HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-28, Page 1VOL. XXI.
]E Ft ek IFICOE*01
The big Furniture Dealers of Clinton offer speclal reductions to the people of Blyth and vicinity, Your erpenaos paid both
ways and the goods delivered to your deer without extra charge as wo have our own tips for the purpose. We euaruute0 you
x saving of 20 per cent, which means $30 on the 91100 put obese,
Mattresses, $3.00, Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90.
Carpets, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from $8.50 to 940.00.
`LJ NT17►E.l�i. IN. Ur
We have thobeet equipment in Western Ontario, the test rubber hent: a outside of Toronto. No charge for the hearse and a
saving of $20 oa the outfit. Our 'phone number 1s 28, Night or day any call will reeava 1111 mediate attention.
F6I.A.NT CO 1-1.1§110
We handle the best. General representatives for the Gourley, Winter & Looming. Your credit Is good, any terms you want.
Bemire and bunt us up when you want anything to our line. We will hake it pay 30u.
The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers.
One 28
.. Eyes
A very large number of children
attending the schools are in tar
mediate need of gls8ses, and yet
are unaware of it.
Education depends largely on the
nee of the eyes. If these are dell•
olent then the chief basis of learn•
tag is hampered.
Too great care cannot be taken in
remedying these defecte, and only
an optician in whom explicit eon-
fi(lenco can be platted should be
Our optician will eivo eoleolen•
tions advice and recommend the
atm of glasses only where it will
oonsiderably benefit the child's vi-
READ the ads. its THE STANDARD
10 Cents
gets The Standard
balance of year
tura available with renewal of industrial
activities in early spring, If yon de.
sire one, you must enter now. Short,
Sharp, snappy courses for those whose
time or money le !(United, and the broad-
est and most comprehensive curricu-
lum for those who would attain more
than ordinary success.
Mail Courses in Commercial, Steno-
gr'.aplty, Telei;raphy, ivil Service,
llatricuiation;''Penmanship, Etc,
Write for particulars to
George Spotton - Principal
While They
Last .
The bnohelore and benedfets of Clin•
ton will have n dance le the Town
Hail on Friday evening, Nov. 29th.
1): 11'alhaee, late of Chicago, leis in-
atslled the Wonderland moving pie-
! are
ie:rare Allow and wiltgive an entirely
new program each night,
A good sized two; et0rt' addition is
being built at the rear of the Clinton
Knitting Factory to he used as n dy e
room, the present ono le the basement
being too small to eocottoda,te the ever-
increasing business,
'rite wind on Wednesday night blew
down the levee chimney at the House
of Refuge which crashed through the
roof; fortunately none of the iunlate0
were hurt, bet sono of then( find nar-
row escapes,
After thiety•two years of honorable
achievement land musical erteeminelce,
W. Doherty, like others, is transform-
ing his great, grand, alt organ manu-
facturing hnsi ues5 into ,t feint stock
company, anti is soliciting subscrip-
tions for the stook, composed of com-
mon and preferred, the preferred bear-
ing 7 per emit, Ho will at once apply
for an Ontario charter having in view
the exteosfve development of the piano
industry, while still contineing the
organ business,
D. Cantelon is experiencing the
effects of the stringeuy in the Amei'i-
can money market, Some time ago he
contracted with a New Yorker to de -
live' 10,000 barrels of apples. After
receiving about 0000 barrels, the
American telegraphed of Saturday,
cancelling the balance of the order as
he was unable to procure funds for the
balance of the ord,r,
The following is a list of the Model -
Res here who have secured schools, at
salaries from $850 to $litO :—Tillie Zim-
mer i11 Wallace Twp, ; Vera Glenn,
Proton 'Pop, ; Reta Keys, Stephen
Olive Leishman, Haldimand Co, ; Ella
Mahaffy, Goderich Twp, ; Stella Neth-
ery, Mono Twp. ; Idory Scott, Morris
Twp. ; Gertrude Thompson, Stanley
Twp. ; Jessie Wilson, Morris Twp. ;
Archie Campbell, Mount Forest ' Net-
tie Mitchell, Conn ; Melvin Dodds,
Walton ; Wm, Oliyar, near Seaforth ;
Nixon Welsh, Blenheim Twp. ; Wm,
Manning, llearsia Twp.
Miss Edith Jenkins has been re-
engaged as teacher of S. S. No, 6, at a
eatery of $876,
Trio ninny friends of James Snell,
will regret to learn that his wife is in
poo' health, and under the doetor's
mare. Itis hoped that reit and careful
nursing will restore her to complete
health and strength.
Jas. Lenglo,y, formerly of the L. H.
& B. section staff, is lying in the
the Hospital at Niagara b'alle with
typhoid fever and pneumonia. In eon•
sequence thereof Miss M. Crawford has
gone down to visit Mrs, Langley,
Our readers will learn with deep re-
gret, though not surprise, of the death
of Adam Weir, of the dil con., which
took place Thursday morning of last.
week, after a lingering illnoas of
Bright's diseoeo. Deceased has been in
such a condition for some time that his
death was xntieipated, though he bore
his illness cheerfully, sed looked with
faith and hope to the future. Born in
Dorchester tp., Middlesex, he lived'
there until 22 years 400, when he
bought the Ewing farm, He was a
man of strong personality, genial dis-
position, and a good and true friend,
ganlities that made highly esteemed,
Besides his wfdnw, he leaves two sons
on the farm, Len and Edwin, and a
eon, Archibald in London. He also
loaves three brothers in Dorchester,
throe sisters in London, and one in
Nissouri, He was a Conservative and
one of the most faithful members of
Ontario street Methodist church, That
the family have the sympathy of their
many Mende goes without saying,
The funeral toolr place on Satnrdny at
1.80 p. m,
Just 25 Suits and 25 Overcoats
left to clear at half price.
Heavy Tweed and Black Melton Suits, regular $8 to $12, got
to clear them at $5 to $8.50.
Black Melton and Beaver Overcoats, also a few patterned
Coats, regular $8 to $15, going at $5 to $9 and $10
A number of Heavy Tweed Pants, regular $1.25 to $3.50,
your choice of these at $1 75.
Hats Trimmed
Free of Charge
Commencing to -day you can buy Millinery at this stores
at a fraction of its real value and have one hat or a dozer'° .
trimmed free of charge.
All Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats have received their
mitrcging orders, and to -day you can buy Stylish Millinery at
prices unheard of.
Prices like the following will not be had every day, and
the sooner you are at hand the better the bargains you can,
There is again some talk of having
our school properly graded, Irl thio
respect Heneall is behind.
A, Whiteside and Ed. Linderfleld put
on the corrugated iron roof of the
Methodist Church shed,
W, Cudlno'e & Sons are pressing
hay in Tilberry and recently shipped
40 carloads to the old country,
Mr. Bonder, of Zurich, has been ne-
gotiating to lease the Commercial
Hotel with a view of running it, but
we understand he could not make satis-
factory arrangCmerlts,
The new Methodist Church shed
which was formally opened lust week
is 100 feet long Its, 60 wide, The walls
are of cement mixed with stone. The
gables are built up square with the
peak of the roof which is stooping, The
The bricklayers aro nearing the top
course o1 the Jackson building, }vent
street and u few days will see theroof
The knitting factory is stili running
on ordered goods, making the working
season of 1907 one of the longest for
some yea's.
A. Duff, who leas been away from his
post at the public library for several
weeks o1 account of illness, died last
Oven 1200 persons patronized the
Wonderland moving pictures on the
night of the hospital benefit, and the
hospital fund tva5 incret1500 by 5511.
11 rs, John Tutt and Mrs, Kenneth
Cempboll have returned from the At-
lantic Coast, whore they had been vis-
iting their eon and husband, Captain
Kenneth Campbell,
It. Carr -Harris, who is in charge of
the C. P. It, construction office at Isis-
towel, was in town last week. He is
Don't fail to get our Suit or Overcoat Bargains this week. the father of our former weff-known
young roan of the same name,
Iu repairing a bnitding one of our
. coltreetors cane across a 110111e writ.
ten thereon, "Daniel Henley, June
21st, 1053," Do any of our reeidents
t'ecai the name,
a Lorne C. Todd, who served his time
Full Line of
Knitted Coeds 0nth0Starandfor sometime circnla•
1(011 manager of the Woodstock Even-
ing Express,, is spending a few weeks
at the family residence,
James Johnston, drayman, wes'se'i-
ously hurt while wnleeding a piano at
the weer street rink. The piano slip-
ped and 11e fell partly andel' 1t and re-
ceived a bad gash on the side of his
head, 1 1,
On Monday the dredge Arnoldi lifted
a large boulder from the centre of the
harbor. It was too large to enter' the
dipper, but was brought up through
the cup getting under it. It was the
largest boulder eve' raised in the bar-
ium, and it's a good thing for naviga-
ticu that the dipper gripped it,
Trimmed Hats at $1,93,—half a dozen
more Stylish Winter Hate in almost any
of the fashionable shades worn this year,
regular prioe up to $4.80, for $1,95.
Beautiful Trimmed Hata $3,90,—About
half a dozen of our fine Pattern Hats in
velvet and French felt shapes, trimmed
with wings, wide ribbon and velvet, rep.
lar price up to $7, for $3.90,
Black Dress flats $8.550.—here is one of
the best bargains we have ever offered In
Millinery : Light only, beautifully made
Hats, some trimmed with large bleak
wings, ribbons and silk velvet, others
with large black ostrich plumes, regular
price up to $10, for $8,50,
New Winter Shapes 9Sc.—One dozen
only, this season's newest Felt Shapes 111?
six different styles, almost ell colors,'
ouches cardinal, brawn, myrtle, navy,
grey and black, regular price up to $2.18,
oholhe 98c.
$l Colored Wings pair only,
Whigs in almost all the leading colors,
such as grey, green, navy, etc., regularr
price 75c, $1 and $1,25 pair, choice BOc.
$3,30 Black Ostrloh Feathers $1.00.—
Six only large Bleck Ostrich Feathers,,,,,,
beautiful glossy blacks, floe quality fibre,
regular price $9.60, for 81,90.
his son, W. J., went to London for the
purpose of undergoing an operation for
the removal of cataracts from his eyes.
As the physician advised that it is too
soon to remove them Mr, Bissett re-
turned home, but will go to London at
some time in the near future to under-
go an operation,
On Tuesday afternoon last Mrs, T,
H, McCallum met with an accident
while piecing a wringer on a ehol(.
The machine slipped from her grasp
and falling struck her on the hand in-
flicting several gashes, which necessi-
tated the services of a physician to
close. Miss McCallunm's room at the
school was closed on Wednesday on
acdount of her being unable to attend,
Wingham has over fifteen miles of
cement sidewalk.
'i'he Ontario railway and municipal
board has approved a bylaw of the
immense structure is lighted by six town of Wingham for the issue of
small witidowe at the sides, and set- debentures amounting t0 $1800 for the
extension of the water system,
Il, H. McKay, of town, has again
been appointed Deputy Game Werden
for thisdistrictby the Whitney Govern.
mont, Mr. McKay, we understand is
the only Deputy Warden in this
Airs, McDonald, sr., who is living
with her son, Councillor McDonald,
has been seriously ill for some time.
She is past her 9001 year, Her &laugh•
tees, Mr's, Misner, Windsor ; and Mrs,
l'hurlow, Drew ; and her 5021 John
McDonald and wife, of Goderich, visit-
ed her dur ng the past week,
Mrs, Thos. Bell 1,11e been seriously ill
for some days and wee taken to the
hospital on Monday Last, Mrs, Bell's
matey G'i011ds were sorry to hear of her
critical illness, and ell were pima to
learn on Tuesday that there was a turn
for the better and we hope recovery ••
may now be rapid, ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••
All arrangements are now c0n1ldet0
[• I 1 S tt' 1 (cert to be
to per cent off for next week in Sweaters, saucy Vests,
wailers and Toques.
Clothier and Gents' Furnisher.
E L sr W 13
oral larger 0205 la the gables. There
are two sliding doors, one in the centre
of each gable, .1110 0tructute Is the
largest of the kind in this section and
cost about $111J0.
East W awanosh.
Revival meetings are in progress in
Westfield church at present.
Arany reenters of the 9th complain of
losing fowl by theft. lately,
Miss Minnie Nethel'y spent Sunday
at Geo. and Mrs, Henderson's,
Miss Amnia Densmore is home after
spending a month with friends in
1f ichigan,
Mis1Cocelia,l'toss, of Seafort.h,_spent
the week•elld'at the' home of Geo, and
Mrs. Henderson,
Mrs. B. H Taylor, who has $esti"
suffering from rheuntatlsm for the ;past
two Weeks, In better', .
Mr, I:'ingland, teachel',(l'thd'nth'
line echool, intends to bQgin ills studies
for the ministry niter Xmas' holiday0.
We are sorry to 5�1tte that Mrs,
Ezekiel Phillips, who has been in poor
health for some time, is not improving
as quickly' as her many friends and
neighbors would wish.
A frame building in which Harry
Craig, 6th line, had a number of int
pletnents stored, w'ns burned one night
recently, The building is quite iso-
lated from Mfr. Craig's dwelling and no
filo has been near it in any possible
way to cause the burning of it. Any
one who would lower himself so Gtr as
to set lire to a person's property, ought
certainly' t0 spend a few years at
An advertisement in TtnH STANDARD
Help for Weak Eyes
The woadarful new methods of oye-
s:aminingused bythe Talt•BrownOptical
Co., of London, ars relieving the aye
troubles of hundreds of people. In some
caeca of long standing that haw sever
been successfully corrected, the results
are marvelous,
Our science le the practical demonttra-
doo of the wonderful discoveries made at
the world's optical centras of Berlin,
Paris, Landon and New York.
ttrestosr srcct tusrs
237 Dada 31., Lobo, Oat
••••••••• •••••••••♦ ♦♦•♦♦1
44 of Toronto has started thousands •
• of young men and women on tate ♦
• easy way to ludependeaee and true• •
• cess. Let us give you the right •
• start. Write for catalogue and
•plan to spend the next six months •
with us. Enter any time. Ad• •
• dreae, W. H Shaw, Prinolpal, •
• Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. •
01. 1.le anima c0 101 501
held on Friday evening, Dec, 18th.
The committee have secured the follow-
ing talent :'l'he Imperial Mete Quar-
tette, of London ; Miss Elspeth Me-
l/maid, elocutionist, Toronto; J. II.
Cameron, humorous entertainer ; ,las.
Fax, hmnorist ; Miss Ina Riddell, of
London and the Misses McDonald,
Highland dance's, and Piper Mc-
Mrs, F, J. Wickwire has rel tuned
front nit extended trip to the principal
cities 0l the Casten States.
We aro pleased to; state that !)avid
W van fs aide to be`"about o1 eremites
ant11o11 Sa'md y took a welk up town.
The choir of the 'James St, church
assisted with the nrogfan in connec-
tion with the 1Zirkton Methodist
church anumtlfowl supper.
Miss Daisy,Hodgsott, who is attcud•
ing model school at Goderich, is en•
gaged to teach at Brigdeti schoal, In-
ui'•killeu at a sa.l ry' of $400,
'Thos, B weft, Jgr,; aeco)tfp'a11i011 by
We have just received another
large „consignment of
Smallpox at Goderich. •
Smallpox is epidemic here and be-
tween 40 and 60 cases have been quar-
The schools have been closed and a
general vaccination of citizens and
eh ldren has been ordered.
The churches had no service Sunday
on account of the outbreak. Service
was held in the Roman Catholic church
but en announcement was made that
no further service would he held until
the spread of the disease had been
Many cases in rural portions aro re-
Dr. Charles A, Hodgetts of the pro•
vincial health department has arrived
hero and is (loin(( all that can he done
with the staff or local doctors. Most
of the cases are being treated in private
residences, The majority of them are
very mild,
— Sets
We have 25 sets to choose
from ranging in price from
$6.50 Up.