HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-15, Page 6- 9 . . .... — . 1: . .., I — 1. . . 7`7 71."; 1 ­ .. ' " ' '�­­ .1 I .. I . . . �� I., � 11 101 I$ '�, I " I., � . ,. 1 ... . I- . Qr" ' r' I . � . � . � r� _1. � .. I .� . . - . � I . 1. 1. 1_ - 1,4 fo>r ;; __1V IAYI>Itriid. i CHILDREN VX,NG-roes pre yI3I THRILLING ]RESCUE GRANT I NEW YORK. l ThoaeSsnd IL star �I'1ttNCYPAL#ir QQLLE(Illi vlpg, sire ly 4Qoauee their food is not of - Thert APPlaY lar. 1 1 the right Ind. ,They are thin, pale and <1S dilXngfi eRlven tp I,teut••Glov. lklc• , delicate. Scott's lamalsion will change all R Yoltlr� Life Saved 111 a Remark• aPfe 111iallner• WHEN THE MORE INTIMATE SIDE OF exp.lanc th (7op ,of the, orthwest.territories, in this, It gives vim and vigor, flesh and His CHARApTHR BECAME 1cNOWN. their pt • uiA! �? ogland, Lord Dufferin was force. tfl� Se thutt Floranoe Stnrdivant, of Grindstone Island, laved From Untimely �---- All tl to P gSlesty. apgke of of'1Cagada• "No one could NXWS NOTES an Death- Her Parents saw Tier Dangerous Predica. The Ulrept Dlawter Wbl.h Came to HIm ' Aute E LL�'plltlgr I'* Qtlrring speech of Sir Wilfrid ment, but were Helpless to aid her -.How oe Uneapectowy ped What 7�ed to It, sure l d y Rp Unfair Glame. _._,--, s one, and only one, possible ion of the tactics employed by arvative papets of Ontario in ault of Hou, J. Israel Tarte. eine which these 'ournals im• Ir Tarte, are not the cause oti ation from their esteem. As. Ir Tarte is In virtues not infap- It issAid that from 1892 0 1896 the value she was Rescued, RUG Oreatost DLtreyl Was to Be no- for to any of Or 04 his rbiorn'to Canada with- of the natural as f ii t tb t "', d - Y eolvgd by Who" >tiw Tram 4L who have had places in the Qonsorva- Ding etruc by the note of fe>c'vid Eesea across tp the IInited States amounted Among the Thousand Islands fe ono call- five Qovernulents of Canada for the %tlsm that rang through it, to over $2,260. ad Grindstone. It is seven miles long and General Granboame to live In Now York last 1TViD I 1.01? 91wietman, of Toronto, at a ' Y years, In real ability, Mr three wide, The inbabitanto of this ialand In 1881 with the luster of his unparalleled. Tarte excels most of the QonFervakMr I 11 t± "eririg In that city to welcome him ' A marvellous judge off- Mon Sir John A. are awell-informed class of people, who de- saooesaw and his unequaled bonors ours- leaders from Quebec, Yet French- ,krorn, C4reat Britain, spoke first Macdonald was smidto be, but his judgment vote their energies to farming and quarry- roundinghiuL With suoh dloolll d and Cn-adia I ppliticiaAs, who had all of tht3 evldbaees of a Wonderfullgrewth did the Conservative party an ill turn the Ing for a livelihood, In the home of one of ceremones, as the metropglts rsword401117 Mr Carte s sinfulness and little of hie 'a de pefi 1 irrial feeling In ngland daT that it spurned J. Israel Taxis with his these islanders resides Florence J. Sturdi- to a few mien In each gonorattien, ii mel- abillwy, were held up to the admiration d pf lie $p endid itirpression ggade ability and supported Sir Hector Langevin - van$, the 4 year old daughter of Mr and omod withlq 314 Rotas the 3iss1 oCfison of of Atari by the journals who are now y w3j Wilfrid Prouiln noer. He Woe de- with his record,-�Toronto Telegram, Ind. Mrs Wm. H. Stardivant, In Fpbraary, the sspupllp.-"1Vhp°.at6bt�,on tl ►ifngrdy ag. calling upon t11Is province to execrate ibod' t>`ing. nlnAut and states- pons. 1896, she was taken with soarlQt ! ver and um whleh k10 too�e'without >XiriohlnQ tht. Minietor of k'ub1tG Works. ae being. 'head and shoulders The steamer Victoria brings news of the ' after the usual run of the fever she was len the burdens of war and state, and of that There were worse men than J. Israel v any of one el her colonial PI e- g with a weak book and Cigarette ,14riip" '+•and whose eloquence was asub- most disastrous floods that have visited i gradually beaan to pleasant,, taciturn eoyaterianoe. �oeaperwita� Tarte in the ]Rat Cover na,ent. There China for many years. Sixty villages near lose atrengtb, until finally, despite the beat th4 wonted mastery of all elr^ossatsaweM aro worse men than J. Israel Tarte in at , o eneral admiration. Tung Chou, containing. over 80 000 Inn bi P Y toians her life hue in the sad trhe taint "Blidenoe Is forte h6- the resent Government. The Con- efforte of h e' " >,gytif l emphatic was Rev. Principal iC ,balance, It was at this crisis, when all aaare afamillar one at the � P tante, have been destroyed b floods, and k �itr,Ynhl, o�Kno$ Qollege, speaking on Y y seemed darkest � lar'e� oiarrmo- servative gapers of Ontario offer Mr the people drowned or torsed to floe. There , thud an angel of health, a - slab of the el ]`hat ne, Io- ??.9,i1dav at the first meeting of the -To- p ty ;nhund a iso Tarte as a. religion because he differs Is no means of flndin oat how man those- roared on the 'scene and released little fiat . to linrm 11ne> a1. A Gua ileo , to"]]finisterial Aaeoclation after his g Y Floranoe from a' dreg battle in race and religion from the majority T #retto,en'from., Great Britain. Canada, ands have been drowned, but the number pin and suffering, and res- fields. shogld strike down the old baro In in this province. The •aim of the or, to estimated b Chinese authorities at from tored her to strength'snd health, This re- tam b . ,, 1n�;said; had been brought before the Y� P; '* P"OtPl t�4e. na. one gaps ie to coin these differences into 4 15.000 to 20,000. The flooded district is markable occurrence fe beat told in the dreamed, lasso of W Qrsat himself. prejudices which will crush Mr Tarte. Qoverquaent and people of Great Brit- within l2 miles of Pekin the capital words of the father. She Imare4atimatq we, of la.olieiretoosr Is it clearly in the interests of t7anR- 9i}ftfi ley Sir Wilfriid Laurier as it had China, + pial of became known der h' 4 a'lievfil been brought before. t l+og is la lite In the da that J. Israel Tarte should be crush - "Mr RRys,general manager,has donek �y1, °"•f That hM •t•s'•+ of creat con- ed ? Mr Tarte did a patriot's work in PER t A i."0 on 1Hic {Khltney's more for the cause of temperance • �� � j r�iYl�� °�� a nature fiat was full of 6611616- the settlement of the Manitoba school• 11 .along the line of the Grand Trunk " , t'��1�' , i no" said u dmf• °t► a child, shoo indeed quesion. He has brought a great deal Chances says an old employe to the London e fi j .'' : 9 ij "the loving are tare daring," the world of ability, enemy and independence to5 PACKAGE 1� f„Il s.aroel7• learned before the hes band of his duties as Minister of Public Works. 90-•• Free Press "than an other man ever K hl v7 Cts $,geptlemanwho is described as"one known on the road, any employe on ',l ".^, .';, disease had boon laid upon a spirit bowed Just•at present Mr Tarte's past seems etre bf the Shrewdest and most prominent the road who drinks will need to watch rt • �I - l down with unmerited misfortune George to be in the grip of his enemies. The €hopes ,rvatives of Toronto” has been in- very closely to keep it away from his 1 1; ti , I�?) W, Childs told Of a oonversatt a he had public can judgewhether these enemies 44upco '- teirt+lewed by the Winnipeg Tribune on superior. There Is no appeal whatever ' , ° Sfi i with Grant whim- tow latter was spending are making a great deal out of Mr il� ,hitney sprospects, and he tells it Qt+, �.. his summer at Lon Branch- He naked Tarte's life history. It is for Mr Tarte "111wwwo&W& IV from R diacharee b reason of intern -11 I �,. g Y• itl;at'.'Chere Is no more chance of the Aerate habits." Y l . . ii the general what had been the greatest to remember that his future is exactly %t4xdyGtovernment be[og overthrown ,,,q, rF� diet"" be had sustained, and the reply what be chooses to make it. He is aft tie pending general election than Why is it that one man is old and de- . '+� .t�}, was, "To be deceived by those I frosted " sure of fair play from Ontario, foo in- , ;there„was of ,communication with Mars orepid at 45, and another hale and hearty it Is altogether a Pleasant eb C not a heat established forthwith. The Tri- at 807 It depends on the care he takes of t the life of General Grant that of the ablest of theiranadians Wfellow country. I •pBlind g' himself. Often a man's bod etc out of presents ei thle ] �j'�lbtthe'.tlius quotes him: Y g pI period, brief thought It ie and althoa h man hounded out of C1 ■ ■ ■ton Sash DKA 11y,,” he said, "you can ecarcelp repair- the trouble grows until it lays •' the mnbterl 6 zanj public life by par- ooi a Paotoryt, him oat in bed. Whenever a man feels that 'ri• of 1 c sbrm are pecan cob forge ournals, which +aof b cannot QSd ,, and a'pcore of businessmen of repute of bheb clear sky of contentment In oho forgive him for the crime o!! being use- ---��... t/ ale Toronto who are backing Mr Whit ever r not listless, well as be ought r be, when- family circle or when surrounded by old ful to the other art ttey Who is Mr Whitney and what ever be is listless, without energy and with- comrades he was by no means the Irre- party. S• S• COOPER - - PROPI>bIETOR, >rxas he done to convince the people of out vitality, whenever he finds that he is General Builder and Contractor P P eponsive man he has been palated. He Qnta ro that he is fit to be entrusted losing Weight and that 1718 ordinar Work FLORENCE J. STIIRDIVANT, USCker iS always discov-• Y was tree and s recalled. 611 conversation, y y This factor i with`the affairs of the Province? He gives him undue fatigue, he needs Dr. Mr Stardivant said: "Florence was oak- and, as Childs reoallod. talked more than Y e the largest in the county, and has the very latest ire vc(' ma - ?as novas given an evidence that he Pieroe'e Golden Medical Dieoovery, I! 176 any single member of She core ohinery, capable of dein Pio g Y on sick with scarlet lover, and we immed- parry, but ering remedies which Will P g work on the s ortest notice, We carry an extensive , %a9 & iy capacity for the conduct of keepe on working with his liver inactive iatel called a physician. He prescribed he added: "Let a stranger enter, and he f'.pt}l1jtA•Rftaira nd h has abaolutel no and hie blood impure -be keeps his nerves Y P Y t? _ and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates forand build all class. Y P for her, and we followed his direotione would say nothing more during the even- act upon the germs or disease es of buildings on short notice and on the closest rices. All work is supervis- e and his body under a constant nervous in That was one ull +, ed in a mechanical wayand satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in. �t4 a wl$h him repute or tested integ- Y closely. giving our little patient the best of pfU arity of his directly and kill them. `But lrl . ' He has n material out of which strain, He will not be bearty when be is care. After two weeks the fever subsided, n these conversations General Grano y tenor and exterior material. i#1r 1;binet cool be formed and the old. The "Golden Medical D scovery"cares bat Floranoe was left with aver weak Lumber Latif Shingles, Lime Sash, Doors, Blinds E + sometimes went over the eventful sconce 1 41ii krs not f oliah enough to discard many so-called diseases, because nearly all Y of the peal ]3e was goneroue In his esti- 110 discovery , has ever yet ! , illness springs from the same tbin back. Severe pains were constantly in the , tc tried and trusted Government for a P g g -bad di- book and atomaok. We did all that oseib mate of the men who had fought by his been roved b d�SCLOTS Agent for the Celebrated Al"', ,o$ adventurers. You ms, rest aB- gestionland consequent impure blood, Th P PP y GRAYBILL SCHOOL DE:8 , mannfaotnredl G y „ Q ly could be done to relieve our little suffer. aide His admiration of Sheridan mea nn- at Waterloo. Call and et rices nndyeetimatea before loci , Irtt that if the eo le of Ontario de- Discovery. makes the appetite good the „ g p It P P digestion strop assimilation easy er, but to no avail, The difficulty seemed measured. He used to say that Little which will cure COilSllmp- placing your orders r`lrued to turn out the present Govern g g. y and the to baffle the efforts of the physician.' Phil" was the greatest fighter he ever I', @r1f, to ut a man of such robit and blood rich and pore. 1 P Y - knew, end that another war would develop tion that way.Germs Can „ g p "Finally, at the end of icor months oY + D F h attatnmente as Bir William Mere- The banquet given to Wilfrid Laurier treatment, we found oar little patient ohm- in him the supreme commander. His own only be killed by making the TEAS i%f. ,i power, they will neper dream by the citizens of Toronto, cn Tuesday, pletely prostrated. At this time we called reserved nature found In the dashing col- Special TEAS i pf t3yppltynting that Government with was worthy of the chief city of Ontario, another physician, who agreed with the dies a overflowing spirits, boundless 001111- body Strong enough t0 over- - TEAS i tuI, .Qeure and untried' a olitican as diagnosis of our own doctor, and said that dente and sometimes emphatic oonversa- i' All classes participated in it and it was g I , .1 ?hftney. No, Ontario knows on strictly non-political, and the Premier the trouble resulted from the scarlet fever, tion a complement to Itself. For reasons Come them, and the early B.S� e� � .tea CEYLON, ASBAM and JAPANS t4v1., side het bread is buttered. It was in excellent form ands spirits. The He prescribed a course of treatment, and of much the same sort be bad a positive W A ltnolt%0'that for twenty ears or more t' use Of such a remedy as 8 pounds good young Hyson Tea for el. Y Y Toronto Mail and Empire, referring to we followed it faithfully for three months, affection for Conessi John A. Logan. He y it has had a good, efficient, honest ad- the reception to the Premier, says: "It but instead of improving, Florence failed. was proud of both of them and peppy 111 ' Just to hand I SUGARS 1 SUGARS! SUGABS 1 'Irrianistratioh; it knows that its affairs Scotts Emulsion is One'of of _llrRve been well and economically man- was a grand, inspiring eight, that sea "Mrs Stardivant and myself were core- their Society. , car No. 1 Granulated of faces in Masse hall last night, and Pletely disconraged. A brother of m wife His loyalty to big friends was entire Montreal Sugar' Coffee and Rows in barrels, oa7,s 11 *At, knowa that there is a large sur- y g who was visiting us, advised as to use Dr, One of hie Principles was "Never desert a the helps. In the daily war- g hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the center of it'all, g friend under Bre. While it is more than We kee the beet I n the treasury, which it does not fare man keeps Up, he wins p Dinner, Tea and Bedroom Sete, Fancy China E01 rpoae to turn over to adventurers, Answered by fascinating{ personal- Williams Pink Pills for Pale People, So I a8sorted Stock of Wed- and Lam S. 25sty,• fluent voice and apt words, the Purchased a box of the pills and began to likely that the famous "806" did not bear p per cent less than regular price. ftadso knowa that the men running highest expectation of everyone in that give them to Florence, This was in Octo- with them into the Chicago convention best, Who 1S provided With ding Presents in Huron. Call and see oar goods and get pricee,d I� 2. Government areas shrewd and ae huge gathering of various nationalities her, I89ti, Alter using the; pills a abort say zeal wish of General Graat'e that they ?tyle a tot of entlemen A6 could be time we could see an ire rovemtnt. Her be successful, be took a soldier's delight the needed strength, SUCK as FRESH SEEDS -Timothy, Red and Alaike Clover, Terni and Man el. and creeds. afterward In their magnificently Cash paid j#onpd. in lac rovince. Knowing all strength began to return and she would ag y faithful ' p d for cod Butter and Eggs. P Mang el. s Emulsion supplies. g dyli$se .things it is not likely that the sit up in bed Her appetite was restored, Bgbt in hbS behalf and never forgot it,J• W. IRWIN, jb' llc will make any mistake. The Itching, Burning Skin Diseases and she ate heartily. We also noticed a Ilia partiality for hie army comrades _ Clinton .Hi Pde understand the situation exact- Relieved in a da Eczema salt rheum gradual brightness in her eyes. had been shown while he was president. "(;arid rest a cured that there is no Y• "I like," be said, "to appoint the chtl- barbers' itch, and all eruptions of the akin We eagerly purchased a further supply diger of the"Ontario Government be- quickly relieved and speedily oared by Dr. of pills, and watched with delight the dren of army and navy officers because • Itllg,,, e " Agnew's Ointment, It will give instant change for the better that was being they have no political influence." The w • . comfort in casesof itobing, bleeding or blind wrought daily. From sitting up in bed at care be exercised over the orphans of vet- 'Q! �F�a w ,. 67J. t) -:Wisner, the head of the mana[ao- piles, and will cure in from three to six times during the day, and at times stand- assns who had died on the fleld was con- S► For the balance of this Month im '-hrm' at Brantford, that bears his nights. 35 cents. Sold by Watts & Co.ing on her feet, Florence finally became tinued in private life, Sometimes bt took Q E)C T. QF #lituie, died on 5nnday, aged 87. strong enough to walk a little. She gained the form of gifts and subscriptions really t 11Cis bffiiiiaUy stated that the crop area When Mrs Wm. J. Work awoke in In flesh and strength rapidly, and the pains beyond hie means, An application from a WE WILL OFFER TO CASH . -PURCHASERS A1' l ,anftoba this year has increased by her •berth just before the Chicago and gradually left her. Ina month's time she Qoldter's widow was one thing he found It ��,WI LDS. 8I311 ,, acres, and the wheat area has in. Erie train from the east drew into the had recovered her health and strength. hard to refuse Q► Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets,//�� .ireased 30 per cent. The railway mileage Dearborn station Thursday, she die- "We cannot praise too highly the value The bow that struck Grana down Dame V� Handsome Toilet Sets AtrjC♦$ t hap I oreased. to 1,533 miles. covered that her husband, whom she of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I am positive suddenly. It le a saddening episode to re- ��Bv • supposed had been sleeping;, was cold that without their use our child would have mil, with its cruel shook of surprise and China Tea Sets, . Q �1 � if�ilred ] ra aura ane Smith, li Sanford, Ont., in death from an affection of the lungs. been today in the same sad condition of the still more cruel imputattons that for and Udder ,�Tliursday under peculiar ciroumatan- g ' her early sickness -a confirmed invalid- the moment were cast upon the old hero's Fancy hand painted Chinaware .'�) She woe s healthy, native girl, twenty The farmers of Essex County are in if indeed she had had the strength to with. Integrity, but when the dust that had been k rr of ake. A week ago She went out to many instances driving for water for stand so long the ills of her affliction." raised by the crash of the banking house a. BABY WAS CURED. •f Calland astisfy yourself that this ie a bon tide offer, IIavin llfdiiront lawn to rake up the leaves and their cattle for miles, the creeks 9nd of i3taat & Ward had cleared the g oVgp some wild cucumber vines. She wells having dried up as a result of (Signed) Wm, H. STIIIIDIVANT. amu!° 4r ')EAR SIRS, I can highly recom- .j bought sttgars einoe the decline in price we'll give our aaabomers that it revealed was not that of a man who th 'Id Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild .l• the benefit. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. mein eor>1e cucumber bulbs to got out the prolonged drought. Everything is Subscribed and sworn to before me ibis bad barbered hie honor and bad risked all Sti wberry. It cured my bah of •i• tredd tot planting neat year, but in do- being burned up f and cows are giving Clinton.g g sixth day of April, 1897. and loot is a dee but of an • dist,'taeaafterallothermennsfacel } N. ROBSON'S C.qo tonahed a pimple on her face with very little milk, r'ato throw, w i[ w a eat praise. It is 0 0X, and it is supposed that the juice H. W. Moxsr, Notary Public. old soldier dazed by the vision of a s 11 8- PP ] Y ner's unfaithfulness and stripped all bowel complaints, f �6 Vlu@ entered it, for blood poisoning A GIRAND TRUN$ BRAKEMAN prod to o mo- �1v,Jg 'HAS. BOTT, Harlow, Ont. fit, .eanIting ill deatht meat of his worldly possessions, and yet 'i' 5.,r. - with his personal honesty ahial11g cut rHE 4EAD MASTER -11 CLINTON s yr lode readers Will be interested in T@]le oho l3tory of l3ia Exposure -The Fate Onions and Rheumatism. from the rain of his house's credit and his %-y, -17m, v -I have found great 'I !Q�elt3tnK of some of the costumes moria that Safe] Him," and how be was Relieved A large $Conlan onion stowed slowly ><aeolnte courage to redeem his 111 [vrta11e ttr _action t 'the use of Dr. Fowler's t' Kt,tfl"e .reception held by Sir Wilfrid of his Sufferings. until tender to a weak stook quickly made standing forth like a solitary fewer In au E%tractof Wig 'Striiwberr , and con- 't' SEWINGttrd lIAg Laurier in Toronto last Thu d- from baht aatraot and hot water is a moaU sset€6cyaaie loveled lain. siaer +^ invah b,i n allycases of "i' MACBIN WarerOOM,, _•night. Mre Laurier was hand- W. Lavelle, G.T.R. brakeman, Allendale,P diary ,,c and meas complaint. + —.a1 tome "and• bright as ever, beautiful] Ont., Bays: "Through exposure I contract- palatable and nourishing ph dish, espostailycoun- Qount had entered Insall corset because his `t' It i, , r ,ae++let me to recommend g y useful, according b physicians, >n Eosin- he found his income inenffiolent for his °t' it to, b • pu' ,c. 't' tq.Wxxed.in white embroidered chiffon ed that dread disease- atarrh. My case ternoting the poison of rheumatic Rg»out U hmll,T. The genius of Ferdinand Ward ii. R B.,t., ERT Principal, ,� The subscriber desires to intimate that be is still in the lues white silk, with stock and girdle became chronic., I web recommended to should be well seasoned with dayeane. dazaled him as it bad dazzled other mea High Scb, , River Charlo, iQB. Sewing Machine business, and has made arrangemQnta with the try ate Agnew'? Catarrhal Powder. In fen e�,per of a chronic en8arer lTam in the .t?o.1 Grant thought biR,aeu a ��,, �.; �:� * �� +� NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 1i three shades of green ribands, and The laic , •t tbati of white and black tulle, with minutes after the first application Ibad re- this cam �� gouk and which is wealih7 men, It was a matter of pride to ,ht,ed ;white`plumes. Mrs. Hardy was lief, and in an almost incredible abort time taken Joao before retiring, oonabsts of a him that he should reverse the III omens present also, in a handsome gown of all symptoms had disappeared. I feel I To handle their machines; and am pr red to give the public an article unsurpassed tor can not speak too strongly in recommendin perfectly meted apple, without sugar, but of his life as a private citizen prior to the Clinton Planing Mill durability and the quality of work. They i be placed on trial free; we oompebo th all ma 04, rose satin brocade, with touches of with thick croom and two large dloes of wear and demonstrate before the world that obines on the market. I also have other grades at leas mono velvet on the corsage. Mrs Cat- this remedy. It is a pleasant, safe an manufactured, if desired. Needles a❑ y, and will ince any machine g brown, bread. -New York Fosb be could succeed la bueiaesa as !a war. _,iota— d parte enpplled for all makes of maahinee. sic , 'a6ked particularly well in a quick cure." sold by Watts & Co. w as>tl><xa a[A IQnti s -I am agent for the celebrated AnthonyWayne Waseer, the P Y. That morning 111 Map of 1884 Dame when largest manufacturers of Washers In the world. The machine cannot be beat in any reepect, I ta01t 'satin gown, with het fof decor- 16eghtning Revenge Artist, he found t his house had failed for mil- DRY KILN. sblllhandle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba Washers, Also Gothes Wringess, best in markeb 1I 11. ni auda touch of crimson velvet, _ "Yes. Jnlla rejected Ifone 'Resolutely be set b work to meet aE.a- , 'I ., li[rs.Lount in a pale pink satin A Happy gomedy afnald to o the morninb, and sIl6 was his °bliga6to°s He eves pledged his mod- W� OOR tjj� s ibnd hat decked with Ink roses. Two physicians were talkta ops g paper far fear The subsonber, having the very latest'[m• 1J ' ''° P p Y g top she would read an account of his suicide." sib and his decorations. Theo he began proved maohiner and employing the , old stand, Huron St. Clinton rr , when one of them raised his hat to a lady "she didn't find 1t, did she?" the preparation of the memdlrs covering a most skilled workmen is able to do work in 1 II ,y whom they rest. "No. The Bret thing she saw was the t�Od of which he could say with as mach his line in the most satisfactory manner, I A patient?" asked the other, truth as Comr In his "De Bollo Gallloo." at reasonable rates and on the shortest no- annoanoemout of his eagagemeat to a „ whish I caw and part of which I € "Ob, in a way," answered the first doo- prettier g�++,_Detroit Bred I'raaa tine. Atrial solicited. tor. "I treated her the other day lora was," ` < t small difficulty." The later scones o! that grim eampaig11 FACTORY NEAR G. T. R. STATION ��� f - JBARTERS "What was it?" Over 1.000 ships of all kinds end wee CLINTON, pass up and down the Engliab obannel ev- are swathed fa too mists that hang e�•e In r til 0�T�E �A wart on the nose." my 24 bourse, and there am soaRool ever the valley of the shadow. I� another AGENTS And what did you prescribe? ' y battle of the Wilderness. A 1t ended In "The Best Popular Life of Her . lees than >iU0 near Land's End lsatilne oz • Maiesty I have ever seen," Ma IVER "I ordered her torefrninaflaolutdyfmrn ' the aaa8ghb yonder on the hiYibp that V writes Lord Lorne, about "Queen Victoria." playing on the piano. u8 f� the channel• called McGregor, -New York Mall end Sales unprecedented. Easy to make $5 daily. r•"` The other doctor was asbonisho4 Ex rima Big commission. Outfit free to canvassers. ' '' "Ordered nor to leave o$ iog the Londoners epond about 510.604000 sem• p The BRADLEY-GARRETSO K CO., Limited, [p��aa,gy Toronto, Ont, PILLS piano for a wart on the nose. VlgiLl, I ctau't � 6om umt7aeI}ae, understand your treatment." .. --, ____ 'Burn , "If you know tale oiroumetnaoea, you .. would," enid the finet doctor. "Bhe noon- � � P � � �'fi pies the flat undar mine. "-Landon Fun. Anew BrOOili sweeps clean � 1 I' HEADa . E i .'� . , IUvely cared by these Little IM11% '�04?iso relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, 'ore. and Too Hearty Eating. A per - f, for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsf- liad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They to the Bowels. Purely Vegetable - d11 Pili. Small Doses Small PrIee. ''st tution '`'alfa fraud of the day. , yoU get Carter's, I . ►t ,acid demand er's battle Liver Pills, Man ajuemma. Photographer -You are all right now except your expression. Please look pieae- ant, Jay Green -Hang it, man; I ean'tl I'm bowlegged an am trying to hold me Mace together so's 1t won't show When I smile, I forgit all n bout ray knees, an when I pay attention to my knees I forgit to smile. - London Tit -Bits. 1. During 1896 the big Anaconda copper mine In Mon tuna earned a profit of $4,00%. 000, the output In that year being 107,000,- 000 pounds of copper, nearly 600,000 onums of sliver and about 16,000 ounces of gold. More than 01,000.000 vias spent on im- provements. There are said to be 450,000 bound vol- umes In the library of Harvard university and as many more unbound. Theon are also several thousand manusaaipis. a'g+"TOR.!lr ^ - da-G-6 it 490. 60"17 • I � . r. I I �. I ;N� . , � , � I I I I �. .: . "" .1. . V, I 1 1 .t A 1 I . . � 9I � I A A : . OU Brooms at loc each �' f ,u roG Brooms, two for 25c. C, 1 A dandy one for 25c. Money to burn is a oom- mon expression with some These Broom are great value, having been bought at reduced figures, people, j,but they don't CURE We are going to'give the public bargains for the next sixty days. No have it BILI®® spa �g excuse 9 not having a clean house. Crockery, Glassware, and all 6DJ`195�' kinds of Groceries, new and fresh. , 4 CONSTIPATION Gi-E" SWALLQW, - (Minton SICK HEADACHE AIV. ALL LIVER TROUBLES THE BEST • S a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if a stronger action is r, H O ►�, O C R .E�1 desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate cases, where a purgative is necessary, three ARE pills will be found sufficient. These � pills leave no unpleasant after effect. TAKEN BY One pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation. •sloH O R A C,� E FOSTER e iso. oil son et.00 ' Al COAL To burn, that's more like it, and get Coal that won't transform into clinkers. We have the reputation for selling Hard Coal which is free of the clinker aub- stance, is clean stuff when delivered, and hot staff when lighted. The only trouble with it is that it burns. Leave your order with,us. We are now deliv- ering for the coming cold weather. � LOWESTA PRICES GUARNTEED �"" 'Q x I Ll x i AND� BRW" Stove�,Clinrtonare, �� t- -1. . � t_ , ­ --11 -11 '_ t_1___*M__,! 44 a m