HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-21, Page 8Our Big
To all new subscriber's from
, now on
wili be sent till
Jan. ist, 1908
for the small sum of
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.% Tim e
Coderich Le. 7.00 a.m.
tavern 7.22
lsteth 7,510 „
Walton ' 7.40 '
hltivertou " 8.91 "
ldlmlra ...... ' 8.561 "
tteelph " 9.26 "
Toronto Ar. 11.10 "
1:73051 TORONTO.
4.50p, In,
Toronto Lv. 8.00 a,rrt. s.;,0 p. nt.
analph.,Ar. 10:00 '.` 7,541
Benne " 10.23 "' 8,14 "
411811010 .. 110114 " 8,110
it'alton " 11,19 " 9'5
Blyth " 11.ee " ! DM
Auburn " 12.02, ` 9,48
traderteh " 12:110 p,nn. 10,10
903111, 8 o)t17r.
x111 0111 11111 Dill
340 3 10 ll'i Ingham 11 50 7 :y) I On OIAt caw C cunt CO., twist • ae tea0044. Ont
0 48 a 113 Wtrighanl-3 t, 11 48 7 `moi
0 52 11 41 ilelgrave 11 10 7 13
7 010 d tN Blyth 11 ted 7 )0) .
7 14 4 21 Londesboro 11 211
Clinton 10 15 11 01
8 (10 4 fad 13)110030d 9 58
ft lid 4 47 pigpen 1) ,'a!
6 22 4 52 neusell 9 1.4
8 113 5 01 lrxeter 960
11 40 5 10 Centralia y 18
8 fib 520 041ndelwye 9 00
0 (15 5 Oil Lump Crossing 11 O•;
li 12 5 117 Denfield 8 55
9 21 11 4(1 1 demon 8 4:i 5 15
11 29 ,5 54 Ettrick S 11 5 (17
1) 55 5 59 Ilydc Park Crosslog 8 20 5 11.2
t.1) 8 00 Hyde Park Jot, s 2) i 00
9 45 fl London 8 15 1 J
Connections are mdule at Winghan) for
a' all "etsatone on the Paimereton and 'W-
art -tine lny{ne5.
l`,onrleotlons are made at 0llntnu for ail
et•tlous on the liutYnio nue! Ouderlctt
branch, end alt %tartans from Stratford to
Connections are made ett t,ucan Creasing
ot' 411 stations went to Sarnia.
Connections art made at London for all
♦tatlot(e, east and west on the main line.
Erartr TJ'IE t3LYTH STANDARD--Nov'ramisn ^isr, tgo7.
t es y er a . F. ill, S. iudirn from } reshytery, brought the
{{{ urcetivae and the following reset num' :
'Pik annual meeting of Ole Huron
P-osbytery of Herne rocei104
Presbytvvia1 1Voutetes 1'0+6))1» ,tim-
simtery8oc.lety tune held in 1 )4)011 on
nesdsy Inst. 'Thera was a ku'go re,
preeentet ion of tlelegutrs ; sonde of the
officers ware uuaruhdahte (het')' o;vtug
to si0kttess in their fetuiliee, The
President, Mre. Satvels,ui Brncolield,
occupied the chair. The rooming wits
devoted to hearing v'arions rmportw
Croat different
secreraeisa and various
auxiliaries nod lir. Bewley.
'i'ho 110legntee from Un+ Presbytery
and She Presbyterial dele,uates a0d
friends 40(1'1, invited 10 In the lecture
room to otert.ake of the ;rood 4hiegs pro•
vhied by the ladies 1,1 141p114114 emigre.
At the af!mmoon ses'ien, after the
opening Itynul, 151isa Jlorrin, of tud4-
ricih, gave a very profitable and o-
01001110 111 hle rending; he suh)•ect,
the "15mats" of the Bib10, the woo es-
sential "Ye must he born 4136151," Mrs:
Dill -Rion, of Hensel!, led itt prayer.
'Che k-etheririg was then entertained by
singing iu Chinese by P!1, and (intra
`i'lle President. ilea. Nwers, gave e
short talk on Tl)6l 14 eivi)g--fm' 1365
day each year to work 'for Christ.
tent, w�{ live in It 11110 when there is
such great opportunity t� do mission
,vork. God asks the boot Christ. gave
the hent to es • our best is not too
much to give to flim,
The election of officers t}trn look
piece, All were re-elected except the
Mission Hand Secretary, ' Miss Lorabel
'31 flame, of Beefo th, took Mies .11e1 -
vin's piece in thee:ottice.
Mrs. Small, of Blyth, end Miss Mar•
tin, of Exeter, sang well rendered solos
during the aftmvoon. Mrs, 0muld, a
missioonry itt Fornlosn, home on fur-
lough, told in it very interesting N'ay
of her work among the Chinese, She
gave a very stark picture of the misery
brought on by sin, bringing strip
judgment upon the tratipgreesors in ill -
Settee of the moat loathsome kind. ;She
showed the great and dire need of a
hospital to tient these Patients proper-
ly, especially for operations.
Itov, J. L. Small, tee delegate to the
••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••
Tell it to the
41•,♦11••,•• 1,•,,,,,11,1141
While ih0 PubIIo is Invited to make
11011 of this column for the exprektdon of
personal views 0)1 public matters and
public men, persooalitlesere debarred and
In all eases the suitability of the cont•
nlaufcatfon for publication le a matter to
be decided by the Editor,'.
Without differences of, opinlon''there
would, of 0010000, be 120 eoi'teoponiIenee,
and for the oplaton of our correspondents
and their differences with our own 31)5
STANDARD oust dlaelaim'tesponsibility.
the HMI RAI rol1orto1 1Ito 1.1 11000 J'l s•
by 15(1tA18soiety, recognizes' 0itti eta'e-
tude the coutit tori etitit1utettse of the
teeny mcatbe)•e in tett great 119601 , f
foreign Ill lnsioro, 001,:4 with: ele(011)0
Qui Int„e c,+un'ihntinn of tit, lilt' '0
and uhissiu)) bnlido tilleugl(Oitt the
hounds of the Presbyterial n31i1 cont•
mend0 the Prosbyterinl 80o;ely 0111
then' iul1ortaca work to the continual
ettideuee, grace and bloseiutn of nor
hod verily Father.” -
b;g'htlwnit'i114i iot•itation to the Pres-
byterial for next. year was nat•eptad,
At the chine! of the session all we e
tiI1II invited to pant eke 41 re(resh•
u,ents, 441(1011 N'are provided ill 01111111.
snce. After a pleasant social time the
,leletcal<ee agfnut 11088mbled In the
ebf110h for tlamenting. meeting, Alter
the opening exeroieee Mrs. J. B. Me-
Lr'tt)1 mann very effeetivehy, "I trill go
whore you want me 50 go, dear Lord.'.
Rev, Mr, Cerriere, of Greud Bend, thy'
Presbytery represen tie e, S10.1te m) ten
on the work done in Poiuta'Aux''i'rom-
Ides school in Montreal, in the cermet,•
lieati00 of lbs 100011 ; he hfulo if wiw
couv8rted while lowNiliu3 a foot yea.'
course there. Bible study is pursued
for one hour every morning.
Agehl the convention WAS fn.vored
by ain3ing itt Chinese by Flo and
(iretta Uauld. lbet'. 1C, A. Artnotrong,
o04latallr scot etel'y of foreign t)1 01100
iu '1'orout0, 3(4041 a very graphic tic•
count of the work for 1018010110 done
bty 511111ltndnnta' Vollnteer Society, the
T eun1 People's Volunteer Missionary
Movement, and mentioned the Luy.
Men's and the Bitainese bran's Mission.
htrV 151030111051), rho watchword being,
"The eVa11ge1iZ1,t10)) of the world in
this generation." Ralf the money
aiaed for (110130 14linaiona 16 raised by
the W. P. 151; 8, Mire. Mettle 8111)1)
pleeeinely, "Como unto me," The aee-
1'etary read the Presbyterial report, A
113100, the Collection, votes of ihankn
and the benediction closed a ver]' ewe
needful and profitable tneetibg.
Duron Presbyterial is composed of
18 auxiliaries with a memberehip of
141, 10 mission bends with a member.
ship of 315, combined total membership
of 7511. Contriheted by auxiliaries for
1907, 91078614 ; by mission bands for
1907, 9888,26; total by attxllierlea and
10ie1imt bands, 92061.90, Value of
clothing sent to Birtie school was
662,60, Collections at meetings in
Klemm, 98O,
The Presbytery of Huron met on
'I'ueada3 meriting of last week et the
manse, Kippen, Two only of the min-
isterial ute:fibers were ah0ent and these
unavoidably so, The following elders
were present : presses, .L Wilson, 6f
Seef0rth ; McKey, of Kippen ; Strang,
of Jlxeter ; Somers, of Myth ; Gemmel,
of Pieter ; Leigh, of Kirkton ; Turn.
bull, of (;rand Bend ; Dougall, of Hem
salt ; and d, Consitt, of Hills Croon,
R. J, McKay, of Oromarty, also was
rso,k.'s';'fmE PAPP ION OF
Friar Balsam
One of tea heron. a)daaohioned 101141145 11144' has
sever been iml1'l51 ntr.at
Inioll1b1e for 0041;s. earls. bron,'u5al and Walt
ttou blot,
15 is the iar,81et and 1)4'51 2010 rem0117 for coughs
end colds. Prepared, recuttttursoted sod gtuatauteed
by the largest whoieade drug l)Ousi' 38 the wold.
1t your liruyglvt lona 11,11 (laadle it. let tis kt:uw.
0 35
(1 10
0 11
5 .r4
u 43
5 "3
Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a tellable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and blow its value.
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people.
It has been prescribed by phy-
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have bees sent for
or a physician summoned.
It only costs a quatler. Can
you afford to riek so muds for so
a little? BUY IT NOW.
Owing to
the floe cotl-
etructiGn Of
mutt ranges
it Ls a ratter
det}irult feat to
cool: end balsa
Sileemsfully et
the &avec. tire..
But the 0000:1;14010(1 cf tI e Pentl,
1 'ra 111e6 diftrra c0nsicrt'•
oily 1:0:11 ,hero, They are ,)o construcic.: that li o dn:1i 4.40
bolang es (lac 1ae t>e4.1 for cool:in:;, the heat CirCOl:ling
ilia 000)1 twice and Wider every lief holt. befo-o pooain$ or)
the chimney, -
The Pandora b11kc, 14md coohs N..rfcctfy
at t{le samoo tope, •
Do you know of another range that dee(?
11 your local dealer d0to not sell tate I1 n:fsra write direct
to us for Free Booklet.
present on 1 was loviti 1 to pine}, with
ltac ,:
tt t .
A tale of fourteen
coots rets tiel' family le00 0{410)111 t0 to elver
espouses tt + of Preebytory, The en -
ono; lrport 01 the presbyterial lY,
el. y, wits received end n 000110 tc0
rrCuMO$ n 50,101111 100 of eonetati ettee
uud onaotu'nytemettt w'lhleh teas adonterl
by the Presby tory endeenveyel by
Mr. Sms11 to OwSociety theft in snsninn
at the church. The report of the borne
3ltissiolt committee in regard to the
bolding 10 rho holding of missionary
addresses both by pastors to their owe
people end by exelIltlaa of pnipits.
A resole iian oft 0S, mpnthy 1111) Pr.
81000rt, of 01)01011, in itia severe 111
000,9 5008 1111A11111105101y fid0yl!Pd. 15)r.
Larkin proposed a 1)101111)110) itt cow
116stio0 trite the deed' of Rot', Mr,
Beer. which wag approved, llesvts,
151 mein. Dr, Stewart rind Anderson
were appointed fl %fowling corn mince
on 1mnperanee and 100001 reform.
With Dr. McLean thee° tseranS0Oi luted
in the matter 0! statistics Messrs
Anderson end iramilto1. Considerable
time WAS spout over 11 Mau for the
settam(ut of vnran0ie4 fnnosed by
M(r. Carswell, amending a similar plan
proposed in Owen Sound Preahyttiry,
Final dispoaitiou of the nutter' tette
noetponed until next meeting of Presby-
tery to he held in Clinton in Jnnnarv,
A dise.tteeion on church union, he-
rmit it}• 3i r• Anderson, of Goderich,
salted (00th 5011)14 (13010u8 .pn(chel
1(00) for end against, A.11 0110111(01 10 re-
eogni tl' ditlfeulties in the aceomplish-
ment of onion, hitt many felt that it
WAR nhsotutely •110004101 ry in order that
thewmdd might believe that God had
sent the Son,
Asks Us to Print It.
To relieve the worst forms of Rheu-
matism, taken tea0poonful of the fol-
lowing mixture after ea011 meal lied at
bedtime :
fluid Extract 061015ltoe, ons -Intl(
Otteee ; Comp0111111 1 irrgotl, Otte Ottn(;e ;
Con/poOPd 815111p Sarsepnville, three
These ba0mlese iugrediettts can be
obtained front our Thome druggists, and
aro easily mixed by shaking them well
111 a bottle. Italie( is generally felt
from the first tea, doses.
This prescl'iptiolt, states a well•
known authority hit 0 Cleveland morn-
ing paper, fot'cee the clogged -up, i11'
active kidneys to filter and strain
from the blood the pot 011061 Wit Sift
matter and uric acid, tehieh causes
Ae itheumatism ie not only the most
painful and torturous disease, but d4n0
aer0lta to life, this simple recipe will
u0 doubt be grimily valved by tetany
sufferers here 0t home, who should at
once prepare the mixture to get this
It is said that a person who w0n4ld
take this prescription l0301erly, a dooe
or two daily, or riven a few times u
week, would Stover hove serious Kid-
ney or Urinary disorders or Big:lune-
Cut this out and preserve it, Oood
Rheumatism prescriptions which real
ly relieve are searc0, indeed, 01,51 when
y4,41 need it, you went it badly, Ont
druggists hel'e; say they will either
simply these 'ingredients or maker n
mixture r'eitcf ' to take, if tiny of our
reader8 so prefer,
Ikoalot School Exernfnations.
The dosing oxnm1aations of the
County Model 9nttoots will begin ml
Teeedey, 1)enetnher let h. The exam1-
uali0n in pra0tieai teaching and in
reading will be held after the close or
the written oxalnienliens coaunetwelle
at 9 it. 416
lI,e fo11owing is the time faille which
has been placed in the hands of the 141•
specter, 1'1) es will bo of interest to1lie
leachers of the county who may have
t0 tvritt) off these txam108010314 for re-
4ew•It1s :"-
'1'uesda\', Decent her 1('411.
A, :ll.-8.46-900.--Iteadinft, regula-
8.00-11.30. - Methods, Arithmetic
end penmanship,
P. M.-1.00-8 80,--31ethod0, litera-
ture ami 111151ling.
5.40-4.10.-80 1001 law end regula-
Wednesday, December (1th
A. 151,--9.09--1 .80 - ticienc8 of (du-
nat)o 1,
1'. Id. -1'80- 1[110' 1O0110119,11i0tory
emal geogl'nphy,
l'itutsdoy, December 12th.
A. 11. -8,44) -11.80, --Method°, grant -
nun' awl composition,
V. 11, -1,60 -01)) -School manage-
Inspector Robb win be in Charge el
Clinton Model where 1511 minds are en-
rolled and J. 1J.. Comeroe, of Brussels,
will tape cart in the tettehieg, le-
spectol' 'Pont and W. J, hi131111, of
, Seaferth, will look after the 35 mutat-
dates at (todirich. Although there
ere 78 model pupils It is doubtful if
they will supply the !weerons vacate'
0145 as several are under age.
Ono bunco for a Cont.
fides, Tornio, Montreal, W hutioet, Vancouver, St. ,(01:
McPherson Bros. Local Agents,
The Poet,Jflce Department in a
ntetemeut to the mese directs l tree tion
LO the fact that 11)0 public elwnld u. -
deraUuul that, whereas since Christ•
1)as,1898, they here been able to send
letters to Great Britain and all parts of
the British Empire for two cents per
halt ounce, they eau I1OW sold a letter
weighing up to one 01111118 for two
cents. it is 110 longer necessary to
employ very thin paper to send a letter
of moderate length to (treat Britain or
One of the colonies tot' two cent a, and
it Mimes. the standard of weight into
rtonforreity with ttlat in use for domes.
tie 0001'Osponde11111, ^s.
The hallway Commission has given
the railways until tea hot 0`1 lett year
to file new rales ot1 , tet-hunnd 1101111
front Windsor, Sarnia and neat by
MONEY can bay advertising epaso, but it t'au't buy s
cemetery's successful 01,101 of wonderful and
almost miraculous cures of the most difficult and
intricate flues of throat, lung and stomach troubles. snob is
I'aychino's record, Thousen& of cases given up by leading
doctors as hopeless and incurable have been quickly and per-
manently cured by hyaline, It is an infallible remedy for
toughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption, indigeettou,
lass of appetite and all wasting diseases.
" My ton bid a terrible cough and stein worth Irving," Mn L Bieb-
was elated to A NUdow, 000ton at'3., Mnrrotta Core, N.S.
Yid be could not lira lie need Pay. 0/y lunge ere now semi as a kelt
thine. Amen hilu. '-Yea ,1,; Rana. atter uelnr 1'8ycdane."-JI, Sabine,
or, Frackville.nddgebere, Out
"Alta. taking 8606 worth of Per- 'I'aychineawed mygfe."-.4,Wsd..
thine my Iautge are wall and uta is den, 4 tkuuwan Sc. gravure„
Psyching Never Falls Psycfline has no Substitute
AT ALL. DEALERS, 00e. and $1.00 a BOTTUM
DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited,179 King St. W., Toronto
P. Curtin, inspector 01 Weights and
m011500es, was in town tes11)13 the
A raising bee was bald on Tneeday
n(00110011 lest to place the trusses of
the Methodist church sited in position.
After raising 0u) it 50(18 decided to ad-
journ till t he next clay, when it larger
gathering took ' place and the other
three tresee0 were placed in position,
Mr. Kendrick, who has sailed the
1akee during the summer, rOturn,d
Itorne. Navigation has closed it month
earlier this year Owing to the scarcity
of money,
11. Untets and wife tool; their little
child, about four yentas old, to Toronto
for treatment ret tea ,Bich Children's
Hospital. A successful operation nal6
performed on i)1) limbs. While there
they visited Dr, Buchanan and wife.
The former hes been laid up with a
0005 of ))aritys1s'1» ono of, his legs, but
is now on the way to recovery.
' "A pastoral from Archbishop Bruc-
hesi was read in the Roman Catholic
churches tt Montreal, forbidden mar-
riag06140(0001 Catholics and Protes-
Mrs. 3, Holmes died at Clinton in
her 102nd year.
The only way to start
a Savings Account is to
start It. Good inten-
tions do not bear
Interest—neither does
idle money.
The Sank of Hamilton pays interest at high.
est current rate, compounded quarterly.
I3LY1.1-I 1i1,ANCH
all kind;
—for Bread, Biscuits and Pan Cakes—for Pies,
Cakes and Fancy Pastry—no flour, milled of a
single kind of wheat, compares with a.
It bakes whiter and lighter—it contains more
nutriment—and it yields MORE bread etc,
to the barrel.
"Made is' Oi.tario"
Use A landed Flour
(of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat)
and you use the perfect flour.
BLENDED FLOUR combines the splendid
food properties of Manitoba wheat—with the
lightness and nutty flavor of Ontario wheat.
TRY A BLENDED FLOUR—the result of
your first baking will PROVE its superiority.
TN. Inniereadt is on
ali fine BLENDED
FLOURS. It fl the
iega of quality.
Look fog it 0e every
bag end banes you buy.