organizations of the
A resolution was unanimously pase3d,
A separate cure for each disease. At all
church. Whatever is of doubtful character
tendering a hearty vote of thanks to the
druggists. Mostly 2.5c a vial,
should be avoided. The relation between
Rev. A. C. Crews, General Secretary, for
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 and
teacher and scholar should be one of kindly
his services, and inviting him to meet with
13 Albert St., Toronto, an's'wered with free
interest. The lesson taugbt'ebould be car-
them in convention again next year.
-ledioal advice for any disease.
vied out in every day fife. The relation be-
The Consecration service was then enter-
tween teacher and scholar is eternal in dur-
ed into, the Rev. John H. Fisher, of Gor-
Ation, and should be one of prayer.
rie, taking charge. After the closing exer-
A short discussion followed.
cines a most sue essfnl convention was
-- -
Verbal reports on Sunday School work in
brought to a close.
She Was Terribtly Irrightened.
the district, and a conversation on the ques-
A train at Wimbledon wee just starting
Lion: "Are there places where Mission bun-
for London when a young woman reached
day Schools can be established, where nothe
station and simply had tuna to jump
-church or school exists," was then taken up.
into the first compartment she reached
_ The evening session was very largely at-
and flop down on the oushioned seat.
ien'ded. The opening: exercises were con-
The ArMtIc and BusluesaUXe "CFsW In
"Only tben," she writes, "did I observe
ducted by Rev. N. S. Burwash, of Salem.
Which They Are BnUL
that I had as a single fellow traveler a
The first subject, "The Parent's Provid-
In a tree in the garden wound the boa®
man—young, well dressed, but of some-
ential and Adoral Responsibility in the
where I was stopping was a wasps' nest
what forbidding aspect. For the moment,
Training of the Young." was introduced by
in process of construction. The busy In-
howevar,'I did not feel Ic the slSgbtest de-
-Mr J. H. MoHardy, of Teeawater. , He em-
-the honor and dignity of
soots voere going backward anal tmwand
gree nervous and commenced to read a
rterfl to thpprrfkevliasizedrrying their'
paper. After the train bad passed one sta-
t Y
'age. Children are the heritage of God.
fabric; but, though I watched saveral
tion I happened to glance toward one and
Judgment, conscience and free wilt are gifts
days, I could not discover whano ld was
of the carriage. I observed the man to be
for which we are responsible to God. Pro-
collected. It happened that the ptVAhrs of
greatly agitated and gazing intently in my
vidential responsibility is the financial-pru-
the veranda of the mud limit houve in
direction. Then he 'got on bbs feet. A.
v'ding food,clothing, &c, The moral respon-
which I was stopping were mogghly bows
sudden, overwhelming fear.took p%weemlon
eibility is the principal point—children are.
born good; the influence of home cannot be
franks of the Lombardy poplar, t:Mtgwovve
of me. He was a murderer I ws1,9 cerf.aiu,
to that region to a good size and consider-
I thought of shrieking for help, bm my
overestimated, especially a mother's heart,
dove and influence.
able beielt without branches and rgalles a
tongue refused to move. Tho mrouster—
.. '
The subject. "How can we increase the
clean straight stem. One attacnocm WbDe
loitering about the veranda, I noifoed that
for so he seemed to me—looked a ,&hnisly
about' bio, apparently to make sure tbat
Spirituality and Religious Efficiency of our
Sohools,' introduced by Rev. A. Con-
numbers of wasps alighted on the &ids of I
he could not be abserved from Without
ltjinghnm, of Kinoardine. If we are to in-
these pillars that was worn by the wosabar,
Then be came quite close to nm, at the
erases the efficiency and spirituality of our
and after a Qhort stay, laww4d off
again, apparently carrying away a &mall
game moment putting bis right fund in
his overcoat poc" Was It a nevdvar be
Sunday schools we must have something
th+it we have not got. Teachers const have
Toad with them,
Stationing myself clone to ons of the
had, or a knt>b, or a pestle, or what?
Springing to my feet •I faced btui In da
3requisites to be effioient:I—Personal piety;
2—$ibis knowledge; 3—Aptitude to teach.
pillars, I soon bad the eatisfactlim of see-
epelr• What do you mengT I Dried, Leif
Personal piety—New life in the soul; there
fag a wasp alight on rt. Atter cueing
about over the surface to fiord wb4s be was
fainting no spokes He bent toward me,
amikd grlmiy and said: 'Mucase me,
is clock of this abundant life. The indwell,
ing of the Holy Ghost gives personal
,,tn search of, he suddenly stloppsd, and,
madam, I offer you 10,000 apologlea tf I
,Ii you were to take a lump of ice six feet
carefully feeling the spot he war on, he oat
have alarmed yon. Such a thing was the
3iigh and two feet broad and set it down in
the worn surface with his tilippess and
furthest removed from my thoughts. The
the frontof the room, how loog would it take
then proceeded in a wookmaiall1w manner
to out from the surface of the woad a skKp
fact is, I bwm to alight ab the neat station,
and since ton eninred the tulip you have
to change the atmosphere of this room?
The teacher who seeks the Baptism of the
of a width to which be could eatsnd his
been Bitting on My Hatt' : I blushed ray
Bolt' Ghost may expect great results.
nippers and as he moved heck-
apologies. the hat Was a so&
Mr W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, introduced
ward he roiled the st Ap up undar his chin
ons Telegraph.
•,,the aubject, "The churches claim upon the
Sunday school and its obligations to it."
with the aid of Lia tore feet untie be had as
much as he could aonveniontly hold, when
—The church should regard the Sunday
be gave a finishing cut off and few etway.
Watching the weal, of eoneowf on after-
aohool as a recruiting ground. 2—Claim on
ward, it was marveleua to ase how fpr qgd
atauseful enthusiasm. Boys and girls con-
vetted to God take a deep interest in church
of the lfttlo roll ®nor &%&abed to the strip
eervioes. if the church people bad this en-
of work that was being added to by means
of some waxy gum eaudod by the bulWer
thusiaem we would have better prayer meet.
fags. 3—Claim of the concentratt*
ed activity
and joined on laterally as lYwas unsolbd
of the young people. The obligations of the
until finished, pad than the workman
would fly aWa,y for a fresh place. Each
church to the Sunday school: 2 — That of
piloting the school, 2—The ohurohshoald
insect cut off a strip avemigtirq: about
three-efghtbe of an Inch in length and a
r ,
mQther the school.
little under an eighth in width, and notb-
Ing could be more admirable than the ar-
tistic and businesslike way in which they
The first session of the Epworth League
Convention was opened at 10 O'clock o, m.
carried on their work.—Harper's Round
by devotional exercises. The Rov.Dr,Pas-
coo, chairman of the district, occupied the
The 1Hardworhinir Counterteiter.
chair. The convention entered upon the
While counting a package
age omoney
fatal item on the program, that of brganiz-
Landed In for deposit Receiving Teller
84veo Thoumandtt Of Liven.
Ation andeleetion ofoffieers, which resulted
as follows: President, Rev.A. W.Dever, Ber-
Harmer of the Nassau bank found a queer
looking note. It was a silver cortilloato
Pour o Jacob Dewltta, of Bay
vie; let Viae -President, D.C. Taylor, Luck-
.now; 2nd Vice, Mrs Cuyler, Whitechurch;
of the latest Issue, with the figuae "fi" in
each corner, but with ilio animated group
g� the verge of
Island, was dragged
death by dreadful heart disease. He was
to From
`3r¢ Vice, Wre E. P. Paulin, Wingham; 4th
flat the government prints only on Q2
given up die. vigorous manhood
a had gone to a broken despondent wreck.
Vice, Mies Sellery, Kineardine; Secretary.
silver notes in the center. Close inspoo-
lie procured Dr. A new's Cure for the
'treasurer, Dr. Gillieseeswater, Dol-
+ , jr.,J , ,
ligate to Conference, Rev. I. B. Wailwin,
tion showed that by the old time proaees of
„ splitting" the paper the perpetrator of
used It faithfully, and today
weighs 21S pounds, and lives to bless the
the alteration bad removed the figure 1191?
day the Bgrent remedy was recommended
to him. It relieves Ill go minutes. ---24.
% It was decided to hold the neat meeting
from the four dorners of the original note,
Sold by Watts & Co.
in Kincaedine, the date of which to be fixed
on both sides, and had substituted the
by the Executive Committee. I
figure "5." This part of the work spas
The President, Rev.A. W. Dever, of Ber-
executed so dexterously as almost to defy
Vie, followed with an entbuslasm that be-
detection. A largo V' had been insert-
• _
pewits a euooessful year's work in looking
ed In the center of the back with equal
liipAna liftingu for Christ and the Church.
p uY
skill. The altered bill would ioovor have
He dealt largely upon the necessity of per-
escaped detection under the eye of n caro-
It, �V��
adual. purity. Each member doing their
ful bank ofllaer because of the great difler-
duty, even though they may not see any
once between the central pictures on a t3
ancdeas yet. For the Master's sake,for the
Aver nolo and on a IDES silver note, but it
i0hureh's jaake, they must preserve, and in
would nnuoubtodly deceive 00 out of 100
-ibis way present the Spirit, not only in the
tradesmen, who are not apt to carry in
;habordinate Leagues, but also •thropghout,
their minds exact images of the pictuseq
Aho 'Wingham district. The address was to
on each denomination of papar money.
BRIGHT 8 0189A8E
'the"ppoint, and was well received.
GaAples Rogers of the bank said he had
` The $rat aabjeat,'fThe League as an Ed.
00" many Counterfeits of United SbDUs
tiaator," was introduced by Rev.I.B. Wall-
notes, but never before a suocesrfdl alliara-
tion He
*W, B.A... of Luoh now. He dwelt nepon
'she need of the Leaguers taking up health-
of any one of thein said the per
em alfa raised the $0 note to a 66 one
re6dilag, that they may be well ground-
1400 have expended $10 worth of tlmo pn
ed stn the troth, and in thie way ahold the
the Wort—NOW Yar� mlincr.
1g it try
That surrounds the young, who Are
40019 to defend their possession of the
Airr1681 Word. The Xpworth League has
THE QVILEf ,453 N64V88 *6:
Worlhod Him -Ate eP! #Or -It" Coo"- VA
CraW and Woo happy.
Three ragged ]Mlle neaps-boyllintent open
0 saws of craps attraoted A half 40ieu
idlers into a down town alloy Bart night,
One of the gamine, a bright, eager -look-
Ing chap of not more than 10, s&u4g4 to
be, in filo language of the crowd,. ''i ji
against !t,"" and.bie oov.00ge4 lomft'a nd
final b3akruptc$ excited tbo aympathiea of
the audience, k0vlapy tbcso, of a sportive
looking lndlv:Idpal, with an exgeptlonally,
good natured specimen of the genus "'jag;"
The loeer quickly sized him up and made
a dlreot appeal, which resulted In the.
banding over of a nickel, which Was
quickly staked. Fortune smiled and the
nickel was doubled.
"Daus' I leave it lay?" thogamin queried
of his "angel." The "angel" hesitated 1
and the gamin shouted quicirly, "Come
seven, for a dime. "Again he won, and
this time be dict not leave to waft for his
backer's 4proval to "leave it lay." This
time he lost, but the sport's sympathies
were now fully enlisted, and he willingly
produced another coin. "Play It all, kid,"
he said.
"Pi's my point. Como, fivel" squealed
the "hid." And five, o¢odient to his sum-
mons, came. The laeb contribution had
been 10 cou"ts, so the now, booming urchin
was the possessor of 20 cents, all of which
be unhesitatingly left to await the issue
of bbe neat throw.
Again fortune favored, and 40 cents was
staked on the boat turn of the dice. Los-
ing, little persuasion was noeded.to obtain
another dime from the now thoroughly in-
terested "angel,"
Doubling bis stakes each time he won
and calling on his backer each time he
failed to pass and lost all he had previous-
ly won, the game continued for nearly an
hoar, and the "an lrs'.•patloAce or his
supply of small of;lingo was at last ex -
boosted. a"
"Not a cont," he said in answer to the
last appeal
The gamin, with.big tears In hie'eyes,
turned to the other spectators.
"Onix a nickel," be beseeched. "I
know T kin pass." Butr indifference was
stamped on over] countenance, and, see-
ing it, a marvelous change came over the
grimy face
"Come on, boys Dat sucker won't
cough up no ,more coin, but he's a pretty
soft sort er guy at dat. We worked him
for more'n two oases, anyhow. Let's go
divvy up."—Chicago Times -Herald.
Not Confined to Foreigners, but Are Used
In American Communities.
A wagonload of wooden shoes, such as
are worn by European peasants, lay in a
heap on the floor of a woodware dealer's
store down town in New Yorke the other
"Who wears 'em)" inquired the writer
as be looked at the stock.
"Mora „people than you would think,"
was the answer of the dealer, "and not
only foreign born, old fashioned folks, but
quite a number of Americans. Their chief
sale is in winter. In fact, there is little
or no call for them at any other season.
Our customers are mostly dairymen, gar-
deners, farmers, brewers, dyers and men
employed in slaughter houses. Chicken
cleaners In the dressed poultry business
who stand in feabhors and steam wear them
to save their shoe leather. Gardeners'
wives and daughters wear them about
home, and sometimes in the severeab weath-
er in the market.
"In the cold weather car, truck and cab
drivers in New York and other cities wear
them far the reason that they are warmer
than any other footwear. Some drivers
cover them with black cloth, or blacken
them, and then tack old rubber or leather
bootlegs to the top. Worn thus the thick
Bolen aro a great protection against frost
and one's feet are always dry. They are
also worn by street cleaners and men who
work at paving roads, especially when hot
aspboU is used, which is found to be very
dcatruatiae to leather."
Wooden shoes are now sold by the then -
sands in New York. Some of them are
made in Maine, but most of them come
from Holland. They are made of birch, ,
ash and boxvmod and Boil retail at froM 60 "The Beet Popular Life of Her
AGENTS, DRaiesty I have ever seen,"
cents to $1.25 a pair, according to finish writes Lord Lo
and quality.—Washington Star. Sales unprecedented.
--- — Big commissio
Toronto, Ont.
The Oorb Hao .Taw."
The earlier editions, of WQbster'n Dlo-
tionary contained a verb "to Jew"
and de-
llnect It "to cheat," "to play with," etc.
At the request of a number of Influential
Taraelites the word was eliminated from
the book. As a smatter of fact, however,
the word had qo oonneebion with or refer -
,,once to the follgwers of the Mosaic faith.
It was derived from the French "jou" and
/jouir," which means "to play with,,, to
.eboat," eto,i but its ortbopophy had be-
come corrupted to "Jew," It did not ap-
pear In subseq+ocnt edltiouq of the work.—
13abrow Standard.
Club Way.
"Mrs. Flourish wants her paper on
'Mission Work In Alaska' to come first on
the programme."
"She wants to getaway W go to a pro-
gtessive euchre party." --Chicago R.eoomL
F err CaseAdjourned.
Shelburne, Ont., Oct. 18.—By an "ar-
rangement between the Crown and de-
fenco, the celebrated Hamilton forgery
case was adjourned till Saturday, the
28rd Inst. Ball was given by each of the
accused, John Hamilton, Adam Loudon,
Robeitt Twibble, James Sammons, and
Thomas Gallagher. The Crown has not
Intimated reasons for the adournmeau.
In advanced stages of Con-
sumption, Scott's Emulsion
soothes the cough, checks
the night sweats' and pre-
vents extreme emaciation.
In this way it prolongs life
and makes more comforta-
ble the last days. In every
case of consumption—from
its first appearance to its
most advanced stages no
remedy promises a greater
hope for recovery or brings
comfort and relief equal to
Scott's Emulsion. Book on
the subject, free for the ask-
SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Out.
A S a laxative, one pill acts perfectly,
//A and if a stronger action is
desired a cathartic effect is produced
by two pills. In obstinate cases,
where a purgative is necessary, three
pills will be found sufficient. These
pills leave no unpleasant after effect.
One pill taken each night during
thirty days will cure constipation.
•RIOT WC. OR a FOR 91.00
Lorne, about "Queen
Easy o make $5 daily.
u Outfit free to canvassers
I� Frontward
'When a man gives us an order for a Suit of Clothes we
begin right then and there to look for his next order.
How? By making him the very best garment he ever
had, and charging him as little as we can afford.
This will bring him back nine times out of ten. Making
good clothes is not only commendable, but ought to
be profitable in the long run. That's the and we're
.looking frontward to.
New Goods, New Styles,
Large stock just arrived, consisting of Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables
and chairs. Bought of 25% off the list. It will pay you to drive ten miles for
these goods.
Picture Framing a speciality.
Ciawma retta&
PEI . . .
5 •
w � � ti i 4 � � •• � �i�'i���K� trtt'�tLtrt{dl•. �'•� 6• i � b �'�
Clinton Sash Toor 'Blind Facto
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma-
chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class-
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervis-
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in.
terior and exterior material.
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Illinds, Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GP.AYBYLL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices andiestimates before placing your orders
Special TEAS I TEAS 1,
am veer 9 CEYLON, ASSAM and JAPANS.1
W w� 8 pounds good Young Hyson Tea for 31.
Just to hand, 1 carSUGARS! SUGARS SUGARS!
Montreal Sugar I N. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Ras in barrels, one
g ((( hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices.
We keep the best Dmner, Tea and Bedroom Sete, Fancy China
assorted stock of Wed- I and Lamps. 25 percent less than regular price.
ding Presents in Huron. Call and see our goods and get prices:p'
FRESH SEEDS—Timotby, Red and Alsike Clover, Turnip and Mangel.
Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs.
J. W. IRWIN, - - - Clinton
I For the balance of this month
Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, At COSI
Handsome Toilet Sets
China Tea Sets,
Fancy hand painted Chinaware and Under.
Call and satisfy yourself that tbis is a bonagfide offer. Having
bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our customers
the benefit. Butter and Eggs taken as cash.
N. ROBSON'S, - Clinton.
The subscriber desires to intimate that he is still in the
Sewing Machine buoinees" and bas made arrangements with the
To handle their machines, and am prepared to give the public an article unsurpassed for
durability and the quality of work. They will be placed on trial free; we compate with all ma-
chines on the market. I also have other grades at less money, and will procure any machine,
manufactured, if desired. Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machines.
ASIUNQ MACHINES -1 am agent for the celebrated AuthoWayne Washer, the,
larges\Vt manufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine cannot IV boat in any respect. I
still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba Waahen. Also Clothes Wrin gets, beat in market
WX • MOORE, old stand, Huron St., Clinton
Money to burn is a com-
mon expression with some
people, but they don't
have it.
To burn, that's more like it, and get Coal that won't transform into clip'
We have the reputation for selling Hard Coal which is free of the clinker anti•-
stanoe, is clean stuff when delivered, and hot stuff when lighted. The only
trouble with it is that it burns. Leave your order with;us. We are now deliv-
ering for the coming cold weather.
BRWril Stoves, fiardivate,Aa
F n
, ..
Ciawma retta&
PEI . . .
5 •
w � � ti i 4 � � •• � �i�'i���K� trtt'�tLtrt{dl•. �'•� 6• i � b �'�
Clinton Sash Toor 'Blind Facto
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma-
chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class-
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervis-
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in.
terior and exterior material.
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Illinds, Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GP.AYBYLL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices andiestimates before placing your orders
Special TEAS I TEAS 1,
am veer 9 CEYLON, ASSAM and JAPANS.1
W w� 8 pounds good Young Hyson Tea for 31.
Just to hand, 1 carSUGARS! SUGARS SUGARS!
Montreal Sugar I N. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Ras in barrels, one
g ((( hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices.
We keep the best Dmner, Tea and Bedroom Sete, Fancy China
assorted stock of Wed- I and Lamps. 25 percent less than regular price.
ding Presents in Huron. Call and see our goods and get prices:p'
FRESH SEEDS—Timotby, Red and Alsike Clover, Turnip and Mangel.
Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs.
J. W. IRWIN, - - - Clinton
I For the balance of this month
Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, At COSI
Handsome Toilet Sets
China Tea Sets,
Fancy hand painted Chinaware and Under.
Call and satisfy yourself that tbis is a bonagfide offer. Having
bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our customers
the benefit. Butter and Eggs taken as cash.
N. ROBSON'S, - Clinton.
The subscriber desires to intimate that he is still in the
Sewing Machine buoinees" and bas made arrangements with the
To handle their machines, and am prepared to give the public an article unsurpassed for
durability and the quality of work. They will be placed on trial free; we compate with all ma-
chines on the market. I also have other grades at less money, and will procure any machine,
manufactured, if desired. Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machines.
ASIUNQ MACHINES -1 am agent for the celebrated AuthoWayne Washer, the,
larges\Vt manufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine cannot IV boat in any respect. I
still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba Waahen. Also Clothes Wrin gets, beat in market
WX • MOORE, old stand, Huron St., Clinton
Money to burn is a com-
mon expression with some
people, but they don't
have it.
To burn, that's more like it, and get Coal that won't transform into clip'
We have the reputation for selling Hard Coal which is free of the clinker anti•-
stanoe, is clean stuff when delivered, and hot stuff when lighted. The only
trouble with it is that it burns. Leave your order with;us. We are now deliv-
ering for the coming cold weather.
BRWril Stoves, fiardivate,Aa
F n