HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-22, Page 7w�.
of -�
ed ver much Tt'h rheumatism in t e
baok, and became so bad that be could not
bend, stoop, or sit in a chair at the table,
Anted States army—New York Prows
_- -
Any quantity of fat hogs wanted for
Vshipping purposes, for which the high -
est market prices will be paid. Parties
.leaving hogs to sell will oblige by leav-
mg word at the shop. •
R. Fitzsimons, Clinton.
WO' doing business on the cash princi-
e� d will supply our customers with
es meats at t�f,,ee lowest paying prices
Business Change.
The undersigugd desires to intimate to
the people of Clinton that he has bought
.out the butchering business lately conduct -
Fed by Reid Bros., and will continue the
Pearce in the old stand, Huron St„ Clinton,
•where by strict attention to the wants of
his customers, he hopes to merit and receive
a fair share of patronage. He will sell for
,cash only, and at the lowest prices.
Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton.
Produce Exchange
Headquarters for all kinds of
NVe-have a choice stook of FEED CORN
Highest market price paid for coarse grain,
x taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs
Flour & Feed Ctore
In large or small quantities.
pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of
The e1
8ons Bank
�Incorpomted by Actof Parliament 1885
CAPITAL - $2,000,000
REST FUND - $1,400,000
War, MOLBox MACPHERSON, President
F. WoLFansToN THOmAs. Gen Manager
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
.issued, Sterling and American exchange
nought and sold. Interest allowed on de-
posit@. SAvnQos BANn—Interest allowed on
sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to
farmers on their own note, with ,.one or
$more endorsers. No mortgage required
H. 0. BREWER, Manager, Clinton
A general Banking Business
(r, transacted.
Draftsissued, Interest allowed on
• deposits.
Advanoes made to farmers on their own
notes at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Business transacted.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TIS'DALL, Manager.
Geo. Watt Pres ant, Harlock P. o,; James
hBroadfoot loo -Pros., Seaforth P. 0.; W. J.
Shannon, yTreae., Seafortb P.O.; M. Mnrdie
"Uspector of losses, Seaforth P. O.
Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth• M. Hardie, Sea.
forth; Geo. Dale, Seaforth• Seo. Watt, Harlook;
T. H, Hays, Seaforth• Alex. Gardiner, Lead.
bury; Chea, Oarbutt, Clinton; John McLean,
Thos. Neilans, Hariock- Robt, MoMlilan, Bea-
sIorth, and J. Oumipgs, 1Llgmondvillo.
". Parties desirous to of et Insurances or tran-
met other business will boromptly attended to
on application to any oftheabove officers
adressod to their respective offices.
E. TAYLOR the celebrated Cutler
and Girinder, of 94.fffeld, England, is back
:•;'* to town for a short time, and is located on
Drnsley's Corner. Ire will do
Grinding & Repairs ofall kinds
.,on short notice and at reasonable rates.
Pooket Knives rebladed and made equal to
new. Razors, Scissors, slid all kinds of
Yknives aharpenod.Umbrell s and Parasols
• neatly kepaipp@@d and old ones bought. Cross
Cut f3swo gufrllned and sharpened.
Cook,$. Cotton Roof Compound
YP the onlyy Rafe, reliable
monthly inediclue on which
ladies can depend in the
hour and time of need
Is prepared in, two degrees
of strength.
No. I for ordinary cases
Is by far the best dollar medicine known
--soldby druggists, one Dollar per box:
No. •L for special cases—io degrees
stronger --sold by druggists. One box,
Three Dollars i two boxes, Five Dollars.
No. z, or Na s, mailed ori receipt of
prim and two 3 -cent stamps.
The Cook Company,
Wlndaor, Ontario.
Sold in Clinton and everywhere is Can-
ada by all responsible druggists.
For Twenty-seven Years
D N 7 S
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu-
ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis; Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
Female irregularities and General Debility
Laboratory, Goderick,
• J. M. MoLeoll,
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by
Best Embalming Fluid used.
Splendid Hearse
Residence over store
0fj1'i'UJv AkEtRLE WJktK.
Nex to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment Is in full o• oration and a
order filled in the most satisfact,o, y way Come
tory and granite work a specialty, prices a
reasonable as those of any establishment
9EALE & HOOVHR,Clinton. In
Bonilla Nnofirics
Trees, Plants, Shrub&
This old -established and reliable business is
being continued as usual, and those who want
anything in our line can rely on the very beet
of service
Cholce'Wlants for Spring Bedding.
Floral Designs for Weddings or Funeenlo
bruit and Ornamental Trees
Spruce. Scotch & Astrachan rine
Pr ace of entire stock very low.
All orders promptly filled.
John Stewart Estate,
The undersignod is prepared to do all kinds
of Stamping for Mate, Persian Rugs and arti-
cles of like nature. Work done prom ti and
at reasonable rotes. MRS A.WORTHFATON
Huron Street.
Have You Tried
If not, do So; can
be had at
JAS. STEEP, Clinton
We Will Pay Straight Weekly
Of from $10.00 to $M,00, according to ability, for
canvassers on "Queen Victoria : Her Life and
Reign;' after a trial month on our big oommis.
Alan. The Diamond Jubilee Is booming this
wonderful volume, keeping all hands working
earlvand Into. The only Canadian work accept-
ed by Her Majesty and endorsed by thb Royal
Family, A beautiful big book at a small price;
hurry your agllcation. Titin Hlumsy—GArt
AnTaox Pa., L td, Toronto, Ont,
6 t
r.r �
4\ 1J I Y U L\ V 11JU• � �� �"��"
M10* WATT' OF NEW YORK. ...: ..
1 '�.'wo, �. Agouutug Iu,tsuases I
Up to the end of September the fire From W" no■oendpd a Marquis and (Paul
loss in Canada and the United States s —' of Gross Britain.
this year amounted to $$0,413,700, being �'' h , People talk of international marriages ■ " }
610,000;000 less than in the same nine Quickly 13x, a by' Paine's as if they were an invention of recent years
months of 1$1x3, and X116,000,000 less '`�, and are oblivious of the toot that British What S
than for the similar period of 1$95. Celery COmpOulitdte, peers have shown their good sense by mar -
The Grand Trunk Railway manage- . �.+4 vying American girls for over a couple of
went has made an irn ortant strike in i oenturies, and there is a large amount of
Keating full control of the Vermont Amok o blood in the British house o1 ;
Central Railway, By this deal the lord.-..
Company will now have aline of its ° wo Thankful lord Every one goln;,np and down lower
own extending from Chicago to Boston�"•� Broadway notices tile`'�J ue of John Watte
should be read b Sufferin as created b 1
on Frederick Peters, the Premier y g in Trinity churchyard. It' y
his dosoendant General De P[•v,,ster, who
Arince Edward Island, is about to Men and Women , �;;,�, has a predilection for that sort ar thing,
[stirs from the Government, and it is Now old John Watts, besides ben-` the
stated on good authority that he in -
a. progenitor of General De Peyster, was t�&,
tends to remove to British Columbia, progenitor of the present inorquis of Ailsa
While Mason Bros, were threshing For the effectual banishment of rheums- and earl of Cassillis. There were earls of Al with their steamer for F. H, Grosse, tism, soiatioa and neural is Paine's Cel- Cassillis before Ma
near Drayton, Ont., the barn, sheds ie withgoub doubt the best reed the •dauphin orof Francoqueen of Soots, mar-
ery Componnd" ,
and all outbuildings, together with medicine that human science has ever pro- were Barons Kennedy before and there Columbus
implements and a seabon s crop, were duced. This marvellous remedy, devised discovered America. On that wild coast
totallydestroyed b fire from a spark
by Professor Edward Phelps, M.D., one of whish looks out on the Scottish islands,
from y P he engine. the ablest physicians that ever lived, has where Ailsa lifts bar head above the foam,
S. P. Layburn and son, Jack. of Lon- won the hearty praise of millions of people the Kennedys have always reigned, and PRACTI CA LLY
donate taking a horse back trip for the wondrous cures it has.wrought in Captain Kennedy of the royal navy mar-
hr ugh
ar-through Western Ontario. Mr Lay- all laude. It if only a medicine with such ried a Mies Schuyler of New York, who is
burn, l i is an Engda, and tt a recent a record t cures t it as attain a world- put down in o the records of the col, of - PERFECT',,",
arrival in Canada, and true to old .wide reputation. It has saved men, wo- heralds as coming from New Jersey. For
country ideals of pleasure,hehas adopt- men and children man of whom had his s000nd wife be married a Miss Watts
ed this means of seeing the country. been given up by the doctors. It does its of New York, and from that union sprang
work quickly and well; it eradicates every the present marquis of Allen and earl of �
Itching, Burning Skin Diseases trace of disease; it builds up, fortifiXb.
nd Cassillis. The roan who married Miss
Relieved in a day. Eczema, salt rheum makes activeeverymortal whose
Sobulyer came to his earldom and leis P R E PA RATONbarbers'itch, and all eruptions ct the akin have been ori led and deformed b ra- . estates on the death of his brother after a\
urbe relieved and speedily oared b kin tism and drives away the terrors of contest between the Earl of March and
quickly P Y Y neuralgia. Ruglen about the succession, wbfeh was
Ointment, It will give instant g v�
comfort in osaesof itohina, bleeding or blind To -day the ablest doctors are freely pre- decided in favor of the ouptrrin's brother,
piles, and will oure in from three to six scribing Paine's Celery Compound for tor- It was the same sort of a contest which
nights. 35 cents. Bold by Watts & Co. tured rheumatic and neuralgia people. The was waged by the Rev. Bryan Fairfax and FOR
thankful lettere received each year from by Lord Stirling, with the potent excep-
Hon. R. W. Scott, Canadian Secre- the cured in every section of Canada would, tion that two of the American claimants
tary of State, says he does not look if published in book form, make a large were successful, and the third, Lord Stir -
upon the possibility of our selling and interesting volume. r ,'1.,., ling, was not. Thefaot that William Alex.
Great Britain $60,000,000 worth of but- The following letters will surelyvinspirq ander foagbt bravely In tbo cause of the CHILDR'ENIS
ter and cheesy as anythinfanciful all rheumatic and neuralgia sufferers with colonies mL y have bad something to do
and unlikely. We sent 13,000,000 anew and lively hope of a better and hap'. with his'�lad'k of success before the house
worth of cheese last year. We have pier life. furs McMann, of Thorold, Oat., of lords. However, the American blood
sent much more this season, and $2,- says: in the Earl of Cassillis advanced him to COMPLAINTS.
000,000 worth of butter is being
sent "I think it my duty to let you know a marquisute, and General De Peyster hue
forward. what Paine's Celery (Compound lhas done erected a monumont to ofd John Watts.
for my busband, For two years he suffehr. One of the earl's sons married the daugh-
ter of General Alexander Macom b of th
The New Brunswick Government
has secured and sold to farmers in
that Province 126 cattle and 160 sheep,
ed ver much Tt'h rheumatism in t e
baok, and became so bad that be could not
bend, stoop, or sit in a chair at the table,
Anted States army—New York Prows
_- -
mS 0 ,e s
for the purpose of improving their
and I was obliged to take his meals to him
breeds. The animals were bought in
this Province, which is recognized as
while he lay in bed. He was treated by
various physicians, but•received no benefit
Fewer limbs are amputated nowadays
being far advanced in the production
until he used Paine's Celery Compound.
than ten years ago. Snob is the verdict o1
one of London's largest hospitals. While
of thorobi ed stock.
The first bottle gave him relief, and after
he had used six bottles be was quite free
surgical operations have ibereased 60 per
Mr P. Pickard, of the Mitchell Ro,7,,
fibm the rheumatism. He was troubled
cent they have become more conservative,
Blanchard, has been worrying over awith piles for Fourteen years, and found and science now devotes itself to the sav-
puzzle the last few days that throws Ing of limbs which ten years ago there a
great relief from the Componnd. He says would have been no option but to cut off.
the "Pigs in the Clover" puzzle of some P
he feels like a new man neat now. We At the same time mortality has decreased Hungry
three years ago all in the shade; while Y
gathering eggs he found one witb a full think there is no medicine like Paine's gwing to Improved methods of nursing
Celery Componnd, and better sanitation. Only 2 per cent of ¢'
grown mouse in it, the'mouse'sitait Y
Mrs A. Acheson, of Montreal, says:— the operations today are amputations it
only protecting from a little hole in" the "Two years ago I suffered intensely from�n'� Delight
small end of the eghg. How the wee neural to in the head, face and shoulders.
mouse got there is the puzzle Mr Pick- I was n a terrible condition, and often so a roar Excuse.
and is trying to solve. tortured that I could not rest or sleep. I "What have you to say for yourself?" r
Henry Sims, of East Nissouri, has a became very weak and feeble, had giddy said the judge to the man who had been Is something good to eat. If you occasionally feel that you F ;;
7 convicted of stealing a watch. would like some to appease our appetite, `t
span of pure-bred Clydesdale mares and faint spells, and often could not at- g PP Y PP
that he has a perfect right to be proud tempt to o out on the street. M a e- My early education is responsible for try some of the Following
Y PP 1t, your honor." •1
of, for withoua doubt they cannot be tito became poor and digestion very weak ,
equalled in Canada. They have never At night, while in bed; I often had espies -How so?Heinz s Sweet Pickles, Me a quart, +'
been beaten and won first prize at Tor- sive and smothering feelings; my, whole "I was fought that in order to do thingsy `
onto fair. They are a beautiful bay, nervous system was run down and very properly it was necessary to hike time. Heinz's Beans In Tomato Sauce, Blue'Label Cad
standing 12 1-2 hands,and 5 and 6 years weak. Detroit Free Prase. Potted Meats—Ham, Chicken, Partridge,
old, and weigh about 3,700 lbs. He bas I had been under the care of a medical One historical authorlt states that the
received many tempting offers for man and used various medicines, but no y
them but intends to keep them. relief came to me from these sources. I earliest discovery of iron within the prey- Every delicacy the market affords, at lowest possible prices, ,
fortunately beard of your Paine's Celery eat llmits of this country was in the moan- The up-to-date Grocery is s#
Compound; I decided to give it a trial, and min range of western North Carolina, and
A Kingston Ilerchant. I blase the day I commenced with it. I the first effort to monufaotu[e 1t into mea- OGLE OOOF �j -"Q & 00
-- used it for several months, and now feel as chartable form was made7n the state of vl V V .L i.V \.J\J• Phone e
Tells of His Release from thewelt as ever did. All my pains have been Virginia in 1819. The foutdW wasde. ,
banished, I sleep and eat well, and find st iyed by the Indians In MEIN
Fains of Rheumatism.recom-
_ -
myself a new woman. I heartly recom-
It Had Afflicted Him for Upwards of Ten mend Paine's Celery Compouhd to all who � '� 4 p 4D
are in need of an honest; and true curing --=
Years and Many Remedies Were Ttiied medicine."
in Vain—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Ef-
fected His Release, Jas. Hays, formerly Reeve and an Aristocrat»
From the Freeman, Kingston, Ont. old resident, rented his farm and sold Dyspeptic.?
his stock and implements to the ten- jjj���.The shape for slender feet and stylish
Fifteen years ago,'Mr Alexander O'Brien, ant, Mr Hotham, from Hibbert.
the popular Princess street tailor, was one n,�,,n„� dress. Straight sided American
of the most athletic young men in Kingston, Sir Wilfi id Laurier bas undertaken SOUTH AMERICAN NIERVINE 1$ THE type, with high, stiff, moderately k
both as foot racer and otherwise. Eleven a work of the highest historic interest,. RAINBOW OF „PROMISL q,
years ago he commenced businessandshort. The Canadian premier has arranged Mm�Rted—•weaq,_gfoomy. No one cw full, box toe. A mdYi-of-fashion shoe.
ly afterwards wasstricken with rheumatism with a leading firm of London publish- ad i miaery of Laced—Buttoned—Congress—Oxford. Black, Tall, i.
which caused him mash pain, lose of rest, ars to write a historyof the Hudson adequately describe tie ab act
the entTerer from Dyspepsia and InRI}gee
and neglect of business. He states that he Bay Company. It will be based on in- tion. South American Nervine is the Seal Brown, Carmine or Wine Color. Half sizes
tried many doctors and many medicinea,all formation from the archives of the greateet discovery in medloei science 5 to I I. Widths A. to E. Goodyear We16
to no avail. Over a year ago a friend advis- Company, which, with their state see- for the cure of all ctKonto atoomeh
ed•him to try Dr. William's Pink Pills, and rets of 250 years, have been carefully troubles, It Rots dlreatty'tbaouo the $3.00, $4.00, $5.00. Stamped on sole.
though he had but little confidence in them, guarded from the public eye. Mr nerre _4W seat of all d1soose. Tbouo-
or any advertised medicine of any deserts- Beckles Wilson will be associated with ends taetiry of Dares made Senat from enraLoour "The Slater Shoe »
tion, at the urgent request of his friend he the Canadian premier [n this work. the deet dose. racz •
I was g great aniYerer fbom
STOUT PEOPLE. stornuok and nefvb Vauble9, Tiled a
soore of reinsures D90 relleL gal! a -�
Stout people are in great danger of hav- bottle of south Anumic" Norvine - _ O
ing the heart muscles gradually weakened worked wonders. $t batt n made nne-w man se_ a
b infiltration of fat. This can be prevent- Mor abru °t me
edb the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Morn®brirQ' ��° ='
y Don't •xporlmont with new �e•d , ,
Pills. doM
Mr James Helly, Hamilton, Ont., doubtful medlooe-Take the ZZ W. TAYLOR & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR
<ays: "I have been sick and feeble for five and tested. E1
years, with a weak, fluttering heart, sink-
ing feeling, nervousness, shortness of
breath, etc., but am now glad to say that
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have com-
pletely removed all my heart and nerve
troubles, and given me back my health."
�✓�� ,, / \\��� Iiyren as He W ae.
His character and his conduct present-
ed unceasing oontradictions. It seemed as
if two different souls occupied his body
alternately, One was feminine and full of
sympathy, the other masculine and char -
decided to give the pills a trial, and accord- acterized by a clear judgment.
ing to Mr O'Brien it was a lucky venture. When one soul arrived, the other depart -
After the first box had been taken, oustom- ed. In company his sympathetic soul was
ers noticed the change, and when three bis tyrant. Alone or with a single person
boxes had been finished the result was mar - his masoullne prudence displayed itself.
vellous. His strength had returned,impov. No man could then arrange facts, investi,
erished blood renewed, muscles developed. gate their causes or examine their conse-
rheumatism almost disappeared, barring a quonces with more logloai aootfraoy or a
slight stiff noes in knee joints,wbich is grad- more practical spirit_ Yet In his most sa- ,
sally going, and the last six months he has gaoious moment the entrance of a third The Tb
done more work in hie tailoring establish. person would derange the order of his
menta than he had accomplishedin the pre. ideas. Judgment fled and ssyympathy—geu-
.vious four years, A Freeman representative orally laughing—took its plAM Hence be
noticing the change in Mr O'Brien's condi- appeared In his oondnot extremely oapri- Pride
him to what he attributed his ap. ctous, while in his opinions be bad great
parent good health after such a long seige of firmness. Often, however, he displayed a i
illness. Without hesitation he replied,, Well feminine turn for deception in trifles,
I have taken no medicine in the past year while at the same time he possessed a femi-
other than Dr. William's Pink Pills, there. nine candor of soul and a natural love of of its
fore I attribute my present condition solely truth which made bim often despise him -
to its use. They had such a good effect in self quite as much ap he despised others Ci •
driving rheumatism out of my syste��inn and for what he called brazen bypocriey.—F. Makers t Rig
building np mq shattered oonetitntioii, that B. Sanborn in Scribner's r l
My wife,whose health was not any too'good,
also tried these pills. A few boxes remedied
her illness, and she too CRUEL SCIATICA. is as lend in her _
praise of them as I am. Many of my ons Incessant Pain— Tormented— Racked —
tomers and friends who witnessed the effect
of the pills on my constitution commenced Life Despaired of.
to use them, and they relate the same story
as I have told you. I am ad -well now as John Marshall, Varney,P.O., On. of Grey,
ever I was in my life. writes these strong words: "For two years
Dr, William's Pink Pills care by going to I was completely laid ap with sciatica. I The Favorite '�TOrl•
'�e Qf the Pealeris,the root of the disease. They renew and dootored without any hope. A friend saw J. J: C.tJ V
build up the blood,and strengthen the nerves the notice of a cure of what seemed a paral- ..r..„
thus driving disease from the system, lel case to mine, by South American Rhen-
Avoid imitations by insisting that every matin Cure, and knowing my little faith in
box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper the effloaoy of any remedy, he procured a
bearing the full trade mark, Dr. William's bottle himself -and brought it to me, I took
Pink Pills for Palo People. it. and, to make a long story short, it saved
my life. in a dayor so I was out of bed,and
4Cl,1M.Lj01'C>3R3C1!!,. in thtde days I was able to walk to I/urham COOPER & CO.,
The Eta distAnee of four miles,to purchase another ��T
H. A. COZIER & CO., V1
simile ��^ ev. to n ttlil I am now entirely oared." Sold a'
4truK+tre ;;W. rn pit by acts& Co. TORONTO.