HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-22, Page 8?atexraEn 13A1•tne,-..The�Tews-�tecQrd << O ehatiged bands' this week. Mr W.J. " Mitehell,late of the 1) am Chronicle, �' r was; the purchaser. Mr Todd intends - tI W Good E� , ° iRtDllvSgi; f)0, BEli V, 1847 to,.remain 1n town until spring, but has Goo ,«»' U110 settled plans for the future. He . has certainly improved the news fes- "' •" tures of the paper dur Ing his manage- ,.. Sawa *l4 940. ment of it, though we have not admit- Customers know that ✓ ed its editorial methods, and the NEw � the matter of first-class qualities and k0PINY Oaallov,—Mr Adam Fos- BRa will still endea or to live in sate r ' ° "� �i sold his, house artd lot, on Vioto. y P values the don ,- $ tq :Viissels, and has bou ht and good will with it under its new y - , ., % : nave to think of passing our store or g01�1g mapaggement. he new proprietor ie ixop$fity on High St., eon ng a single man, tough it is said he has an where lip awt to of t late Mrs (7cak. Mie serious intentions of taking y 91 We have a name for selling good ods, a name iIsU'rGltlder olt lyowpshi ,has bought g in apart- �.• g goods, hawse of-lkliss.Seth Fisher, North net' and we extend the' hand ui fritter- that -V V be • ealousl guarded. With us littleness in price arasl npClpoat; into it a .9, tip, nal fellowship °to him, y OPEN LPDG4,--The Good Tem lars intend hold an o g never means poorness in quality. 4,1mlis.: Tho autumnal tints have gg pen meeting in the , .✓' n y0ry,pretty the past week. Quail Oddfellows' Hall on Friday, Oct. 22nd Rung Was 'lawful on and after Fri- at 8 P• m, This will no doubt ecli 9e t} all former meetings, i T�5t lust. It is none to early to ge, as the�bers (�+ ready for Christmas. ,Friday was have taken -great pains et u a Sl� Dress CSlroUdS seats as a slimmer day, and store good program. A silver , lectionwill Malntles i'4 and house windows were wide be taken at the door w • 4,; Saturday afternoon a cold blast sea. Following is tJy defray esperr- .ie ro ram:—Part Ip fires necessary. I—Opeuingg ch We lead in Mantles, Our jr dress, Mr Hogue; hauman s ad- We make a specialty Of pCxDl NT9- TheotherdayMreOopp, recitation, on; song, Earle Seale; styles are the newest and l ,ss JennieShannon; music Black Dress Goode, and im- was Jomin out of her house when on Hisses Mr C. Hoare; recitation, our values the biggest in the_ ort man direct from Britain. ` slipped an fell, hurting herself se Mies I13r0oodwin; club swinging, Col- west, and the Stock is bi �!a ly,. but fortunately breaking no legiar gt to right Binds t0 eth- _ -While W. R. Lough was about, io .e girls; solo, Miss Harland; mot- enough to suit every taste. g g fir the doorway of Lawyer Scott's z . song, six small girls. Part II— :,ethgose right in quality, right lolin solo Mr T. Walker • dialogue in ran. Saturday, he was startled by, ' „ Black nggerhead Mantles, six large in style, right in price, the character, From down East; solo, 'flower pot fom falling epi Mrs Chowen;clubswinging;instrumen- battone, braid trimmed ....$3.150 Binds that bring a- customer <� � l3 earth therefrom falling oR'nia tal solos Mr N. Yellowlees; readin Mr e,hisl ud-had blown °,�Sr the Swallow; music on glasses• solo, l� ins BlaokFrieze, eiz ivorybnttone,anffe k the `next time a black h li".� b ebry;t�trgg Uq art up Alam• address Mr 0. M. Bezzo• G}o& velvet collar, lined throughout 6.50 c,; xt -stare i� tip ,0ugh c1 >sve the Queen. ass is wanted. We show this Tweed Coats, brown mixture, six season an extra fine assortment �� 1 'NOTus.— The directors'of the Me- ivor buttons, cuffs............5.00 EIW- R, m— The -'•new outle'tl ohanice Institute have decided to add of mourning goods. Black niggerhead 3 large buttons otof Iaaac street to the Bay- `the Encyclopaedia Brittanica to the slash collar, ed ed with wide mid rich has rover such acon- library at a coat of $60. The death of g /m Lam• p P Pullman of elate car fame, recalls litary and narrow Russia braid, a All wool serge, our famous quarter e: to the farmers of Stanleyand P y 'g y garment q ii41G1? townshipduring the sumer, the fact that he was one of the em• ver ei htl 5, ij0 dollar line..... ................... 25c loyes engaged in building the Buffalo 40 inen Fano French Dress Goods, Iden gravelled and will be an ex- p � Brown Covert sloth, doable breast- Y & Lake uron railway, working on ed, turndown collar, Duffs, six g patterns .................... 1t winter roe , The town gray- sodHeni40c Our CARP> T Sale this end of the line. The Globe started :a' portion of it, and the farmers ivory buttons, a warm and ser- All wool Henrietta, 36 inches wide, fine a relief fund for the fire eiifferera in ....6.00 finish ............................3pe Stanley and Gloderich township viceable coat .......... , . Russel and Prescott, which already Be'veral days this week also, and y Fano Black ^ Dress .Goode, a P a generous ,coat of gravel; they amounts to about $1500; in its issue of Black and fawn covert cloth, Y great We continue our great sale of Oarpets Faithfully carried out their part of Monday it acknowledges the receipt of buttons high across throat, range. of neat and tasty patterns ..50c all this month. Trade in this depart- reement. $5 towards the fund, trom W. Taylor large fancy buttons, ouffs,'_ ��, � $7 25 Heavy Berge, 38 to 40 inches wide, all mettt is good, and we are booming it and Sons, $10 from W. W Farran, and pure wool hard worsted finish, good with our phenomenally low prices.— Na AssISTA DXCE,—A person claim-, $5 from "Clinton," which ate certainly Black and fawn beaver, front I value at 60o, special at ....•.....:. 50¢ See last week's paper for list of prices. ),be a medical man and a Mason generous donations from this place.— and back braid trimmed, turn p Ato.the Maeonsof town for assist- We are indebted to the Wingham over oollar, naffs ..........e�el.o(� 46 inch fine silk finished all wool Hen- SMALL PIECES. %is week. His story is to the of- Times for the report of the S. S. and rietta ............................50c aa1 he was robbed of $800 in broad C, E. Convention in that place last Children s Reefers, lined an un- An extra fine pure woo, silk finished This week we have taken all our ht, in Jefferson avenue, Detroit week, but is unavoidably held over till lined, in navy, rough cloth Henrietta short ends of carpets, both wool and next week. Jas. Stec 1 and fancy tweed, from 03.25 to 60C p r tapestry, and laid them out to sell.— 4,mg than remain on American p eaves next week 4 5� Fancy figured Dress Goode, very nob - e made his way to Canada, grad- with a carload of thorn -bred stock for Tho, are in len the of from three to Manitoba where he sa Heavy Boucle cloth Mantles, turn by patterns .............. ... .. 75C yy g .gravitating here. The Masons says there is a over oollar, 2 large and 6 small twelve yards, and are just the thing for �ecilined to rant him an assist- good demand for it. J. Brown has 44 inch fine all wook soliel, Priestley's small rooms and bedrooms. Of course g Y buttons, cuffe, veg Stylish gar. 6r to recognize him in any way, rented the brick house of Miss_ Core, ment, in bili, brown & myrle 7 00 make ....... .............70e you don't expect tc pay full price for lila oatisfied with his claim that Huron street. The House of Refuge Priestley's famous Black Dress Goods, remnants, so we have got the .prices s;a, member of the order. Committee met last Friday, but very Heavy Frieze Mantles, dark col- 42 to 44 inches wide, in fancy f right down to a remnant basis. We ti :, little business of a public nature was ors, cuffs, velvet collar, 6 large weaves ................75C, 90e, $1 1 have ends of all qualities, and if you ,LECTIONS.—There are some who transacted. Mrs H. R. Walker, we pearl buttons, very warm coat 7 ani ; have a room one of them will fit, you by-elections for the vacancy in regret to learn, has been 'seriously ill Priestley's Bilk and wool Henrietta, ; can buy it at a bargain. Until should not have been held, the past few days, and is yet in a pre- Extra good quality niggerhead very fine finish......................$1 at°the council, for the balance of carious condition. Night watchman cuffs, narrowland wide military A square of Oilcloth under your stove is a 4r could have got along without McCreahas been ill fora conple nigbts. braid trimming, 61arge worsted we also chow a very fine assortment of wonderful saving on the carpet. wehave g -an election. The stattites pro- Messrs. Hunter & Avery have been buy- battone .......................� 25 single patterns in fancy blacks at $6 50 special patterns for this purpose, and metal hat where vacancies occur in a Ing upalot of lambs for future shipment I to $10 the dress. binding to preserve thg edges. 1 "rafter the 1st of November" a to the old country. W. A. McBryne leetion shall not be held, but as has taken a situation with Jackson ;ancien occurred here before that Bros. Mr Kern, late of town, is im- t'became nee6seary to hold the proving in health, and goes to Mexico ���dUs. Nominations will therefore for the winter. The fall wheat looks T d8.30,iandifa:eveni necessary, better t Colborne than in any other Hodgenis ion and if ake is necessary, part ff this section, and while it shows B Os�otiona will take place a week the effect of the drouth, is still doing � �.b. u.t$e usual polling pietas. fairly well; the rain this week is just what was wanted to put fan 'wheat Direct Importers, Clinton. '(;SHED.—On the advice of her and the pastures in good condition.— tan, Miss Topping has tendered Mr Lavis is erecting� an airmotor on ngnation as a teacher in the Col- the farm of Mr PIumsteel, London 'Institute, to take effect as soon road. Mrs Davis, sr., is ver ill; she is ;bstitute can be secured. She one of the oldest residents o7tbe town. isumed her duties this week, and Mr A. G}orrell returned from Manitoba e45 that she would be able to last week; he has not been very well, ge them, but her ailment is such but is improving under the doctor's is doctor strongly urges her to entre; be ie atop ing with his daughter,��jll�»l»����»1111»�1111111U�1»�1�1�1�11�1�u11��1�Y w'r milder climate. The Board Mra Bacon, Toronto. It is rumored 91'adly have retained her servic- that plans are being prepared for the under the circumstances have erection of another hotel in town, J. ' ide mm e but relieve her, She Rands, an industrious young man of ole any friends in town who town, and Miss Rose- Rutledge were •� } ill GUn Ga Wd thdi;ipecea t t that takes her married on Wednesday; happpiness and Box full 0lMoney and hope that the change may prosperity to them. Ho gene Brog. reue$cially. were out et Loudesboro this week lay - r ERY Pttoi?rr Lir.—Recently Ing carpets in the fine new house of Mr tn+ gentleman>, *. m we shall James Campbell. It was a thoughtful txtion, got the "chicken fever " act on the part of the Electric Light Inking -he saw a nice margin of CO to turn on the lights Wednesday 4 it, concluded to try it. He afternoon while it it. dark, and the SomethrngNeWj A dvertrsing 1 t are much for fancy breeds, or Public appreciated it. Dr. Hassey, To - I "of that nature, but he invest- ronto, who is under arrebt for alleged n incubator, "guarani,eed to malpractice, is the same party who was iib 90 per cent of the egga,', a defendant in the snit taken by Chas. incubator, about $10. He then Peacock, of this vicinity, for injuries 1t During the past 15 years we have spent about $4000.00 Zegga, put them in the mach- and damages, Visitors to the House in advertising, and: the printers have got the full benefit tied her up, and awaited events, of Refuge should b6ar in mind that course of time a little chink Thursday is visitors day, and Thum- Of this amount. We are now going t0, give our custom - ia earance,and it was the only day only; there being so much work t%– y and so man inmates ors a chance, and here is our latest scheme. We have ,.not another egg produc- y ,the e•eneral pub - The distinguished and Time-honored personage, 9 Mr.Jack Frost has already accomplished his decorative work on our trees, and h announced his intention of soon directing his attention to the win. dowe, and then the long winter evenings by the fireside will bring' out the full meaning of that good old word--HOMEL There's not a home in the town but can be made more comfortable, more r ed, more cheery, more entertaining, by little touch 'a and ad here and there, and there is not a store anywhore better eq j In points of quality, quantity and prico; to supply the ne, articles than our le, Would your room not be the better of some new paper on the wa extr 0 Window Blind or Curtain Pole, another Pfeture ou thew ,lpaP shade—now so fashionable—on your lamp; the wire fram f st You just 15c, and the paper we have at 10, 15, 20 and 25c, according to rierit. Would your .home not be made more antertaing by a game—a, good one—or by the addition of a few books. We have popular lines of both, and at popular prices, representing a veritable wonder of novelty and amusement. We can't enumerate here, but if you are interested, call' and see us. Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. The W. D. FAIR CO WHAT QUEER THINGS Clinton. some put in a Five Cent Window and call them values? See ours. . ZIP Serviceable � Shoes for Delicate F . � set. It isn't difficult to find easy shoes in summer styles. Most any soft leather made up in light shoes will give comfort. It's the win- ter weights in shoes that cause all the trou- ble. Substantial shoes don't u-.1ally give delicate teet much comfort. Our N. �11•made, peifect•fitting and substantial winter wear, + will tit tho tender points on your feet and give you pleasure, while the quality and price will be equally satisfactory. This is the season when RU BB'E.R GOODS are worn. We have a full stock -of both the Granby alxd the Canadian Rubber Co., in all the different styles. Wm. Taylor & Sons Clinton and Walkerton. QUd11*ty9 votill, e and _ = P rice ARE THE INDUCEMENTS WE OFFER YOU (thing. Shortly atterwards a p Olf with this chick, and the lie cannot reasonably expect to be ad- muted at an other time than Thurs- placed 1n our windows A GLASS, SAFETY CASH BOX, 32 111. Flannelette heavy weight, reg 10e••••6e , sgusted, retired from the chick- day, and it is important that this p containing a good round sum of mons and the customer g g y, toga, should be borne in mind. The demand for the world-renowned Doherty Or- who gets the Key that will open the cash bog, can have the PRICE 50 CTS. 500 yards Print, 10 and 121c for • ...........71c DRD.—A happy event that has for gan is so great that it is necessary for the contents. This is how It is done:—We have had made for All the latest shapes in petted sometime took lace Pus gine of Mr and Mrs Bacon, 255 employees to work over -time and even with this effort, the company are a number of Keys, one ohly of which will unlock the bog, Puffhi, Bows Lombards,Ladies Wool u and Knots.' The fines ' est 35c for.. • ...............25c �, vtegar St., Toronto, at3.30p ,n, considerably behind with their orders. and from now until Jan. 3rd, next, we will give one Key with assortment to be seen �aesd&y,, when her sister, Miss T. b. Doherty is back from Manitoba. ever cash urchase of $1 or ova a d on the b v d t anywhere. L I , Glorrell-o6came the wife of H. ii Of Mount Forest. The wed - i& quiet one, none but the im- relatives being present, the Laker performing the care= Blas_ Gorreil is the youngest ,,of. Mr A.Gorrell,so long a res - Vlintan, and her acorea of '111 join vary heartily with us 9 her long life and happiness. n, Is a rising young business [dunt Forest, and is fortunate i oc'uring so amiable a young Gq;'lfe partner. AiiiPMDNT.-On Monday 147 160p were shipped from Sea - Writ to Mr Gooding, daho; they Second shipment made to this t� he having procured 03 titri0 before, and they am. 40, Bary best thorobreds that Irtoured in this section, beingg Bei@ester's. They averaged each in price,ithough some est as much as $75 each, and i E ck of tprize breeders in' ddlesex anderth. They i ll by Mr Jas. Snell, who had Luse of those experienced dro- •eimee Hearn and Mr Winters i' eve' from the herd oflA. so b Lodge, which took first Is intported flock at Toronto, lYerh, from the herd of Gaunt 1 G .I%lens, which . took first 1 doiito as the Canadian flock. ii)O t instructions were to buy lest breeding sheep possible, i of, of price, and he undoubt• r bd. the •$nest tot of this class Coft'thie section, in fact he 7 Si 0 -the breeders, and it is a i P,for breeders that such men I ilheop business. Parenthet- i lay' be, r'cwarked that Amer- I asixiboit to buy Canadian ahoeli; and there is a de- thett' reoda, so that farriers d Wag, mach risk in raisin o rojimitWis botter adapted V l0ing bati the American, a Personal J. Fingland, Hullett, left on a trip to Winnipeg last week. Mr and Mrs Thos.Long,of Port Hope. were visiting his sister, Mrs J. Junior, last week. Mise I. Cooper has returned to town, after spending a week at her home in Seaforth Mra Polley, of Amherst Island, is visiting her daughter, Mrs MoMath, and may re- main for the winter. Mr John Churchill and family, were bicketed to Killarney, Man.,last Thurs- iay by A. O. Pattison. Mrs Brooke, (dau�hterof W.Cantelon) who has been visiting here for several weeks, returned home on Friday, Mrs A. O. Pattison and her sister -in Iaw,Miss Pattison, left for Port Huron, Friday, owing W the il)ness of a neice. Chas. girvin, er,, the oldest and one of ,he most highly respeoted'residents of west Nawanosh, was in town visiting friends his week. Mr and Mrs Baker, Elkton, Mich., nee Mise- Flick, Jblborne,) left for �beir home yesterday. They were ac- :om Hied by their sister, Mrs Shiele, who ad come over for the wedding. , J. . Gilroy was called to Chicago, on ?'ride owing to the death *of his sister, vire ay; deceased was the wife of ran. McKay, of MoXay & Carver, a veil -known clothing firm. She leaves One child. Miss White and Mrs Millyard left for Toronto yesterday, to attend the iiieet- ag of the W. C. T. U. Miss Minnie tumball also left on a visit to her sister n the same city; Mrs Stewart and Mrs Iurray also left yesterday for Toronto. R,Jackson of Hartney, Man., formerly f Hullett, has been spending a few aye with his brothers in town. He it no bf the leading Methodists in the rest and being a member of the Gen - - _J r, n a o e a 6 t`us- tomers can bring their keys and see if they have the one that will give them the contents. We carry one of .the finest stocks of ' Clothing, G&t's I Furnishings, Hats and Furs to be found in the west, and l our prices, considering the quality, cannot be equalled r Our Wonderful Snaps f Those Leather Braces which we have been advertisingat slit, sold everywhere at 50cts, are selling by the dozen, and are wonderul value. Our "Leader" in Underclothing, at 25 cents, beats anything ever offered, and we have never had a line that sells so quickly, Our Great 25c Woollen UOSe, for Men, has been bought in immense quantities from the maker, and nobody can beat it. Oujr, Men's $t and $3 Wants, made by ourselves, stand to -day un- equalled in the trade, and the quantity we make and sell is the best evidence j of their value. Boy's Knee Pants, 5% 609 75c, still going out by the dozens every week. Nothing has ever been offered to equal them. SOMETHINGr INTERESTING TO MEN WILL BE GIVEN NEST WEEK Jackson' � The Famous Clothiers, Clinton. PRICE 25 CTS. Light. dark and medium shades, in all the latest shapes, colors and patterns. ZZ Wool Vests ....................5o0 Ladies' Woo] Vests ............................85c Children's Wool Vests, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25, 35c. Ladies' Wool Hose, plain or ribbed ......25c Ladies' fine ribbed wool Hose. 50c for .... 40c Children's fine w ool )Hose ..........18c to 35c. Ladies' fine ribbed Cashmere Hose, first quality, double sole, heel and toe, 45 & 50c Children's fine ribbed Cashmere Hose, trouble knees, sole, heel and tee- •25e to 45c Millinery some n nobby, new shapes addingweek we are r in DressHats, Walkingnow in �Hat and Land Sailors. show great business that is done in this department shows it is the most popular place with the public, for Millinery, and we offer You as an inducement STYLES --THE LATEST, VARIETY—THE LARGEST, We are sole agents for PRICES JUST Welsh, Margeston & Co. and Young & Rochester of London, Eng,, the The Great Millinery Emporium, finest Neckwear manu• facturers in the world, ��V V �(% 1 1 B -P-4 � � 1_.J ■, • . 1 Ask to see their it oods, rel Mienien Board, >has been attendinar itt tit trrrtt tri tri tri rrr tri rrr trr.m tri rrr rrr itt rrr rrr rrrThe rdies Favorite Estnblilshmon+ meeting of that body at Halifax,N.S, rN #rf. • •f a & co cuntoa