HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-15, Page 7y 'October 8, WAp Great; English B.emedy. ill Who 8ewrd Nis Roti,}tIo i@a►rew•111 1a dEQOIJIN SONQ, When Rarmlng Pays HOGSMoBac xweg > le . WANTED pr's or.. autl permanently F. C Coyle w t9sftaft..rs. ft I Go -- The Toronto 7Po�e ram does not take Prom the desert I come to theq an gq cure an forinaai Of J;grooua John 8t. Cogle wlrltes o1! I#gfiry Clay'e On a at 1149A shod with y stock to the ttaeory that boys are '"•-'""` ' Waa•>ai4aa.>reF!slone9porsir farewell to thef9enate 1n'Thei.adles' Homo And the winds are lett bah ad deserting the farm becar}se they are ' ' atonhea,napatenoyanaan Journal, regarding ib 4a the m t ra- Iathep educated awn What '$ ,fenny quantity tag fat hogs wanted for e�ecisq/ a or e d pied ox rad desire. Y from it in tete y are FA-n-- matin event evelOwltnessed in tho.Urifted Under, the window , stand, schools. It says the reason is that ' � 'chi In ' u 3fontal Worm, oaroee.toa xss 't . ° pp g„p inoses, for which the high- States senate. . Almost from the opening And the midnight bearg my err— farming has not paid. "For many p Bej'oreand 6,fter. `r2't"e"°• optun►orbYtmu words of -the famous valedictory the vast I love thee, I Love but then, years past the prices of farm B �.a 06ving t m rket rices will be paid. Parties ' ynta,whialeooxleadtola-assembla With a love that shall n t die have been 40 tow that the ltnnua! dro�Rrmtt ,Insane gP of peoplewgre 1n tears, and 9 hogs to sell will oblige by leay. r+MmPtlor. and as early vrave. the " a Till .the sun rows cold, p Ran been proscribed over 83 Tears In thousands of Br's t commoner ?vas mirently And the stare are bra fits of a hundred sore farm represented r Dg word at the shop. cases; the oaiy P41wre'nrtd Sonet Afedtetn4 bat senna wWstlAdeehe bs of his @uditorm. And the leaves of the judgment book. lb gke lfvjpg to an ordinary family. d addition to making a living, t t druggletfor Wood'sphosphodiueltf 11 Impressive�as Mr. unfold! n , i# in f • . beoRere"In' wortlasse medicine In place Of this, Clay pronounced the concluding words of interest on a mortgage had to be met, R. Fitzsimons, Clinton. inclose price in letter, and we will send by return his farewell to public life," says Mr, Look from thy window and a" then the life of the vera a Canadian man. Price, one package, fit e1x. aj6. One w1A Coyle. "He Pmod for a-rnoment'after in My PasWco and my pica. farmer became little less average slavery a' u • r9oamscvwWoure. Pamphietatreetoanyaddress, reverential attitude, while all about him I lie on the sonde below, itself•" end itof ntinttes; =CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP wbe Wood Oompainy, strong men, svyayed by the magiagtl0 ow- And I faint in thy disdain s " eel At c;.nti pays people will ' Windsor. Oo Osaeda, p Let the night winds touch thy brow d t~ sr o! tbf! groat oRator, wont 1n silence take to farm a an kin , q, With the Beat of my burning sigh, 1 $, boys will stay on FORD I& MIIRPSY The bushed • suspense of intense fooling And melt tile"e to bear my vow the farm or get farms of their own. Sold;in Clinton and everywhere in Can- , and attention pervaded the crowded ne- Ox a love that ghall not die Let the present price of wheat keep up; A a� rr ,wre�doing business on the cash prinoi• ado by all responsible druggiate, semblage an the famOas st:titee}'aats, with dill the sun brows cold, let there be a nod market for eggs, tyle,! and will supply our onstomera with lowering eyes, resumed his seat, For seV- And the stare are old, poultry and dairy produce, and the 'thebest meats at the lowest paying pilose y era! momenta the silence was unbroken. And the leaves of the Judgment book migration from farm to city will ,nater- For Twent seven Years unfold! call f 3r' Senators eat ae f! la the sbaQow o! acorn. Y lessen. But the Canadian far- , 4 FORD d MURPHY, CLINTON lmpending calamity. Men of all artiee" mer?s son is no fool P #Ly stops are nightly driven ,add if hs sees no - PRACTICALLY UNN seemed oqualJy obeioome by the pathos By the favor 1n m breastthing in agriculture he is not going to s and majesty of the great s wyosman's fare- To hear from thy lattice breathed devote his life to it. If some scale iNG p y Business Change. well. The word that shall give me reale who ask why farmers' boys do not " M Open the door of thy y a ' _ g As Mr. Clay rose to leave the ohamber y heart, stick to the farm, had to put in just after address, anb, which abaddirectly follow- And open thythat shall fad door, one year of farm drudgery, and find PERFECT i The undersigned desires to intimate to ,l & : ed his addrges and after be had sold fare And my kisses shall teach thy lips at the end of it that there was not a the people of Clinton that he has bought The love that shall fade no more well to all they other senators, he encouri- Till the sun dollsthe nod, the reason would oat the batohering business lately conduct- tered Mr. Ghlboun. The eyes of the whore ,end the sturs rare oil d, be POWtly apparent to them for all i1 ed by Reid Bros., and will contiggue the POWDE assomblage°were` $sed on these two old And the leaves of the ad tis to come. same in the old strand, Heron St,, Clinton, , friends and old 1 gment book p where b strict attention to the wants of political monst a io untold! —Bayard Tal That is something to the point, And PREPARATIO19 Y - y THECOOKBEST FRIEND There was a pause in the demonstration ylQ. the carne papers which have been de- hie customers, he hopes to merit and receive LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. y. The moment of nouncing the public schools and false- a �a which de ditod cir. Cls 1 accusing them in the matter, have a fair share of patronage. He will sell for suspended anticipation was almost pain- y cash only, and at the lowest prices. MCLEOD'S fill• For Ave years they bad been estrang- G��"Z'A3RY8. done their best to introduce and per- 'r ed, and the only words which had cased Ths fao- petuate a fiscal system which i m ores FOR Cliias•J, Wallis Clinton. p almile !a ac artificial disabilities and increases tax- - Wallis, between them had been those harsh! es on the farmer for the benefit of the System RENOVATOR y .traof .eery spoken in debate. But pow as they mob .f � ,•e:arsyper. ; the old time came over them.. They re- favored industries. FLOUR AND FEED STORES, membered only the political companion- NEWS NOTES. AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES ship of 20 years' standing. The lnterven- The ninth annual convention of the ; !ng differences which had chilled their Michael Madigan, aBritisharmy vet- Ontario Christian Endeavor Union op CHILDREN'S SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE eran, of Kingston,took a dose of Par- ened in St. Thomas. The addresses of hearts toward each other were forgotten, e , Produce Exchange Tears sprang to their eyes. They shook is green, which resulted fatally, welcome were given, and the Secre- For Impure, Weak end Impoverished each other cordially by the hand, inter- tary's report read, showing an increase Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- ohan ed a'God bless cul' and parted. The There is ten, yes, twenty times more in the membership to be 102 n Head uarters for all kinds of tion of the Heart, Live: Complaint Neo- g y p actual mining being done in Canada p452.COMPLAINTS. q � released euspeneo whfoh miwmilted this tear- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- than there was twelve monthsa o The villa es of Casselman, South In- tl a ful scene found vent In shouts and cheers g , 1 earn tion, Gall Stones Jaundice Kidney which were taken u ' says the Tot onto Telegram. dian, and Cheney, in Russell Co., have • VFIELD & GARDEN SEEDS p ' y p by the crowds out- and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance side the senate chamber, es been destroyed by bush fires which Female irregularities and General Debility Clay's a expecting Mr. Aman named Hector McGregor was have been raging in that vicinity for .. ' We"'have a choice stook of FEED CCRN y appearance. He was surrounded by burned to death at Fleming, Ossa, two or three days. Five lives have OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &o Laboratory, Goderich, QN:t- the wafting thousands on his way to his The ex lodin of a lam �, exploding pin a barn oc- been lost in the Hames and the desti- C-A-S-T-01-iR carriage, and throngs followed him even cupied by a party of threshers caused tution and sufferings of the survivors $i hest market rice aid for coarse J. M. McLeod, to hie hotel" are described as ver g p p grain, the fire. Was caught between the fires and the r taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs Prop, and Manufacturer y severe. A trains Bold in Clinton by Not Identified. When Mr Whitney is quite done g N++!>f When Lad Burton was traveling contemplating the vices of Mr Hard ' engineer had to move up and down the HILL Rc JOYNER I. H. COMBE, and ALLAN WILSON y g alone Hardy's In Brazil, after three rnonthe roughing it performance, would he please give the track for hours to escape the flames. 1, In the Interior she arrived at Rio Janeiro country a chance to contempate the } i HURONi ST,, CLINTON, Ina plight which might sennas any one virtues of his own policy?—Toronto �. for not recognizing her. Her boots were' Telegram, Independent Conservative. "TO tell ` 5 is shreds, bar dress in slits,iterbat In rib- the truth ru , - Coo� Hun r MYENANA bons, and bar face, much swollen b ex- The latest news from the Dominion mother has i', t ` T, �, g y capital is that Sir Oliver Mowat, the- 1 i v e d withJ poeure, was of a reddish mahogany hue. coming Lieutenant Governor of Ontar- - one foot indour & Feed storeOn arriving she was told that the Estran- io, is finishing the business of his de- \1 the grave," and lgelrohotel, whore she had lett her maid artmenr and that be anticipates leav- writes Mrs.MaWs Delight a� 1 ttr and luggage, was full, and so she wont to ing for Toronto about the middle of �. Eugene Stant- v >ks f' the neat best house in town. The land- �„ �,� zenberg, of No. ,37Rs ARAN &SHORTS lord, seeing November, when lion. David Mills l ' —THE LEADING— S before him only a ragged the new Minister of Justice, will enter — + 1604 Walker In lar or small quantities. woman, pointed across the road to a little ten, d Ave., Houston, Is something good to eat. If you occasionally feel that you W ' 4 on the duties of the office. I / r�[ t i Texas, in a let. would like some to a y appetite, ox� UNDERTAKER tavern whore sailors' wives were wont to C' appease our ' lodge. The annual report of Miss L.E. Wig. / ter to Dr. R. V. try some of the following ;c OIL CAKE and MEAL +� g. ,�� Pierce of Buf. 4 ? that w ll be about your maid he of think gine, of Toronto, provincial auperin- I filo, i a Heinz's Sweet Pickles, 35e a quart, A ` �•. OF; ALL BINDS. - —AND— y p �]othere. tendent of the junior department of "withamost v l;: "Well," she responded, "I think I shall the Chi istian Endeavor of the province �'�� tbankful heart I Heinz's Beans In Tomato Sauce Blue "j" P0 undo Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of EMBALMER. stay here all the same," read at St.Thomas Convention showed ��' •.-will tell you � Label C,atsup „ s. Very much amazed, he showed her an the growth of the Junior Union, which about the won- Potted bleats —Ham, Chicken, Partridge, &C. attic room, but she would have pone of it had bounded for ward as'fol lows: 1891, derful cure effected in her g 4 D. COOS.,, CLINTON. and iaeietod on engaging one of his beet 10 societies; 1892, 38;1893 105 1891, 178;case. She has been a per. feet wreck for seven long Every delicacy the market affords at lowest possible t e;FIILL GINS OE rooms. Entering lt, she said: 1895, 23$; 1896, 287; and 1897, 315 sop prices, ^ ;' Now be kind enough to send this let- cieties, with an aggregate mPmbershi years. No words can describe what she has The up-to-date Grocery is GOODS g�PP i� STOCg p suffered. She could not sleep o account d ter for mo to the Eetrangelros. " of 17,451. The gain in the number of severe pains. She tried every doctor around a/'1 ��� %� `� • BANKS, In reply to the letter came the maid, a societies was 27 for the year, and of here aM spent hundreds of dollars without O COOPER & CO.) Phon®. 2e� most imposing functionary, with the lug• members 3,496. The uniors b denom. benefit. After hearing of ? 1 y your wonderful gage and letters. After a bath and a inations are• Methodist, 15.3; Presby- remedies I wrote to'you. My motber has �..�.• «!ry: The Molsons. Bank change of garments Lady Burton rang the terian, 72; Congregational, 34; Baptist taken six bottles of the 'Golden Medical 't Best Embalming Fluid used. bell to order supper, and the landlord him- 2I; Union, 20• Disciples, 10; Church of Discovery,' and six of the Favorite Pre-_�! "t scription, and is now perfectly cured. ! a D 1<noorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 self appeared. England, 3; Evangelical Association. 1: Please receive the heartiest thanks and bles-' "Did that woman come to take apart- American Episcopal, 1. The largest sings from m father and seven children for j E CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Splendid Hearse ra t for you, madam?" he asked humbly. membership is that of Euclid Avenue, saving the life of dear mother. May God ! ;i REST FUND $1,400,000 g your pardon. I am afraid I was Toronto, 216; First Methodist, St. bless you and your Institution, is the wish /J It'�®t=���°m vv Shape R rade to her.' Thomas, 210;Graee Methodist, Toronto. of your friend." r ,HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. "I am that woman," returned Lady 197; Broadview Congregational, Tor- Tens of thousands of women have founds' Burton, smiling. "But you need not ol- onto, 148 and Woodgreen Methodist, complete and permanent relief from obsti- English style, rounded Curve on Outer STILE Wni. Moneox MecraE s- President Residence over store g' y p nate and seemingly incurable disease b u g ' � do n for I saw myself r the glass,picio and I Toronto, 127. The amount raised by o Of shoe, tapering to narrow flat toe. Fift iJai; F. Wo1.>rEasTox Taoales, C}en Manager do not wonder at our sus inions, "— the nniore for missions was $3,094. using the wonderful remedies referred to UPPOSITF WN HALL y p I above. The "Golden Medical Discovery" comfortably a foot which looks larger than f'- Notes dieaounted, Collections made, Drafts Youth's Companion, The highest amounts were given by possesses the peculiar ro ert of nourish- issued, Sterling and American exchange Euclid Avenue, Toronto,p the shoe. Laced—Buttoned—Congress i $73; Agnes ig and vitali zing the blood with the life- f Ponght and sold. Interest allowed on de- A Rural Love story. Street Methodist, $37.74,and by the Al- giving red corpuscles which build up —or Oxford, in Black, Tan, Seal Brown 1 r Posits. S61 an Bap. Interest allowed to "Yes," said, the village gossip, "John exandra Industrial School, Toronto, healthy flesh and muscular strength. Carmine, orWinecolor. Halfsizesstb II. " f3nme of $1 and up. Money advanced to nuz always a-pesterin of Sue about m- -ry- $30• This is a total increase in the giv- 1n the special weaknesses and diyeasea of w farmers on their own note, with one or f7f.(N C Jv K L C� i3 L E YP() tt fi 1n of him, an she'd done told him Vo' Ings of $822.92• In Toronto the increase the feminine organs, the "Favorite Pre- Widths B t0 E; Goodyear Well. 1, more endorser No mortgage required COOPER'S OLD STAND, more times'n I could tell you." in junior societies for the year had been scription " is a perfect and positives ecific. y Y a R ER, Manager, Clinton Nex to Commercial Hotel. You don't may l" the addition of 15 new societies. The It is the onlyscientific medicine prepared for $3•�. =A°OO► $5.00. Sped CSD ra+ Hits true as preaehln. Well, you know banner for the greatest proportionate that purpose by an educated physician and sole. tp This establishment is in full o• oration and a „ John carries the mail?" increase bad been won by Elgin county specialist in that particular field of practice, tai 11. order filled in the moat eatiefaoco, g way Deme .. + Junior Union. For weak and nervous women. these two • "The )) q ,. GA RT tory and granite work a specialty. Prices a Yes, 1've bearn tell he does.' The Slater Shoe G. A m eT AG 1 a reasonable as those of any establishment "An las' Wednesday wuz a week Sue medicines taken conjointly constitute the `A Falls �y most marvelously successful course of treat. (_ t . wuz a-travelin long with him, goin ter sent known to the medical REALE HOOVER,Clinton. m T profession. BANKS, R town, when John ups an says of she didn't IT PAIS TO For nearly 30 years Dr. Pierce has been make up ter marry him he'd make the chief consulting physician to the Invalid.' ' ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, r , hoes run down hill tell all three of 'am Hotel and sur cal Institute, Buffalo, N. wuz drownded In the bottom er the river." at the head of�a splendid staff of associate �s��nlller N�rse�les "Do tell I" y specialists, graduates from the leading sed. W. TAYLOR &SON SOLE AGENTS FOR general Banking EIISineSs "That's whebl But what do on reckon ical universities of America and Europe. 'IST transacted. Suo'�dld?" CLINTON — "Lord knowsW ti NOTES DISCOUNTED 'pTrees Plants Shrl>lba. "Caught John by the collar, jerked him _ oaten the buggy, grabbed up a live rattle_ TheCanadaBusineSsCollege k Drafteleaaed. Interest allowed on This old-established as had reliable business is snake what wuz a-mleepin el the couldn't ould 't CHATHAM, ONT. � rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr � rrr rrr rir rrr rrr rrr m rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr j deposits. being continued ae usual, and those who want an lambasted John with it tell be couldn't anything in our line can rely on the very best stand." Still leads in securing cboioe positions for �- of service "Lawn a-messy t" students. 115 of our pupils placed during f' FARRAN & TISDALL. �i T r Floral Desi is for Spring Bedding. Then she stomped the snake ter death, the poet 11 months. The following have - The EASY- R V NN1 N� Floral Deslgne for Weddings or Fu•reyLr an John be took ter his bed, whir he laid recently been placed:—Flora Fuca, ateno., BANKERS, Fruit and ornamental Trees ter two weeks, an Sue got sorry far film Montreal Herald; D. Stevens, book-keeper, Spruce. Scotch.* Astrachan pine an nussed him an killed a beef ter make Erie Mills, St. Thomas; Eva Payne, steno., CLINTON, ONT. y _ stew far him, as now what do you rook- Chatham Gas Co.;Robt. Hawthorn with a Pr ces of entire stook very tow, on?" ' �-• All orders promptly filled „ „ Winni ° wholesale house• Jessie Hether• r- Advanoes made to farmers on their own I dunnot in ton 3rd steno. Sutherland & Innes Co., notes as low rates of interest. 7 "Sbe'ma-90111 ter marry him!"—Atlanta Chatham; James Redford, manager Basi- - John Stewart Estate, �,,,a,nior Constitution, g �►-- •A general Banking Business traneaoied. nese den t, Tacoma Business College, Wasb, w►— Interest allowed on deposits. An Oxford scholar. The above shows results from a course with Sale Notes. bought MAT STAMPtNp• Mr. Geoffrey Aawiing stumbled into my us. Write for catalogue of either depart- �•-- The undersigned is props ed to do all kinds room with awkward movements and meat to J. P. TISDALL, Manager, of Stamping for Mate, Persian Rugs and arti- equivocal sounds, a long, loan, confused, do-- ores of like nature. Work done rem to and confusing n.1Vff'LACHLAN .4 CO Chatham pp pp g young man, with a bad nom- top— .WOat reasonable rates. MRS ARTHINGTON r pleaion and large, protruelve teeth. He rte--, ' Huron Street. bore 1n its most Indelible 4 McldT.�LOP MUTUAL ?IRI; r pressure, the 10— FARM postmark; aeItnone,ofOxford, mind asSNS JR&NCE CO. Have You Tried soon as be opened his mouth I p•roelved ' �� uin addition to a remarkable revelation of 8c ISOLATEDOONINSURED PROPERTY Rums that the text of the queer communf- Nom► ,' r' 4 Blue He matched the registered envelope, a H AVE do r Geo. Watt�Pregidant,Hariook P. 0.; James He was full is refinements and angles of `- y Broadfoot oo-Pres., Seaforth P. O.; W. J. dreary and dour droll ed bi dress f Of WEAK BACK,' els►-- Shannon, Secy.Treas., Seaforth'P.O.; M, Murtile • his unconscious drollery his dress freely �— Inspectorof losses, Seaforth P. O. Ribbon partook. It seemed, from the gold ring LAME BACK, - DME(?rORa Into whfoh hie red necktie was peened to ' BACKACHES d0 - Jos, Goo. Dale, Seaforth; . att,Ha, Sok• the square toecapd of his boots, to conform ,forth;Geo. Dole, Seatorth; Geo. Watt, Harlook; with a h1 LU SAGO OR T. B. Haye, Seatorth; Alen Gardiner, Load- gh eeneo of modernness to the �' MA►Rltt bury; Chao. Carbatt, Clinton; John McLean, Tea fashion before the last. There were mo- RHEUMATISM, BSppen. aarir7e menta when him overdone urbanity, all ! •►-- ' DOAK S KIDNEY PILLS l os. Neilane, Harlook• Robt, MOMlllan, Sea- suggestive etammore and interrogative �-" n odJ.Cnming.,Ifgmondvillo. quavers made him scarcely intelligible, WILL CURE YOU. al. desirous to ofroot Insurancoe or trnn• If not, do so; can but I felt him to be a gentleman, and I b0 YOUR HANDS OR FEET AWELL T co-- or bueinesewill b° promptly attended to liked the honest of his errand and the ea- IPSO YOU HAVE WEAK KIDN$YS. DOAN'S 400--- applfoatlon to any of the above offi°°rs ( y �eve - .dresIan sed to their rospeotivo offiob.. Yt1e had `a �j proselon of his good, green eyes.—He ry PiLLS WILL 3TRBNdTHBN THEM. + James' "Glasses." HAV13 YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URi. m` " Is favorably known Wl1 all over the civilized NARY TROUBLES OP ANY KIND? IP SO, sere-- R'URHSIIOP ON WHEELS' ought to Know. ` rr -- — JAS. STEEP, Clinton g y you were born In town? DOAN'S PILLS WILL CURB YOU. world. The safest and most durable Jnd e—Y°u SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING, .... I AYLOR, the oelobrated Cotler Witness—Fos, your lienor. 4?6, inder, of Sheffield, England, is back Judge—You moan, I suppose, that yogi HEAbACHEB bIZ21NE38 P i(IHTPIJ bicycle. r:. to town ter a short time, and is located on We Will Pay Straight Weekly 1111, always beard that yon were born P 4 .sr►- J t3alarle8 DREAnS DISTURBED SLEEP, DROWSi- Dmsley's Corner. He will do y hero? �►-- Witnoss--I have always board no. NESS, FORGETFULNESS, COLD CHILLS, 1►-- G4rindiilJ; Repairs of all !clads Of from 810.00 to $30,00, according to ability, for NERVOUSNESS, ETC., ARB OPTEN CAUSED canvassers on "Queen Vfcturia : Her Life and •i dgo--Dot that is hearsay evidence, on short notice and at reasonable rates. and it cannot be allowed. BY DISORDERED Kinvey �. r.� H. A. LOZIER COy W. COOPER c� CO., Ron. aftosa trial month on our big commis. Toronto. A�Cnts Clinto Pocket Knives rebladed and made equal to Bion. The Diamond Jubilee is booming this 'Oiitnos l3ub I was there myself, your . EVErif iP'YOUICt'IEhORY!$D'8P6CTIVE b , 4-ew. Razors, Scissors, and all kinds of wonderful volume, keeping all hands working !Byrn.,- Salt is Transorlpk VOU SHdVLb ALWAYS QErinflank THAT . Il 1 knives sbarpened. Umbrellae and Parasols °arlvand late. The only Canadian work aceepG DOAN'3 PILLS CURD Ali, KIbNEV TROU. M►� i mid i y. b j°s tiful ig bendook a by the HOW yco; BLEB, AND EVERY DOBE HELPS THU ~- neat! repaired and. old ones bought.' Cross Fafrlily. A boatittLul big book at a small prion; Cat maws gummed wad sharpened. hurry your aVplication. Tne Ba"LE17-GAR CURE. a- ta' SErsbN Co.. L td, Toronto. Ont. * SOLD AT ALL DRUG f 0W5_j 1� x. i r • , y' 4 11 • 1' 1 M 1.