The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-22, Page 3.
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. --^mss.--�.r.. .. _ , . ..,:.
Prom the West 14 _r .r '-T1_-1-1-. „ ,� ��.
.- �----Special Advice to Ladies Who Pres1�*.004* a Rome ,l 14plPn$ �'t ■�►7 INDIAN:
11 .' .
�wlblut Iia Snafu wad 8nwitlag Ire Aide- 00�001
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�SU op� Ngv Wm, gochrane, h►.11.,ok BFafilt I1.
iMIAN Hitea, N.W,T., COT. 7T8, keit Pgoage't worry It. W�� Contemplate ColoringTQ. the ditor of the New Era. The monitor is distinguished among all ford, convener of the Presbyterian .11 1 r 1
Cotton Goods Home Mission Committee a Oxecutive, >!M'
HicAa bra: -Thinking that a tow items L", lizards by the d10ioul0y of killing its. It eu es sat Rbov
owes its name to Its habit of wh)stling to -- conducted the business at their half-
tmm }late would be interesting to some of Iv®war in of -- 04.•
• your numeroua readers, I therefore soap g warping the approach of crocodiles, yearly meeting in St. Andrews church,
y I A nater lfet who undertook to kill One Toronto, on Tuesday.
oa this short letter, which you are w'b - THE BURDEN I! a merchant or any one else tells you Claims for mission work done dur. I Mrs Thomas Holder, p,! 9yip lirel 111wy$ ,< place in print, I will first speak writes; that package dyes prepared for all wool ing theset summer months in the'
shoat some G)l ntoti "Having caught one of the species b "I have been a gkeat aaifet;er'-�g9 t* a h
e people that have set- g P y -- goods will color cotton goods equally well, several Presbyteries `j�ad here latel , The first to come here the neck so that she could not bite me, I from Quebec to many with Salt HheuKp, Rft fv+l
Y do not believe him. A person making Victoria, B.C., were times rt was impossible fax me t0 A .
got a largo worsted noodle and O£ Sickness and the Shadow such an assertipa.knows little about dyes inll to $25,500, passed, amount- r
Il�as spring wee_ Mr Edwin Jarvis, School gave her gg
sober he has been teaching the ►everal punctures with it not only into MnMiesioaariea were appointed to the dish or do any housework, beta#per hitt
Young heart but in eve n Y lI of Graver Things as dyeing work, pp one bottle of Sloan' s IRd1Wi,opio, Ili, ; .,
' ideas eight, miles south of this point all every dart of the ornnlpw g
Vegetable fibres require special dyes. diff creat fields for the corking winter, every particle of'di,7eaae opt d# s
slimmer; hi the tioxthwest air asoma to agree which was In contact wfth the brain, y y and for lou •�"
R This, however, was eo tar from answering Suoh d ea are not made b the makers ger periods, to the number
with him, se I,thinkhe ie tatter than when B of imitation and common package dyes. of 120 several of these bain recent and made a perfect ours. It as, 1pow
my purpose, Special dyes for vegetable fibres, such as raduates of Toronto Univeri� and lour years eines I took the 7rpedipi7pa
he Dema, and that is saying quite a bit, as P , which was to kill her !n the g
M he was. In pretty good ogndition then, The most speedy And least painful manner, BEING LIFTED cotton and mixed goods, are made only by nor Celle e. y the disease bas'not returned yenta"
11 I neat Clintorlian to some was of the without mangling or mutilating her, that the proprietors of Diamond Des and g
elle seemed to have Bt111 enough life left to '- Y Special grants were made to new Price . 1, "6 for 5. All dealers or addreasa `
fps sea, in the person of Miss Lina g every Dolor is simply perfection fields of Parr $
Dion, who made her appearance early be able to run away. These special Diamond' Dye cotton col Y Sound Railwr,y. '
bruin abs t a month a o; Atter this m host nndertrook to ut From Thousands of Homes in A petition from the superior Pres- THE SLOAN MEDICINE CO., OF HAMILTON, �tl( T ( �q
g u g Mr Jarvis an end to her, and; having given her a v- ore are great oho the discoveries, and bytery, which had been before the
cam In the night before to meet her. Now, oral bard squeezes about the obeat Ana Canada confined entirely to the Diamond Dyes. Synod of the Northwest
1?Ir tor, did you ever sleep with a young q The colors are sixteen in number, are im- regarding -
manth i ht b 'Bore hie weddin when he tied her feet together, hung her up by the the appointment of a missionary to ., ,
meneely popular with carpet, rug and rust the Finlanders at Fort William and
was Daps ting his darling on the train at nook In a noose, which be drew -as tight as makers everywhere. Cotton geode dyed port Arthur, was considered, and it BEATS
6a.riv.; the question asked at intervals all he possibly could, Mr w. $. Nelson, engineer Evening with these lllamond Dye Cotton cetera was agreed to make a special grant of ALL! '
the night is "t)p, if I Should over clasp my- "groin this situation she woe found 1n News, Toronto, Can, says: -"I was broubled never fade in sun or washing.
a space of 48 hours to have extricated her- with the most severe form of catarrh for If you are about to dye cotton goods, or $4 Per Sabbath in the meantime. .:
salt what in the 'world would become o! An application was read from the
me;" then would acme a by no means gen- self, though she still remained near the eight pears. Had tried everything to gab desire to Dolor rage for carpets and mats, Northwest Synod, asking that the what ? why the fine stook of Fall Goode that has arrived at the Etn ri „ 13
tle push in our,ehort ribs and the words farm, appearing at the same time to be al- well, but without Success. The
p y pains 6e sure and ask your merchant for Fast amount remised them for the res- '
would be "Oh, Dr., do you think it is near most exhausted. Upon tole we tied her serene my forehead were so severe at night Diamond Dyee for Cotton and Mined P P DRESS GOODS that will please any one for both quality and prise, Hanc�p(om,
„ feet close behind bar, so that with her lou that I was unable to obtain m needed Goods. He should keep the fall variety- was yt year be increased, but no action Linen Towels, grand Mantle Cloth; Ladies' Misses and Children's, Vestp,allt )
morning,. but I got him up in time to meet B Y ken in the matter at present. Men's and Boys' Underelothrng o! extra good value. Men's Cardigan 7aokii' '
the dear little girl, and they both invaded and sharp claws, of which abs had five rest, I was also subject to sneezing to sixteen useful colors. A resolution was adopted insisting the beet value ever shown in the village, One piece of English Cotton '''
i year porrespondent'e bachelor quarters; he, upon each toot, she could not damage the such an extent that I wouldlaneeze as often
to despair, hunted up one of his lady serpents and other animals, which I kept as 40 to 50 times a day. At the general upon missionaries who are assigned to double fold, regular price $1, ours 760; who will get the snap ? Is it Bos#itrclt+
friends who took charge of Miss Hamil- In a cask of brandy, and among which I hospital, where I went for treatment, I British churches preparing reports de- Shoes you want, if so this is the place, we are in good Shape to supply you 'r
ton till 2 p.m., when your bachelor eorres- put her with my own bands, holding her was told that an operation was necessary year. ive of their work twice every quality and lowest price is our motto. Boys' Long Boots for $1. Perhaps ; Alit,
a ion time under the surface of the 1S and burning it out the only hoe I have MUTIL ", .D MONEY. year. want some good TimothySeed-We .nan supply you. We also have the
> pendent had to see that everything was g q g y p .
done right, went with them to the Meths' g su8o- used Munyon's Cold and Catarrh Care for It was agreed to prepare and publish thousand anone articles hat you want. Hi by t rice for Butter and 9�1 `�'
nor. Yet she was so far from being Fall value of a dote Ie Paid For y g e.,pla�' •:,
diet parsonage, where they were joined to - anted immediately that she flounced about one month and became rapidly better. I erws a leaflet showin the progress of Pres- Terme Cash, ,
men Representing Three-fifths of lt. b ter)an Rome g � "
gather with that knot which iS hard to end even a quarter of en hoar afterward believe Manyon hue done more forme than Y Mission work through- a
h lo ose• Your correspondent is a very rest• convinced na by her motions that she bed all the others and I have sent hundreds of A°oordtng to the present rule of the re- out the Dominion during the past 20
lase man Since, and thinks of going down cilli come I1Pe remaining in her." people to Munyon." demption divleion oP the United $bates Years, E�DAnMS' EMPORDIIIM, D /� �� �� r
to Clinton to look n a wife for himself, so The Nile monitor or varan (Parannsl treasury nothing lase than fragments rep- Lt�NDESBORO 1 l w r'� 1Y� h.. •:
P Mnnyon'S Rheumatic Care seldom fails resentin two -flubs of a bank nobs' or W A. Grenier, one of Hon. Mr
tell the girls to be on the look out for me. nllotiout) !e perhaps the largest mem- to relieve in one to three hours, and"cures g ',
her of the family and has been known greenback will be redeemed by Uncle Sam. Tarte s libelers was sentenced to six I1,
I have heen ant to see a and Mrs Jarvis Y in a few days. Price 250. "If than innob of a note fe presented, the month's imprisonment without hard
Since they wont to hoose keeping; they are to attain a length of over B feet. In etrno- Manyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively United States," writes Clifford Howard labor and to give security to keep the v ;;"p
ver comfortable, A Clinton Dna lad total character it is Somewhat dfatfnot g on "Destro fn
Y young Y cures all forms of indigestion and stomach �,
.1 ILae opened a dressmaking shop bore, and from other lizards, approaching in several troubles. Prove 250. Destroying a 1411"!lion Dollars A Day peace for two years more. !�
is doing a good business; her name is Mise respects its enemy the crocodile, tho lar- in The Ladies Home Journal, will allow The statistical j P F,�!►,LL ��lllLO Hi M1,.
ogb oP exietln ro Mnnyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia the holder one-half the fade value of 1 year book just tib -
Rennie, a bonnie Scotch lassie, who form- g g ptiles. It is on the eggs and breaks up a cold in afew hours. Price while three-fifths of a note will be rot'- lished, shows that since Confederaiton
e rly lived eight miles north east of C)in- °P crocodiles or the young ooaodilea them- 85c Parliament has had 57 divorces, of " '''
� ton; she is well leased with this country; selves that it chiefly feeds, a habit which deemed for full value. Of course there ere i,
P Y; Munyon s Cough Care stops coughs, oeoasional exceptions to this rule which b were for Ontario couples, 14 WINTER 1. some of our bachelors will try to induce is Said to explain the Yeah that it appears night sweats, allaya soreness and a eeoil
her to ohan a her name before ion Mr on the monuments of -the ancient E P Y "Some time since a man from New `Ser Quebec, 2 for Manitoba and one for sail
lhe'1'e[ritories. Divorce courts have C -T 4_skr
g g• YP heals the lunge. Price 250. England forwarded a bunch of discolored been operating in 3 provinces, with the ; . ,
John Howson, formerly of Clinton, who tiang. It is still common to the Nile,
Manyeln s Kidney Cure speedily cures mon that he bad Yoond buried 1n .;,,,a,,
has been in Re rna for some time has though It has also been found in the rivsre paper ey result, that 82 divorces were granted in :�, ,i
pains in the back; loins or groins, and all afield. It had lata in the ground
11 .rented a large hotel in Grenfell. The town of South Africa as well A6 in Senegal and forms of kidney disease. Price 26c. g and so long NuvaScotia, 64 in New Brunswick and
of Indian Head has taken rapid strides near Sierra Leoner.-New York Journal. Munyon's Nerve, Cure stops nervousness a time and had been so generously to places
feasted k ?,',�
upon by worms that it fell to !e 31 in British Columbia.
' this season, two large brick hotels and P °0B Qe We would advise -yon to come early and Select y'o,u1r;
and builds up the system. Price 260. sown As it was touched. It would have
about twenty other buildings having gone Her Remedies. Manyon's Headache Cure stops headache been utterly impossible for any one unao- Suit for fall and winter, as Our large stock of Ills GV, "
np. I send you a sample of No. 1 hard Doctors in the"backwoods" districts of- in three minutes. Price 25. quainted with the secret marks that the ,`;1,, ,t, t
wheat; it was raised on stubble last year, ten find that their patients will refuse all Munyon s Pile Ointment•positively cures government places on Its .bills to gather Suitings is sure to go fast at the prices we are set `0
was summer fallowed this spring, the medicine as long as they fancy that there all forma of piles. Price 25c these decayed places of money together in them, e, ry 4,
stubble was burnt and the seed drilled in is any possibility of effecting a cure with- Munyon's Blocd Cure eradicates all im• their proper order, but Some a1 the elerka A R� i.
�. s.,:
' on the burnt ground; there are 160 sorsa in ant its aid. Their belief in "°berme" Se purities of the blood. Price 260. !n the redemption divleion oP the treetenry C�►RT " I is `� .*fyr
4 the field; on the enmmer fallow last year diffloulb to unsettle or aombab Mnnyon'a Female Remedies are a boon are particularly export in sorbing and de GOOd all WOOL T{Veep SU1f� tO Or(18r
there were 6,400 bnahele,thie year the yield A young doctor was called to attend the to all women, ciphering bits of mutilated money and ��'�`� from �lo ap tO e�1L6. ', ''
was 4,800 bushels, making a total of 11,200 father of a large family, a Stalwart back- Munyon's Catarrh Remedies neverfai . : p;,;
enchain in hove ears. wheat is brin 70 woodsman, who was in the grip of a ma- P I through long years of experience are able
Y g The Catarrh Cure -price 26x -eradicates to tell in an instant to what particular '`���
cents here at present, 'There will be cloae larial fever on which his wife, with all the disease from the system, and the Ca• note or kind of note a certain sorap'be- IV
to I,000,000 bushels marketed here her supposed skill, had been unable to tarrb Tableta-price 25c.-cleapse and heal longe. When the pieces contained In this p
this year. There is a grand opening fora make any impression, the parts, bunch of old money were flually sorted and PI LLS
grist mill bore; plenty of water, and fine On his second visit the doctor noticed Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in mounted, it was found that while there
coal can be had here for $2.50 per ton. that one of the children bad around her three minutes, and care permanently. was not one oompleto note remaining (not
J. C. neck a string from which dangled some Price $1.
more than two or three cutups in some in- .„ small honor Mnnyon e1;Yitalizer restores loch vigor.Sances e rightful owner was entitled to
KTDNEY WAR. "What are those in iconic -then- Price $1. stances)
redemption thlption of $400. Unfortunately for RAV
matism?" he asked the mother Pth A separate onre for e h d
See these before buying elsewhere and Jou are rs
to save,
$ow Inetdionsly it Wages, but how Qgiok
the Surrender, Flag
w u
ao incase. At all
druggists. Mostly 2510 a vial,
the man who found the money, he could
not prove his, ownership, nor could be
a T• COATS sa r
and »hOW the of
doctor; those are so Mirandy'll
have an easy time a-gettin her teeth,"
Personal lettere to Prof. Munyon, 11 and
13 Albert St., Toronto,
make a®davit as to what had become of
Positively cared b
y y these
"Why, you jest take four pieces of eelskin
is Hurriedly Hoisted when that
�, .. Great General, South American Sidney
waa..the response. "Those are rattlesnake
bones. The critter was last
answered with free
nedical advice for any disease.
the missing portions of the, notes. Cones
quently the United States was the gainer
Little Pills.
about three fingers wide and bind 'em on
Care, Turns his :inns on the Disease,
plowed n P
spring when the men folks broke up a new
piece o' land. I josh took and b'iled him
Beware imitators
In this ease. sore, as s of this nature are
In hi means rata, n ie attested by the
They �O rel1e Distress from Dyspepsia,
indigestion and Too hearty Eating. Aper-
This is what Jae. Sullivan, of Chatham,
Ont., "For
couple o' days and strung his bones on a
of who are copying our
advortisemei2te, app opriating our methods
number of bones o[ charred remnants of
money kept
feet remedy for Dizziness Nausea, Drowsi.
writes: years I was a great snf-
� ferer from kidney trouble. The disease be-
string to hitch on to Mirandy'a nook when
'twas time. She wa'n't but 6 weeks old
and following the plan adopted by us when
we introduces onr remedies to the people
whiob aro among the curious
records of the redemption division."
Hess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
We Keep in Stock and make to Order
• Dame so saute that I was confined to the
, house,and was greatly inflicted with insom-
then. I mistrust they might be good for
rheumatics, too, but 'tain't best to ran no
of Ontario a year neo. You can easily pia-
tinguish between the original and the imi-
dost For once.
Regulate the Bowels, Purely Vegetable
Carriages ar d WagI 11
gons of all kinds.
nia. I was persuaded after using many ot-
s. her remedies without relief to procure a bot-
11 ti
Me of South American Kidney Care. I had
", I relief. almost from the first dose. I have
risks. I s'pose you know the best thing
,for rhenmatios?"
"Perhaps I don't know your remedy,"
said the shrewd doctor.
tation. Prof. Manyon, founder of the new
School of Homoeopathy, does not desire
that the public should be imposed upon.
Two up state !Armors, Jerry and Jake,
had been enjoying a brie! holiday at New
York, and during the trip they had seen a
great many sights. Jerry was rather a
Small !111. Small Dose.
Small Price.
I , persisted in its use, and after using six bot-
"I reckoned everybody knew," sold the
domineoring Bort of follow, and, some;,
`', ties I am well'and strong again. I can
woman, with momentary animation.
what to his companion'a annoyance end the fraud of the day,
�. work fourteen hours out of twenty-four and
"Why, you jest take four pieces of eelskin
humiliation, bad taken the lead all day.
feel very little, if any, fatigue. It is the
best I had
about three fingers wide and bind 'em on
In faot, Jake had been trailed about bete, See you get Carter's,
mechUine ever used." bold b Y
your ankles and wrists. It drives the
there and everywhere Willy n! y wltbouA
Watts & Co.
worst kind o' rhenmatioe off, they say.
"Doctor, "said this believer in charms, :
Usexpected Windfalls of wealth 3rar
being consulted, and be was just a 0110%
of it all. At last it was time to o home Ask for Carter's,
• After the introductory address of Prinei-
with a dubious glance at the tumbler of
Those Who Needed Them.
When they reached the static Jakea
pal Grant to the Students of Queen's College
medicine prepared for her husband, "be
While most people find it very bard to
marobed upon the platform and amped Insist and demand
at Kingston convocation Sunday, the pros-
you sure that ain't anyways p'isonons?
acquire even a modest competency, others
into the first oar he saw.
parous condition of Canada this year was
'Cause I ain't tried bindin raw tomatoes
are more lucky, and to them fortunes
"What have you got !n there for?" de -l
I compared with the year 1867, the year of
on him yet, and there'd be some by the
1 come without even the asking. Several
manded Jerry as he came up. Carter's Little Liver Pills,
Confederation. He said --"The year 1867
first o' next week 1" -Youth's Companion.
such instances have occurred of late years,
"To please myself," rot Jake sulk -
marked a notable epoch in the development
some of them of an interesting character.
11 y
of Canadian national life. Old Canada
An Untrodden Canadian Wilderneg&
It was only a short while since that a poor
"Well, get out, th This isn't our
then reached to the dignity of a state, and
The vast country north of the gulf of
ragpicker In Birmingbam suddenly found
train," said Jerry.
"I don't
obtained the Maritime element. Its out-
St. Lawrence is to the uncommercial ex-
himself a man of wealth. By dint of
care a straw whose train it 1s,
look widened and its pulse quickened. I
plorer the most Interesting region on this
working from hewn till lata et night bo
Jerry. I'm going with it." r.
' believe that 1867 may be considered, and ,
continent, 1f not in the world. For nearly
had been in the habit of making the not
don't 6e a fool- This train \
at any rate, shall beconsideredhereafter,
four centuries the ships of civilization
ver exorbitant income of 8.80 per ween.
y $ P
doesn't o onr way. It go,
Y• goes to Chine
!a•-• as marking the beginning of another stage
have sailed b it
Y ,Yet, except at the very
One morning be heard from a firm of ro-
and that's where it will take you if yon
of the national life perhaps. as important
». + P P P
as the act Federation. Events
water a edge, there has been no intrusion
licitort in London, who nested him to
don't get out."
"I tell I don't
of have hap-
upon it. The rivers which pour forth from
call, when would learn something to
you care where it takes ;;'
pend and an attitude has been taken by us
(`.,. '
every opening in the bills bear witness
his advantage. He found that a long lost
me to, Jerry. You have had your own '
as a people, the influence of which promisee
that the book country is A network of
brother, who bad made money in Acs-
way with me all the day, and I've never
I to be far-reaching, whether for good or ill
lakes and water coarses Ask the commie-
tralla, bad recently died tbeua, leaving
gone anywhere I wanted to go. So I don't
depends on ourselves. At such a time sure-
oionerof crown lnndsof the great province
him a gum of 88,000.
care 1f It takes me to San Francisco. I'm 0
• ly it i- fitting that we should, to use amen-
of Quebec today what big department
At Tamworth , England, a tobacconist
going to, lease m +�
g P myself just for once. "-
phrase, "take stook." We should
knows of that region and he will tell you
has unexpectedly found himself the heir
Harper's Round Table.
Study in a religious spirit what our Lord
and Master called "the signs of the times."
that it is the least known portion of North
America; that only a few of the lakes
h a baronetcy. For some time part he
has been in receipt o[ 28g fid. a week
She Know Papa's Clronmgtanoes. , h , e w
What should be the aim and the ideas of a
have been surveyed; that two exploring
having nerved as a sergeant in the Suf-
Be -Do you think your father would re- a
neo�le just atrnggling to self-consoionsnese,
parties have recently crossed the penin-
falk re
regiment; but, finding this sum in-
ceive me civilly if I were to go to him and
4roionging by origin and history to one con-
tinent, and by geography to another? This
sola; that a handful of fishermen's houses
fringe the gulf; that for the rest of it the
adequate, he took a apparently
shop ed
Tamworth and wase contented
eek for gout
Let's goo. I believe you hold �
a is not a secular question as some who are
hide -bound by the medieval distinction be-
wandering Montagnais Indiana are the
°nly tourists who traverse halt a
with his lot, when be awoke i find him-
calf a baronet of the United %ingdom.
mortgage , papa's business,bouto don't you}
He -Yes, and it's about to mature.
tween sacred and secular may be dispose
to think.' It affects our moral health and
square miles territory. Steamers up
A eahooner whiob went Ashore o!i the
American coast with 1,200 tone
She -You will be perfectly safe in ap- CURES
ppower, our very life as a community, and
the Saguenay. Lake St. John is reached
ac ed
by rail, but away to the northeast is a tre-
of coal,
being abandoned bihor owners, was sold
preaching at any time or lace that
maAsu}t your own convenience. -Pitts -
be sure of this, that the individual rises or
falls as a spiritual being
mendone tract at country whence issue
for $70. Some 400 tons of coal had been
the bull
g f
with the
stroams greater than the Hudson, the head-
got out of when suddenly the ves-
eel slid off the rook and Hank dee ova-
waters of which no white man has ever
leen.-Froderlo Inland in Scribner's
tor, only, however, to float again the next
morning and drift with the tide right
The Irony of Fate. And all SUNIOER COMPLAINTS of
' It's bard," said the menagerie lion Children or Adults.
Glares in twenty-four hours. This is the
Wren's l ittre Trick.
into port. It seems that sufficient coal
bard?" asked the kangaroo. PRICE. 35c. Beware of ImitatiolW
"To be starved when I'm alive
11 testimony of tens of thousands who have
used it. Putnam's Rots speedily, without
When Sir Christopher Wren was build-
had rattled through the holes in her bottom
to let the hull come again to the surface
at when I'm dead -Pick Me Up, , Extra Provincial
' pain, and removes corns in twenty-four
ing the town hall of Windsor, A fidgety
member of the corporation -so the story
with home 800 tone of coal still in. Ae the
r Companies
c' hours.
goes -insisted that the roof required fur-
vessel then stood, she was worth $8,000 or
more to those who bought it for $70.
, y given that under
One reason wh SCOtt S the provisions of Soot}on 104 of the Ontario
Hon. Sydney Fisher, Dominion Min-
inter of Agriculture, visited Halifax,and
ther support, and desired the architect to
add more pillars. In vain did Sir Christo-
A couple of lucky domestics have lately
Dome into possession of a considerable sum
Companies' Act, every con Pany,NOT INCORroa-
Emulsion_ cures weak throats ATE'"Oe UNDErt THE AU'THottITY OF AN AOT
delivered an address at the exhibition
phot assure flim that the danger was tinagi-
nary. He knew better. The
of money through the death of their mie-
, OF THE LEGISLATURE OF owrARIO, which now or
prior to the first day of November, A. D. 19((7,
weak lungs, makes
there. That is what the Presbyterian
Witness, a non-political paper, says
alarm spread,
and the great architect was worried Into
tress, an old lady of 85, who left them her
entire fortune. The sum to be divided 1s
f1Ch carries on business in Ontario, hav%nn pit%n
for its 3 WP08e or object, for the carrying on
blood, and strep thens of whichh
about it: "It is well we have now a
Minister of Agriculture - a
addle the desired columna.
Years peened, and In later times, when
$120,000, and it !s bequeathed to them In
recognition of their long and faithful
puny a company might be incorporated
g under the said Act, shall, on or before the
and delicate children is be- first day of November, A. D. 1897 make
farmer, a member of the Cxovernment
whose thought and skill and influence
architect and patrons were dead, cleaning
operations in the roof revealed the fact
services, ono of them having been 2t5 and
the other 18 years with the lady In ques-
and transmit to the Provinoi,rl �ecretary a
Cause all its parts are mixed statement, under, chewing:
will be devoted to the promotion of the
that the supposed additional supports did
not touch the roof by two inohes,
(a) The corporate name of the oompany;
in so scientific a manner that (b) How
Most important of all our industries.
Hon. Mr Fisher is a practical farmer,
this was not perceptible to the gazer be-
The effects produced by suddenly so-
gnlred wealth are aometimee startling !n
and ander what special or general
Act the company was incorporated,
the feeblest digestion the
and he is proving that his office is no
sinecure. His remarks at the -ex
By this Ingenious expedient did Wren
the extreme. A suburban Parisian who
lately inherited 816,000 from an elderly
Can and Acts amending such special or
� general Aot;
deal With It. Th1S experi- (°) Where the head office of the oompany is
on Monday were time] d
pacify his critios, while vindicating his
aunt at once began to look about for some
Copp, Clark Co., Ltd., Toro;
J , an own arabitectural skill to future genera- ence has only come by doing (d) Teboaamount of the authorized capital MRs. JOHN CA:)H.
shy of attention. It is fortunate tions g outlet for spending the money qulok .
Ontflrio that in the Ontario Admin- At length the craze for building speoula. (e) The amount of stock subsoribed or issued -
"` tion seized him one thing for nearly 25 years, and the amount paid a thereon;
y� isftration, as well as in the Ottawa , and he built houses Wher- p
He Told Her. (f)Tho nature of canh kind of business whish'
% Gi•dvernment, there is a practical and ever Bites were obta}nnblo. He went on in This means purest ]n- the oompanvisempowered to carry on,
ti, progr farmer at the head of the A good highland minister was endeavor. this way for some time, when his mind ' and what kind or kinds is or are ear -
Ing to steer a boatload of City young Ind too became unhinged, and he was found .one gredents, most event and rind or in Ontario.
Agricultural Department. Hon. John to a landing place. A squall was bursting. day walking around his newly built housba y (1) If the'oompany malas default in comply-
Dryden, in his PI ovinCial field, is do- ing with the provisions of the said sectibn it
The steering was dif)joult. One of the firing sbots from a navy revolver at !ma delicatelymixed, best ada ted shall incur a penalty of twenty dollars per day
g as much for the country as any g Y g' P for ovary day during whish such default oon-
girle annoyed him by Jumping up call- taut enemies. -Boston Traveler' for those whose strength has times, and every director, manager, scare-
. ,..v epi�c�a entative man in the came sphere ing 'anxiously, "ob, where are we going y p
on the continent. g � b tory, agent, traveller or salesman of such
to?" "If you do not Sit down and keep. failed or whose digestion tirauea to withiwith notice
business whott
I Still, my young leddy," sold the minister over for such company, shefor each day up -
pilot suooinctly, "that will verra greatly would repel an uneven pro- an whiob he Ba transaata euoh usine s incur
w C7A.1F3Z'pg =A. depend on bow yon were brought up. o penalty of twenty dollars.
�.A`•JSW0� XZL For si to b ggists at +orme for the urposo of enabling oompan-
T fee t3an granaleoo Argoaant duct. y all dru h
dmlU fe 0n The fan
ali°+Stire r t/try tlmile Is 011 Soo. and $t. fes td complY wit t e above provisions, may
1f i Mi' FAD e!(ipytpiy ,`��C�� erlrq, si ned.obtaedlupon application to the undor-
Z4signod. }L. J. DAMS,
• a • • %ia11g11, (Provincial Secretary
. Toronio,
. . I •.
tI_ � _
- . I . . 11 M %-
_z;;Z /-".=
My husband has beef "`,`
troubled with dyspepsia, ,
and finds Ripans Tabule "
the only relief. He -hag''',. '
been troubled with indi. `Y
gestion for the past fif;= '
teen years.
. I
,} 1_1 i'1'14. .� ,
J. Ask 'Ir
r , . _.,,s'• '