HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-08, Page 4r i Gowan, Miss H Wise; trmato catsup, W O PrOOtOr, N Oumin • Dairy, D E Munroe General Neal Dow, the Veteran prohibit- I -._ BORN, s' �� �� pickles, mixed ' ionist of Maine Taylor, W H Mer- kok,•t,, Mrs Taylor, 91re Kei�y. Fruit. A MoD Allan. ,. died on Saturday. PUOKERTN-At Odley, on the 2nd fust., the r Y P + Manufactures, R Norrison, J Nicholson. Lad_ wife of Richard Puckerin, of a daughter. It floe%t►g silica passed into a pro• M►aa L3ymingtnu, 'sl: , tilt; pickles, ay ice' work, 1Vlisa Hislop, Mise Elle Ross. Fano Mo.— , t MASON -In Bl b P „ Other kind, 41'd iiumae Mrs T Hamilton arta, Miee Lizzie C4raham. Mies R Bowler. Wm M y h, on Sept. 27, the wife of verb that lyth ehow is always a sue- ' Heavy horses As Spear, W H Cruickshank. WESTLAKE-In Stanley, on Oct. 1st, Ed- aeon, of a son. " �� cess," and the proverb was more than basket of eggs, A Carr, Li hb horses, b B Xenned B Toml(nson. Cat- mund Westlake, aged 58 years. COLCLOUGH-In Morrie, on Sept. 87, the P POULTRY.'—bronze turkeys, I) Showers, tie A Johnstone, Shoe , y,as ,ife of John Cololou fis verified this week, the Fair being held Y � d Lanes Thomas DELONG-In Port Albert, on Tuesday, Sept.S�gh, of a eon. on Tuesda . and Wednesda Tues- G ZxWin;. tarkeye, any kind, G Irwin; Anderson. Pie E Bel J Coultes. Poultry, 88, Irene, d ughter of Mr and Mrs R, J.H: De- DIEHL-In Stanley, on Sept. 11, the wife of y Y• (ft 0 Willson, w starter, Walter Coats, Im• Long, aged years and 8 months. da evening eRou h rain fell to settle geese, large breed, G Irwin; D. Showers; y • g elements, Geo Rogers, O Johnston. Val. M. Diehl, of a eon, Rosen Snake, W Wallace, W Irwin; ducks, VARNEY-In Wingham, on Sept. 2s, Eliza- the duet; and a though Wednesday HICKS -In Exeter, on Sept. WAS diAll and heavy, the attendance of any kind, O Irwin, 1 and 2; Leghorne, W beth Varney, aged 52 years. , pt27 the wife of pl'04potain Inviting the spectat9rs was very largq indeed. The Taylor, Mrs Howrio; Houdans, Fairservioe Town GOunCll John Hicks, of a daughter. DUFFIELD-In Wingham, on Sept. 88, Mar- MAItRLBD. Bros; Brahman G Irwin 1 and 2• black ion Louise, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs G. 0 t,o*R o 44-infe a>1d inepeo, inside exhibit was one of the largest Spanish, G Irwin E The regular eeting of the council Duffield, aged 10 months, PICKET-PRATT,-At the Manse, Seafo tit we have seen at an show in the coup- P, , W Irwin; Minorcan, on Oct. 4 Rev. Dr. McDonald, Fred Pickett' y was held on onday night, there be- BELDEN-In Howiok on Se t. 20, Jeremiah on t this year, the display of ladies' work Fairservioe Bros, H Davis; Hamburge, Mrs in only a bard Belden, fabher of Dr Be den eaforth, aged ss to Miea s rths, third daughter of Nr S.Pratt' 1. Iy P Howrie, J Sherritt• Langshane, W Taylor, g y quorum present. A years, ' all of Clinton. ' j aa in particular being unuatially large, as communication from the Fire Under- WALKER-WIIIER-At the BaptistParson- .' ' ' ` a_ll was the case also in roots and fruit; Fairservioe Bros; Dorkinge, 3 Iivain, 1 and writer's was read asking if imQrove- a e, Wingham, on Sept, s0, he the Rev, Jame. • • this is certainly not good fruit year, 2; Wyandotte, Appleby &Hunter, G Ir- menta romised had been made and new 1% fire oirmtoto Iy y B y win; Andalusiane, H Davis,W O Watson; P + Hamilton, a i Walker, es Tnrnbe, to .�1I1eT but it does not seem to have affected the clerk elated that he had written to Mrs Rosetta Winer, of Rochester, N. Y, J Black Breasted Red Game, H Davis, E the crop in this vicinity 99udging by the effect that the Brussels Co. had all bout 1Ponnd=Forma In Mrs Garvie'e grove, .,,.,,. what was on exhibit. Four of the Haggitt; Ball Coobins, G Irwin, 1 and 2; the articles ready except the Heater; a lady's plash coat. Owner will receive it by !splay q1, , Partridge Coohine W Wallace;Bantams, business men made very creditable on which they were working. oaUin ab i1R HENRY MURPHY S, Crustae o! `1�ziq`0_# r Tipel, displays, viz: -•7. H.Chellew, furniture; G. Irwin; Polande, E Haggitt; Red Caps, B. S. Io. Goderich Township. • v ., J. G. Moser and 0. Hamilton, hard- W Wallace, Fairservioe Bros; Plymouth THE STAVELEY BUILDING Greet 11 ,Rooks, $ Davis, W C Watson; collection The report of the Staveley commit- R�s, .Ribbons, &C. ware, and F. Mitchell, jewellery. CIDER YRE89 FOR GALE. Stock of all classes was well repre- Pigeons, H Daviel and 2;ooileotion of fowl, tee was read, giving the list of tenders __ �'�� �� gtl5it 'Veilings. We will be sented in the outside exhibit, competi• G Irwin,•Fairservioe Bros; guinea, fowl; E received, and stating that the Commit- A hand Older Press capable of making a bar g er ,Q. giyo yon a perfect fit in tion being strong, especially in the Haggitt, J Barr, tee had let the contract as'previousl rel a day, in good worfiing order, for sale cheap. ,y4 g g' P y IMPLEMENTS.—Lumber wagon, instructed to do b i Also large toed kettle. PET)OR STRAITH, horse classes. More implements were g Brunedon y council to S. Clinton. ��'� x shown here than in all the rest of the & Son, Slater & Sims; pair bob sleighs, Cooper, the lowest tenderer., Mr Searle shows put together; poultry was also Slater & Simn, land 2;iron beam nod plough, thought the committee should not �AXTLES g + li y have let the contract without first HOUSE TO RENT, I Vit, particularly well re resented. The Brunedon &Sone, 8 Satton; iron beam gen- -- of $6,000 worth of following is the prize list;- oral purpose, U Hamilton, Brunsdon & submitting it to the council, who, he Comfortable, eight -roomed house on Albert sQit `'Opening, Saturm Sone; bait gang plow, C Hamilton, Brans- thought, had a right to be consulted in street, with garden and stable. Rent reason �ig"x .54pt. 25th, and HonsEs-HRAvY DRAGHT.— Team, Jae don & Bona; pair iron harrows, J Phillips; the matter; he did not believe the con- able. Apply to MRS B. MOORN, Rattenbury WATCHES ,$ wreak. Forster, C 'Dale, J Shepherd; brood mare single open baggy, Dno, Brunedon. & tractor could build the Staveley hall Street. } f and foal, G Dale, J F Dale; were foal, not Son; single covered bug y, J Walker D at $3500, and do a good job. Mr 19wal- known, R C McGowan; horse foal, Jno Eno; outter, D Eno, Slater & Sime; set of low agreed with Mr Searle so far as TEACHER WANTED. JEWELEftY and i Chisholm, U Wright; two year old gelding, horse shoes, J Phillips, Slater & Sims; set submitting the contract to the council + James Cartney, 1 and 2; two year old filly, of trotting horse shoes, J Phillips, Slater & for ratification was concerned. Wanted, a junior teacher for Unions. B. No, SILVERWARE k 'i, FIILLIER, g P , 5, Hallett, holding 2nd or 3rd class certificate. N Coming; year old gelding, W MoGavan; Sims; iron pump, D Sbowers;wooden pump, lit was pointed out to these gentle- Applications received up to Oct. 23rd; to state I ER four h N oar o d fil F Dale G Dale beet l + . i 1 J _ salary wanted. -JOHN men that t e council ted OHN y Y. D Showers, R Morningstar; farm gate, H itself, at a prey y 1 WILSON, Secretary, Everything in my store, at whole - (p#04, near Hotel Olarendon colts foaled in '97, by any registered heavy Edwards, J Leary: stove and furniture, J iou@,meeting, had instructed the com- Auburn, } sale prices or below, from now until t draught horse, A Menzies. G Moser, 1 and 2: fanning -mill, W Mitch- mittee toreeeive tenclersarid let thecontract,J - FINE FARM TO RENT. Christmas, We must nave the me- ,;, '. GENERAL PURPOSE. -Team, J & J Taylor, ell; land roller, 8 Sutton; turnip drill, C Reeve Kennedy said that nothing __ ney, and if you want the goods at f Vertiftm> ulo J F Dale, Jae 6andersou; brood mare hav- Hamilton, 1 and 2; specimen of 000per's could be gained by further discussion That fine farm on the 13th con. of Hallett, be. prices that can't be beat, come to us, ''> , - ing raised foal, Geo Stephenson, R Ferris; work, W Taylor; soafHer, Brunedon & Son, as the matter was all settled. Coun- ing lot 23, to offered to rent at reaeonaVe terms. This is a genuine sale, and every mare foal, J F Dale, R Ferris; horse foal, H06y C Hamilton;aharn,C Hamilton, tiV Taylor; Taylor thought the committee did It contains 150 acres, 130 cleared, with frame word, that we say we mean. Every- Rrphy G Stephenson, T Kerniek; two year old 12 assorted tiles,C Fraser; post hole auger, perfectly right in letting the contract; house and bank barn 60x60 and is most eligibly thing will be sold at cost or below, situated. J. MoCLACHEUTY, Clinton. + .11 HPFaur Oo gelding, C W Taylor; two year old filly, J J Richmond, C Hamilton; fastest walking they were instructed to do so; the until Christmas, 'Mind; we can give $Screws Carling, Jas McCallum; year old filly, C team of horses hitched to a wagon on and members of the committee were cod 3fc r Wilco Dale, C W Taylor; sweepstakes, J F Dale. g STRAY COW. you prices that nobody can beat, as e1. � Wilson Y P driven once around the ring, W W Fish- citizens and councillors, and t air we are bonnd to reduce our stook by pm ,eo er&co CARRIAGE. -Team, D Barlett, R Ferris, er; merchant making the beat display at o inion was just an good as would be --- $3,000 worth at ones. Come'and et i7-Mra Moore ROADSTER. -Team, W Weir; brood mars �j A yours dry cow, red and white, came into g 0,1` iB,)lumball Agricultural hall during the two days of the opinion of the council as a whole. the premia a of the undersigned, on or about these great soaps, because they are -Fitzsimons and foal, A Smith, A. W Sloan; horse•foal, the fair, C Hamilton; to harness horse and Councillor Gilroy moved and Coun. Sept. 15th. The owner is hereby notified to worth coming miles to get, Z dfaot&Box Scott & Warnock, L Tasker: mare foal, hitch to single rig and drive once around Taylor seconded a motion that the re- prove proper pay charges and take her aglacherty Jae Smith, A W Sloan; two year old old- ort of the committee be ado ted, away. H. EL ORD, Holmesvitle. %'1?-TrOaimette y g the ring, J Salkeld, TBgiley. P p 9B e-aW $Elliotiu ing, W Weir, F McArthur; two year old TUG of WAR.—Huliett and Morris vs. which was carried on the following3 nb-'"I"PStraith filly, W Dale; year old gelding,,Soott & East and West Wawanoeb, prize $12, division: -Nay -Searle Swallow. Yea CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. q•,]j 'AfoTaggamt Warnock, C Dale; year old filly, H Davis, both aides won one pull and they s reed to-Kenned Ford, Gilro Ta lor. -- g. 's - . 8t Wilson Jae Bailey; single driver in buggy, R Fitz- declare it a tie, P y g y' y' y That epiendidgsrm on con. 1, Stanley, tLon- J B. Rumball s aesleyy 8t eo ramous, N Yellowleee paddle horse. J J THE NIGHT WATCHMAN don Be.d) being lot 32. is offered for sate on 5 eI T S Chellew LADY DRIVIDRa.-The judges neglected to Illy Swallow, who, at considerable easy terms, 97 sores, 91 cleared and in high aea;?•Jaekson Bros McLaughlin, H Davis. enter in their books the succeiafal con- atate of oultivation, Farm is only 2 miles from Leader of Jewelery Fashion:4 'saI ' rs H O'Brien CATTLE—THOAO'-BRED DURaAMe•-Milch trouble, has been keeping a tally of the Clinton, Frame hones and barn. bearing or- littp teef 8t Gibbings testanta in this olaee. Calls made by the ni t watchman at chard, well watered, and a most desirable ro is t ,`s --Sod ens Bros, cow and calf, Jan Snell, R Curley; two FRUPr-Winter apples, J B Tyreman James $ p ____^••�•�•••�«��.•....�..-................ i each place where he Ie required to re- Party. -G, D. McTAGGART, Clinton. dz1941roy N isema•n year old heifer, R Curley, Jas Snell; year Potter; fall apples, J Potter, A Carr; Baldwin, old heifer, Jae Snell, T H Taylor; heif9r C ])ale, J B Tyremtow, ding of Tompkins, J B port, alluded to an apparent discrep- +lrt Tyreman, J MoGregor• northern sty, C Dale, ancy in the time of some of she visits; PROPERTY FOR SALE. --r �y�, calf, Jae Snell, i and 2; bull, 2 years and J Shortreed Rhoda island greemnga, R G this was explained by the Reeve, as -- We-oillANA D'tt g�jl,� under, Jae Snell; bull calf, R Curley, 1 McGowan, A Carr; Ribston pippin J Tabb, W Subscriber offers for Bale the 25 acro lot onaz=��� 1V�y CCjj// and 2, Daor; golden russet C Dale, M ii Harrison; being due to some disturbance on the the 2nd con. a Tuckeale th, being lot 46. ANY OTBER REGISTERED BREED,—Beat Roxboro russett, M tI I3arrison, J B Tyreman; streets, and the night watchman There are on the promises a two storey brick seek -no -further, RB Laidlaw, A W Sloan, thought it his duty to look after them, dwelling bank barn, carriage house, and other tl!`�,. OTOBER 8, 1897 miloh cow, D Denholm, Jno McGregor; Swaar, A W Sloan; Wagner, W Mcllroy, Y hence the seeming discrepancy of outbuildings. The place is well watered, and STRATFORD, ONT two year old heifer, R C MoGlowsn, A Brigham; Bendavis, A W Sloan, W Daer; van- g P y hate a good orchard of two acres, and between A A I T 4 't b A W time the uestion of I k` ft tit Ir -,;w '�I .1 . The Ne`nr Presbyterian Book of Praise Has an unusually large sale all over Canada. Some cf the Editions have been entirely sold out and new Stooks had to be cabled for. This week we expect to again have Our Stook Complete and shall be able to auyou with any edition. "lleEppi", 8, 10,f 20 and 80 cents. 09 •�. ; Better ones alp to i$6•50' • . each. A nice line of -- -- - - ---- ___----__-. .__... - _ _ . - _._..._ ..._ ...-. Bible & Hymnal , � combined, from 60o to $1.25. Mail orders promptly attended to. PERS BOOK C00 ST R 0� CLINTON. .BOAR FOR SERVICE{ A thorobred imported Yorkshire White Boar for service at touch & Wilson's slaughter house. Teams, $1 cash with rival a of re- turning. ^COUCI & W�sON_ GOOD FRAME RESIDENCE FOR SALE' The frame house situate on the w -nor of Shipley and Rattenbury Streets is t ffj: ed for Sale on reasonab;o terms. It ie siory ane a half, 3ontaining,five rooms and kitchen, with frost - Proof cellar, hard and soft water, Quarter -acre ot with apnyumber of choice fruit trees on the or MR$ pSAMfII pparticulars to MRS THOMAS L+L HOLMES, Princess Street Clinton. �d� �,I e are Right K*diclabl compelled to carr Jacobs; year old heifer, Jac MoGre or• R ervere, yreman, i Zen erg, , Oo Ing a er , e d 12 of our students have taken? situs- r Y P y Y + g Moan ;ft.G McGowan; Tatman sweets J 8 two an, three ores bush. Flituate - bona within the last few weeks, Two ' At the verge of a it matter an any others pertaining to about three malas Prom Clinton. -MRS H. O'- g C McGowan; heifer calf, D Denholm, J Tyrems W Daer; Mann C Dalo M H Ilarri- iii �$tsWeek several interesting ar• g years and under, R C son; mai ken blush J Brigizam,G tZuinn; snow, this particular office, was 'left in the BRIEN, Clinton P. O, } applications are now in and two situa- IMIcGre or; bull 2 tions are being held until two of our period of activity. C e,;,;fall fair season is now ov- J Brigham, A W Sioan; Duchess of Oldenberg, hands of Mr Swallow, who has alread I ?, McGowan, J A Deadman; buff calf, R C 9 y students graduate. Canada's leading «,- A WISloan, S Furse; wealthy Miss Sparling, devoted much time to it. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. comiFive male teach f you Wish proof respiixethe usual order of thine McGowan. R G McGowan; Canada red J B Tyreman R g FINANCE ere;els competitors in "i IGRADE.-Milch cow and calf, Appleby & G McGowan; Calvert, J Shortreed; J Brigham; P Of this COIIle t0 Mr. Gilroy, chairman of the Finance In the matter of HENRY LEE BROWN, trading varier now it possible. Hunter, J no Shortreed; two year old heifer, Alexander, A Carr, J Potter; 20 -oz pippins, A y+ at the Town of Clinton, in the County of Hu- rculars, f + , f W Sloan, A Carr; any other named variety Committee, recommended payment Of Biddlecombe s and tib,'Q Refuge Notes �, Appleby & HKnter,. D Scott & Sons; year A Carr, A W Sloan; collection of apples, J P y roc, under the name and style of Onward Bi - old heifer, Appleby & Hunter D Scott & Bri ham, N Cumin$; winter oars S Furse, the following accounts:- cycle Co., Insolvent. L2L9 ,iott, Principal 1.y r PP Y + g ,• ,see what we have. s.' 7arl, of Exeter, arrived Sons; heifer calf, Appleby & Hunter, D W Scott- fall pears A W Scan, W Daer; J_ Becker, work on streets,etc.,$7.96; Notice is heraby given that the above-named ' i, Scutt & Sona; steer calf, Jno Barr, A p17 piuins, �V H McCracken, A Jacob tomatoes, C. (atter, $6.28; Jas. Danford, team- Henry Leo Brown has made an assignment un- tl&e ye'sterday. Sloan; two ser old steer, Jno Shortreed, 1 F Metcalf, W H McCracken; colleei:ion of fruit ing, $1.55 D. Cook* $2.90; F. Evans, der x. S. O 1887, Cap. 124; and amending seta, At the Be ronin 1}10 eiii&le inmates i9 aged 95 Y + J B T remota. Miss Nott; granas a Jacob, J B $1.05, '.C, Hillock 30c; W. Coats for Tiedall allhis oP theestate eaid toiwn of Clintonetor tto he R n- iliWis nearly' as active as a and 2; gear old steer, Appleby &Hunter, Tyreman; craba,T Brsdnoc ,J F �1ale;peaohes, + �9ybais in good health and Heffron Bros; fat steer, R Curls herd of A W Sloan, R B Laidlaw one box watchman's clock dials, 85e.; Oral benefit of his creditors. r ' y' Maxve•AarvRea-Roma-made all wooltiannel H. Hill, tank, $83;,A. Seely, 75c; rent, A meeting o[ his creditors will be held at the �` of the fall season our qk a lgonsiderable time. She cattle, Scott & Sous, Miss H Wise, Miss iNott; flannel, union, Miss Mrs Devine, $2• News -Record print- office of W. Brydone, Barrister, in the town of stock of Jewelery, Spdc- ,f 011l Goderich, which, b SHEEP—COTSWOLD.-Aged ram, Jas Pot- H Wise, Miss Nott; home-made all wool blan- + + P Clinton, on Saturday, the 16th day of October, Caries, &o,, end prices will y kets, Mrs T Hamilton, Miss Wise, union blan- ing, $5; C. H. Mortimer, Toronto ad- I897, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, 10rte onsible for twelve of ter; ram lamb, Jas Potter; pair of aged ' convince on. $ . ,� ewes Jas Potter Owe lambs, Jas Potter kets, Miss Wise, Mrs D Stewart; horde blan- vertising; $1.50; Electric Light, $4.85; to receive a statement of the affairs, to appoint Y ? + + + kets, home spun, J McCallum, Mrs D Stew- inspectors, and fix their remuneration, and for ^o R. Reynolds, $30. Receipts- town OUR SILVERWARE e ,:of (loderich, who has Shearling ewes, Jae Potter. art; coverlet, home spun, bliss Wise, Mrs D ordering the affairs of the estate generally, LRICESTER.—A ed ram Stewart; rag mat, Miss Nott, Airs T Hamilton; scales, $17.45; station scales, 9.80; hall Creditors are requested to file their claims est,' fur about lien months g , N Cumin$,, Jae $ �- + e Sanderson; shearlin ram, Jas Sanderson, yara mitt Mrs H R Walker, Miss Nott; rag rent, $20; sale of cemetery lot, $6; work with the assignee, with the proofs and partiou• Our DOetOr Ol' Retraction an: accident, Is gradually g carpet, Il Sprung, Mrs T Hamilton; stockin lora thereof b the said aots•re wired, on or be- >ad`cannut Iasi much longer. Jan Cuhie; ram lamb, Jno Collie, N, Cnm• yarn` home spun, W H MaCraoken Mre on Cemetery, $7.90. fore the da of such meeting.q g In re 1 to a question from Mr y The prices on these arti- ;. % S been one of the ha i- tngj pair ebearling ewes, Jae Snell, 1 and Hamilton; coarse boots, J Shorritt 1 and 2 ; P y t1 And notice is further given that after the PP hand made gents' boots, J Sherritt; Searle, the clerk stated that the town said 16th da of October, 1897. the assignee will Has Diode a special stud of the human eye oleo are away down• b ir` ,,Patient anddeath 2; aged ewes, Jae Snell, Jas $anderaon; y g y y 4 P: r lady s fur driving mitts, Balston Bros; loath- was usingA portion of the Stavelejv proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor i -gl6r her, pair ewe lambs, N Canting, Jae Snell. er, ainton Bros, P amongst the artier entitled thereto, having re- t money to meet current expenses until g If Yoar EYos 11 $HROYSHIRED,OWN.�-Aged ram, Cooper& P and only tot a claims of whish notice shall then I ent there are 77 inmates, LADIES' WORIC.—Gent's flannel shirt, hand the taxes began to come in,: instead of shave been given, and that tie will not be liable $on, A Duncan; shearling ram, A Duncan, made, Miss Nott, Mrs T Hamilton, gent's un- borrowing, the town thereby Are weak or your eight r, it is Important R E P AIRINGt of ever kind taally more than the House Uooper &con; ram lambs Cooper &Sone washed white shirt hand made, Mrs w Mc- g+ y saving for the assets or any partthereof sodistributed poo pp Y ' ' to any person or persons of whose claim he to have them carefully ezamined. guaranteed to give satin- , af%ommodation for 'and Kenzie, Mrs T Hamilton gent's mitts Miea 3 1.2 per cent. interest. p gn + A Duncan; aged ,ewes, Cooper & Son, A �Symington W H McCracken; pillow shams, shall not then have had notice. faction. 1 $ 190v`gral here and elsewhere Duncan; shearling ewes, Cooper & Son, A Mrs Hole, 141rs C Campbell; pato quilt in cot- Dated at Clinton this 7th day of October, No charge ld,be. inmates. In schools, bl OTHER MATTERS Duncan; ewe lambs, Cooper & Son, R B ton Mrs W McKenzie Miss ,Symington; patch J: P. TIuDALL, Assignee. Whatever is -made for testinti. 1 ,*,,",-.'held that every scholar Laidlaw. quilt in cloth Mies Mott, Mise H Wise; silk Mr Searle moved that a vote of the W. BRYDONE, Solicitor for the Assignee. Pyne Steel frames including glasses 911ad by Nt 8";.'1000 feet Of air: the in- quilt, crazy, )firs Hole, Miss Symington; oroch- people be taken as to whether the our Specialist, >$l.ao. A AxY OTHER BREED NOT NAMED, -Aged et utlt Miss Nott, W H McCracken; knitted Itato I. ��dd�eCOmbe t e.Squse have only 325 feet, ram, Jae Bails Jas Tabb; shearlin ram 9 ' taveley building should go on the Extra- Provincial Companies Full Stock of Gold Specs and Eye Glasses, Bailey, g quilt, Mrs D Stewart Mies Symington; woollen , t " illlit''seen that this is nGt,by Joe Tabb, L Tasker; ralziclamka, L Tasker, socks or stockings, afire W McKenzie, Mrs T market ground or Dingley a corner. �% COOPE Orfs snap to sanitary require- J Bails ; a �d ewes Jaa Tabb, L Tacker Hamilton; braiding on wool, Miss Carder, There was no seconder to the motion, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thht under CO CLINTON �N - y g r + Miss, Symington; Araaene work, Mies Syming and it dro dropped. Conn. Taylor moved, the provisions of Section 104 of the Ontario • •y � %�� shearling ewes, Jae Tabb, L Tasker; pair ton, Miss Nott• embroidery on bolting cloth, and Coun. seconded, `hat Companies' Act,cveryoompany,NoTiNOORPOR- CLINTON: tw� e ;iLddition to the inmates is ewe lambs, Jas Tabb, L Tasker; fat sheep, Mrs C Campbell, Miss Symington; embroidery 7 $00 ATED BY OR UNDER THE AuTHourrY Or AN act Clamed Bindley, of Goderich; ewe or wether, Jae Sanderson, 1 and 2; pen on silk or -satin Miss Carder Miss Symington; worth of gravel be put on Isaac street f of THE LEGISLATURE OF ONTARio, which now or Kensington embroidery, Mr's Campbell, Miss from the railroad to the Bayfield road, prior to the first day of November, A. D. 18.97, l"tnless youth who occupies of Oxford -down sheen, James Tabb. Nott- Roman embroidery, Mrs Campbell, Mrs carries on business in Ontario having airs 1s time playing with a strip PIGS—CHESTER WHITE, -Brood sow, W H R'Walker• parlor screen, Mrs Campbell, it being understood that the town- i p �-•�•-��=T y p yor ata purpose or objset, for the carrying on __ _�� TH�+7 .1. V V A - Jy��— ' ,Wseemingly a has not an Daer, Jno Barr; spring boar, Jno Ellie H Mrs Hele; sot's cushion, 11[ra 'Campbell, Mies ships of Stanley and Godericb will pay of which a company might be incor orated 1. L7_ .l. A fi}�e', He should never have Edwards. S mington; fancy panel, Miss Nott, Miss over grants to that amount as soon as under the said Act, sha11, on or before the Wise; beat piano or table scarf, Mrs Camp- first day of November, A. D. 1897 make out OUR SEMI-ANNUAL DISPLAY OF wo';the House, because they ANY LARGE BREED. -Aged boar, W W bell, Mrs H R Walker: drawn work, Mrs Mc- the gravel IS put on. This was agreed and transmit to the Provincial 1Jecretary a t` 41618 to look after individtt- Fisher, R Nichol; brood sow, W W Fisher, Kenzie, Miss Carder; honiton or point lace, to, the Council intending that a little statement, under oath, showing: , dblifacter in the ail; the pro- W Daer• spring boar, W W • Fisher H Miss Symington, Mrs Campbell, recommend- grading would be done before the gra- FALL AND WINTER WOOLLENS AND P P g ed, Miss Nott; best novelty in fancy work, vellin was proceeded with. (a) The corporate name of the company; iA"U4' J1e s the asylum for the Edwards; spring row, R Nichol, W W W'Hartry,s C mob Snarling crochet work in Ou the sup estion of Coun. Ford it (b) How and under what special or general GENTS FURNISI3INGt� llwnd elle should be remo'ved Fisher. silk, Mrs Campbell Miss Sperling; crochet work g Act the company was incorporated, `e001t its possible. IMPROVED BERRSa1RE.-Aged boar, W Mo- in cotton, Mrs Mckenzie, Miss Lane, crochet was decided to the the drain from C. and the Acts amending such special or , . Allister brood sow, W MoAllieter, 1 and 2; work in wool, Mrs H R walker, giss Nott; H. Curtis'. a>p far as there was tile for. 8eneral Act; r , bed-roomislippers, Mrs Campbell, Miss Lane; Coati. Searle tendered his rest na- (c) Where the head office of the company is Will be held during the week commencing Sopt. 27th.. We extend an gfllci;tun, J. P. of Blanchard, g spring boar, W McAllister, 1 and 2; spring fancy toilet set Mrs H R Wallrer, Mrs Camp- g situated; invitation to everybody to inspect our stock which consists of imported e house on the 30th of bell; beat foot stool, Mrs D Stewart Mies Car. tion as a member for St Georges ward (d) The amount of the authorized capital y r p er„ajitr; -"I visited the House row, W McAllister, 1 and 2; pen o4 page, der; applique work, Mrs Campbell, Visa Sym- and on motion of Che Reeve, seconded stook; end domestic W McAllister W W Fisher, g (e) The amount of stock subscribed or issued leverything neat and clean, ington; fancy Miss Sy ton, by Coun. Taylor the resignation was '#le2ts greap credit on Mr and reg ;fallFall wheat, Jae .ares,McCallum,S$ Mise Sperling fancy handkerchief oars, Mise and the amount kind n thereon; WORST DSSERGES � T� �DS Carder, blies Symington; mould work Mra accepted. EjEjneh,-The rovision that hoe Fares; fall wheat, white, $ FIIree, J Sal- 1 (f)The nature of each kind o business whichjj,,�� jj�� P keld; spring wheat red $ Furse J Salkeld; Campbell, MissSymington; Symington; suit of lad e. nn- Council then adjourned. the company is empowered to carry ar- $'rkly the county for the un- P g derwear Miss bymington; knitted �aoe in and what kind or kinds is or are car- clit iia,ot persons that occupy winter wheat, 8 Furse, H Edwards; white cotton, lkiss Symington, Mrs D Stewart; knit- ried on in Ontario. In all the latest novelties. In Gents Furnishings we claim tq carry one of til 8`+' refieets credit u on the fife spring wheat, 8 Furse; tall wheat, any ted or crochet fancy wool shawl, Mrs D Stew- George Lawrence, of Guelph, committed (1) If the company makes default in oomply the moot up-to-date stooks to be found west of Toronto, consisting of P kind $Furse J Salkeld 6 -rowed barley art, Miss Bymingtoni one set of loroehet table suicide by shooting himself with a revolver, ing with the provisions of the said section it `of Huron County. Mr ' meta, W Fiartrq Mies Snarlingg; one set of The First Methodist ohgroh of Sarnia shall Incur a penalty of twenty dollars per day Hats, Capps Ties, Braces, Underclothing waterproof Coats $ Furse, J Salkeld; White oats, $ Furse, M table D'Oylies, ieaS arlin Mre Hele' Bat- for every day Sorin which such default con- , a' ata to be the right man in p g g li Harrison; black oats, S Faroe, H Ed- tenberg lsce, Mrs Campbell Miss Clarder: has•invited Dr. Daniel, of London, to be- tinues, and every director, mans er secre t place, and pleased us with g , i rr wards small peas,$ Fares, J Salkeld; fancy glove case, Mrs Campbell, Mise Symin$- coma pastor. terry, agent, traveller or salesman of such ARTS A SPBI°IALTY. 111 l '•and kindness. 'ton; tattin Mre Hole Miss S arlin fancy company who with notice of such default y large peso, J Salkeld, R G McGowan; tam- g; Prairie fires hays caused a lose of seven „c,,, g P + + netting, W �I MoCrao en, W Hartry Queen transacts within Ontd'rio any business what- 'bC1LDENT.-An unfortunate Oth seed $ Fnree J Balkeld• flax seed J Ann darnin Miss Nott, Mrs Campbeil encs lives near Winnipeg, and destroyed an im• over for such company, shall for each day up- — Y r + , + g, , P y, 141b erred at the House On Salkeld, B Furse. collar and ruff ogee, M se Carder, Miss Sym- manse amount o property. on which he so traneaote such business incur A i MOftftISfl Clinton 1A. J HOLLOWAY Clintonti!ght,'whieh terminated fatal ington;,fancy etgan Mrs Hele, Mre Campbell; a enalty of twenty dollars. dg ROOTS—Potatoes, named, W Ts for R table centre pieco W Hartr Mrs Hele table Dar C. R. Devlin, appointed some time •• s ligilta were turned out as ueu- Y y+ i arms for the pur ase of enabling compan- f! + G McGowan; early potatoes, W Taylor E cover, embroidered (5 o'clock) Mise Wise, Mrs ago by the Dominion Government Emig- fee to comply with the above provisions, may lie O cloak, all the inmates be: Hele; tray cloth, Mrs Campbell,Miss Sparlipg; ration Agent to Ireland has sent his resig- be obtained upon application to the under- Haggitt; oolleotion of potatoes, E Haggitt, tea core Miss S arling, Miss S min ton g ' signed. E. J. DAVIS, ed e t rpt Mr and Mrs French, �+ p y g l nation to Ottawa. g Os -ee A�$P8V--'C re -T amllton�_field carrots, P Willows, rcture t row,_Mrs Campbell Miss Snarling; Provincial Secretary, if D f1 siDghitrn r u to put the horse J Allaneon; garden r-ed--oBerote,-Salk`erd; eriyn,won, wor-k,flatT--Mira-.Oampheu,.Miss_ ......_,.J.ohn-Eaton .of-tbe- __--_. ..._-_.__-.-_-__Toronto,•--- _._-__4.w__. _.__.._.9.OTIIING..__L�HE._. LEI -TH Rs__ __--._ _-_...-__.___....... $' P Symington;I,Berk, wool work raised M{ea * '' "E' mon •Co. ••was •--------- -- ' - P Willows; eweed turnips, J Coltec, R G + • ened by Mies Smith for $50,000, for breach ftg6 Hodgins, assistant matron, Oarder, Mrs Campbell; lamp screen, Mise of promise. Hn oom romised with her for ISS C. E. CLEMENT Graduate of Alma P itidgvn. at the time. It was a McGowan; any other variety, C Fraser, A Symington, Mise Carder; laundry bag, Mra H P M W Sloan; collection garden produce, J Al- R Walker. Miss Wise; shopping bag, Mias $2200 and costa. College, teacher o Piano. hates after nine when she re- laneon Walter Taylor; beets, W H Mo- 'Sperling, Miss Symington; etching on any Theengagement is ann0unoed of Mr B.B. dild.'the horse Was put in the ' material, fine or coarse Miss N ott, 144iss Car -EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . ' Cracken, D Marsh; sugar beets, J B Tier- der; knotted bed -spread W Hartry, T Brad- Oaler, Toronto, and Miss Lily Ramsay, _ A8 Crawford was coming in y Y+ ney, Walter Taylor; mangold wortzels, W nock; mantel drape, W H McCracken, Mise dau bier ofm.r A. E. Ramea manager of All persons owl the estate of the. late SW he discovered a man lying C1 S min todl oo lection of ladies' work Miea gg y'"� g g ;mound at the rear of the build• H M'o racken,.J Salkeld; mangold globe, Nott, Miss Sperling, Mrs Hele. the aanada Life Company, Hamiltan• William Core are hereby notified that the same pumpkins, GRILDAEN'9 IYEPARTMENT.— Half dozen hem- net b0 W H McCracken, J Salkeld; am kine, E paid to bis sister, MISSLUCY CORE, i Ylhoaning. Mr French was R. W. Barker, who for,42 years was in Clinton, who is sole executor of the estate. Haggitt not known squashes W H Mc- mrd harming n H Mise Hamilton, Mary and',to poor d pro was Car Barr; darning an soohs or atoakingI Miee the postal Service of Canada, part of the ` FOR SALE.. The - Craoken, Mrs Howrio; red onions, W H timeaeine ector, r •the •house, and proved to be Howrio, miss Hamilton; crochet work In wool, p elated from office at Tor - McCracken, Walter Taylor; allow onions, onto on Saturday, having applied for super- ]'rotor i biota named Ascott Harris, Mise Hartry; t dress work in cotton Miss Best W H McCracken, F Metoal , Silver akin Hamilton; best dressed doll, Martha Barr, y and contents on the property of D. 1 li. �e was conscious, tel1 but in annnatlon. onions F Metcalf J Allaneon• potato on- Mise Hamilton- woodwork, Miss Hartry,plain Buchanan for $125; by paying $16 down and ti11113at1d could not telllwhat had sewing by child under 8 year of age, Miss balance at $10 a month. Building to be re - ion, W SMcCracken, J Allaneon; white IMPORTANT TO COMPANIES. -We" direct at. moved' Apply to J. SCOTT '1d,`flurthec than that he had Hartry, Sophia Barr ,Clinton. field beans, B Fares, J Salkeld; ears corn, FINE ARTS. -Collection of oil paintinga, Miss tontion to an advertisement y the closet, situated on the , printed in an. Salkeld, W O Watson; citrons, G Henry, Lane Miss Mcxonzie; collection of water o01- other column from the office of Hon. E. J. MALE TEACHER WANTED. lode; after the lights Were Out, Mrs T Hamilton; watermelons W H Mo- 'ors, iters Campbell, Mise McKenzie; figure -- too ']ibInd unaccountable manner ' ' ainting in oil, Miss Lane Mrs Campbell; Davis, Provincial Secretary of Ontario. Wanted• a male teacher for S. S. No. 10, God- None Orsoken, J Allanson; cabbage, named, J 1 urs painting I Orich Townsbi , boldin ptti..through the window -ah g gin water co or Wise Carder, Under rection 104 of the Ontario Company's g g a second aloes certifi- Salkeld, W Gibbs; red pickeling, J Salkeld, Mrs Cam bell; animals roupeA or single, in ,(tai ever company not incorporated an- cafe, one who as had some experience prefer- ; •Wt' 4bout 18 inches for ventila- + J Allaneon; cauliflower, Walter Taylor, J oil, Miss sue, MISS Car er animals ll' Wpi d Y P y P red. Personal application desired. Applica- ,e distance to the ground ' Wae or single, in water color, hfrs Campbell Miea der the Aot Of the Ontario Legislature, tions receivod up to October 15. .. Good %et; 118 had a wooden le , Allaneon; cauliflower, W H McCracken, McKenzie; best single picture in off, Mrs which prior to lot November, 1897, carries PETER COLE, Secretary, Clinton P. O, I ,', g Walter Taylor; celery, W Taylor, J Allan • oampbell, Miss Lane; best single ppicture in on business for gain in this Province, mast w 6'ltl the habit of crawling on hIs Hon encumbers, W Taylor, L Haggitt• water Dolor, Mrs Campbell Mrs Hele crayon ' g, pencil draw- on or before let November nett, make opt TEACHER WANTED.1” did ,,knees, and on other occa drawin Mrs Hell, Mise ono and transmit to the Provincial Secretary a 's?�, d:irequently leaned out of the DAIRY AND PRovtetolce-Tub baiter, 50 in Mrs Cam boll, Mise Card93r; pastelle, any O A,ze at the stars, and it is lbs, J McCallum, A Carr, J Colles; tub sp drat,en and l rs �lmrbelches, Mrs Ca; collection of simple statement of its name, how it was I Q Applications tionsfoh the position of teacher eceived . �f ` �k 1,toi t"in, doing so on this occa- butter, not less tba 40 lbs, Mrs T Hamil. Lane; nintine on pottery. Mies Carder, Mise incorporated, where its head office is, the I y the undersigned up to 3 R. m. on Saturday, lds6lite balance; his wrist was ton; tub butter, 50 lbs, Mrs T Hamilton; Lane hand painting on silk, satin or" plush, amount of its capital stock, of its stook sub- Oct.16. Appliaant mnat hold not less than 2nd, Vele„Miss Symington- oil painting on scribed, issued, or paid up, and the bneineaq.I end state salary, HENRY MURPHY ”" sir tti 'hlg knee badly injured and 20 lbs crook butter, A Carr; butter in 1 ]b Mrs • I. atC shattered, the force of rints, J Barr, J Stewart; factory choose, . glass, Miss Symington, Mies Lane; best col. It is empowered to carry on. A pentilty u. Secretary. Clinton P', O. lection of photographs, Miss Sutherland. We want to any that our great range of Fall Goode .is now coming to i &ratitl' comm on this or- McKellar; 56 lbs butter, Goo Watt; PLANTA AND FLOWERS.—Colleotioh o£ foliage, $20 a day during which default to send hly., 3'' g P, ' ' hand every day, and will comprise a stook of Boole a[id Shoes not to be Is, ince. The doctor was im- dairy eheeye, Miss Symington, Mrs Me. Dr Carder; geraniums in bloom, D Marsh; this return continues will be imposed. HOGS _WANTED beaten in this section. Oar reputation for carrying reliable goods is thor- 'atiithwoned and his injuries Renzie; extracted honey, J Richmond, M fuehiaa in bloom W Carter, D Marsh; hang- With a view to securing Uniformity in the l - onghly established, and from good buyers fire s,ek an inspection. A business :♦� j ing basket, Miss carder, D Marsh; best die- returns, --- ing to, but he only Hammond; honey in comb, W Hartry; lay of planta to flower, D Marsh, Mies Car- ,tile Provincial Secretary's depart- Any quantity of Pat hogs wanted for that is growing every day is good evidence that our goods ore boil;$ . saf thiree hours after the ac- homemade breed, G in, J L Dale; ser, meat will, upon application, supply tO any abipping purposes, for which the high- appreciated. plain tea bisonits, J Barr, J Denholm; OuT FLOwERe,-Hgnd baguet, Miea Metcalf company a ropy of the form which has est markket prices will be aid. Parties FINE SHOE DEALERS , . - tt Miss Carder; floral design or ornament, )� been rented lot the ut og p maple sugari A On r, W H McCracken; Marsh, I and 2• collection of dahlias J Den- P 1? P e. Tbt• i molest having hods to sell will oblige by leav- .T �S0�1 v� Jackson Clinton iatt1-Greiilar libel suit at Mont • "MA -le syrup, A Carr, J McCallum; ool- holm; collection of pan ion, A s biokson, way, therefore, is for those affeorad to at ing *ord at the a op. & 10feind$fit wan found guilty, on 100,101 canned fruit, Miss Nott, W H Me- Slater & Sims. once write for this return and have it duly : a,�..,,-.,....... Craaken; home made grape wine, R G Me. JUDORa,-.•Grain, A Taylor, J Ireland. Roots filled up. ft. Fitzsimons, Clinton. "Nothing' Like Leathq,r.11 n . 1 . . . . r • n ,, i ,• n + p 4 �•' ., '+ I 11.11. N , „-11 ✓' �IItYa + , rt •Vi.,�rfiif'J�.i •,+.+iAt' t_- JL--. a. -.ul. t ..N,:r, 00, .`