HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-15, Page 5J. B , Rumbal 1
Leader of Jewelery Fashion
Don"t, Unless you are interested in
. 111 e1'
Special attention isgiven to Millinery in this business. There is probably
more in trimming a bat than you think. A piece of ribbon, a feather and a
flower are sewed on a hat and it is supposed by some people to be trimmed,
but it isn't. it's hats trimmed as above mentioned that spoil the appearanue
of many good-lookiog women.
When a Woman Comes Here
For a hat or bonnet, we study her features, her oomplexion, the shape of her I
head, and her general appearance, and a hat is secured that is becoming to
her. A hat may be very stylish and at the some time be very unsuitable for
the wearer. Many women who look well with their hats off look positively I
homely when seen with their hats on. You might as well
Have a Hat that becomes you,
and by baying bore you are guaranteed that your fall hat or bonnet will be
satisfactory to you, and it will cost you no more, than you have been scone- I
tomed to pay -probably a little less.'
Sailor Hats
in all the newest effects. One of the prettiest is a high crown sailor in
green, oadet blue, brown, black, and garnet, just trimmed enough to make it
stylish. It's called the "Idleide." Mottled felt hate are a new fad this sea-
son. A pretty one is called the "Louise." A good assortment of sailors at
all prices. Lines at 65c, 75c, $1, $1.50, and $1.75.
Plaid Ribbon will be worn this season. Dainty designs at 300 and 45o a yard.
dissolving = Partnership .►
Wholesale Dissolution Sale !
Stock must be wholly cleared out. Since, we began our Dissolution Sale we
have disposed of a great quantity of goods. Our store had just received pits
full complement of fall and winter goods of every kind, so we're in capital
shape to give customers the benefit of a full house of new goods at wholesale
Fine Tapestries, regular 60 f 4. .. , ....... 43c
Best 5-4 Table. Oil Cloth, reg 25c, sale price 19c
Linoleunls & Floor. Oil Cloths, I to 4 yds wide
Beautiful Moquette Rugs 1x2 yds, rear 4.50 .... 3.40
Moire shot effects in ribbon, beautiful goods, as good as generally sold at 600 2 full pieces extra fine Tapes y Oc for 69c
a yard, marked here at 40o. Ribbons in all shades, 5c, 10c, 16o, 20o and 26o a ! Boys' Suits, reg �4 00 for 2 75 3
t yard. Ospreys seem a favorite trimming. We have them at popular prices. 2 pieces fine Brassels, Pieg.- $k. 5 for ...... 79C
Boys Suits, reg 3 50 for ... ....2,24
We, are Right Chiffon, newest shadings in green and purple.
3 pieces 36 ii Union Carpet, re 60 for. . 39c y', Suits, • ,g �.
P 1
We'd1likather miss a sale than send out an unbecoming $at or Bonnet Boys' re 3 00 for ...........................2 05
4 pieces fine emp, regular 20c for . 15c Mens Sults, strong Tweed, rew $8 00 for..0,30 x
At the verge of a 2 feces fine Union, re . ular 3 for, ........23c Ben's Suits, regular . ..........4.49
g McKinnon Co. Blyth P• g
perica of 6 75 for............ x
y • 8-4 Chenille Covers lovely col rs re
Men's Suits, 'regular 5 50 for.... 3.98
If you wish proof �� N� 6-4 Clieuille Covers, regular $1.50, for.... 1.15 Men's Suits regular 5 75 for
. of this come to Fine Chenille Portiers, 3 yards, lovely at- mien's Irish Frieze Overcoat "' ' ' • • 4.24
3 yn
see what
we s and terns regular $3.50, 'for ........ • ...•..2.79 long skirt, tweed lined, reg1 7��U collar, 0 2
see what we have. - _ ! >•,
.: Fine Niggerhead Bantling, 54 inch, regular Heavy Frieze, reg $6 for ....4.29
�"URNITUl�E • price •$ 50, sale........_ ............... 1.15
At the Beginning 1.
aExtra heavy Waterproof, with cape, war-
" of the fel, season our Irish Frieze Mantling, blackjight and dark
Btock of Jewelery, Spee-rown, reg $1.50 per yd, sale price ......98c ranted, regular X8.50 for ............... 7
taoleB, c4o.,and prioeBwill BROADFOOT, BOX & CO.COOveralls, Smocks and separate Pants all at
convince you. piece black Bedford Mrd mlantling, reg.
The steady increase in our trade is good r proof of the fact that
our sell cheap.
arIfri out buy same reductiou.
$�U, sale price .•.. • : •• • • • • • • •••• • • •••• • • • 9�e All Prints, best and heaviest cloth 32in. for 7 c
OUR SILVERWARE our prices lower than those g other dealers to the trade. o1
We manufacture furniture on a large scale and a afford P• y, y 8 s, ish 31antles fine A lggerhead Cloth 2 k
from ns, we save for you the profit, vdhiah, in other oases, has to be added in for ' 40 111. Apron Goods only, boll('rs 12C
The prices on tbese arti- the retail dealer. n w Collar & Sleeves, reg G.50 & X7•...$4.09 '
oleo are away down. This week we have passed into stock some of our new designs. space will not permit a
us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer,
Remembei; we are determined that our 'prices shall be the lowest in the trade.f'n
guaranteed to give satin- T T i 4
faction. In this department our stock is complete, and we have undoubtedly the bes -fnnera' 1 N T O N . t
' outfit in the county. Our prioes are as low aB the lowest,
}: BROADFOOTX. ,BO & CO. J. W. Chidley ly
P S -Night ond,Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Ch.dley s, (Funeral _'
m ( Director) residence.z
CLINTON MARKETS figures, touching importations into Britaina.1due>r#i¢z>xeat
Corrected every Thnr.day afternoon. from Canada, have just been published. En rli `?
�� Darin September, the number of cattle
Thursday, October 14th, 1897. landed was 17,093, their value being £277,- 1, M
Wheat . .............. 0 77 a 0 77 078; sheep and lambs, 11,835; valued at
Oats ............ 0 21 a 0 21 Lost in Clinton, or on the Huron road, on 25c a lb. We will quote you close rices oil quantity.
'• ,, £47;336. There were received 23,846 owte. q Y P q Y•
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Field Bayle 0 26 a 0 26 of bacon, £47,336; 17.302 hams, £36,746• Sept. 29th, a lady'a black serge ct.pe and small We baye just received a large stock of ,
Y ''' ""'' ' boy's coat attached. Finde will confer a favor
Dr. Reed's Remedy for La Grippe, cold in the head, etc., is that ounce of pre- Peas ................ 0 43 a 0 43 butter, £169,928; cheese, £520,016; eggs, by leaviugsame at NEw ERA office, t
l` vention. It' is nota patent medicine, but a regular prescription put up; twelve Rye ..............2222 0 40 a 0 40 £20,989; horses, 1,624, £40,170 The total CORONA ATHLETIC, CHEWING CUM.3,;pltr•i
` wafers in a box, with fall directions for a thirty-six hours' treatment. This Fleur per cwt ....... 2 20 a 2 65 value of the imports in September, 1895,Athletics, Cyclists and other bard workers will find this gum very invi
BUSINESS CHANGE. gQ=-:';..,G�.;,;
3 treatment, if taken in time, will effectually cure all cases of La Grippe and ) Butter in rolls ....... 0 12 a 0 16 was £849,417; in September, 1896, £851,- sting, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin. It has wonderful suBtaia«
Butter tab............ 0 12 a 0 15 997; and in September, 1$97, £1,132,378. MTh. Livery bis stud John H McCool liar been in ower, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth moist.
t cold in the head. 25c a Box. ) P g P Y g P
Eggs per doz.......... 13 a 0 13 Or, for a further comparison, take the nine x
Winters' Instant Cough Cure is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. Hay new 04; old...... 6 00 a 7 00 months ending 30' for the same three dissolved b3 mutual consent, All accounts duo BROBO-SALINE BATHING SALT
K Sept.P he late fir must be paid to Dither one within a
Sheepskins 0 25 a 0 25 years, and the totals respectively ars, L3, -
thirty day from this date. The business will
Wool ........ .. 0 18 a 0 18 591,943, £4,263,792 and £4,610,258. in future b conducted by James McCool and. Invigorating and refreshing, highly recommended for those desiring a•Seo Bath+, xY
J E HO VEY No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25 H. Davis, w o solicit the past liberal patronage g
• • Potatoes ...:.......... 0 40 a 0 40 All over the Nipissing district the potato of the vener public. H. DAVIS , t r
i" Closer Seed retail.... S 50 a 5 b0 crop this year has been a most Tile -tint ton Oct 12th, 1897. y��
Dispensing Chemist, Clinton, one, and large, smooth, mer a o H. Combe Chemist and Druggist. r,.#
4,. Timothy Seed......... 2 50 a 2 50 ern are the rule.' r
t ATTENTION LADIES -- BIG BARGAI�iS IN FURNITURE — cattle shows no material change. as Dom_ Notice is, he y given that a Court will be
• Montreal, October 11.-Tbere were about pared with a Week ago, choice States being held, pursue o the "Voters' List Act," by t
{ 600 head of sheep and lambs offered for quoted at He and Canadians at 10o. For His Honor t e age of the county Court of
The greatest drawback to marriage has always been been the expense sale at the east end abattoir to -day. The sheep the demand was stronger, and as the County of uron, at the Council Chamber,
r Clinton, on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 3pau., to O r•
` of furnishing a house, we furnish your Parlor, Dining Room, Bed- butchers were present in large numbers, supplies were not excessive, prices advanc-' hear and determine the several com faints of.
room and Kitchen with 26 pieces of good Hardwood y and trade was fairly good with a slight ad- ed lo, choice Canadiang selling at IOo. errors and omissions in the Voters' mist or the
FURNITURE FOR ii7.li0 vanes in prices of all kinds of cattle. A Municipality o Clinton for 1807. All persons
-- - few prime beeves were sold at 4�o per. lb. says
Ho .Jose retMarti from _.been u ver
havin business at the hourt are required to IN
Can I afford to et married? Pretty cod stook sold from 3 o to 3 ' `atter at the said time -and place. _
g J. H.0 H ELLEW. BLYTH Y g �• says Hon. Joseph Martin, has been urged W. COATS, Town Clark.
We say yes. Common dry ,cows and rough young cattle to enter local politics in British Columbia, Dated the 13th day of October,
sold at from 2c to 3o per lb, and some of but that he has refrained from so doing, HOWER
- the lighter beasts at about lie. Shippers even though his leadership of the Opposi- THE CLINTON
are paying 3o per lb for good large sheep, tion might result in bis gaining the Pre.
The others sell down to about 2}o per lb, miership at no distant day. The same in -aur Ready-to-wear Pants will give satifaction
r '
Lambs Bell at from 3,}o to 40, and a few formant says he would not be surprised to L u n d r' �T .T
OUTZohoice ones bring more. Calves sold to -day see Mr. Martin in Dominion polities again — J prices for nice looking striped Moleskin $1 a air•1
at from $2.50 to $9.60 each. Fat hogs sold and that at no distant day. For good, serviceable Tweed Pants, neat atterns,l 25'*
at from bjo to 6,}e per lb. v The undersigned has taken full control of the p
Clinton Laundry, and having had considerable $1.50, 1.75 and $2 a pair, and. our famous West oil '
0-ommerciai Noteg. BORN. experience, is prepared to execute all work on. 1
trusted to him in a manner equal to any City England Tweeds and striped Worsteds at $3 and 3.60
MAKINS-In Seaforth on Sept. 29, the wifeLaundry.
We are still selling out, no matter what others say to CANADIAN HAY. -The export trade in Can. or Ed. Makin, of a daughter, a pair are splendid value.
the contrary,- Our stock will be sold out as quickly as adian bay must necessarily be very limited WHITE -In Blyth, on October 6, the wife of We ient's,
o preparedto do Ladies or
for some time to come, owing to the scar- George White, of a son. Rine Goods or a
possible; owing to farmin o erations we are obll ed cit of ocean fres ht room from Montreal MASON -At Stapleton, Oct. 3, the wife of Our Ready -to wear Suits are models of excellence color
x P g g P g Y g
to go out of the Dry Goods business and the stock will Boston and New York, It fe feared there Chas. Mason, of a daughter. Family Washing, , ,
l will be no more hay space available before MARRIED. and guaranteo same to be satisfactory and at quality, cut, style, linings and workmanship will prone
have to be sold for what it will bring. Come and share Januar next. lowest prices. Goods called for or delivered to „
Y JOYNER-NOBLE,-At the residence of W. satisfactory.
any part of the town. We respectfully solicit y
in the bar sins we will Ve ou Hees and values that APPLES IN LAMDTON.-Mr. O. E. Henry' Webb Clinton, brother-in-law of the groom, a trial, as there is no necessity to send your a
g ' y P the well-known apple bnver, says the Sar- on Oct. lath by Rev. J. F. Parke, Frederick Laundry out of town.
n other house can give. We are well assorted in many Y Joyner to ilii.. Margaret Jane, daughter of
i; Q nia Observer, has purcliased and will ship Thoma. Noble, of Hallett. ARTI3UR T WITCHELL
lines; our s4ock was largo when We commenced t0 re- abort 1,000 barrels this Beason. $e esti- BAKER. -FLICK. -At the residence of the
mates the crop of sound appleo, fit for ship- bride's father, Colborne on Cot. 6, by Rev. J.
duce it, still we are very well assorted in ment, within a radius of fifteen miles about C. Morlock, of Listowel,howis Baker, of Elk- G
Tileonbttrg, to be about 3,000 barrels. The ton, Mich., to Lydia, daughter of Jacob Flick. BOAR FOR SERVICE Frieze Ulsters,averse rice is $1 75, COLEMAN -TURNER -At the residence of
g P the bride's parents, on Sept. 30rby Rov. S. A thorobred imported Yorkshire WhiteBoar
Dress Goods pita les Tun EXTORT CHEESE TRADE. — The ship- Acheson, John G. Coleman, to Miss�lizaheth for service at Couch & Wilson's slaughter
In of cheese from Montreal last week Jane second daughter of James Turner, all of house. Terms, 31 cash with rivlle a oP re-
p Stanley. turning. COUCRI WnSOON. If you want solid comfort when zero weather arrive
were again heavy, amounting to 91,507 box- FOREST-COCHRANE.-At the residence of S,
Read 1V•tade Clothiil es, as compared with 61,952 boxes for the the bride's parents, on Oct, 6, by Rev. S. Ache- CIDER ^PRESS FOR SALE. take tirne by the forelock and try one of our Ulste'rs
corresponding week last year, thus adding son, John Forest, Stanley, to A1iss Margaret,
another $600,000 to our cheese exports in a eldest daughter of James Cochrane of Hay. with Fibre Chamois interlining, Neither frost nay
Clothing, ' p g A hand Cider Pres, capable of making n bar g•
FULFORD-STERLING.-On Oct. 6, at the rel a day, in cod wortcin order for Salo Shoep
• •• single week. The consumption of cheese Also lar g win can penetrate it. Prices $5 6.50, $8 and 10
Tweeds sU,l'tl�l s in Great Britain this year has been lar el residence of the bride's father Leeburn, b9 large teed kettle.-le.STRAITI1, p yp ,
Y g Y Rev, Mr McKay, George Fulford, to Miss Clinton.
g in excess of anything before experienced. Phoebe Adeline, yoimgest daughter of David
INCREASE IN CATTLE TRADE. -An extraor- Stirling, all of Colborne. TE HER WANTED.
��'• �i dinar increase in the cattle trade at Tor- DIED.
Ys and Caps onto for the first nine months -61 the present GLENN -At Lumley, on Oct. 2nd, John Wanted, junior teacher for Union S. S. No, Long Boots
year is reported, the total number exported Glenn, aged 87 years. 6, Hullett, olding 2nd or 3rd class Certificate.
Application received up to Oct,. 23rd; to state o
to date for 1897 being 107,858, as against PATON.-In East Wawan'oah on Oct. 4th, salary wan .-JOHN WILSON, Secretary, Let Pus once more remind you that in buying ori'
We have still a lot of Boots and Shoes mostlyyouths 78,355 for the same period last year, the Celia Rintoul, youngest child of Mr, and Airs Auburn.
!J p Wm. Paton, aged 8 months.
f i total for the whole of last year being only VAMASHA B Long Boot you run no chances. We
and children's lines, way below cost price. apestry total o. The increase ie dye to the removy MCCARTNEY.-In Mooseiaw, N. W. T I on MALE - A ER WANTED.
Oct. 2nd, Mary, daughter o Robert MXart- guarantee every pair t0 give satisfaction or your monoy
and Brussels Carpets. A lot of Ladies Jackets dif- I al of the quarantine restrictions and the ney, formerly of Brueeffeld.
! Wanted, a 1 teacher for S. S. No. 10, God- back.
f stent makes and styles that we are almost giving away' shipment of stockers. HILL. -At Park River, North Dak, on Oct, orich Town olding a second-class cortifl-
•• !ham CATTLE' FOR THE STATES.—United State 2nd, JOIItI H111, youngest sol of Mrs I111, gra- C0.t0; Ono w as had solve experience prefer -
1 vel road, Hallett, aged 26 years and 4 months. red. Por�on application desired. Appliea-
come and see them. Blankets, Yarns, &c. bnyere are actively engaged buying up al tions }•eceiW to October 15.
Y g
ARMSTRONG—At Ontario Cal., bot. 7, Ernest PETER LE, socrotary, O14iton P. O,
the 0attle the can Bouure in the $anon Wilber, son of John and Nlrs Armstrong, (nee
don section and in other parte of the East- .Miss Cooper,Clin ton, aged 2 months and 5 days ;
ern Townships. They are taking all kinds CLARK -In Hullett, Oct.12, Reuben T.Clark, TEACHER WANTED.
PLUMSTEEL GIBBINGS of Stook from rslvee up to tAmericana are aged 79 years, 11 months and 18 days,
Country dealers State that Americana are t IREID. Tn Goderi3h, on Oct. 9th Charles
Applications for the pogWon of teacher of S. ��
paying better prices than they Sen got by Kennedy, youngest son of James Reid. S. No. 4, Goderich Township, will be received 0 �
' by the undersigned up to 3 m. on Saturdav • ♦ S
Shipping the animals to Montreal. EDMONSTON.-In Go'derioh township, on Oct, 16. Applicant must hold notlesa than 2nd,
CLINTONXPORTS To BRITAIN.—Some interesting Oct. 1 naton a aged
youngest daughter of Jas, and state salary, HENRY MURPHY, The Cash Dealer, Londesboro.
CQLv g t Edm onston, aeod 29 gears, Soorotar Olinton P, O.
. •, .�. � .,.: , e,.._ . s .a a ,.. -
1 Slaughter
` of $6,000 worth of
6 S
F'ng in my store, at whole-
_ sale prices or below, from now nntil
Christm s. We must nave the mo-
ney, and if you want the goods at
Vices that lan't be beat, come to us.
his is a genuine sale, and every
word that we say we mean. Every-
thing will be Bold at cost or below,
until Christmas. Mind; we can give
you prices that nobody can beat, as
we are bound to reduce our stook by
$3,000 worth Come
at once. and get
thege great snaps, because they are
worth coming miles to get,
J. B , Rumbal 1
Leader of Jewelery Fashion
Don"t, Unless you are interested in
. 111 e1'
Special attention isgiven to Millinery in this business. There is probably
more in trimming a bat than you think. A piece of ribbon, a feather and a
flower are sewed on a hat and it is supposed by some people to be trimmed,
but it isn't. it's hats trimmed as above mentioned that spoil the appearanue
of many good-lookiog women.
When a Woman Comes Here
For a hat or bonnet, we study her features, her oomplexion, the shape of her I
head, and her general appearance, and a hat is secured that is becoming to
her. A hat may be very stylish and at the some time be very unsuitable for
the wearer. Many women who look well with their hats off look positively I
homely when seen with their hats on. You might as well
Have a Hat that becomes you,
and by baying bore you are guaranteed that your fall hat or bonnet will be
satisfactory to you, and it will cost you no more, than you have been scone- I
tomed to pay -probably a little less.'
Sailor Hats
in all the newest effects. One of the prettiest is a high crown sailor in
green, oadet blue, brown, black, and garnet, just trimmed enough to make it
stylish. It's called the "Idleide." Mottled felt hate are a new fad this sea-
son. A pretty one is called the "Louise." A good assortment of sailors at
all prices. Lines at 65c, 75c, $1, $1.50, and $1.75.
Plaid Ribbon will be worn this season. Dainty designs at 300 and 45o a yard.
dissolving = Partnership .►
Wholesale Dissolution Sale !
Stock must be wholly cleared out. Since, we began our Dissolution Sale we
have disposed of a great quantity of goods. Our store had just received pits
full complement of fall and winter goods of every kind, so we're in capital
shape to give customers the benefit of a full house of new goods at wholesale
Fine Tapestries, regular 60 f 4. .. , ....... 43c
Best 5-4 Table. Oil Cloth, reg 25c, sale price 19c
Linoleunls & Floor. Oil Cloths, I to 4 yds wide
Beautiful Moquette Rugs 1x2 yds, rear 4.50 .... 3.40
Moire shot effects in ribbon, beautiful goods, as good as generally sold at 600 2 full pieces extra fine Tapes y Oc for 69c
a yard, marked here at 40o. Ribbons in all shades, 5c, 10c, 16o, 20o and 26o a ! Boys' Suits, reg �4 00 for 2 75 3
t yard. Ospreys seem a favorite trimming. We have them at popular prices. 2 pieces fine Brassels, Pieg.- $k. 5 for ...... 79C
Boys Suits, reg 3 50 for ... ....2,24
We, are Right Chiffon, newest shadings in green and purple.
3 pieces 36 ii Union Carpet, re 60 for. . 39c y', Suits, • ,g �.
P 1
We'd1likather miss a sale than send out an unbecoming $at or Bonnet Boys' re 3 00 for ...........................2 05
4 pieces fine emp, regular 20c for . 15c Mens Sults, strong Tweed, rew $8 00 for..0,30 x
At the verge of a 2 feces fine Union, re . ular 3 for, ........23c Ben's Suits, regular . ..........4.49
g McKinnon Co. Blyth P• g
perica of 6 75 for............ x
y • 8-4 Chenille Covers lovely col rs re
Men's Suits, 'regular 5 50 for.... 3.98
If you wish proof �� N� 6-4 Clieuille Covers, regular $1.50, for.... 1.15 Men's Suits regular 5 75 for
. of this come to Fine Chenille Portiers, 3 yards, lovely at- mien's Irish Frieze Overcoat "' ' ' • • 4.24
3 yn
see what
we s and terns regular $3.50, 'for ........ • ...•..2.79 long skirt, tweed lined, reg1 7��U collar, 0 2
see what we have. - _ ! >•,
.: Fine Niggerhead Bantling, 54 inch, regular Heavy Frieze, reg $6 for ....4.29
�"URNITUl�E • price •$ 50, sale........_ ............... 1.15
At the Beginning 1.
aExtra heavy Waterproof, with cape, war-
" of the fel, season our Irish Frieze Mantling, blackjight and dark
Btock of Jewelery, Spee-rown, reg $1.50 per yd, sale price ......98c ranted, regular X8.50 for ............... 7
taoleB, c4o.,and prioeBwill BROADFOOT, BOX & CO.COOveralls, Smocks and separate Pants all at
convince you. piece black Bedford Mrd mlantling, reg.
The steady increase in our trade is good r proof of the fact that
our sell cheap.
arIfri out buy same reductiou.
$�U, sale price .•.. • : •• • • • • • • •••• • • •••• • • • 9�e All Prints, best and heaviest cloth 32in. for 7 c
OUR SILVERWARE our prices lower than those g other dealers to the trade. o1
We manufacture furniture on a large scale and a afford P• y, y 8 s, ish 31antles fine A lggerhead Cloth 2 k
from ns, we save for you the profit, vdhiah, in other oases, has to be added in for ' 40 111. Apron Goods only, boll('rs 12C
The prices on tbese arti- the retail dealer. n w Collar & Sleeves, reg G.50 & X7•...$4.09 '
oleo are away down. This week we have passed into stock some of our new designs. space will not permit a
us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer,
Remembei; we are determined that our 'prices shall be the lowest in the trade.f'n
guaranteed to give satin- T T i 4
faction. In this department our stock is complete, and we have undoubtedly the bes -fnnera' 1 N T O N . t
' outfit in the county. Our prioes are as low aB the lowest,
}: BROADFOOTX. ,BO & CO. J. W. Chidley ly
P S -Night ond,Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Ch.dley s, (Funeral _'
m ( Director) residence.z
CLINTON MARKETS figures, touching importations into Britaina.1due>r#i¢z>xeat
Corrected every Thnr.day afternoon. from Canada, have just been published. En rli `?
�� Darin September, the number of cattle
Thursday, October 14th, 1897. landed was 17,093, their value being £277,- 1, M
Wheat . .............. 0 77 a 0 77 078; sheep and lambs, 11,835; valued at
Oats ............ 0 21 a 0 21 Lost in Clinton, or on the Huron road, on 25c a lb. We will quote you close rices oil quantity.
'• ,, £47;336. There were received 23,846 owte. q Y P q Y•
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Field Bayle 0 26 a 0 26 of bacon, £47,336; 17.302 hams, £36,746• Sept. 29th, a lady'a black serge ct.pe and small We baye just received a large stock of ,
Y ''' ""'' ' boy's coat attached. Finde will confer a favor
Dr. Reed's Remedy for La Grippe, cold in the head, etc., is that ounce of pre- Peas ................ 0 43 a 0 43 butter, £169,928; cheese, £520,016; eggs, by leaviugsame at NEw ERA office, t
l` vention. It' is nota patent medicine, but a regular prescription put up; twelve Rye ..............2222 0 40 a 0 40 £20,989; horses, 1,624, £40,170 The total CORONA ATHLETIC, CHEWING CUM.3,;pltr•i
` wafers in a box, with fall directions for a thirty-six hours' treatment. This Fleur per cwt ....... 2 20 a 2 65 value of the imports in September, 1895,Athletics, Cyclists and other bard workers will find this gum very invi
BUSINESS CHANGE. gQ=-:';..,G�.;,;
3 treatment, if taken in time, will effectually cure all cases of La Grippe and ) Butter in rolls ....... 0 12 a 0 16 was £849,417; in September, 1896, £851,- sting, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin. It has wonderful suBtaia«
Butter tab............ 0 12 a 0 15 997; and in September, 1$97, £1,132,378. MTh. Livery bis stud John H McCool liar been in ower, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth moist.
t cold in the head. 25c a Box. ) P g P Y g P
Eggs per doz.......... 13 a 0 13 Or, for a further comparison, take the nine x
Winters' Instant Cough Cure is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. Hay new 04; old...... 6 00 a 7 00 months ending 30' for the same three dissolved b3 mutual consent, All accounts duo BROBO-SALINE BATHING SALT
K Sept.P he late fir must be paid to Dither one within a
Sheepskins 0 25 a 0 25 years, and the totals respectively ars, L3, -
thirty day from this date. The business will
Wool ........ .. 0 18 a 0 18 591,943, £4,263,792 and £4,610,258. in future b conducted by James McCool and. Invigorating and refreshing, highly recommended for those desiring a•Seo Bath+, xY
J E HO VEY No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25 H. Davis, w o solicit the past liberal patronage g
• • Potatoes ...:.......... 0 40 a 0 40 All over the Nipissing district the potato of the vener public. H. DAVIS , t r
i" Closer Seed retail.... S 50 a 5 b0 crop this year has been a most Tile -tint ton Oct 12th, 1897. y��
Dispensing Chemist, Clinton, one, and large, smooth, mer a o H. Combe Chemist and Druggist. r,.#
4,. Timothy Seed......... 2 50 a 2 50 ern are the rule.' r
t ATTENTION LADIES -- BIG BARGAI�iS IN FURNITURE — cattle shows no material change. as Dom_ Notice is, he y given that a Court will be
• Montreal, October 11.-Tbere were about pared with a Week ago, choice States being held, pursue o the "Voters' List Act," by t
{ 600 head of sheep and lambs offered for quoted at He and Canadians at 10o. For His Honor t e age of the county Court of
The greatest drawback to marriage has always been been the expense sale at the east end abattoir to -day. The sheep the demand was stronger, and as the County of uron, at the Council Chamber,
r Clinton, on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 3pau., to O r•
` of furnishing a house, we furnish your Parlor, Dining Room, Bed- butchers were present in large numbers, supplies were not excessive, prices advanc-' hear and determine the several com faints of.
room and Kitchen with 26 pieces of good Hardwood y and trade was fairly good with a slight ad- ed lo, choice Canadiang selling at IOo. errors and omissions in the Voters' mist or the
FURNITURE FOR ii7.li0 vanes in prices of all kinds of cattle. A Municipality o Clinton for 1807. All persons
-- - few prime beeves were sold at 4�o per. lb. says
Ho .Jose retMarti from _.been u ver
havin business at the hourt are required to IN
Can I afford to et married? Pretty cod stook sold from 3 o to 3 ' `atter at the said time -and place. _
g J. H.0 H ELLEW. BLYTH Y g �• says Hon. Joseph Martin, has been urged W. COATS, Town Clark.
We say yes. Common dry ,cows and rough young cattle to enter local politics in British Columbia, Dated the 13th day of October,
sold at from 2c to 3o per lb, and some of but that he has refrained from so doing, HOWER
- the lighter beasts at about lie. Shippers even though his leadership of the Opposi- THE CLINTON
are paying 3o per lb for good large sheep, tion might result in bis gaining the Pre.
The others sell down to about 2}o per lb, miership at no distant day. The same in -aur Ready-to-wear Pants will give satifaction
r '
Lambs Bell at from 3,}o to 40, and a few formant says he would not be surprised to L u n d r' �T .T
OUTZohoice ones bring more. Calves sold to -day see Mr. Martin in Dominion polities again — J prices for nice looking striped Moleskin $1 a air•1
at from $2.50 to $9.60 each. Fat hogs sold and that at no distant day. For good, serviceable Tweed Pants, neat atterns,l 25'*
at from bjo to 6,}e per lb. v The undersigned has taken full control of the p
Clinton Laundry, and having had considerable $1.50, 1.75 and $2 a pair, and. our famous West oil '
0-ommerciai Noteg. BORN. experience, is prepared to execute all work on. 1
trusted to him in a manner equal to any City England Tweeds and striped Worsteds at $3 and 3.60
MAKINS-In Seaforth on Sept. 29, the wifeLaundry.
We are still selling out, no matter what others say to CANADIAN HAY. -The export trade in Can. or Ed. Makin, of a daughter, a pair are splendid value.
the contrary,- Our stock will be sold out as quickly as adian bay must necessarily be very limited WHITE -In Blyth, on October 6, the wife of We ient's,
o preparedto do Ladies or
for some time to come, owing to the scar- George White, of a son. Rine Goods or a
possible; owing to farmin o erations we are obll ed cit of ocean fres ht room from Montreal MASON -At Stapleton, Oct. 3, the wife of Our Ready -to wear Suits are models of excellence color
x P g g P g Y g
to go out of the Dry Goods business and the stock will Boston and New York, It fe feared there Chas. Mason, of a daughter. Family Washing, , ,
l will be no more hay space available before MARRIED. and guaranteo same to be satisfactory and at quality, cut, style, linings and workmanship will prone
have to be sold for what it will bring. Come and share Januar next. lowest prices. Goods called for or delivered to „
Y JOYNER-NOBLE,-At the residence of W. satisfactory.
any part of the town. We respectfully solicit y
in the bar sins we will Ve ou Hees and values that APPLES IN LAMDTON.-Mr. O. E. Henry' Webb Clinton, brother-in-law of the groom, a trial, as there is no necessity to send your a
g ' y P the well-known apple bnver, says the Sar- on Oct. lath by Rev. J. F. Parke, Frederick Laundry out of town.
n other house can give. We are well assorted in many Y Joyner to ilii.. Margaret Jane, daughter of
i; Q nia Observer, has purcliased and will ship Thoma. Noble, of Hallett. ARTI3UR T WITCHELL
lines; our s4ock was largo when We commenced t0 re- abort 1,000 barrels this Beason. $e esti- BAKER. -FLICK. -At the residence of the
mates the crop of sound appleo, fit for ship- bride's father, Colborne on Cot. 6, by Rev. J.
duce it, still we are very well assorted in ment, within a radius of fifteen miles about C. Morlock, of Listowel,howis Baker, of Elk- G
Tileonbttrg, to be about 3,000 barrels. The ton, Mich., to Lydia, daughter of Jacob Flick. BOAR FOR SERVICE Frieze Ulsters,averse rice is $1 75, COLEMAN -TURNER -At the residence of
g P the bride's parents, on Sept. 30rby Rov. S. A thorobred imported Yorkshire WhiteBoar
Dress Goods pita les Tun EXTORT CHEESE TRADE. — The ship- Acheson, John G. Coleman, to Miss�lizaheth for service at Couch & Wilson's slaughter
In of cheese from Montreal last week Jane second daughter of James Turner, all of house. Terms, 31 cash with rivlle a oP re-
p Stanley. turning. COUCRI WnSOON. If you want solid comfort when zero weather arrive
were again heavy, amounting to 91,507 box- FOREST-COCHRANE.-At the residence of S,
Read 1V•tade Clothiil es, as compared with 61,952 boxes for the the bride's parents, on Oct, 6, by Rev. S. Ache- CIDER ^PRESS FOR SALE. take tirne by the forelock and try one of our Ulste'rs
corresponding week last year, thus adding son, John Forest, Stanley, to A1iss Margaret,
another $600,000 to our cheese exports in a eldest daughter of James Cochrane of Hay. with Fibre Chamois interlining, Neither frost nay
Clothing, ' p g A hand Cider Pres, capable of making n bar g•
FULFORD-STERLING.-On Oct. 6, at the rel a day, in cod wortcin order for Salo Shoep
• •• single week. The consumption of cheese Also lar g win can penetrate it. Prices $5 6.50, $8 and 10
Tweeds sU,l'tl�l s in Great Britain this year has been lar el residence of the bride's father Leeburn, b9 large teed kettle.-le.STRAITI1, p yp ,
Y g Y Rev, Mr McKay, George Fulford, to Miss Clinton.
g in excess of anything before experienced. Phoebe Adeline, yoimgest daughter of David
INCREASE IN CATTLE TRADE. -An extraor- Stirling, all of Colborne. TE HER WANTED.
��'• �i dinar increase in the cattle trade at Tor- DIED.
Ys and Caps onto for the first nine months -61 the present GLENN -At Lumley, on Oct. 2nd, John Wanted, junior teacher for Union S. S. No, Long Boots
year is reported, the total number exported Glenn, aged 87 years. 6, Hullett, olding 2nd or 3rd class Certificate.
Application received up to Oct,. 23rd; to state o
to date for 1897 being 107,858, as against PATON.-In East Wawan'oah on Oct. 4th, salary wan .-JOHN WILSON, Secretary, Let Pus once more remind you that in buying ori'
We have still a lot of Boots and Shoes mostlyyouths 78,355 for the same period last year, the Celia Rintoul, youngest child of Mr, and Airs Auburn.
!J p Wm. Paton, aged 8 months.
f i total for the whole of last year being only VAMASHA B Long Boot you run no chances. We
and children's lines, way below cost price. apestry total o. The increase ie dye to the removy MCCARTNEY.-In Mooseiaw, N. W. T I on MALE - A ER WANTED.
Oct. 2nd, Mary, daughter o Robert MXart- guarantee every pair t0 give satisfaction or your monoy
and Brussels Carpets. A lot of Ladies Jackets dif- I al of the quarantine restrictions and the ney, formerly of Brueeffeld.
! Wanted, a 1 teacher for S. S. No. 10, God- back.
f stent makes and styles that we are almost giving away' shipment of stockers. HILL. -At Park River, North Dak, on Oct, orich Town olding a second-class cortifl-
•• !ham CATTLE' FOR THE STATES.—United State 2nd, JOIItI H111, youngest sol of Mrs I111, gra- C0.t0; Ono w as had solve experience prefer -
1 vel road, Hallett, aged 26 years and 4 months. red. Por�on application desired. Appliea-
come and see them. Blankets, Yarns, &c. bnyere are actively engaged buying up al tions }•eceiW to October 15.
Y g
ARMSTRONG—At Ontario Cal., bot. 7, Ernest PETER LE, socrotary, O14iton P. O,
the 0attle the can Bouure in the $anon Wilber, son of John and Nlrs Armstrong, (nee
don section and in other parte of the East- .Miss Cooper,Clin ton, aged 2 months and 5 days ;
ern Townships. They are taking all kinds CLARK -In Hullett, Oct.12, Reuben T.Clark, TEACHER WANTED.
PLUMSTEEL GIBBINGS of Stook from rslvee up to tAmericana are aged 79 years, 11 months and 18 days,
Country dealers State that Americana are t IREID. Tn Goderi3h, on Oct. 9th Charles
Applications for the pogWon of teacher of S. ��
paying better prices than they Sen got by Kennedy, youngest son of James Reid. S. No. 4, Goderich Township, will be received 0 �
' by the undersigned up to 3 m. on Saturdav • ♦ S
Shipping the animals to Montreal. EDMONSTON.-In Go'derioh township, on Oct, 16. Applicant must hold notlesa than 2nd,
CLINTONXPORTS To BRITAIN.—Some interesting Oct. 1 naton a aged
youngest daughter of Jas, and state salary, HENRY MURPHY, The Cash Dealer, Londesboro.
CQLv g t Edm onston, aeod 29 gears, Soorotar Olinton P, O.
. •, .�. � .,.: , e,.._ . s .a a ,.. -