HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-22, Page 1,y , . v, � r. . � . " 4 . ,. 7 am- : _. •. .. .: .: , 1rii v I,. Tim I , ll r�.11 �J . " . "I iN FF �1. t water bottle is, •a nsaemsrty. m y lame piece to which you are Iia t aro of lies.. it to a oomfor* , 11*. invited. Yea dpn't snow just and R luxury. The familp withotl't - . y what -to ba7 for a pressnt. It's a ------�--- ---- -._.- __ . _ .� --, T--, _ — _. one in with Into, a good friend, ,. who �� _ family own the vt leo attsgoilfxtetidt,. Y herd question til deoide, Drop in ROBERT HOLMES Editor and Proprietor. ' CLINTON, - ONT., OCTOBER 22, 1$97 � 1$X a year -3n adva>n,ee 01.60 when not so paid and is the family that is safe guard, M: slid e4e it we on'k 'help you out ed against, sudden attacks ox ?111 , -- nese sash as colds, onills, crampy, •, y leld --^— Paine, inflammations, etc. These of ons dilemma. We've a fine wA -'�� TT�aT m1 -r�-rT Aabnrn I Bayfield bottles aro nob expensive, `as, some, a r$mout o ! Silverware, . -C'�►,-RO 4� 1•-r � 1•• �� •�- � V B" (� Q Q Gall and see our steak of Far Coate, Robes, CHURCs.—Re-opening sermons will people think.. They are oboap - a. What wide awake and reliable oorreepondenta find worthy of recording for publioation I TO IDec•31,1898,f or $1 Blankets, eto. J. NIOHOLSON, be preached in the Methodist Church very Cheap when you ootlstdeir t Mase, Panay atocits C>'oderich TOurl►shlp — • CHURCH.—On Sunday last Rev. Mr on Sunday,Oct. 31st, ty Rev A. Ste• their usefulness. Wo'con give you Hallett We want to add a lot of new sub- Couzens preached from Acts 24,11. wart, of Cinton, at 10.30 a. m., by one tore 760, or larger and balker t' deo• -things that tools well among '3TOCK.--C. W. Williams,oE the Molt- 126 and 1 FROM THE OLD COUNTRY.—A Mise land, has 'oat added a tine Jersey bull scribers to our list, and theretore The Epworth League met on Tuesday Rev. R. Millpard at 238 pp+ m., and at once for R1, $ . $1•50. A ; I 'resents, and that will Manning arrived her from the Old J y evening; it was a Literary meting, 7 p. m. by M{as L. A. Zinkan, South• combination hot water bottle; cud ,, p to his stock. - It is not yet very large, offer the NEw ERA from now to p syringe for $1, or a, fountain syc ; Country on Friday to Mr Joseph Man- but is of a cod attain, and will be of and there was an excellent program. am ton. Collections in aid of Trust bring joy to the prosgeativ4 ning's, and liking this part of the coup benefit in improving stock. the Mot Dec., 189$, to new sub- There is some talk o! the Christian Fund at each service. lase alone for Rho, 760, $1; $1 25 try, she will remain, at least fora P g Endeavor inviting the League to visit NOTES,—Mr Jlarxe has the repairs and $1.60. If you would like to bride and groom. Seeing our time, As the guest o! Miss ftubia Man- WEDDING.—An event that has been scribers, for $1 cash. an can them about Nov. 9th. The C. E. met P know more, come in and we wrll to the Methodist Church nearly flnish- nin Anticipated for some time occurred at subscribe with the nearest post. Tuesday evening, the subject, "'What. ed. It is said that Mr Frazer will be a be" pleased to show you the Roods. - stook will suggest what you ought STOCK SOLD.—Albert Wallace, of the � the. home of Wm. Blair, on Wednesday master or remit direct to thin office ever He would like to have me do, candidate for the Reeveship next year; of last week, it being the marriage of was taken by Mr Clark. ALLEN & WI<L$OX,, ' to bay, and the price asked will 7th. con., has ,sold a fine young thoro- he is a good man and would fill the y his fifth daughter, Miss Lydia, to John MARRIED.—Ourpopular music teach- position with credit to himself and the bred shorthorn bull to Jas. Steep, of g y a+ not deice you from baying any Clinton, at a fair rice. Kr Steenp �in- W. Wallis, of Rudyard. Mich. Mr er, (of a few years ago) Mies Lydia municipality, Mr Donaldson is re- Gradual' Druggists & OpticiatiU, p tiV Wallis is a native of .this township, be. I Tuckersmlth Blair, of Porters Hill was united in C1liuiton+ - tends to ship it to the west; Mr al- P+ pairing the ethodiatpareonagestable. ar4'iolelin our store. lace is only A Young breeder, and does ing a son of Mr Jas. Wallis, of the NOTES.—Mise Mary Layton, who hue mart lase, on Wednesda3, Oct 13th, to The new church shed is nearly com- gg Lake Shore Road, and is at resent en- . been visiting relatives in Exeter, has Mr John W Wallis, of Rudyard, leted. Mise Hood and Miss Nellie When in need of glasses remember not keep many thorobrede, but what P Mich. h Rev. Mr Shaw, of Bayfield. Wilkinson,hat we are spectacle s eoialr,ks When in do come to tits he has are good stock. gaged in farming. Miss Blair is a pop- returned home. Mr N. Crich wheeled , 7 ilkinsonof Belgrave,were guests of p p I alar young lady, and carries with her home from Detroit, calling at Ioger,oll The brei a and. groom were ably sup- Mrs Shaw at the parsonage last Satur with "espericnoe. p SERIUIIaLY ILL.—The ftiende of Mr the good wishes of a large circle of and St. Marys; he states that the pro- ported by her cousin, Mies E. A. Blair, day, Sunday and Monday. Mr and ' P.- B. �r®moi 8 Thee. Noble, of con. 3, Hullett, will re- ! friend,: Miss E. Blair, of Auburn, per- fession is overcrowded on the other side of this place, and a brother of. the Mrs Benjamin Wray of Belgrave were W'01b '0'0'*V'%'0A6'0 .. . gret to learn that hs is aufl'ering from formed the duties of bridesmaid, while of the line; what Mr Crich intends do- room. The ha couple left for their Jeweler & Exppert a cancer, in tact is helpless, and he has .Herbert, brother of the room, assisted in we cannot say a, et. Mr R. and g happy P also guests at the parsonage. Robe. ' Watch Re niter decided to sell his farm and farm stock g I Y, y home, on Friday. Her many friends Holmes, Clihton, will take the Meths- G'hureh Ghimea him through the ordeal, the ceremony Miss J. Brownlee visited friends in Col- in this vicinity join with your scribe dist church servit- on Sunday evening I 4:' by auction, on Wednesday next, Oct. being performed by Rev C. E. Shaw. I borne last week. Farmers in this local- in wishing her a long, happy and pros- next. Ensign Wakefield, and wife, Brant `-• 27, The farm is well situated, and this They left on Friday for their home, ity are trying to plough. but the ,porous voyage through life. ford, are now in charge of the Salve " is a good opportunity for anyone who going via Clinton to Owen Sound. ground is very hard yet; the weather NOTES.—D. E. Munro has improved Blyth. tion Army. wishes to secure a cod lace. is ver favorable for raisin roots.— g P MINOR EVENTS.—Mr Chas. Spence, y g the appearance of hisstable by diving NOTES.—Mise Minnie McCullough, of A week from nest Sunday will lie "a: Amberley MR EDITOR.—Through your columns who was confined to his bed last week, Mangold, are a very fair crop this year, it a coat of paint; Mr D. Fell, oY Cli.n Kinburn, is visiting at the residence of Sunday School Anniversary dap At. ' rich is I would like to direct the attention of is now able to be around, although but some have commenced feeding ton, had the contract. Kr Wm. Aek- g NOTES.—Mrs Cantelon, Gode their turni a in the Sold. Mr H. Little Mr S. H. Gidle Messrs Saunders, of Ontario St. Methodist church. the County Council or• the Road Com- feeling rather feeble. Mrs Ramsay, of P with is visiting friends around here at Exeter, were visiting in town on Sun. The regular meeting'of the W C Tl the guest of her sister, Mrd P. Sbeills_ missioner to the unsafe uardtbat is on Goderich, spent a few days last week delivered an excellent address to the resent. Mr Wm. Davidson has sold Mr Geo. Chaplin accompanied hie ais the aides of the "brid ,'over the river, League at Alma last week, the topic bis farm, conditionally to Thos Law day. Mr Herbert Aohburp and Miss will be held at the home o Mrs doliii- f' Mrs McLaughlan,. as far as New g at the home of Wm. Haack,. Mr H. h Bell visited friends in • Gorrie on Fri- Jackson, on Wednesday,the 27th 1ngC.R „� . -ter, If a horse should stumble against it being love and unity iu our chart tor fora cod fi are. Mr C. Decker, ;4-eei:a;: York on het way home to Glasgow. Young and wife, Colborne, Sundaped The to is next Wednesda avenin g day last. Mise Edna Curtis returned at 3 p. m. : ,; , "". las Garve Chicago, are vis- there is nothing strong enough to Fre- at DavidProuse's. Mrs Draper, of Aeh- P y g of St. Helens, visited friends here last Rev.B.Clement will roach on"Fruit: Mr and M y; vent a serious accident. A stitch in will be taken by Mrs A.'Scott. week. J. Nicholson took a rip to an Tuesday evening from a visit 'to 11 Mr d Mr D. Boyd s. Mr Robt. Mur- field; is visiting her sister, Mra S. J. Friends in Chicago. Mise L. Stevens Bearing" in Ontario . t. Church no' dockof Lanblo Fail,, left for that time eavQe nine. Yours, A RATEPAY$R. McCullagh. Mr Tebbutt was enga - OBITIIARY.—On Monday, Oct. 18th, Goderich on his bike last Tuesday visited her home on Sunday. Mr Jas. Sunday morning,and in,the evening oX>,`. ace oo Tuesday last, after s ending ed for S. S. No. 10, at a salary of $350. there passed away after a severe and Mr Eidtlhas a telephone from his mill Ireland visited friends in Goderich on "How to think of youreslf." '' 'i P1 0o ft ienda here. Mr Ash- Benmiller Mr' Miller, of Clin ton, has ut in a hy- lingering illness' Agnes Broadfoot, re• to Mr J. Nagel'. store; it makes it very Monday. Miss Clement. daughter of A.R. Lofft, of St. Marys, a forpOCek x a week am g Ed. Cummin a short ago for Chat CHt7R [.—Oh Sunday the pulpit at draulic ram for Chas. Middleton. Mr lice of the late Peter McTavish, at the convenient. Mr ga, of Rev. B. Clement, Clinton, is a guest at Clinton.iau, has retired from t e super " ley Blair left g g g intendenc of the Methodistabb&ti+ ham where he has secure a position Benmillor appointment was occupied C. Fuller lost a valuable horse last week age of sixty years. Deceased was the Chita o, is visitin friends here +�t the residence of llr fait. Mica Bertha Y . a posttt one traveller for a tea house; by Mr Henry Snyder. He took his from inflammation. Mr Tisdall, agent eldest daughter of John Broadtoot, present. Miss Effie Knox Sunda ed Higley, who has been visiting friends School, after several years' service« ;_ ,. we wish him success. It is understood text from Acts 2:32; This Jesus hath for the Caxton School Series of charia who took u Phe farm on the,Millioneers of under d is one he eiicklli t t D�rliRow and in Chicago, returned home thio week Miss Wilson delivers an addresu.to' thatthe Orangefraternitp contemplate God raised up, whereof we are all wit- and maps, is at present making h P Willie and Bert Cummings had an at- after a pleaPant visit. The firm of the Junior League of Rattenbur11 y Vit.; ed the holding a demonstration in this place neases. rounds to this township. Miss Kc- now occupied by James Broadfoot, Wilford & �Pettlmufer, brick makers, church this (Friday) evening, it wad a on Nov. 5; a number of speakers are ex- TEA-MEETING.—The tea-meeting at Gregor, con. 0, i t enjoying Fe M olil- born,wherin the fathe mous yeact of rof1837• By House of was tack agrip. one er. e lash week. sold a consignment of bricks to S. S. mistake her being announced for lash'', potted to be present to take part, and Bethel was a decided success; the days at W. W e y Coppet of Clinton, for the erection of Friday. ";j a sed to b ma be looked for. Mr J. weather was favorable, bringing out a lagh and Miss Johnston are spending a the death of her mother she was left Miss Jenkins, of Goderich township, the Staveley Hall now in building in g y into his new house on lar a attendance. The ladies have not few days at their respective homes. at the early age of fifteen with the care is visiting her sister, Mrs Washington. that place. Mr R. Waugh, formerly11 '1We understand that Rev Jae Tiv Bradley , moved g Monday; we undereta nd .that Mr Sam. lost their reputation, as they know Robt. Pearson lost a horse a few day, of a family of five. There was thus Mra C. Washington is recoveringjslowly G T. R. agent here, but now of Guelph, ingetone. of Aylmer, formerly of Clio(• ere intends movie how to serve the eatables. The speech ago, through gas on the stomach. B. early developed in her a motherly care from her sickness. Mica Stout was was a visitor at the Commercial hotel ton, has received and conditionally M kh, 3 BrownIf, I, cattle deal , r Amber! shortly. Mr es were excellent, and the eingiug was Switzer has purchased a horse from J. and regard for others, which was one visiting friends in Clinton one day last this week. Mian Jennie McGee, of De- cepted an invitation to P1 i^door Metb on his farm nen y p Root. Mason is dangerously ill at Prot- all that one could wish. On Friday ev- Stewart. On • Wednesday morning, of the leading characteristics o! her week;'Miss B. Wilson taking chat gee troit is visiting at the residence of Mr °dist church. I ' enc from a severe stroke of paralysis; ening there was a social, and everyone when R. Marshall was ready to start active life. Many a sick-bed could of her duties for the day. Mr Eidt, •r•, Jahn Drummond at present. Rev R. Millyard will preach in Ruti^t on Thursday last he wan able to do the had a good time. The net proceeds threshing, he found the plug out of testify to the relief and comfort af- is engaged to preach in the Evan Kai tenbury St. church, on Sunday nex .•general work around the farm and amounted to about $65 clear. the tank, and the tank empty. Gil- forded by her frequent and welcome church at Colborne and Hullet Mr i.oadssboro on "Lessons.from the Faded Leaf t tr '` during the night was taken sick in bed; NOTES.—A number of our youn eO. bprt Mair's two bays seem to take well visite.. In 1858 she was married to Wagnee and wife, of Goderich `town the morning, and his evening eubJec ,; are" with public, in the way of thresh Peter McTavish. who nettled on the ship were visiting Mr D. Wenzel. PROPERTY .FOLD.— What is known will be "False Peace." ` he isverp low at present, and his many ple attended the tea-meting at Zion, ers. Itis understood that those doge adjoining lot to her home. The fruit as the Mra Bulger property has been friends feel anxious for his recovery.— on the Huron Road, and report a food which have been such a nuisance, and of this marriage wasa family of twelve, Brucefiel sold by Mr Jac. Taylor, of Point Farm, Rev G. F. Salton, en Thomas, had "I IMr Jake M11ler, & Co. were here last time. Quarterly .crevice were heli! in caused so much damage, !rave been nix boys and ata girl., of whom five Goon WORN.—Maser � erry &Boyce to Mr S. Woodman. Meseta Jas. and accepted the call to Centenary Me�btt week repairing the general road be, the Evangelical church on Sunday.— uietly disposed of by their owners.— boys and three girls are still living. Harp Taylor removed the furniture of dist church, Hamilton, subject, as Itf ' . tweeu here and- Kincardine with their Master Ned Halliday, Strtaford, is pay- q threshed on the farm o Mr Joh,ii Berry kine only worked E We aro anxiously looking for the decis- Four of the eons are in Manitoba, the of Hay, 30 bushels of tinter seed off 5 their sister, Mrs Bulger, last Saturday. usual in such caeca, to the aotrblx'soljl.. road grad"ere; this mac y itis a visit to Harry lxledhill. Mr d ion in the Holmesville Creamery Case. youngest, David, resides near Bruce- acres. This is an extra clean threshing. NOTE6.—Mrs Neal, of Buffalo, is vis- the stationing Committee. a few days on the nine miles, and the win Gledhill, Detroit, who for the past field. Two of her daughters are resi- iiia a Mr W.Hilea', Mrs Geo.Aineley, We have learned from pretty g - ' marked improvement in so short a week has been visitin his brothers BEST YET.—Never in the history of BIBLE SOCIETY.—The annual meet- g, t time was beyond conception, the Conn- g ding in London and one, Jessie, is at ingot the Brucefleld branch of the of Comber, is visiting bar mother, Mrs authority that Rev J. T. Kerrie, , 1r;., y P Tom and Jesse, teturned to his home Zion Methodist church has so success- home. Left a widow in 1884 she had g Hiles sr. Mesera Johnston and E. Mitchell, formerly of Bayfield, is C are to be congratulated on being on Friday last. Mine Lizzie Couzens, of fol an anniversary been held as that of Upper Canada Bible and Tract Society y ,F 1 able to give the ratepayers the beneflt h who was visiting her sister,slast Sunday and Monday. The went.- laid upon her the sole care of her large was held on Thursday night. Address- Crawford returned from Manitoba last shortly i t in to one of th g Goderic gfamily. These duties she faithfully es were delivered by Revs. N. Shaw, Saturday. Mr John Granger, of the parishes in this western diocese of improved roads for so little money. Mrs Wm. Maedel, has returned homi6. er was really choice, which, no doubt, and unselfishly discharged. Her hoepl- of Egmondville, and J. S. Henderson, � 12th con., is sending a young bull calf Rev A. L. Russell, M.A., of Wallin ' Mr A. Dewar, who went to Manitoba admitted quite a number at tality was also marked and well known.. ton St. church, London, preached on the excursion in August, returned who probably would not have done so The weary wanderers were always of Hensall. The chair was occupied n°°p party the 0th con., has sold 2 bulls North St. church,GOderich,on �l'und ' iifinthrop. home last Friday. Mr Thos. Gledhill had it been otherwise. Two services sure of a kindly welcome, shelter and by the president, Mr Fotheringham. g has improved the apaearance of his were held on the Sabbath, the one in good under her roof. Not only were NoTEs. —As spy apples are rather to go to the towchip of A.h$eid. Mr and Rev. J. Edge preached antil�, 1 ° NOTES.—Kr and Kre J. Wyatt have Robt. Cale based 29 shoe in Ash- ear service, in London ; he alsof ;e1 fence by the addition of new gates.— the afternoon being conducted by Rev her social virtues thus exercised, but scarce this year, some of the people P y aeturned from visiting in Detroit. Mr Mies Grace Atewart and her brother Mr Russell, of London, who delivered are turning into spies themselves; we field this week. ,Mr Wm. ebber, of changes with Dr Hannon, Stratfo Wm. Johnston has rented et brother she had also decided convictions in the next Sunday. Martin, who have been ill for the past an impressive discourse from John domain of politics, which she was not hope they will get something to startle WtLondeeboroae hoRobt itGth�sg week James farm on the 9th con.; Jim in- two weekp late able to be out again. 21:6. In the evening Rev G. W. An- slow to ex teas. Darin her life she them, but that in the excitement the Rev I. B. Wallwin, Lucknow,k tends ' be a Klondike bird in the fat 21 : 6.drawHolmesville, ver ev occupied P g fires will not spread too rap idly, Mrs Stanley, was in this place is week in caller -here last week. He to ort , are. Mr W. Graham is buying up a the pulpit, preaching from Pse. 19 1-4. wan an active and consistent member Allan, who has been residing w th her this place;he was viewing the McClach- 5tanley first of Mr Ross' church and, after the g third year of a successful 'pastors . carload o£ horses for Kr J. Sm1th, of The church was crowded on both oc- daughter, Mrs Alex. Ross, has gone on erty farm on the 13th con. with a view and at prosent has the Hall sisters . Smithville. Some sneak thief broke NOTES.—Kis Chapman, from At- Union. of the' Union church, Bruce- to rent it. P caeiona. The tea-meeting heldon Mon- a visit to Toronto. him in evangelistic work. Mr Wuli+� 1. into Mr T. Comb's tool chest and took wood, is visiting her mother, Kra Dun- field. Her kind and hospitable dispo- g win is one ogt g y g g day evening was a fine success. The W. F. M. S.—The annual meetin of f he ricin sun men; b therefrom some valuable tools ; Mr Can McKenzie. sition, her genial and lively nature r , attendance was beyond accommoda- the W.F.M. when R held on Friday even• i)ia>ogattnon the Methodist church. made for her a large circle of acquain .Combs offers 020 reward for the con- tion, while the tea and program could ins last, when Rev. Mr 11[cGillvray, g At the meeting of Rattenbn fib?. l°Olborne tancee, whose friendship she enjoyed AN len w as. e Darin last week viction of the thieves. The sale of not be surpassed. Tea was served in returned missionary oflHonan, China, Lea ue on Monday evening, an a nit4 1.farm stock and implements belonging STOCK SALE.—One of the most en- as much and as often as she could s are John Glen was presented with tin heir g g the school from B to 8 m., while one delivered an able and instructive', ad q able address on Mission Work in Japan to Mr H. Ross was largely attended, terprising o! the younger generation p from her more severe duties. Her ess to the Manor, and in cons, uence yy g the one they wended their way across death has caused a blank in the neigh- h- drew on the manner. and Wilson of he is wearing a smiling countenance. was given by H. Foster, who had eI some five hundred being present ; the of stock-raisers is Wesley W. Fisher, the road to the church, which was g the women of China. Mica Wilson, o dent! given considerable time to; the rices were good; Mr Rose intends liv- who had a sale of thoroored stock on not be a and 11 her family which will I, packed to overflowing, many not gain- Clinton, also gave a very interesting AUCTION SALE. — On Saturday the 9 in retired in future. We are sorry to Monday, Tom Gundry wieldin the p not be easily filled, Her remains, ac- re sable of his subject, and p'A g y y g tag an entrance. The program consist- account of the Mission worn among traction Bale of a portion of the estate P P hear that Mr Donald Calder ie laid u "hammer. A cod crowd were resent tom naiad b alar a number of a m- thus able to give an instruct;v''1p1 g P ed of an anthem by the choir, songgs 1? . y g y' women indifferent fields. Music was of the late Wm. Wilson was held, J. g with inflammatory rheumatism. and some of the stock sold at fair by Misses Hillier, Brown, and Mr$tod- Pathizing friends, were conveyed to furnished by the Hen.all Methodist Knos, the popular and energetic nuc- profitable talk. ` pugilistic encounter took place be- prices, while others did not bring an Goderich the lace of interment in Baird a come- p 1, g Y dart, recitations b Misses P male quartette. The church was com- tioneer, wielding the hammer in his The Sunday night sermons to be, tween a eminent farmer and his y tery on Wednesday, Oct..20th. q B p thing like their value. It does neem Godwin and Fisher, two noted sicca- Portably filled and the evening was usual good style. We are informed en k the apttchurch fora. !tired man; they made things interest- surprletn$ that when farmers have an tioniste of the circular town, and an 11Olmesville pleasant enough to please all. The that all the property put up for sale weeks are as follows:—Oct. 24, The•; , J in for each other for some time; they opportunity of securing improved instrumental by Mr Campbell and Mrs collection was large, thus showingwas sold with the exception of two turn of the Glorified man, Jesus,'Biti{t CHURCH.—Rev. G. W. Andrews will i. had about two rounds when the far.n- stock, they are slow to avail them- Whitely, all of which were very effect- that an interestis created in thio $el portions of the estate. to Earth; Oct. 31, the above contlntr" l.ere put in the finishing touch,, and selves of it. The roadster stallion Za• ively rendered, interspersed with Preach missionary sermons on Auburn Of church work. RE-ENGAGED FOR 1898.—Mes3leBoyd Nov. 7, The Vengeance•takmg of:J kf gained the victory. It is reported that mor was bid in at $125. these were the speeches from the visit- circuit on Sunday next, and his work and Allan rincipals of Belfast and us; Nov. 14, Jesus Glorified 7 ,, Mr Jones, of Seaforth, intends etarting ins ministers, Rev. Olivant, Benmiller; here will be supplied by Rev: O. U. p Saints; all based on II These 1 7•. b. ` a tailor oho a short distance north of Holme Ed e,Goderich Couzens, of Auburn. , —A n mbe ra f la Dungannon Public Schools, respective p Seaforth Andrews, g 1 we have been informed) are re•en- The month of Octohn s•dedicatea66, this place in the near future. One oP OTHALL.—The football match in with a short address from the pastor, SINGING CLASS.—At the meeting of NOTES.—A Wombat of ladies visited sled to take charge of their present the Catholic church to Maty, ,, the finest Orange Lodges in Ontario, Fo Rev Mr Godwin. The chair wan filled the Choral Society, on Tuesday, it was at Mrs W m. Plunkett s, on Friday schools for 1898, Mr 4.1lan's salary be- the Hol Rosary, the junior series of the W. F: A.,which p p, ,and this Ca1. n for a country lodge, is to ba found in J shave been played on Saturday, by Dr. Whitely, Goderich, to the eat- decided to have another 'singing claw last, and assisted her in completing a in raised twenty dollatre more than Catholic bishopp., in `Coriitribn this place; all the members are loyal, wast P y iafaction of all. The proceeds amount- this winter, to commence the first or handsome quilt. Collector John Tay the resent year. Both teachers are those of the adjbining'fepubhc,- energetic men, and their meetings are did hot take place on account of the P Woodstock team backing down. We ed to over $02. The members and nth- second week in December. The society for is giving his official annual calla at ton unced to be excellent and sac- received a special letter fi�sim thele 11 always well attended; we also have a did .not know till Saturday that the er workers deserve credit for the ener- have engagge�d Mr G. F. Oakes for present. a hiW.s Robinson a again cessful in their work. urging them to exhort the fait Zadies' True Blue lodge in a flourishing Woodstock team were afraid of our gy displayed in the preparation of the teacher. Mr Oakes had a very good able to resume his duties ll teacher in greater fervor in ptaotising I , "'' l',iP ,condition. light aggregation. At a meeting held supper and program, and everybody class here last winter, all, or nearly %11, S.S. No. 2, after a severe illness, much recently the Collegiate football team went home delighted with a pleasant of which will become members this to his friends delight. Joseph Wash District Keating tion. Ontario people are certainly improving in avenin well spent. year, and others who- intend joining ington ie beaming with smiles thea The quarterly Official'BoardbfNotcl behavior. At Wentworth assizes; to Ham- elected the following officers : Son. g P can obtain information from members days, his wife having presented him The annual district meeting of the St. Methodist church, Goderich, ' . niton, there were no oriminale to kry and Ptes., A. Davidson; hon. vice-pre., Dr. THE NEw ERA GIVES THE HOME NEWS o! the society. A hearty welcome to, with a daughter on the 11th. Charles Good Template in District No 24, was engaged Miss Chute, Ottawa as ek►o at Wellington assizes, held in Gnelpb, McKay ; pres., H. S. Robertson; vice• all especially the young., people, to Wilson has purchased the farm in Sar- held in the Temperance hall in Luck- leader, to replace Mr S. P. Ha11s; w Jed a llingtnbrid a reo, beliven s pair of white Pres., Mr Stone; sec-treas., R. J. Mul- - Thames Road. join, what, according to the members atoga, containing 100 acres from the now, on Tuesday last. The attendance for over 20 years has efflciently 11b loves as testimony to similar reeord. drew; captain, A, Hammett; executive NOTES. — Misses Tena and Mabel of the previous class, will prove an ex- Wm, Wilson estate, for the sum of of members, owing to the busy season this position, buts, recently resigtref g y committee, D. Wilson, A. Bethune, A. Madge visited friends in Hensall on ceptiooally good Investment Choral $1515. with the farmers, was not as large as Miss Chute coMee with very, high I Bond. The club still hold the Hough Wednesda Mies A. Hoffman, of society meets next Tuesday evening at pERSONALs.—Mies Jenkins, Holmes- on some fernier ocdasions,butdelegatee commendations, rind will be theltdli cup, which they have held for twelve Crediton, who has been with Miss Me- 7,30, When it is ho ed that all the were resent from Londesbord, Out- highly paidinschoir-leader400 in ti~h cel r, seasons. Kincardine is the first club Inns, during the summer, returned P villa; i, so ourning with her slater, P Blyth, Auburn, Wegtfled, Cul- her salary being $400 per annum, y that plays here for the cup this sea- g members will be present. Kr. J. J.aehin ton, et prevent. W. stance, I P y home on Saturday. Our two popular gins roes, Paramount and Lucknow. Grand Rev Dr ere g, of Knox Cbi1e e, T- eon, and they are sure to be up against teachers in S. S. No. 2, Mr Russell and Now FOR A SwiTcu.—When the G. P. Grierson, of W' hwm, has been i e- Chief Tem lar of Ontario, George onto, wet toBellevillo on Friday s c it. Mie, Vanetone, have been re-engaged T R. put in our Sag station they n�wing old acquaintances hereabouts p on Sunday celebrated the$ftietWa'tl Ong tells NOTES. Henry Baines, Calgary, for next year at an increase of salary. Promised that whenever we-had a mill for some time. Mies a Millsevisited Spence, P'Spence,. of Toronto, owere also in at- verea of his firstcommutlion Ili 1. is 9pendin a Pew weeks with friend, The Methodists of Bethany Church are or factory that had freight toship they amongst Blyth friends last week. W. ten ance,ard took art in the meeting. g would put an a switch. The matter Fluker is having a week's furlough P St. Presbyterian church, whit: I + 'I in town. Mr Day, horse-buyer, Wing- preparing Por the better; comfort o! p The District Secretary's report showed his fleet charge. Rab bre ALaelarJitti Ano 1 ham, lain town thi>i weak. Mr C. i$ich- their horses by enlarging the sheds. has been tliiked of several times, but with relatives. o Auburn. S. John- that ei t ledg out in the sixteen in g am, i Alpena, Mich.. k. in town this One o! our young men on the read nothing definite has been done. With ,ton was a visitor to Goderich one day gb. d p ass stedtein h r d bile a slervicles '. bu it horses. Miss Johnson is home from a nei .bore's the other eve- the expectation of a much larger out. recently. Henry Jones and family, of but those received showed are member- quiet reception was given Dil (:llydg'' and we witness eve day the power of week y g sing, was encountered by what at eve pput of chase next year, might it not the 5th con., were guests of ,Auburn dhip_of 383. District Chief Templar; J. Toronto on Tuesday evebing, apo, that influence. Xo never read an ad- visitingg friends in Buffalo. Mr W. M. be well: to try what we can do before friends •recently. NaaCc rd Robbie D• Kurdoch, of Ashfield, presided at return from the ED .inhale — vertisement of ro r+Clothes, and it's Gray, Toronto, is spendin a few da s eight appeared to be ghost,, but being, the need is upon us, Mr Howson, who Rutledge and Albert Wyatt spent strange:too,forthe es more poor than at his home in town. Kr J. T. McNya- in no waysuperstitious, decided to in. y + th0 nesting, and resolutions were Presbyterian church. w r goad f�aoh advert ser represents his rune a saw mill over the river, says fY Saturday last at Mr Tailors. . Dr. passed pledging the rnettiiters of the member, to which all the minletH own as botng better and cheaper than mara, of Houghton, Mich., is visiting vestigate an found it to be a pile of a switch were granted here he would Medd and family, of Dungannon, s eat bf We order all in their ower tb others. Not so be�e. Ours is ao good as ftiende in town, Mr Alex. Dewar is tile: we would advise the young man chi between 25 and 30 car loads thin Sunday at the lady a parents. John the Toronto es ale to. were riO0 our boat energick ability, kn"wleage, visiting in Kincardine. Kisses Laura to return home-earlier in the suture or bele on the Plebiscite vote which is to and their wives also. At the Cribb - experience can gel it may not be so "and Eva Acheson, GOderieh, spent a cies o b the road. winter himself. It would be quite a Mills. be token in the Dominion in the near of the Toronto Presbytery a Yuetp'p good, it may be better than others.— p g y convenience to the village and sur- Porter's 11111. future. The ' meetingg owing to the of congratulation was also' p:'e Only ono way for you to•knoa—Como few days with Mrs J. C. Greig thio rounding country and certain! worth D' and Geo. Yon71 do well to keep track Summerhill g y y NOTEg.—Mr S. Burk continues ver low finances of the District, decided him on the occasion. He .. aq of what is going on hero week. A considerable amount o! making an effort for. y not to ut a paid or anizer in the field, ggrain hue been marketed this week. FIRE.—On Monday evening. small weak, Robt. Elliott has quits a •num• P of our readers know, the'fathet II i , ,, Mr George Beattie, who has spent the stable on the property of Mrs Garvie, ACCIDtaNT.—Aa Mrs John Lowery, her o! apple packers at work. Mr D. but that the work of organization,etc.. A Stewart, of toeon. t summer on the C. P. R, eteatner, Man- of Hallett. and Mrs L. Proctor were Cos has got hie mill in running order should be done by the district officers The Epworth League of Onsi '. Boy's 2- ieee Tweed Suits, near this place, was discovered to be on y 'again and isprepared to 'do an oho and members, 1t was decided to en- ,Q 9 P toba, has returned home. Miss Grace fire; at the same time a straw stack driving up the cut, line, on Monde ,church held a social availing oto.: , . , , + .... + . $2, f2.50 McFaul is visiting friends in Brussels. near by was on $re; the buildingseon- they met with rather an unfortunatey P large the district by taking a• number The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance accident. Mrs Lower was passing a pini that come, hie way. Mr A. Cox Of Bruce lodges. Before the meeting dap last, at which thio upas a gti' I P tained no implements, but the loss will y g id Rigging a very deep well. g to red, co A 'short r° calm, "wads 2-piece dbl-breasted Company has purchased the lar�gge be considerable. The origin of the fire R'agori, and the road $ei6g rather steep closed a hearty vote of thanforks was tiered, consisting of la nging acid lis, Boy'sP ,afe formerly used by Logan fit Co: Mr is a complete mystery. and narrow caused the bu gy to part CHVROH.� Bethel appointment of givan' li the L+embe scknow f this ist its a recitation was given by MW.- ' Ci0& ►rylllt8 ......... 'i Robe. Stewart, o£ Stratford Business P ally upset; the shafts, whicT were faetr the Methodist church has been under- ho,pitality to members of this district, ington, which waci very, itis uctaivo College, spent Sunday with his pare- TEACHER ExGAGEb.--•-Out of nearly cued by a, hook and spring, became sing repairs, and on Sunday next and also to the District Chief Templar, entertaing; a plbasaut,teattire: 6>;l Youth's long-pant Suits ants in town. Mr H. - R. Horton has 40 applicants, the' trustees of the school loose at one side and started the horQ 1 sermons will be preached—at 10.80 Mr John D. Murdoch. Next meeting ro ram was the r0 din b>i! e- Y011 �'" 11 purchased a .orae-power for feed cut- here have engaged E, O. Wethecald, of the occupants were thrown out �fhe a. m. and 7 m. Rev Mr Godwin, of o4 the district will be held in Auburn program "ideas,"• sent i> by paerab .... + + • • •••• $5 sand 7 tin ur owe. ' Mr Herb Johnston, of -Auburn, at a salary of W. Ile holds hares ran as far as P.M+eDouttail' and Goderich, will preach at both service,, in January, the League, each roti] shill 's6tn Bru cels s alit Sunday with hie par- a 2nd class professional certificate, hue when caught the new harnes was the collections to be in aid of the Trust In the 0ening a public meeting was cellent su gestions, whish, i! fo1i ,t7` 0 ants in tb�n. Mr t�.E. ForkYes was in had experience, and is spoken of as a badly broken; the bug which was Fund. On Mondor evening, Oct. LGtli, held in the town hall; and ilio large g Men a Tweed @�`g, building was well filled by an apprec- out, would prove very profitable•; ' r =, successful teacher with an excellent to y ��pp Witii' 1Y>irn last week. Mr Jas. Kann,- now slab; had the -dee ,seat and to a tea•meeting will be held irot$i 6 to $, the pro ram grapes w�ce S111tfi • . 7 $` "an 410' g as in town on Freida cord. He has no gasy, task n following drag ed off, shaft and wheels wrecked. after which addresses are ex ectedfrom iative audie4tce. The chair was ably ter t g t y d_yy, 04 Dublin, w y b y 14Its rector sustained a hurt on the,, Rev R, Mill aid, Clinton; Olivant, around, and the time spent lit 1;` ',' Mr Herb Knight has been engaged 0 Mr Witt', who, for out 1 ears alta- y occupied by the District Chief Temp• .chit-chat, The devotional to zd s oro g ether, has controlled this school and Woe white Mre. Lowery's face and Benmillerrand Mayor Holme,'Clinttsn; lar, and among those on the platform What amen or boy Hoods we sitar 11 sing at a concert at Beechwood next g + k + music Will be furnished by the choir, were G1eor e Spence Grand Chief meetin was taken by'Miss- . +: len are as cod a lone excellent work in it, but we be, head were injured, We hope the In- P and = be takers at the iiextll week{ t all the talent g lieve Mr Wetherald•will rove him�aelfj' will not rove of a serious char- assisted b Masers Moore and Lobb. T. JaIkson, sr., Clmt011 Herb, the concert will be all right. Mr p juries wil p t e Templar; A S. M. n aF. S, Sppence To by Miss L. Gibbings; an essay ori•° W Hawkshaw, jr., has returned , £tom equal to the occasion. anter. The prbceeds are tb be used towards ,to; Rev+ S. M. Whaley, St• Helena; in God in Nature," Will W gI , Ictoria Sloal ,'Established 1854. Berlin whore h., wan visiting last The New AInA will be sent to now subsotib�' payingg for the now shed. Everybody Rev. A. McKay and J.•G. Murdoch, of Miss Clement, +� THE NEW ERA GIVER THIi HOMB1 NEw, ers to the slat of December, 1898, for bi cache ehOUld bb sure to attend these services. L uckil4r Ir. - Luaknow Sentinel. week.•n r Il 1 I,.' M1 • • ' • I !�1. I14fid L'•,M"i,L''.tm.'i3: I.,i,,ca:awt .-,,,sere l d•.: JL.,4•.v.... �._ ._ ..aft. - _