HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-29, Page 2I �'6 a11 � . �(drl THE s. c1 a1R �IvI:R), I °; We havo stWants from the fol- , 1pwl . , p4aces attending this well t t' � : � s: npwn institution of learning:— ti . Boo, atiquet, 1; Forest, 3; Wyom- j �t lug, ; ,1,'etrolra, l; Pt. Edward, 1$, P% Huron, Mich.., 13; Ocala, 1111:?l 1; Sault lite Marie, Mich., 1; 4 p,I'esdeq,. 2. Moore, 1, Sarnia, 15, + Wrote for catalogue t ', - A. S. NINNO , ` ,' iso date appointed for Thanksgiv ist## rltty, Nov. 25, is too late in the sra 'poAi; being only a month Prom Christ 1 lids 4 if held earlier in the month, the pFobabilitiea are that the wealhei I *.,Ould be more pleasant also. Qtit this distance we cannot tell wha P' fret.;the reasons preventing an appoint `1 ilaent. being made to the North Went a;":,'"",- 1'!vo]ftla Registrarship, but it seems t °' *i,d at it would be wisdom to fill th, vacancy at once, and the Regialrar' 14 `lush# e'ebould'be H. F. Gardner; we fee I rHGltisfled that this appointment wil 1,#a;ae the sanction of the newspapers- eea the Hamilton Spectator. Hl. v�,,`, - h . he, Dominion Year Book shows tha f,J 1890—the latest year of which figure i yL Lto;04tainable—the following were th+ oCl,itvietionv for ]Drunkenness:—In On +4t11;<'io, 3132; Quebec, 4307; Nova Scotia ; Li New Brgnswick, 1205; Manitoba diBritish Columbia, 498; P. E. Island 1� ;;the Territories, 220—Total, 11,558 kri`'We'at'e afraid the follows who ward i,adrfluk; but were not convicted, would fs 'oil these figures amazinffly. As i ?* -.,, ' .e they would be "fuller. fil, �, , ' According to a Winnipeg dispatch i � �'O 6minelit Roman Catholic of the I ;city' has received a letter from Rome t1Eli avbieh is given what is oupposed td k k tie �tthe correct finding of the Vatican Gln the Manitoba school question. Thi r ' ecision is said to be entirelyfavorabid the'settlement reached between thi `,,� i toba and' Federal Government ,; fliould this prove to be correct, it wil seftfe the question for all time, an( ' ;c:,lhalvs the wisdom of Mr Laurier's con a ciliation Polley. ¢A here seems to be a chronic desire of � tlie. isrt of the Conservative press tc `' i.ttle everything done by the Liberals, Vf�by this should be we cannot ,under- s^aloud, as many good and honest Con. k,, eiwatives are quite willing, and do, , ptftb the Government praise for many '�ti g acts. They see that the Liberal vers are tan governing the country, �alld; iso gaii��iiing the confidence of all 'thiaking mbn, as to render a return of � ".. ,., ,frier! to power a very remote ' pflSaliil,ity. Cine of the bugbears ao'Per - eisteiutly advanced. is extravagance, ftgd•;with all their attempts fail to hon-. i3tTI Ish0 . where a dollar has been ;ysptfnt without a corresponding benefit r the country. Money is cheap and ..4 :ilroumatances demand that pro- " -must be made, and all progressive ]pden.hail with satisfaction the advent ba]Government determined honestly t4.odvance. The works being carried `., 4,jkre absolutely necessary. The mon y:e being judiciouslyapent,aodcheap- il,, "obtained. Itis passing Strange to us q!}ji j?, writers for the public shotild be- epme'so partisan -blind As to be unable tt)°'s80 any good in anything that nee not . emanate from their own q9 -r This state, of things cannot be oorfor oily people; let the parties be istinct, but let each approve what is i t and oppose what is wrong, no ­ 11t 'r_W ere it originates. ',Jtth. olution of the much considered il&N problbm has not yetibeen found. e 4u0tion has resolved itself in this: ] #L.,*e,:prepared to stand the threaten- il4croaSe of duty to four dollars per GoiS id on our lumber going into the gitIStaters? There is no doubt about Q A ffittiicans wanting lumber, and , i� .. ea. erto buyloura than to man 11 e, L ' 6 it out of their own forests,and tl U'd�zn be done by importing logs ' &,wIas'nufacturiag it at their own mills q)e&;vett double advo ntage—keeping Olr'. mills running and conserving pit' oa+)t timber,which they are fear - d, ok.yksc}�g exhatisted. The impost of o $ytf"dollar duty is a move to this fit=tile threatened increase to four ,114rig,%joems very much like a bluff. oia!i9'6iie course o en to oar Govern - ;(%6r And that is to fully consider what ,l5est,ftlr' the country and then do it, 'ilelletrdent of what the Americaus gib, ;pc threaten to do. There seems gooclreason why we should consider e,1at •all in the matter, the duty is a ,6611 to make it more profitable to i �itp rage than in lumber, but we st 'telco, into consideration the t tlxttt shinning in logs will destroy .. 'nlillif;Sg industries and greatly tend Elie` Abstraction of our own supply. 11j gAf' MANY AILMENTS. rldt ;, I have been taking medicines )ivo.r ,,Qomplaint, rheumatism, heart bio titia nervous p§oetration, but three -Plt• W. _cod's liar aparills have done Or$ goad than ane, other medicine I a $ver.taisen. I heartily reoommond it ► rno n Mloh. Db '9e .i Jtl . sS , A. , big 'PILLS are the only pills to 1b lJdoxo Sarsaparilla. Easy, yet 1. Iwonv+ , u , !O , . .1 .11 I ',I . , , 1 . , . `to od V71iVOL Crisp► Calull�ty Clippiugs The entire .Qt ff ..qf tvAgllers of the Hansall' public school leave been re- enego, 1111, .George Mu rax, aeAforth, ship - M34! it car load of ducli,.sand geese to e United States'last we.e4t. Messrs Holman and J. Whid on d , teachers bf'B'ttytldfd'public school, have been re-engaged for the coming year. Mr. Matthew Finkbeiner, of Stephen, had his collar bone broken one day last wea,k by being cr4abcd in a 4tr)til4 by a team of horses, + Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers may be prevented by keeping the blood pare, 1 and the system toned up with Hood's dor• } eaparills. 1, The trustees of No. 2, Tuckersmith, I have been showing their appreciation I of their capable teacher, Mr Forsyth, 1 by re-engaging, him for another year. 1 Miss Jessie McLaughlin, daughter of ITktos. McLaughlin, Gorrie, has been 1 engaged as teacher in the Junior De- partment of Gorrie Public Sahool for . next year. Mr Edwin Bailey, teacher near Hays- ville, has been re-engaged for 1898 at a • salary of $375. Next year will be his . third year, and every year sees an in- crease in his Salary. 3 On Wednesday of last week, after a number of wouths of lingering illness, Mrs Richard Graham, north of Gorrie, passed away. Shortly before death tine was able to sit up. F. S. Scott sold last week the west quarter of loe'21, concession 9, illorris, containing 50 acres, for John Douglas, i for $1:,800, to Peter McArthur, of the same ownship 3 Mr and Mrs Hugh Acheson, Kippen, 1 who have been residing in Michigan I for the past six won ths, came back latit - 'week. They are fully convinced that there is no place like Canada. Mr James Hudson, who has been living in Egmondville during the pabt t two years, moved to Mr Sames Cum - 3 mings' farm on Monday last. He has rented it for a term of years. On Tuesday of last week, Mrs W. G. Strong, Gorrre, received a telegram ' from Hamilton, conveying the bad in - i telligence of the death of her brother, MrUeo. Marshall, of the township of Glanford. I The sympathy of our readers is ex- t tended to Mr and Mrs Joseph Glolley,of Wingham, on account of -the death of their infant daughter, Verda Adella Mildred, which took place Thursday, L There was a very happy sociltl event t at the home of Mr and .Via Eli Elliott, Turnberry, on Wednesday last, when ' Miss Annie Maud Hardaker, of Hills- ) burg, became Mrs Samuel Elliott, The i ceremony wavperformed by Rev Jae, , Hamilton, of Wingham. With deep regret we report the 3 death of Mrs Thos, Kelly, of Dash- wood, at the home of her daughter, I Mrs J. Mellick, of Hay, Mrs Kelly had I been troubled for about a year with paralysis and on, Tuesday of last week passed away at the age of 69 years. Robert Down, of Bethesda, had the misfortune on Saturday forenoon to break one of his legs. He was assisting 1 at a threshing at Joseph Harvey's, Thatbes Road, and while backing the engine down the grade from the barn, they lost control of it, when the tongue struck Mr. Down on the leg. Last Thursday Mrs. Geo. Mansion of Exeter, was summoned to the bed- side of her father, Mr. McGregor, who is at present in Aylmer suffering from J an acute attack of inflammation. Very little hope is held out for his recovery as he is nearly eighty years of age. Messra.Watson Bro's.,o Logan, Son; of air Henry Watson, of Jeaforth, have purchased the Archer farm, ad. joining the corporation of Mitchell, for the sura of $5,000. The farm consists of 111 acres; thereare very good build- ings, and is well wateredby two flow- ing springs. We regret to announce the death of Chas, McDonald, Walton, on Sunday. He had been prostrated by a paralytic stroke about a year ago, from wbdeb he never recovered, although he was able" to get around until a month be- . fore his death. He was nearly 66 years of age. An old resident of East Wawanosh passed away on Monday last, in tbe- person of Walter E. Nichol, fn the 87tb + year of his age. Deceased had been to , resident of this township for a great ' many yearsi and bud been ailing for some time. The remains were interred in the Befgrwve cemetery on Wednea- ' day. Avery prett�y and) quiet wedding took place cit Wednesday in Kincar- dine. The contracting parties were I Mr W, Freeman and .Miss Joanna Mc- Kay, both of ;8eaforth. " The ceremony was performed by Rev Mr Murray, at • the residence oft Mr ROSS, the bride's brother-in-lavR%in the pnesence of a few friends. Mr Thos. Ward, of Varna, beats Mr Modeland in the matter of growingse. cond cropps. 'This season, h Ward had dinner 611 a second gwowth of beans. The vines are again la bloom, and if the frost keeps off. Mr Ward will have a third crop. The seedof these ]beans was broughtout to this country by Mrs Ward's father in MI. Mrs Inglis, widow of the late Rev. Walter Inglis, of. Ayr,. and mother of Mns A. McLean;.of Blyth, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Cowan, 122, Huron St., Toronto„ on Thursday of last week. Deceased was the daugh- ter of Rev John Dickson, missionary of the Jhurclsof Scotland at Karass. Russia, where she was. born. - Mr James eDowell4. who has 11dhad ' one of Mr W. Ubwler's farms on the . Huron road rented for some years, has ' leased the farm, on the 2nd con., of Tuckeramith,, at present .occupied by Mr W. Coleman,, for a term of five years, at the aunual rental of $200. Mr Coleman has purchased a farm in ' Bay and intends removing to lkin the spring. On Tnesday evening Mr D. Stewart's family, of Wingham, heard the cries of a child and upon investigation, a , a child. apparently four or five years of agei was found in the field on the t n The 'child was at side of he._h x . ea a taken to the house and cared for, and word sent to the neighbors to learn whose child it was, but no one seemed to know.The same evening Mrs Gris- wold, who`tesides . do ''V'ictoria, street, , calve and ele.medWA child. ; Mr John Wlud farthdr who resides d on the 9th coil. f Stephen, while on I hla Way to to* on Mondays lasts lost i r .......,.ma.._ . L . !.-..—•....,,.... a Cheq ue for $17 and.@ome conta,which be lied received fropl Mr A, Q. Bobier. ; Too Many of Them Monti N and which be wav-Soing to got cashed "The Londoli News sttysa---"The, fall, 000,000 bears 34-4per,cent, $52,000,000 Ex -teller Ponton,of Napanee,will sue bears 3 per cent.,. e27ti0 ,000 5 per cent., the Dominion Bank.for $50,000dawages at O'lrlell's bank tltt4t arty. Oil d4scov- fair baa dJn is now over for 1897, and the The average rate of iriterestpa*d;in 1896 was 3,23.per The investigation into the charges cent.---Tbronto World. agrtinst Judge Woods, of Pertb, is fur- STOUT PEOPLE, ering that thechegtae wa,q gone he us. usual cumber of smell jokes have been l John -,Toulouse, of Dover Township, was people are in danger of having the heart muscles gradually weakened by infil. accidentally shot aaad.killed wnile out quail shootiug.with Mr. Martin Carlisle of Chat- tration of fat. 'Phis can be prevented by ,once proceeded to the bank to tit op cracked at their expense- That is ail ytfpde and lt4erit Maintatnp tlieaont4dl�ias payment, but to.his great surprise he , very well so far as it goes, It is good of the people,in Hood►p E a%noParillp, Its was just fifteai} minutes too late; to be merry, but out, mirth should a1- medicine cures you lviXensick; ifiti>r�akca the cheque had been cashed by, some ways he tempered with wisdoin. The wonderful cures everyWhexe,then beyond t e unknown person. fairs, i ' V n are Of Ia1' ata a ell it ills `eater e large et i s , rlt. merit- i eases e ue ion that mad iliac W at lra ]i» ' Robt. lit of con 2, Tuckersmfth, ' met with it veryy� accident on r [ is o country. but rest adva t e t t o c. n u tthesmall.townshi nd county fairs P .s� � painful Monday last. While descending it hill I have a field of their own That nyothing Toronto, has been arrested on, the charge Prestonon Saturday last,ancl, whoasked �: on a bicycle, he met Mr Horton, who was in the direction f else can supply. Were there no other season, the were social aspect of the has decided not to accept the same, Aon' Mr V.W. Ogilvie, who has returned going opposite with a horse and bn a the were gam' y ; caro is a[t .Argument, in favor of the small fairs that cannot be overcome. Us seat in the St. Marys -town council, to lv impressed'With what he saw in the anter the mayoralty contest was re-eleoted about meeting, Mr 1lotton s horse It does men --and women too—good to , That is just the truth about Hood's Bar* shied slightlyy ata culvert, swerving the Toady and Mr Bell, before he mingle with their neighbors. and the saparilla. We know it possesses merit t r He was could Stop, ran into he 1g fall fair, if, for no otber reason, is worthy of support on this ground I because it eures,'nOt once or twice or a hundred times but in thousands and thrown from his wbeel, dislocating his along," shoulder and recelving other injuries i Ill the covipty of HLiron there were ' thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanentl. when all others of a painful nature, P ' . tail to do auy good w veer. We repeat! Two serious accidents happened at the residence of Andrew Simpson, in tliirteen or futikeeh fairs held inie season; ;. ,, "" P as Grey, near Jamestown. They were cutting corn for the silo, wheat the eon. Calvin, his foot not a solitary one was what I I might be called a big fair-; g g the writer • attended most of them, and at each �umora; 35 cents. 0 i . The suddeitdeath of Mr. George M. Pull- youngest got caught in the horsepower, and bad his ruet this remark from exhibitors about 7 o'clock in his dental office by about man. Mr. Pullman. was 'a million. one of his assistants. heel badly crushed. The next day an older son, Charles, got his hand caught 'the Ione and others ''There aro too man small' y ':+ Sarsaparilla in the gear of cutting box, and shows; why don't you advocate the [°thebest--infaattbeOneTrneBioodPnrfIler. lost two fingers and a thumb. The I joiningof several together and hold Dr. Fiset,AL P., has been oallpd to the next day the one who Rot his heel hurt took lock jaw, from which he died on one good show." The difficulties of j } aura nausea, indigestion, Hood"s Pills blllousnesa 25oegM Thursday of last week. The funeral such an accomplishment were pointed tallle, Wriservativo. Dr. Fiset is a promr. took plane on Saturday and was the olit, yet with emphatic insistence they •---•--- largSimest,,een here for some time. The mould urge union. Any one who tin- A winning Presence. Simpsons have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereave- derstands the matter admits that there Adistigguished bearing is the most ust ful posed ion a woman can have. Sh ment. ;ire too nonny; that it is not fair—no maybe absolutely plain of face and featur Ontario . 9,416 Quebec ..... I . .................18,904 intended --to keep therm up, but and yet if sue leas a "prosanco" make The case between the trustees of sebool section No. 6 and the corpora- 1 .joke how to secure a better state of affairs pretty woman feel isaigul2bant by con trast. She may be as poor as a churn' tion of McKillop has been dismissed, is the problem. mouse and yet make her richer sistor so the trustees and inspector will know There is a great deal of f Tree in what most envious. The first requisite for more about law now. It mi ht be well for your readers to know all about the the News says as to the social aspect womafi who desires a "presence" to back bone. In other words, she must knor case. The h ustees called a meeting to of the fairs.. Many attend them for no how to stand well. Head up, shoulder consider the propriety of building a other purpose in the world than to straight, abdomen in, feet firmly planted new school house last Jannary, and meet friend.-, young fellows and their that will make any woman presentable a motion was carried to build a new girls go out for a good tune. But ad- If you don't believe it, you doubting sfe school house and pay for it in three tilitt I'M this, the question arises, is it ter with the shirt waist that never is o; years, but no sum of money mention- right for the goveeunlent to make a good terms with your dress skirt an ed nor any rate of interest named. A grant to agricultural societies simply whose collar insists on omeping up abou second meeting was called in March to to cilltivate it social feeling? It seems to its that the Legislature sbould your ears, just practice getting into thoa get authority to burrow the money, but the majority of the rate payers at re- consider the basis on which the grant postures for one straight week and the: report. Fifteen minutes a clay for thre the second meeting was opposed to is made and work at any rate towards months will make over any woman who 1 the proposed building. The trustees P g• reducing the number of so2feties. not afraid of getting then requested the council to pass a by-law authorizing them to borrow A and -Sent Bleesin t'' -T.w,.: am-- -- -. Tiled Ia;.trl:coma. the money in accordance with rzsolu. tions of the first meetin The conn- g Mr B. F. Wood, of Eassoon, Pa., was a I Tiled bathrooms appeal to the eu11 aril to the sonsibilities and sanitary considers cil refused. The trustees brought the great sufferer from organic heart disease. He never expected to be well again, but Dr, tions of meetie but don't put thele Your Inspector to the council meeting, who assured the council that the resolution Agnew's Cure for the Heart was his good he lives —the tiles—in1so hotu d, the lumber say, The bathroom has an uneven tam of the first meetingof the rate -payers was all that was required and that the angel, and to -day so tell it to man others, hoar him- I was for fourteen years s peuattue. When the hot water is tri = on and the room is filled with stearin Minister of Education said so. The a great sufferer from heart disease, had smothering spells, palpitation, pain in left .everything capable of ezpanlpiori !n th council still refused and wanted the resolution l accordance with section side and swelled ankles. Twenty physieans room ands only , yto be '� by + speedy contraction when ths, r wm return 70 of the school act. The trustees then applied to the high court for a ma- PP treated me, but I got no relief. I used Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. tine does re- to its normal temperature. Thi1 unevei trAatment the tiles nesen t< and they shot g damus to compel the council to pace bottle �a inside of S minutes, Several bottles oared me." Sold by WettS Co, it by dropping out Pevseuia to whom th the by-law sari the case has bang since t c4 ex nse is nota u 1?e their q a,lll. arereinovlaag th' tiles iu twihiiiama and are havint the eleventh of August until the I8th of October, when it was dismissed. It What Country Pan Beat This ttham reg ed w4h slate of marble, wWW lna may be of interest to other council to —_ The $10,000,000 loan floated in Lon- Lon can be fastened seastely. know the result here, assuch c+tse9 - don last week will bear interest at 2,73 Rev Mr and Mrs McDonagh span may come up, per cent. This is an ex4eedingly sat. Sunday in Kincardine, where Mr Mc . isfactory transaction as far its Canada Donagh preached and lectured in con BETTER THAN THE RLONuYKE. is concerned. It is evidence to the vection with ananniversary. The rev Mra world that Canada's financial repute• gentlemen's services are much in ques E. Winkworth, Morrison street, tion is hardly second to Great Britain every Sunday being spoken for tip td Niagara Falls, Ont., says: '•I wasattaoked herself. We doubt if any other conn- the end of November, and one Sunda3 by kidney trouble about two years ago, and try in the world can borrow money at in December. steadily grew worse until November last, a lower rate than that which Canada when 1 bet•%me so low that I thought I would live only a short"time !Roger. The will pay on this new loan. According to the statistical year book just pub - FAILURE IMPOSSIBLE. doctor here pronoouc.:d my casell compli- lished, the last Canadian loan was When Nerviline—nerve pain oure—is sp cation of Bright's disease and dropsy, and floated in IW4. It was for $2,500,000 plied. It matters not of how long standing said I could not get well. Dr. MacDonald and the actual rate of interest payable its penetrating and pain subduing power ii advised mato try Doan's Kidney Pillar as it on it is 3.10per cent. The difference in such that relief is almost instantaneous was my only chance to get well. I did so the rate Of interest between the last Nerviline ie a nerve pain cure. This state and now can truly say tbat I owe my life to and the presenia loan is thea efore of meat expresses all; try it and be convinced following his advice for I am strong and .43 1 percent., or virtually 1.2 per cent. well to -day. My life has been spared to my Th• • -1. l three children and I think Doan's Pills are rs is a rema ata a decrease within a period of thre,e•years, In 1885 a loan worth their weight in gold, of $4,000,0Mwas,doated at 4.03 per cent. Of our total ptabde debt, $1.18,006,000 NJ9W5 NOTES bears 4 per cent. interest, while $27,- 000,000 bears 34-4per,cent, $52,000,000 Ex -teller Ponton,of Napanee,will sue bears 3 per cent.,. e27ti0 ,000 5 per cent., the Dominion Bank.for $50,000dawages and' on $1,000'"- we pay 0 per cent. for faidse arrest. The average rate of iriterestpa*d;in 1896 was 3,23.per The investigation into the charges cent.---Tbronto World. agrtinst Judge Woods, of Pertb, is fur- STOUT PEOPLE, tiler adjourned until Novewbev 10th. Stout John -,Toulouse, of Dover Township, was people are in danger of having the heart muscles gradually weakened by infil. accidentally shot aaad.killed wnile out quail shootiug.with Mr. Martin Carlisle of Chat- tration of fat. 'Phis can be prevented by hams using Milburn's Heart and. Nerve Pills. Mr Jas. Belly, Hamilton, Ont.,.writew. "I have Lieut: Col. H�unier,.of, Grenville has been sick and feeble for Ave' years, with a left the Patrons. He was a strong ad. weak, fluttering heart, sinking feeling, net. vocate of the Patron. platform at the vousness•, shortness,of breatrh3 etc., but am last election. now glad tosay Milburn's Heart and 'Nervdl At the Guelph Assizes. Miss Florence Me- Niven of Owen Sound was given a. verdict Pills have completely cured all my heart and nerve troubles, and given me back my of $800 and costs against Rev. Mr. Hope health." • of Erin fos breach• of promise of marriage. Mr Howell, who was given, the. South W. E. Bessey,. a prominent physician of Waterloo Conservative nomination at Toronto, has been arrested on, the charge Prestonon Saturday last,ancl, whoasked of murder said performing a criminal oper- for a short time to consider the. same,, ation. The arrest has caused a big sena- has decided not to accept the same, Aon' Mr V.W. Ogilvie, who has returned Mr. Charles Richardson, who resigned t0 Montreal, expressed himself as great - Us seat in the St. Marys -town council, to lv impressed'With what he saw in the anter the mayoralty contest was re-eleoted Northwest. He says the farmers in to fill the vacancy by acclamation. on Manitoba and the Northwest have this Friday. season had the greatest good fortune [setting, Bnrning Skin -Diseases Cared for in a magnificent wheat crop. 35Cents. London. was startled Thursday by a Dr.Agnew's Ointmect relieves in one day the sudden death of Dr. George C.Davis,. snd cures tatter, Salt rheum, piles, scald one of the most popular citizens, and a' Dead, eowma,barber'a itch„°ulcers,. blotches man vt•idely known throughout the snd all eruptions of the akin. Itis soothing Province for hie Iiiasonic prominence.' snd note like magic in the ours of all baby Dr. Davis that evening took an inhal- �umora; 35 cents. ation of chloroform for sleepleas or The suddeitdeath of Mr. George M. Pull- headache, Cvhich must have roved im- merilately fatal, for he was found dead man, of Chicago, Monday morning, re- moves from business life a much -talked- about 7 o'clock in his dental office by about man. Mr. Pullman. was 'a million. one of his assistants. sire. He invented the sleeping oar which. This year 35,945 samples of seed grain Dears his name, and, retaining the patent were sent out from the Experimental and the right to construct and to ruts the farm at Ottawa. Dr, Saunders testified carriage, soon accumulated great riches, that many farmers value these samples Dr. Fiset,AL P., has been oallpd to the highlq, and in some districts the use- Asnato for the. district. of Bonaventuro.ren- fui and prolific sorts which have been iered vacant by the death of Senator Rob]- sent out forseveral years past, have at. tallle, Wriservativo. Dr. Fiset is a promr. ready become the-,jeading varieties in sent Liberal. His appointment will leave cultivation. The quantity sent out three vacancies in the Commons, the other chid year wasabout 63 tons, distributed +wo being the constituencies of Temisoou. as follows:— ►ta and Drummond and Arthabasoa. All a No. of ;brae will be filled at any, early date. Samples, g Almost every matin in America has some Ontario . 9,416 Quebec ..... I . .................18,904 ligestive trouble,' When men meet, the New Brunswick .................. 2,892 ;resting usually is -'Quell, how are you?” Nova Scotia ...................... '4,754 chat develops health talk. The man who Prince Edward Island............ 2,008 Dna no bowel or stomach trouble is almost i Trouble is men take no 'Manitoba ........... A ........ I ... 1,502 Territories curiosity. care N. -W. ................ 874 Df themselves. They sat as though they British Columbia ................ 485 iad copp'or stomachs and bowels of brass. By and by, overworked nature rebole; then Total ......................... 35,945 ,oma headaches, ^nerve ane ao u SS bad blood, d Iver and. kidney troubleai Dr. Pieroe'e "THEY SUIT ME EXACTLYI" Pleasant Pallets furnish help fbr constipa- 36n and torpid liver, sick and bilious head- "I had dyspepsia and stomach trouble 5 iolio, dizziness, soar Stomach, loss of apps- for the past two years, says Miss Ellen Whalen, Niagara Falls, and took various alts; indigestion or dyspepsia, windy beloh- ngs' d'heartbtith," Vann and distresa after . re ediee in sebrah of a cure. None O4 them Su"ed my ease like Laxa Liver Pills. They iatitig, and kindrod derangements of the Iver, Stomach and bowels. Accept no sub• P snited me eaaotiyy,and removed the troubles titgte. . , . promptly and effootuall . I willingly re. commend thout• to all iMf orlsig. air t did. �.0 fM, ' 1. , `` � p .., .__ ,-- . L._,:,.--, * �'.�r.akr.d....,..e+e1L.;+-- ,._..a,.e_ ___.� _.:,sJ,i A_&1`._ _ Shah's Method of Dress Cutting. 11 Sarnia, Ont., Sept. 28th, 1897. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. This is to certify that we, the undersign. ed, have completed a full' course of instruc- tion in Sligh's Tailor Method of Drees Cut- ting, given by Mr J. Goodson Medd, and we unbesitatingly recommend it as the beat system of dress cutting that we have seen, and we do so' for the following reasons:- 1—It is, easy to understand. 2—It is simple andlaccurate in the appli- cation of its principles. 3—It will cut correctly any garment work, or part thereof from actual measure. ment, and hence is the One Perfect fitting ayatem. 4.—Its cost is lees than any other system, and its utility is greater. We also take pleasure in recommending Mr. Medd as a thoroughly competent and skilfal instrnotor, and a gentleman worthy of the greatest confidence. MAGGIE YOUNG, DRESS MASER, ISA. J. SnAND, DRESS MAKER, M. E. OR�S+IROD, DRESS MAKER, MRS. D. ilANLAN, DRESS MAKER. [A number of other names are omitted to save space.] Mr. Medd is now at his residence on Is - so street. Clinton, and is prepared to give young ladies a thorough course in dress- utting at moderate charges. a Talkingit Over .. 'v i - 6 . e9 . —% ,f. bl" -a.,� �i„ap i- - - __- __5�_ hoen speak for themselves, and the peo. ple who admire comfortable Shoes need not look further than our stook to find what they want. We have begun our usual sale of fall SHOES & RUBBERS Call and See our lines in Mould and Women's f Boots and Shoes, also our supply Ingle and Double Harness, Trunks and Valises. Red and White Rebar 9wagles on band. .", JAS. TWITCH ELL, F Viatorla l3look, C11tison. t I "� � . I I i .,.. •... 1*,4. 1 . XT PAT$ TO 11 11 I I THOSE WAO ARE GRADUATED FROM The G anadaBus'n ess College CHATHAM, ONT, rionoo the truth of this statement when are placed in good positions. The follow ing have been placed: B. Cornwall as teacher of Penmanship Shorthand, hpanceriali Rusipeas College, ksv1Ue,IInd. 3e Bessie Duakley of Chatham, ae etono- her with • the hlic�iigan phair Co, Grand ds Mich. n. �V EO ish. of NaDler. as stenonranher W saran l0 1, as Ucenographer with J. B. strainger do Go, Chatham D0148 IT NOT PAX TO ATTEND THE BEST write for Catalogue of either department D. McLACHLAN & Co Chatham PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LE7 FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell at a oacriSoe, Lot R 1,or12, Bailway Terrace Clinton, Particulax upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister R, HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent, Fa' particulars on application to JOHN MOGIARV, FOR SALE. k'aatoryand noutenta on the roperty of T Buchanan for $125; by eying 15 down an balance at $10 a menti Buil Ing to be rd moved. Apply to J. SUCOTT, Clinton. FINE FARM TO RENT. That fine farm on the 13tb con. of Hullett, bel Ing lot 23, is offered to rent at reasonable terms It contains 160 acres, 130 cleared, with tram bouse and bank barn GUM and is most eligibi situated. J.IdeCLACHERTY, Clinton. For sale, that Property on the south side c Hurotl Street, Clinton, directly opposite tb residence of Lire Walsh. There is a two-stor frame house on the' lot, which As nearly half a, acre. The propWo to most eliggiibly situated and will be sold for 0 cash. b'(or particular apply to J013N RIDOUT, Clinton. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE That splendid farm on can. 1, Stanley, (Lor don Road,) being lot $2, is offered for sale o easyterms. 97 acres, 91 cleared and in hig; state of oultivation. Farm is on)y 2 miles frog Clinton. Frame house and barn, bearing or obard, well watered, and a most desirable prc party.—G. D. McTAGGART, Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for Bale the 25 acre lot a the 2nd con. -of Tuekersmith, being lot 46 There are on the premises a two storey brie; dwelling, bank barn, carriage house, and othe outbuildings. The place is well watered; ani has a good orchard of two acres, and betwee+ two and three acresof hardwood bush. 81tuat about three miles from Clinton.—MRS H. O' BRIEN. Clinton P. O. t BUSINESS PROPERTY POE SALE . That desirable:Brisk Business Stand on A] bert St., Clintoo, occupied by Mr N. Robson, t oft"ered for sale, including rear lot and stable The location is one of the best in Clinton. Thi pproperty is free from incumbrance and title in S Price reasonable and terms to sur Son Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon don Road, or address Clinton P. O W1 PERRIN BLOCK 2 y pFmOR SAL1 $900 cash and 120D J CAMPBELL Hamiltoal GOOD FARM FOR SALE, Subscriber offers for sale the farm of 149 acres situated on the Maitland con. of Goderiol Townshipp. All cleared but about 10 acres o good hardwou.i bush- good clay soil, four Item eartngorohsr•d, good 2 -story brick bouse witl elate roof, bunk barn and good outbuildings Within 6 miles of Clinton and 4 from Holmen ville. A very choice and desirable farm. Fo+ pparticulars apply on the premises to MRS. W TEBBUTT, or at Holmeavllle P. O. FARM FOU SALE ' Lot 25, Con 5, Township of Hullett, 100'aorei 88 acres cleared and in a good state of eultim tioa,•excellent.clay-loam soil• 12 aeras of hard• wood bush. There is a goal bearing orebard and a good suppled ofwater. The farm has never been rented. The buildings comprise a good frame house, barn and stables. Thisproperty is situate on an excellent gravel road, 27} miles from the Town of Clinton, Terms easy. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises. MRS THOS. HILL. Clinton P. O. House and Lot for Sale The frame house on Rattenbury street, immediately east of Dr. Tomlinson's, is offered for sale on very reasonable terms. The house is centrally situated, being only a minute' walk from the business centre, has ne cellar, large dining room, parlor, bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one large Ind two smaller bedrooms upstairs. Good-sized summer kitchen and garden. Very conveniently situated for boarding house. Apply at NEw ERA office. Apples Wanted. I want all the Marketable Apples 'I can bay and will pay the highest price commensurate with foreign quotations, Hold your apples un- til you have ascertained from me what I can pay for them. Do not make any _mistake. D. CANTELON Clinton. BUS3INESS CHANGE. The Livery bu3ine a conducted in Clinton by Messrs. H. Davis and John 11. McCool has been dissolved b mutual consent, accounts due he ate firm must be paid to either one within thtr%p da s from this date. The business will in future ne conducted by James McCool and H. Davis, who solicit the past liberal patronage of the nenoral public. H. DAVIS J. H. MOCbOL, clintori, Oct. 12th, 1897. Clinton Planing Mill ----ANA— DRY KILN. The t4gariber, having the very latest, alm- proved mgahinery and employing *the most skilled workmen is able to do work in 11' line to the most. satisfactory manner, at reason% to rates and on the shortest no. ties. Aft l solicited, PACT01 NEAR Ot T, IL SWATION . I q fT' Pr,ofessionaandOther04rds- JAM$$ ACOTT. Barrister, . Solicitor OGNVEY"011H AO. j commtselonerlor Ontario and Manitoba►, Moe immediately &ands of Gil roy & Wioein Wo ORYDONEP BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR rUBLIO, ETC. Offce—Beaver F'ioelit �" TJp stairs, OppoelCLINTONs to�M, M.' Ctc a CAMER6PA' (Formerly of Cameron, Holt a camorog)l BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. 0moe—Hamilton St., opposite oolbbrne House GODEIiIOIf, ONT D. L• MACP:�iERSON • UONV'.tYANCWG, FMR, LrFR ANS V ACCIDENT 1NSUBANOE I Mo r.1CF TO LOAN. , y I -- i Office, MacKay Block, Clinton. i JOHN RIDOUT- L CONVEYANCER, CGMMISSIONPIS, BTO Fire Insurance. Mone to lend. Real estate matters carefully attended to. i OMO-1173RON STREET, CLI14TON R. AONEW, DENTIST, CLINTON AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OB d EACH MONTH• Office Hours -0. to 6, f DR- T. C. BRIICE, a SURGEON DENTIST, i Graduate B O D S of Ontario, and Trinity i versity Toronto. theSpnaturaecial l teteeth. on given to the Preeervetlon Ofaoe, Coate Liock, over Taylor's shoe store Bayfield a e y Thursday afternoyon awing th summer i DR. WM. GUNN. L. R. C. P. and L. R. 0, S Edinbargh. Office—Ontario Sreet,Clinton Night calls at front door of residence on Rotten bury St., oppoaitePresbyterian church. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M. D., TORONTO M. O F & S., Ontar o � F llow of the Obstettrics Society of Edinburggb,late of London, Engg„ and Edinburgh Hospitale. Office.—Dr.Dowse ly's old office Rattenbary St. olinton. Night bel answered! at the same plaoe. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Aleouoheur, etc., office and residence On- tario St„ opposite English church, formerly o0 copied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton ont. + DR STANBURY, GRADUATE OF TRA 1J Medical Department of Victoria UniPet city, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries. New York, coroner for he ; County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. IH. BLACKALL VETERINARY SURGEON i • HdmoraryGraduateof theOnterioVeterinari•y College. Treats all diseases of domesticated aria DIMS on the most modern and scientf90 priao Alae Office—immediately south oftheNewEra Office. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Cal night orday Attendedto promptly JOHN F. UMNE, VETERINARY SURGEON bas returned to Olinton and opened an office at the Queen's Hotel, wbere he may be consult- ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses. cattle too. All oalls, night or day, promptly at. tended to. BTOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON • Honoraryy Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College, To onto. Treats all diseases Domestic Animarfa on the most modern and Bcientifio Principles. Day and night calla prompt ly answered. Residence--Rattenbury St., west Clinton. MISS C. E. CLEMENT Graduate of Alms, . College, teacher of Piano. MARRIAGE LICENau, 4AMES SCOTT 8B.1 Assurer of Marriage Licenses, Library'Boosa and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIChNSEs, No witnesses required FW. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OL' ASSN OF • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Oilice at Geo. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. Wanted Men and Women, who can work hard taIk- ing and writing six hours daily for six daps a week and will be content with tea dollars weekly. Address, NEW IDEAS CO,, Medical Building, Toronto CL11N TON WOOD and COAL YARD. Subspribcr Is prepared to promptly fill all or. dere for Wood or Coal, which will be sold at owest rates. Office on Street eWHEALTLICY AGENTS SELL 11I{LONDIRE GOLD FIELDS" Like a whirlwind. Ehperfenced canvassers Teaping the richest harvest of their livosmew beginners doing wonders. Nearly everyBody subscribes. One young man on a farm at $12 a month is making $75. A lady tyyppa-writer at $3 a week is clearing $11. A meohanio who had earned $1.50 a day is olearing U a day. We want more agents. Canvassing outfit 25ots., worth $1, The BRADLEY-(•lABJ3EI it Li yr ed, Toronto, Ont. SOX 0 THE CLINTON .Lau _n d r �r The undefaigned has taken full control of th � Clinton Laundry, and having had considerable, experience, is prepared to execute all work en- trusted to him in a manner e4dal to any City Laundry. La dr y .. We are prepareedto do Ladle» or Gdentos lane Goods or Pamily Washing, Aridaranteo Amato be SatisfAeOry anq at lowesT"priods, Goode called forOr delivore to an Y rt of the town. We rbovotfully solicit a trial, Ata thyro is no neooastto send youit Laundry out of town. XTOUR,TWlCx'09"L .. lltM.i. 1M_�lilra., i . 11 h . .