HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-22, Page 5Sib, rghter
jj ' of $6,000 worth of
i thing in my store, at whole -
Ff xioes or below, from now until
Chris mus. We must nave the mo-
ney, and if you want the goods at
prices ,That zan't be beet, come to US.
This is a genuine sale, and' every
word that we say we mean. Every-
thing will be sold at cost or below,
until Christmas. Mind; we can give
yon prices that nobody can beat, as
we are bound to reduce our stook by
$8,000 worth at once. Come and get
these great snaps, beoeuse they are
j !worth coming miles to get.
I B, Rumball
Leader of Jewelery Fashion
We are .Right
At the verge of a
If you wish proof
of this come to
Biddlecombe's and
see what we have.
At the Beginning
of the fell Season our
stook of Jewelery, Spec-
tacles, &o., and prices will
convince you.
The prices on these arti.
oleo are away down.
RERHIRING of every kind
gguaranteed to give satis-
I. BL�d�000�b8
Prices than Speak
for. Themselves
Grey Cotton. -Yard wide, at 2jo and 8jo a yard.
White Cotton. -Yard wide, worth 8o, for 6o a yard.
Flannelette. -In pink and blue stripes, very special, 26 yards for 81, or
4c a yard.
Cottonade.-Extra lines, at 14c, 150, 180 and 20o. The Cottonade we are
selling at 26o is wonderful goods and sure to give satisfaction; it's cheap at
30o, but our price is 26o.
Wra pperettes.-New patterns and colors, warm, heavy goods for winter
wear, special at loo and 12jo.
Tweeds. -For boys, a kin that Stands some wear and tear, 25o. Heavy
lines, all -Wool Tweeds, for men, worth 500 for 36c.
Chain Saga. -We keep nearly every kind that is made in Canada. spe-
tial numbers: 2 bushel bags, No. W, 81,80 dozen; No. A, $2,25 dozen; No.
B, 82.50 dozen.
Grey Flannel. -Heavy twilled, in light ordark Shade, worth 16c, bought
to sell at 12}o. The above in plain also.
Shirts and Drawers. -Range is complete, prices starting at 25o a gar-
ment and continue at 3601 500, 650, 750, 81. Every one is a trade winner.
Ladies' Underwear. -Ribbed Vests, Special at 15o. We bought a big
line of Ladies' Vests; they're worth 850, but it's a pleasure to offer them at
25o. Ladies Vests aloo at 50o, 760, $1. Drawers to match above.
Men's Wool Sox. -In black or colored, 15o.
Mantle Cloths. -For children, new Shades in blue and bronze, double -
fold, 60c. Heavy Beaver Cloth, black, blue or brown, sold as good value at
$1.25 -oar price $1. Mantle Cloths in rough goods at $1, $1.35, $1.40,
$1.65, $2, $2.90. You will find our mantle olothe up-to-date.
American Shirting. -Very heavy and strong, regular price 140, our
price, 12 1-2o.
Flannelette Blankets. -In grey or white, Prices range 750, $1, $1.36,
Men's Frieze Overcoats.- Light or dark shades, high collar, Slash
pockets, belt on back, well made, very special at $5.
Boys' Overcoats. --seem cheaper and better than ever. We can fit any
boy, no matter hew small or bow large, and at a price that is reasonable.
Pins. -Good make, large paper, le each.
�- It'slBusiness we are after.
McKinnon & Co., B1yth
N N�Nia�� �NNiis��N
__'_V�� TWO A_ J'S
' ----
special prices in
Gents Fine
Men's all wool Underwear, per snit ....$1
Men's fleece lined Underwear, special .. $2
Men's heavy Top Shirts .... ........45o
Men's shaker Flannel Nightshirts ....52o
Men's Leather Braces................360
Men's Wool sox, 2 pairs for ..........260
Men's Fast Black Umbrellas.........51.25
Men's 4 ply Linen Collars, 2 for ......25c
Men'e Lined gid Gloves ..............500
Men's Waterproof Coate from ...... $2 rep
Men's Black and Brown Felt Hate .... 560
Men's Fedora Hats, special at ........ 81.25
A. J. 1IORRISH, Clinton.
If you have not ordered
your Fall or Winter Suit
or Overcoat, it will more
than pay you to look over
our stock and see what we
are offering. Perfect fit
or your money back.
A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.
Stock must be wholly cleared out. Since
have disposed of a great quantity of goods. O
full complement of fall and winter goods of every
shape to give customers the benefit of a full house of n
Fine Tapestries, regular 60 for. .. , .......43c
2 full pieces extra fine Tapestry, reg 90c for 69c
2 pieces fine Brassels, reg $1.15 for ......79c
3 pieces 36 in. Union Carpet, reg. 60c for ....39c
4 pieces fine Hemp, regular 20c for ........15c
2' pieces fine Union, regular 30C tor....... -
8.4 Chenille Covers, lovely colors, reg $3.,.$2.25
6-4 Chenille Covers, regular $1.50, tor....
Fine Chenille Portiers, 3 yards, lovely pat-
. terns, regular $3.50, for ...............2.79
Fine Niggerhead Mantling, 54 inch, regular
Price $1.50, sale .....................
Irish Frieze Mantling, black,light and dark
brown, reg $1.50 per yd, sale price ......98c
1 piece black Bedford Cord Mantling, reg.
$1.50, sale -price ...........................
8 stylish Mantles, fine Niggerhead Cloth,
new collar & sleeves, reg 6.50 & $7....$4.09
Best 5-4 Table Oil Cloth, reg
Linoleums & Floor Oil Cloths, ;
Beautltul Moquette Rugs 1x2 yds, reg 4.50.
Boys' Suits, reg $4 00 for .............................2.75
Boys' Suits, reg 3 50 for ...................2.24
Boys' Suits, reg 3 00 for ................ ...........
Men's Suits, strong tI'weed, reg $8 00 for..5.30
Men's Suits, regular $6 75 for......................4.49
Men's Suits, regular 5 50 for...... 3 98
Men's Suits, regular 5 75 fi>,� .........:.... 4.24
Men's Irish Frieze Overcoats, high collar,
long skirt, tweed lined, reg $7.50 for'.... 5.25
Heavy Frieze, reg $6 for .....................4.29
Extra heavy Waterproof, with cape, war-
ranted, regular $8.50 tor............... $7
Overalls, Smocks and separate Pants, all at
same reduction.
All Prints, best and heaviest cloth 32in. for 7jc
40 in. Apron Goods only, boilers ...................12c
CLINTON MARKETS and roves that Toronto is fast becoming
N�PACOL��� P RUTHERFORD d, a ed s2 yea on Oct. 14th,
Corrected every Thursday afternoon. the Chicago of Canada, In spite of the Walter Rutherford, aged a years, la months.
js Thursday, October 21th, 1897. heavy run prices were well maintained, but BEYNET-In Walton, on Oct. 3rd Ann, wife P RE English PARIS GRE
A 1 5 o ruled i W B
prospects are or ower prices. j o m. ennet, and mother of Mre Loyd. Sea -
Wheat . .............. 0 80 a 0 80 for best Selections, but next week the top forth, aged 65 years. 2bc a lb. We will quote you close prices on quantity.
"An canes of prevention is worth a pound of care." Oats 0 21 a 0 21 will be bio. Thick fat hogs will bring $4 75 PINKNEY-In Seaforth, on Oct. 8th, Wm. We hays just received a large etonk of .41
Lir. Reed's Remedy for La Grippe, cold in the bead, etc., is that ounce of pre- Field Barley.......... 0 26 a 0 26 per cwt light bogs, $5, and sows 83 50. Pinkney, aged 37 years,
vention. It is not a patent medioline, but a regular prescription put up; twelve Peas ................ 0 42 a 0 42 P g g -Later CAMPBELL. -In goderich, on Oct. 15, Neil CORONA ATHLETIC CHEWING GUM.
wafers in a box, with fall directions for lly thirty-six six hours treatment. This , Flour per cwt ....... 2 20 a. 2 65 resUCCESS OF THE orts of the trialRUIT shipment SHIPMENTS. ofO taro MCTAVISH.-In Tuckersmith on Oct. lath Athletics, Cyclists and other hard workers will find this am very i
coldCampbell, aged 47 years and 6 months.
treainthe head. 25c aif taken in iBox�ill effectually sure all ogees of La" Grippe and I Butter Pn rolls ....... 0 15 a 0 16 fruit to Great Britain
are came r hanid eOThe Tg nes Bagedf so years. relict of the 'ate Peter Mc' I ating, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin. It has wonderful sll tpi
Winters' Instant Cough Cure is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds.
Butter tub............ C I4 a 0 15 than those which firs in ower, ally
Eggs per doz......... , 13 a 0 13 grapes, pears, plume and tomatoes that g P allays fatigue an keeps the month moist.
t Hay new $4; ala...... s 00 a 7 00 were shipped arrived in good condition and s Advertiormeuto. BROMO-SILINE BATHING SALT•
J E HO VEY t SheepSkins ::.....::. 0 25 a 0 25 were sold at a profit. It is expected that
• Wool . 0 18 a 0 18 Canadian grapes will realize 3 penofb-r OARDERS VPANTED. Invigorating and refreshing, highly recommended for those desiring s Sea Bu
Dispensing Chemist, Clinton. No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 26 wholesale, in England, and that a very big
P g Potatoes .............. 0 40 a 0 40 trade in them may be developed. As has Good ac ommodation for several young men,
Clover seed retail.... 5 50 a b 60 I been already stated, the peaches did not close to the Organ Factory -n splendid place J. H. Combe Chemist and Dru st
Timothy seed.... ... 2 50 a 2 50 reach the market in first-class condition. for employees, at reasonable rates. ' ggf • `'+
Apparently they had been left too long on MRS• E. MOORE, Rattenbury St. east. -
MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS I the trees before picking. i r
Montreal, Oct. 18. -There were about market opened Saturday with a sluggish Lost, between Stapleton and 'Alma, on Oct.
600 head of butchers' cattle, 25 calves and feeling, and this characterized. the whole 15th, a Grey Canadian Tweed coat. The finder
1,600 sheepand lambs offered for sale at proceedings on the local cheese board. The will be suitably rewarded on leaving the same
P g at NEW ERA Ofilco.
the east end abbatoir to -day. The butchers cable quotation, 468, was exactly lee less x"�4s
i were present in large numbers, and trade than on the corresponding date of last year, STRAY CATTLE.
was fairly good, with price of cattle a -and the bidding about 2c below. In No-
Shade higher ilian--on Thursday. A few of vember, 1896, the cable price was from 428 Strayed from lot 23, con. 3, Goderich Town- r e Ths
tthe beet beeves were sold at 4o er Ib; rets to 51s. When 42S cheese bron ht from loo ship, about five weeks agoisix calves, three be -
cod stock bron ht from 3 o to 3 o er ]b to 10 0, and when noted at filo, the rice ing lightgreyish color, and' the other; red -the , cud iSt;,fck i1� ��J i► ,;'
g g P 9 P grey ones being the largest; 4 of them Steers and
common dry cows and rough young stock ranged from 8o to 9jo. Saturday's prices 2 heifers. Anyone giving information that will
sold at from 20 to 3, and the leaner old were to below those of Oct. 17, last year, lend to their recovery wiil be suitably rewarded. '
g y ROBT. ELLIOTT, Porter's Hill. ANOTHER, HAL 't�0\T OF OLJ P
cows and hard Tonkin balls at from lie to and on that da 2,328 boxes sold at 10 0. l
OUTT3o per lb. There is an active demand, and On Saturday 28 factories boarded 7,640 '
pretty high prices paid for good calves. To- boxes, of which 1,650 were white. The bid- STOCK FOR SALE•
day sales were made at from $2.50 to $9 ding was slow, and did not rise above 9jo,
each. Shi ere are a in 3c per lb for going as low as S.T.elmont was the onl signed p to will be received by the under- Celehratetl J'apa�a, �ea
PI' paying g P g g ' y signed up t0 6ntnrday, October 30th inst. at •..�'
good, large Sheep; the others bring from factory sold. Its 170 boxes were bought by 3 p. In for the stock shop fixtures, machinery
2,je to 3o per Ib. Lambs sold at from 3}o C. W. Riley, of Ingersoll, at 9ho. Holmes- and tools belonging to the estate of H. L.
to 4c per lb. There is a further ?decline in vJle offered 500 and Summerhill 140 bokee. SHOWN, Insolvent. NO. 7 and NO. 17.
We are still selling out no matter what others 8a t0 the pride of fat hogs sold to -day, from 6 o Upon application t at any time toll particulars
will be given and the stock eta shown to In -
to 4jo per lb. SALE REGISTER tending tenderers. Terme cash; no tender nel
the contrary.Our stock will be sold out as quick
as -- cessarily accebted. o
q Y These goods were bought
r' Commercial Noteg. Farm and farm stock of Thos. Noble, lot. 16, W. BRYDONE, J. P, TISDALL,
possible; owing to farming operations we are obliged __ con. 3, Hallett i on. Wednesday, Oct. 27. D. Solicitor for the Assignee. Assignee before the advance, and at
to go out of the Dry Goods business, and the stock will SHORT. -The European wheat crop is now Dickineoi , Anationeer.
saH to be short 200,000,000 bushels. BOAR FOR SERVICE ;
have to be sold for what it will bring. Come and share nO5 and 35c per The
(. IxORrear IN E%PORT oa Eaos.-There liar WASHINGTON.—In West Wawanoeh, Oct.betA thorobred imported Yorkshire White Boar
in the bargains; We will give you prises and values that been quite a large increase in the Shipment 11, the wife of Jos.Washington, of a daughter. for Service at Couch & Wilson's slaughter •
of e s to Great Britain aurin the netouse. Terme, 81 cash with privile a of ra-
no other house can give. We are well assorted in man gg g P HERNIGHAN.-At "Sunnyside" on Oct.Oot1, turning. -- — _COUCH & wLeoN. are the best Tea values, in the market.
y two weeks, and the decrease shown for the the wife of Mr J. A. Kernighan, of a son.
lines; our stock was large when we commenced to re- season about three weeks ago I has been HOUSTON. -In Tuckersmith, on the 10th CIDER PRESS FOR BALE. "
duce it, still we are verb well assorted in turned into an increase. The exports from inst, the wife of Samuel Houston, of a son. __
l." Montreal from the opening of navigation BEZZO.-In Milwaukee, Wis., on the 8th A hand Cider Press, capable of making a bar -
to Oct. 2 were 54,960 oases, against 46,831 inst., the wife of W. H. Bezzo, of a son. rel a day, in good working or, for sale cheap ���� �
+ eases for the corresponding period last year, HALL.—In Clinton on Oct, 18, the wife of Also large feed ketlle.—PET,R STRAITH,
showing an increase of 8,129 oases.
Frank Hall, of a daugliter. Clinton. ONES I
MANNING. -In Hullett• on Oct. 15 the wife
Dress Goods, Ste les THE HAY TRADr.-What hay Quebec peo- of Joseph ,'Manning, of a daughter, 'TEACHER PANTED.
vince is short of, Ontatio is evidently quite MARRIED.
'r p r able to supply, two dealers from Western Wanted, a junior toaoher for Union S. S. No. + ";
Ready Made Clothln WALLIS-GLAIR.-At the residence of the 5, plical t, holding 2nd or 3rd clues Certificate.
Ontario have visited Montreal and Quebec bride's fathers C+oderioh Township on Oot. 13 Applications received up to Oot. 23rd; to State Just
within the past few days, and endeavored by Rev E. W. Shrew, John W. Waris, of Rud- salary wanted.—JOHN WILSON, Secretary.
to place some of their holdings. One of ird, Mich., (son of Jae. Wallis) to Miss Lydia Auburn. t opening
Tweeds, Suiting$, them sold three care No. 2 in Montreal mar- lair, fifth daughter of W, Blair.
ket at 09.25 on track here to arrive and RANDS-ROUTLEDGE.-On the 20th inst., BUSINESS CHANGE. THREE CASKS
�-. ._. \ pv at the Ontario St. Methodist parsonage, Clin-
.=a,ts and Carps " �71� •~ the other planed several oars in Quebec. ton, b,yy Rev B. Clement, Mr Jabez Kande to The Livery business conducted in Clinton by �
BRITISH APPLE MARKET -A Liverpool Mies Rosa, third daughter of Edward Rout- Messrs, H Davis and John H. McCool has been
ledge, all of Clinton. dissolved by mutual consent, All accounts due ■ ■
cablegram from Simon Shuttleworth & Co. ff y7 .� m 1
to Arthur R. Fowler, 'Of Montreal, Says: COWAN-GORRELL,-At the residence v the Into firm must i paid to either one within I
FancyV !_L1J.La A Semi Porceial"
y the bride's eietor, Toronto on Oct, 20, by Rev thtrt dogye from this date. The business will
The demand is native for the best grades of Mr Laker, Henry L. Cowan, Mount Forest, to in future be conducted by James McCool and Cd
We have still a lot of Boots and Shoes mostly youths Sound fruit; inferior fruit moves Slowly at Lizzie H, youngest daughter of A. G�orrell,late H. Davie, who Solicit the past liberal patronage
'P weakening prides; Canadians are landing in of Clinton. of the amoral public. H. DAVIS,
and children's lines, way below cost price. apestry better condition; snows Holland pippins, NICHOL-TENNANT.-At the home of the Direct Importations.
P'PP • Clinton, Oct. 12th, 1807.
' 1 rennin S open bad! sweated and spotted bride'; ,dont, er Oct. a, by Rev W. T. Bunt,
and Brussels Carpets. A lot of Ladies Jackets, dlf^ g g y P Alice Al., daughter of Mr A.Pennant of Elma,
to -day. Glasgow -The demand is active to Edward Nichol, of Morris Zownshlp, COURT OF REVISION SPLENDID VALUE IN'DINNER SETTS ,
ferent makes and styles that we are almost vin away; for sound fruit quality and condition bei, -- • ,
g yi 9 y g P.ROUT-PHAIR.-In Exeter, 18th inet., at
well aid for; lower grades and conditions the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev Dr Notice is hereby Come and see them
come and see them. Blankets,' Yarns, &c. P y given that m Court will be
weak, Willoughby, Wm. C. Prout Usherne, to Miss held pursuant to the "Voters' List Act," by
a Alma, youngest daughter of VG. Phair,Exet0e. His flonor the Judge of the County Court of
TORONTO AS A HOG MARKET. -Friday was FLEMING-HIGGINS. At the residence of the County of Huron, at the Council Chamber,
a record -breaker at the To$ortto bog mar- the bride's father, on Oct. 15th. by Rev D. Ro. Clinton, on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 3 m., to
t ket. From Thursday at 12 o'clock until gets Jas. A. Fleming, Glonannan to Jossie L. hear an �1 determine the several complaints of
errors .ltd omissions in the Voters' ef'aof the w E OUIMETTE
& �atnrdA at 4 o'OlOok over 6 000 ho 8 name eldoet daughter of Thos. Higgins, TurnhSrry. pp rY � g Municipality of Olinton for X837. All persona
upon the boards and ever one was taken PEPPER•-130SMAN.-On Oct. 18611,byltev havifig business at the G�ourt aro required to
everyone D.Rogere, at the residence of the bride's fath- , attend at the Said time find lace. The Cash Dealer Londesbordt
b Mr William Harris. That is the lar p , f
CLINTON y g"tor, Mr Lather Popper to Emma F.,flfth dfingh- ' W. COATS, Town Clark,
Set ran of hogs in the record on the yard, 1 ter, of Edward Bosman, all of Morris. Dated the 13th day of October.
I ki