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The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-15, Page 2
„V-rWP-V10rrJy--"M-,r,rR%WWA” I . . � � I . ,7,rr P-177 IM ,,, ,, Mw� . y 9. ,. • . - , . 4 - y • - - ,' INTOIX : A .. 11 . fi ., .... 1 � +N %* `, Osytield , (fin n jy n+ �y ,, �{ Q 7 ri J , ouY�4 r �i��pp^p . hi :; p Qtlll $Y 13PQ# ywile fir AatZ tl#O WOrde, �� Vn. , .: : a., • , :• . _, , 2. 1 AI+rl4#+"41'Rp>2a`=: Y1�'t. „ , !Ch@. .....i- day' morning„ have tzmecl thelaee ve t' I A� 1�Il D ostonalaudotherCards �Tw1pq eo>rredpundent of the Parkhill the beating of the horses' hoots, Ardent �n t,� YroPe t 1, Igazette has the fgllowing paraggraph; Fire is still ragtn in the Hay swamp amblbibnakindle hi her an hi her, Yon Chas@ o! Mr Feson's political friends and a. great -lose o timber has already prase yo it fingers o the and of your'k 6 sl�A�vE ,, ; who fear he wa have `become resulted, yTAMRS SCOTT. y a con, sada to teal that you Are indeed real; and - vert ti (7anaervfative principles, need Qoderich has been chosen as the Ilett II yon are thinking "to -day I shall work! to, Who is more a el D not lose. any sleep over tt. The par,- lace of meeting foil the LogdOn Cat}. 1 day I shall strive and agonize to see truth- Tbls id the obutplaint of who ave than the woman Barrister, Solicitor ..." 1 graph eaytl:- "Mr Jahn Eseon, of the r worries and ~Meience. fully,•a•to•da�l,-ah, how grand and cod thoaeaudi� at this Beason. perspires over a red. manse, yv11p has been spending the 0.04It tR I A thti. Wish th9 strength to They have no appetite; food ��� hot stove to do the family baking. CONVEYexalsR �o, ' summer at Bayfield, has paid bis J. E. Hammond, New York, broth@r .seize this o'>ae'more opportunity!" And dooanotrelish. The needtheto, I n .o Nineteenth century women deserve a 164frienda in Nairn a flying visit, but on 0 M- H. Hammond, Blyth, has pur. then you feel something wet on your F g p ! better Pato. Genuine old fashioned Oommiesionor for Ontario and Manitoba, the stomach and digestive organs, which Office immediately south of Gilroy,k W100 his trip lie met with a sad Calamity cased the tars Leader newspaper, cheek that is not only ujornin mist. who t t 11whiglt.I.muet tell you about, -Inform- J $e that ht s experienced it; will for a course of Hood'e'Halwaparilla'Wili give Family Bread at �.! .� �' cl Alta ? e9. r ears Mr Eason was alwa s consid- ]Udall, son of N. J. Kendall, G.T. P get the y y sensation o! entering the studio eat them, It also purified and en;lohm the dames MCClaehert gS Ws BR'YDO rr� �`` rr ww �i�' �pp ii^^ ered a pillar in the Grit camp, but un- R agent, Bruesele,is laid up with a bad g Yon ' !i • �r lt7'.11N. fortunately. on this tri he "Viet in attack of typhoid fever in Toronto. Monday zxldrniag. The hash, the an- blood, oared that distress after eating and y t y p P wonted order prevailingamott at the tor- internal miser only ads Pare, light p BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, >`TOTAiiY London a Mr Stanley, who accom an- Mr Fred Fisher, of Usborne, who we eat of easels, e gnph, s!ked floor, bha gray know, creates en a tits o�eopmia that ing at home&too.HaWe a tllal a bek PUBLIC, ETO. sty seven of out raduates hake P reported, as bei appetite, ha ea in , i. a placed ,in goo ositions dur• lea him on the° train to the junction, P g seriously ill of brain light filtering throe h the old - patched east of Ailsa Orai Mr,Stanle bein a trouble last week, is im rovin g P tired feeling and builds up and.lsustaiaa Ice Cream and Office -.Beaver T'�k• Li -the year, ui s stem 4f g, y 8 .. P g• akyligli t"ching oareesingly,the rows of 11 Book-kebpin.'g is actual business pronounced Tory on Itis way to hear Death has removed another old sett- couptless studies, compositions and plaster- the whole physical system. luso prompt- lee Cream Soda. Up-,a�s, Opposite Poster's tot gallery, r WhitXe the leader of the O osi- ler from the Lumle neighborhood in pasts covering the battered old wallB ly and efficiently relieves dyspepticnymp- CLINTON 'irons. Shaft to $riiah. Our Shorfir PP t�tI department is the most thor- t►op, teatht at Parkhill. A s a nut- the person of John Glenn, who did on Throwing aei(do sap and cloak, yon doff the toms and cures nervous headaches, that I t As we have now a new and up-to-date np�ggh�� ilX (7knatlii• ural eonsnee, Mr Stanley put in Oct. 2nd, aged 87 year,. , blas (or grayy) blouse, so typical of. French seems to have almost "a magic touch." fountain with patent syrup jars, Call M: G. CAM EROIV ?rite #p>rparticulare, hie„very best licks at convincing Mr studios, feeling a desire to dance down the - and see our new first (Formerly of Cameron, Holt � ormeroa)f g Mr Cleo. Dale, of the Huron sad g prize Eason of the useleesnesa of supporting Tuckersmith, recently sold a $ne long vista of cleared floor eo soon to be Ghfeago bunch Cakes. �• Sa NIM1n0 the party now in power. Mr Stanley, drau ht foal ,,�dor the handsome sum of compactly occupied, Instead you only BARRISTER AxD SOLIOITOlt. Geeing that be was gaining round, $I00� Mr Mae knows the kind of begin inspection of Come early as they sell uickl 01 u courage until, train etc "�hlstla and a in a close ins # q Y• office -Hamilton tat. off Datta CoIbtSMIe Housf► " -pickedP g id horses to raise. brushes and palette, How fou love thatHo-dd Wedding Galles"a S eclalt GODESIo ed at the unction when who did P yONT t i >i'ROrthy of note that the Bern- P 1 - old color bag, The great stove is glaring ,S --- there but Mr .Whitney and his troop Dr. J. C. Thompson, formerly of Ex- with helit;already and Annette, the ser. PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET flab ;gi.ven to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, ging t0 Parkhill to show up their afar. but for some years connected vont, is filling the hiesing•reservoirs. Oth. Sarsaparilla '^---- D� �'' MAG���RSON• Tor rihci les. with the Presb terian mission in Can _ �,uY thy City oi'r Toronto, was a cold- y P P Mr Stanley immed er students come trooping in, all ages and lately introduced Mr Eseon to his tral India, has just returned home, his nationalities all "colors." Friend FOR SALE. CONVEYANCING, -'.tO.one so far as - the committee of health being completely greets Is the best -In fact the One True Blood Purlfler. aligemepte are concerned. Guests friends al a probable convert. use g P etelo broken down. friend, The page are filled to overflowing The undersigned will sell ata eaorlaoe, Lot 461 �E. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSUJU QOa Whitney loot no time in making use He is now on his way to Denver, COI. with cloaks and caps and paint boxes are the best atter-dinner or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars 451 ay pricure wine if they. .wish to or- of his golden opportunity by using the The Provincial Inspector of Insur- strew every available Inch. Blue blouses Hood 8 Pi11S pills, aid digestion. 26c. upon appitcation, JAME& SCOTT, Barrister cru MONEY TO LOAN, tl@r 1t, bat none will be served in con- most convincing{ and converting argu• ance Companies was in Seaforth on are hurried on, faces are alert, hands eager et't>nn,with the banquet. merits that could be used by any re- Wednesday. He inspected the books with nervous energy;Office, MacKay Block, Clinton. cuffs aro removed, anatomy classes Monday, Wedneaday and HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT '1;4e,';;QntariO Government—whether spectable. man. Mr Whitney seeing of Mr Shannon, Secretary of the Mc- sleeves turned black to the shoulder. A Fridaystrongly hie arguments and pursuasious were Billop Co., and of Mr Cameron, Secre oontueaed babel o! Bound throughout the nights; these are etron 1 attended Several houses either for sale or to rent. Fall takin and splendidly given, The broad tables P tioulare on applioatton to JOHN MOGARVA JOHN R IDOUT. � ,t fraYl�Iens to be Liberal or Conserva- g effect u on Mr Eason he order- lacy of the Ueborne and Hibbert Co., room, The maseiere, or superintendent, strewn with human bones, skulls, sbould- %' "should make up its mind to abol- ed the train to be stopped Bo they could and highly complimented both gentle- appears then, Annette calls in, one by ere, arms, bands, lege, feet, with muscles FOR SALE. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETU put up a word of thankfulness for the men on the neat and careP.il manner one, the taw models chosen from fifty or _ ,flail ( Q. Ornment House dt the end of conversion of such an old standby from in which they kept their books, sixty, who clamor at the studio ever and tendons intact. A black -board upon 1b'aotor and oontente on the ro art of y which we are called upon to demonstrate y p p D, ,Fire Insurance. Moneyy to lend, .Real carats Ii .Ul verMowat's term of office. We the Grit camp. But it ie not, all gold Un Saturda last Lockhart's caw mill Monday morning, Oat o! the few the best the complete Bkeloton and the living model. bal.banan6 orlo lam' by paytng 15 down and matters carefully attended to. 'quid prefer to see it done sooner, but that glitters wait until Mr Eason one ie chosen by vote, and with what scare S a month, Builtng to be re- t eiiQuld be done in any event at the comes across Scottie and Political Bil- McKillop, an the surrounding prop- interest this is accom liehed. How much The flarine lamps that threw gruesome moved. Apply to J• SCOTT, Clinton. Office --HURON STREET, CLINTON -Bbd Uf five years, t arty had a narrow escape from destruc- P shadows, the intent faces of the etadente y, then we will see whether Mr Eseon s tion by fire. Fire had been burning in it means to each student, as we throng massed in the background; the professor HOUSE TO RENT. conversion is genuine or not. So far the adjoining bush for several da a about the model -stand, waiting until a gesticulating with his instrumeate, and s The dobe is trying to persuade the we have our doubts. y ' supple, bronzed, broad -chested fellow Comtortahle. eight•roomed house on Albert R. AG N EW a and the extreme drouth and high winds P sharply correcting any poor demonstration, Stroe _ IMalh+Empire to avoid wisrepresent- - of Saturday caused it to spread toward vas is onto the 'stand and takes a `•pose" Thus do the students draw near to that able. tApply ttoarMRS and stable. Ratte bury , CLINTON that calls forth a ria of applause, ora street• DENTIST tipi.;:and yuccas a course of honest, C the mill property. By hard work it steps on, the pearly whiteness of her young crucial day to which the hardiest among t aig,Worward reasoning, The effort' Crisp County Clippings was kept in check and not very much Y g them never become indifferent. AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY Og damage was done. body glistening in contrast to the dull ear- FINE FARM TO RENT. g Friday morning -Yon are on the alert __ EACH MONTH Wilf,llplfruitless. On a certain occasion Conductor Hunn is again on the roundings. S We note with pleasure that W. O, early enough that day, and in Your place, That flue tarn on the 13th con. of Hu11etL, be. elate; O. � W. Bunting, then Manager track, and arrived in Goderich on Mon- McTaggart, son of the respected post- The pose selected, then comes roll call in palette in hand, when the model takes the ing lot 23, is offered to rant Office H e 11I'ail; was discussing with a well day, in charge of the early train. alphabetical order, and as each is called the pose at eight o'clock, You try vainly to It contains 150 acres, 180 cleared wth frame ours -9 to 5, 1 ' master of Chiaelhurst, has been a g nOwn publisher, an important coca- P one called oboe seB her lace. An exciting work while house and bank barn 60x60, and is most eligibly bion, Bunting, alluding to the;course of The Mcl:ougall Parm, on con. 12, Pointed principal mathematical mss- P g you are nervously alive to situated, J. MCCLACHERTY, Clinton. ter at the Technical School at Toronto. Performance, to be hastily decided aeon; every Bound in the bureau' or office that BRIIir'Es the .Mail on the matter, said "We lied East Wawaposh, has been sold to Mr DR• T. C p This institution is for the education of and perhaps every place in the room to might indicate the great man's arrival. pROPEItTY flog SALE SURGEON DENTIST, ight i3t>raight through it,"and he avid- Taylor, of Kinloss, the price paid being Tchoose from, from the high stools in the When the tension of the whole class has G adnate R O D S of Ontario, and Trinity e11t7y. thought it was a Clever thing to $4+ engineers,mechanics, etc., and as the outer rooms to the lowest foot stool at the become wrought to a high pitch through For sale, that proparty on the south ei y Toronto, day. 1* classes are conducted at night, this en- model's feet, the student all the while writing the bell is heard and we know beSpecial, versify R. S. Laog, Exeter, is confined to his agement will not interfere with the g Huron Street, Clinton, directly opposite t e Speoiat attention given to the Preservation it bed throu h illness, He had been �usiness in which Mr AlcTa scanning keen! aver fresn beast reveal- hue come, Present! havin donned hie roeidonco oL Mre Walsh. There is a two-etor the natural teeth, g ggart has g y Y y y' g frame house on the lot, which is no�srly half an +• Additional Local News• away looking after his apple interests, been engaged for several years. ed by the change. studio coat, be 'enters, the door held wide acre. Tt,e prot,ertp ie most elf�ibly situated, oihoe, Coate Plock, over Taylor's shoe afore "t ,.' -- and came home ill. Jno, Cluff, son df Mr Noble Cluff, of Finally the crowd is placed, each por- by the obsequious eervantB, and amid a and will be sold for 8400 cash. For particulars N. B. Will visit Blytb every Monday and O THE SQUARE THING. -Occasion- tion of ersonal territor flattering of the women in office and r apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinto❑, The mission of Hood's Sarsaparilla is to Seaforth, met with a painful accident P y chalked out on pro Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during th 4hy 'e' agent fora Toronto or London P found salame, all of which are lost on the summer house, canvasses the town for tea and care disease, and thousands of testimonials at his father's planing moil i n Thurs- one the floor afresh (and woo betide the one man who enters ravel CHOICE FAU rove it fulfills its mission well, day mot lie was workin at one that trnnsgreeses an inch daring the week , g y, quietly, with bent IVI FOR SALE, i# Ice- ,orders, obtainin considerable masses of canvas, new and old; b head and a calm "good morning." That a lendid [arm o❑ con. 1 Staul R• wM• GCNN, L. R. C. P. and L. ft P of the machines, when his hand came before each walks to the easel nearest the door,and the p ey, (Lon- D Edinbur h. Ofli - o. S I* nCOurag@meat. This Ie another in- Word liar been received that W.Eid- in contact with the knives, and two canvas an individual. Al] Ie a ferment of don !toad,) boing tot S2. is offered for sale on Night Dells a g oe Ontario Sreet, Clinton �00LI I v6hieh Our merchants, who er, jr„ who left Hensall a short time fingers "were taken off, Mr Cluff is Preparation. French, German, Russian, unerring, terse, severe criti: ism has begun, easy terms, 97 acres, 91 clearod and in hi t front door of residence on Ratten Airidng our, principal tax -payers, a o to resume his studies at Toronto rather unfortunate, as it is not lou Italian, English; all talking at once, all amid a Bilenee the greatest the studio has state of cultivation. Farm is only 2 milesfrom bury St., Opposite Presbyterian church. g movie twisting, g known since the preceding Friday. With Clinton. Frame house and barn, bearing or- aye cause to complain. Citizens who niveraity has taken ill, the cause be- ago since he met with a very similar g+ g, olimbin like an war's chard, we11 watered, and a most desirable pro- fo t$is are simply helpsng t0 koll trade ing possoningof the glands, accident. neat. Each one intent on installing her- not a moment's interna] he passes from porty.-C}. D. McTAGGART, Clinton. flUnJ. L. TIIRNBIILL, M- �D. TORONTO tad in, the end will lose far more than self into as much of the little comfort to be canvas to canvas, talking to each student 11 J. L. M D• ULL Viotorla IIni ON fleygain. Paul Coates has purchased the farm It is with deep regret that we an- had;aa possible, and without the slightest in a low voice, which is yet heard distinct- PROPEIi,'1`Y FOR SALE. go OPBc S•, Ontario. Fellow of theObstetrlci of Mr McLeod, on the 2nd con. of Us- nounce the sudden death of one of regard of that of her neighbor "Close ly throughout the room. Each student, y oiEdinburgh,late ofLondo.0b „sad iiGu UP. - It may interest our borne and takes possession in the Brussels most respected citizens, J.Mc- ' as he stands at her side, humbly realizes s -- Edinburgh Hospitals. Offioe•-Dr,Dowse 'e OWnapeople who think that Clinton's ' P l hears iB called, reducing chaos to order. + Y nbscriber offers for sale the 25 acro lot on office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Ni h y old 11 Me of tsxation-21 mills -plenty high spring. Mr McLeod recently purchas- Cullough in his 62nd year, who though Very Boon the model resumes the pose, the the master's greatness. How clearly be the 2nd con, of T„ckersmith, being lot 46, answered at the same lace. g bel Agilgh, to know that the rate in Gide- ed the farm from E. Christie, Exeter, not being well of late,was in fair health grating and scratching of charcoal be Ina, reveals your mistakes, and with what pro- Tl'Bre are, n the premises a two st.,rev brick p on Thursday last. He was at the fair and in ten minutes almost com ]et g ue' found thought does he robe even our in- dwellinx, bank barn, carriage house; and other eph load been fixed at 25 malls for this We regret to elate that Wm. Mal- y p g P Y out -buildings. The place is Wel, watered, and R, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, eat What is much more to the lough, son Of the late Joe. Mallough, of °n Thursday and on Friday he took once reigns, tentione, A word of praise from his lips Is has a good orchard of two acres, and between D AN, SIIRGEOl� Dun annon bad', on Saturday he grew worse and on well worth all the striving and sorrow each two and three acres of hardwood bush. dituate A 3coueheur, etc., office and residence on. a�edit Of Clinton is the fact that we g , is very iii, His many Sunda he had a stroke of aralisis Ohl the thrill of those silent hours, Stan- must experience to attain it. Sometimes about three miles from Clinton. -MRS H. o•- tarso St-, opposite English church, former! lave paid our county rate every year, friends are ho in for hiss sed re• y P ' dsng shoulder to ehoalder in the arm of P + BRIEN, Clinton P. 0, copied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont• y °O d cover p g P y and despite all that medical aid could Y bat rarely„he takes the brnehesand pnlatte t 44x , Itis said, four ears, hue nothere Y• do he succumb to the fatal effects of ardent, splendid hard working women, from a girl whose work interests him un - o pr til Fee or four years, andis, there- The property belonging to the late the sl roke on Tuesday morning,Octo- The bared, outstretched arm, the supple assail and ” GOOD FRAME RESIDENCE y, paints. an entire "terse,” Ilse R STAN1tURY, GRADUATE OF T ire# hti much mono indebted, Mr Ruston, on Simcoe St., Exeter, was her 5th. wrist, the quick fingers, working out each powerful unerripg touches conquering the FOR SALE Medical Department of Vlotorla Unfe$ sold under mortgagge on Monday, and line as with the worker's own heart's blood, subtly difficulties with such consummate Bity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and ,MeYURGANIZLIACOMPANY.-When was purchased by W. Youn Por 310, Lipa oompressed, half closed eyes cerin The frame house situate on tho •nor of County New York, Coroner for he W11amiltou, a member Of a Liver - intent) from ander P g skill, throwing into the work such we. The and Rattenbury Streets, is Iapa�ed for County ofHnrou,BayBeld,Ont. The property comprises a small frame i Y paper shades fastened palpitating ]ate, each epontaneoae notion, sale ou reaeonob•e terms. It ie story ai a halt, o 1. ptoduce firm, was here last week, house and wo lots. A Week of Student Life In over the head. What a anion o! pent-up snob nameless beauty of technique, that n containing o nrea tone rooms and kitchen, with frost- hlene{]rof 8 pork packing establish- p,�l,is feelong and purpose; how magnificently moan of a reciation borate anooneoionel FrOOf cellar, hard and soft water quarter acre J E• BLACBALL VETERINARY BIIRCiEON dent In thig section was pointed out On Satu ay W. Slavin purchased i some are indicating the wonderful ode, a Y ot, with a number of choice fruit trees on the •Honoraryoraduateof theOntarioVeterinaarryy o hIm„ an .'after looking careful] in- the farm of the late John Latta, 1 -_ P from the almost breathless ;;roup around pinoe. Apply for particulars to MRS THOMAS College. Treata rlldieeaeeo0f domesttcated and d y few linea of mach comprehension, and him or Mft8 SAMUEL HOLMES, Princess Stre°t R the,inatter, he elate that on his miles west of Chiaelhurst, containing $y FLORENCE CARLYLE A. R. C.' A. something begone to grow on the canvas. +and others beside myself have felt Clinton male on the moetmodern and eolentiIloprino s, lit Lto the old country he would en- 100 acres, and pa ing therefor $B,I60. ' the tears slipping n their cheeks, a pies Office -immediately south of the New Ere y Arms havo began to ache, eyes aroatra'hed Otfioe. Residence -Albert St., Clinton. Oal @ nor"to organize a joint-stock com- The farm is a good one, with fair build- -- silent tribute to his entnees, night ,,day attendedto promptly when again the call C'est 1 heure,' the BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR �y `that would undertake such a Inge On it. Tie scarcely possible to express in more model springs down, end a caecal uproar I have chosen from the many celebrated IBtnese g g phrases the full medning that the words burets frtand cramped ositione are al- men who professed in the studio. SALE Miss Clara Augustine, daughter of Monday morning" convey to the art stud- ' JOHN P. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON VpID THE RIIeH.-An occasional Mr B. Augustine, Ashfield, who has ant, The rise before nine Saturda ni ht tared. The day progtss Il too fast, each FiEpRY of MARIE That desirable :Brick Business Stand on Al has returned to itlnton an o Ill Qyenirigbringa reminders c stoves. been teaching for two yearQ in a ub- y g , student scans the work before her in pain- renown as the one we most honored and off� ed 'for male, lucludin by r l t Robson, e. at the d pence an office g p bring the They hope so Barely needed at the rear lot and stable. ed for the treatment of gjj be may be consult. fJst$ople ;delay the fixing and clean- lir school, Pelham township, Welland fel uncertainty; there is still so little there whose teaching was so superlatively The location ie one of the Bet sasses of horses, T fir ov@s untrl tl►e flrat real touch of end of a week a work. The glide in and g p y good. in Clhrton. Thentdle, moo, All earls, night or day, promptly ab• Co„ has been re-engaged in the, same Y g yet; by noon tbere are some tired faces. At ]est the dread afternoon ie finished, property ,a free from incumbrance and tiffs in- ed to. y school for 1898 out of the tired brain during Sunday, sad gow com y R disputable. Prico reasonable and terms it aunt 171ter Comae anca d then the al] rush to ata cinaiilerable in- as Sunday night merges into Mgnday mor Pletet the rest atndio ie meta- .the great studio is demoralized, the tall purchsaer. Apply to lona STANBURY, Lon -Ilk..", warT stores for supplies and crease of salary. morning the fitful Bleeper is conscious of Phoeed now. Students who prefer scat of the week's effort is realized in hot don Road, or address Clinton F. O j� h .. he demand is then reat- lunching at the studio, makingre ars- tired heads, and uiverin nerves, Where ~� - TOMLINSyON, VETERLNA1tY Sh7RGEON 8 The Bishop of Huron will be at St. already re-asenming the burden of redo- tions with maehlanghter and bindying of now iB the fire and enthusiasm of Monday Beautiful Property f'Ur Sale. B. Co oorarT`o stoat of the Ontario Vocerb 1n excess of the supply of help, and Paul's church, Wingham, on Sunday. lotion. 1 diseases uit-$uding is prevalent. We believe Oct. 17. Owing to St. James church, There is an ugly reality ,boat the small words. Groups o! stools, with large port- morning? You have kept your vow, you — Domestic animals on the most modern and wjod ro' begin now to prepare for the London, not being ready for reopening hours of the night in Paris, as each fever- folios on top, sorve as tables; a sheet of have tried with all the for°° sn your nature The undo"reigned offers for sale the oligiblo Scientific Principles. Day and night calls prompt IIs Of;$leed It will cost ' no more untll the 20th, the Bishop made the ish student has experienced, Not a night fresh drawing paper, a table cloth and the and the result is -well, you are scraping it and oil Hubeautifu rontSt , Clinton ilTho houscon- Cl answered Residenoa-Rattenbury St., wash occupiedy Clinton, illi later on, if as much, and being all than a in dates. g very oddest assortment of 'china, knives Ont, tains every modern eonvenionce for ggood sized fled I8 a source of satisfaction. a p'a'sses, bat one is startled from sleep by and forks and teapots conceivable are set It is not yet noon, but many of the stud- family, is well built, with stone foundation, fur- ISS C. E. CLEMENT Gradnat The St. Mary's Journal, which, b the hoarse yells of drunken oab•drivers, as forth. E „ ++ ance, hard slid soft water, stable and bearing M College, teacher oil piano, a of Alma Y- Eggs are boiled in the reservoir; encs have Sown. To be alone and thinkl fruit trees. parcioulare upon application to Kimxal ia.-There is still demand for the -way, is one of the best of rural ppa- they goad their jaded besets to a delirious Annette is sent Porth for a oomplioated aB- Lay aside a certain disguise and be as m:e- JOHN CUNNINt HAM Clinton. ►usff8i 3 Clintbn, Two cents a week pers, says: -Printer and Publisher thea race down the semi -deserted streets, and sortment of ediblea; tea and coffee mingle erable as you like in, your own room; or, ilii pay Yor the NEW ERA to any ad- month has a very complimentary edi- Pass away from one's hearing with a crash their fames with ligation turpentine and what is more sensible, ,you betake yourself lrl� eater oEf LIl,EN6E JAMES SCOTT SR., Rtls..::On the continent. Wheat is torial reference to the C)inton NEw that makes one Shrink closer to one's pil- paint, A Russian girl, with the blackest to some gallery, The Luxembourg is 1 PERRIN BLOCK and Residence, Mary Marriage street, Libraryitoom It to market pretty freely now. ERA. Mayor Holmen publishes au low with a shudder. Add to this the pond- of eyes and hair, ails at the piano -play- nearest, and you seek the beautiful gardens .+ FOR SALE y Clinton vlhg"to lack of rain the dust has excellent paper, but still not satisfied Brous roll of the scavenger carts, the abarp Ing superbly, passionately, after the man- that so appeal to Your imaginaiive mind- more troublesome this week than with it he is Continually improving it, crook of whips, the maffied sounds of mid-. ner o! her race. The great divan is filled the state] corric�ore" of lawn and trees $300 cash and la0 month! eMEs CAMPBELL, LONDESBORo Aby^.previous time this year, Does night revels from adjacent buildings the Y " y paymenta oflevl9eaeh J ISSUER, OF MARRIAGE L1ChN6ES. ur itelghbor read the NEw ERA? The residence of Mr Jos, Bushfield, undercurrent of danger and evil '•that with tired women and girls. A few still of that old world green that suggest irresis D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton of Beechwood, was destroyed by fire charges the atmos g linger with drawn, sanious faces; before tib! the days of Watteau, that No witnesses required fee ",your neighbor read your NEw y g Here -in the midst of their easels, oblivious of hanger and phyei- court sinters; or, Prince of GOOD FARM FOR SALE. '01 4 ]f so, gently hint that he Can o°•Saturdayy morning about 1 o'clock. which you toss and dream• p perhaps, one hundred �1�w. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF A88'N OF re a.@opt every week for himself Mr BuahBeld had been away visiting, Monday morning comes at last, amid a cal fatigue. The model grotesquely clothed years later, Mme, Vreeannier and her ad. 8ubaoriber offers for Yale the farm of 149 acres, dd and, coming home late, left a big fire murky grey light. Monday mornin with in boots and skirt, with a shawl drawn miring court o! gine and Civil Engineer, Ont• -Cala Surveyor and i3n of the year fora quarter. g g Queens, and situated on the Maitland con. oL Goderich a at Deo, R+ about her shoulders, is strolling from easel was it not there that the immortal Jean Township. All Bleared but shout 10 acres h Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton, nrnirie in the kitchen stove. It is its six date of possibility held Ont to you to easel, man bread and chocolate Val Jean iregaented the walk yonder b _ T,8 T7Ews WE'RE- ABTnR.-Don'1. aur I aid it caught from the chimney, to ase, or not, as' you will -and on will. good hardwood bush; good clay soil four acres get the editor when you have a as the falling Of it was the first alarm Forgetful o! all the past weeks Y ranted °s she contemplates with 'cow -like blank- the palace with the bench at the farther elate root bonkgnsoan ,nod R oa outbuildings;house ih 11 lt, ' . If your wife wbips you to waken them from their ales The g weeks in uses of expression the weir$ assortment of end where we sat with "Colette." Eve r Within o miles of Cl n- CLINTON >xa know of it and we will set you rayed only a Couple if articles of focal which you snide `bI will ill then yi'ailed from villa. A ver ton and 4 from Holmes t .I 'I, fore the ubliC. If lege and arms attributed to her person; torn o[ the grand old gardens thrill with Y choice and desirable farm. For w00D and COAL YARD. articulare apply on the promises to MRS. W. you have tore. lingering with a mixture of terrible "i and romance and you feel soothed and lifted �EBBUTT, ora Holmesvlllo p. O. any tail u9 -if you are not asham- eater inability to"failsconquer the gigantic self- vengeful ire before a truly terrible "imita- out of yourself as yon wander about in the dq W ,;, ssstors, If a Youngs ar- An old resident of the township of set task, (I said !ailed, but, no matter Subscriber Is prepared to promptly tu; all cr- y b West Wawanosh, and one who was how tedione the result, ie an honest effort tion of her face, and throughout the ennlight and perfume ere entering to where FARM FOR SALE dere for Wood or Coal. which will be sold ab ,Qii`ttttyour house and demo da food much res week it is noticed bar eyes roll constantly snstsnotsvely your voice sinks to a whisper; - lowest rates. Office on Isaac Street, at LAVIS' fluent, buy a quarter s worth if petted, passed away on Mon- ever getfu1, atter failure? Surely not, F'o,r- to the "perpetrator" with's lively contempt that grand, softly -lighted room, filled with 'Lot 25, Con 5, Township of Huller MCLEMENT ROOMS. W WHEATLEY t, 610 and come around, and if day morning last, in the pereia OP Mrs mind , then, of last week's sic ne's Of lost on that individual who, by the way, is white phantoms, out from cold, snowy g t, loo sores Mar McLean, relict of the late Ed- mind and body, the student rises to face l;8 soros cleared and in a cod state of oulciva- ;Pfb;,a;Eash subscriber we will fur- y the one solitary being in the room who is marble. What perfect harmony, therefore tion, oxcouont clay loam soil 12 soros of hard- ` hsix.iail�ine for him or her, as Circum- ward McLean, and mother of Smith the ordeal once more, Y P Y, wood bush. There is a good bearing orchard AGENTS SELL' KLO,YDIR E GOLD FIELDS,, n McLean, the well-known cattle bu er Slipping from a warm bed into the Chill entirely eatiefled with her work. what recti Saturday is a long, thankless and a ood su h Like a whirlwind. Experienced canvassers elfin., I rant, if you have a social y The laughter, the bright wit, the rip- day, spent In tryin to undo the faults to been rented. pT11 Du !din a com Fie©s never reaping the richest harvest of their lives n a her,n 8f a few friends brie around at the age of 85 years. Deceased had of a fireless room, you light candle and _ g good be tenors doing wonders. Near! ew g heaval of spirits for one abort hour; then some extent, in fall r frame house, baro and stabglee. beginners Y ever o been salla forsome- ime. epint lamp; . plaoin water to.boil over -the_ .. y ealizin them at all ,p is fro ort subeoribse• One young man on s farm j' dp +�gke,`six' ar seven plea and 'n g _.- work until live, when Annette begins a events, and five o'ciook is balled with de- ie ailanto on an excellent gravBl road, p2} miles month i makin 875. er at 3 xi'ot'1n'eCessarily to eat, but as a On Friday last, y6hile Curiouslyy ex- latter for morning coffee. By this time vigorous setting to order that Impels de- light. A change of work takes lane now to koro Town of C,i❑ton. Terme easy. For a week ie clearing Aladytppppe-wna a at is r tit- Of and faith, You needn't amining the con nts Of a dresser drat= the very anoomfortable ablutions are er- P R R P particulars apply to the undoreignod earned 1.lSp a do slaleu in eehanic who had formed and your student's garb assumed, parture, in the shape of fifteen minute eketoheg of on the premises. 8 y t 86 a dar. We her'to Invite ue as it may be too er. Angus, eldest son of Mr M. Wilso Pocketing sketch books a bevy of workers the model by lamplight, from five to half MRS THOS. HILL, Clinton P. o. want more agents. tai. CaPT.Las out8o 2sots., for our .wardrobe. We mention of Fordwich, came across a loaded re the water is babbling away with the Scat will march off fora eonstitntional, pausing past sig. This is always enjoyed, many o! Limited, Toronto, Ont. N CO., .11t 10 thinga because we want the volver, and, not knowing that it con- cheerful sound yon have heard sauce sun- when the fano douse and Lot for Hale set, An art student's breakfast is seldom y strikes to make a eketoh; the students using brown paper and sagges- 8 and will have it. tained any loaded shells, used it as a elegant and student's art is break room is the houses, buildings, people, all aro sntereat- ting the lights with white chalk. play toy, He pointed stat hie left hand Ing. The students work until tired, then Thne the week ends as far ne work gone, The frame house on Rattenbury street,, Apples wanted, H Good {Meekly acid pulled the trigger, when the cart oddest place smagsnable; nevertheless when wend their way book to their rooms -clear and yet I have on taken the average work immediately east of Dr. Tomhnson'8, is [want all the Markelablo Apples ridge was discharged, and the contents said room hue been tastily put to rights, old roomel with the accumulated studio of the average student. There are individ- offered for sale on very reasonable terms, and will Pp e I can bay went throu the look of unegnalified content that R poi the highest prioo commensurate rrlit,l, Iei', and Publisher for September.) through the palm of his hand. property so treasured by its owner. What nals who spend the week mach more sn- The house is centrally situated, berg Only with foreign quotations. 1 old your applta,nn- spreads over that student's face as she histories theso moms could reveal I The tensely. Not so mach in a groove as strict s minute' walk from the business centre, til you have ascertained from Your what I can ere are several features in THE On Tuesday morning the residence pours the steaming coffee into a bowl, evening is really the student'd breathing studio routine neceseitatea, they have pass- has ria cellar, large dining room, parlor, pay for them, Do not make any mistake. TOM NEW ERA which are well of Henry Rowe, about one mile south takes a Orley French roll from ander an l' OANTELOI Clinton. th @arNE consideration by those of Exeter, took Bre, and was burned to takes a crook, Beata herself on n camp time,yet it is far from idle and when the ed through it all, and now are enabled to bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one , 8h -to know bow a P fire in the tiny grate is glowing, the frugal work independently and work more wisely large and two smaller bedrooms upstairs. prosperous the ground. A driving shed cline by stool and sets to work, is a who lesome tea finished the student stretches herself for having Good -razed summor kitchen and VPanted a town of 3000 Can be built Was also consumed, including a buggy Bight. g had just that experience of a few garden. I. t page is entirely given and cutter. Lose over $2,000• no incur- Breakfast done, you don cloak and gratefully out on her lounging chair, her years of studio laic, such ae I describe it Very conveniently situated for boarding Yen and Women who can worst hard talk- ' y books at her elbow, Solid readin it is Ives. Yet even the will do well to keep house. Apply at Naw l9rsA office. Ing and writtng six boars daily for six ds� ys a 1e -g rid district news, and ance: The Bre was caused by a defect- "tam," catch up your painting traps and mostly, the more familiar and widely read Emerson's words in mind, when, with one Ing a and will bo content whit ton dollars s rl, .gold column of personal ive chimney. Mr Rowe has the sym- let yourself out into the still dark hall, being Emerson, Milton, Rosetti, Shelly, of his sword thrusts, be says: -"The band weeltj Address, ''lie district Wawa paragraph8 pathy oP the tomm.inity in his heavy gusding yourself by the aid of the banis- Browning, Beat's Matthew Arnold, Walter can execute nothing higher than the mind Thoro-brad Durham 13u11 for NEW yIDEAS CO., Medical Building, Toronto blr+0 u Bide head in small cape, loss, especially 80 on account of a few tern down six or seven flights of stairs ObAlbe of the village is ggiven in months ago, losing his wife through emerging into the streets so the belle chime Pater, Coleridge, Carllyle. can inspire." Sale. 14 ,black letter. The editor ale are death. hal!•past seven. At intervals an idea is pencilled on a Surely this is a tbotght to keep us all MADE M � A M A N 1b12 and numerous. The tone , scrap of paper for the week's composition, awake, Subscriber offers for sale at reasonable price, 1f?.y The horses on the baa at Wingham How grey and thick the morning is? which means a subject given by the pro- throe young thoro•brod Durham bulls, ranging AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURB y l iClt, l7(tt there is not a trace ran away bn Monday evening and one How moist the pavement? Yon harry feseor to be illustrated b the student, the TiQLLO WED THEIR ADVICE from o months to 2 Years cid. Two aro roans •��Narvos Dtaoar�Fafling Mean stupid partizanship and noth• running a alnst a ate post at the G. along to the "terminus" just in time to and one dark rod. They are all from the Bi - Z cry, Impotency, sleeplessness, e<o caused sib£. Clinton news ap ears on g g p expression of the idea to be entirely origi• "I broke ont with gins stdek and aro superior g by Abuse or other Excesses ni�d Indic• i P T. R, Station was killed. The horses catch one of the rent lumberina 'basses, nal, and as each subjects as the nativity, gnat blotches on my prior animals. cretione hey ..ie�z anis ,.ref page and is plentifu . When ROBT. CRAIG, London Road, Clinton P. 0 ..to. Ust Vitally in o d or yonng,an�i were going ata Pretty good speed, and You awing yourself on and clamber to the Ohriet blessing litt]e children, etc., •aro fact, and friends told me my blood was oat , f1t n man for study, business or marriage jre. brief they are grouped to- pp top with monkey -like agility (it is three ; of order and that I ought to take a bottle Prevent Insanity aria Oonanm tton ii o:saVe' apace; and "Notes" is when at t e station gate, true to habit cents cheaper on to and off on o. The R veil most repeatedly, the utmost lagena• of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I followed their STOCK FOR SALE mons°and aoetnhn cities ,"h°w" immediate ismpyo 0 they turned to go in, but they did not P p) y R sty ie required not to follow in the beaten RL horn an ther furl 1P,r- l1ead; Condensation is evi- turn char enough, and the outside streets are filled with mist and steam from stat n advice and from that time to this I have -- von having the genn�no Aja: Meta. They Opt in 'view b the editor. �' , � groups track, BY ten or ball -past you will readi- y P • y One half-brod Jersey cow 3 g haveouredthpuaandaand willourcyon, �Arriveatwr by hot fie Colli ed with a post of the ate the horses nostrils rou s of blue bloused 1 believe that sloe is the tired "workers' not had an eruptions on my face. I know milker. very rich cream $Dia dr of as boor cash oueooa guarantoo to offeoto 4uro A �a In rlkeh otle favorably about THiC which owingto the sped at whichgthe workmen; pane of red•hot charcoal, filar- most welcome thoauht. good sl is a good medicine. MRs A. E, refund the , B not. 1?rtoe� YTrlI . Is the one of ft all thr0u b' S months old, Re I Poland China boar, 1; yrs, paoknge or pix pkgea (fun treatmant, to! x6260, y ing under massive pots of mblten tar, its RAD=Y, St. Lonis, Michigan. old, Hog; l Duroo Dorsey boar and cow, 0 MOB. man, pIninwrap.�or, n en roost top price. oarca ar horses were Fannin and the weight Wed��Bd��a and Thursday are the hard- old, Rog 3 Poland China sows, in pig, Rog; 2 RiOe' AJAX RCMDY CS., 7anearpara§w that s 6, or Can be diggiti ed' of the 'bus behind gave the horse such ,'hitt steam mingling with the fog; white- est daps bf'the week, close, hard labor from , !m Fred Tamworth Bows. AB I am ovoratook• CM•asa, Ii1. , I 0 dull; and bright wfthaut' ' g ooiffed women, trundling carts if fresh- esght to twelve HOOD s PILLS once unseen, sink head• ir° filo' d ung tlnd"freshness." a shakingg up that it died fide minutes and from one to five the od will sell the above stock at very reasonable For sale in Clinton, Ont., by afterwards. made bread; glimpses of the Seine, Notre ' + ache,, indigestion, biliousness. All drug. dricos. WESLEY W. FISHER, Lot B, con. I, student standing all the while, 73hero are I Dame, outlined through the mist; glorious gists, 2Go, Colborne Tp., Bettmiuer P. 0.1 Allen d't Wilson, - Druggistfl. 1. �.,? y -.•.M