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The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-08, Page 3
.. .. mq#00( Dunwannola Fail Show, I butter, Mrs T amllton, Mrs Thos .A n- f , _ _ — . ___ _____ __ "Pol 111 I I ,. !" , , � • gf Mrs1:I Kevxzle, Mrs C Campbell; painting on ' P'RINTERS MISTAKES «y demon; 2U lbs packed butter, Y glass, Miss Symington, Is C Camp- — S. r� ay, The Dunganrrou Dhow was as usual I Morris, Mrs Thos Anderson; cheese, bell ajntin on slate, $0A1 • I a success this year in every respect. not less than 50 lbs, factory made, Robt ton; p tllie Sytnlag- a, The prize list is given below, `Mc Ilwain; 2 loaves hone made bread, IMPERFECTLY -WRITTEN COPY USUAL- . The People Of are Sat- y g i special Prizea.—Special by Fred cu reit . $hilt Abon 13 HORSES. -Heap Drau ht. -$road � Mrs A Gruen, Mra T Anderson; jar of i LY CAUSES THE ERRORS. 1 1f1.ed and Convinced. 1. xttt,rtf with foal by hes aide, phos And- i honey, I Cul Reid, Win Bailey; maple ' Youngblut, Londesborough, for the : 4 �ef3t1[i� erson; 2 year old filly, Barber Bros; 2 ! syrup, W E Durnin, Jas Alton; maple bests colt of 1897, heavy draught or Compositors and Proofreaders Are Not All � l year old gilding, Jae Forster; 1 year sugar, Sam Alton, Jas Alton; beat co1- agricultural, $5 -John Uhiaholm. I c old tally, as Howatt; 1 year old geld- ( lection of home imide preserves, 1 jar Yankees at Guesstntr-soa►e carious and t i4lrs Thomas "IlgTnet, pl �+1 ' ALL I�YIGL TESTIFY tug, Thos Anderson foal of 1897 JAS, of each variety, Miss E Nott. Special by John Medd, V, S., Dun- 'vexing Blunders Mado in Rooks and • Forster; team in harness, Jas Forster. annon, of 10 for the beat 5 a ricul. "I have been "e grb�t >tU — Vegetables and Roots. -Peck early g $ Newspapers. / many years with Salt ,lob Agvicultural.-Brood mire with foal rose potatoes, A Draney, T Ham- Lural colts, aged 4, 3, 2, 1 and foal of ►� ' 'That Mus on has Ike t Faith by her side, Woods Bros, John Chis- ilton; peck white elephant 11397, open,to any horseman to compete, Ot the znakin of books there 1s no and times it was tin otia.; , tog Kept p p potatoes, I rovtdtn he rt the same amount, of some there should have been no begin. dish or do any,, Igprlt,;. holm; 2 year old fill J Kilpatrick; 2 A Draney, John Salkeld; peck any oth p 1; $ g ing one bottle of',131oa13rg " With the People and year old gelding, Win Bailio; 1 year ex variety, Geo Smyth, Jas Bailie; 4 and that the Society supplbment the ping, But aside from that class many o took ever par old filly, John Salkeld, John DUI'- heads cabbage, John Salkeld, W E seine with $5 as a sweettsta{ie prize for b4ok,.that was Intended to be faultless by ,� system, and made 4, porlorlk `. Made Good sin; 1 year old gelding, Jrts Durnjn; 6 blood beets, Geo Smyth T the 17eaC mare or gelding up to four its author 6©y leaned from the prase with now been feat yeaaalzlpa.. -rte Bailie; foal of 1597, John Chis Hamilton; 8 sugar beets, Phos Woods, Years old, to be classed as Agricultural. N Dine and the diseaaa'%altxtgf hohn, Woods Bros; team in harness, John Salkeld; 6 mangold wurtzels, , -' Woods Bros and John Chisholm, glaring blemishes. He reads with amaze-_. `iiµ HIS PROMISES Jas Farstet Jas Olaisholm. John Salkeld, R Mcllwain; 6 g�olden ' ment In the printed copy statements wblob " ' ' 1 Spoctal b Thos E Durnin, Dungan- he had ngvea tormgd and Ido which he Price $1 6 for $5. All dealers or addr�40, " tankard wurtzels, John Salkeld;rswede $3 for t u# 't General Purpose. -Brood mare with nun, of 3 f he best snare or el fin had never conceived. shoe the days of THL SLOAN MEDICINE CO OF HAMILT0 11 �' foal by her side, Barber Bros, Salkeld turnips, John Salkeld, Geo Smyth; the must suitable for a lady's drives Adam man has 1 'r" l Hie Remedies are Becoming the Safeguard Bros; 2 year old gelding, Chas Taylor, greyatone turnips, Wm Mallough; ]ung soundness and style considered. -Ed- �prson'Q door. The boglrmAkar reoallshln of the Home -The People Have Trusted Paul Reed;1 yearold filly, CbasTaylor, orXuge carrots, Thos Hamilton, John ward Durnin. - - E Durnin; 1 year old gelding, Barber Salkeld; white Belgian carrots, R Me- is mind the various persona through and Have Not Bean Deceived. Ilwain, W E Durnin; 0 earl Special b $ ,Whose hands his manuscript has passed, 0 ;' Bros; foal of 1897, Barber Bros y born p, v James Bailie of 2 for the Mrs Mary Moss, No 26, Chestnut St., 1st and 2nd; team in harness not carrots, Thos Hamilton, Jas Cutwen; heaviest lamb on the ground. and as they stand beforo tiro bar of judg-� to exceed 1200 lbs each, Thos Elliott, peck onions, John Srtlkeld Thos Dish- Special by W W Fisher, Colborne, tent -Lie judgment of Who to to reads LL Toronto, Canada, says :-"I have used them a severe lecture. Who is to b]ameP Munyon'a D e e sia Cure with a iendid A & J Taylor; best groomed farm tears er; peck tomatoes, Jas Curwen, Geo for pen of any breed of pi s, 1 hoar, 8 - Y P P P iii harness" A and J Taylor, Stn th; B ears corn Johu Salkeld Jas sows an a� ge, g Was 1t the typesetter or the proofreader or results. I was so bad with this disease Y Thos Y , y Ist $2 and 2nd $1-W that denizen of the Ink offiee-the Elliott, Curwen.; pumpkin, Hy Morris, Thos W Fisher, W Fisher. y print - that food would lie for house on my stem- Dr's devil? Looking What ? Why the fine stook of Fall Goods that has arrived at Eos aoh, causing me great pain and agony. I Road and Carriage, -Brood mare Anderson; summer squash, for table, g upon the thwarted at- DRESS GOODS that will lease an one for both Jas Alton; 4 water melons Thos Disher; Special h W J Morrow Dungannon, tempts at perfection, he believes it to be P Y quality and ild11 e ' also had severe sins in m book and was with foal by her aide, R Famish J. Y g Lison -Towels, grand Mantle Cloth; Ladies' Misses and Chitdren),t;" P Y 6 heads teles Jas Curwen; 4 citrons $5 for best 20 lbs, of packed butter, decidedly impish. 71, frequently troubled with eons stomach. I Armstrong; 2 year old filly, Woods y' - butter to become his property, -Mrs T Preserves often spoil. Every housewife the be and Boys' shown the v extra good piece. Men's --111 1 had to be extreme] careful what I ate, but Bros; 2 year Did geldin Thos Blatt Mrs Thos Anderson, Jas Alton; collet- the best value ever shown in the village. One Leos of En h .`i after nein qne vial of Mun on's D s e 1 Year old fill ,fits Bailie; 1 y' tion garden vegetables, Jas Curwen; Hamilton. knows ft. Economizing a Spoonful of sig- 9 ' P g p *11161 . g y y p p- y, year old s ecial, best 5 named varieties ar results in the loss of a jar of fruit, So double folds regales price $1, ours 750; who will get the snap . '' lit• y Big, Cure I am now able to eat anything gelding, Reuben Tioln; single horse in P pota- Recommended. -Superior lift pump the art, prltservative" arrmethnes fails to Sboes you want; if so this rg the place; we are in good Bbape fo supply. ; � $, harness, Dr. White] toes, peck each, A Draney. %, without distress aLterwarde. After suffer- p> Jae McManua ; Henry Dodd; common lift pump, proyaFve the welter's thought, whether quality and lowest price is oar motto. Boys' Long Boots for $1: ,)Ree , ing for years with this disease it is a plea- Ppair matched horses in harness, Hugh FRUIT.—Winter Apples, five of each. Henry Dodd, through false Wonomy r neglfga o I want some good Timothy Beed -we can supply you. We also 'b sore to be again able to eat anything I de. Girvin, J Armstrong. S leg, thousand and one articles that on want. Highest rice for Batter rA s - p Jos A Mullougha Wm Mul- say not. Sometimes it F. ainl(feni inex- Y g P fo 4. sire. Tbank+ to Munvon. Speeding Terms Cash, p gin the Ring.—No. 1—Farm- lough; Baldwins, Jag Bailie, Jas Cur- c Mnnyon's Rheumatic Care seldom faile era trot or ace. mare or gelding,wen; Kings of Tow kips count Jas After Many Years vversary sermon to at o al weekly fornin- to relieve in one to three hours, and cures pests of exhibitor, Paul Red, J1c- Alton, Jas Curwen; p Ribston Pippen, sertfon. It was Inserted. Such a rendition ADAMS' EMPORIUM n" lin a few dupe. Pride 250. Manus, David Frouse, Jas Curwen, Jas Bailie; Canada lied, A Sufferer is Restored to Health of my fair written manusoriptsl I could T �rn�v •� //�� i a A Munyon'B Dyspepsia Cure positively No 3 -Open to all; trot or pace; best Jas Alton, S Alton; Russet, J B Ed- and Strength. weep as I saw the distorted, disjointed sen- lJ�J�f1J�A7�obLV cures all forme of indigestion and stomach three in five, mile heats, A. M. Tolle ward, Jas Curwen; Rhode Island A tenceeand para troubles. Price 26o. , Y, — graphs; allthq"ographies" Pitt Fart R J Cameron. Greening, Jas Alton, Jas Curwen; best buffered From Weak Heart and Could Not and "ologies" seemed to have passed Manyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia eight natued varieties, Jas Alton, A through a collision or experienced an and breaks tip a cold in a tem hours. Pride Lady Riders and Drivers. -Lady DuLney; best four named variety, Will Safely Walk Any Distance - Hujv the earthquake. The title was "Memorial r -r ' +' 250. driver'sjngle, Miss Green, Mrs J Bailey; Bailie, Jos A Mallough. Stones" when 1 sent it owns, but mol the a�11 Manpon's Cough Cure stops co saddle saddle horse, mare or ,gelding, ii Pulse of Lite Wps Adjusted. FALL Nt� night sweats, allays soreness and speedily Sturdy. Fall Apples, 5 of each. -20 -oz Pip- From the Cornwall Freeholder. truly original rendition given by that Pills, Will Malluu fh, Jos A Mallon h; progressive r heals the Iu>s. Prise 250. g p 6 g printer was this, '' Memorial CATTLE hav�i — Thoroughbred. - IVljlch Cayuga lied Streak, Paul Reed. Sal- The romance of unwritten facts of rear Stares." I no longer trust amateur print - Manyon's Kidney Cure speedily puree cow, having raised or with calf in 1897, keld Brus;, Blenhietil Pippin, LVlisa life far exceeds the rich elaborations of flo- era. I must fleet see the proof sheet. Hap- tit + .'p eine in the bank, loins or groins, and all Thos Anderson, Ist and 2nd; 2 year tion A peep behind the scenes would fur- pie the sheet had the small circulation it WINTER ; 'I p Symington, Win Bailie; best 4 named Y forms of kidney disease, Price 25e. old heifer, Thos Anderson, I anti 2; 1 Dish us with adequate proof that there is deserved. The older residents regarded . varieties 4.uf each, Miss E. Nott, Jas,cL ),- Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness year old heifer Thos Anderson, Bailie. more of care, trial, and severe anxieay [n each issue as a joke perpetrated. and builds up the system. Price 250, T Kilpatrick; heifer calf of 1897, human ljfe than ttoate on the surface. We Sometimes perhaps the author might Munyon'e'Headaobe Cure stops headache Thus Anderson, 1 and 2; bull calf of fears, &c. -3 named varieties, 5 of find manywhose experience has almost in- blame himself inatead of the rioter. ,, ' Thos each, S Furse, H Curwen; collection P P in three minutes. Price 25. Iea7rs or over, Thos Anderson; esoti bulls, each, of grapes, Symington, H Curwen; °eseantly of between health and .(Treat thinkers are not always good writ- t l x Mnnyon's Pile Ointment positively cures y ra es, Miss S win t , eioknees; little if any of this ie obtruded up- ere. Indeed the reverse seems to be true �e W011ld advise you t0 Collie early aG(i s-, IG &11 forms of piles. Price 250 3 females and 1 male, Thus Anderson Pl to peaches, Thos. Disher, Miss Sy- on the notice of the world or, hxeathed ruin general] Thou hCoun for[n faster than Suit for fall and winter, mington; plebe crab apples, Mias human ear. You ma secure theconfidence ink can How from the fountain pen. This C , as 011e lame StoCk'4 : M ies ott'e a blood. Cure Price 25o. all im- Grade Cattle.—Milch f i8cow, having Symington, Thos Woods;lplate quinces, of BOMB of these sufferers who will rehearse often causes ourtailmnont, the synoopattoa pnrjties of the blood. Price 260. reseed or with calf in 1897, Medd & Son, h. Mcllwarn, Thus. Disher ; collection aSUitings is Slime t0 g0 fast at the prices w@ ar;Qe�'� Mnnyon's Female Remedies area boon Wm A ndrewa ; 2 year old heifer, house ]ants, Jets. Curwen collection, u dark catalogue of passe and aches that at words, or even the telescoping of eev- ' :: to all women.. Medd & Son, I and 2; 1 year old heifer, are often ill understood by the friends and eral at once; dropping finals, bisecting them." garden flours, cut, Thos. Anderson. , " Mnnyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. W E Durnin, Wm Mallon %; steer inadequately treated by the phyaioanB. `•Fnlddles or showing only the initial letters y i The Catarrh Cure—price 26o—eradicates calf of 1897, A R Anderson, Win Mal- Jas Uurwen, Thanks be to the genius that discovered the of one word and the final letters of others, Good all wool Tweed Sults to order • -a $, : the disease from the system, and the Ca- lough ; heifer calf of 1897, Tbos Ander- Manufactures. --l0yardsall wool cloth, now famous panacea for the ills to which leaving the poor typesetter to reproduce f roI11 l � u" t i�+ -s�? lsarrh Tablets -price 25o. -cleanse and heal son, Medd &Sun; 2 year old heifer, Miss E Nott; 10 yards all wool flannel, humanity 1B subjerited when suffering from the thought from the scanty remains. All P O ell►. y{ j e parts, raised calf in 1897, Medd &Son fatted J �s. Alton; 10 yards union flannel, Miss impoveriebed blood or a shattered nerve printers are not Yankees at guessing. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in ox or steer, R Nellwain, H Son, ; E Nott; pair wool blankets, Jas. Alton, system. Thousands have, and thousands Sometimes the mistakes are simple, Let- _ three minutia, and care permanently, fatted cow or heifer, Medd & Son, H Sa in Alton; pair horse blankets, home are still using to the greatest advantage Dr ters that would never be confounded in See these before buyin elsewhere and you a1. l` `l Price $1. Girvin; 2 year old steer, Jos A Mal- tirade, J:ts Alton, Miss E Nott; best William's ,Fink Pills. They have passed print through imperfect construction are to save. money. ;'i, ;v Munyon's;;Vitalizer restores lost vigor. lou h; 1 year old -steer, A R Anderson, collection of cabinetwear, A & W the ordeal of experiment again and again often confounded in writin .+, Price U. g g—e• g „a„ H Girvin. Sproul; best collection of boots, T W with every increasing honor. The following and "u" bear no resemblance in print, but ?_+ A separato cure for, each disease. At alt Little; best made pair pants, A statement is from one who was rescued an unclosed written "a" looks ver muoh i•` Sxr> r. Leicester.—Aged ram, Sal- " 1A druggists. Meetly 26o a vial, ketd Bros air a ed Ewes, raus a Draney' from a seeming permanent enfeeblement like the "u," or "s" and "o" may be � Personal letters to Prof. Munson, 11 and lambs in 189 , Geo harry, Salkeld Bros Itnplcrueuts.- --Single buggy with to and distressing heart action. Mary Fisher changed. Whether 1t is capitol or ea ]tel 13 Albert Bt., Toronto,• answer. -with free p' of Laricaater townehi Glen P P.11 + pair shearling owes; Geo Harry, Salk- not known; wood axle' farm wagon, p, Barry coanty,ie the printer must decide from the eontoat tledical advice for any disease.' eld Bros; pair ewe laru bs Geo Hart Jas, Rose, Ist,'2nd; farm a maiden lady, About R ears ago she was and the diotionar . Sometimes they don't O B T� TS &I y, gate. Jas use, Y g y CAUT1QN TO THE PUBLIC Jas Bailie; ram lamb, Salkeld Bros, Jno Levy; wag��,,fon rack, Jas Rose; seized with weakness and a distressing sen- observe either, but typervrltera will obvi- Beware of imitators who are copy441-1 ing our Geo Hari y. road cart, J M 1' ergusun; best collet- cation in the region of bar heart. It was ate some of these diffieultles. As the irlsh- advertisements, app! opriatingour metbods Shropshire Downs.—Agedram,Glenn tion faun implements, Jas, Bose; sup- attribatedtoBeverecausee,allpoesiblymore man could "ride afoot" on the bicycle, so t and following the plan adopted by us when Bros; shear -ling ram, Wenn Bros ; pair eriov lift pump; H Dodd; common lift or less true, they were overwork, exposure, the amanuensis hereafter can "write print 11 and we introduces our remedies to the people ,aged ewes, raising• lambs jet 1897, Glenn purnp, H. Dodd. etc. She was certainly weak and the action with the machine."C of Ontario a year ago. Yon can easily die- Bros; pair ewe lassos, Glean sus ; ry of her heart abnormally rapid. Thedoctor Imperfectly written copy lies at the base AR I.ir.i 311 S RIND • • AGGG" Lalie'; Department.—Tatting, Mrs ( in attendaaae pronounced thB ailment ser- of man mfstalies, The author, not the , tinguish between the original and the imi- ram Iamb, Glenn Bros, Ist and 2nd.. Campbell, 141iss F, Nott ;crochet murk, pone palpitation of the heart, and she re- printer, 1s to blame. Dr: Farrar writes of + . 1. ; - t&tion. Prof. Mttnyott, founder of the new Oxford Downs.—Aged ram, Jas Miss E Nott. Mrs T Disher; embroidery ceived treatment acoordinel for two earn. Dean stasis and hie We �ee in S t¢�,. and make to Order ;-_ N Y Y Y poor penmanship: p ,.+ Y School o Homoeopathy, does not desire Bailie, Jas Tabb ; shearling ram, Jats in linnen, Mrs Thos Woods, Mise Sy- At this stage she took to her bed she was so "Words that were not absolutely essential Carriage&, an « a ons of all kinds. ^ , that the public should be imposed upon. Tabb; pair aged ewes, raising lambs in mington; em broidery•"in muslin, Mrs , low. For twelve months she received only to the meaning wereoften a mere flourish, gg riF 1897, Jas Tabb, Ist and 2nd; pair shear- Campbell, Miss L Buchanan; eurbroid_ domestic attention. She improved some- which might stand for 60 different coin- RUMBALL, rJo Grain in Boasts. ling ewes, Jas Tabb ; pair ewe lambs, cry in, cotton, Miss E Nott, Miss Sy- what, however, and was able to bj taken to binatlons of letters. Where there was no T� -*-- Jas Tabb, Jas Bailie ; ram lamb, Jas mington; fancy braiding, Miss L Buch- a friend of here Lear Lancaster villa e,Mrs clew to the sense the unhaF' �JJINg PPY reader t From what senses does 1llr, J. P. Whit- Tabb, Ist and 2nd. anan, Miss Symington; fancy patch J. Haney, where she was under medical at- might go very widely astray, On one oo 1 s ney expect political strengit- by declaring Southdowns.-Aged ram, R Tiffiin ; work, Miss Symington; patched quilt tendanoeforabout three years. At Bud Lesion bo directed n letter to me to Marl- ri that be receives daily acorea of letters from air aged ewes, raisin lambs in 185)7, in maul, hers Thos Hamilton; fF(. ataunob Liberals denouncingthe Ontario g g patched of this time she could not safely venture borough college, Wilts. That letter never Glenn Bros, Jas Lane; pair shearling qu" in cotton, Mrs Thus Hamilton, to walk out any distance, All this time retched me. It bad gone to some gentle -1.11.1."x, Government. ewes, Glenn Bros, James Lane; pair, M mss E Nott; e[nhroidery in worsted or she complained of her heart. About two man of a totally different name at Merthyr 1 ^�_� It is not by snob tactics as these that ewe lambs, Glenn Bros Jas Lane • rani silk, Mrs C Campbell Miss E Nott; years ago she commenced taking Dr Wil- Tydvil, Wales, This gentleman, seeing by c TOUNAIN ,"Mr, amen a ma hoe ton his n,the linen shirt, hand made DO� You USIJFA 'Y Y P lamb, Glenn Bros, Jas Lane ; heavy (un- Liam a fink 1?ills from thio date she be son the rioted address that the !otter ontne Y Gfovernment party or strengthen his own. lamb, Jos A Mallough. washed), Miss ' L Buch anan, what proved a steady restoration of nervone from the deanery of Westminster, but un- tl . .'', �` If there is dissatisfaction among Liberals Dlrs. T Ha ilius; embroider on suer Darin the Bummer of 1696 the im- able to take out the name or place for who former] supported the Ontario Gov- PiGs,--Berkshire.-Aged boar, Jas bit Y energy. g , Y PP Chisholm, Jas Alton • sow, having bolting cloth, Miss E Nott, Miss Sy- provement was marked. By the middle of which the letter had been intended, sent THE SAVE TIME ,AND TEMPER ;r,,.•11 :. ernment, wholesale boasting on the part of raised pigs in 1897, Jas Alton, Ist and inington: knitted s-lipper•s, Miss L the summer she wasable to doaa mach work it back to the dean, who inclosed the old 1'Z the Tory leader ie not likely to increase it. 2nd ; boar, littered in 1857, Jas Alton, Buchanan, Miss E Nott; fancy knit- and walking as most ordinary wpmen, and envelope to me in a now One, embellished We FI&IIdle the Celebrated La 11sln's li1Da1. It h `' ✓�, Rather aro each wards as these inclined to tin in wool, Miss L Buchanan, Mrs C eo satisfaotor and a Lapham's ,;i„�K 'serenade a discriminating public that Mr, H Edwards; sow, littered in 1897, li L'am bell fancy Y apparently permanent; with several notes of admiration after the Edwards, Jas Alton. P y knitting in cotton, is the aura that Mies Fisher has Slotted Capillary Feed Piece therefore Will not fl0 , Whitney is striving to follow the road to , Yorkshire. -Sow, having raised pigs Miss Symington, Miss E Nott; her former home. Such are the anvarniebU MBen amindvFranklrin rig said to have Or drop ink. power by advertiaitig himself after the g p g' crochet taktle mats, l4liss S min- ed facts of a remarkable Daae. The mal- taught his master sinter a lesson in p manner of the ro slater of the fake show. in 1897, R Finnigan, W W Fisher ; sow, Y g p types ' , I P P ton, Mrs C Campbell; table centre ady wa persistent, tenacious and hard to and consequences. The proof sheet showed Do not allow Dealers to” press' u ori oil lines "just a1� ``' Makin light attacks at Dints where the littered in 1897, W Batille. Making g P iece, Miss L Buchanan, Miss E Nott; fight- BY ills constant use of Dr William's many minor errors. Letters were dropped. p g? ` Government is most vulnerable and dealing Chester White.—Sow, having raised linen shirt, machine made, (unwash- Pink Pills, wrought a marvellous change, The critical eye of Franklin and bis sense but get the best. ,;e.,4,i out sledge hammer blows at abuses Nat pigs in 1897, Jae Alton; boar, littered ed) Miss L Buchanan, Mrs Thos which Mise Fisher's friends say might be of right protested. The work was not ae small enough to endanger the existence of in 1897, Jas Alton, Ist and 2nd ; sow, Hamilton; pair woolen mits, hand profitably known to many others. good as it ought to be, but his boas said: L1�i iaAl►1fS ]RIVAL ' a township council are tactics which of littered in 1897, Jas Alton, H Edwards, [node, Miss L Buchanan, Miss Syming- Dr William a Pink Pills Dare by going to "Lad !t it What !a a Totter is boas. id:Ev- ,," ;,` late have characterized the policy of the Poland China. -Aged boar, W W ton; pair woolen stockings, hand wade, the root of the disease. The renew and erybod knows what was intended." It (3112 Stationer d0 Opposition leaders. If Mr Whitney ser- Fisher; sow, having raised pigs in 1897, Miss L Buchanan, Miss E Nott; pair build up the blood, and strengthen the ner- happened soon after that Franklin was es not handle it write us and will send.,: ,'° iously thinks that loudly proclaiming to boar, littered in 1897, and sow, littered woolen socks, hand made, Miss E Nott, vea, tbus driving disease from the system. typesetting. He bad a sentence from x our reduced Price List . , the province news of wholesale desertions in 1897, W W Fisher, Ist and 2nd. Mrs T Hamilton; sofa, cushion, Miss L Avoid imitstione by insisting that every Corinthians xv to sot up. leo saw ills cp- from the Liberal ranks to strengthen the Tamworth. -Aged boar and Cow Buchanan, Miss E Nutt; pillow Shama, bus you pnrohuse is enclosed in & wrapper ty, and he took i� The pupas was Th� a j1 Oppooition be makes a mistake, for which littered ja, 1897, Miss Symington; point lace, Mrs C bearing the full trade mark, Dr Williams Issued, ] 'Then came that negligent master e \„/4 %p, Clark Co.,CQ�J�LL•t i t�xt)xl ' i a mach less experienced politicial could W W Fisher. Campbell, mss + Nott; macrame Pink Pills for Pale People. unto his keen witted t I have no excuse for oommitting.-Toronto Duroc-Jersey,.-Aged boar, W Fish- work, Miss Symington, Mrs C Camp- P type boy in a very Telegram, Ind. Cons. , er, H Edwards ; sow, having raised bell; fancy flannel shirt, Miss L Buch- wrathful mood. "What do you mean by ...- ._. _ - iga in 1£3537, W W Fisher, W Fisher; anan, Mrs Trios Hamilton; crag perverting the words of Dr. --P You ��I p y patch At Cobonr have set the whole town to talking." AZ�l " ' 1. When Col. Whitney eays'that everyday pear, littered in 1897, Wm Fisher, W work, Mrs, Thos Hamilton Miss L g Assizes Mrs Charlotte Ban- o since he started his campaign the mail W Fisher ; sow littered in ; 1896, W Buchanan; arrasene work, Miss E dere, of Cartwright,a widow, was acquitted "Why," said Franklin, "only yesterday , _: has brought him scores of letters from gym. Fisher, W W Fisher, Knot, Mrs C Campbell; suit lady's on a charge of murdering her now -born in- you said it did not matter if a letter was I W t44;-il 'Till, #and on June 7th last, dropped. Now that -sentence is familiar to _ t. gathizing Libeials, be either forgets the FOWL. -Brahma, light, R McLean, J underwear, Miss S mington, Miss E ! length of time he has been on the stamp or C Lyons ; Brahma, dark, R McLean, J Nott; darned net, Mias L Buchanan, all, or should be, In n moment, In too11 is rapidly acquiring the , disregard for C Lyons; Cochin, white, J C Lyons; Mrs C Campbell: darn on sock or Michael Odrie jumped out of a second. twinkling of an eye, at the last trump • • • ,'J • truth which marks the eminent politician.- Cochin. buff, J C Lyons, Ist and 2nd; stocking, Miss E Nott, Mrs Thos Haiti- storey window on St. Paul street, Mont- the dead shall be raised incorruptible and ?j Toronto Telegram, Ind. Clone. Leghorn, white, J (7 Lyons; Leghorn, Ilton; knitted quilt, Miss 9yrnington; real. People picked him up, and in &newer wp sball be changed.' There is but one t , brown, J C Lyons, R McLean ; Ply- crocket quilt, Miss Symington; 5"yards to queries he said be was not hart. Then 'latter, e, dropped. The type copy read, A Prominent ,Ciitlzen, mouth Rock, J C Lyons,. Ist and 2nd; ratg carpet, Miss L Buchanan; rag mat, he re-entered the building, and before toe We aball be banged," not uhaDg_e(b_ __,.____. _._ _ --- - crowd had die a ---" 'The--Pittsbu I7 - r 1 l � ' Durkin s J C Lona R McLean Mrs Tilos Disher, 1 and 2 woole.n.. P-raod.he flame dewiest Fag:` r8 ei+podohyoonta]ns rho t , Mr Thos. Bennett, for over 22 years in Dorkings, Y tints bine from a third store following: I 1 busineen as a wholesale and retail butcher Minorcae black J U L ons,_ji.MeLean ---y�Lr-p, Mre" T "H -am ton; ton;'- M194 HNott; Y• He was i )1 ---"-'• red cape,, J_. -t" Icy - s Ist and '2nd ' honiton lace, Miss S min ton, Mrs U Picked up fearfallv mangled and died "A ridiculous typographical error 1n an - o _-_-_._givea-.hiaexperienoe with-t3ra�s0w #iimone y short] afterwards. Arkansas 1 remedy, Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills, Houdans, J C Lyons, Ist and 2nd 1 Campbell; tatble scarf, .1viiss E Nott, Y paper hug aroused indignation In a Tittle town in that state. n wedding I �- amburgs, black ,Cud white, R Mc- �ili:;s Symington; set table mats, Mrs B ♦ �� .'' , ( ' ` "Gentlemen, -I have for a long time Lean; Hamburgs, pen'd, gol'n and sil'r, C Campbell, Miss L Buchanan; tea took place between two pr�ominant mem- ! been afflicted with extreme nervousness and R McLean, Ist and 2nd ; W andottes, J Luz Mrs 0 Campbell, M iss E Do ou Intent Making your berg of the village society, bpd the editor Y Y, ( Mott; rib- y particular t> � .+c ailments bare resulting therefrom. Frequently {� Lyons, R McLean; ams, pile, J (: i"'tr work, Mrs `Campbell, Miss Sy- tOOk pains to gip filo/young ° ;td I had sharp pains ander the heart. At ruin ton; outline embroidery, Miss E ileums Look Brighter nouple a good send off. He wtot6 up the I Lyons Ist and 2nd; antams, J C g g dimes my memory was clouded, which was Nott, Mrs Geo Smith; to cabin wilt, event in florid style and displayed it under ,•. ,y Lyons, R McLean; barnyard fowl, J C g q it lino bond and e❑ , , a great annoyance to me in my business, I, ons R MrLean• Miss E Nott; Graz wilt, Miss S min and Cleaner. enjoyed the conscious Y geese, ,las Lane, J Y q Syming- feeling of duty well performed. r causing me for forget orders which were Kilpatrick; ducks, J C Lyons, Ist and ton, Miss L Buchanatn; embrodery, given to me, and my attention bad to be 2nd; turkeys, A Draney. Y Misa L Nott, Miss Symington baton "Imagine his borror, however, when be �, _ I -pec " called to anab matters frequently. Very hales in six different tilateririls, Mrs Thousands of women all over Canada will rend the neat morning in lettere that r often there -was a sort of mist came before FARM PRODUCTS.—Grain.-2 bushels this geasan clean hones and make rooms seemed big enough far a oiroua poster: fall wheat, white Thos Hamilton, Miss L .i3uchanan; em - my eyes, and I wde extremely dizzy, One , s Furse, H Curwen, look brighter and more obeerfal, 'Charming Home Weddin Pink and k '",' John Salkeld; 2 bushels fall wheat, red 1'rctidery with rope in silk, Miss E It should be remembered that R&Igomine White Were the Prevailing Tights. Many . ` ,. of the worst features was that business Nutt, Miss Symington; drawn work matters of small importance assumed ea- John Srtlkeld, S Forge, I3 Curwen; 2 Miss Symington, Dan be boaatifally tinted wjth the Diamond Monkish Gowns Were Worn b • ;,'.I aggerated forme, and I brooded over them bushels spring wheat, life, John Sal- Mrs C Campbell; Dyes at a trifling expense, One package Guests.' The editor had written the L_ t--- keld, s Furse; 2 bushels Colorado, S w°olon shawl, crochet or net, Miss Sy of Diamond Dye tints ten to fl2toenp pounds and '`modish.' "-Hgetor 1n Episcopal Re- rf� ,„ ) + anneoeaearjly. Ab ❑fight 1 would often Furse Salkeld Bros 2 bushels other mington, Mrs C Campbell; painting on handsome shades for walls. Tile favorite . I { w"^ �' wake up with a start and it would baa ' silk or satin, oil amateur, Miss S corder. ! ' -, long time before I could again compose my- variety; S Purse, John Salkeld; 2 bush- 3' colors are yellow, orange, cardinal, slate, s 1 t0 else Bo nnstrun were m nerves els six rowed barley, ,John Salkeld 3 minggton, Mras E Nott; fancy tidy, Mrs P' g Y ' T Woods, Miss E Nott; crochet lace crimson, Bismark; violet, green, light blue, Bans scored ono. had fate of tremblingoccasional) Furse; 2 bushels two rowed barle , H + and pink. A bumptious Englishman' was dining y' Curwen, S Furse; 2 bushels oats black cotton, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs Geo To make good Ralsomine, dissolve one- with a lady at a table d'hote. Seated op- { ]d aenaatious would ran down my Smyth; chenile embroider on felt or NIRS. JOHN CA,>FT.jt husband lies bee Tim! The least excitement or noise S Furse; 2 bushels oats, white, H Unr Y fourth pound of good alae to each ten Poette to them was u Germah on whose wen, Jas Curwen; 2bushels plush Miss V Nott Mrs (lam bell hands were some sins t1 startled me and sot my heart flattering, peas„ small, mantle drape, Miss E Nott p - pounds of whiting. Mix Mtb sufficient g • "i have taken a box of Milburn's Heart s Furse, John Salkeld; 2 bushels peas, P , Mtgg Sy- water to [Ve the right consistency. To tint After gazing at the German the En lie - mington; fanc tidy drawn work Miss g g y g troubled W1t11 dyspepsia, ,e and Nerve )pills, which I got at Mr W, W. large, John Salkeld, s Furse; 1 bushel it, dissl,ive a pCoke a of dye in a nest of man said to hfa companion Symington, ton yea C Campbell; beat and . "I hate to see a man with ria timothy sped. S Furse John Salkeld Y g " M p water, and Ad as muoh as is nooessat' � Love's drug store, corner Broadview and Y + � greatest collection of ladies work d Y tO rings °°" � ,� and finds PtipariS 'Tabules a forth avennes, . ThB restored m bushel flax seed, John Salkeld, 8 Furse; give the color desired. A superollioua sneor was all the German y Y best and I i4 est varier usefjul and ornamental, the work of vouchsafed, !ex!v©g to their normal co toned g y o£ grr,in in the one person, Miss Symington, Mrs C when'yoa bay dyes for. tinting, be care t n m system to such an extent that all straw, grown by e5chibitor this year, S yon eek your. dealer for t}ie Diamond Afters iittletimothe]ingliahmaaagain LTTE only reliefHe Aid$ P Y Furse. Catnphell' said to the lady: the distressing ailments I have mentioned Dyes, using any of the shades mentioned have disc peared, I say it without any Dairy a,nd Domestic 111anufadlurr--.- Fine Arts. -Best collection oil paint- above. "Do you kno* what I should do with a tnl{g Miss Jennie McKenzie M 13ee11 troubled Wlt�1 Inde 0 qualification whatever, that they are a 10 lbs of bpt�ter in rolls. or prints, Mrs ' Mrs, C ring it I had onef' a M Campbell; best collection water colors, A London cable says: -The Domin- Before the lad . splendid medioiri'e for shattered nerves and A Green, Mrs T Hamilton; 5 lbs table , y could reply the German their attending evils. I cannot too "highly - Mrs C Campbell, Miss Jennie Me- ion Governments test shipment of 880 leaned across the table and In a sulky gestion for the past fif* praise the wonderful virtues of these pills C1_eL93WClr i.� x" a . ' Kenzie; specimen penmanshipp by boy cases of Canadian Pears, ppeaches and growl said: teen years in al oases of heart trouble." The too- or girl under 15 years, T. Hamilton, tomatoes reached Covent GArden late "Vora it In sour nowt"--;Peareon's ,• timllt to tri G Sm th, ,A Green a on Friday.The dealers sa the (Sid.) a1` THOMAS 13ENI3p1TTr alpatm* erety Mise Jennie McKen'rje pencil C Camg is excellent enough to meet a good gale Wlrekly. I)onoaster, Ont. , ' xf let MMA bell; crayon drawing, Misa Jennio Mt• 7 the packing were better. I I •;