HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-15, Page 111 by# . P , • ".. . t p t , 11.1 I. " "- 11 I"We ' are 1. 11 Rey W! , To Repair F f, . ,. . your r ' ° �" watch right 1.0 ' matter how complicated the worksmay .,be,,, We have. all the latest tools and best machinery and know bow to use them. " Sono mat- , ter where you got your watch, or what make it may be, bring it to r' o us, and "we will guarantee to make it 'give yon iiEir� satiefaotion `e , or we will refund yon your money. C:HARGrES MODERATE. 11 P. B. Crews r'lJeweler & Ex ert Watch repairer Goderich Township CHURCH NOTES.—Quarterly service . will be held in Cole's Church on Sun- day, Nov. 7th. at 10.30 a. in. Evange- listic services are.being continued this week at Cole's. Bethel Methodist con- ,gre ation has; almost completed its �, shed. ''' ANNIVERSARY.—On Tuesday evening of last week Zion congregation held a special meeting in the chutch to decide 'r." ; . when they should hold their anniver. •nary services. The Sabbath chosen for n this service was Oct. 17th, when t wo services will be conducted at 2.30 and 7 .). m. respectively. On the following Monday evening an expensive tea will be served,followed by an excellent pro- gram, consisting of addresses by the visiting ministers, music by the choir and other talent, recitations, etc. A i:, , good time is anticipated. Don't forget .the date, Oct. 18th. , NOTES.—Miss Susy Elliott, of the i r Bayfield Line, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Clara McCullagb, last . . Sunday. Mr Wm. Monck is this week entertaining a new arrival in the per- '',,'.: :son of a daughter, Mr .Jas. Leithwaite has purchased a two year old short horn bull of Mr J. Biggin, of Hallett. This is a superior animal and was bred , by Mr W.J.Biggius, of Stanley. J. O. Elliott found one of his steers bugged in the swamp a few days ago; it died shortly after it was taken out; it ,s supposed dogs drove it in as it was con- siderably mangled. Edward Wise de- � livered to Mr Ball, base line, a fine young Durham bull, Mrs E. Wise has a geranium plant with 40 bunches of flowers; it's a beauty. James Butler, "I'll the very efficient milk gatherer, had a runaway on Monday; it is well he was homeward bound of the loss might havereater. Mr Yeo arrived home r '!- from Manitoba; we don't think he is altogether in love with what he has seen. Peter Cook, of Bruce, was call- ing on friends here lately,. Mins Emma Marshall is about to leave for British -Columbia to keep house for her half brother, -8. -Churchill, she will be much missed by her many frends. i �•, Stanley 1. (iORRECTIONs.—Stanley show, grade ' ` cattle. 3 year old steers, ]at and 2nd W. H. Woods; 2 year old steers, 1st W. H. Woods, instead of W.Stinson. Mr W. 'Glenn also informs us that he was � awarded a let and 2nd on sheep for which he got no credit. WORTHY OF IT. —Mr Geo. Baird, sr., the veteran teacher of S. S. No. 1, re- Gently purchased a bicycle, which he intends to use for himself. He is worthy of it as the last fifteen years he ~- has walked, sometimes run, two miles »••_, and a half each morning and evening, and yet seems as vigorons as in his youthful days. The wheel will be a great convenience to him, and he will soon Ivrn the value of it. i, . ~ Thames Road. , NOTES.—The long looked for rain 11 has come at last, and the farmers are ..„ able to plpugh the land again; most of them havetheirmangolds up, theyield of which' is reported to be small. A number from here attended the show ;; at Kirkton on Friday last, and, al - L. the weather was very disagreeable, owing to the frequent showers 9f rain, a good crowd was present, and the dis- ,'. play, esppecially of horses ,and cattle, I., Misses Maggie and Adie Bell, of Hensall, were the 'guests of Miss Bish- •dp on Sunday last. A Great e a t Scheme ' V ' Why not make dollars of rubber 7 Than they'll stretch. It's pretty hard to make a five dollar bill stretch over a ten dollar put- chase, and even WE can't do that for sou, but yet, until rubber dollars are made, -we'll come nearer to it than any store you know of. We'll stretch 50c so that it will bay a pair of Knee Pants for boys aged 6 to 12, substantial Tweeds, lined throughout 11, We'll stretoii two dollars so that it will -cover a boys' all wool Serge Suit, worth a dollar more. rye'11 stretch three dollars of your com- 11 money so that it will cover a Boys' all � , , P"001 Fancy Tweed Suit that you've been in the habit of paying four dollars for. If you have five dollars ' ve'll stretch it over a Youth's Long Pants Suit or a Alan's Suit of good Tweed; suits that you've paid even dollars for. 4. " We are not approached ]for good values. I We stretch 85 cents do that it buys a pair of 50 cent leather Braces; or a Necktie that is worth 45 cents. If you want to stretch Y your money bring it here—you'll ,think it rubber, T, Jac'Mon, sr.,. 014ton Victoria Block, Established 1854. A i. , r.._,Mi,,a.,G - ti -'-'" ERA 1 1. \T iN .. E �. , . I 4 .1 ''. . II 11 , I I 'L .. LL. _T_ ; �' II . - '. LL 1_JNTT0_.�L_ I I 1. I ,: - __ . . - 11 I,--- ­.___�._ __ I, - -_ ROBERT $OLMEs, Editor and Proprietor, CLINTON,ONT., OCTOBER 15r 1897 ;z year in advance $1,G0 whe $1 not so paid . - . n A QUWT D TIME ITUB.WELL,— SammerbIll . Hullett ___ Portpr's'Hlll What wide-awake and reliable oorrespondeats find worthy of recording for publication WEA, Messrs. Sweet and Glrlgg NOTEa.-Sara ed from the base line NOTES,—Mr A, Whiteman, Ki1. Poen, are digging a new well at the schogh on the day of Blyth fair, a largge bird was calking on friends in the village on Westfield eolborne NEW STORE.—Mrs' 1. Brownlee has about the size of a' man,and of the Swan Tuesday. Miss Taylor, Clinton, spent ANNIVEReAny,—Very successful and NOTES. -Mr Norman Ketnighan is all bought out the store and contents of epecce, was last.aeen in the vicinity of Sunday and Monday at Mr H. Lobb's. interesting anniversary services were smiles;ft tea son. The three months old from Mr G. M. silty and commenced the. Jordan; anyone knowing of its Quite a number of our oung eo held in the Methodist church here on child, of Mr and Mrs Fred Sl' es`I was business on Monday the 11th inst. We whereabouts will please report to the attended the tea -meeting at Holmes• Sunda and,Monda last. TheSunday burled on Thursda Qf last week. :Mre bespeak for her the continued ,owner. Y, Y y P patron- villa on Monday evening, and report servicos.were conducted by Rev W. W. Maedel has returned f.t v,stting her age of the people of this district, and PROPERTY CHANGE.—The farm of the having had a first ,class time. Mrs T. Sheppard, Principal of Mount Elgin In- daughter, Mrs Isaac Fisher, of, Detroit. wish her every success. , late Jae. Brown, ou the 13th con., has Elliott is lard up with erysipelas. Miss stitute. who has the reputation. of be- Miss Leah Flick is spending a few RIINAWAY.—Mr W. H. Ball's team n rented to (;leo, Crawford; the ef-Ruby Potter has been on the sick list mg, one of the best preacheerain the , weeks ander the parental roof. Mr W. became frightened at a pile of wood fects of the late Mr Brown were sold for some tiple, but is improving. We west, and our people w delighted nstone, sr., is. Midi 3g a house on last Friday as he was'Ariving north on by auction on Thursday and realized regret to announce that Mr Sam. Birk; to hear him. A public tea was held on the farm that he bought from Mr Neil the Base line: The occupants, Mrs fairly good prices. Mrs Crawford and con. 1, is lying at the point of death, Monday evening, which was also a suc- McCorvey; that speaks of future Ball, Mrs G. Farquhar and himself, family have taken up their residence Mr Jae. Connolly, from Michigan, call - cess.. Addresses were delivered by events. A goodly number of our,young were thrown out but not seriously in- with her father, Mr J Crawford. ed on Win. Lobb on Wednesday. The Revs W. Rigsby, E. Olivaat, and D. people attended the tea meeting at lured, but the rig was badly broken u DEATH•—Another of the pioneers of new shed at Bethel is almost complet- Rogers, the chair being occupied by Holmesville on -Monday evening and The horses were caught at Rapson's this township passed away on Tues• ed, and arrangements aro being made the pastor, Rev 0. Q. Couzens. The report having a good time. Rev. Mr creek uninjured. defy in the person of Reuben T. Clark, for a tea -meeting in the near future. excellent'singing of the choir also help. Olivant preached a very profitable of the int concession, al, the advanced ed materially to make the affair a suc- sermon in Benmiller Church on Sun- SCHOOL REPORT.—The standing of age of 80 ears. Deceased was a good 8atyfleld. the Public School for Se tem Per is as cess. Proceeds about t$80. (day evening from Ezekiel 33:11, "As I Septern man, an universally esteemed, and PERSONAL.—Mr John Eason is visit- " i live, saith the Lord "I have no lea- follows: -5th class—M. Murphy. Sr 4th f ' -- Wm. Jordan, O. Melllveen, Jr 4th-- was one of the best o neighbors. He Ing his daughter at Nairn. Rev Mr Egmondtrlile i sure in the death of the wicked," uck E. Huck, J. Wri ht, M. Kilty 3rd— was a Methodist, and leaves several of Graham, with his wife and sister, Dr. NOTES.—Reuben Frost is laid up stealing is the .way some people spend A. tLovett, L. Butt I. Merrill. 2nd— . nd— a family to mourn his demise. Stanbur and Mise Flossie, and others, with a sore back this week, the result their time; the persona that stole the + attended the lecture in Clinton on ducks from Benmiller need not think M. Gar vie. C. Colbourn, R. Colbqurn. DIED IN THE WEST.—Last week Mre Tuesday night. J. G. Stanbury, eon of of a fall while loadin•grain. Mise 0. th_e�Y are not known. Sr. part II—P, Wright. R. Kitty, E. T, gill, gravel road, was shocked to re- Dr Stanbury, ai.d well known as a Garvey, Toronto, is visiting at the res- WEDDING BELLS.—A ver ha and Lovett. Jr part II—R Neal, E Hardy, ceive word that her youngest eon John idence of J. B. `]Veber. Mr Emerson y PP� 1. Colbourn. Sr art I—M. McLau h y g clever young man, has received an ,m- Mehr•ing and Alex. Maedel, of Benmil- pleasant event took place Oct. or , at las B. Ball _ nd daeaad at Pack River, North Dakota, or•tant appointment with the law the home of Mr and Mrs Jacob Flick + , L. Jordan. Jr part kin for instructions as to the pprm Of McCarthy,ler, were visiting at the residence of M., Johnston A. Miller. fi Osler, Ruskin & F. Buryard. Mr H. Butoltz had the Colborne, when they ggave away their disposal o the body. Word was re- Cieelman, Toronto. We are satisfied to fall off a load of corn, and in doing daughter Lydia to Mr Lewis Baker NOTES.—Mise F. Miller spent Sun- turned, asking that the remains be sent our young friend will render a good so he fell on his head; when found he from Elkton, Mich. The ceremony day with friends in Goderich: Mise M. home for interment, and they arrived account of himself. was erfotmed b Rev. C. Morlock Sheppand spent part of last week with here on Monday, being interred in the FAMILY RE-UNION.—There Was was unconscious, the blood streaming y' d inton cemetr of Luetowel and was witnessed b a frien sin Clinton.union. Mr and Mrs Harr y in the afternoon, De - from his mouth; he is now improving. + y y a family gathering here recently.quite large number of friends, some comm McVittie left for their home in North ceased was a very steady, temperate, y g Mr Jas. Coleman, late proprietor of from Zurich Clinton Goderich Sea Ba on Monday. Mrs Fulton, of Port industrious your man, aged 25 some time Mrs Berges has ben n a the Weber House, has left for Seaforth; y Y• g g years, g forth, South Cayuga and Hullett g daughter, Mrs and when lastheaid from, was employ- critical state of health, and the mem- Mr John Daly has taken possession of,about Huron is visiting her ed as a traveller handling bers of the family came home on a vis - car Mc Peter McKay brought a � in all. The bridesmaid was Miss Nelson Bingham. Mrs Carter and son, g iron y Emma Baker and Mr John Flick assist- of Stapleton, ent Sunda with the &c. It was known by the familythat it to their parents, William, who is a carr load of stockers from Algoma, and ed the room. Both. the bride and formers parents, Mr and Mrs Johnson. he bad gone to Dakota, but wheter he confectioner and baker at Pincher intends to auction them off on Tuesday. K A was living there Creek, N. W.T,, came about 3000 miles; bridesmaid were most becomingly W. Lowery returned from the west g permanently or still John dressed and as Mi A.Stewart played the last week. Messrs. Josh Hill and W. ,following the occupation of a traveller , who is a merchant tailor at TaCkersmith wedding march the scene was truly an Lowery left on Monday for Wood- is not known. His death was due to West Branch, Mich.; Miss Susie, of SOMETHING OF A PRIZE WINNER.— impressive one. After the ceremony stock. where they will over see the typhoid fever. While living here he Sarnia, accompanied by her two neph- Mr Geo. Dale, of the Huron road, show- the guests eat down to a sumptuous applepacking in the interests of D. had joined one of the Forrester societies ews, Franklin and Ira Smith, Duluth. ed a Canadian brood mare by Ranken supper, the table being beautifully .de- Cantelon. and also carried a policy of insurance METHODIST CHURCH. — Re -opening Boy, and other stock at several of the corated with flowers from Mrs James in the Confederation Life, but has al- services will be held on Sunday, Oct. fairs and came out very successful as a Stewart and Mrs Baer. The bride is lowed both to lapse. The family have 31. In connection with the "above prize winner. The mare took 1st prize very popular in social circles and a West �Kactianosh the sympathy of the community in church three sermons will be preached, at London, Clinton, Seaforth, Bayfield, zealous worker in the church, having STOCK NOTES.—Fred Moss has, made their bereavement. in the morning at 10.30 a. in., by Rev. Blyth and Goderich, receiving diploma sang in the choir for a ]Ong time. The the purchase of a pure-bred Poland k. Stewart, of Willis Presbyterian at the latter place also; thus heading groom is also well and favorably China boar from W. & W. Fisher, of Holmesville Church, Clinton, at 2.30 p. m. by Rev, the list wherevershown;a foal from the known. He ,aa respectable farmer in Benmiller• Feagan Bros. have pur NOTES.—Mra W, Lee, of Londesboro Mr Millyard, of Rattenbury y t•Church, same mare got 1st at London, Blyth, the vicinity of Elkton, Mich., where chased a Tamworth boar, also of good , Clinton, and in the evening at 7 p. in g spent Sunday at W.B.Forsters. News by Miss L. A. Zinkan, evangelist, of Seaforth, Bayfield, Goderich, and 2nd their permanent residence will be in breeding. received. from California states that Mr Southampton. Collection at each ser - at Clinton. A year old filly, shown the future. The bride was highly bon- A YOUTHFUL ORATOR.—Mr E. Mill- and Mrs H. Tebbutt arrived at their vice in aid of the Trust Fund. 11[r by Mr Dale, of Ist at Clinton and Ored with man3 beautiful and valuable yard preached his opening sermon in destination all•right. 1Vlr Williams, of Donaldson, 'r„ has taken the ifts b her friends, Of which the fol- Ebenezer on Sunday last, and those Toronto, brother Mrs Andrews, Sun- contract Goderich and ❑d at London, Seaforth, Y• for the new Methodist shed at Bayfield, Bayfield and Blyth. A 2 year old geld- owing is a list:—A crystal water set, who heard him were immensely dayed at the parsonage. Mr Odium dimensions, 150 ft. long by 22 ft. wide ing shown by him got 1st at Godericb, china water set, crumb brush and tray, pleased, predicting a glorious future and Miss Halls have been enjoying a and 8 ft. high; cost to be about $200. Seaforth, Bayfield and Blyth. This ie china fruit dish. 3 table cloths, lace for the young orator, who expounded short visit at A. J. Courtice's. Miss a prettygood record for one season,and doylie, J dozen silver knives and forks, in eloquent language the Divine truth. Jackson, of Blyth, is visiting frien s shows Mr Dale to be a good horseman. 3 cbenile table covers, parlor lamp, here. Miss Addie Ste z� Coderleh. l3 COMING AND GOING.—Miss Barrett Stephenson rate e photo frame, couch, 2 china cheese of Blyth, is at present the guest of Miss leaving on Friday for a month's visit to. NOTES.—On Tuesday morning Alfred dishes, white coverlet,set of smoothing Sarah Mills. Alex. Kirkpatrick, of friends in Port Huron and other places Williams, who had been committed Seaforth irons, carving set, brown tea.set, pair Nile, was a visitor at Robt. Medd's r., in Michigan. The Patrons of the Han- from Gorrie on a charge of stealing a BOY'S BRIGADE.—The boy's brigade of blankets, celery dish, crystal butter g dish and knife, cake stand, 2 china on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs John rah cheese factory seem to be more Pocketbook containing money and val- have reorganized. They have elected Scrimgeour, of, Goderich, were tran- cheerful now, though the trial was not uable papers, was bi ought befoi *Judge the followingofficers: Hon. Pres., J. vases,eg stand and timer,silver pickle completed Saturday, Masson for trial, and ac � I stent visitors at Alex. Scrim sour s one p y, we think that ac- acquitted. Mrs Roberts• Hon. vice-pres., W. O. Rei ; cruet, 2 fancy plates, bedroom amp, cordis to the evidence there can only Hogarth left on Monday for Duluth, to r P rocking chair and 350 in cash. May day recently. Messrs Fran and Geo. g y y Pres., Lieut. -Col; vice-pres.,A.MeLean; g y McIntyre, of Nile, Sunda ed.at their be a favorable judgment given. visit a relative who is seriously ill. On Sec., A: Hammett; Tress., J. C. Reid. the hearty wishes of their many friends CHiJIiCH NOTES.—Next Sunda Mr TuesdayMrs Wm. Lee left on a visit here for a len and ha future brothers, Wm. McIntyre. r and Mra y The brigade have rented the Temper- g happy go Robt. Winmill, Goderich, were guests A. Allis, of Colborue,will preach in the to her daughter in Virginia City. ante Hall, and they have an excellent with them. at the parental abode on Sunday last. morning, and at night Mr Howson, of DEATHS.—Marianne, relict of the drill Wednesday evening under Lieut.- Mr and Mrs H. G. Taylor were guests Vancouver, B.C., Graduate of Moody's late Wm. Malcolm, died in Detroit on Col. Wilson. Yarns of Jun. Mills one day recently. Mrs Training School, Chicago, will hold an Saturday, and on Monday her remains CHURCH MATTERS.—The annual har- NO WONDER.—Two,of the happiest Wm. Scrimgeour has returned from a evangelistic service. were brought to Goderich and interred vest festival service was held in St. men in this locality are Amos Keyes short visit to har sister at Ripley CAPPED THEM ALL.—Tbe church an- beside those of her partner in Maitland 'Thomas Church on Sunday last. The and Tom Wylie; the first' because he is Mise Emma Dobie has gone to Gode- niversary last Sunday and Monday was Cemetery; the deceased lady resided in church was tastefully decorated with the father of a bouncing boy, the like rich to learn dressmaking. John Som- one of unprecedented success. On Sun- Goderich in the daysgone by, and had flowers, grain, etc The Rev Rural of which was never seen before, and erville, having completed his term of day the weather wits beautiful and the a large circle of friends here. On Sat - Dean Ridley, of Galt, preached both the second because that boy is his seven months with Wellington Oli- three service's were exceptionally well urday, Oct. 9th, Charles Kennedy, the morning and evening to large congre- grandson. ver, left for his home at Lucknow thiff attended. In the morning the Rev. W. youngest son of Jae. Reid, passed away gations. The rural dean is a very fine PROPERTY CHANGES. — Mr James- week. Mrs Arch. Robinson has return- Ayers preached a splendidsermon from after an illness of four years duration; speaker, and his sermons were listened Armstrong has sold his house and lot ed to Auburn, after a aoJours with the text Psa. 84, 4. In the afternoon a was a member of the Independent to with rapt attention. Rural Dean here to Mr James Johns for the sum of friends on con. 3. .Hies Dennis is a Rev. Clemeut spoke to the children, Order of Foresters. Sara, daughter of Hodgins, of Seaforth, preached in Galt $600. Mies E. Mitchell has bought the guest of her uncle, Alex. McCabe, at taking for a text Ecc, 12, 1. His dis- Wm. Sharman, sr., died last week af- on Sunday last. Rev. R. Millyard, of house and lot owned by her brother present. course was very interesting and in- ter a painful illness that lasted many Clinton, ably officiated in the Metho- James at a good figure. str•uctive, aind more than the children years; some fifteen months since the dist Church -last Sunday. FORESTERS.—Mr .Gibson, organizer l.ondesboro enjoyed it. At the morning and after- deceased journeyed to Manitoba to vis- of the C. U. F., was in was in Varna noon services the church Was packed, it a sister, with the hope that the S. A. NOTES.—Capt, and Mrs Fisher SPECIAL SERVICES.—Special rel, but it was at night the crowd carne. change might prove beneficial, but the and spent a few days here, with the services were commenced in the a clear climate of the Northwest failed farewelled from the Seaforth corps of M �_ the Salvation Army on Sunday last. result that nine new members were in- odist church this week. Three ser- aisles, stairways and almost every ,tiated and about a dozen more are in available space was filled with benches. to effect an improvement, They left for Toronto on stun, , hererom. vices will g held, morning, afternoon It was somethinglike the Irishman's JAIL STATISTICS.—The annual report there they go to Palmerston, where tow; this society has now a member- and evening, conducted on Tuesday b skit of abont 40 and will be consider• y y meeting house, filled both inside and of the count p they will in future be stationed; the A Mr Finita on Wednesday by Mr y jail for the year ending captain and his wife were very porn- ably more before the end of the year. Rigsby, on Thursday by Mr Couzens, out. It was remarked that never had Sept. 30, 1897, has been rendered to the oTES.—Jame, Foote, who had the and on Friday b Mr Andrews, of the church been so filled since Mr Sheriff, and contains many interesting lac in town, and we wish him success y , at his new station. Ensign and Mrs ?misfortune to miss his examination at Holmesville, to be followed b� regular Ayers was here before, and those who items. On Sept. 30th, 1896, ther Savage will arrive here next Friday .Knox College, being short only on one special services. came heard a magnificient discourse were 4 males and 1 female in custody� and the will take charge of the local subject, has returned home: in corn- •^ from the words found in Psa. 72, 15. and during the year 70 males and 6 fe- y g an with Ed. Wanless he is visiting NOTES.—Mr Wm...f ' Stan, who Mr A ars' reachin. ability corps, and reap the seed which his pre P y . g used to live north of the villa e a few known toe vire ae conimento well males were committed,,making the to the Sunday Schools in this locality, g q y tat 74 males and 7 females. Of the to. decessorhas sowed. The Bannockburn bridge is at last years ago, came from Buffalo on his and the manner in which not only the tai number 5 males and 2 females were wheel, and , NOTES.—Mr J. E. Butler has secured completed; the contractors have made pent a week visiting his circuit turned out to hear him is proof under 16 years of age. 39 males and 5 the contract of roofing, Broadfoot & co excellent job. J. T. Cairns has se- old friends, and returned by train last of the high esteem in which he is held, females were committed for the first Box's large furniture factory with his cared the services of Miss Hamilton, as Saturday to his work in the poet office. Not a few prophesied a failure when time, 17 males and 1 female for a second celebrated Sparham cement roofing; assistant. Rev. Mr Smith, Of St Johns Lodge meetings in this village have Monday turned out so wet and dis- offence, for a third, 9 males were sent Mr Butler has purchased the right of been very poorly attended this sum- agreeable, but the tea was better at- down, and for a fourth, 5 males were P 13 Church,',, �holdiag service every Wed- 8 this roofing for Huron county. The nesday evening, preparatory to a con- mer; several meetings of societies tended than the most sanguine hoped placed under lock and key. Of the to - harvest festival service in connection firmation class. Andrew Foote and could not open for want of a quorum. for. When the banquet, as Mr Ayers. tal number incarcerated 40 males and 5 with St. Thomas church were held on Mrs Robinson have gone on a trip to Mr Thos. Bell is spending a few days called it, had been partaken of below, females were sentenced to various Sunday. The Woman's Auxiliary Of Bay City. this week in Toronto. Our new tailor, which, by the way, was in true Holmes; terms of confinement, and 11 males St. Thomas church intend shipping Mr T. W. Palmer, is so busy that he ville style—tbe very best. beautifully and one female were acquitted. Of several large bales of clothing to the Auburn has secured the assistance of a young served on handsomely decorated tables the confined ones according to the Northwest. Mr Minty, of Walkerville, lady from Hensall. Min Millie Agnew &c., the program of addresses and jail register 40 males and 5 females the newly appointed manager of the Blanllkets,Ietc of NICHOLSON. ur Coate, Robes, is spending a few days with her bio music was upstairs. The fourspeeches were of Canadian birth, 10 reales claim - Bank of Commerce, has ,arrived in Cher, Dr. Agnew, at present. Mrs. although they contained considerable ed England, 12 males Ireland, 4 males town. We are sorry to note the ser- CHURCH NOTES.—Rev. Mr Hendee W.Faucett, of Wilkinson Plow Works wit and humor were brim full of pt -ac- Scotlaad,2 males andl-femal son ave a very interesting sermon Toronto, spent Wednesday in ;the vtl- tical common sense. , RevMill aid ed States eotter ions iltnes`s of 11dr Fred Morrison. W. y ,and 2 males came froom other Pinkney, a highly respected resident from Oor. 1, 20-22. Rev. Mr Couzens lage. Interest in the special services took for his subject -Life worth living;" countries. Of the number 19 males ave an instructive 1 g ct a discourse from held in the „ • of this Methodist t ch died Friday church, is r y mornin� g, Acts i1, 8. Mrs Fletcher gave an ex- in + interesting, Godwin, Right Bind of a Church;' and 2 farnalep were cltissed 'ae married, aged" 37 ears and two months. Mr cellent address in the Presbyterian as well a ervices are very interesting, Mr Edge, Importance of Church An- 8 ri-Wes ,could not read or write, 23 Broadbridge, and ,family, of Berlin, church, Tuesday afternoon to the cod resulterofltable, and we look for niversarres and MrAyere said `that the males and 6 females were of temperate and formerly of Seaforth, have again y g former speaker had stated his subject, habits, and 47 males were of the intem- taken taken upcheirresidence in town. W.F.M•S, he, however, continued the same line crate cissa. Of the total confineddur- NOTES.—Mre McDougall of Toronto pp Mr J. Cluff had the misfortune to get is visiting her daughter, Mrs A. T. Me- - Blyth. of thought. In addition to the choir, fp gbhe year 24 males and 4 females hs hand lacerated on Thursday morn. g B + Mies" Whitney, of Goderich, delighted {were committed as vagrants. Signal. In g while working a machine in his Donald. Miss E. A. Blair is vieitlnp, BEFORE JUSTICES OF TUB PEACE.— the audience with two selections and father's planing mill. We are sorry to friends in Goderich township. Mr and A certain resident of town was at rang- Mr F. Moore gave one selection. The learn of the continued illness of Mr L. Mrs L. Wettlaufer are visiting friends ed before Magistrates Sloan, Wilford proceeds amounted to $110, and despite Winthrop. De Lacey, bookkeeper at the woollen in Tavistock. Master Jacob Wettlauf- and Campbell on Frida�yy. morning, for the rain Monday evening the anni- NOTES.—Mr Jas. Campbell and Mr mills. Seaforth Collegiate Institute is. er has returned home Prom his visit to ill-treating his wife. He received a versary is one of the best, financially, Jas. Hart are on the sick list; we wish pitted against Kincardine in the Hough Tavistock. Mr W. Pollock has the chastisement and was let go on sus- we have had for some time. them a speedy recovery,. Our teaclier cup series; if they win this they will contract of painting Donnybrook pended sentence, which,if inferred next Miss Izzard, is well pli-assd over her, have to play home and home games church. Mrs RMuteb, 8rucefield 'r., is the guest time, will prove to him that it would be highly deserved raise of salary. Miss with the winner of the Berlin Va. On- of her mother-in-law, rs R. hutch. better to live' in contentment than Mary McUlay has secured n, situation tario Agricultural College; Seaforth Messrs Howson & Cullis have bought strife. NOTES.—The Communion was dis- in Detroit, and has gone there to reside. and Woodstock a home and home 80 acres of bush in CJolborne; they are used in the Presbyterian Church last Miss Maggie Henderson was visiting at Kamen in the senior tom competition. Miss moving their mill this week; they in- tend e NOTES.— Rev. W. W. Shepherd, of Sabbath; Rev. Mt Bradley, of Mitchell, Mr Robert Campbell's last week. Mrs Elder, who has taught the Fourth de- tend doing a rushing business. Mrs C. Muncey, principal oP the Porn t Elggin preached the preparatory service on .John Bullard had an attack of pleurisy, g Howson is on the sick list, There was Institute, ]laid his daughter, Mrs Dr. Frida to a large and a preciative con- -but is better and able to be around. numbs nt of the public school for a a lar a turn out to the milliner o en- Tait, a visit last week; he also preached re at on. t appreciative number of years. lies tendered her re- Y P g g Quite a number from here While Henry Warden and George ing, Saturday night. Mies N. Clarke the anniversary sermons on Sunday at attended the lecture on Tuesday night Hanna were on their way to Leadbury . the present to take effect at the close of i, the guest of her aunt, Mrs Young. Westfield on the Auburn circuit. A few at Willis Church, Clinton, given by their horse took fright and tried to get ; the present year. Mr Thomas Millar, g , of the young people took in the hat vest Rev, Mr McCaughan, of Toronto, and away; Warden held on until one of the ; bandmaster of the 33rd Battalion, has home dinner; which was held in Kin- formerly of Belfast, Ireland; all those lines broke; the horse then took the secured a situation at Mr D. D. Wil. ]Kingham. burn on Monday evening, Miss Edith who heard him speak in the highest ditch, throwing the occupants out; Mr aon'a egg emporium. Mr Trotter, of LOCAL LINics.—Rev,D.Perrie preach- Rigsby arrived home from London last terms of the young Irish orator. Mrs Warden managed to brioq the horses i Brandon, .Man., shipped a carload of ed an instructive sermon to young week;she happened with a misfortune, Jas. Millar, of Sipper, hue sold nearly to a stand still; ed got orf with a Pew horses to his western home from here eopple in the Presbyterian church on spraining her tinkle while riding a bi- one hundred copies of the ,,Life of the scratches and his clothes torn, but on Saturday; Mr Harry McKay ac- Sabbath evening. The harvest home c�ypcle, and was compelled to take a rest, late Rev John Ross," this worthy both scared pretty bad, Mr John ' companies them. The firm of Broad- services at St. Paul's church were high- i11r and Mrs HeadleyShaw, of Oakville,. Christian lady beim always, to the Peth' foot & Box shipped a large car of fur- ly successful and a good sum was real- were visiting their faiends in "town on front in givin 'a helping hand in ever J W eak and family aro Ofccu� ptin��gg Mr i niture to Minnedosa on Monday last, ized. A special appeal is made for do. Sunday. Rev, Mr Armstrong, of Dun. goodY y t s residence, while fr Wyatt Mr J. Glovenlock ,Lipped a oar of baled nations to liquidate the small debt up- Bannon. occupied the pulpit of Trinity Gauss, the annual megting of and family are on a visit to friends in hay to Hamilton, Bermuda, last week. On the Presbyterian church property. church on Suoda ,Rev. R, eb takinthe W, F, M. S, of Union Church here Detroit. Mr George Eaton tnet with a i Rigsby g is to be Held on the evening of Friday, painful accident while threshing at Mrs John Mowat left on Monday for Mr Graham, of London, has completed his work. Mr and Mrs W W. Shan Oct, 15; Rev, Donald McGTillivray; of Mr Jass. Hart's last Saturday. A young CLrystat City, Man,, to join Ler bus- his contract of laying concrete walks sppentSunday in Wingham, Ireland & Ronan, China, and Mian Wilson of lad named Brown s i band who is employed there. Mr W. and crossings and his staff have leftfor Gibson shipped' a consignment of flourClinton' was continually C are to address .the audience, throwing .dirt on Lim, and when sbe tuck Smith has announced his candidature St. Thomas; there is upwards of three to the "eastern market or expdrt this Mr A. Mustard has , !told his farm of went to stop Lim, young Brown l3tuck for the deputy reeveship for 1898, miles of granolithie in Wingham. I week. 50 acres to Mr John Reid, a fork through his arm. .--,M ....n. /6 -11�; -::— _-,-.-....-_.. .-...»._._r....,w_ ...- .Y.«.-�wrrr.. ., .a. . . . . I ` , . '74 ,JUST k�QR t� U 1 suppose tbac you, are a dealer we your customers, Wonld'n>:�to be pretty sure of your goody boll you offered ug a refund; of. our mei ey if not satisfied with them? )NR reverse the case., 'We are the deal ere, you are the oustoinerp, , Viiats we make this same offgr to you .batt, we do continually,) we matte it+, not •'� because we think, y9g will want:. •� your money hick, ;bu; beo�Rsa• wq r _� are go sure of the goods w8 reooma- 4 Mend that We are clafte certain you . will be so well satisfied that you will not want it back, we endeav«, . or to satisfy you in the way you i want to be satisfied—by ggiving yon, pure drugs and good goose at rigb*, I and reasonable prices, by treating, you courteously and using yprijik such a way as to make yon aper« manent customer. If you like,otr way of doing business—our money I back idea—we will be pleased to toe ,� you. A ALLEN & W1LSON `I Graduate Druggists & Opticiahp, Cllnton. When in need of glasses remember `� that we are spectaol`e speoialietN ;11 with experience. 7 Personal We shall be glad to have contributions;t6, this column from any of our readers;, •If' you have visitors "or urpose, going -"ray! yourself, drop in and tell ne, or send;trs a note to that effect. I . Mr W. Murch returned from Man,to"lli on Monday. Dr. Holmes, County Treasurer, was fW' town on Saturday, Mr G. D. iMoTaggart and wife left; on'i trip to New York on Monday. •, Mies Azie Gibbings left on Monday ,►c visit friends in Attioa, Mich. Mies Aggie Bell, of Kipper, was .,141'] week the guest of Miss Mae Biggart. Mr Coach, of St, .Thomas, accompintec by hie wife, visited his brother here thil week. . Mr Plummer, Principal of Blyth Public School, and eldest son of S. Plummer, 61 town, has been re-engaged for next•year ,Y Mrs Frank Goodwin, of Qu'Appelle, H W. T., is here on a visit; she had "quite iii exciting time on her way down, paiHsi ,' through prairie fires in the neighborhoodl Winnipeg. ,,•P ,? Miss Stevens, daughter of Mr 5r6me0 Stevens, base line, has been re-engaged as teacher in Blyth Public School; some ipgg_ ple assert that she will become a pe • iiii nent resident of Blyth. J. E. Bryant, late of the Bryant'". Pull- lishing Co., Toronto, and formerly a:teaoh= er in Clinton Collegiate, intends ramoying, to Philadelphia, to devote himself wholly; to literary work there. A Seaforth correspondent says -+! '11 Cbas. Dodds leaves to -day for Onto'. where he has secured a good situation. Th people'of Clinton will find Charles astead" industrious young man." C,. Dr. G. H. Horsey, formerly of Clinton" Mrs. Horsey, their two children, gover>a> and Japanese servant, have left - "w,;6 i Sound for Japan, where the doctor is ag8gfr4 for the Sun Life Ins_4rance Co,, Mr W. Raake, son of Mr John Kaekej Kinloss, and nephew of Jas. Young, (7linf+ ton, will leave shortly for Chicago: tora3'04, a course at a,Dental College in , that dityj He has been a very succeseful sol otil'I teacher. ,; r ,I The Provincial S. S. Convention will be`,'- held in Hamilton on Oct. 27, 28, 29''x` R:,; Holmes, Clinton, was the delegate chosen, to represent Huron county; I. Taylor,+ Clinton, and W. H. Kerr, Brussels,".I11 officers of the association. -, Rev, A. H.'bumrn, of Port Elgin, w I I was on his way London, spent a sho*-` time in town las&eek visiting his motheir While here he ins eoted .the House of R16' fuge, and was delighted with the olo4blil-�g ness and care manifested throughout.., -y,� The Western -British American, CM go, says:—Mrs James Wiseman, of I7 West Monroe O►., has returned to tf,�;oil. , from Cansdt4 .-wbe" 3 she has been vfsitii old friends and relatives for the past .16 1 weeks, Clinton being among the places ;-` ' At iiia Provino,alChristian Eddeavu Convention in St. Thomas, last week; 'bi[ A. T. Cooper was elected',. one'of th#'Y' Presidents. Mr Cooper is undoitb one of the most active 'wbrkers f� . branch of obristian service in.,the county'- Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Blyth, wl1ff'''' not only a good preacher, bhs`Ia,;well. " on five stock also, abed the owriib$ 61'4.,. ber of thorobred .regrster6,, ... ii,p`b sheep, paid a vieitito Afr. Jafndd Mo$ lane, 3rd con, of Stanley +ilii' Tnesdapx' was courteously ehdwtn'h�i7l tho4.obroc - ' Dr. Reeve hae,per�torme'd'a sup'aessf'nt' oration at the Mane, $tib Privpf nospii Toronto, upon the eya of Mrs. ' sten, )f Rev,F J. Otlten,_ofBelgrave,_hj�v¢1; a cararact formation was removed ;; . I , paten is doing well, and there is iii ' prospect of eight being fully rotator11 fact this lady's friends will be plbased ,earn. , , The travelling public generalig '. i* )nly glad to see the smiling face k1f fib factor Hun on the G.T.R. again, betel+ 3tratford and Goderich, but they ,will pleased to know that he has bean dhilrb monerated from any direct responsfbill� 'or the recent smash that 000urr0d:„, rare running down the Goderich ipol Ele is one of the most popular niers, on,, , load, and he deserves it; at the rtrrrie.t,i be is one of the most efficient. ,, HURON MEDICAL AasoOIA•',t'�d* • Che quarterly meet,nR of -thd $it ' lledici,l Society was held at the Roti )f Refuge, Clinton, on Wddaend ast. A large number of IoMettibta were present, including Drs, Tray] , • lunter and Shannon, Goderich 'I , ,owe, Mc$ay, McGinnis and Be h*4 ieaforth; Wood and Smith, ]]titch' dcKenzie, Moncton-; Stanbury ,. ' vesmit, ".Loronto; :gnaw, t:tunn ' Cut nbull, Olin ton. DrGunn gave nstructive address on nervous” dis �s, showing much thought tuna �1st'1 quite a large number of patleliit . v )resent and were presented b tail int members and used to ;. ]titled lifferent forms of nervous dleea,ea, 'ouched upon by the leetht6r, text meeting will behold ,%n"Jatio, ,when an address will be given: by, 0 nember at the society frith 0od'1W . ; {, - . I. _ i