HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-15, Page 4,_ .. x. e
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ti * # i a r ,. - the fellows who, occupied the t reasury East Huron Liberals. their votes to think seriously whether it is
bet while our owrt friends were in in the interests of the provinoe that there
tyle cold shades of opposition ; the ppub , � ahquld be a change int the government.
I lie knows their record, and can lean Aon. George Wo, ROSS and ,Hen. Hon. E. J, Davis and Hon. George W.
ILL E � L]ESits own conclusion, But we, are going Ross spoke again, each making a masterly
t to ask the Liberals in Dominion a#i'aire Mr Davis at Brussels defence of the government's policy.
t to so live up to the standard laid down a t6The'meeting concluded with the cheers.
1.by Dr Parkin that they will in reality The Liberala of East Huron bad a grand
be a pure party. It has been done in rally at Brussels on 'Thursday in the inter- Clinton C011e tate.
'- ^-^---^ the administration of local affairs, eats of Mr Alexander Hislop, the Liberal g
where not the slightest charge of cor- candidate for the Legialatare,who has been
jraltq much pleaeare in inviting the ruction has ever been sustained for nominated to carry the banner of Reform, GOmmencement.
dicta of Clinton to oome and inspect twentyy-flue years, which has for upwards of a quarter of a con-
" The fates seem to be a little against
fir stgok of a Mr T.aurier,and the Liberals who cur- tory been carried so nobly and so consist- g
round him, have now an opportunity ently by Mr Thomas Gibson, the veteran the Commencement exercises of the
�h Fall and to demonstrate that the administration member, whose familiar figure will be miss- Collegiate Institute, for it turned out
of a county may be just as clean fie ed in the next Parliament, ache has decided damp on Friday -last, the same as it
Q"VI" 7' the countre ration a justvate affairs, to retire into well-earned rest, full ofhonors. did the year before, nevertheless keen
� Millinery and action along this line will establish Not satisfied with one meeting, the en- interest was taken is the aporia. There
thusiastio Liberals decided to make a field were three aspirants for championship
� him more firmly than ever In the sym• da of it, a second cousin meeting honors, but H. Switzer, who held the
ae tb I display of estates and support of the electorate. Y g g cu last year, won most gluts In the
in the evening. The afternoon gathering P y P
I 9lyds�, Wings, Tips, was one of the most representative that has
championship games, but owing to the
' The Ottawa Valley Fires. ever been held in the riding, being compos- regulations for the cup barring anyone
Odra, �iO] vets, Ribbons, &c. AN Arl?FA- FOR H$i,P, ed of farmers from every part of the son- from winning it twice (he being chain-
atitaenoy. At the evening gathering their pion for 1806) Ross and Martin tied, so
'Fjklso our new Veilinga. We will be The following telegram was received numbers were largely increased. At both both names will go on the cup for 1897.
zellglat�d to give you a perfect fit in meetings the speakers were, listened to with The events all passed off without an
by the Mayor, via CI. N. W.T. Co.,and g p
oh�of Rpt the greatest interest and were liberally ap- accident of any account. The gams of
t speaks for itself;- plauded. A pleasing feature of the meet- football between the pupils and ex-pu-
ANTLES OTTAWA, Ont., Oct. 13, 1897. Ings, which were admitted to have been the Lila was a "hot one," the score at the
The latest reliable reportfrom Prescott most enthusiastic that have been hold in call of time being 2-2. In the play off
Ilgt11lbt3lt� Qui Opening, Satprr and,Russell counties show that the do- the riding, was the presence of the oppos- the pupils scored one goal, making the
vastation causNd by fires lof last week ition candidates and a number of Conger- score 3.2 in their favor. Mr Treleaven
I Ay'..4v9., Sept. 25th, and have not been exaggerated. About 800 vatives. made a very efficient referee, while
Apllorving week. a are miles have been burnt over, Cooper and Rand performed the duties
AFTERNOON MEETING. of urn ices, The following is a list of
a out 2000persona homeless and deatit- P g
ute, destruction of property estimated At the afternoon meeting the chair was the prize -winners, together with the
��yy��Y1 at nearly half a million. The distress taken by Mr A. 0. Dames, president of the name of the party donating the prize:
(SS E. HILLIER East Huron Association. There was also
is very great, and the need of relief ur- Run High Jump -1st, hair brush by
MILLINER, ant iii view of the near approach of on the platform Messrs John McMillan, M. J. H. Combe, D. Rose; 2nd, Bilk tie by
Vinter. The distribution oireliel'wfll" P„ Thomas Gibson, M. P. P., Arohibaid T. Jackson, sr., H. Switzer, A. Martin.
rson's'old etand, near Hotel Clarendon be attended to b the central relief Hiblop(the Liberal nomineefor the vacanap
t y created b the retirement from olitical"life Run Broad Jump -tat; lamp by Mr
comwittee,Ottawa. Will your council Y p Parkinson London H. Switzer; 2nd,
t 1 ' and eo lehel us. JOHN HENDERSON of Mr Gibson); Robt. Scott, Minto; Robert + +
WAV , -1 �iCi #i11C1111'tl#� P P P Miller, county councilor of Huron anhalf dozen water glasses, by L. Ken -
d vice -
Secy. T. Rel, Com. ned A. Martin, D. Ross.
i,-:iJaoper& Co reasepresident of East Huron Liberal Aeaooi- y+
t+-.Cooper&Co The NEw ERA will. receive subscrip- gtion; W. A. Irwin,Gorrie; Thoe.Stracban, Putting 16 lb, shot. -1st, air kid
less- W D Fair tions from any one who wishes to aid reeve of Gra ,
,d Y;_ ATwitchell y; John Smillie, Morris; G. F. gloves, by the two A. J.'s, H. Switzer;
e�4+- Tod ane Bros the sufferers. It has been suggested Blair, Wm, Sinclair, Brussels;Wm. Messer, 2nd, Naw ERA, 1 year, by Mayor
long ,A3tolioway that possibly aspecial collection could Bluevale:'as. Ritchie, Howiek; Jae. Watt, Holmes, Carlisle, Ross.
time-WYlrOuimette be to eu in the churches for this cause.
7rsie d -P B Crews Hullett; Thomas McMillan, Hullett; Dr, KickingFoot Ball 1st, News Record
160r!Naw Era office Whatever is to be done, should be done Macdonald, Dd. P.; A. Smith, Toronto; Mr
fiery LMcKinnon & Co quickly. Robertson, W ingham; Findlay Scott, Brus- far 1 year, by A. M. Todd, D. Bell, H.
rtliirt a-+-A•J Morrish , eels; Robert Graham, Brussets. Switzer, D. Hearn.
ddsc Qua --T Jackson The Stratford Heral announces the The chairman axpressed regret at the in. Run, Hop Stepand Jump -1st, "How
tcf'Revidign-W Coate P g
rptathi-Jaolcson Bros addition of a` "snak editor" to its ability of the Hon -the Premierof the Prov. Canada is Governed," by G. D. McTag.
,' n t6- -11en lson ince to be present, through illness, and the art, Switzer; 2nd, white shirt by RR
eseplaunge-Davi mccool stmt. A cruel public fight be unkind hope that he way be speedily restored to oats & Son, Martin, Ross.
Il.t... sale-C4il:d & Wiseman enough to insinuate at such an an -
health, in which he voiced the sentiments 100 Yards Race open to School 1st
nouncen0ent was un eceseary. + p +
, � �y�t� ��,, of every person present. As Mr Mooney, photo case by W. E, Rand, Switzer;
All Lt4l A. E. Pirie, edit r of the Dundas who had been nominated by the Conser- 2nd, fountain pen by Dr Shaw, Mar-
�,+' vatives ,o oppose Mr Hislop, was in the tin, H. Steep.
` B.tnner, has been nominated in the audience, he requested him to take a seat 100 Yards Race. under 15-Ist, pocket
F'Rf AY' OCTOBER 15 1897 Liberal interest fo North Wentworth. upon the platform, but that gentleman de
+ + knife by Miss E. Topping, E. Archibald
alined, 2nd, boy's ca b tiro &Wiseman,
He is a clever y ung man, an able The chairman ttlen introduced Mr Alex, y P Y y
M' �Ailiitney's Alliance speaker, an ex -Y esident of the Press W. Plumsteel, H. Barlett.
Hislop, whom be announced as the coming
Association, an will make an excel- Fati ie Race
half pocket knife, raz-
'•hal Ur Whitney was addressing � representative of East Huron in the Legis. g
I representatt ve, if elected which is latnre. Mr Hislop was warmly received, or by Davis & Rowland, Ross and P.
electors here he took particular, altogether lik 1y. Heeontented himself, however, with ex- Plumsteel; 2nd, water set by O. Cooper
Into deny that there was any al- pressingthe hope that all present would .be & Co., lemonade set by H. Wiltse, D.
p lietween himself and the Do- The late overnment used to claim Bell and W. Turnbull, Hearn and D.
benefitted and edified by the addresses they w
would hear. Allis
Lon C7onservative ort Ida ad- credit fee i a management and princi- with Polef3-fat, "Tom
P' y Mr Thomas Gibso . ` P., took Mr V ul
plea when vera Poan was put on the g
ed that h$-wus a strong admirer Mooney to task for ahem in forecast Sro vols., by J. W. Treleaven,
English fir kat ata particularly fav- the future so long ahead of time, i Gaoler- Ross; d whisk b J. E. Hove
dStll3etvative principles, but warm- + y . y+
a u3iitted an association with the orable ate. As Minister Fielding has ing that after the next election the whole Hear Tebbutt.
�p y county of Huron was going to suppo Mr
l ust succeeded in floating another 0 Ya s Race, open -1st, picture
esltion leader. He did this thing Whitney. He assured the audience t by Bioadfo t & Box, F. Willis; 2nd,
tab on his political tour that the loan at the lowest rate of interest ever the statement conld be set down se merelq photo fram by W. D. Fair. Switzer,
accepted for, a Canadian loan,2k%,it an oratorical embellishment, He then dealt McCJulloch.
e!G;Qgk the trouble to republish, follows, parity ofreasoning,that the with Mr Whitney's new platform and said Sack Rack- f dozen linen collars
f�e: y Mail -Empire, a report of a I °gush capitalists have faith in the there was not a shadow or a shade of doubt b Jackson Bros., Switzer; 2nd, pair
i i Id.I Toronto, at which Sir Liberal administration. against the Ontario Government to justify Y
the cry of the opposition that there should gold coif Linke by J. B, Rumball, Ross,
7g Tupper and other prominent Ae Blytb Fair, on Wednesday, a, be a change at Toronto, Hearn.
, atives were present, and the w ell known Conservative said to the Mr John Me Millan, who was annonneed Hurdle Race, open to Collegiate In•
o .;cam ai n mapped out 111r NEW ERA representative: -"We real- as the old war horse from South Huron, stitutes of County-Ist, card receiver
er.b,", elected pesident of the was warmly received. He contented him- by Allen &Wilson, Willis; 2nd, pair of
tl p ly have no hope of carrying either self with saying that if the electors of East ggold cuff links by Jas. Scott, Switzer,
,6,ht' At and of Whitney vice West or East Huron b Huron are only true to themselves there Martin.
dents At one of Mr Whitney's but we think we would be no doubt as to the elec)ion of Mr 75 Yards Rvice-Boys of last Clinton
wigs, after this was ' published, he have a good fighting chance in the Hislop. Entrance Class -1st, "Adam Bede,"
tly,char>red the Globe with mid- South. Nor do I think that Whitney Hon. F. J. Davis was pleased to have the and `'Last Days of Pompeii," by W. R.
;•Lihis position, but though the privelege of addressing the electors of East Lough, W. Plumateel, L. Paisley.
as several times asked Mr has any show wbatever of being sue- Huron for the first time, and regretted the
Tr ey to show wherein the mis- cessful in the Ptovine.e." Being told Potato Race -1st, alarm clock by J,
that this was a r disappointment which they experienced
meat occurs, be has so far failed petty frank admin- tiottston, Switzer; 2nd, blacking. set by
cion for him to make, the owing to the absence of the premier of the
:so(`,nor has he repudiated the re- gentleman Jackson & Jackson, D. Thompson, Bell,
of the meeting republished from again acknowledged that this was the Province, who had expected to be there. Mr
ail+. - The Globe returns to the opinion of others than himself on that Davis then went on to refute the state- 100 Yards'Race, Model School boys-
-q•ite issue of Tuesday, by pub- side of politica. ments of Mr Whitney and the opposition 1st, pocket book by J. P. Tisdall, W.
a cartoon"showing Whitney press, who have declared that it was time At . 'Ind, butter knife by Har -
for a change in the government. He asked land Bros., L. Lavis.
pdd-to the back of aTupper-faced- ", Sixty-four members of the Irish the question, Who wants a change, and why 50 Yards Race, Model School boys, 10
Whether Mr Whitney realizes party in the English house of Com- is it wanted? He was perfectly safe in Bay-
�` Tupper alliance would be a and under -fat, plate, cup and saucer
mons asked the government to calla ing that it is Whitney & Company who b G. Swallow, C. Tisdall L. Manning.
atlge to his prospects in Ontario, g y +
ga,ixte generally known such ex- special session of parliament to deal wanted a chwant a ange ie. n the Govern75rles of pn. 75 Yards, girls' race -1st, glove and
o, t for other reasons wishes to handkerchief set b Dr Gunn, M.Huck;
with the exceptional distress in Ire tarlo in order that he might get back to
�iit 'of Dominion politics, can 2nd, pocket book y Dr Turnbull, O.
uiferr d- The evidence so far land. Arthur J, Balfour, first Iord of Power at Ottawa. It is for the people of Cooper.
Ontario to state whether they desire Sir r P
Yes an alliance, and the people the treasury and government leader in Charles Tupper to have control of the gov- Yards Race -Girls of last Clinton
rd Ipivat govern themselves ac- the House of Commons has written to ernment of this province. Entrance Claes.-1st, "Mouses from an
syr:-: Old Manse, `Tales from Shakespeare"
John billion, the Irish leader, intima- Hon. George w. Rose was very glad to by W. R, Lough, B. Worthington, O.
A, Good Principle ting tbat while the partial failure of be in Brussels again. Re.was glad to see Cooper.
the potato crop is causing concern, that the electors of East Huron had nom- Egg Race for Girls. -1st, ladies' plush
Board of Trade banquet to there is no need, however, to summon inated a young, active man for the Legisla-
4 dressing case by W. Cooper & (,n.,
arliament earlier than is customary, tyre. He liked to see young men nomina-
ilfr d Laurier, in Toronto last J. Churchill; 2nd, sailor bat by W.
crenae, should the apprehensions of ted, as he had been nominated when he was
$ ,r?;.Patkin, of Upper Canada the rneniorialiste to unhappily realized, young himself. He regretted that hie old Beesley, F. Sturdy.
ey ;delivered an address• in which the executive is authorized to adopt friend, Mr Gibson, was retiring after so 75 yard Race -Model School Girls,
,ted the following remarks to the necessary measures wittiout wait- many years of faithfnl service for his con. 1st, silk handkerchief by Plumsteel &
g Ing for the sanction of parliament. stituentB, and he retired from the House Gibbings, R. Paisley.
etcher:-- carrying with him the good wishes, respect 50 Yard Race -Model School Girls -
ay to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, that if and esteem of, his colleagues. Taking up 10 and under. -1st, cup and saucer by
`silence to this county a clean THE MAGIC CITY.-Narcisae M. Can- the demand of the opposition that there J. W. Irwin, E. Cooper.
. 1. t, a government in which tine, the young Frenchman who is should be s change, be asked if that was Steeple Chase. -1st. Mrs. Browning's
buildip that magic cit on the Lake their cr at the last election for the Do•
tAaan:�fia is serving his country � g y y Poems b W. Brydone, Martin; 2nd,
shore about ten miles mouth of the minion Parliament. Certainlynot; bat itTennis hoes by Taylor & Sons, Bell,
,'19,6 t not for his own ends, but village of Bayfield; went u to the was another horse that was runing then Hearn
good of the country, be will be northern peninsula last week to buy It was a Tupper horse, (Laughter,) Mr,
1 assured of his political fut. half a million lath and the same uan- Roes then went on to show that the overn- Consolation Race for Girls.-Ist,
', -ill, nd thin there is a vast q g air kid loves b Hod ens Bros. O.
aura;.in this county who are City of shingles. He was in Detroit re- ment bad in all its record never allowed p g y g
y cently and bought one hundred ores- the interests of the rovincetoaufferb nes- Brigham; 2nd, silver shirt waist set by
1.6, OO beyond party and to lain baths for the mammoth hotel he glect. (Obeers.) It a progressive gov- P. B. Crews, D. Cantelon.
tf luau ;of bigIt character and is electing in St.Joseph, as the embryo ernment, as shown by the splendid muniei. Consolation Race for Boys. -1st,
�I I , , a,"as persons to whom the city is called. There is an air of mys- pal'systed, in the building np of which the card 'receiver by Mrs. Biddlecombe, F.
i�titent of affairs should be en- tery about this place that has aroused respected member for East Huron bad ren- Mulholland; 2nd, Napkin Ring by E.M.
. When fi0'realizes his own much curiosity. No one seems to dered good service, and he felt sure that McLean, H. Lennox.
tb,., tblieti he leans upon the know just what the man means. It is the able young man who had been nomiu- The Cham ionehi Cu was award -
Of lite' people of this country, p p P
said that all his workmen are sworn to sled to succeed him would after Iiia aspect- ed to the student taking $nd that no man is indispen- secrecy and notices warning outsiders once in the count council follow in the g the greatest
fiat he can put down with a g Y number"bf points in events 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
iatd the things which have against trespassing on big property footsteps of his predecessor. In conclusion 6 p, 12 13, 15, and 23.
ti'&I the government of this keep the curious "uitlanders" from hedeclared that no matter what government ' '
°in the past, and he can elevate knowing anything about it. Already is in power at Ottawa the present Govern- THE EVENING'a ENTERTAINMENT. -
position worthy of that great he has a small store and a three story meat of Ontario is determined not to allow The Town Niall was packed to its ut-
factory where notions are manufac- it to encroach upon the rights of +Ontario. most ca acit many standing in the
rye; from which Canada hue lured, and the buildin of n ter is entr
g P go- THE EVENING MEETING, y he ayor occupied the chair,
Ing on at the same time, besides the the following program being rendered:
11 I Is e- ment expressed in the first hotel, 250 feet by 150 feet. It was rum- At the evening meeting the Town Hall -Piano solos, Miss Irwin, .Miss Lough;
tho .above paragraph is one oted that the manufacture of alumin- was crowded beyond its comfortable caps- recitation, Miss Lucy Andrews; violin
1.-& be accepted fie a rule for urn was to be the Chief industry of the city, about 200 ladies being among the and- solo, Miss Acheson, who played ex•
new city, but no one but himself seems ionoe. The chair was again occupied by ceedingly well and responded to an en-
ai,polties, and we believe that to know for a certainty, At all events Mr. A. C. Dames. core; solos, Miss McHatdy and Miss
11 .i'als will endeavor to live up Mr Cantine seems to have "lasbins" of The first speaker was Dr. Macdonald, M. McMurray, the tormer appearing for
I I rib the members of the ov- money and to be spendinK it with pro- P. for East Enron, who referred to the sus- the first time as a soloist; recitation,
g digal hands. He was born in the cess of the Liberals m the Dominion contest Miss Grace Sheph'erd. The prizes were
)*vs, perpetrated no wrong in vicinity of St. Joseph and is only 27 and to the efforts of Sir Charles Tapper af- presented to the successful competitors
'fed t ' w of improper or unclean years old. He made some money not terthat election to organize the Conservative by Mrs Parke, During the evening
K ago by the sale of a patent right Union of Ontario, with SirMackenzie Bow- Certificates were distributed to the pu-
bM but thv''y will require to scan to a cement which be invented. ell as honorary president, SirCbas. Tupper pile who bad succeeded in passingg the
reftilly and closely every trans- as president and Mr Whitney as vidb-presid- Midsummer Examinations. The Oom-
s0 as to "avoid the very appear- The Ontario Government has voted ent, with a board of advisers composed of mercial were presented by Mr Lough;
i�V 0, $5,000 for the relief of the sufferers from the followers of Sir Charles Tupper. Form II by Rev Mr Clement; Form I1I
. the bush fires in the eastern counties. Mr Alex, Hislop made an excellent maid- by Rev A. H. Drumm, of Port Elgin,
�iberul party is by no means on speech. He pointed to tbe- unique poB- in place of Rev A. Stewart; Form 1X
W. M. Croft, an athletic and apparently ition of the Province of Ontario in its free- by Rev Mr Pocock. Each of these
OA640 Who go into politics sim• robust young man in perfect health; was Goin from debt fie an evidence of.good gov. gentlemen made a short speech in pre -
What they can make out of found dead in hie bed at Chatham. orment by the administration which has senting the Certificates, it being the
We wotYld not like to admit Some time during Monday night a fine been in power during tbb past 25 years. $rat appearance of either Mr Clement
I " man such men in the span of bays, about sixteen hands high, The electors of the Dominion bad removed or Mr Pocock before a Clinton and.
3' were stolen from the stables of J, 11, Smith, the late government from power because it ience, outside of their religious duties.
t< 0,11 but Candor compels the Highfield. was reeking with corruption, it happens that Rev A. H. Drumm And
ioti irllat there . may 'be some, D. L. Moody the renowned evangelist, Mr John McMillan, M.P., asked if they Rev Mr Pocock are both gradivates-of
� would elect Mr Whitney in Ontario for the this Institute.
0>4i=ilia better. The Liberal has card on d hie willingness to some es purpose of enabling him to assiet in turning
Stratford on Oct. 25 and 26, if these dates. oat the overnment of Sir Wilfrid Laurier?
bdeh dubbed "the parte of aro satisfactory. There will be general sympathy with 0.
1. gatise it' claimed to bo bet- (Cries a "No, ") They knew that there are M, Haya, general manager of tl a Grand
3' Opponents, more fres row Lt.^Col. Camppbell, Registrar of" Helton many Conservatives in Ontario today who Trnnk Railway,wbo bas just Ion hits father
' Usti es and tendencies, We died very anddenly yesterday in Iowa, would not desire to see tbat Government de- by death. The sad event took place in New,
-alfig to throw any stories at where he was visiting a brother, feated. Se asked the electors when casting York.
1%ws NOTES.
At Norwood,Mre, Brown, a widow rosid-
Petrolim's tax rate is 81 mills on the
Ing on the sixth line* of Dammer, was
struck and instantly killed by an east.
bound freigbt at noon on Tuesday. She
Rev. Canon Chance died at Paisley, at
the age of 66.
was close to the track when the train
�Eitrr _P
whistled, and in fright she rushed toward
Premier Hardy, who has been suffering
from cold, is now fully recovered.
A cable from, the Hou, W. S. Fielding
Toronto Univeraity has conferred the de-
shows that the Finance Minister has placed
gree sof L. L. D. on Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
the proposed Dominion loan on the London
Snow has fallen in Manitoba. It has
market. The loan is for 22,000,000 ster-
ling, and the rate of interest is 2l per cent,
proved a welcome wet blanket for the
in the inside pocket of his coat a long
"sticking knife," and then drove off. Ar•
prairie fires.
! ti of our i students l Lave taken" ellen- +
tuns within the last few weeks, Two
riving at the shambles, he forgot the keen
knife in his pocket, and leaped from the
rangements with the Hobbs Remedy Co., toto
give obeolately free of charge, to every per-
applications are now in and two situa-+i
t tions are being held until two of our i
A report from Belleville cave: -Bash
fires are running in the northern townships,
knife, driving the blade almost f,rll length
into the young man's side. lie dropped to
Pills as an agent for the speedy oure of all
and deer and bears are coming into the
the ground, and lay there for some time,
forms of kidney disease and allied troubles.
t Free circulars. 6
unable to helphimself' the, blood flowing
freely from his wound. Zimmerman was
front settlements.
--- • .
It is reported that the Quebec Govern
meat is about to abolish the Council of
Distribution of Samples
Public Instruction and have a regular Min -
matter to staunch the floe of blood. Fin -and
ally this was accomplished, but the young
later of Education.
Harry, the twelve -year-old son of Mr W.
Of Dr Hobbs Sparagus Kidney
'Weloh,.Brantford, has lost his left leg from
pills. The Universal
a point six inches above the knee by being
run over on the Grand Trunk track.
for all Kidney
y Troubles,
Fire broke cut in the warehouse owned
at Allen & Wilson's
by Armstrong and Fletcher, at Fletcher,
Drug Store.
last Fridayy night; 2,500 bushels of oats and
2,000 bushela of wheat were consumed.
Cause of fire not known,
Mrs. Brown, mother of Clark Brown,
who was hanged at Cornwall in 1883 for the
murder of his father and sister, committed
aniolde at her home in Winchester. She
was about 70 years of age.
One cheering announcement made by
Sir Wilfrid was that the Government
would run the affairs of the country and
spend its money as businessmen would run
their own affairs and spend their own mo-
f v
nes . If this government does this there
will be at least one point upon which they
i' r
will be above criticism. -London News.
The United States Labor Bureau at
Washington makes the cost of coal strikes
from 1882 to I894 $163,897,866. In these
strikes -8,714,4N men were thrown out of
employment. And what did the men gain?
Even now they are shivering on the ragged
edge of starvation, and the oilly effort made
to help (?) them is to give a few more turns
-- ,
to the tax screw. i
It is understood that Judge Wood of
Parth,bas formally sent in his resignation
1 t \
to the Minister of Justice, with an applica.
tion for a retiring allowance. It is believ-
ed the application will be accepted and the
allowance granted. Among the candidates
for the judgeship are : Mr. John E. Hard-
- I
ing, Q. C., of Stratford, a leading Liberal-
politioian• Mr. J. A Barron QC and Mr
-- <ih►►m
Yi ,_
Every child is fond of a Doll,
and consequently there are -
i more dolls sold than any-
nyother toy made.
Our fall stock is new on exhi-
bition and contains - many
remarkable Dolls; noted es-
pecially for their z.beaty and
extremely low price.
Our Toy department promises
a gay appearance by the
time our new stock (which
is now arriving) is all placed
Frank Anglin of Toronto. `
A young man named Herbert Zimmer-
Allen & Wilson, the well-known Drng-
man, of the firm of Mc]ieague & Zimmer-
fists of this town, have the reputation of
g p
to those
�Eitrr _P
man, butchers, Tborold, met with a seri-
offering patrons goods only which
ous, if not fatal, accident Thursday even"
'are known to produce satisfactory results.
ing. He went to the slaughter -hones to kill
Learning of the marvelous worth of Dr
a beef. When leaving the shop he placed
Hobbs Sparagus Sidney Pills, as eviden-
in the inside pocket of his coat a long
"sticking knife," and then drove off. Ar•
ced by the endorsement of cared patients
and druggists, Allen & Wilson made ar.
! ti of our i students l Lave taken" ellen- +
tuns within the last few weeks, Two
riving at the shambles, he forgot the keen
knife in his pocket, and leaped from the
rangements with the Hobbs Remedy Co., toto
give obeolately free of charge, to every per-
applications are now in and two situa-+i
t tions are being held until two of our i
wagon, his knee striking the handle of the
g > g
son in the vicinity who may be interested,
an opportunity to test the value of these
r students graduate. Canada's leading
commercial school Five male teach- i
knife, driving the blade almost f,rll length
into the young man's side. lie dropped to
Pills as an agent for the speedy oure of all
ers; board low; excels competitors in
f 4
! various ways. Enter now if possible. i
the ground, and lay there for some time,
forms of kidney disease and allied troubles.
t Free circulars. 6
unable to helphimself' the, blood flowing
freely from his wound. Zimmerman was
Dr Hobbs asserts that he has discovered
a remedy in his Sparagas Ridney Pills that
k1W. J. Elliott, Principal r
found some time after, but it was a difficult
witi l h i idi
ill positively care that most insidious of
common of all complaints which is
matter to staunch the floe of blood. Fin -and
ally this was accomplished, but the young
wrecking men and women. by the score
man had lost so much blood that be now
daily, viz, Sidney Disease, except where
When Telegrap"Ming!
lies between life and death, though the doc-
tumors and ulcers have formed, requiring
tbrs hope to pull him through.
surgical operation.
Fqr one-week from the date of publica•
Methodist Board of Missions.
tion, Allen & Wilson will give away, � I.,
The general hoard of missions of the
Methodist Church in Canada opened its an. to any person who will call for a sample
nual meeting last week in Halifax. box of Hobbs Spylragas Kidney Pills. .
The financial report of the Missionary With each bog ill be found a little book . �,
Society for the past year (1896.7) shows on the functions of the Kidneys, giving rw,u
that the income from subscriptions and such information as is desired or needed Pr � 4y"
collections, juvenile collectors, Sanctay by those suffering from weak _kidneys and
schools and Epworth Leagues amounts to urinary difiicnities. 4aM
the sum of $185,486 53, which, it is very No one who is affected by Kidney Dis-
gratifying to state, is $2,006 in advancs of ease and allied:"troubles, should neglect .
the receipts from the same sources a year this great opportunity. It is offered to en- R.
ago. Of this, the amounts raised by Con- able you to judge of the merits of the Rem- .
ferences is as follows:- edy. Yon do not have to take any one's
Toronto Conference .... $34,829 in. $453 opinion bnt your own. It will cost you only QUICK DISPATCH -
Hamilton Conference... 30,327 de. 488 the asking. PROMPT DELIVERY
London Conference...... 25,441 in. 817 FOR FREE SAMPLES, CALL ON
Bay of Quints Conference 21,082 in. 373 RLLEN & WILSON, Druggists, CLINTON AGENCY AT
Montreal Conference.... 32,211 de, 686 Clinton, Oat. Cooper's Book Store.
Nova Scotia Conference,. 11,499 de, 186 _
New Brunswick Con. -.. - 7,052 de, 9
Newfoundland Conference 7,578 in. 671 ��-
Manitoba Conference.... 11,993 in. 709 -- - r -V -1:0 T V V�y��-
O -&- 07's -
British Columbia Con... 3,370 in, 352 -
Yarning to the 1,49 ; India domestic Special prices in FALL AND
,misaione received $81,494; Indian missions,
$71,131; French missions in Quebec, $7,190;
Chinese missions in British Columbia, $'A,- Gents Fine WINTER
917; Japan mission in British Columbia,
$690; our mission in Japan, $25,237; our Furnishings CLOTHING.
mission in West China, 7,152; $10,243
have been expended in purchase, erection
and repair of mission property and interest Men's all wool Underwear, per snit .... $1 If you have not ordered
on same; $869 to meet needy oases of affiie- Men's fleece lined Underwear, special .. $2
tion and supply; $3,456 have been given to Men's heavy Top Shirts .... 45a your Fall Or Winter Suit
the superannuation and supernumerary Men's Shaker Flannel Nigbtsbirts....,52o
funds, for the assistance of missionaries, Men's Leather Braces......:.........35c or Overcoat, It will more
who, having retired from active duties of Men's Wool Sox, 2 pairs for ......... 25o
the pastorate, are claimants on these funds. Mes's Fast Black Umbrellas ........ $1.26 than pay you to look over
Chairman's expenses, printing, travelling Men's 4 ply Linen Collars, 2 for ......25o
Menlo Lined Kid Gloves ..............500 our stock and see what we,
expenses, salaries, office expenses, rent, etc, Men's Waterproof Coate from ...... $2 n
bring up the total expenditure to $238,824.- P p are OfEerin Perfect fit27. This exceeds the expenditure of 18956 Mena Black and Brown Felt Hate .... Me g
by $8,88$. It is also in excess of the in- Men's Fedora Rat,, special at........ $1.25
come for the year 1896.7 by $8,841. Or your money back.
Sligh's Method of Dress s A, J. NOURISH, Clinton.,e A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.
Sarnia, Out., Sept. 28tb, 1897. "NOTIIING LIKE LEATHER."
This is to certify that we, the undersign-
ed, have completed a fall course of inetruo-
tion in Sligh's Tailor Method of Dress Cut-
ting, given by Mr J. Goodson Modd, and we
unhesitatingly recommend it as the best ) t
systemand we of dress the
that we have aeon,
and we do so for the fo�lowing reasons: -
1 -It is easy to understand. The .
2 -It is simple andlaoourate in the appli-
cation of its principles. is
8-It will oat correctly any garment
work, or part thereof from actual measure-
ment, and hence is the One Perfect fitting
4, -Its cost is lees than any other system,
and its utility is greater. I None too
We also take pleasure i recommending
Mr. Medd as a thoroughly competent and O
skilMl instructor, and a gentleman worthy?.., G, 6
of the greatest confidence.
. M. E. ORMROD, Dares MAIrEn, •`' ,,1'
Mile. D. RANLAN, DREes mARRn. I ?(
[A number of other names are omitted
to gave space.]
Mr. Modd is now at big residence on Is- We want to say that our great range of Fall Goode is now coming to
aac street, Clinton, and is prepared to give hand every day, and will comprise a stook of Boots and Shoes not to be
young ladies a thorough course in dress• beaten in this section. Our reputation for carrying reliable goods is thor-
cutting at moderate charges. oughly established, and from good buyers we ask an inspection. A business
- that is growing every day is good evidence that our goods are being
Hon. Frederick Peters, the Premier of appreciated.
Prince Edward Island, is about to retire
from the Government, and it is stated on FIND Snot Dauxits
good anthority that he intends to remove ackson oftJack oN Clinton
to British Columbia, "Nothing Like Leather."
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