HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-22, Page 4��.�,
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r-911� 9 R t The body of Co. Tho, '. I;eAwti veal@
+:, e a fotlncl iQ is awani awl lborns. Se�
dispppoar{•et L,�.t .➢1{716, Wh011 he Was 1700104 and Jnhq Drownre Sneers 1n the
r � N, i - bothered by ipot�l orgdibgr6 Who hhd en- Hlandike Note".
�1. II 1 - � "-^^^�— terea lawaPito against hirer Galt, Oct. 19: -.Word has just. boon re-
�' : J
LESHERE 1$ THE NgW$ ,IN, SHQR•T Attar a trial lasting several dwge, W. calved here that Messrs. James and John
QR ER. 13. PO1)ta4, teller in the 0pmin1eq 13ank I Brown who left Galt on April 18th, have
' -- H N"�aaee which was robbed of $88 000 ` struck it riob• in the Klondike. Wheir
• . - --0'4 - last August, who won . charged with tba claims are on Indian Riven and while
' � robbery, Was brought to a oopaluson on the Brown brothers did not send tion-
. • . �•' Tld1ARs flruwl ell Pilins o>t the. Cilotle. ann. par
tyke �luQh pleaoure in inviting the sensed and Arranged Ws$nsy iWndOrs Saturday, when the prisoner was dig- ]are they intimated that their find Would
i► , jea of Clinton to. come and inspect charged from custody. in all probability prove extremely rich.
'ail" stook of; Premier Hardy has written a note to John Brown has devoted years to pros-
CA}vaxlltaxc Lieut. -Col. Davidson, chairman of t!le peoting, and his friends here hope that
1 I sh Fall and recent meeting bf lumbermen, po11It$Ag his expectations may be realized,
Thuvpday, Nov, 26, nae been appoint- out the gravity of the request of the There 1s a
. 4 possibility of there being
I1. eI IL inerp ed Thaukegiving Day. lumbermen and promising that the sub- three candidates for the Legislature in
€ .1 Woodstock curling Cln will open jeot shall be considered at the approach- `the field. •The Conservative& have already
11 their new rink with 9 bon4iel. Ing session of the Legislature. nominated their man; the Liberals will,
1 ,l eo khe display, of The soll at the Sarnia oil works to The Toronto express oil the Canadian Of can ree,have a standard-bearer, and the
�llil' Sl l�9t Wings, Tips, similar tib the soil In Petmolia. Pacific railway, due In Ottawa Thursday South Riding temperance people are
morning at sin O'clock, collided with a hiking of bringing out one, too. The
9f1t•tDt` , \ieiveta Ribbons, &C. The Claris Opera $Daae, at St. freight train between Stittsvillo and y Temperance Associa-
s Thomas is to be sold at auction. Waterloo Count
` The City Council of Brantford sent Bell's Corners, with the result that two tion met informally in Galt yesterday
di419• oUr . new Veiling&. we will be employes of the company, a mail clerk, afternoon, and decided to hold a oonven-.
t�eiighted to give you t4 perfect fit in 8100 to the Russell Cot;nty Sue anliferera and a tramp were killed, and both trains tion in Berlin on November 4, when a
one, of our Win. Green was killed at a Chatham wreoked. decision will be arrived at in the mat -
elevator by being drawn into the wheat Mr. McBee, storekeeperof Orton, ter. No names have appeared prominent-
binly as yet In this connection.
.0 MANTLES owns a hen which is in the' big egg lay-
• Tile bodies of the tgnr victims of the Ing business. Her latest production is a MT• James Bills, who was advertised
.member ol�r Opening, Satur• Stittsvills railway wMch were buried on double egg, one inside of the other, and as missing in a Toronto paper some time
Saturday. both perfectly formed. Mr. MoKoo, on ago, turned up last evening. He is in
day .E1rg., Sept. 25th, and A man amed Jainga McGuire, a canal finding the egg, broke it to see if it had goad health, but his absence caused his
tt illowring ,reek. worker, was found drowned in the canal a double yolk, and discovered the other friends considerable anxiety.
at Iroquois. egg ineide. LED INTO AN AMBUSH.
-��tt Tho fund for the rallef of the Russell The Toronto Trades and Labor Council
I, .Jl'.A. HILLIER fire sufferers has now reached six thou- passed a resolution approving of the so -
grad dollars. tion of the Ontario Government and the Nearly top British Troops Killed in a
�111MILLINER, Ottawa was selected as the next meet- Postmaster -General of the Dominion in Death Trap,
"' ' ..-• - P payment of the union
�>;�,o il'old'ataud5, $otel Clarendon Ing "lace of the woman's, Christian Tem- insistingupon the Simla, Oct 19. -Two squadrons of the
perance Union. rate of wages by Government eontrao- Ninth Bengal Lancers fell into an am-
y� tors. The declaration of the Premier that buseade yesterday in the hills between
Gitwoverfloe iQu'to The report of the Assessment Com- this, principle, established by Mr. Mu- Baro, and Mamanni. A native officer and
rnissioner of Ottawa shows an increase look, would be extended to other depart- fotubeen Sowars were killed, seven
eadd P B Crowe& in the city's population of 2 187.
�ses�Cooper&.Co Y' p P menta, also met with approbation. Soware were wounded and twenty-seven
hty, •Beesley & Co Mayor Shaw, of Toronto, advocated horses were killed.
t lost 1 11 t office the establlshnrent of two children's la Later. -In the g yesterday be-
►yaa$t'leobt Elliort P • y- UNITED STATES. fighting
dK for § le• -W Brydone grounds in each of the six city wards. tween the brigade of troops commanded
id,gou Sd odgens Bros A passenger on the M. C. R. train at The Milwaukee Diocesan Council is in by General Sir Yeatman Biggs and the
Jaoln Trbst-W D Eair Co favor of calling the Protestant Cburoh insurgent tribesmen from C'bagru, on the
x$era;•war?tetl-Mee Moore St. Thomas walked ant of the oar and ]n America simply q of money-Jaokson Bros left a wedding cake behind him. P y "The Church." Samana range, Major Jennings Bram-
0 d t ,1 week -W L ouimetteThe Watford Guide ss, The Women's Equal Suffrage ley and two privates of the Gordon High-
'L,I.th t speer -T. Jaokson, sr'says Sarnia boys St. Louis, Mo., is demanding the ant Landers were killed. Lieut, Pears and 14
I that speak,-itilol�ipnon & Co pay no more attention to the curfew ball g p- privates of the Kin
lrgri af tigknoss-Allen & Wilson than they do the Sunday school chimes. polntment of women street inspectors. P g's Own Borderers
va0a1,, 6.Shoes-W Taylor & Sons
Were woundedi seven native Sowars and
A quarter of a miWon pounds of Mr. Charles A. Dana, editor of The 48 native soldiers were killed, The loss
L•1S, , ON cheese, valued at $"25.000, were sold in Now York Sun, died at his home in Glen of the enemy was severe.
q { � A � fifteen minutes on the Brantford market. Cove, Long Island, on Saturday after- The Salaizaie have surrendered 167
{ 1 lj noon.
"', Ea -Mayor Johnson, of Meaford, has guns and the Mamunds have completed
sunflowers which measure three and a All October records in the Chicago their submission to the British autbori-
r'R�D9Y; •CUTO$ER 22, 1897 half feet in circumference. They're real weather bureau was broken' on Friday, ties and have promised to be loyal in
bloomers. when the mercury touched eighty-seven future.
Tb e;'tC*renier.Tartr;; Libel The Canadian Bankers' Association Ds David Starr Jordan the United
has cabled to England a resolution op- TO KILL THE PREMIER.
a `4,WorQe, of Montreal gave his posing any departure from the gold States expert, says the Americans are
standard. themselves to blame for the deatirnetlon A Drunken .Man Threatens to shoot air
is12�11' last week in what is known as of the seal herds, wlrrrid Laurier.
, 11Glrenier-'karte libel suit sentencing John Toulouse, of Dover Township,
' g was accidentally shot and killed while , Hand compositors in the different news- Ottawa, Oct. 20. -Ferdinand Corriere
etiilalit, Grenier, to six months' im- out quail shooting with Mr. Martin Car paper offices in Buffalo are asking for an Is behind the bars in the Police Station.
lisle of Chatham. I increase of about $1 per day. Those em- He was arrested on Sparks street to -day
sonment in jail, without hard labor, p
plc ed b The E gone on for firs off a revolver on Wellington
t 1°� bound over to keep the peace Mr. W. H. Ponton returned to Napa- strike y sprees have
nee to resume his duties as teller in the street. I want to shoot Laurier; lab
tjle expiry of hie term. The judge, Dominion Bank but was notified by the The London press is adverse to any me alone," said Corriere, as Constable
leilgering judgment, alluded to the manager of his discharge. tampering with the silver question, and Joliat arrested him. In the Police Sta-
until some decision is given by the Cab• tion this afternoon ho woe very angry,
F� atydefendant had been guilty of At Antigonish, N. S., Henry Davidson inet great uneasiness will prevail in buai- He said, "I would kill Laurier because
hF�;;,,libel on a Minister of the was found guilty of the murder of Wil- ness circles. he gave me no job," The man ie either
*,_pd had not "oven any one of liam Bowman at Tracacifc. The prime crazily drunk os, both a crank and drunk.
.7 At Cincinnati the balcony at Robin- y
tatty charges he had br ou ht was committed in a drunken brawl.
son's Opera Boase fall in at 8.80 Friday Corriere was noticed around the Russell
tist;ld'r Tarte. The judge furt er Mayor Wilson-Smitb, of Montreal, on night, during the performanoe of "Dan- House all morning, but as he wore a
et� tQt be purposely made the sen- behalf of a number of Canadian capital- gers of a Great City." The house was blue suit and brass buttons Policeman
le "..4"imprisonmentb&uh without the ists, has cabled to London an offer for crowded. There were many casualties. McLaughlin, who was on duty, supposed
hri of"a line, because had he simply &:250,000 of the new Canadian loan. Marcus M. Towle, president of the he had some business there and did not
,.,,the ppenalty a fine, Grnd he Tenders for the new Canadian loan Hammond National Bank, and founder. move him on. It is said that Corriere
d,,' of ha have paid it, and be came here to-do from Rimouski.
1` ;ringthave beenrtaught a salutary opened in London, showed that double Of Hammond, I11., is charged with rent- y
the amount asked for had been sub ins buildings for improper purposes.
lelida*f defendant take the ground Scribed at an average price of E91 10s 6d. Other prominent men are also indicted. Russell Connor Relief,
The coasting Ottawa, Oct. 20, -The Fire Committee
be did not receive a fair trial, or g steamer Triton sank o8 Some unknown party, claiming to be now working on a solid basis, and
e8Iult would have been different. the coast of Havana with 200 passengers, the brother of Ned Hanlon, the oarsman, will soon be looking after those in dls-
ere vas',any force in this ar u. soldiers and civilians and &large amount has been making repeated requests to
y I $ q tress In a manner that will satisfy all
t t#ill'el - 'sorne one of the tee it of Spanish treasure and munitions o2 him for the loan of 100, wiring for the interested. This morning Mr. George
en:'yvho'were unanimous in their war. same The from Rochester and Tonawanda. Parley, the city' eaecutive ofHeer, took
ict,of guilty, would have seen it, R. F. Seymour, of Maidstone, is suing I police of these places are looking for possession of 1 o ce and held a Inset
t eearcely seems reasonable that Reeve Corbett for $2,000 damn s for I the man.
Ing of organization with the executive.
y,, ins have reached a verdict so by h statements alleged u have been made FOREIGN. It was agreed to ascertain the loss of
ly as: they did had they not been him during the municipal content last
>gfi of defendant's uilt. Janus each victim, but before further steps be
tly ^` g r9• The corporation of London is taken in giving relief Rev. Father
eluer;happe to be a Liberal, but going to g g
neerl`be no ympathy waateu on Mrs Lang has been awarded $20,000 have an art gallery. Touohette and Rev. Mr. McLean will be
damages against the CIL, of Victoria for asked to furnish the names of those in
I 1111
It was no as if the libel had Argentina's wheat for export is est]
unl t as n ally if t ehe i for it the death of her husband, Dr. Lang, at plated at 1,000,000 tons. the district. The Ontario Government's
eva�entl a case of wilful mis the Point Ellice Bridge disaster on May check for $5,000 arrived to -day, which,
+ p8, 189 , The Chilian Senate is discussing the with the sam already
Lint bimpl: ' to satisfy personal T� $ bill for imtaliatory tariff against the acknowledged,
OaI•. D. L. Mo fie United brings the total over $18 000.
, Moody, the evangelist, has Mayor Bingham was the real
receibed a telegram from the Governor plant of a
The jubilee gifts and addresses to the ' letter from Mr. R. Gadbois, of Mont-
nadallae 9,103 poet offices, or about General eapressirlg regret that he will Queen era on exhibition at the Imperial calm street, Montreal, asking htnl for
o ev 500 of population. not be able to be present eA his meetings
p P in the capital. Inituta, London. some information about .the families of
___ -_ Records at the Observatory, General Booth, of tee Salvation Army, Michael Racine and Joseph Lamoureux.
I k of wine fell on a Hebrew in chow that Friday vena the hottest Oota has gone to German He balks of con- Both resided at Cheney Station, which
r 1¢p 0Il Sunday, and killed him. bar day in the history of that Institution, verting Emperor Wlllhnm. was destroyed by Bre: Mr, t3adbofa
the tti ometer Lord Salisbury's retirement from the wrote t3 I several times Since, but m-
(i011;wine usually kills - in one�tg_tOYlllg as high s,9, leen no an Wer. He thinks the;, may,
r ntiother. as 88 degiee� - office b Prime Dllnieter is discussed as a p� lehed.
tet•,,,;,. At the sale of the Royal Hotel Inns- lw The Daily Chroillo3e
lure the bedroom anise used .The Budget .Commitbw of the j,reaoh
year twice as many unmarried �' m- Chamber of Deputies has voted wlnaeor.
Prince of Wales during hie visit to Ham- �D to in Windsor, Ont.
a Iha,rried were sent to Kingston Ilton was sold to Mrs. J. Hondrie for cmA80 thue ataaldi 8 army by 12.000 Coon. ' 60t• 20• -While at
-�---•+rbwa.••.-,••• - •' - . work on a building on Goyeau street to-
etltiary. Are we to infer from W. Its original &oat � $700•' •_'..- ,Edward Langtry, the husband 'of Lily day John Ponningte,i, a carpenter, lost
at they ..referred jail ? Mr, Hays has offered the City of Mont Langtry, died oil Friday in the 7anatic his, footing, and fell to the ground, a
real to move the Grand Trunk of fes asylum to which he was committed last distance of about 20 feet. When picked
rg%_the year 1898 over 800•per- from Point St- C,harlos to Vlatoria week. up he was found to be unconscious. A
.fie committed to Kingston Pen- a9uae in the center of the city If grant Mr. Gladstone .los declined to accede hurried call was sent in for the ambul.
fly.: Goodness only knows the ed exemption from taxation for twenty to a request that he intervene to brie alae andi Pennington taken to the Hotel
at'thht were not committed that years.about a settlemant of the engineers' Dieu hospital, Where an examination
k alp tllirik should be. Dr- Borden, he IiDulinion Minister of strike. showed that he had sustained a fracture
Militia, says that tbo o2dw providing The foundation stone of what is in- of the ]eft leg,as well as Internal injuries.
;'ralffe of animal and agricultural for the retirement of commanding officers tended to be the great commercial port Mac Askin, a notorious Sandwich
s troim Canada to Great Britain after four years seiryluo applies to the of Russia in Asks was Wd Friday with oharacter, was looked up to -day for hav
whole service,, both permanent and vol- great ceremony. Ing threatened to set fire to the property
ar were• $40,991,222, the largest unteere. of High Constable Master, of that town.
b exported in any one year ex- It Is stated that all the 'preliminaries Askin was unable to ootain hall in the
8 ; year 1893, when the amount At the aemiranr#upl meeting of tiW have been agreed uDaa for an alliance
Grand Trunk sharebul4ara hell i r amount of $400, and he was oommltted
,;e� $411,Od0,000 worth. don the o Lon, defensive and offensive, between Bal- to gaol to stand his trial.
president announced that hem garia and Turkey.
was a surplus of thirteen thousand dol- reported that The.wrest city,
O�<angeville Sun describe& a lo- )as and the outlook ahead was veryA veterinary expert has
. 1,an who has just got married favorable. Canadian horses landed in England on London, Out., Oct 20. -The many
lig .'`drifted with the tied."- September 9th afflicted with glanders, friends of the Rev. Dr. Gould tendered
ge, John Inkster, of Feversham, claims contracted the, disease after landing.
e lin'bt better than being led by he proud distinction of having built the It le stated in Perla that an aseoois l im ast pe farewell in the Memorial church
11 first beat that ploughed the Yukon. tion has been ,formed in b United noon to end Gould left this after•
t. mvnlal-noose? That wag forty years ago, when 'Mr. Inn;- gage in mission work among
star was in the servidl! .of the 'Hudson States to secure the escape of Captain the Mohammodans and Jews in Pales-
ty0 of bedroom furniture used by )3ay company. Isle bert lone from his prison on the time.
ilo,I0, of Wales on his visit to Dr. Laberge, Medical Health Officer of The twenty-third annual meeting of
Montreal, states that so far fifty At St. Georges church, Hanover the Protestant Orphans Home was held
on, ,and which originally coat ffy thou- square London, on Saturday, the Mar- yesterday afternoon. The reports received
i�'soTd on Friday for $47. As sand people have boon vaccinated, but as uis of Waterford was married to Lad were very encouraging, especially the
out'. '35 years since the Prince that is only one-fifth of the population Beatrix, the youngest daughter of the happy g g, P y
tbls country, and this set of fur- of the olty, be advises that the Dam i th foot that all had been spared
Y l7B ! Marquis of Landsdowne. throui;hont the yeah, and that there had
d,e been in continuous use ever should be kept up. been no serious illness.
It is understgod that the next Imperial
.evidently brought every cent Lieut -CDL Bliss Was out driving at bradget will m a
fie propose an 00010 grant of
ort�,.an no tears need be shed Ottawa with fits throe children and nurse. The Rnio Rescinded.
X1,600,000, to provide 11,000 additional
tea anon in value. The horse tun away and the rig upset. men for the army, and some ameliora- Washington, Oct, 20. -Commissioner
Col. Bliss was seriously injured, and it tion of the soldier's lot, with a view to of,Emigration Puwderly has revoked the
18 ,,Ali old saying Let well is doubtful if he or the Worse Will recover attracting -recruits. circular issued in 1894 authorizing the
from their injuries.
ltd,,"and this is sound advice A meeting of the British Cabinet wee• granting of certificates of re-entranoe to
The statement of the Dominion Gov- cattlemen crossing to Europe with cattle. t
tltorifl,, The last two sessions ernmant for the first quarter of the ros held on Saturday, which vena attended The commissioner has learned that cat-
flemonotrated that they have crib year shows the income to bo $681 by all the Ministers except throe. It is tlemen have been selling these certift- 8
ir0 oresdnted by their resent r- understood that the Government will not e
'j` M p 621 Iesg, and the expenditure to be $860,_ present Dates to Anarchists and others desirous
d. ire wap r McLean, of Q00 ore than during the oor depart in any way from its gold pig try. The receive
• dronj 'gook to parliamentary g responding standard. from
escaping to this Donn y s
months oY ladb year. Prom five to five hundred dollars for
th on the floor of the House The International Leprosy Conference them. s
UniYilttee, Has been a surprise so strong have bean the protepte wh1011 has closed its sitting in Berlin, e
,il<tid there is no longer a doubt against the removal of Ideuk-Col, Otter ups come 0 the conclusion that man is Looks Like a Wreck. 1
r4s o£ public questions and from Toronto that Dr. Horden, Miaismr
p P q of Militia the only animal in Which leprosy bacillus Port Stanley. Out., Oct. 20. -The
til lace. lis views in a con- , "plain that bo hos no inten-
p tion of changing calsis, and that the disease is contagious, Dominion cruiser Petrel, Captain Dunn,
t "tilpo "Vbe Want to see Mr m+ng g he D and o to digb but not hernditary. reports having awed
•Jinn b1�it •Back to the old &tan- officer in command of ilio Toronto die• P° 8 P through a flrl]d of
tN , y tract. James Mer Hardy, chairman of the hardwood lumber about one hour's run t
The Clgnadian horso suspected of glen- English rildepondent Labor party, pro. east by south from this port on the 18th.
` +t 0 f •'feat $uron,has made dere v►htch vena landed in i6n land on poses, With the 'view of supporting the Quantities of lumber and a Spar with a c
g striking enginoel'a, to pool all the funds good sail and rigging attached have been a
tJe felt Cin all occasions in September 9, has been subjoeted to a of all the trades unions as a fighting picked up at Port Burwell. What appears
ilii joiiiecl In tide debates. We post-morteril eaaminab on by a vaterin- o
dh re` a change in bis rid- ary *,port, • who roporteli that st ri{1, and thyn to plrDalalm a general to have own amarine disaster must
K4.dls- etrlke, thug 1dn�iA the trade of the have happened off hero In the storm of
106 4 ter It, not eaten our �edwas contracted atter the anllm'al natien to a of nd's 1. the lith. S
v_._ .-.-.-_-- -- -. ___ - .___. ,_-..-_ ._,__...--__
� I I I I
L��� >,z�>�� 11��'OliiTB.
�J r .
. I
4 Y
Wba4t-Wheat was taken thismorning '
Two Children Perish -other Persons mus. a$ 10 Odvanca Ole Saturday $fternooa'� f
prions. About 96 can of No, 0 red were 1 C
Ina -Three Thousand 8omoless--Losr.fs taken at 8flc, north and west, and Sle, •,,, :+
a Million and a Halt»A QIneral Jell middle freights Tile m8rjiet Spas - at
these figures. Chicago closed firm. Mani• st
Delivery. tubae were etrongel. Na 1 hard Ocala
Hkiifax, Oct. 17.1 -Disaster overtook not be bought under afloat Fort I
the town of Windsor to -day. Afire WI Imo. and 96% track Ggderlob, ,i
started at 9 o'olock this morning, and Holders asked $1.02 fart same, grinding
at 9 seven -eighths of the town had bean W transit, .
wiped out. The direct financial loss I&& Flour -Export demand Is good, at '
WIlion and a half dollars, with but half $1160 for straight rollem, hagsIV bags, -
a million insurance. Two lives wore lost middle freights„ but holders ask about
--Michael Whalen and his wife, an aged 25o more to -day.
couple. Two children. a boy of twelve MuuO°d"--'8te�• Bran Is quoted at
Ond a girl of nine, children of Walter ��and shorts ail $1A6O W $11, middleA" �
MoW1er, were badly burned. Two ohA-
+iron of Jeasp Smith's are missing, but
gut$ '
Oatmeal -Car lots of sound cab, in
will likely tura up all right, Sovaral
b4P, tract, Toronto, are gtloted at Is. 10
others were reported missing, but one
to $8'16•
Of them, Mies Drillio, telephone operator,
Pons --Steady. Car lots vrare bought to..
has already been found, William' Cleve-
h � �' and ae 48%
middio 2%
operator, was damgam
7 U se
bitlsit and several others were more or
Rye -Rather firmer, par lots, middle
level inj41ra3. Windsor is an historic, town
fraIlshb, were taken ab 40D 1ro�dl4t,
in.Uw land of Evangeline, about 50
macs from Hautes, and is famous as a
Barley-Maltingbarley flab. Cho to�
grades soave. No. 8 e=. is noted
Every child is fond Of, a Doll,
a -t of learning, containing a ladies'
ser tQA4 y and the Ding's College, one of
�'irn� ab se to �. enbaldvl 8
at -820, and No, 1 at ban. li'edd Is In good
and cense u@nil there are
the 0140st UrQlversities ih America. It
enqu&U, at 240. north and weal,
more dolls sold than any
rues one of the wealthiest towns for its
COr4_QW'eL Yellow °�7� Roman-
! Oth@r CO made.
size in Canada, and contained about
all? at 7o, tradik, Ohatbam,
4,000 Inhabitants' 8,000 of whom are
now homeless. A colored man
Odt,&-No. a white oats are quabed at
21%o1 north and west, and mlgead at
Our fill stock is now on eahi-
Gao. Matcher kept a billiard room and
034n No. a white are quoted t 20 to
bition and contains many
barWAS oomSer combined. Yesterday a paper
was served upon him for selling liquor
remarkable Dolls; noted es -
contrary to the provisions of the Scott
Eggs-•-MOre coming iaz feeling, how-
pecially for their Beaty and
Oct- East night he celebrated the circum-
eelti� _y getting gloriously drunk and
setting fire to his
ever, Is $till Arra_ No. I eggs ware sell-
ins to -day at 160, No. $ at 19 to 18at
eatremel low rice,
y P
place. Then he rushed
out The flames followed him out of the
and pickles were quoted nb abound 12Ba
Po£aboes-Steady. Deals" quote car
Our Toy department promises
door, and in less time than it takes to
tell it the town was ablaze. A genuine
lois, on track, at 48 to 600, Rod farmers'
loads, on the street, at around 500.
a gay appearance by the
hurricane from the northwest was blow-
Poultry--Weabber against slhipment&
time our new stock (which
Ing at the time, and the rapidity with
which the fire spread was dumbfounding.
Turkeys acre quoted at 9 to loo per lb.;
chickens at 66 to 60e pee pair-, ducks at
40 to 5W
is now arrivin is all laced
g) p
nothing was saved. A few
per pair; are= aG am to
People got some of their possessions out
8o per lb•
of their houses, only to see them con-
sumed ]n the street. Many families,
however, were glad to escape with their
Beans - Unchanged. Choice hand-
800 tro $1, and common at 60 to 80e.
Picked 1, a n Derma on quoted harp abBOOK
lives, and there were more than a few
ADples'-Dealers here quote small lots
close calls.
of old, dried, at 4 _ oo tion evaporated at
Nearly Everything Burned.
6 to Be.
During the seven hours that the fire
Baled Hay --Quiet at psosent. For No
raged every wholesale • and retail store
1 PriC8s ]fold steady at about $9, oar lots,
�0k• No. 2 is
shop, in loot every place of
business in the whole town, was
quoted atone" $4.80 to
out of existence with all they contained.
Straw -No demand- DgAees'quo0$ oar
Five out of the six hotels were burned,
lots, on track, at $6 to $8 60,
all three banks, the post -office and nus-
toms house, the court house and jail
prisoners being liberated by the jailor).
The electric light station,
of No. 1 are light,
and values firm. There is a local
r 12 of our students have tan,-_ itus- i
p tions within the last few weeks, Two
telegraph and
telephone bufldin every y
P buildings. eve found" mill
demand The sent
P18 Ptiaae *ire fol-
Iowa: Dairy, tub, poor be medium, 10 to
applications are now in and two situa. t
Mons are being held until two of our
and factory, five of the six churches,
Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Roman
120; choice, 14 be 180: large dairy, Polls,
14o; small dairy,
students graduate. Canada's leading
school. Five male: teach.
Catholic and Salvation Army, the Epis-
copal only
pound prints, choice,commercial
16 to 180; —finery, tube, early make,
ers; board low; excels competitors in i
various ways. Enter now if possible,
escaping; all tba Public
School and 4in of the 600 or
17 W ISO; late make, 18 to 19o; and
creamerv, 19 to 2co.
Free eirenlars, _ 4
800 realdencse and dwellings. In brief,
Choses -blow. In the Way
VP. J. Elliott, Principal r
all that remains of what was a beautiful
and busy Cawn are
dealers here are selling at gy 1�po
about 160 dwellings,
a hotel, a church, the railway station
and the University buildings, which are
outside the town proper. The area burned
Perth, Ont.; Oot- W. --T -day Soo
bexea of cheese were brought into Perth
Do You Need Classes?
over is about a square mile. The fire
iu7arke% all white: 834o was offered for
took a peculiar course, the buildings left
August, and 90 for September and
being small groups here and there, the
October. None sold. Tw�o'Montresi buy_
flames destroying everything about them,
era present
Yet leaving them unscathed.
Shelburne, Ont., Oct. 18. -The Cheese
The fire burned to the water's edge on
Board met here to -day. Fourteen fan -
one side the banks of the river Avon,
and a number of people who
tories boarded four thousand boxes.
Buyers Present: Brill, Copp, • Reid and
If you have an doubt about it we shall
their possessions to boats on the river
Porter; 8X0 offered, but no sales effect-
be pleased to treat your eyes, and will tell
on exact] whether you do or not.9_
y y y Z.;._
eventually lost them through burning
ed, the salesmen asking W. The board
cinders being carried thither. Powder
meets again on October 29 at 2 o'clock.
Now is the time that you will want com-
and dynamite were used to blow up the
-' —
fort in reading, and a dollar or two Spent in
buildings, in the hope of staying the
is Ile an Allen p
correcting your eye-sigbt with a proper pair
progress of the destruction, but the
Vancouver, B C., Oct. 18.-A new
of Glasses, will be of great value to yon.
efforts were fruitless. The fire swept
phase of the United States Alien Labor
and see ne,
everything before it The town has no
steam fire
law has just °rapped up here. A boy
� V
engine, though there is an
arrived from Honolulu on the steamer
excellent water system, but the local fire-
Miowers, an mute to Philadelphia, where
men could do teat � &U tg� loaves
}SWi�pprentioed to a lithographing
being destroyed In the streets while in
Itrrm a$ $9 per week wa;-Pa. The Amari
ter„ c-��. .a...s-_
can Oonsnl here has , li,-•n th. hoy,
Additlonal Local News.
claiming tes w that his entry ir, rh^ (s; ,gnt
win vitiate the ia,ot and has "°w
to Ws
to Wpahtngton for ins5r;tot-cns. 7;i r'. -w
The Huron Anglican La W rkers
g Y
and Sunday School Teachers
thof ss, &tMOut anaw"ian c,i c:•,w.rit,
this treatment o! Hawa,iau resider,[; has
will this
year hold their seventh annual confer-
ence on Oct, 28-28.29 at Bishop Cmnyn
caused some comment l.er,.
Q'ni� States lmmi.:radon Agent
Who is more a slave than the woman
Hall, London. Itis also the 40th year
Rico has received word from WaFhinnton
who worries and perspires over a red -
of the separate existence of. the die-
to allow the boy from HOn,ilu:u, detained
by him under alleged violation of the
hot stove to do the family baking.
Nineteenth century women deserve a
cese. These events combined seem to
make it particularly fitting that the
a11eT► labor lava plr000ad to Phihldrl
better fate. Genuine old fashioned
forthcoming meeting should be mark-
Family Bread at
ed in such a way as to give it more than
ordinary interest and importance,
Colonel Benson Dead.
James �NeClaeherty s,
Among those who expect to attend
from hemi are Rev J. W. Parke and
Colborne, Ont. 18. -Colonel Benson,
an English gentleman, disappeared from
Pure, light and flaky, cheap as-''bak-
wife, and J. Ransford and wife.
,his boarding-house here on September
ing at home, too. We still lead inl_,, aj
LOCAL TALENT. -Referring to an en-
14. Searoh was made for him in the sur-
rounding woods, but as nothing was
Ice Cream and
tertainment in Seaforth last week, the
Expositor says: - "Madame Wall, of
discovered the excitement gradually sub-
Ice Cream Soda.
Clinton, created a most favorable im-
pression by her Singing, and her selec-
sided. Some children who were beech
nutting in the woods noticed a peculiar
AS we have now a new and up-to-date
tions were thorougbly appreciated.
odor, and, search being made, the body
of Col Benei n was found on 6aturday
N:' fountain with patent Syrup jars. Call
'1 and see our new first prize
She is a most accomplished singer,with
anexcellent voice. The singing of Miss
morning at ton o'clock by Mr. Ira ,Ben-
son ins, marsh along the lake shorn
C'hiCago I,anCh makes.
Freeborn,of Stratford,was fully appre-
ciated, and although her voice lacks
about three miles from the village. The
Come early as they sell quickly.
volume, it is sweet, and her selections
body. was badly decomposed. Deceased
was slaty years of age, and eccentric, He
Wedding G'akes a Specialty �m
were a ro late. The Seaforth Sun al-
p'rMadame Wall andiMissFree-
had Intimate friends and no relatives
born both Sang well, and under more
in this country.
circumstances, would corn-
mend a good house. The former has a
voice of good compass and clear coon-
while the latter has one of the
and best cultivated voices
beard in Seaforth."
services were held in St. Paul's
last Sunday Monday,
and and
were well attended. Rev Mr Jeanes,
Listowel, preached both morning
evening. In the afternoon he\�e
a very plain and effective
j, a tv
to the children, one which the
malleat child could understand, and
which older heads might profit by. On
Monday Rev D. Williams,
�ec� Z�S
evening of
r-7 s
preached the sertnon. Rev
Dann, owing to illness, was
to be present. Thechoir, under
he able leadersbip of Miss McHardy,
by Madame Wall, rendered
ome very choice selections of music at
nch of the services. On Monde ev-
ring Madame Wall Mise Herman
zing a duet, and Madame Wall Sang a
-a ." �I
ole, which were well executed. The
hurch was beautifully decorated with
flower a and autumn leaves.
Monday evening Rev Rural Dean
of Seaforth, and Rev Higley,
were present, and took part in
he services. The Rector, Rev J. F.
We want to say that our great rangel(of Fall Gioodp is now coming to
asked for $200 to be applied to
hand everyday, and will comprise a stoofof Boots and Shoes not to be
purposes, and more than this
beaten in this Section. 6nr reputation
for carrying reliable goods is tbor-
mount was contributed. This speaks
oughly established, and from good,buyera we ask an Inspection. A business
for the liberality of the members
that is growing every day is good evidence that our goods aregboing
the eburcb.-News-Record.
A patent a he London Asylum from
t. Mary's, named Mary Fox, hanged, horn
JAcks ' n & Jackson
Frith Brion D,wzslla
elf with a ahebt taken from her bed.
"Nothing Like Leather," ;
�. 'o,
'� ...
e. ..� , _ ,...