The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-08, Page 8t The Galena, 11L, Weekly Gazette 0 N - i !! sa a of RQv. J, T. 1,eGear, fartfla+erl t r # 111 Ui atop. "The sermo A of Rev. 'V # e delivered In the- Taborusele, on lean, Cos 81tieS. `rtG1 4%Tas 1897 onRriday eveilin .le referred to aeonsUS1 gg Cll4l8. on of the beat seer delivered on the Lena,. . grounds. • 1►+ttreaxiarpbera#>iupaarl>aata+?a with the chilly winds of October comes the need of warmer things to Wear, the i ht erahRti#C Welro4trRieWrestmmawi a Naw Lii3AAAIAN,-The officers of pX#m Mtli4gag M Alamo th0, levf, ntea, Institute met on Mon• g day evening to consider ap locations weight garments of sulYllner must be laid aside for the heavier ones of fall and winter. For ,tlpd int#, (p x4iorgaal tnRtr her for the position of Librarian. Faurtfen months we have been making preparations for the Cold weather, and now that the fall days Of the whole Matter Ulla; Mt+d vhvslCa# oultnraliore, were received, and after due consider- our dr goods needs with the best stock -°--best in assort- slrri•xWtth.theMhere about: the ation, that of Mr John Bean was so- are here we are ready to supe y dry mob° Ish JPL* Asn cepted. The salary to be paid is the went --best in style--w-best le—best in all retard values that has ever been inside -the four walls of our :.'w. Bret 1};100 collected as fess, and aper- , , , , R centngeof the fees collected over that -store: -wn Wer@ II6Vex IIT R pi?Ii tl(yIl to serve yon JdttQr than VPe are to -day, an We guarantee amount. • up, Bean is an expert pen- Our rices ualit for ualit the lowest in the trade. , alis2t e,•+-011fiton should man, famlliatj with ijteratnre, and will P t quality • quality, is this. We're fn bneinles, i! possible to stay. We can't stay rur- o1 A 1 od9Lru Wttterin sort and no doubt look. well after the interests lase a use pea right; t the rig repair or hang y911 window t0sades h, '`tGt tea q' att►tiou •s ould be of the Ipatltnte, as welJae the public in the right manner, at the right time, at the store prise; unless we • Ai.0folrii;.0he 001041 of :avert' couve.nlence. ,gess Goods Will y°u' see give you value for avert' sent you epos ti ty you i to brie!, afters gCq,+'l c44, .iff it could be we give you satisfaction. We try to sanely we 'small matters e QilCC1 lt ttT'ba cornered should A DARIaW AOTION,--On Tuesday as well as large ones. Yor can't ask more, we can't promise silOTp. AtraBntt'4 corner on Albert nigght,NightV!?atchmaaMcCreactaima fhsetotion, andfrom Lealie's to.have had a thrilling experience; he t1t , Utron street to the Public was on his rounds, and came across a For urs o merely assert that the new styes Now what there rete ;thin shade Roller that's n a of pc0p8Y cosple of young fellows to the neigh W8 show the lar apt and. beat condition; there are few things more provokinggthan a shade that boyhood of the town hall, at about '"" Cyr- g won't go up, or equally t one that won't stay where you want it 111r;7e>i* t7fi[AN4lYf.-For the last o'clock-, they wanted to know the way selection of Black Dress Goods in millinery? 2 If you have one like !hat bring it to ire or tell na aeont it and we rA $ WIddoa has been working , to Goderich, and he directed them, in the Count would count for will Bond for it and retain it to You in working order. will 1 4'ihe London road, Stanley, shortly afterwards proceeding on his HOW -0 . try and make it work satisfactorily for yon' -that's the pooif nt we Jith:•of,toWn, but he has given it round to the station. As he came back the matter. You will find as little if the evidence Was alerted out with, if you don't know as let as get acquainted in Mh l;'lumeteel, Who owns the up the street towards the town hall, not behind it. But the facts are The latest in hats and trimm- rR24the road,, has rented it. he happened to step on a loose plank d.dop to looking around for an- near J W. Irwin's store, which made there—an assortment of high ines, in trimmed Sailors and Otten the eheapest, Always the Seat. ahlx>xtq tent.; he is a steady, roti- considerable noise; at the came time be elassweaves and values in plain walking Hats, just out of the uT141nau, and makes a first-class fancied he heard a noise as if some one t. was handling a bunch of keys, and the ` goods you'll not equal any- boxes last week, with the latest b Uous.--MISS To in of the same couple that he had met some time Rapid" where. American ideas in trimmed hats 'rhe D. Ftl V O . Collegiate stats, has been before, evidently frightened b the picked up by our Miss Scott, sleet 'to return to, her home in noise he had made, jumped out o J. B. 44 inch fancy Crocidele weaves, very Clinton. ..etgok;, owing to an affliction of Rumball's doorway and ran across the Is as far ahead of the ordinary Raw and stylish, rich, glossy black, while attending the Detroit rQa;"Vvktereby she has almost street, McCrea following them as best y no two dresses alikta each.......... $9 openings, are here for your ap- igethet voice. Otherwise she he could, when one of them turned and safer hook as it la ahead Of + r e.beat if health. Her oe;ttan fired a revolver at hits, the bullet pass- the old time Common hook and Fine figured Fancy Black Dress Go3de, prOVal, When you are Up (( QXl6glate is being filled by Rev, ing through his coat. As he was not all wool, extra vases at............40e lawn d0 not miss seeing Our 3chardson,'but Mies Topping ex- able to capture them be turned and in- eye, It is rapidly taking the to fi'0'atherpost.next week, veatigated the door of R«mbatl a jaw- place of both in the States, and heavy French Serge, hard worsted fin- Teat Milliner display. Ckfi NoxEs.-Last week James ellery store, but could discover nothing, ish, the second lot we've had already °br y ll 3' r of TIullett, sold a fine young bull the presumption tioe being that the fellows is now being introduced into this eaaeon, very special at 5t c To eover '.Stt d' Cf Amberly; he also sold °°ere trying to enter by means of false ' yy kava. Canada. These seven d.istlC- Ladies Bailor Hats, nobby styles oster sheep to Alex. Smith, tailor, of tive points of merit are bring- 75, $1 anti' 1.15 & el!,odgq, who is known as one of NoTica.-Robt. Neaman, NienSUrnlahings 1st sheep breeders of Ontario. Exeter, has secureds, situation with in it into general favor. Girl's Wool Tam O'Shtntera, ..2 for 2be C f nitit pos., of Tuckeremith, who are Masers. Jackson Bros. clothiers. W. g A special line of ready -trimmed bats, d a: Your. Feet l f+Coot rank. of stock raisers, late- P. Spalding, who recently underwent 1 --No sewing ander the bill. Warm Underwear for COOI marvels of style and good valne..$2.25 1 nue months old Durham bull an operation, and is confined to his 2 -,rakes one-third less sewing. Time 6VTurnbull, Grey; it was one of room ar, the resul" thereof, expects to is ,pone to some people. Weather, not the rough, harsh ehole,it animals. be out again in a few days, Miss Net- y p p In the best style is our aim. tie. It is man a year since tie Combe has commeiiced her duties 2 -Divides strain on cloth. kends, but those that are soft ) We carry a stock Of Shoes rmopctober came in with such 'n coDneotion with Clinton Model 4 --Gives firmer faetening with lase and comfortable, the 0aay"to The new Coats School. Mr Dunford had ,the miefor- sewing, that i8 unexcelled in the lltfitl :'weather as it did this time. tune to lose his dray horse last week it No wear kind. ' ed"rq ;;he' golden days of Nature, dropping dead on the street. A meet- 6 -Hooka and Unhooks easier, ( County. We have Shoes tt+y 7"being`froety marketed. Tie ing of the OricketClub was held in the thread to colon on the ape.) All pare woos Shirts and Drawers, that fit all feet and all ta6tea. liordos and save runaways. Up Council Chamber on Thursday even- 6 -Has the only reliable bump be- either plain or ribbed, undoubtedly %v ec >r%ae8--the NEw Z 'RA subscription Ing. Mr Glee. Emerson expects to cause free from thread under bill, the beat half dollar Underwear in Capes. r 110@ that Wears is our 0 B. yfleld river has less water move his mother aryl sister to Gode- boast, no than it has bad for along rich about the end of the month, hav-' 7-1s manufactured from the best qua- the trade, per garment............50C _m ,+'lteW.eather underwent conoid- in rented his house to Marsh Morrish; lily of braes wire and green the .Men's Actio fleece lined Shirts end - 'bla hstinge on Tuesday night. h' best possible finish, which prevents I Drawers lain or fano stripes, es, an The latest ideas Of practical k * Ghe house occupied by the latter has runt and gives a moat superior 11 Drawers,'plain y p P .. kwisn,D.--A quiet wedding was' been rented by Mr Janrt;s McCool, who article. extra fine line, aeon ..... . .......... 1 and skilled mantle makers are To sell you Shoes that are serviceable; at . a low price, is our enY¢naated atSeaforth, on Monday,, has recently returned from the west. Men's Fine soft woollen Sox, fawns t0 be found here There's no business. We have succeeded in pleasing a great number of tGli it` vvp Px ected, would occur If the person who took ars axe and and greys, seamless ..............20C tna p or. Tie grind Is are two hammer from Mr MCCnaig's stable last The next time you Want Hooks better assortment of Mantles, customers by selling them superior shoes at a sea gore. tlkntlwn Clintoniane, Fred Pickett ,week will return them they will confer sea 1liart ha -'Print, who were as- a favor. It is a singular co -incidence and Eyes try a caxd. Black and no better' values in the A narrow margin of profit is our motto. b Qeo. Hanby as groomsman, that the value of prizes awarded at or Silver 5ca doz or 10C a card. Count , ' and there's no time Mibs'Atice Platt as bridesmaid. the Huron Central this year is ;dent- 7 A Collar Special y Have you tried the Dia- erenoYtpp woe performed by Rev. ical to a cent with that of last year. They coat a little more than like now to buy. There s al- cponald. Tho young couple have The Hanna Creamery case comes upwa S 60m0 better than others, the Common kind, but then Men's four fold Linen Collars, stand gP mends On your feet y tts ot`frienda here who wish, them for trial at Division Court to -morrow, up or turn down, new shapes, heavy limtt d happiness. and as a good many persons are likely they're Worth it. quality, two for..................25c an the best go first. QiiltFllTIONa.-Several errors occur- 'to be present, the flown Hall has been They're all right. tItn the;Clinton Prize List last week. placedat the disposal of the judge in IbAdster Glass, for year old filly, place of the Council Chamber, if he " rfoy i}awis should have been credi• prefers to use it. Master Charles Tis- ilrat prize and W. Weston •dell (son of Mr J. P. Tisdale) happened , Wm. Ta?rlori 31 'i^ or 2'y68K old filly, W. Dale to get bitten by a dog the other day; erSiinsB o e rem tl attended to, 'the wound wap p y HOauls flsave been c rerlited with first a rious results ensued. Taylor 9 INTON. ze•and S. Beattie 2nd. In rife Berk- And no a Direct Importers, Clinton. irz;( Yass; for sow littered in 1887, R. &Sons have bought a very tine stock t,ZaiMfts should have been credited of boots -mind shoes at Walkerton, and it, " hd prize. Mrs S. Coats was Mr Jacob Taylor is looking after it; -the f irded ' first prize, for collection of business is said to be the best in that - lrhles wstead of Mrs Nott: town, being old established, and they Rett. Mr. .Meeaughan's Leetu re: are said have hit a good thing; they The Secret of -A7hR,i AD NoTEa,-The Q.T.R. have, scene enterprising firm, in whom the 7+c the Editor of the New Era. fled ll agents that children moat utmost faith can be placed, plenty ofadvise l tie e hope allowed to play about the plat- business sagacity and push, and Six. -Will you allow me'epege to I • + ,or yards,or to jump on or off cars, . the people of the northern town will all who can do so to go to herr Mr 1410- { o etiY gtandirig or in motion; lade not purauade either of them to locate C%ughan's lecture on Tuesday evening. I o plergist in cIonding after being there permanently. Mr $rawer went feel safe in promising them a treat worth i hied; Vgill be prosecuted. D. Can- to the station the other day to see Mrs listening to. I heard eldr McCaughan e bnshipped hogs on Monday and also Brewer's mother safely on the train, .year ago last Aagnet when ho created the ,%'d ad paying $6.36 per cwt. which started before he could get safely favorable impression Ghat brought about his Success r thein; C. J Wallace ehipS to -day; o he fell vioeeutly on: rho groes! hav- call to St. Andrew's church. Tbie summer +ilii bo ers inform us that themarket ing his face scratched, and was fortuu- I heard him again three times, and was a+a dropped nearly 26 cents per cwt. ate that big injuries were not mgrs sevqgang never dfeaper eve I may say that is the c Special-= j urcha es{0atnrday morning about 75 persons ere. Contractor Cooper bars a gang of hot canner evenings,.. when in other al r onrqm GliWerrch took advantage of the men at work preparing the foundation congrega St was almost augh n's h set a iyt , _qrg to Detroit. Instead of four 'of the Staveley Memorial Hall. It willcongregation, in Mr McCeaghan'aohnrobitYS not In making money, but In saving it- W." doing passenger work between be gratifying news to the many friends was almost impossible to get a seat. His is .. You can save money by buying our $ft)f?d ap Goderich, three will now of Mrs H.R. Walker to learn that she is a large church and it was always filled to 119ed; overflowing. I have not heard him lecture improving in health,being now consid g' - - 611JIliti'Tfi OF A FORMER OYANTONIAN.- erably better tban she has been for some but I have no doubt the praise given him in 25e it ivid"McLennan, grain dealer, of time. W. Jackson is in Windsor this that line is merited.dthe I am glad the con- 35c Ladies' wool Vest for t' atfard, died at the hospital Sunda week, attendingthe annual meetingof mitres hag made the prion of tinkers for 'wns, 1 y young people so reasonable that many of During the past week XPi have •+ QtriYig7 He had boon ailing for some the°Ontario Ticket Agents Association; - tl agd,pn Saturday underwent an from there they take a trip to Chicago trent lecture onbe e atenbjecf hearing mnriil made some special purchases for ,A, Ladies' 85c Black Kid glove for 65c "toil, from the effects of which and other points; and go in for having nue t lac re ever eget Canadian s The as :, able; to recover. Deceased ,% jolly good time Feuerally. The g y y Royal Standard." Let all who can possibly at3,bgi1R'in,Elton, Aberdeenshire, in community By athises deeply with cochs resent and make cash, and we are able to offer coining to this country in 1868, Mr and Mrs Langt Ord in the loss of their p J. HODiTOrr. O ktra 'g lt><sineas for a number of years, four-yoar•otd daughter, Pearl; she has tunity- there at a long way less than regular prices Ladies' $1.25 Black Kid Glove for I,. on in Blyth and Clin- passed through a critical illness of long otI Ice went to Stratford in 1882,and duration, and it was supposed that elle xosided there since. Mr McLennan was entirely free from the same, buVa Women's Ghriatian Temperance Ladies' $6.50 waterproof Circulars' for $3.50 pv0 known throughout the Do- return of the ailment proved fatal. Mr Union Items. n400i .apd was a man of sterling Aubrey, the well known horseman of _ 100 pairs of solid. leather Braces, sold teratrd the Strictest integrity, Montreal, has -bought Lack Kennedy's The annual meeting of the above so- + at genial disposition ; fine driver. Cantelon Bros, are hand- ciety was held on Thursday last, when 35C Ladies' $3.50 waterproof Circulars for .25 +f Beath trill be heard of with general ling enormous quantities of fruit, re- the following officers were appointed everywhere for SOC, our price • Mre McLennan, with A family ceiving a great deal now by freight. J. for the coming year: -Pres„ Mrs S. 7 three'sons and four daughters, re- Colclough intends to engage in the milk Crich; Vice Presidents, MegdameaBid- Ladies 35C Blk. wool ribbed Hose for 2,d5e rqd tt7mourn his lose. business. Among the prize winners of dlecombo, Stewart, Hoover; Treas., _ the Western Rifle Association, in Lon- Rec. Sec., Mrs Se- „ i'1ti ' A't2 lac HISTORY OF THE LATE don, this week, are B. J. Gibhin s and Mrs D. Stephenson; - - -- -" - (y12 E MAatvINNIs. -The following ward; Cor. Sec., Miss L. White; Super- Case fine Woollen Underwear . xn_ —50C -.--- - -' S Oe g _..-. .... c J. Spooner. John Reeves, ofMitcbell, _ -- --- Ladles' 75c Corsets for - ` EL+DiYt the Alliston Herald of last week, formerly of Clinton, who was tried at intendants of departments - Flower_.- #prg fk the grandfather of Dr. T. C. Mission,.Mrs-Sevrard; 1?rese< Dep:; µ b sizes regilar 75c goods, Our pr1L'O St4 #S?rd, ti>4 Teesdale. ona.char-ge- o - Mrs W. S. rt o, yen __Eew men have_bad_a- ._ L. White; parlor meetings, tori* like that of the late George forgery, has been sentenced to eighteen Harland. 45e uintfis, who died at his residence months in jail. rGVe understtsnd that The meetin of this Society aro al- 2 and 3 ply Factory Yarn, per lb. W. Weir is takingsteps to revert tI Ufferin street on Friday., Born p p ways annoud ed through the columns , rifts practise at the bate, owing to the blip Leland of St. Helena, in !Big, he danger to life and so ert b bullets in this paper, and.the officers cordial l m .fop"tanate enough to win the favor $ rn over his tarmp one f which invite all the Christian women of this 1 case Underwear, union goods, war 4 1 Scotch Fingering Yarn, per lb. - 750 ,pblean Bonaparte, who ab nearly y l3' town who are interested in, this noble 40c, as long as they last our price C some time ago passed through ,his cC ,edgd in re -arranging the map o! work "For God, and Home, rad Na- uro 'e' 111815. U on the capture o! booed, and it being no uncommon os tive Land,' to come and joiA them.. p f ourtonce to hear them whistling across ' t4,d sting' wished' Carsicttn a for the rho.. farm. breis & Rowland have Mothers, for the oaks of ygrr husbands - 11 be Another lot Men's all wool Sox, 2 pairs 25c tEle' of Waterloo and his banish- been arorhaulin the bestir system and sons, sisters, for the sake of your fo Nt. Helenaa, a British regi fathers and brothers, come and form a 'opt"Jo `Which Mi Maguinnis' father in rias. Dry' Goods Palace. a usual link In the all -round -the -world White Conf'i'riencement, sports in connection art offt 0 , wag. stationed on the Ribbon OhMn. frith Colinton Collegiate are ai! per sed tagtlard the fallen emperok. 1<t or to -day, Friday, iveathei permit- We are interest to the forward with a great t conven- V. dozen Girls Fancy Toques, regular iia . oned that Mx Maguinnis ;easy'. tiflg. to be followed by an eventing on. on eal t be•hbld in bur PRovinceduring 3UcHats 1Y e flkbt'white child horn on the pe o , terta4ument in the town. xTi the N ew York A, is event the eitiled emperor h the" resent 4nonth, especially to the rice SOE.r', U .1r price prizes to be awarded fire on e: 'ibition "World's," p to be held in Toronto on evitltsed great interest. The late Mo in the window of Jackson Bros. store. gk inhis had a distinct recollection . Oct. 23'L8. het+lti been, when a little child, 'A great!yr needed fall of ` rltilr was es- Mrs Crich has been appointed dole• e5otfte with a small French coin by petlence Wednesday night. The ate to the Provincial Convention, to t + r This Week We show the latest styles oUt in La ea apolioon.""On the death o! Na oleon peopleof Clinton certainly patronize g SgYS* KNEE PAN l s9 50cp V0Cp 75C • + outside fairs getierotfaly, as they were be held in Brantford on Oct. I215. Walking and Sailor Hata. You'll miss it if yon fail e tregI'r 7t to which. Me Magurnnio Much in evidende at Gloderleb;Bayfleld, _ attiei`'"belonged was recallediind'sholrtr Seaforth and Blyth• --the lane# peace BAD ACCIDENT. -On Wednesday Mr t4 see. our Millinery Display, aXld save mOnBy if yell di 60iv4rda the family - emigrated to being so largely attended by Clinton. D. A. Forrester met with a bad asci- buy from US. tspwilt: and settled in Quebec. When Iiins, that h stick thrown into the air dent. During the night he woke with Our wonderful line of $2 Pants, made lte:ltf g'raw,tb manhood he removed wotild be almost sure to fall on a rap- a start, dreaming that the house was (?tl a 6*111ltmbuey, wbere be mar• resentative from this town. We un- an fico, and springina Cut of bed, ran he t 'e eat millinery +mpo i ne ed atidtd V. up laird. After u rest- ddrsCand that Mr L, Dinsley, of Chico- aloe the landing to the roar of the b ourselves, ]S worth looking at. btco'thero of about Erevan yearly he {o, (las a rivato offer for hra property house; and struck a banniaten, over 1t ut.Tdasorontio in 1847 near 01d irl,tobr'>i, i£ ho does not sell it he intends ,,lith he tumbled headlong, falling ' erett, about two miles from the to lmpt eve it himself next spring. - nearly to the floor on the lower storey, ont bite ,tif the village of Everett. Fred Stapley, a good reliable young a distance of 15 feet. It was found that dagutnttia retired about twenty mate, baa taken a position with Gilroy he had broken his collar bone, and sus- t t r "[ j Q,,. jam! ago amid •removed to Alliston. Ba Wiseman: Dr Freeborn is in town, tained serious internal injuries, the Jacksonros., W E S 1 ;.air ..,i0 li ubt)ttii llrtif a • eefytury a wea a de' y to removal to Nero On- fExlt nature of which are not et known. ht ' At ttelint. rind der ng his rest- pre larator - -- - '""' `_- tftrltit Qfttiatoit wet; only absenifrom tarso, Mica graithVvaite, Londasborp,, '1 e slnherely lappa that hese may dw bee 'f4tf$, Tleceabnl # Ab erAtIftite, vylll make her home here, *here $he prove to be less serious than eontem- The Fi SMOUS C1 daught8 d toot ltiitl: blit rd. 11 trlcblt t pAattipn. plated. 4 i iYFr F,ti' -"'6 $j 7...i «•^i, , ...i. + -...,._' _ .':lti w'R i.. f ri ~ r