HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-29, Page 5,: , e Uhtou New Ery will be isent t �n�� s�.bscri errs �d a a �. e � ny d: r s n Araerxoato st Dec; '►re Slaughter Orli 1. of $0,000 worth of PATCHES, JEWELERY and SILVERWARE h ing in my store, at whole. ale s -p>], ea or below, from now lentil Christilmas. We`mnet nave the mo. ney, aqd if you want the goods at prima that asn't be beat, come to no. This ie a genuine sale, and every word that we say we mean. Every- thing will be cold at cost or below, until Chriatmas. Mind; we can give you prices that nobody can beat, as we are bound to reduce our stook by $3,000 worth stories. Come and get these great anspe, because they are worth coming miles to get. I B. Rumball Leader of "Jewelery Fashion FW " ti� R *3 igh e are , t At the verge of a pperiod of activity. If you wish proof of this come to Biddlecombe's and see what we have. At the Beginning of the fell season our, stook of Jewelery, Spec- tacles, cue. and prices will convince you. OUR SILVERWARE The prices on these arta. cles are away down. REPAIRING of every kind guaranteed to give satis- faction. 1. CLINTON s l/PACCLD" k New M ethod. . old style of trying to force geode on people "' not"' in here. We dy show ypn `the gouda on if You want to buy them it's all right, and if you don't it's the estns. The whole mat>jer is in year hands. Capes are a most useful article now. • 'east Sable CA ed. -27 inches long, fall shirt, sizes 36, 88 and 40, sok Op oseam Collar, quilted, all good all sold last year for 811, for 08.60. Van a]Dle Capba.-30 inches long, nicely trimmed and well gotten ,very warm and snag, at $9.60 and $10. rachan Canes.—Fashionable length, good ourl and well -lined, $16. longer cape than above, in same quality, at $18.50. A nape we find a -done is a Black Oppossam, fancy shot Bilk lining, 27-inohee long, 018.60 cavy Astrachan cape, very warm, and very stylish, beat lining, and a ndoome garment throughout, at $26. lies' Fur Coats.—Prioes vary according to quality—$26.50, $82,50, d $36 are numbers we.flnd good ones. A lady does not buy a Fur Cape cry year, and when she does buy she expects it to give her satisfaction. e strive to have only the best. BOOTS AND SHOES. It's perhaps well to remind -you that Shoes are sold, bore. Everything in shoes from a Baby's shoe No. 1 to a Man's Long Boot No. 11. Special lines in Girls at..................................75 and 80 cents.. Special lines in Ladies' at..................................$1 and $1.26. Special lines in Men's at ..............................900, $1 and $1.25. RUBBERS. Worth 45e for 35 cents for ladies. Worth 60 cents for 50 cents for men. We also sell the celebrated WILLIAMS PATENT BOOT. "come and See Us and Let Us Get Better Acquainted." LMcHinnon & Co., Blyth DID YOU EVER SEE how careworn faces can be made to look fresh, refined and younger? If not, try PROF. DORENWEND'S METHOD. See him on his visit to CLINTON, Rattenbury House; Saturday, Nov. 13. Thousands owe their good looks to his art and skilful devices. He has Gen- tlemen's Wigs and Touppees, Ladies' ' Wigs, haltWigs, Bangs,WaveyFronts Switches, &c. It will pay you to see and have these goods tried on, you will then be able to realize the true state of your personal appearance, Remember— .. •� - �- ;y at Rattenbury Mouse; Clinton Saturday, Nov. I3th. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Dr. Reed's Remedy for La Orippe, sold in the head, oto., is that ounce of pre- vention. It ie nota patent medicine, but a regular prescription put up; twelve wafers in a boa, with fall directions for a thirty-six hours' treatment. Thi$ treatment, if taken in time, will effectually cure all cases of La Grippe and cold in the head. 25c a Box. Winters'' Instant Cough Cure is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. J. E. HOVEY. SELL/NG 0UT1' :',: We are still selling out, no matter what others say ]!o the contrary. Our stock will be sold out as quickly as possible; owing to farming operations we are obliged to go out of the Dry Goods business, and the stock will have to be sold for what it will. bring. Come and share in the bargains; we will give you prices and values that no other house can give. We are well assorted in many ,„ lines; our stock was large when we commenced to re- '.: duce it, still we are very well assorted in Dress Goods; Staples, Ready Made Clothing, Tweeds, Sano&" si � .fiats and Caps W We have still a lot of Boots and Shoes, mostly youths ! and children's lines, way below cost price. Tapestry ! and Brussels Carpets. A lot of Ladies' Jackets, `k ferent makes and styles that we are almost giving away; come and see them. Blankets, Yarns, &c. PLUMSTYUOU & GIBBINGS, CLMTOX r _ t. F 4Y 01.vsalsitlon Sale _,AW Best heavy carr"" twilled Flannel, also plain, regular 45c,[or .... ... .371c 10-4 heavy, soft Blankets, regular 90c, sale 74c Factory Sheeting, 2 yds wide, half wool, twilled, regular 75c, for . ..... .. ..61c Beautiful green and cardinal Tabling, fast colors, regular 60c sale.... � ...... ..49c Splendid Cottonad.es, regular prices 16c,25c and 30c, sale .... .. .:.........12,19 and 22c Beautiful Crape Cretonnes, cream, cardinal, rose and black grounds with autumn leaves and vines. regular 18, 20 and '25, sale.... ................... 149 16 and 18c All wool fancy check factory Flannel, great thing for children's fall and winter dresses and skirts, regular 25, sale ............ 19c 20 colors and patterns in fine silk Gimps are laid out to sell at exactly cost price. Strong, good wearing Tweeds, regular prices 35 and 40, sale ........ . ....... 26 ana 2'9e -al, Heavy bleached Sheeting, 21 yds wide, twill- ed, regular prices 30 and 40, sale 27 and 31c Flour Oil Cloths, 1 yd wide 35, sale 25, 11 yds 40c, sale 34c; 4� yds 5.0c, sale 40c; 2 yds $1, sale ...........................83c Heavy soft wool socks, long and large, regu- lar 25c, sale ............................19c Heavy f'ur-lined calf mitts, regular 75, sale 59c Gents extra fine kid gloves, reg. $1.40,sale $1.10 Real Buckskin Mitts, warranted, unlined, regular price $1.25, sale..... ............98c Calf lined Mitts, regular 60c, sale.......... 49c Ladies' and Misses' Astrachan Gauntlets, wide sleeve cull, in blk and grey, regular $1.50, sale . 98c Ladies' fancy rough Scotch Tams, regular 50c, sale 39c; child's 40c for ..............32c Rea//y a Great Success' Girls' school caps, navy, blk, cream, regular price 25c, sale . ... .19c Ladies' warm vests, regular 25c, sale ......19c Misses and children's warm vests, 15c to 27c according to size. Men's long, warm, heavy ulsters, big collars, tweed lined, lona' skirt, reg $7.50, sale $5 25 Boys' heavy long uisters, big collars, tweed lined, regular $5.00, sale... $3 98 .. Ladies' Frieze Mantles, brown and blk, reg. $1.25, sale. .. ..... 98c Fur Capes in Greenland Seal, 32 in long and 72 in. sweep, regular $28 50, sale.......$21 00 A pile of boys' tweed o'coats laid out to be sold at $2 48 and upwards. Some big snaps in this pile. Men's fast blk sateen shirts, strong and good regular price $I 50, sale ................ $1 10 Another line fast blk sateen shirts; reg $1 00 sale.. .......... 7se Ladies' blk niggerhead heavy mantle cloth, all wool, regular $1 75, gale - - ........ $t 45 Ladies' fancy colored niggerhead mantling, stylish mixtures, regular $1 35, sale .. $1 05 Splendid heavy top shirts, warm and good, reg. 60c, sale . .49C Men's heavy working shirts, fast colors, col- lars attached, regular price 50c—sale- . 40c Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Pants, strong and good, regular 37 f e for .... ................ 30c Lovely things in black Feather Trimmings. in 2, 21 and 3 in wide, regular prices 38c, 50c and 75c—for ...... , ...25c, 35c and 49c Fur Edgings, nice things in black and cardi- nal, brown, fawn, black and silver grey— regular price 25c, sale price ... :.0.......ISe Cream Fur for Children's Dress and Cloak Trimmings, regular price 3.5c for ......... 25e u GILROY & WISE AN,* CLINTON MARKETS nadian method of delivery gives so much Unreserved Auction Sale L Corrected every Thursday afternoon. less trouble, says our contemporary, that OF Thursday, October 28th, 1897. the merchants give preference to the Can- adian eggs. FARM STOCKBakina" Car -- Wheat . .............. 0 81 a 0 81 ArmEs � ENGLAND.—A. London letter of Oats ............ 0 21 a 0 21 Field Barley the :9th says:—"Apples are at present spar- E. Thomas Brown has been instructed by Mr Powde y.......... 0 25 as 0 26 tial market. None in London. few in Liv -E. L. Farnham, to sell by public auction, on COMBEIS Peas. ................ 0 40 a 0 40 LOT 1 1 lRye .................. 0 40 w 0 40 erpool, and none to speak of in Glasgow; , CON. 9, HULLETT the supplies have been on a small scale, at 1 p. m., sharp, on Flour per cwt ....... 2 20 a 2 65 Butter in tolls ....... 0 lb a 0 16 and cannot be said to gauge values, sales TUESDAY, November 2, 1897 .flakes Better and Lighter � bong made at all the way between 10e and Butter tub--- ­C 14 a 0 la The following valuable Farm Stock, viz: COs• The best varieties received so far CATTLE—Threo Cows supposed tin calf Eggs per doz.......... 13 a 0 13 � from "Canada have been Culverts, Maiden's to a thorobred bull, l dry Cow, 4 Steers BISCnIts than any othel'rs rising t " Hay new $4; old...... 6 00 a 700 Blush and.Alexanders, ranging between els three years old, 3 Steers rising 2,3 Heifers ria- Speepskins .......... 0 25 a 0 25 and 17sti6d er bbl, fug 2 2 yearling Heifers, 8 Spring Calves. I Combe, -Manufacturing Chemist, Wool 0 18 a 0 18 p SHEEP -Five well-bred Ewes, G Lambs. BAm,GAWTLF MARKET.—The Mail -Empire, PIGS—Ono Berkshire breeding Sow supposed No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25 gatnrda�, says:—"There is no shipping to be in pig; 2 young breeding Sows 3 mos. old ' w Physicians' Supplies+ Potatoes.............. 0 40 a 0 60. trade hi cattle of any consequence just now; ` All will positively be sold without reserve. Uloyer Seed retail.... 5 50 a 5 60 ; markets in the United Kingdom are bad, I TERMS—All sums of $6 and under, cash:over Timothy Seed......... 2 50 a 2 50 that ""`t 12 months' credit will be given on farlAwhioli keeps stuff here and weakens the lo- cal 'brad�e- Trade at Montreal is bad. Ad- sIx .p r con pproved ,l')owed tor. cash on ore p a The Goderich Star of last week Gaya edx per Dent wd11 be allowed fir cash on ore ` "A close observer of market quotations 9n dad to 'these factors, we have them' amu+sacs. the towns surrounding Goderich,.aannot fail weather, and the local cattle trade is no- 1. BROWN, Aust, E. L. FARNHAM, Prop to have noticed that the average psi sea paid where. 'there were about ten loads of here for &U kinds of grain and farm znv oe shippen here, but no one wanted them, CIDER PRESS FOR SALE. are equal to,ng if not better than, ttioae pard in and roes were nominal! from to 40 surrounding towns." P Y � — i per pousdt scarcely any sold. " A hand Cider Press, capable of making a bar. Housekeeper Inits market quotations tike Star �,s+aTtiADE TNCIIEABING: Balinese in rel a day, do good wor>fing orfler, for sale cheap says:— ( A.1se lstrgo Reed kettles-0Pr s:R STRAITH, Canada'bontinnee to improve, all is exam- Fall wheat, Standard.......... $0 76 to $0,761 edified, mot. only in the Dominion trade re- Udirxon. Spring whoat Standard........ 7t to 741 tu��� #, bat in the bank circulation for the BOARDERS WANTED: Deli hts in having eaubtiful Dishes with_ The quotation for wheat in Gliaton, i past�onth. The official trade returns for _ as published in the NEw ERA set; Cauads dor September again show a large Good accommodation for several youngmen, whit% to decorate their table. week, was 80c. If this is what the ; increase in the exports. Exclusive 02 hal- cbse to the Organ Factory—a splendid plane Star means by prices equal to those of Tion, the•exports for the quarter amount to LGr'employoos, at reasonable cater. other towns, it simply proves thwtt(rlod- $12,,000j000 more than for the same period M E. >110oRE, Rattenbury St. Dost.�. Our stock of China, Crockery and GlaSSwa erich is not in it as a market compared last year. The imports for the month were STRAY CATTLE. With Clinton. valued at:$t1:2,057,116, an increase of $727,- 1S now very complete. n 080. The revenue from the eustome Strayed from lot 23, coo. 3, Goderich Town- �, MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS asiaunted 40,,$1,910,175, an increase of $99- ship, about eve weeks ago six: calves, three be- TEA SETTS Two Casks Finest French j- 864 Ztihe imports show an increase for the fog light eyish color, and the others red—the • , gtoy ones being the largest; 4 of them steers and China Montreal, Qui. '23.c t There were about Soo quarter of $fD14,000. The month of Sep- 2 he&fera. Anyone giving information that will Meakin's semi -porcelain, printed in head of butchers' cattle 40 calves and 2,000 tember �abaaged a decrease to an increase. ]bad to their recovery wdilbeeudtably rewarded. floral design, blue and brawn color- TEA SETTS. sheep and lambs offered for sale at the Aaet Of the above three red ones haus been located iii i7 1 1 �7 End .Abattoir to -day. There was a much larg. ing, 44 pieces, per sett .............. $3 . er proportion .of pretty good cattle on the �y�yryry C� the light grey ones are stilt away and supposed - Clyde shape, market today than has been the case for "v- new C'�1dit;r0ocla uto. to be together. y p shaded border, floral de. r,• ftOBT. ELLIOTT, Porter's Hill. Combined Dinner and Tea Sett same signs, 44 pieces .................... $g'' oral months past, consequently the prieeeof � ns, g 97 as above good beef were lower than they were lastvveek , pieces, sett .............. $8 while common shock brought slightly higher FOUND. Very fine French china, with delicate STOCK FOIL SALE. Semi Porcelain, ale teen coloring, ink flowers and old band 44 pieces.,$>1 prices than on Thursday. l ; Prime beeves sold A ladies' Shawl fondd between the Clarendon P g g, p g ' so from from to 4c per l p pretty good animals floral design, old penciling, Five O'clock Betts—Tea pot, water q sold at from Sc to :3$c per lb.; common dry stable and Electric ight works, on Wednee TEIID�Q9 will be received by the under- g , g p g, 97 pee., p j g, cows and rough young stock brought from 2c day. Owner easy have the same on proving prof signed u to Saturday ocWher 30th fact. at Gott • • ,, $10 cream pitcher, sugar bowl, Cups and to 3c, and the leaner old cows and hard -look- poety and paying for this ad. NE W ERA. 8 P. m., for the stook s�iop flittures, machinery ' ' " saucers, bread and butter plates, very ing bulls from ije tto lie per lb. Calves sold and tools belonging to the estate of H. L. toda at from 83 to x15 each, or from Be to 4}e• • BROWN, Insolvent. Porcelain, 'Blas Argyle." beautifully thin, shaded in delicate pink and er lb. Shippers actio paying So per ib for good Thorobred Jerseys for Sale Upon application at any time full particulars shaded and decorated, gold tracing, blue, gold penciling, 18 pieces, sett....�� t` aa,;e Ib, Jamba cell at from S7�c to 4}o per will be given and the stock ore. shown to in- new shapes, very attractive, 97 poll... $13 Chocolate Bette—Frame quality color lb, Fat he bring fzom 4$o to 6c per lb. For sale, on reasonable torms, a number of tending tenderers. Terme cash; no tender no] q Y, thorobred Jerseys, registered in the American cessarily accepted. and design as the tea setts, 13 pieoes Jersey Cattle Club. 10 Cows and 10 Heifers, W. RRYDONE, J. P. TIBDALL, Olympia, dinner sett, brown, floral de- CGommencial Notes near! all to Calf. 6 1tu17s. Stook is all IIret• Bread and Milk or Porridge Sete -8 nclass.rly J. CARPENTER, Solicitor for the Assignee. Assignee sign, hard body, firm finish, 97 pieces.. $6 feces bowl, BErrFR CABLES ox $AY. Cables have Inglodalo Stdck Farm, Winona. places, pitotier and plate, large been received from both Liverpool and White Granite Tea setts 40 assortment, pink, blue, oanar 600 900 pieoee..$1.76 Y•• , London, reporting sales of Canadian hay Farrhjor Sale or to Rent. 1 110DAR,N Fruit Setts—Embossed, delicate color. at 75s in both places, which shows an ad- Same with 44 pieces..................$2 iags, beautiful designs, 13 pas, $1.50, $2 The south half of lot 5, concession 0, Town- rI V vance of 2e upon prices reported by mail. ship of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 Boras L� • White En lisp China, Fine china batter dishes, 3 pieces, 40 to oda cleared and in good state of oultivativatlon. R gilt bend and FIGH Fon BRITAIN.—The steamer Toko �eprig, oups and cancers, tea size, doz•$1.10 Salad bowls..................40o to sailed on Saturdayfrom Vancouver for 9 hero aro a drivithee promises n frame house, frame barn, frame drive hoose; good orchard, never- Who is more a slave than the women + Liverpool with a cargo of 11,786 cases of failing sup ly of spring water. Situated i mllo who worries and perspires over a red- Tea Plates, per dozen................90c Cream Jng............... , ......15 to 2511 canned of Lrozeln and salted salmon dee y Will be sold on ion p p . • $1 40 Spoon holders .................. lb to 250,; from the v Ilage of Blyth. salmon, $411,5131, sonablo terms. Appyi to C. HAMIf.TON„Blyth hot stove to do the family baking. Dinner totes, per dozen........ quantity or THOS. R. WR UP Executor, 048 Princess Nineteenth eentnry women deserve a Celery dishes....................40 to 600 MANITOBA'S CHOICE WDRAT.—The books Ave., London, Ont. better fate. Genuine old fashioned Mustards ...................... 10 to 25o r of the Dominion Government Inspector at TOILET SETTS. Fort 'William show that up to the 19th inst Family Bread at Breakfast Cruets .................... 75ti 5,505oars of wheat of this season's prop .,Pirie James McClachert 'S 10 pieoes, large ewer and basin, printed Cheese dishes, floral decoratione,n..,.9bo had been delivered at that point, represent• y f in blue, brown, pink and maroon.. $2.25 Fine china shaving mugs, ...20o, 260, 804 ing approximately 4,260,000 bushels. Paro, light and flaky, cheap aspbak• Toilett sett, same as above, but fewer Bets—Butter, spoon, sugar and cream ?, Soarp& in at home too. W e still lead in ................. $1.75 jag.. , ............ , ..25o, 50o, $1, 81,�ih CANADIAN BACON.—Cable adVICe9 have g , plOCea........... been received, reporting afurther decline of Ice Cream and 4s per owt. in the price of Canadian bacon Only One month more t0 in Enland within the last two weeks. This y Ice Cream Soda. We have a very full range of Fancy Glassware, btltt makes a decline of about 10s from top, lat. guess on the mammoth have not space to describe it in detail. Should you be lookii k est cable gnotations being 46s to 50s for As we have now a new and np-to-date d beet brands of lean. bar of soap. fountain with patent syrup jars. Call for a we ding present, you will find desirable goods ini CANADIAN EGGS.—We read in a British COME IND GUESS andlkv our new first prize this stock that cannot be procured elsewhere, contemporary that the Liverpool egg mer- 0111cano Lunch Bakes. chants declare that they will boycott Irish eggs unless the producers pack them in Como early as they sell quickly, • ��� boxes that need not be returned. Tho Cd- JAS,STEEP, Clinton Weddina eak0s a Specialtir . The Cash Dealer, Loudesboro, I L _MW61 do ,* : ....:. ,..E. ... .».:......,_.... , i.e. __. _ - �.�a.