HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-29, Page 1jr�rPtChxe 'bier yeti ever think what a 4e�l ;date pl,go,ol Tnachaniatn,sa wotgh , ss, and what gentle, and gontxo" .. 4 4 Ir v b CLINTON S - EW "+R � L . . . I .111..--11.1 ... ­�­_ The �p4'ajilt *4$lvIll("4.)Proper , vo a ERAO! our Blood Baildfntl' 0oq ik � are generttlly rgoo0ized, And Y . cially by ,the M%py wholravp . thew, ZVith vQ)• 101aa ortiii - 9. trsAtmeni it should rwely% A — on our part tba salo ,of these piidti;, }' _ „ -- abeam engine is cleaned and oiled , 'CLINTON,, . every Ion botirs; Oki least, ;O this ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor, ONT., OCTOBER 291 ].M_- $i a year in advance X1.60 when not so paid Mtentiaa was neglected, it iwald . soon ba. utterly naslbsa,' Yeti a: �nT- C, ; t�� .�-T--T �-y-� .L J1_` a �� Summerhill t8hia'allowed to, run [sarortlr J �.J .L�l ■�• 11J J St. Helenro Aolmeavllle ee: sera without ¢Yen: dm NOTES. --Mr U. W. Hill had his hand NOTae.—Mr and Mrs Salkeld, of NOTES.—Rev, J. W. Andrews, of , r, y p What wldo-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication of oned one da recently, while work" Goderich are visiting their fat.hei pp y y g ► Londesborq, preached two excellent e of ,1, and lie owner wanders SrtnCetleld home of her daughter, Mrs S7P. Bell, in$ the press in the cheese !votaryy,� but Mrs Miller. Miss Jennie Todd has re• sermons here on Sunday morning and it b¢ooinpa erratic. Zi you T - - Misses a Gibson and Toronto, Mr Beverly Ketchen has be- it is getting all right again. MiesMabeP turned home from visiting friend is eveningg; Rev. G. W. Andrews occupied h „ NOTES. M sse Mary i gun •his studies in KnoxOollege,he was Bingham is visiting relatives in Mich- Wingbam and Lucknow. Mies Gor- the ufpit at Auburn. Mise Addie tywt[t gc4arate time your watchI'll Fannie Fotheringham went to London i an. Mise Nettie Beacom was the don attended the graduating exercises Stepp capon left fora month's visit to on Monday last on their wheels. Mrs one of fourwhopasAQti the entrance $ , g g h *nqa# be„in' good tanning order, y examination to the college; there were kuest of her , ousln, Miss Mabel Shop- of the Training School for nurses re- Port Huron and elsewhere. Mrs J. Ildude, who attended the Funeral of the R pard, last week. Mrs G. M. Hilt had cent! held at Hamtltaq when she re - ,Blackwell, who has been ill for some O 'Vijato r Uspairing depati• late MreMcTavlsh,returned to her home 20 applioante. Mies Annie Bell has re- P y Y �,. oils for in Detroit on Monde Mr Campbell turned home after visiting her brother about 30ladies on Thursday afternoon, ceived her medal and 2iploma, and is time, is making but slow progress to- ,tneni'tupseaeea drpry !a , ty y P W Bell,at Ancaeter, where he had an sewing raga; this was a bee of onus- now visiting friends at Guelph, Toren- wards recovery. Miss Washington, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs t ' 1i1A1►tap`rl,adja�to?Ptc! watches. a p intment to reach, during Knox nal dimensions, surely. The Orange- to and elsewhere, Mr Th s. Phillips of Clinton, was the guest of F. C. EI - 1. Gleo. Hatt. Miss r ziahbrat Bell is visiting t o lege va , tion,hehas entered his last men are making preparatious to cele- had a driving shed erected last week, ford. Holmeaville Choral Society held t''1 `, tnilrs„ $X. at the home o! her brother, Mr David tea brats the anniveraur oP the Gun ow- Messrs Gordon & Sherffl Join t e il. Eell, Mitis McTavish, Shakes sere. is year in the'college and has been success Y P g its usual meeting on Tuesday evening; �sA�Qaiv ,)l + p ful in assin his examination each der plot b naving a supper at the rest- work;Mr Phillips is makin quite w fe there was a full attendance and a most visiting Miss Jessie McTavish. Dr. dance of t�hris. Beacom, after which a im rovemente nand abs this estate. profitable and leasureable avenin .1w ,; "II we SO. it; .'iti will be done Margaret McKellar, India, will s eak year. t was r S. Reid who porches- P p p g „ ke . ed Mr A.Mustard s farm instead of Mr literary and musical. program will be Several of his gentlemen riends from was sent. Some new names were xigiit. t in Union church next week;ehe wil tell J. Reid, as stated in last week d issue. g of her mission work. Mr J McCowan, iven in the hall Auburn called on Mr Dec er this week. handed in as wishing to become asso- `�:. 741 P. B. Cr�W m sr., has been sick for the past week, Mr Herbert Thompson, o St. Augur- dated with the society; no doubt the lvith a severe pain in one of his feet; Groderieh To�trnshiQ Stanley tine, paid his usual visit ' these parts; concert the Society purposes giving on ,; ''` Jeweler &Ex art we hope he may soon recover his wont- HOT $IIPPER,—The Orangemen of L. SICHNEse.—Mr John Mcl7owan has Miss Mary Curran returied with him, Thanksgiving night will totally eclipse e y and will visit her many friends Farther the previous one; society meets a sin Watch Repairer • ed health. O.L. No. 145, 4th con., Go scion town- been confined to the house for some P y f south. Several from here took in the next Tuesdayavenin Meseta. F. C. t i ship, intend celebrating the 5irh of No- time with a sore foot. Mr Thos.Ingles cantata on "Queen Esther,” given in Llford and Go. Acheson are out pack- ' .SOCIETY.—The annual !meet- vemher by having a hotsupher and en- has also been confined to his bed for a P Ing of the Drucefield Branch of the tertainment In the evenin week with an attack of pleurisy. Lucknow last week and report having ing apples; fruit and the good house - g P y' enjoyed the treat very much, Messrs wife's larder will catch it now. Those m._ - - Upper Canada Bible Society was held NEw HomE.—Mr in. Blair's new NOTEst—Mies McDonald, from the Miller and Rama a and Mies Salkeld I in the Union church, Brucefleld, on vicinity of Blyth, is visiting at Mr J. g who attended the tea -meeting at Beth - Thursday evening, Oct. 21st. The house, on the 4th con., is nearly com- McCowan's. Mr and Mrs unbar, of were a Spence, the last week to hear el "Monday eveningg, report a good Marna meeting was opened, by singin , read- plete , and will be ready for occupancy Ashfield,are visiting this week in Stan- Mt' Spence, the great Temperance ad time. The Royal Template have set PROPERTY CHANGE.—MI W. Palmer Ing and playye��r, lad by Rev. J. Hen- and tly6 The mason work, brick work ley and other parts. Mrs Muds, of vacate. A meeting will be held in the apart Monday, Nov. 8, as "rally1night," ' • bas bought the 50 acre farm on the derson, of Hensall, The President, p a tering was all done by Hiram Detroit, who wad here on the occasion town hall on Friday evening for the and all members are requested to be Babylon line, belonging to Mr David Mr Fotheringham, after a few re- H Il, of Clinton, and he made an excel- of the death of her sister, Mrs P. Mc- purpose of discussing the advisability present. League meets next Monday Robertson, fqr the sum of $2000. Mr marks on the value of the diffusion of lent job of it. Tavish, called on some ofd friends be- of organizing a Literary Society; the evening; all those who intend taking Ralph Stevenson. jr., of the Goshen Bible`knowledge on the individual, the NOTES.—Rev. Mr Shaw, of Bayfield, fore her de arture home on Monday idea we consider very good, and such the reading course should try h be 11 11 dine, has sold his 50. acre farm to Mr ; family and the nation, introduced. the occupied the ulpit of Zion Methodist an organization would prove a great present. Threshing in this neighbor - last. Mr m. Blair acconipanied Mr g ector, and has bought Mr first speaker, the Rev. Mr Shaw, o! Church on 5undap last, the pastor, peter Campbell to his home last Satur- help and good training for the yang hood is about finished, and farmers Capp Henrya 100 acre farm on the Par line , Egmondvil e. He; gave an earnest Rev .Mr Goodwin, conducting services day. Mr Jas. Foote and Mr Edward people. An invitation is extended to who have apples are busy picking • � ffOr $5,300. Mr McKie has Ibought Mr address on O'Wh and how we should at Bethel appoint,meot Mrs Wm. Wanless visited the Sabbath School St. Helena W.F.M.S. to attend the them. Mr Johnston intends to keep. t ' D. McNaughton's blacksmith shop, ; stud the,Bible', let, its infinite re- Saake returned from her visit to Top- in S. S. No. I, Staple last Sabbath Lanes Thankoffering meeting, to be the cheese factory running for two sr Varna, at cod fi ore. y ' P onto last week. Mr W. F. Hick and y held this afternoon. Mrs Hames has weeks of next„�ggionth, as he is making .,, g g ciousnneei 2nd, its tendency to build wife spent Sunday with frF'ends in Col- and expressed themselves in favorable returned home after spending some as man ones§e now per da as he did #d CONvENTION. —The Stanley, Hay up our spiritual life; 9rd, to store the borne. The brickyard is turning out terms of the work done. time with friends near Guelph. Miss an day last summer. Mrs Brown, of and Tuckersmith union Sabbath School mind with spiritual truth; 4tb, because y �, r onvention will be held in the Meths- we are to be judged by it on the last large quantities of excellent the for Watson, of Colborne, visited her sic- Londesboro, is visiting her daughter, r which t ey flad a ready Bale. Mies Tuckersmith ter, Mrs McCtostie, this week. Mrs Mrs Watkins. Mrs J. Laith;vaite and c, dist chureh,.Varna,, on Tuesday, Nov. day. Vader the second head, the Sus E. Elliott spent last week with NOTES.—Mise H. Bell is visitingat McDonald, of Belmore, is visiting Mrs H. Elford, who are attending W. 13,,,,_ , 2nd. The first session will commencewhole Bible should be studied rever- y P '!s; ; at 10 a.m.; various subjects of interest • eptly, affectionately and prayerfully, friends in Goderich. The township the home of her brother, 111r D. Bell.— friends in this vicinity. Mr G. Mitchel- O. T. U. Convention in Toronto, report A"% � I," `. bearing .; various School work will Rev. J. ff Henderson, was then called council will meet on Monday neat, Mr G. Walters, a well-known resident son has moved into Mrs McDonald's the meeting are well worth hearing, '� The discussed. . A grand and profitable ,on and gave a stirring address on "The Nov. 1st. At Fisher's sale�iecently H. of the west end, is laid up with me cottage. Dame Rumor says that ere they having heard delegates from lce- ' �' time is expected. Bible and civilization." The speaker Oakes purchased pair of nice thoro- foot caused by falling down into the long we are to lose one of our young land, Japan, Finland, Australia, and showed that the Bible was the founder bred Poland China pigs; Mr Oakes has cellar. While threshing at the farm ladies. other places. Mr Claude Fisher has PROGRESSING.—Mr B. A. Higgins, rented the farm lately occupied by hie of Mr J. Routledge, R. Proctor acci- been adding much to the appearance our enterprising harness maker, is so tion of all title progress and civilize- g p • t3 brother, George, for a term of five dentally severed the artery in his Leadeaboro of the school b radia and levelling over -run with work that he has had to tion in literature, science, art, history, y grading g add 'another employee to his hd t seal tune, music and poetry. To the years. Quarterly service at Coles wrist while cutting bands, but is pro- NOTES.—Mr Albert, Hagggitt, of this the bank outside, , as well as making now having three workmen on the o; p church on Sabbath morula Nov. 7th;. greasing Favorably under medical treat- villa a left here for Michi an last more improvements inside. Bible was also due the sanctity of the g' g ' 8 P g g at 10,30 love feast and sacrament of ment. Mr W. Townsend is getting Thursday. Mr Geo. Snell has got a they are hustling but harness in great home, and utioestablishment,civilare Chari- the Lord's Supper; the evening service his stables remodeled, and has let the yotin man from Hensall to work in aha a and giving good satisfaction. table institutions, civil and religious will be held at Ba field at 7 m. On contract to Mr Geo. Logan, of Bruce- $ Blyth' p freedom. Both gentlemen were list- y p• g the a op; it aced to be that people j Mr Higgins has exhibited his work at g Nov. 7th there will be no service at field. Chas. Ctich has secured a situs- were goir_s frrrn this place to Hensall, ELECTION' OF OFFICERS.— A joint a r, t man of the faire and has en- oned to attentively and received a Wtlkenson's Corners owing to the tion with S. Millett fit Co., t3eaPorth. meeting of the officers of the young .`�° orally if not always, got ' the grad hearty vote of .thanks at .the clQee, g he is in reversed now; hope more map , ticket. The addressee wi�re interspersed with Quarterly service. Official Board will Mr Mollie and Mr Dinsdale, the ,visit- come yet. Mr A. Wflken has been people'a societies of town was held on T excellent music' #trnlshe$ by the choir meet at Bayfleld Nov. 8th. Mr G. F. ing committee of the Tuckersmith, Pay making a number of changes on the rbursday evening, when the following Oaks fs disposing of his farm stock and and Stanley Sabbath School Aecccia- property he; urchased lately. The in- officers in connexion with the Local I. Y, of the Presbyterian church, under the Union were elected:—Pres., Mr W. I, r' y implements by auction on Nov. 4th; he tion, visited Turner a Sabbath School specter of measures and weights paid i, , if.eebtdrn leadership of Mr Jamieson, Who also Taman; vice-pres., Mrs A. Taylor; sec., has not yet decided whether he will last Sunday. Mr Jas. Watters, of our village a vibit this week; he found P y "i „ NOTES.—Ret+. J. Hamilton, of Moth- received a hearty vote of thanks. The move to Goderich or Clinton. Win ham, a ant Sunda last at his Miss O. Moffatt; trQas., Mr E. Moser; rorwell, Father of our pastor, who is up election of officers resulted in the re- K P y the scales in bad condition and ordered fora visit, conducted actor. here on election of all the officers. The ce re home here. them repaired; it is being done and the Lookout com., Bros.—J. Habkirk, H. '� Sunday morning�,I giving us an °excel- tions were to be distributed as follows; Winthrop. owners sansei to have them all right Ashbury; Sinters — H. Anderson, S. lent discourse. gni' Chisholm is having —Two-fifths to t},e Upper Canada s:eatorth in a few days. Mr Leonard Whitel3 , Ben V, L. Stevens. i'A : g •I lip ACCIDENT.—On Friday evening last PERSONAL.—Tile Chicago Britieh- an addition ut to the south side of Bible Society; two-Ilfths to the British ACCIDENT.—A G. T. R. employe,who (son of W. J. Whitelv) has gone to American, of last week, sa s•—"Mise l' Mra John Little, of this village, accom- Toronto to attend the Universit as a y n?.:, his barn, which will be used as a straw and Foreign Bible Society and one- panied by her daughter a,nd grand- was working on the new bride in y Edna Curtis, of Blyth, Ont., is visiting J, 141; Q y medical student. Mr Tbos. Holloway her aunt, Mrs Dante Buie, at 535 We ,t ? mow, with an open shed beneath: Mr fifth to the uebec Auxiliar It was dau titer, were returning from Sea- tc wn, had the misfortune to brew his 1 ''ar " W. McWhinney is doing the work. also unanimously resolved to carry on forth, and when about two miles north leg a few days ago; he was removed and wife spent a few days in the vi - 60th St., Englewood." Mrs W MCEI- 1 Archie and sister Lillie, of the work of the Branch as has been to his home in Stratford, where he is lage last week and this, The special s, FergusonK of this village their pony got frighten- services are still cin on in the Meth- toy, of Dinsley St., left on Tuesday '•%;. Carlow, were the guests of the ]lCieses done for the last three years with ed at a threshing engine, driven by Mr improving as well as can be expected. g mornin , for Petrolia, to attend her Fulford on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Ken- the services of an agent, A vote of SPORTING.—The Nowlin on the teen odist church. Mr Thos. Miller return- g l $ B. Payne. Their horse backed off the g g ed from Manitoba on Tuesday evening. sister who as seriously ill. Mr and Mrs a,., nedy, of Nile, visited friends in this thanks to the esident, and a vote road foto a deep ditch and upset the oc- for this season is over, and all the club y.. Alex. McKellar returned borne from a`•', •% neighborhood this week. Mrs John commendin the ea] and faithfulness matches for the cu have been com- Mies Jennie McKenzie is visiting in K cupants out. Mr ;Payne caught the P the west on Friday evening, after four "'' ,. Mcg ¢vin, of Win ham, vc ae the guest of the collectors ere heartil carried. leted; Mr H.' S. Robertson will have Belgrave this week. Wm. Waite re- , N g K Y horse. Mrs Little of a severe shaking P months absence; be is well pleased a of her mother-in-law last week. We An entertainin rid instructive meet- g g the lessors of boldin the McMichael ceived his fine mare from Oshawa this up, while her daughter escaped with P g week. D. Cantelon shipped his first with the prospects of the country this �'` are glad to say that Mrs H. McManus ing was brought to a close by Rev. N. some slight in'uries, but the little girl cup until next season, and R. S. Hays PP year. Master Ted Rigsby, of London, lt%i' is slow! im covin after her serious Shaw pronouncing the benediction g g holds the Flannigan cups At a meet- car of apples from hereon Saturday; is visitin¢• his parents tit the parsonage �4, y p g was unhurt. They had s very fortunate they are not a plentiful article at all, „ r illness. Mr Jae. Horton is having his and a well rendered selection .by the escape considering what a don crone ing of the Ontario Curlers. Association, this week. Miss Chris. Tucker, of l , +a g g We understand Mr Robt. Martin has rr l:; House bricked up; Mr Ferris is sing choir entitled My mothers prayers. held at Toronto on Tuesday last, Sea- Win ham, was a visitor in ,town this predicament they passed through, rented his farm for a term of five ears Wing ham, est the work. Mrs Marshall, from near forth was placed in group 15, which is y week. Mr T. H. Ashbury was in Brus- 7. ,r Manchester, ie the guest of her cousin, From another correspondent cam osed of the following clubs: Fer- to Mi Bartlett and Bohn Martin, who P g expect to work in partnersbip. Mr A. Reis on Monday. Mr John Ritchie. of j,`± . ) Misa Maggie Horton. Mr. Richardson NOTES.— Miss Minnie Graham, of Porter's Ail l gus, Guelph city, Stratford, Goderich, J. Smith was in London last week. Wingbam, was in town on Tuesday, ).wr : is busywith his threshing machine Clinton, spent Sunday under the par- NOTES,—Miss Alice Potter, of Sea- Seaforth and Forest. mond- The farmers are busy with their plow- in the interests of the fire insurance g%%% fn our burg this week andexpectsto fin- ental roof, Mr Murray Gibson is home forth, visited her brothers, E. C. and NOTES.—Mr John Jackson, Eg in this week, it being more easily business. Mr John Rigsby, of Hamil r, fsh here for this eeason on Wednesday. at present looking hale and hearty. 0. W., last week. Mise Thurlow was villa, is at present studying to R. $. $ K y ton, is a visitor at the 'parsonage this '�:' Messrs R. Rosa and W. Murdock ar,;•�r- calling in the village on Monday. Mr Hay's law office in this town. The worked than before the rain, and some week. Mr John McGuire, G. T. R. r��,_ p Boys' Brigade have engaged the hall are busy with their roots; such weather ba age man at Clinton, was in town r , ed from Manitoba with over 100 hs ;Jd and Mrs Gliddon, from Shed arton, will soon be a thin of the est for �g i eolborne of cattle for winter breeding. A rather spent Sunday at E. C. Potters. We over Young s grocery store, from L. O'. g P on Monday. - -. WEDDING. — A marriage, in which disgraceful incident occurred in our noticed the smiling face cf our former L., No. 1460; the boys held their first while. WEDDING+.—A most happy and aus- the people of this township are inter, villa a on Saturday night, a few of our teacher, Mr D. Smith, in Bethelchurch meetin . on Wednesday night, and are picious event took place at the Metho- ' sated, took place at Ox Bow, Area., on boys?)gathered in front of some of our Sunday evening, but did not see him well suited with their new quarters.— Nile• diet parsonage here yesterday—Thurs- .�. , _ . the 22nd, the principals being John M. business places and their conduct, to going home. Mr Kemp, of Clinton, Mr W. Thompson and wife were visit- DEATH.—We are sorry to hear of day—when Miss Alice Mand Rigsby, 7t`"'" Oke, a native of Colborne, son of Mr S. say the least, was unbecoming in this visited on the 6th' con. on Sunday. ore ht Mitchell on Friday. • Messrs the sudden death of David Boyd, son the eldest daughter of the esteemed Oke, to Mies •McHaffi:e, sister Rev. W. enli htened age; a hint to the wise is The farmers are making good use of Cudmore and Donovan are busily en- of Thomas Boyd, now of Ninga, Man., pastor of the church here, became the P. McHaffie, Ox Bow. The old friends sufficient, remember there are stone the fine weather by harvesting the gaged bnying horses for the old conds but for many years a resident of this wife of J. Frank White, of London. of Mr Oke 'cin ua in wishing him and walls down at Kingston. The Sabbath root crop, apples, etc. We are sorry try market, Miss Jane Gambel into vicinity. It occurred on . his fathers Miss Rigsby is much better known to wife unmeasured happiness. School Convention of Hay, Tucker- to learn that Mr Laurason has taken a selling her fine house and lot by auc- farm, quite a distance from the house.' the people of London than here, where Vill smith and Stanley is to be held in Varna relapse and is again undea the doctor's tion on Saturday, 30th inst.; she. in- where he had gone alone to attend to she has been living for some time, and PARTNERSHIP. — We understand Methodist church on Tuesday,Nov.2nd, care. Mr S. Burk is still very low. tends removing to the States. The some work, and where he was after- that she is exceedingly popular was in - that Wm. Daw, of the Maitland con- addresses will be delivered at three ses- Mary Blair is on the sick list. Mr�T. funeral of the late W. J. Devereaux ward found, life having fled. He was dicated by the number of costly and cession, has entered into partnership sions, morning, afternoon and evening. Moore is laid up with a cold. took place on Monday and was largely well known and highly respected' here. beautiful presents given her. -Re1a- lilll,`�. I ,k with Levi Snyder in his threshing out- Children's day was observed in the attended; the firemen marched to the He was a young man of quiet demean- tives and friends of the contracting fit, having bought out half interest. BETHEL C'HIIRCH.—Tae Sabbath ser- or, free from an vicious habits, and stiles were resent from London A�kg g Presbyterian church on Sunday, Ren. vices in connection with Bethel church, funeral in a body to show their res- y p , u ,:%. They have now an excellent outfit, Mr Muir spoke of Crown of rejoicing, Wilkenson's Corners, on the 24th and Pect to a dead comrade. Mr Alf. Box,,, amiable in disposition, he was loved Hamilton, Clinton and Norwich. The but we understand they intend to rano- of righteouaness,of life eternal,of glory, who has boon working at Bell's Youn- by all who knew him well. He was a fortunate groom is a prominent and ' '"' ' vate the separator, makingit equal to the supper on the 25th were a gro- • q and of reward, and urged upon the d dry, Hensall, this summer, has return- member of the Methodist church at highly esteemed young man of Lon- a new one; this done the will have a pounce success. Rev. Mr Godwin y children to try to obtain these crowns. ed to town and taken his old position Nile, and in a quiet way exhibited the don, being the youngest son of Mr Jno. machine that cannot be surpassed. A gentleman was scalapp. through this Preached two admirable sermons el at Coleman's foundry. The funeral of races of the Christian character. He White, of the London Bolt Works. We believe if all is well next year the g .,Q g the Sabbath, and won for himself y' g %" y y district selling t e axton School the late Ridley McTaggart took place was but a young man, only twenty The ceremony was performed by the will do an extensive business in the Series," several of these were sold at golden opinion:Iday The congregations on Monday to McTaggart's cemetery, nine years and six months old, when father of the bride, Rev W. Rigsby, 9�'"' � threshingline. The are both ablewere ve large.Some 300 eat down ry g y the messy a came and he was summon- assisted b RevB. Clement of Clinton. y different schools, and ever school � Usborne; theinners wasve lar elP„,. men, and thorou hl nnneratand the y y tothets evening; both ed away. g After theyasualcongratulittiona, din- g y should have one as the are a benefitattended, which showed the esteem in business, and above all are reliable tables and people roaned beneath not only to pupils but to parents, and which the deceased was held here. per was partaken of, and amid showers � y ; •men. Farmers will do well to patron- their loads; the vian s were all that P wide-awake sections will be up-to-date Mrs J. H. Pe per, of Hamilton, who of rice, and expressions of good will, c l ize them. and have them in. The Misses McGre - could be desired and would please the has been visitin her mother, Mrs West Wawanosh the young con le left b the afternoon most fastidious; by the way, the peo- y g y or have purchased a new bicycle, it is Beattie, returns to Hamilton on ON HIs ANNUAL TouR.—Collector J. train on a wedding tour, prior to sett- "ai":., rather nice to see the little iris riding Ple have a reputation here for good Tuesday. Mrs Beattie is still very ill. H. Taylor, of West Wawanosh. has lin down in London. r' : g g cooking, which was well sustained on y K so gracefully. T. Case left on Tuesday for the vicinity commenced bis annual visit for collec- • Monday night. The program was�ax•• of Toronto, where he wasto be mar- tion of taxes of I897. [Received too late, for last week] cellent. Prof. Moore was unavoidably Exeter One tells ried; R. J. McDonald accompanied O THANKSGIVING C3ER:ICE. —The an- absent, being indisposed from cold; he him for the purpose of assisting as LEASED.—Wm, Harrison has leased NOTES.—Mr Robt. Sanders, our old 11 noel thanksgiving meeting of the W. was much tnissed. The choir were at P P g his excellent farm, lot 27, con. 5, West -sport," who has been on a burnbug F.M.S., which was held on Friday ev- their best and rendered their selec- groomsman. Wawanosh, for a term of five years to expedition in British Columbia and I Another ening last, was the most successful the tions with promptitude and efficiency. ”' Wm. Barnfoid. It has been stated in the Northwest Terittories, arrived u society has yet held. The chair was The -re eated applause from the au- I4ippen some of the locals that Mr Harrison had y P P home on Saturday evening, after a 11 I occupied by the pastor. The music dience gave an inkling of the appprecia- VERY Low.—For some time Myrtle, sold his farm, but this is not correct. very pleasant trip. It is reported that 4 ­ •'a was provided by the home choir, assist- tion in which they are held. We had the youngest daughter of Mr W. Cud- WEDDING,—On the evening of Tues- Mr P. Can intends going to the Klon- i •. and we witness every day the power of ed by a male quartette from Hensall. a fine array of speakers and able ad- more, has been in declining health. day, the I9th., a pleasant evening was dike about Christmas; he will be great- ., O.. ' that influence. You never read an ad- Mies Wilson,of Clinton,gave an address dresses were delivered. The following Her illness seemed to arise from a sore- sent at the residence of Matthew 1y missed by his associates here. Mr verdsoment of Poor clothes, and it's entitled "Why women should be ex- co ram was rendered:—Opening se- ness in one of her feet, the cause of Young, West Wawanosh, the occasion y ill. of the Times staff, spent Sun- strango too, for there's more poor than y „ p P K Y F. good. �aoh advortieer re,presents his pressly interested in missions It was lection by the choir; chairman's ad- which could not be located, and this being the marriage of hie da4i hter, diiyLat St•. John's. Russell Manning, own as being better and cheaper than in itself a masterpiece excelling any- dress, Rev. E. A. Shaw; duet, Messrs seemed to provoke other complications Miss Clara, to Chas, Youn of Hibbert Clinton, s ent Sunday here; this lice others. Not so here. ourale as good as thin she has ever given in our village. g' p g K Lobb and Potter; speech, Rev. G. W. so that her system ran down. Her to,°wnehi erth count The aster, seems to ave an attraction for him. our bast'one4n go ability, knowledge,. p p, experience can got. It may not be so She took her hearers in fancy through Andrews, B.A.; selection, choir; ad manyfriende will regret indeed to learn Rev.L.Armettong, tiedtheindisanluble On Saturday, white a number of boys 11 I gcod, it may be butter than othore.— all the lands vera women have not the dress, Rev. Mr Godwin; aquag andchor that she ie very lqw, though not be knot. were browing atones at one another,a Onl one way for you to know—Como Gospel, showing how ead indeed their tis, choir; speech Rev. E. Olivant; yond the possibilityof recovery., sustained a severe and see. You'll do well to keep track Rev. Mr son f Eli Snell otwhatierxoingonhero lives were compared to women in Gos- duet, Messrs Lobb; address, won don his head, which might have paI lands. She concluded by showing Millyard, jr., recitation, Fred Elford; Ashtield how Christ's word's were verified in uartette; address, Rev. R. Millyard; Aullett pro ed fatal. We are please to note y WEDDING.—On Wednesday,the 20th, tba Frederick Fisher, o! Usborne, who 1 is 2 -piece Tweed Suiti1 mission work' is more blessed to give ational Anthem choir; Benediction, NOT SOLD.—The farm of Thos.Noble, it t „ g 8rd con.1 offered b auction on Wed- Frederick,eeeondson of Ohae.Robinson, nae been seriously ill of late, has recov- than to receive,. The reflex blessing Rev. G. W. Andrews, B,A. The usu• y Asbfield township, was united in°the ere sufficiently to be able to come out • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2, 2.5 given to those who engage in this work al votes of thanks were passed and a all sold well not sold. The stock, etc., y y to town. Wm. Bawden has disposed gP all sold well. hot bonds of matrimony to Mies Ada, may be, greater than what is even to most pleasant and profitable event be- daughter of the late .Motor McPhee, of the Gilchrist farm in Hensall, to G. Boy's 2 piece dbl-breasted those in dark lands, Rev. Donald Me- came history. NOTES.—Wm. Brigham has aold his school teacher, alio of the township of McEwen, of that village at an advance i(`� $3 Gilvery then followed, He told the farm, on the 12th con,, to his brother Ashfield. in price. We are pleased to note that r iU&t �IIltt! .....:.... g t, Miss Evelyn Carlin , daughter of T.B. audience howtrueit was of the women's E mondville John, reeve of Bullet the consfdera- igl7l?D13Pr GALL. -- During Sunday gg life before the os elreacbes them. He tion being over per acre' Mr Brig• Carlin , has in obtaininga Youth's long -pant Suits g p NOTES.— Slight hopes are being en- g 1' night the home o! Wm. Pierce, of the t descri�iad many things concerning his g ham has now a fine farm at Londes- tertained for the recovery of Mr P. township of Ashfield, was severel third rind certificate; this is very cred- $� $6 and work in Hanan, China; he was listened bol o of'160 sates cvitlr his own and the y liable, indeed, when we take into con- ,(' ............ t � Keating,who is lying den erously ill smitten b the; sudden death of hit{ to with great earnestness. These ad- this oma 'net south o {thin lace. he bought recently from Mr Backwell. sideration the Pact that she was only lfl t dresses cannot fall to do good, as many j orthis dans' llln lee Ada,.afterhe or three ears o4 age when she applied. " Mena Tweed and Serge listened to them who had not hitherto it J.}Judaon,who has resided' here. For SOCIAL ATHE1tING. -Leat t aturtiay s illness induced by trio effects of y g pp 4 the est two ears has moved onto Mr a measled, Her Dike was about 2ii - —y Sults . ,5,7, $$ and been interested in the great work o£ P y was the 82nd birthday of Mrs Wliitpiy' , h "' cyan elizin the world. The offerin Jae. Cummings farm, wbich . he has Huron Road, and, in recognition off' ears, gor'remains were interred in Belgrft cte ;+ g as than g rented fora term of years. Both our the event, her daughter, ]'kite Jas+ Hol-' oho cemetryat Port Albert on Tuesday. CamoH.—At the communion ser- !, What arnan'oritoy needs we offer here was 924, wh1ch w thankfully received teachers have been engaged forthe coin- land, ave a famil atheviti at.tv)iiGh The bereav6d parents and other rela- vices of Snox church, Belgrave, n uye,• . by the members of the societ . g y >f. 11, Iing year. Mr Geo. S roat, who has most of the members of the family tlwes have the sincere sytxt athy of the Oct. loth, the collection by envelo b 4 T• JaCK80% Sr.) Chalon NoT g.•—Mlss A gle Betitti returned been in failing health for some time, were resent and sent a be ..entire neighborhood in their sodden for the schemes of the church.amount- ,, - p On. Wednesday" las after visit ng at the seems to be making no improvement, ant time,.. Mrs Wiaftol to +one o! the ,.and sad berearvement: 0i1 to $53.80, making, total collections "rriotoria 1116A, Hoiablished 1854, home of her sisters, Mrs Seo and Mrs but, we are sorry to gay, is getting oldest residents of this section and has ` . • for Missionary purpost7 . for the year , „ ' _.. r Swats. ]lira J. Allen ie visit, at the weaker. t �..,., �lppaxentlyrev©ralyr3ttrstathegoodyet, Ta» Nzlvt>$�11AGtl1�Es'1H$oitinlNiolit 1x180:80. • r .i ' b '` i ',' .. . y���"' ,r. ]� 1liY.Yi _—_— lye .r^.•�r` I.,, .,. ..-.... -, 11 Y- .-.•-. �.• .a..-ii4�,1,M - __ - .iYYel�,wlKiu.1.Wt1_ wta-_.',_%,,A y� L... •MqY.-Jl ' , keIssteadilyincreµdirig. ♦kiipXilftq find them a spoolfio for .tx}any di.* eases pecaliarl c9mallon to0 td sex, and men turn to: them M4 "o unfailing friend. They p;wIfy the bioodi•tone tha appetite,, Ogre ;rex; vousnees, strengthen the weak rebuild the system g@p,orally" Tliey , are not a onto all, but for tyeakj nervous, overworked meta endwomd on they are a adentiflo an , thorn ; oughly reliable remedy, one which, ' we unhesitatingly reco, - 07Ad tq yon, and you know what otpCr .to. ' commendation means; it ineang ,,Your money back if not estiefled," • " One box, 250, 5 boxes (a fp11 treat. meat,) $1, from us only, ' ALLEN & WILSQN' ,. Graduate Druggists & Opticians Chuan Our way of selling spectacles prd,, teats you from any chance of finan:: It oial lose, becauae1ve guarantee to fit: ,, you right or refund your money. , It is a way that ought to appeal t{l: , you. Does it? !' Pr Bayfleld FIRE.—A fire occurred at Hamiltoir . last week in which the people of xray"' field have a personal interest., Thtb-,rare was in the lithographing establishI 'k I ,^;" of F. J. Howell, and.damagediGto:thPr ,' extent of about $7000, which isnearly covered by insurance. Mr Howell,' , ,I son-in-law of Mrs Rutledge, pf thisrun lage. NOTES.—Mr Herbert Johnston re 4 turned home last week after spending .,' a couple of years in Dakota; in,a;fo*t. ,, weeks he expecte to take a positioir, with the Massey Harris Comp'Any.� - Rev. F. Ryan, of Durham, is hero k- 1st . week op business. John Erc.In a Z ' rived home last week from Clevel'An- „� after spending the summer on,:t{eA 0 lakes. Win. Parker has returnc� ,, from a trip to Wingham andBIyi>>.j Mr S. Hannab has sold the prop's ty* ,'! on the Front road to Mr Parsons, of Belgrave. GOINo AHEAD.—Almost cootingally but more particularly during the sums; mer mouths, has it been set forth rrkk�` the columns of the NEW LrRA anvil' h1 Bayfleld is a most desirable place ..k#>11 i0?4: spend the bummer season. It hits frI"' quently been stated also, that Ba0 ', is a desirable place to live. Never. 11 , fore has this fact been more notices, ' ;1 than the present fall. as evidenced b�„ the great demand and inquiry fqq t11 - dwellings to rent. There are few suttr•;,_- able houses to let and they are engag•,�. ed and more required. We willlil able to give more particulars abs these movings shortly. CnumCH.—Bro. Holmes' diseourge � -'r the town hall here was much appre , _ ated Sabbath evening. Re -opening ae-„ vices here next Sabbath; Rev. A, St wart, Clinton, will preach at 1 Rev. R. M]Ilyard, Clinton, at23t�1, a,'T�• Miss L. A. Zinkan at 7 m.• collectto at each service. Rev. E A. Shaw• ex ,,-- c, hanged pulpits with Rev. Mr God "I win, of Victoria St. church, Goderich,.,':. last Sabbath. In connection with ,.,r.3 re -opening service at Ba el M"' dist church a literal y and song ser ,;1, 'l will be given on Monday event - , Tav'' 1st; a nominal free will be imposer ,' addresses are expected from Rpvah. Messrs Burton. Graham, Halland'Miss } Zinkan. Mr Hall, of Belgrave, agenb";' of the Bible, Society, addressed a meet, ing in the Presbyterian church , I ?".4 Wednesday evening. !lir all,' why _.";.; well and favorably known here, fs ttY; ' preach in St. Andrew's church 8undalr•",p morning. There will be no service ,n the evening to enable all who wish to .y attend the Methodist re -opening. COMPLETED. --During the past few• :. weeks the work has been rapidly push ed forward on the Methodibt church . rq•,' Eand improvements; Thos. Clslael`,,: has made great changes, the walls End., ceilings were first cleaned and then': paltered, seats and woodwork freshlyp• ., painted and the windows refrosted,' this week will complete the work,new ;, carpets, curtains and other accessar", &,i have been procured. Mr Jae. 1. I aldson has erected an exeelldnt slit d "1 for the accommodation of the country attendants, of whom there are many,, The work of both contractorshas.b eix well and satisfactorily done, and .t Methodists of Bayfield church ba tl'a reason to feel proud of the changes made and neat appearance of ttyeilr` P, of worship. The opening takoga"' place next Sunday, particulars 'of..,: which were announced last'week. 4h` Monday evening a literary andmusical` program will be presented in blas';" cbur�b, for wbich a small fee will lad:' charged. Thames Road. • , ,• NOTES.—Messrs. Andrew and Veit ;1 fred Campbell visited friends in Strstw ford on Saturday. Mr and Is lE,u;. Monteith prbid a visit to Seafort friends last Friday and Saturday, ` -''ld" , are pleased to see Miss Louisa 11a ney, who has been confined to the house for some time, -Able to,; ,be: out for a drive again. Miss Jobann Duncan, who has been visiting frill, , at Fort William and Murilla, Alg6ti5�" returned home ,on Saturday last; S6 feels very keenly the death of ;"lie mother, which occurred whit's rho. : away. Mrs Thos. Russel, Whtl . been ill so long, is at present ver', IQ11 her brother, Rev. R. Fowlie, of Ern, r with her for a few days. The pulps in the Presbyterii n Church waEi OCelt' pled by Rev. Mr Forest, of Walton Ott` Sunday last; he preached a toubihn sermon from the text, "What thin ... ye of Christ." Mrs (Rev,) Fletcihbe h " been away for some time addresh ti' the Ladies' Missionary societies iq': f ferent parts of the country. 1. Dungannon a;, CLOSE CALL.—On Tuesday eveiiiti of last week, as Richard Treleaven cW In the act of ascending the ladder in the hay loft to get hay. for his hoi. he by some means fell upon the fl and when seep, which was shorty ter the accident, was Still uneondei from I of%cte of the fall �alnd, slid' ed Some wounds in the head: M' aid was at oncWprocured. The 'o . able and highly esteemed gentki t' numerous friends will be lei heat' that althou h he is ttad> y ell his injurled,thus rtr aro ootseatio " . 1.J. ' * 1 b �ti �I' '{�� /q