The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-08, Page 67"'
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Clinton the w Bra illbe sent to new subscribers, to t of January 1898, to any addx ess
THE CARELESS AND IN- No Other oil and ilo other
grpteWl�tng`positi�rel 'aeei,�t. , • medicine l c.s ever been dis-
uht of solid wealth Il►Ik+I+ERE�i7
h W bait -breadth n mar. covered wiiich can take the
ute_Kir ice,—,M61s.t pec-.... ,..
t admit that to nnbs a place of Cod-liver Oil in all
b3tmerit by no more Suffer Intense Agonies This
gt74s is infinetly more conditions of wasting. New
one ,massed it by an Month. remedies come
fxuoly vexations is the , live their
ora few seconds would, difference, that tile. ---- little da and die, but Cod-
ek, persoucouldscarce- Many Men and Women In liver Oil remains the rock on
par,axy Gbagriti at such a
fittatChagria must be in Great Danger. which all hope for recovery
.4gal6 whobave missed
brttlea hi some shape or must rest. When it is scien-
rgtlxe "than that space ofr tifically prepared, as in Scott's
tithing not easily realized. Po Such Mortals Paine, s Cel--
sttlpefying experiences of Emulsion, it checks the pro-
tlgl;everyday affairs, but cry Compound Guarantees
Ori instances tratispire, acid gress of the disease, the con -
tic reaiiin they make; - a New Life.
aleft' con-
ewers neer hap- gest ion and inflammation sub-
ttte iight of publicity. The -- side and the process of healing
tlxaiople, has often tried to
s flelings ofata acquaintance' The great medicine a sure cure begins. There is the whole
e,yearp tinct, missed becom
by. @Q fine a margin .tbat it for Rheumatism or Sciatica. truth. Book about it free.
qtl flava been strange if his
l y'pwrAlgsis had merged into -- I SCOTT at BOWNE, Belleville, Ont.
r t4t►lnstanceo were richly dra- Thousands of .people die annually of
Irkfalined to be "wild," he bad rlieumatiem, yet every case could have A nu maurler story.
Citi t41ti1 his` father, and quitted been cured if Peine's Celery Compound bad
etrta .rogf some months before, been used in time, One of the beat stories told of Du Mau-
i8.4f the • fact that father bad Too many men and women show amark- rier is this from the English journal
roperty to leave to some- ed indifference when, in some form,. the Lloyds, as refuted by n correspondent;
e'' ied. Finally he put the dread disease commences its agonzing There was some years ago In Hampstead
lg road a pavement artist, now dead. Du
etc) his imprudence by work. Spine foolishly imagine that bright,
Iii self to be trapped into Maurier often dropped a colt Into the poor
p warm and dry weather will banish the in- ,
tt,Yv*ith a designing third-rate mane hat. One cold day the author of
�,• , g g Cruder, and they determine to trust them- 'Trilby' told him to leave his 'pitch' and
aald'the news of this somehow selves to time and circumstances. Others
i Ziis father's ears at the last go to the model soup kitchen !n Euston
plane their hope f warmer clothing and road to get some food. Du Maurier, as a
Cho frequent use el liniments, while some joke, consented to take charge of the mat.
iQ wedding -day, just as he was experiment with electricity and baths. When the man was out of sight, he pro-
l7t kstarting of for the church, As the days pass, the careless and indiff- ceeded to wipe out the pictures of battle
ia,In Was tbrust into his hands, Brent find themselves deeper in the mire of scones, faithful doge, etc., and commenced
x'ng ii strong appeal to his sense, Buffering, and they experience all the count-
re4tto disinherit him if he con- IeBs twinges and agoniee of the disease,- drawing pendia in chalks of the by hi y
the! marriage. In his excite- They have chills, pain in the back, quick indica and gentlemen made famous by him
laid "not open the envelope, but eued pulse, constipation, loss of appetite In Punch. Passersby stopped to look and
. _11tehed in his hand until the coated tongue, and the joints swell—usual- remunerated the deputy, and when, an
X when he went to pay the reg- ly the knees elbows and wrists. hour later, the man returned be was
' 'hen he art] realized that be pleased to find so much d bee lint, but re-
p y Now is the time of extreme danger.* gretted that his work lied been destroyed.
tip the mistake of his life, but the sufferers realize that, they are paying "Phis may attract some people, but it ain't
xta`Iate for reflection, the nerialty of their earelesenr=se. , Many art,' he said to the amused Du Maurier as
Other died some months lgter, will soon be nelpleeB and useless; we shall
44earted but inexorable; b.ut the he commenced wiping out the society
see them with stiffened muscles and joints, males and females. Now, thls pleases
ki, irony of the situation lay in and limbs twisted and drawn n
atliat the actress -wife, who lead everybody, ' he continued, drawing the pfo-
Some will ask the question,, "Ie therE tore of a soldier."
l hirla on the strength of his ex- truly a cure for Ruch helpless rheumatics?"
)Ds;'left him within afew weeks We say unhesitatingly there is. The agent —
drsiIlusion. Beyond a doubt, that aures effeetmIly and scientifically is
ICeftd the telegram a few min- Paine's Celery Compound. It hoe oared One by one the distinguished British
*ilex}` both would have been only' thousands in'thepast—men and women of visitors who came to Canada to partic-
1 to eome to their senses on the the highest standing in every community— ipate in the proceedings of the British
'a" ,i ,d these have given the strongest t-eti- Association for the Advancement of
�W, ere quite a number of start- P. the Bncoura anent of othora. Besides Science return from the Canadian
,des;and'unex Qcted windfalls g
P removing the cause of rheumatism, Paine's Northwest. They are all loud in their
ticitiilp reported dui ing the re- Celery Compound is the only medicine in praise of Canada as a place of residence,
km:in South African mines, but the world that guarantees a perfect cure. and they unite in saying that their vis-
Qng..experience of one well- Will you, sufferer, continue in agony and it will greatly help to open the eyes of
P at,
the atthe time reads al- danger of death when such a mighty reme- the world to the richness of the Do-
'e,on extract from the'Arabian dy as Paine's Celery Compound is offered minion. Professor Cruikshanks, of the
He held a hundred shares in to you? University of London, for example, on
venture which for months Let us assure you, poor rheumatic suffer- his return from the Pacific coast and
#,te,Red to collapse, and one er, that the use of one bottle of Paine'B the Western Provinces, told the Tor -
posed of them for an absurdly Celery Compound will quickly dispel any onto newspaper men that up to the
Vsums no doubt considering doubts that you have. The effects will bepresent titne many people in the old
oxcee,dmgiy shrewd to get so encouraging that you will be forced to laud had imagined that Uanada teas a
Zit ,:• By one of those inexplic- continue with the life-giving medicine till strip of the Arctic zone, but the visi-
es which make truth queer- you are sound, well and happy, tors would emphatically work to dissi-
!fiCtibn at times, almost instan- pate that view. A general endeavour
ilyt. a renews of an extensive will be made,• he added, to send out
Pin been struck, and up sprang She Will Ciro To The. Klondike. some of the best' English, Welsh and
ti -6 the shares, The yield went — - Scotch farmers to develop the vast ag-
,eding all expectat:oiis, bel nat 141iss, Arrowsmith, of the Ladies' ricultural wealth of the country, for
h6 isecontinued, until the un- Country Club, is the first English gen- this, after all, is the source of all other
ieetator had to swallow the fact tlewoman to go to Klondike. wealth.
3]4d missed, by only a few min -In an interview with this enterpris-
's„4`iva' whichtan serenely into five ing young lady at the club, a London,
,''`True, he was by no means Eng., Daily Mail representative aster-
, Y, u'the realization was none tail7ed some of the details of her mix -
'bitter. elon,
ii, atteroihistorytbattheauth- "I rely upon being the first English
aecessfulnovelkilledhimself in woman of birth and education in the
pairof desperation ust when field," said Miss Arrowsmith. "I shall i
P A sea -captain
tty figuratively spewing, was leave direct for Halifax in December, / may navigate
the knocker of his door. His thence to Montreal, where I shall re- his ship safely
0,60 which be bad built great main until the first party leAves for across the
itions, hung fire for months, and Klondike, and with it I shall depart. ocean, but when
ii$her, pronouncing it "]mpos- No obstacles will stop me, and having he comes into .
Ar, ,- made no farther efforts to in my veins the same blgod that has port be must
r',W6. Sudden] a rest critic sent our race over flvo continents, I leave s pilot who
,., y knows all the
]oto his head to lau the novel hope to accomplish all that I have difficulties es and
glowing terms that an immed planned for myself. ��\1 dangers of that
uai d resulted. In a few days "Q private entePprise chiefly takes 'particular ciiantiel. In the voyage of life
i, COmised to .Xie phenomenal, me to this latest gold fiield, but I have there are many perilous places where we
'tiuthor heard. nothing _of it; he arranged with some English papers need the help of a pilot who has a thorough
6d himself in aNew York gar- and periodicals to contribute a series knowledge of the a ecial difficulties and
eijaieon account and a note of of articles descriptive of the everyday dangers to be avoided.
iilation from the publisher of life and surroundings of the miners In triose delicate physical weaknesses and
k reached' the house just af- and the field. I can cook make bread diseases peculiar y women a general pratprac-
! / J � � titioner or ordinary doctor has no opportun-
i'1bT shot had rung through it. ride, and do most of the manifold ity to become thoroughly proficient. Still
put off the rash finality for only things a woman of sensible bringing less to be trusted is the advice of any mere
unute§. it is said, he could have up can got through to -day, and I have nurse or unscientific person.
��'but his hand and grasped a hones, by means of my entertaining Only a sRecialist who has given a life of
abilities, of drawing the mining men study to this particular field of practice, is
around me in the long winter evening's competent to treat the diseases of woman Is
E;A:TH'f3 COLD SWEAT and keeping them from wastingtheir intricate and suffering cated
organism the e' n
-- leisure at the sl r0 banties rat or- Any woman suffering from these delicate
Y grog rs troubles may obtain the most eminent pro•
it3 i Grest,Sesds upon bis Face--- nament, or rather disfigure all such ,fessional advice free of charge by writing
atiili of HEart Disease Snatched "rush" localities. to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting phyat-
"For many peat , I have taken a aof the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In•
fife Grave by the Prompt use of Dr prominent part in amateur theatricals, �,tlit-.;e, of Ruffalo X. Y: Duringg nearly 30
,. and havin ' a serviceable voice for ears' at the head of his splen id staff of
f t3. Cure for the Heart—Relief in b' specialists,he has successfullytreated man
ieB in'80 Minutes. melodies, I trust to be able to while tousandsof cases of obstiate feminine
away many a dull hour after the days complaints.
;new'sCare for the Heart positively toil has been gone through. His Pavorite Prescription" was devised
fel within 80 mutes after the first "I�Q, l ape •not at all concerned as or the sole purpose of curing the diseases
ak6n, Jamea J. Whitheo, of Will- to gold -finding itself, though it is hard- nd weaknesses of the feminine organs.
tt;Pa.,, says—"Cold sweat would ly necessary to say I go to Klondike to for
other medicine has been so marvelously
tin great beads upon my face, and find it, not in the frozen earth, but in successful in this particular field of prac-
Iliought my end bad come. But the belts and pockets of those who are tice. No other medicine so. completely
a found in Dr. Agnew's Care for successful and desirous of the comforts the
all the dangers and nearly all
G. After usingit for a short time the pains of motherhood.
• and luxuries they have left behind in 11 It is with pleasure I recommend Dr. Pierce's
owthat the trouble is altogether civilization, and which I may be able Favorite Prescription to Buffering ladies," writes
i." TO effoots are magical. to obtain for them, Mrs. J. Ferguson, Box sq, Douglas station, Sel-
kirkCo. Manitoba. "After suti'ering untold
hnlord three children of Mr Part* Many of my friends have attempted tenures i thank God I found relief and cure in
irid playing in a buggy when it ran to dissuacte me from my venture, but Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription."
i'inn ilii ne into a creek and turned as a woman of some experience I de- The Rreatest book for women -ever ptib
.4b ne the ola trees ti 5 ails -old cline to be' Influenced by those ov-Go lished is Dr. Pierce's thousand -page "Com
y ere content to lead a humdrum life mon. Sense Medical Adviser," sent free in
9,tlrownod. when there are possibilities for dash paper covers for cost of customs and mail-
0orey, or., who lived near Sarnia, and courage in an entirely new por- ing oo:ly, 3.
one-cent stamps; cloth -bound
tdOme by the smoke from a pile of tion of the globe. I shall willingly do So stamps Address Dr. Pierce as above
brush, and fell into the fire. When vote for ee years to Klondike, and I
eine time after his body was burn- am very confident that they' will be
crisp, the best years of my life."
utfi dr despatch gave currency An Advertisement
drior that Sir Oliver Mowat SAFE, SURE, PAINLESS.
Go be married. One of the Just what you need if you are troubled by
000f tb(5 Minister of Justice was aching Borne. Putman's Painless Corn Ex- This is an advertisement which tells
i`tli�Aference to the matter. He tractor acts this way. It makes no Bore the truth about Milburn's Heart and
There is absolutely no truth in Boots, BOB speedily, removing the worst Nerve Pills.
fort, Sir Oliver and the late corn in twenty-four hours. Putman's
dpwat were devotedly attached, Corn Extraotor,the only sure corn fire, PEOPLE WHO SUFFER
atfbther-for nearly fifty years, from sieeplessness, dizziness, shortness
tithing would give Sir Oliver Mr W. S. Booth, railway from
clerk of breath, smotheringfeeling,al ita-
r.pain than the prevalence of between Ottawa add Montreal fell off tion of thheartP p
Amor'" the C. A. R. train between Alexandriapains through the
1:C74�Ifi20N EXPERIENCE and Glen Robertson and was killed. breast an d heart,
Mt ,18hnst.n is
obliged to give up The Globe says:—Why not begin to anxious, morbidcon-
i dwain ih the house and take care spend less money on railways and moreV dition of the mind, b
n�elCon a000nnt of a dreadful sero- on the common roads of the country? groundless fears of coming danger,
14& on one of hia limba, . The common roads cannot be monopo- atimmia or impoverished blood, after
X— Xir'Johnston reads a testimonal lived or their stock Watered; they be- effects of la grippe, general debility,
l,.tbVi of scrofulous troubles 6ured long to the people, and the people can- etc„ should
cod's Saresparills. oHe resolves to not be deprived of them. Every dollar TRY THESE PILLS
for a bottle and begins taking put into good roads is a dollar put into
the farmer's poakete, saving wear and as they cure these complaints, Everybox
if _Mt Johnston'bas token six bot- tear of horse flesh and waggons, bele- is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
it`T- o(odis Sarsaparilla. His scrofula ing him to market his produce, and in . money refunded through the party from
d;dat,Blt He is feeling stronger, has creasing, the pleasantness of country whom the pills were purchased, and we
l appbtita and is able to attend to life, gi 113 better mail delivety, better authorize them to do so on the strength
otVz He writes a testimonal telling access to the store, the church, the of the above statement. aI'his offer is
xpdrfeneo with Hood's Sareapar- schoolhouse,,
th'e public meeting, the limited to the first box used by any one
,td red6mtuends It to others, neighbor's house. person. 'T.' MILBUBN & CO., Toronto.
Y9, •
The Xoniwy o Viuuer ,Sell. Money Lost Rud Pound.
Nature has hundreds of queer ways of
toatterJ g seeds ,broadcast, but none of To find sums of from $300 to $500 on
them is more peculiar than that of a men locked up whilet under the influ-
South American tree called Hurn orepi- ence of drink in the West end of Lon- i
tans. A celebrated naturalist, in speak- don, is said to be quite common, but
'Ing of thls remarkable tree, uses the fol- such amounts are as nothing to others
lowing language: "A curious instance of that are told of. For instance, a young
need scatterlug (shooting them from the widow, who was afterwards proved to
pod) is afforded by Hurn crepitans, a hand- be lnsane, and who had just landed
tome tree which is quite common in the from abroad, was driving, about and
valley of the Amazon. This tree has a po' over-refrefreshing herself on the road
ouliar fruit, somewhat flattened, with a with money and securities to the ex -
deeply furrowed or ,fluted body, made up tent of $90,000 in her possession, never
of a olrole rd many cells, each containing to speak of her jewellry. When she
ono seed. Jfvben the seeds are ripe, the was brought to the police station from
cells open and expel them with a loud re- one of the most dangerous districts in
port; hence the fruit is sometimes called London, she had notes,old, and jew.
the 'monkey's dinner bell.' ellery to the value of $9(1,000 loose in
44Stories have been told of burn fruits her pocket.
being placed in desks, and subsequently I Then there was the case of a rough
opening and discharging their seeds with looking man who was found lying
such violence as to break Ink wells, and helpless on his back in Soho. He was
even to oraek the wood of the deak.F' ' `oblivious of everything whilst being
searched, and-thdy ound on him $55, -
The Prince'. Guests. 000 in bank notes andgold, chiefly the
A guest of the Prince of Wales at Marl- I former, of course. He bad landed
borough House is overwhelmed by atten- from Australia with the savings of
tions. A number of servants herald your more than thirty years only two days
arrival and departure, and there sr& usu- before. He had not lost a single sove-
eliy two servants standing outside your reign, and he subscribed $2,50 to the
room door when you are staying in the police fund.
house and a man behind the obairof every One of the most curious cases speaks
guest at mealtime. well for the London cabmen. A man,
helpless and speechless, was locked up.
The most civilized notions are as near I When he came to himself he commun-
barbarity as the most polished steel Is to icated the startling intelligence that
rust. Nations, like metals, are only pol- he had lost a pocket book with over
tshed on the surface.—Rivarol. $100,000 in notes and securities. They
were able to tell him that an hour be -
The greatest taxpayer is tobacco. n the i fore he was, brought to the station, a
last >a7 years this product has paid Crib- j cabman had found in his vehicle a
Pocket book, and had deposited
ute of 81,000,000.000 to Uncle Sam alone. t
the etatian, The cabman was set up
- for life by the percentage of the pres-
ent he got.
The .Best One Cent Daily
/7"Tf C in Western uatario.
Cannot be excelled as a bright, en-
terprising and po ular paper. Has all
the latest news (prom all parts of the
Supplied by all newsdealers in West-
ern Ontario, or sent direct.
S,�CK HEADACHE,,The Western Advertiser
Positively cured by these + only 75 Cents a Year
Little Pills. I Equal to and better than many
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, ± published at $1.00 a year.
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. Agents wanted in every district to
feet remedy, fo Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsf• canvass for�this publication.
tress, Bad Taste the Mouth, Coated Tongue Addie a Tgrders
Pain in the Side, RPID LIVER, They Advertiser Printing Co., Ltd.,
Regulate the Bowds.� Paivlly Vegetable. London, Out
Small Pill. Small Doses
Smali Price. THE
the fraud of the day. The Greatest One Oent Daily.
See you get Carter's, This paper is now on its second year, and has
reached a point in circulation and standing that
otherpapers take years to attain. It gives all
Ask for Carter's the news of the flay, with bright, fresh editorial
t points, for 1 cent an issue, or $1.60 aTearbymail
Insist and demand Get a copy from your news dealer
C,arter's Little Liver P±lis The News, - -
Who Makes Pickles ?
Those who do not need not read this, but to those who do I would say that
I have just received a fresh supply of goods for pickling purposes, such as
Vinegar, from Wilson, of Toronto, who has the reputation of being one of
the most reliable manufacturers in Canada, and Spices, as the sale bills say,
too numerous to mention, but all of first quality and right prices.
Have you tried us for that refreshing beverage? If not it will be to (your
advantage to do so. "SALADA.," to be bad from no only, yon will find the
best value in town. Our sales of this tea increase monthly.
13IIGAR—Redpath Granulated Sugar is the only kind we Bell, and for that you
will find our prices right. Fruit Gems as cheap as any. Our Motto: "Quality First."
H. Wiltse, Central Grocery. Phone 40.
A new Broom sweeps clean
Brooms at 10c each
Brooms, two for 25c,
Hub. Grocery A dandy one for Uc,
These Brooms are great value, having been bough tiat reduced figures.
We are going to give the public bargains for the nett sixty days. No
excuse for not having a clean house. Crockery, Glassware, and -all
kinds of Groceries, new and fresh.
4G4 -EO SWALLOW, - Clinton
"Flat=treaty "Shape
Best for feet which are long from ball to toe,
and short from heel to ball. Ordinary Shoes
curve upwards too sharply for' such feet,
bending them injuriously. Full ridged box
toe, slightly curving sides, and stylish
effect. Laced, Buttoned, Congress, or
Oxford. Black—Tan--Seal Brown
---Carmine--Wine. Sizes, .5 to I I
Widths, D. to E.E. Goodyear
Welted.. $3, $4, $5. Stamped
on the sole. "The Slater Shoe"
CA'rALOOUr Villus '
C&UM ettes ail
ct, PER...
Clinton Sash Doorpi Blind actor
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest im roved ran-
abinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates forand build 11 class-
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest pricers ell work is tpervis-
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We Bell all kin a of in-
terior and exterior material.
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blin, .Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DFSH, manui oLured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and, estimates before placing your order
Special I TEAS i - TEAS I'`
Ski es i3 ft CEYLON, ASSAM and JAPANS.1
W V5 w7 8 pounds good Young HysoA, Tea for 01.\
Just to hand, I car tl SUGARS SUGARSI SUGABSI
Montreal Sugar No, I Granulated, Coffee and Raws in barrels, one
• hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices.
We keep the best Dinner, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China
assorted�toek Of Wed- I and Lamps. 25 per cent less than regular pric0.
ding Pre ents in Huron. Call and see our goods and get prices?
FRESH SEEDS—Timothy, Red and Alaike Clover, Turnip and Mangel.
Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs.
J. W. IRWIN. , - - - - Clinton
For the -balance of this month
-Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, At COSI
Handsome Toilet Sets
China Tea Sets, and Under.
Fancy hand painted 'Chinaware
Call and satisfy yourself that this is a bonaffide offer. Having
bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our customers
the benefit. ButtEr and Eggs taken as cash.
N. ROBSON'S, - Clinton.
The subscriber desires to intimate that he is still in the
Sewing Machine business, and has made arrangements with the
To handle their machines, and am proparod to give the public an aracle unsurpassed for
durability and the quality of work. They will be placed on trial free; we oompete with all ma-
chines on the market. I also have other grades at less money, and will procure any machine
manufactured, if desired. Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machines.
W I-41UNG ifiACIIiNES-I am agent for the celebrated Anthony Wayne Washer, the
,�aaii�•�est manufacturers of W ashore in the world. The machine cannot be beat in any respect. I
stiII handle the Improved. Ideal and Manitoba 'Washers. Also Clothes Wringow, best in market'
WM. MOORE, old stand, Huron St., Clinton
. t -
Money to burn is a com-
mon expression With some
people, but they don't
have it.
To burn, that's more like it, and get Coal that won't transform into clinkers.
We have the reputation for selling Hard Coal which is free of the clinker sub-
stance, in clean stuff when delivered, and hot staff when lighted. The only t
trouble with it is that it burns. Leave your order with;us. We are now daliv-
Bring for the coming cold weather.
HARJU AND B, Stoves,Clin onare, &C
Y9, •
The Xoniwy o Viuuer ,Sell. Money Lost Rud Pound.
Nature has hundreds of queer ways of
toatterJ g seeds ,broadcast, but none of To find sums of from $300 to $500 on
them is more peculiar than that of a men locked up whilet under the influ-
South American tree called Hurn orepi- ence of drink in the West end of Lon- i
tans. A celebrated naturalist, in speak- don, is said to be quite common, but
'Ing of thls remarkable tree, uses the fol- such amounts are as nothing to others
lowing language: "A curious instance of that are told of. For instance, a young
need scatterlug (shooting them from the widow, who was afterwards proved to
pod) is afforded by Hurn crepitans, a hand- be lnsane, and who had just landed
tome tree which is quite common in the from abroad, was driving, about and
valley of the Amazon. This tree has a po' over-refrefreshing herself on the road
ouliar fruit, somewhat flattened, with a with money and securities to the ex -
deeply furrowed or ,fluted body, made up tent of $90,000 in her possession, never
of a olrole rd many cells, each containing to speak of her jewellry. When she
ono seed. Jfvben the seeds are ripe, the was brought to the police station from
cells open and expel them with a loud re- one of the most dangerous districts in
port; hence the fruit is sometimes called London, she had notes,old, and jew.
the 'monkey's dinner bell.' ellery to the value of $9(1,000 loose in
44Stories have been told of burn fruits her pocket.
being placed in desks, and subsequently I Then there was the case of a rough
opening and discharging their seeds with looking man who was found lying
such violence as to break Ink wells, and helpless on his back in Soho. He was
even to oraek the wood of the deak.F' ' `oblivious of everything whilst being
searched, and-thdy ound on him $55, -
The Prince'. Guests. 000 in bank notes andgold, chiefly the
A guest of the Prince of Wales at Marl- I former, of course. He bad landed
borough House is overwhelmed by atten- from Australia with the savings of
tions. A number of servants herald your more than thirty years only two days
arrival and departure, and there sr& usu- before. He had not lost a single sove-
eliy two servants standing outside your reign, and he subscribed $2,50 to the
room door when you are staying in the police fund.
house and a man behind the obairof every One of the most curious cases speaks
guest at mealtime. well for the London cabmen. A man,
helpless and speechless, was locked up.
The most civilized notions are as near I When he came to himself he commun-
barbarity as the most polished steel Is to icated the startling intelligence that
rust. Nations, like metals, are only pol- he had lost a pocket book with over
tshed on the surface.—Rivarol. $100,000 in notes and securities. They
were able to tell him that an hour be -
The greatest taxpayer is tobacco. n the i fore he was, brought to the station, a
last >a7 years this product has paid Crib- j cabman had found in his vehicle a
Pocket book, and had deposited
ute of 81,000,000.000 to Uncle Sam alone. t
the etatian, The cabman was set up
- for life by the percentage of the pres-
ent he got.
The .Best One Cent Daily
/7"Tf C in Western uatario.
Cannot be excelled as a bright, en-
terprising and po ular paper. Has all
the latest news (prom all parts of the
Supplied by all newsdealers in West-
ern Ontario, or sent direct.
S,�CK HEADACHE,,The Western Advertiser
Positively cured by these + only 75 Cents a Year
Little Pills. I Equal to and better than many
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, ± published at $1.00 a year.
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. Agents wanted in every district to
feet remedy, fo Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsf• canvass for�this publication.
tress, Bad Taste the Mouth, Coated Tongue Addie a Tgrders
Pain in the Side, RPID LIVER, They Advertiser Printing Co., Ltd.,
Regulate the Bowds.� Paivlly Vegetable. London, Out
Small Pill. Small Doses
Smali Price. THE
the fraud of the day. The Greatest One Oent Daily.
See you get Carter's, This paper is now on its second year, and has
reached a point in circulation and standing that
otherpapers take years to attain. It gives all
Ask for Carter's the news of the flay, with bright, fresh editorial
t points, for 1 cent an issue, or $1.60 aTearbymail
Insist and demand Get a copy from your news dealer
C,arter's Little Liver P±lis The News, - -
Who Makes Pickles ?
Those who do not need not read this, but to those who do I would say that
I have just received a fresh supply of goods for pickling purposes, such as
Vinegar, from Wilson, of Toronto, who has the reputation of being one of
the most reliable manufacturers in Canada, and Spices, as the sale bills say,
too numerous to mention, but all of first quality and right prices.
Have you tried us for that refreshing beverage? If not it will be to (your
advantage to do so. "SALADA.," to be bad from no only, yon will find the
best value in town. Our sales of this tea increase monthly.
13IIGAR—Redpath Granulated Sugar is the only kind we Bell, and for that you
will find our prices right. Fruit Gems as cheap as any. Our Motto: "Quality First."
H. Wiltse, Central Grocery. Phone 40.
A new Broom sweeps clean
Brooms at 10c each
Brooms, two for 25c,
Hub. Grocery A dandy one for Uc,
These Brooms are great value, having been bough tiat reduced figures.
We are going to give the public bargains for the nett sixty days. No
excuse for not having a clean house. Crockery, Glassware, and -all
kinds of Groceries, new and fresh.
4G4 -EO SWALLOW, - Clinton
"Flat=treaty "Shape
Best for feet which are long from ball to toe,
and short from heel to ball. Ordinary Shoes
curve upwards too sharply for' such feet,
bending them injuriously. Full ridged box
toe, slightly curving sides, and stylish
effect. Laced, Buttoned, Congress, or
Oxford. Black—Tan--Seal Brown
---Carmine--Wine. Sizes, .5 to I I
Widths, D. to E.E. Goodyear
Welted.. $3, $4, $5. Stamped
on the sole. "The Slater Shoe"
CA'rALOOUr Villus '
C&UM ettes ail
ct, PER...
Clinton Sash Doorpi Blind actor
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest im roved ran-
abinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates forand build 11 class-
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest pricers ell work is tpervis-
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We Bell all kin a of in-
terior and exterior material.
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blin, .Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DFSH, manui oLured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and, estimates before placing your order
Special I TEAS i - TEAS I'`
Ski es i3 ft CEYLON, ASSAM and JAPANS.1
W V5 w7 8 pounds good Young HysoA, Tea for 01.\
Just to hand, I car tl SUGARS SUGARSI SUGABSI
Montreal Sugar No, I Granulated, Coffee and Raws in barrels, one
• hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices.
We keep the best Dinner, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China
assorted�toek Of Wed- I and Lamps. 25 per cent less than regular pric0.
ding Pre ents in Huron. Call and see our goods and get prices?
FRESH SEEDS—Timothy, Red and Alaike Clover, Turnip and Mangel.
Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs.
J. W. IRWIN. , - - - - Clinton
For the -balance of this month
-Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, At COSI
Handsome Toilet Sets
China Tea Sets, and Under.
Fancy hand painted 'Chinaware
Call and satisfy yourself that this is a bonaffide offer. Having
bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our customers
the benefit. ButtEr and Eggs taken as cash.
N. ROBSON'S, - Clinton.
The subscriber desires to intimate that he is still in the
Sewing Machine business, and has made arrangements with the
To handle their machines, and am proparod to give the public an aracle unsurpassed for
durability and the quality of work. They will be placed on trial free; we oompete with all ma-
chines on the market. I also have other grades at less money, and will procure any machine
manufactured, if desired. Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machines.
W I-41UNG ifiACIIiNES-I am agent for the celebrated Anthony Wayne Washer, the
,�aaii�•�est manufacturers of W ashore in the world. The machine cannot be beat in any respect. I
stiII handle the Improved. Ideal and Manitoba 'Washers. Also Clothes Wringow, best in market'
WM. MOORE, old stand, Huron St., Clinton
. t -
Money to burn is a com-
mon expression With some
people, but they don't
have it.
To burn, that's more like it, and get Coal that won't transform into clinkers.
We have the reputation for selling Hard Coal which is free of the clinker sub-
stance, in clean stuff when delivered, and hot staff when lighted. The only t
trouble with it is that it burns. Leave your order with;us. We are now daliv-
Bring for the coming cold weather.
HARJU AND B, Stoves,Clin onare, &C