The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-22, Page 2r v '..117 14' 17rF :.., ,. T ,- . I• r.. � i f' fiber . , � III A, 1, • ,I r 47 ,i • , . .. ..,.. ... 6 *0,* Crisp County C1tPPIo s. )a BOOR . A, , At the Indian Fair this Fall, on the $arnia IT PAYS TO Ohne, Doddsxollect°r, McKillop, is Reserve, prizes were otreredfor, compositions I 31 C6 � QAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS. y, ', Z , r J0 , on tiffs annual rounds. The total to b.e wr tteu by Indian ohildren, I Professional aIIciQth erCards clic f�llOw- - ® t ' atuqulRt on t11tt roll is9,i)6a 62. ing are the 1st a>}d' 8ttd prize co Hew the give Ozt Finest and Most Ex" � and as no help was given the writ6re, or cor- Are Manufactured J9 MLr� i3C©TT. s Thel4Vinghatn teachers were all re- reotious made in olther, they are certainly i eeeeutial to In Bokhara, whero the flneat and most creditable Wo are indebted to Mies Frahkie + engaged at a meeting of the school' Welsh formers t y o Ctoderich Town ft, teach- $calth. Fiverynook Blood expensive pfimel's ,hair shawls are mano- r• oua `d on Tuesday evening. ercent}�ereserve,forthepapera-1:Q,Niw EIIA. and corner o! the faatured,'the camel is wat011ed whil0 the Barr, ster, Solicitor > ` The. trustees' of No. 4, Turnberry, system is reached by the blood, and on er rt of s body fe flee hair on the and pa bi b d0� M 31"have engaged as teacher for the cow- (let prize composition, 'written by growing. 'this ie C!i THOSE WHO ARE GRADUATED FROM CONVEYANOER .$a. � Harr acobe aged I1 eon of Chief its quality every organ do- peed so carofullythat ing year J. Bennett, a former Harris- Y g not a fiber is lost, and it fs put by until TheCanadaBusinessCollege OOm°'leatotterforOII aE rioandManfto r �) ton high school boy. Wilson Jacobs,) ' pends. Oood blood means strong nerves, I there is enough to assn into a yarn, which la OtHoe immediate r Ont ri Gard & W10# piy a r' '7� A horse is anoble and useful animal, good digestion, robneL health. Impnr• fs unequaled for softness. It fa then dyed CHAT .1 ���, I "���• Mr Albx, Mustard has disposed of Scme are very blood means scrofula, al HAM, ONT. his 5t1 acre lot situated on the con• ry wise, and can be taught ,dyspepsia,rheama- I I manner of beautiful bright ocelots and ty , ( V 7Ht; S. CL5�AIR his of Stanley, tiff John T. Reid. 'she ro- tO Perform tricks, They are very tism,catarrhor otherdlgeaego. The surest Raven in stripe eight inoheewidein shawl Experience the truth of this statement when We BRYDONE n�i P strong ton, and can pul) v ry heavy WAY to have good blood Is to take Hood's patterns of such exquisite design as with they are pia iced in good Positions. The follow BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY . , �/17T 10 petty is convenient to Mr Reid and gg g baso been laced •" i I.wits be a good £arm When cleared,' loads, They are very haudsgxne ani 8areaparitla, This medicine pnriflssas vi- all our study of art and all our schools of F, H. Cornwall as teacher of Perna PUBLIC ET mats; doge can run faster than them talizes, and enriches the blood'and sends. desig wa are not able to rival. These and Shorthand, 6pencort4n Bualaoss College, ' C• 1SiatY-seven of our graduates hay. Jno. B. McLean, Kippen, a few days but not as far, Horses ares spoken the els+mente of health and strength to ly ibat Otisms oesl 1 ether w°ourimin Evansvill% Ind. p g g' Mies Besse Dunkle of Chatham, as steno- Office -]Beaver Plock. r 4eeu placed a good Positions dare aao ile n ed o£ a young horse, receiv- abort in the Bible, and were used. ons b e to detect where nobs[ with the Mie{lfgan Chair Co,Grand Up etafre, O t 1'tiq the past year. Our a stem of� ing the nice sum of $150. He thinks in battles by great men' and kings, Y every nerve, organ and tissae. It isreats>. they are joined. Russia is the gra ids, Mich. opoaQoTeter g principal R m McTavish, of Na ler, as stenogropher ON ' from keeping is finish.. l ueiness thiaria beginning to look like the olden Horses cannot be used to cross the a good appeWte, glues refreshing asses market to whiob these beautitul Bokbaran from start to $wish•. Our Short= titres. dere[[, because their hoofs would Bink rrnd outer that tired te•lime. Remember, creations are sent. From Russia they find with Mr Pratt, Secy of t�0 Y. M. C, A, Toronto htlnd department is the most thor- i 'wallet silver as bookkeeper. with McLachlan Mr John Dennison Varna re @nil In thy' sand and the could not go �Hoo-k their way all over the ootid, London, McFarlane, sail's Siding, B.C. M: Cils CAMf:RbN Ouggh iq�Ganada. G 3" y Parts, Vienna and 'New York bei' Sarah Towl, as Stenographpr with J. B. (Formerly of Cameron, Holt 4t Cameron)1 ' 1lririte forparticulare. cold three very nice, chunky geldings without water. And in the cold North ' g the to lith T. J. Berry, the well known reindeers and doge are used instead of heaviest importers. ,Sarah & Co, Chatham A• S. NIMNO horse buyer of Hensall, for the snug horaee, because they could not travel .Besides these oriental shawls there are DOES IT NOT PAY TO ATTEND THE BEST BARRISTER AND SOLIOIrroiii. suxn of $360. in the deep snow, beautiful woven shawls of Paisley, boot- write for Catalogue of either department pp Offioa-Hamilton 6t., opposite Colborne House Horses are not so expensive now, be- -.,.�K land, the printed shawls of Lyons and the )n. McLACHLAN cQ Co Chatham CiODERICH, ONT yA meeting of the creditors of Jesse �, filmy Llama lace creations, which, unlike 1 & CO., Blyth, was held oh'Thursd.ap cause there are plenty of them, but Y they are just as n$cessarY to the peo- SarSapari I la theerlental works of art, are within reach y Porter's Aill. Morning at the otlice o£ Richard Tew, ole• Before there were man horses of tbemoderate parse. Special artiste with jHr� D• L- MACPHERSON. Toronto, when steps were taken for Is the best- in fact the One True BloodPurlfler. Ponoll and brush are engaged in making l�j �1/ N 1 • tisi.T�ARY.-The life and family hiR- the winding up of the estate. In the country, oxen were used They years, CONVEYANCING, tory.of the late I1f ra Peter McDou till cannot run as fast as horses, but they designs for these shawls. While ears and FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT lNBURANCH i®already hell known in this disttIct, Mr Paul Leachman, who has been in can do the work pretty near as well ae vare Liver Ilia; easy to sometimes a lifetime, were and are re- r ,��] /I elf .Ili virig been a reaideat of Potter's the employ of Mr Wm. Doig, Kippen, horses. They have very big and strong Hood's Pi119 hike, easy tooperaW. 96o quired for the manufaaturo of the Bokhstr- iJ r 11 ---- Hill;fox 84 Years. Thefollowin will be for about five years, left on Tuesday teeth, and they can bite ver hard. an and Hindoo shawls, at Paisley, it the MONEY TO LOAx. of interest to deceased's relatiives and tot- Algoma, where he. purposes to en- They look very graceful when the In an arcticle referring to the pro- Pattern requires menthe 1n ire deeigning, who is more a slave than the woman ' s ' 7friei da: Mrs McDougall was the eldest gage in farming, and where he has 300 run; we can ride on their backs and it posed duty on logs, the Hamilton Times the weaving o1 the most elaborate pattern who worries and perspires over a red- °�°• M"Kay Block, Clinton. 1 acres. is ver pleasant. 000npies only a week, hot Stove tq do the family baking. dahrzhter o£ the late Donald Stewart Y P expresses the following opinion, and The cutting Nineteenth century Eeq',i tacks man of Luskintyre, Harris, Mr T. J. Barry, Hensall, has been of- They cah be used to do what an en- P g P g of the threads the y women deserve a Scotland, and for many years factor feted $210 fox his handsome. single car- gine Or electricity cannot do. the principles involved in the state- backs of the shawls, which was formerly a better late. Genuine old fashioned JOHN R IDOUT. ther,the ebtate,five of which were under, raige horse. This horse is, handsome, We have a good horse named Emily; ment are so sound that It seems to u8 Process requiring the combined labor of tlie'late'MitcLeod, of Harris, ar.d after- sound, and reliable, and Mr Bert she does not bite or kick, and she is two girls one entire day for each shawl, is Family Bread at CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETO wards tinder the late earl of Dunmore, showed him at six different sheave the Y they canoot be Successfully assailed, now done by a French menhine in a min- s ver stro and fat and works hard. James MCClachert S Fro Insurance. Mone to lend. Real estate W.hq:�pulrchased that estate from Mac- fall, and carried off the red ticket each She ca - t very fast too. provided those who oppose them are me and a half. Few of the grand dames y e i y who' boast of oostl oriental shawls matters careful I,ai s trustees over 60 years ago. Mr , tiffs❑den to. time. Th find bones of horses can b@ willing to follow their arguments to a y ,rage Pure, light and flaky, cheap as bak. i� SteFtt, rt was a man of -errs 1 hair out of the tail is logical conclusion. The Times says:- have oprobably se that theca same arttoles ing at home, too. We still lead in Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON +1 great burineas Mr John McOullogh, who- diems sopneti m de into little baskets. "We do not believe it is the Govern p y �� service before they ab lits, of great energy and tact in his Brusaela on Tuesday of last week, was aama Into their Ice Cream and da, i; He had ito deer as a stock raiser a former resident of Blueyale basin 2 1nenL a business to decide what the possession, that the mag- ia"thy ilQl�th, while tacksman at Lit- kept the Clyde hotel that used to stand Ellen George, aged 11 ion, written by people of a count[ shall hu or what nifloent shawls in which they wrap them- . hem- Ice Cream Soda. R. A(�NEW , klfot�sX@ fac Highland ys cattle near the station, over 21 years ago. He they shall sell, what the 9h�11 eat and selves have enveloped the women of some olid°btaok-faced sheep always realized died of paralysis, which cams on him A horse is a useful animal. He can what they shall wear, hAt the shall harems, and the rugs and portieres have As we have now a new and up-to-date DENTIST, CLINTON the,lijghest priceA, and carried off first the previous Sunday. draw a big load of wheat, and plough, import and what they shall export. not draped noommon to find a ir luxurious apartments. iitamla a . It in n that afountain nd see our h patent syrup jars, Call P i�es`at the annual markets through- and he can i un fast. They are brown The self-interest of the individual is the w first prize AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY oa g Carrie Mellis, daughter of Mr T. Mel. white, grey and black horses. Some best regulator do such matters. confirms this sus n. -Textile World. Chicago Lunch Cakes. a t the north. Mr Stewart's house lig of Kipper while returning home people like a black ons. EACH MoxTl3 ilpae,not h for its' hospitality and kind -g Come early as they sell quickly. ` [fess to fife poor. He ren ected�And be. from schoolrarather Friday night last, met They are Iota of them in America. western Canada is occupying more Office Hours -f) to 5, p with a rather unfoctume o accident. He has a ion and nor row faee,and two and more of the attention of the Eas- Wedding Cakes a Specialty trx@tided the people of God and was not- g -- ed fete his generosity and goodness of She, in company with some other play- ears, and haS big teeth and they are tern men, The latest report is that 1leart'tgwards many who were at that [nates, were climbing, over a fence, sharp, When t.jrey grow old they can- Sir Q. H. Tupper will resign his seat as t4m6!persecuted for righteousness sake. when in some way her Riot slipped and not rim asfast as they do when they are M. P. for Pictou, N. S. and go to Bri- _ PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET D� T' C • �RIICE� Uthis once large and highly respected she fell on her arm, breaking it mid- young. A horse can kick, and they fish :Johrmbix, where be will enter ice- SURGEON DENTIST, P way between the wrist and elbow. ore trent in a barn, Or iu a [stare. to apartnership with Hon. Frederick FOR SALE, Graduate R O D S of Ontario, and Trinity family, only four survive Mrs McDou- p, j gash Alexander, the eldest son, was Mr I, Millar -has disposed of his pro- They like to eat erase, salt, apples and Peters, who will res,gn the Premier- __ versify Toronto. Snecesafully factor over Lewis under Perry in Hurpurhey t° Mr Jas. Grieve, drink water. A horse can travel over ship of Prince Edward Island. - When a woman falls The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 Special attention given to the I)acTy' Hood McKenzie, and °ver the of Tuckersmith. Tnis is a`curufortable eighty miles a day, and he do not like overboard she some- or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton. Particular° the natural teeth, Preservation west side of Lot•d Reny'6 country in and convenient place, and contains 29 to run on a muddy road or a rough NO ROOM FOR SALT RHEUM. „nr times drowns wine' ;"Pon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &u Othee, Coate flook, over Taylor's alien store ,uthgrlandehire, Unlike the majority scree, The conaideratiuu wits $?,(100, read. Their feet are not like the cow's a there is a life buoy just B N. B. -will visit Blyth every Monde of factors in those days, especially in and Mr Grieve gets possession oil the feet• Salt rheum, erysipelas, tetter, shingles, i within a few strokes of HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT summed every Thursday afternoon during the ,the'Highlande `Alexander Stewart ad- let of April. next. A veers horse can la andjumprashes, scurf, etc., cannot exist where BIIR- : her -all because she sate th terests of the tenant[ At Goder,eh, on Thursday, about 3 when he is running, play e Doc[. BLOOD BITTERS is used, Here is the doesn't happen to see Several houses either for sale or to rent, Full vo B -ti y and is grs run • He clips t Itis ice it. Sick particulars on application to JOHN MCGARVA g, and its tall is ion Proof: 'I was eo bad with self rheum that people often. Ke redurod what he considered too o'clock, fire broke out in the platting and some horses have shoes on he has 4 perish in the same way. kti�li'--1�nts, cancelled old arrears and will of F. Smeetb, but before the alartu mane on its neck. They have black my finger nails came off, B. B, B cured ' me completely and I have hod no return of :Help is within reach, DR. wM, oUNN, L. R. C, P, and L. R, C, 8 ]Fired fair rents. His memory is Still was given the building was one Mass eyes and i'onr legs. They can swim On years.' w but they don't FOR SALE. Edinburgh, Otlleo-Ontario Breet,Ciinton fragrant among the old people who re- of flames. A strong wind was blowing a reser: the disease during the past three ( Night calls at front door of residence o" Rotten Mita. JAS, SANDERS, Emerson, Man. o to is. j The here Factor and contents on the ppro ort of D. rnemller him. His death in the prune and caused much anxiety as to a read- y be. Buchanan for $195; by pflying Sly down and bury St., opposite Presbyterian church, Y P Sortie horses cost $60 or more. The s v �� come discouraged balance at $10 a month, Buildding to be re- of Yi£eandin the midst of his usefulness ing. The building was totally destroy- don't like children and dogs. • Some of y Aberdeen vis �'i gusted PPIy to J. SCOTT, Clinton.was deeply lamented. Dr. Robert ed. No insurance. Cause of Lire un- When Lord and Led and dis moved. a 11 Stuart dyed a few years after he had known. Loss about them are very fat, some are not. It ited AntigoniFh, N. S., last week, the =��j with taking med. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M• D, $`� has alarge mouth and a long tongue, Governor-General was presented with icines and give FINE FA It TO RENT. University, M D, c,M,, Victoria Univeere-_ $nishad his medical course. HeStrom-prac- Joseph Bushfield,of con. 6, McKillop, jam over the fence. glish Latin, French, Mrs. Mary m despair, __ M.O.P6c s, Ontario. Fellow ottheObstetrice [iced"'.tri@dicing a Harris and idered and he Can' p an address in En J. Stewart, of That fine fsrrn on the 13th con. of Huller: be. Edinbn ofEdinburgh,late of London an 110way,' Dr. Stewart was Considered whose house was burned on Oct. 1st, - They are not used in the North. A and Gaelic. Lord Aberdeen replied in Sarato a an r hH g d E �� g , Santa Clara Co., ing lot �, in�,fr°red to n.❑tatreasonab.e terine. oiBce Rsttenbural at Office,--Dr,Dowselj' a old the h'andsoml3st man in the north, and gave the contract for anew house to ,horse bee harness on when he ie draw- i,glish, Latin and French, and receiv- Cal., in a letter to Dr. R. V. rt conoau,s 150 acres, 18U cleared, with frame answered at they Clinton. Night bel $e 9tl ttcertainly as generous as he was C. C. Rock, Brodhagen, Mr Rock got eng a wagon 6r a buggy, ed the assistance of an interpreter to Pierce, chief consulting physician of the bou-e and bank barn 00x60, and is most eligibly same Place. anda'pme. William Stewart. suppos- the older on Monday, and on the fol- They are not good to eat. We make respond in Gaelic, Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buf- situac.:d. J. A1cl.LACIiERTY, Clinton, many to be the flower off the lowing Saturday night Mr Bushfield shies Out of its akin. falo, X. Y., says: "I suffered for fourteen and family moved into their new resi- Some horses are very sagacious and years with female weakness, nervousness PROPERTY >r`OR SALE DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON t , atleaet the most amiable in K omen In the Professloau. DAR, etc., office and reeSURGidence On_ Bence. The house is a neat story and some are not. i7xe number of college women who have could find to helptmeall o no avail.to AlI For sale, that pro arty on the south side tarso et., opposite English church, formerly oe spasition, took fovea. He was both pp stain and owner of the ship with a half structure. They [serge about five ft, high,and they taken up medicine is considerable --some though I was thoroughlyy discouraged and Clinton, directs o cot oupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton O❑t, of them no doubt from a real love of sci- gusted with takingmedicinewhen Iheard Huron Street, S a two- the rrr �iich,he traded between the West Alvin, eon of R. Gibson, Mortis, bad lie down on the ground like a ccw, disgusted frame ho of Mrs welsh. There is a two-story rdte$ and the Mol her C7ountry When hie leg broken at school a few days a o encs and soma for love of a career. While of Dr. Pierre's medicines, I thought I would frame house o❑ the lot, which is nearly halt an i`oxneward voyage an attack of in a strange way, It•appears that to THIS TELLS WHERE HEALTH MAY their work has been able sad their success try once more to find relief. I took the acre, The property is most eligibly situated, T'1R sTANItURY, GRADUATE OF T$8 ellow fever ended his promising life, small boys got out early, but instead BE FOUND Rot contributed ori nail to Golden Medical Discovery' and `Favorite andlwto i JObe HN RIDfor OUT Clinton. particular�ci�ty, Toronto, formerlyDepartment of Victoria Univer undoubted, t d just t p say that they have Prescription,' and too great praise cannot be PP y _ ' 11; le Wag buried at sea. To his mem- of going on home, they sto ed and e medical sci- given for the rapid relief they gave me. I Dispensaries, New Yrk the oneritforabe d PP And that ie more impbrtpZtt-than making sate. There ane a few women c°llegians am now free from the former troubles, and County of 73nrou, Bayfield, Out, lythe late Neil Morrison, the Cleft- climbs trees near by the School. Jae. money, If your blood is impure, Hood's ' CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. cha Bard composed an ertlo in law, in literature, !n the pulpit and in mayt'3d bless Dr. Pierce in all his under - composed of Michie was up in a tree and fell on Al• other professions, and their helpfulness takings to cure suffering humanity,,, exit in Gaelic. Donald Stewart', vin Gibson, breaking his le as above Sarsaparilla is the medt�ine for you. It pp -- ll 'fourth son; a Choice Christian, as stated, and the only injury Michie Ot curse scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, and anthuSiaam have been aspedally no_ Thousands who had reached this forlorn That heir P lot It2 con. 1, St4nloy, R. E. BLACBALL DETERINARY ticeable In educational and a is offered for eels on J • Honorary4raduate of theOntarioye eros N Ulf erfordwould say, and according was a gore back. R catarrh and all other diseases originating philanthropic and hopeless condition of body and mind easy terms, 97 acres, 91 cleared and iu high Oollege, Treaealldiseaeeeofdomo.'.7 ry 4pOstolit, times, forsook all things in ,or promoted by impure blood and low work. In all these fields of usefulnea• the have found new hope and rescue in the use stats of cultivation, Farm is only 2 miles from mal° on the most modern and eefentimc ed n a pil!" 1. I fahowed Christ, He bad been to state of the system. work of college worsen, "taken by and bf these marvelous remedies. Clinton, Frame house and barn, bearing or- plea Office-immediatelysouth ietheNBwEThe Ford Wick Record says:- 'The Dr. Pierre's great thousand -page book, chard, well watered, and a most desirable pro Office.Residence -AlbertSt., Clinton. Or• atralia for some years, and engaged olderresiden`s of this section will be htrg°�" has beon good, honest6 oom stent party. -G. D• MoTAGGART, Clinton. ni is orae once-dto promptlyal HOOD'S PILL$ are sae P The People s Common Sense Medical Ad- g y)tliis'slgnary work, r@turned home pwined to hear of the death of Miss y to take, easy work about like that of the average in- wiser" is sent free in paper covers for r 101Y.'after the death of his father. ids Sweetman, formerly of this place, to operate. Cure indigestion, headaohe. d"gt'loua [rare but it has been deaivativo one cent stamps to pay cost of customs and @ Again devoted his time and energy but who has resided in Chicago during I � not creative; complemental, not brilliant mailing only; or, cloth -bound for 5o stamps. PROPERTY FOR SALE. trrely t° evangelistic work connect- P years. While attending offering little opportunity for aces colebro- JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON t be est few Address, Dr.'R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y• has returned to otfnton and opened an otHoe with 'the Free Church of Scotland ( a Party at a friend's house Miae Sweet- Smith Bros. have purchased the 150 tion on the part of those enthusiasts who_ Rev. J, g, Thompson, of ]last Calais, Wasbing- Rubnd con ofYerre Por sato the 25 acro lot on at the Queen's Hotel, where be mr ' acres On the 5th line, Morris, from W believe that women have needxid only $ di- t t amoeba[' writes concerning this great work the 2nd con, of Tucltersmith, being lot 46. ed for the treatment of all diseasesbe conenit the Nest Hi hlands principally. man was taken suddenly ill and be- wed with the style and general sub Tl]eo are on the promises a two storey brick cattle, &c. All calla, night or da of horaee, @ never accepted any [cram@ration fore medical a,d could arrive she nes- Cameron, Brussels, paying X5,000 for Ploma for conquering all the world that ject matter of the a❑tire work. I consider it 4 dwelling[ bank barn, carriage house, and other tended to, y, promptly at- ,, of salary or donations. H0 ed aW&Y." P the property. 'len have left unconquered. vatuableadditiontomycarefullyselected,ibrary outbuildings. Th° place is well -watered, and find aided in building school and Avery serious accident happened to D ging to John Htrudloda of college bred wom4n seats_ The purpose to me" right physicallyis a noble has a goon orchard of two acres, and between The 50 act a farm belonging one, I ant also pleased with the refined and at two and three acres hardwood bush. Situate .fearer in remote piacea, assent Master Calvin Simpson, Jamestown engine, being North quarter of lot 21, °vim' have been, and are, capably and the same time fearless way in which you handle about threo miles from is H. 0 - TOMLINSON, VETERINARY BURGEON wt]' private means. Few men of on Wednesday of last week. He was °On fl• Morris, wan purchased last week effietently engaged in ttwohing sad a low those delicate subjects pertaining to blob BRII➢N, Clinton P. O, �• Honorary Graduate of the Ontario veteri 1 have gained a certAln distiaation as prat(- b7, thus t nary College, Toronto, Treats all diseases n times have been so remarkably 'engaged in driving the horse -power for by Peter McArthur, of the acme town- rnakinQthewerkadmtrabtyfitteaRawtheyo'ny, • Domestic Animals on the moat modern and ed of God, and labors so abundant- his father, wbo•was cutting corn, and ship, the price being $1,800. dente and professors in colleges for ypexg_ - - - 8oientitio Prinoiplee. Lay and eight eailsprompt 1. blessed' as that of Donald Stewart. in attempting to step off he got his y en, but no great and original educator has 73USINESS PROPERTY FOR oiinion area Resiaenoa-Rattenbury St., west Jtpicnb Grose, a comfortably situated THE CLINT4N SALE was inneh devoted to private pray heel crushed between the pinion and farmer, living at Creek Bank, three come from among thorn. Occasionally a 6tnd'the study Of his Bible. His pre. the cods of the large cast drrve wheel. miles from Alma, hanged himself det:erminedyounggraduategetss a foothold - 8ess[n earance, stifle and mild But gull more serious to relate on the , to ether in a newspaper office and usuall k That desirable ;Brick Business Stand on Al- MISS C. E. CLEhfE dT Gradnatn of Alma ' g SPP Friday afternoon. Mr Grose g i it Laundry bort St., Clinto❑, occupitd by Mr N. Robson, is A r College, teacher o� Piano, licavenlY"'conversation, distin- succeeding day his brother Charles with his wife and some friends, at with credit to herself and her hillier edu- otPered Por sate, including rear lot and stable. a1}edr him wherever he went. He got his hand ace bad1Y mangled in the tended a funeral at Floradale in the nation, yet the few women edlfieve of enai- - 'he location is ono of the best in Clinton. The morning, and on their homeward tierce have not been college bred, sad there The undPreigned has taken fol] control of t}t° ppropertyy is free from incumbrance And title in „4bplin six years ago, scarcely old. gearing of the cutter that it was found g Clinton Laundry, and having had considerable pdusPu aselr • Price reasonable and terms to suit �( ARRIA(3E LICENSE, �AME8 SCOTT, 13, tll„ den death then on a preaching necessary to amputate the thumb and Tourney some small dispute arose be 1s nothing to b°•gained by apnppgl(gg a experience in prepared to execute ail work en- don Road, or addroae Clinton p pBiIRY, Lon- and Be it enoe, Marry age Li Cans' Library Room lid the Clyde was a revere soca fingers. tween husband and wife, the former t°"t that O1B college womoa who -La n, dertaken journalism seem as m:ave trusted to him in a manner equal to any City e Gllutrch an$ to his country. His stating they would not be together Y hive Laundry. - e spill b@ lyingg remembered where Modeland, Tuckersmith, bee much longger. Upon their arrival IIP mQllengO in awe°t•n11# the flood of Beautiful Property for Sale. TAM>fB CAMPBELL, LONDEBBORC a F ati faithfuAyandao diligent tryw at isiquito a curiosity in this coon- home Mr (Irene went to the stable to sonsattonaligm and nasty print for which We are preparedto do Ladies or gg v ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICNt3E9, dt" pub" ',' 40' years. •The oris eon oai in the shape of some second growth put awry the horse, and he did not re- the 11owspa� women of the countiry [must Gent's Rine :hoods or a The hbeundersig situated offers for nce sale touell by No witnesses required e 11 fts Join Stewart,. - Y °ate• They are o#the improved white turn. His wife went to look for him, bear their share of diberaditwith tiie•petrvs- d q., proprietor Ruaeian variety, the seed of which- Mr and found him banging to a beam in m0°__ph�ol Ramily Washing, himself on Huron n c oiinton. The hone con b9ayan r S.b ,two islands in the T and tains every modern convonieno Por geed sized F. W. FARNOOMB, MEMBER py see'N OD ti bf;hitlr""tis, a is the only Modeland imported from Dakota. A ---- -- guarantee same to be satisfactory an 3 at family, is well built, with etonofoundation, fur- ' P. L. 8-, Provincial Land Surveyor11 y one .month and a half after the first crop, the barn. Besides bre widow, he lowest prices. Goode called forcer delivered to nave, hard well soft water, stable and boating Ctyil Engineer, London, Ont, -pence y and tilt lily'W110 followed in hie Fath• p leaves two daughters; who are almost anyy part of the town. We resD eotfully solicit fruit trees. Particulars upons_pplication to y Store, Clinton, at Geo, which yrelded 41 lbs to the bushel, mac heartbroken ever the sad event. atrial, as there is no necessity to send your JOHN CUNrIINGHAM, Clinton, Stewart's Groner P.O-,:,, He still exhibits pr' harvested there was a second growth, Laundry out of town. Brough r the North, tannin g THE LIFE-GIVING PINES ARTHUR TWITCHELL 'rxtCeb g of good gine, and the heads were large11 year after year at all the and well filled, although, of course the HEA THAT ACHE. The breath of the pines is the breath of 1 PERItIN BLOCH ✓ inrtrkets, A son of this Jobn rain was not standing so thick in the Heads that ache can be made bright, life to the consumptive. Noktwer Prun CLINTON t tgit d hie aunt at Porter's clear and free from �2 FOR SALE dY00D and COAL YARD, field. The sample which Mr Model pain b n�ing BtRDoan Senor contains the pine virtue, and ouree �w y`@ars ago, then a lieutenant showed was taken promiscuously from BLooD BITTERS, the true by cure for coughs, Colds, bronchitis, astbma, hoarse -Talking • .W`4 Citptain in the British army. the field and each head was large, headache froth whateber cause 'arising, noes and all throat and lung troubles. � °ash titin Ito monthlyy ��ayworts otiSls oaoh subaoribor l° pro(ared to�emnptJTylellorCewarb oleo paid a visit to big g ''iHeadaohe and ai �t Over D J CAMPB9LL, Hnmilton dere for Wood or cel, w eh will be sold at t+Pcsrter's Hill a few ears after whits and clear, while the kernel was pain in the back afflicted lowest rotes. or M Isaac romps, f LAll o Y plump and hard. This dtp, warm sea- me for a long time; but now t am free from f MPLEIdENT Lffice O ' W. WgFt LAvL& ifd ee'ttleti ,there. Hannah Stew- son was particularly favorable for this them; thanks to the use o! one bottle and o Sllgh s Method Ole Dress (� tt#ft"'t� 1klrs. MCDongall, was mar- second growth, and it is rarely that half of B.B.B.;' Miss J. McAwASTER, Al- ~ Gi00D FARM FOR SALE. (i CJstpta, ' 'McDonald, of the 42nd they will ripen as well as they have Monte, Ont. Cutting. AGENTS SELL " IhYltl �- KLONDIRR GOLD � , ` "110w d@ad. Richmond, done thio Subscriber offers for sale the farm of 149 acetone �I:DS>, Irri ila�►rt titer, married to Mr Me- Year, Besides giving a dou- - situated an rho Maitland con. of Godorloh Like a whirlwind. Experienced canvassers ble yield, these Oats are said to be o! A few days ago a lady of- Sarnia, Ont., Sept. 28th, 1897. Township. All cleared but About 10 acres of reaping the richest harvest of their lives new , 6fungd, not of London, extra value for milli' a o rho resides upon the Grand Alle TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, ggood lrurdwooa bush; gcod clay sots four cores beginners acing wonders. Nearly ever led, '::txt� qty rt daughter, Annie g purposes, and g ' P , boarin; orchard good 2 -story brink lienee with subsoribee, One young man on a form x12 a Mr Modeland i9 justly proud of his Quebec, with her son, a gentleman well This is to certify that we, the undersign- slat r•nnf, bans[ bar" and good outbuildings; month is making.$76. Aladytype- over at t, ,15ow ea $; Grace the fifth curio, known in political circles, was the ed, have completed a full oonree of inetruo- Wii hiu 0 miles of Clinton rnd !from •Holmod- ° AOBk fa clearing tu. 8 mechanic who had er itis lriarr*11 iv Mr [McRae, of victim of a somewhat rare though not tion in Sligh's Tailor Method of Dregs Ont- vorflcn tnrA 4ppiOp the desirable farm. For earned $1.150 g ay, to olearin a � C.�astliF. still living; Ma_r��yy, the They Tuckersmith Council met at vi unprecedented g -• want mono A y we ttttglit�r; wits married to Mr An- , BruceBeld, on Saturday, While tin given b Mr J. Goodson Medd an �.� fEliHU rT; ar a Holmesv1110 P. O. Oanvassing outfit Q6ots., Dixons hotel P misfortune. B, B 6 P tv p oep.oy to MRS, W. L9mitetd' The BRADLEY-GARREETSON CO., ,�Itropiietorof the estate Loch Oct. 9th, as per adjournment. Yr sleeping a large rat entered her room, nnhesitatfn 1 recommend it as the beat -+�'` ll All d B y _, 0 Toaonto, Ont. I 1ivin , Alice was married to members present, he contract of climbs upon the bed and fixed its system of dress cutting that we have seen, l FARM FOR SALE hptiher;proprietor of several ditching on sideroad between lots !i teeth in the lady's nasal organ. As and we do so for the following reasons:_ _ Apples Wanted. `ab' • Wi gltis, near Liver col and 6, cons. ?and 8, 140 rode was let one can readily imagine, the bitten 1 -It is easy to understand. --- pp art woke up somewhat saddens 2 --It is simple and aoanrato in the appli- __ _ '- Lot 26, Con 6, Township of Hallett 100 aces f ii3fii4 het, of London, pi ng' to Geo. Strong, at 40c per rod. Mr party y' P 1 8t3 notes Cloarod and in a ova State of ouU.iva_ I want All the Marketable Apples I qtr ba / and the biter at once decamped, leas- action of its prinoiplee. 4 ` tion, excellent Olay loam oil• 12 noios of hard- and will pay the highest orfs° Commeneuratee )bu all paid one visit to Har• Oliver , the contractor on the '•Bi wood bush. There i° a goofs- boarin orchard With tooign quotations. Hold your a les unO Drain," was aid $400 on his contract, ins its intended meal badly scared. g -It will cent oorreotl an garment Shoes speak for themselves and th g t °` years ago, and was re- pp t. However, beyond the pain and annoy- and a good sup ly ofwnter. The farm hAs never til you have ascertained from me what I ban lie a princess of the royal blood: as per certificate of the engineer in work or part thereof Prom correctly measure- p e pee- been rented. '4 ho buildinga he f p[iso a pay for them• Do not make any mistake, charge.' Several of the artier assessed ante of the wound, little trouble was ment, and hence is the Ono Perfect fitting need not look further who acimire esti[ Shoes frame house, barn and stables. This Droporty D. CANTEIgN otiaton. 0-i lAskaer by which elle travel- under by-law, P anticipated from it until a da or two B is situate on an excellent Qlasgoty to Harris, on enter- y rw,B of 1897, were resent at Y system. stock from the Town oP oli❑ton r vel rteao, i aper iaCh Tarbart, was Bail deco- the meeting, and paid fliers[ assess- later, when then began to swell to find wbt.t they want. We have furter went in cash. Owing up, until it,, now many times its nor- 4, -Its cost is lose than anyother system, begun our usual sale of fall on the promiges. re apply to the undersigned Wanted d 'nth ,flags flying e i firing g to the fact that mal size, and grave fears of fatal blood and its utility is greater. Y MRS THOS. HILL Clinton P. O. sten and Wdmon who anti work herd talk - announced to the inhabit. a Great many of the interested artiea SHOES V BBER� ing and d W6 en beam as Voily for six da�Jl - failed to notice that the time for pad- Poisoning are entertained. We also take pleasure in recommending ]RUBBERS t#t thelate'Donald Stewart's side r g assessments under said by-law rn Mr. Medd as a thoroughly competent and week and will 4fet Was on board. The town y House and Lot fo Sale °content wit4t ten aollare c sh las limited to Oct.l2tb, the coon- STARVING CHILDREN skilful instructor, and a gentleman worthy Call and see our lines in Men's and weekip. Address, ratdtt, and the�� pp@op turned c 1 have decided to extend the said Of the greatest confidence: __ amu' IDEAS Co., Medical Building, Toronto riffs to ,14gli a Mrs McDougallanThousands of well-fed Children ore star- B Women's Boots and Shoes, also our The frame house on Ratten ry street, time for'one week vIn Sim 1 MAeGIE YOUNG, DREae MAKER, Supply of 118P n rl�ht royal and warm , so that parties who B, p y'beC+snse their food is not o!' •lvelcOMe. Mrs McDougall ma wish to pay their assessments in the right kind. They are thin, polo and ISA. J. $HAND, DREea MAKER pp y immediately sent o4 Dr, Tom t on'a, is bt this reception to herhat ly f°li maY do so, at the office of the delicate. Soott'e Lmnleion will change all M• E. ORMRCD, DRnss MAKER, SIn Ie and flottble IIa1'ttefis The house S centrallyoffered for sale on eireas tnatedable'terms. er s. __ STOCK FOR SALE J, M. MeL, CI@rkt u tO the 19th inst., or may meQt this• It gives vim and vigor, Serb and MRs, D. SANLAx; Ditties MArzER. Trunks and Valises. a minute' walk [rota the business tree 5 Ono hal!-bred Jersey cow 8 ydars old, a cod 11 the clerk At Kyle's Hall on Tuesda force. has ne cellar large dining room milker. very rich orearn• t i'oland China boar, [A nn Aber j f other names are omitted Red and White Cedar Shingles ' B B ,parlor, 19th inst., from 2 to 4 o'clock. The to gave apace.) bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one 8 months old, Rcg ; I Poland China boar, li yrs, Oh6b lurk iii the blood before nest meeting of council will to held at , THE NEW ERA GIVES THE HOME NEW. Mr. Medd is now at his residence on Is- on band. large and two Smaller bedrooms u stairs old, ries; I Durso omoy boar and Cow, 0 mos , the ilf8et themselves. There- Kyle's Hall, Nov, Ist at 10 o'clock to ' aao street, Clinton, and is prepared to give JAS, TWITC p old, Rog• 3 PWand China sows, in pig, Reg; TaE NEW ERA GIVES THE aoMl� xEWe P B Goo d.s;zed summer kitchen and gsrdon. i>h ortetl Tamworth saws. Ae I am ovorstoo'k bttsod titiiti with BCod's Sir. pap Contractor's fgeric. accounts, etc,-- young ladies a thorough 'course in dress. l<IPi LL od T will sell the above stock at very reasonable A. G. SbfIL1Gt&,, CIerK. Tlaltt NEw ERA GIVER THE HOME NRw9 cutting at moderate charges. Victoria Block, Clinton. odes. conveniently at lfnw situated I"RA office. boarding drlooa. WESLEY W. FISHER, Lot % Con. i. • ColbornoTp,, Boumillor P. O.II i1 ,,i ; . . � , 0, I .+ , ,tor , , . r � r . w ,. f + L tl y-,Le'1�a,..:n.d....'rii:.,.•.,r.,,..a-.a. t.:.-.t.e.. ........... w..r- .�Il,�. ._,..rc,.r.,.�.�r. .,.:f��...'... ...Wx A'+..... ,a . ..