HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-01, Page 6I ror XeArs .04 ,0. # >tldA$0001 " The treasurer of the sunda� y.�schoo: the )Vain,, Sotitb aid and extension.. fund,, qtr %W. Igen, I are will Remove nedy, has submitted his annual report, The following statement will chow the Highgate Tells amounts contributed by the various l?erwanent Cara conferences in collections, and the sums expended in these conferences in Mpg. helping poor schools in destitute neigh• r scientists that bur cods: has in antidote for this, pain - active. Mrs N. F,{Brris, a rnanu%aoturer• of ijllgh- %$I was seriously a eoted ins in my ankles, and at 119abled. I tried every - ,and doctored for years $t. I was induced to use heamatio Cure, To my se gave me more relief years, and two bottles oared me." Sold by IA�'galth on the Farms Contributions. Grants for Conference by Collections Periodicals Toronto.......... $427.87 $332.51 London.......... 345.97 35.0E Montreal........ only when the Diamond Dyes are used for 59; 6d Hamilton ...... ., 368,37 628C Bay of Quinte .... 377.56 119.62 Nova Se:Otia...... 190.72 400,99 New Brunswick... 153.59 0_59,75 Newfoundland .. 141.50 524,29 Manitoba ........ 220,22 136,09 British Columbia 90.55 34,03 Total ........ $2,680.I4 $2,164.80 A Few Words of Advice Be- iore You Dye '`there were in the Province of, trl,O, 10,6012. thoroughbred cattle, when you dye at home your chief view is sheep and hogs were pot, estimat- economy. Home dyeing economy means iot are set down at 20,000 of the the very best results from a minimum of elr and. 10,000 of the latter. The ;Ptjne;Glt of Agriculture sets down expense, time and trouble. Your objects and desires are fully realized ihcxeaae for the fourteen years only when the Diamond Dyes are used for then at 250 to 300 per cent. To- your work. I! you are one of the careless "fijebbre,_--is are probably 25,000 unfortunates who simply take a package of w6bred,cattle in the Province, dye of the color required from your dealer, 6`,$$,000.000; sheep, .x;1,200,000, and you will in nine cases out of ten suffer loss '$1£00,000; total, $4,000.000, as the valu8 (estimated) of the thorough- and great disappointment, as many mer. shunts will hand cattle, 'sbeep and bogs on the i; i6 -day. But this is only a moiety you some common dye ruinous to your goods, dangerous to han- dle and worthless far s Whole. There re, taking round as as coloring power is concerned, and on' which a very large ae'for the purpose of easy calcu- 0090,,000 f `L,(10_0,000 cattle, 1,700,060 sheep Fro is made. 1! you secure the Dia - mond Dyes your success is sure and certain. ,30t000 hogs of all sorts in Ontar- Diamond Dyes have a long record of tri - to, make up into round umphe in home dyeing work; they have *,tbe number of cattle are under )i -and the figures in the other been used and tested in every land, and tve become friends and family necessities. :.e.overstated, But the result,tak- appy women everywhere dye with Dia- i61asis of value into account,will mond Dyes. tbdabout correct; now, estimat- 'e,cattle at $25 each, the hogs at t.d>tbe sheep at $6, what is the To Flee the Dear Old Sod. ? It is seen that there are $50,- - D worth of catte, $13,000,000 in CHARLES DELVIN WILL RETURN. 4nd,nearly ten and a quarter mil- - Lm abeep, or $73,000,000 in .value it The Ottawa correspondent of the (t;o say at least twenty millions Toronto Telegram says: -Charles R. 4.6,tbe strain of good blood in- Delvin has tired of his life in his much tbroughout the province as the beloved Ireland. The native hearth ii ;b +the -work of the breeders of has not warmed towards him as it ughbreds. The foregoingg esti- have done, and his views of becoming are ma4e by Messrs. F. tiV.Hod- a member of the Imperial House, per- hxector of Farmers' Institutes, chance Premier of Great Britain, have ;',E7. Fisher, Deputy Minister of been killed in the bud. The report al.ture. Going on to consider comes from reliable sources that Mr. far aide of the account, the Delvin has grown weary of his immi- `1s advanced that the produc- gration job in Ireland, and contem- F.4twelve and a half million dol- plates re-entering politics. It is not in forth of cheese in Ontario this , the Federal, but in the provincial ar- o" only been rendered •possible ena, however, that Mr Devlin will make i'limprovement in our herds, due his reappearance, His intention is inflow of richer blood. This said to be to eet the Liberal' nomina- O,e was the pioneer in improvine tion in North Renfrew. There is. he .. ,,. .. .;.-.,....,.- �-z� �-.,..._..,s,.*s�.,,as,.'�.*'Rg seei,e.• �.y,•.!. •Y# 1}A`Lh/D' , aiAAil Is Only What Ought To Be Expected From I HIS METHODS Upright in everything -Always keeping Faith with the People, and, above all, 074ring Them of Their Ills -why would not Success Follow? Mr A. Atkey, No. 49 Northoote Ave., Toronto, Canada, says: -"I have been a gonstant sufferer for the last ten or 15 years. At times I suffered severe pains in the stomach and chest. At other times it has taken the form o1 soreness of the stomach. Again intense spasms would oo- our. I have treated with a number of medical men who all failed to effect a care. I began taking Munyon'e Dyspepsia Care and I can unhesitatingly say that the new treatment has acted wonderfully and I have vastly improved. The pains have disappeared and the depression atter eat- ing also. I must express my entire eatis- faction with Munyon's Remedies." Munyon's Rheumatic (Jure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours, and cares in a few days. Price 25o. Mu.Ion's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forme of indigestion and stomach troubles. Price 260. Munyon's Cold Care prevents p9eamonia and breaks ups, cold in a few hours. Price 950. Munyon'e Cough Cure stops coughs, night=, allays soreness and speedily heals the lunge. Price 25o. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily ogres pains in the back, loins or groins, and all forms of kidnc,y disease. Price 25o. Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness and buildsup the system. Price 25c, Munyon's Headache Cure stops headaohe in three minutes. Price 25. Manyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Price 26o Munyon's Bloed Cure eradicates all im- purities of the blood. Price 250. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women, Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Oatarrh Cure-prioe 25c -eradicates the disease from the system, and the Ca- tarrh Tablets -price 26c. -cleanse and beal the parts. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in three minutes, and cure permanently, Price $1. Munyon'4Vitalizer restores lost vigor. Price $1. A separate cure for each disease. At all 1ruggists. Mostly 25c a vial, Personal lettere to Prof. Manyon, 11 and 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free -iedioal advice for any disease. e _ �a �t » tlt Thausa Statistics �' !no �1'u' Go .. . , The Medlcal and Surgical Reporter R+�A*t�+1• gives the following practical advice sties compiled by the Tacoma 'fix: Think deliberately of the house you altizene Klondike free information live In -••-your body, Makeup your committee show that upwards of 20,- mind firmly not to abuse It. Eat no' OW People, representing every state in thing that will hurt It. Wear nothing the union except South Carolina and Carolina distorts or pains it. Do not over- the District of Columbia, are alreany load it with drink, victuals or work. perfecting plans to go to Klondike Give youeself•regular and abundant next spring. For the past six weeks sleep. Keep your body warmlyclad, merchants and bankers have been re- do not take cold; guard yourself .ceiving a large number of letters from against it. If you feel the first symp. all parte of the country asking all sorts ERB,Y tome, give yourself heroic treatment. oY questior�about the new gold dig. Get into a fine glow of heat b exercise glugs and the desire to answer these This is the only body you will have in letters accurately resulted in the or - this world. Study deeply and diligent- ganization of a free Klondike bureau ly the structure of it, the laws that go- of information a month ago. In flf- yern it, the pain and penalty that will teen working days 3;20_0 letters, about surely follow a violation of every law half of which were originally received of life and healt4," by individuals, have been answered by Clicarettes, the bureau, and 2,000 inquiries have ETERNAL VIGILANCE been received. While Missouri leads in the number Is the price of perfect health. Watch of enquiries, the far away state of carefully the first symptoms of impure Florida Is among the leaders in ask - blood. Cure boils, pimples, humors and ing questions about Klondike. Among scrofula by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the cities Kansas City, Chicago, Mew Drive away the prins and aches of rbea- York and New Orleans, in the order matism, malaria and stomach troubles, named, asked the largest' number of s„eady your nerves and overcome that tired questions, but the Dakotas lead in the feeling by taking the same great medioirre. I number of cities and villages rdpre- rented in writing letters for informa- HOOD'b PILLS are the best family tion. People residing in sixteen cities PER catharic and liver tonic. Gentle reliable and villages in the Dakotas have asked a • sure. ' I for maps, literature and information. t '\ I C t The lar�ggest party proposing to outfit PACKAGE The Montreal Star has the following:is beadea by a Chicago woman of ; special cable: -"London Sept 2Q.-Thmeans and the average party numbers trade returns, showing the condition I eleven peoplp, ten besides the leader. of Anglo-Qpanadian trade under the' A Kansas (ity man will take in a ar- Dominion'slrlew tariff regulations, are' ty of twelve with six span of the best still much discussed on this side of the mule, that can be purchased in the water. Further inquiries show that al- northwest. Several parties will build though the lower customs rates have river b3ats and others will dredge the - not yet had time to materially affect bottom of the Yukon for gold. The the large body of English trade with total number indicating their intention Canada, many inquiries are coming to go to Klondike in the spring num_ Anew Broom Sweeps C1eaIld from houses which have hitherto been bers over 20,000. Brooms at lOC each In Canadian business. The outlook for increased trade is i Brooms, two for 25c. most hopeful. Large shipments n- i, j A dandy one for 25c. some lines are already being made un- ' � • • der the stimulus of the new -tariff. I have heard of one trader who has made These Brooms are great value, having been bought at rednoed fl KIDNEY PILLS' We are g Ydays. 30 shipments since the new tariff came j going to give the public bargains for the next slat No into force. However, the Dominion CURE excuse for not having a clean house, Crockery, Glassware, and all Government would be wise to allay all BACKACHE kinds of Groceries, new and fresh. uncertainty by a definite offeial state- LAME BACK meat asits future intentions on the i RHEUMATISM E4D ►� � ZrLQ _ expiry off the German' and Belgian � Clinit,or.� H,ab treaties. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Mont- i DIABETES real speech was fully reported in the 1 London papers, His expressed desire 1 BRIGHT,s DISEASE to find an increased mar ket for Cana- I DIZZINESS AND ALL 1, n Toor"MindFactorydamn products here is received most KIDNEY &URINARYClintono11 SaS�1,sympathetically. There was neven DISEASES more auspicious time to push Canadian ARE CURED BY 01 DOANIS KIDNEY S. S. COOPER PROPRIETOR, ,/aft, - General Builder and Cont t AMU or. This factory is the largest in the county; and has the very latest improved ma- cbinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice.and reliable stock and We for Derry an extensive as of buildings on shortnotice aared ndaon the clns, and osest prve ices 911 and build slap lass - TBE i MON WERTISER ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We Gell all kinds of in. .Best One Cent Daily riot and exterior materia]. to � -��. �7 eb"rebe is - �� ���� . A»��ati� p�,r_ _ --- - I _ . in wester>�. ntario. umber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc ked to as tb.e source of pure breeds tics for an Irish Cat otic representa- m every Province as well as the 'tive, now that Hon. Mr, Harty i0_, or Must Be Sober Men. � �� , Cannot be.. excelled as a bright, en- Agengt or athe Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, mannfaot r ited'9.tates. There was as fine a rather was at the time Mn Devlin was -- g Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing 4 ed w of Durbams this year at Winni- heard from, on the eve of retiringto The two recent disastrous railway col- PILLS terprising and popular paper. .Has all ,allay Toronto.. The stock came P y the latest news from all parts P g your orders private life. lisions in the Western States have been p to of the m 'Ontario. Commissioners from Mr Delvin contemplates returning to the subject of conversation and com- world. *.Brunswick are "doing" the Fairs OanadA: anyway, rn or four ment in railway circles, says the Mon- Supplied by all newsdealers in West - three season to procure blood animals to month's, and that be will not gob ck treat Witness. The question was ask- I ern Ontario, or sent direct. Special TEAS`' I TEAS I rove the herds in that Province. Ireland or anywhere else as an im ` - ed acertain reliable authority whether �� HEADACHE Hodson has been over the western gration agent is as good as settled. In- engineers;or firemen were, upon the The Western Advertiser $�,Y' a,s CEYLON, AS9AM and JAPANS ] s,�o,�1.t�Pin states, ane expresses his deed, it is doubtful if the Government Canadian railways at least, expected tience'th%t the farmers here will has anything available in its gifts that to be strictly sober men,having regard Positively 'Cured by these I 8 pounds good Young HyBon Tea for $1, he would care to aces (WEEKLY EDITION) e td depend on us for fresh blood 11 pt as the price of to the position of responsibility risks they Little Pill9. I y Just to 'hand 1 SUGARS 1 SUGARS 1 SUGARS! prov'o their stock. What. does all his continued retirement from active, occupy and the awful risks which one 7Fi Cents a Year ! �r J • m$an for the people of Ontario ? Politics, might be run at any time by the unCon- They relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, I Equal to and better than many Montreal SU Sugar •) No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Raws in 'barrels, one ply that hila there is a mad rush seious travellers if they were in the lridigestion and Too Hearty Eating• Aper_ I published at $1.00 a year. g 11 hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices. the } Iond�.ke, in quest of gold nug- APPARENTLY A HOPELESS CASE: hands of men who were' permitted to feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. i Agents wanted in every district to We keep the best Dinner, Tea and Bedroom Sete, Fancy China s, there a in our own fields and dr ink intoxicants. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue I canvass for this publication. assorted stock of Wed- Land Lamps. 25 per cent less than regular prim tri erennial gold mine, from A Kincardine Banker who Suffered Die- If there was any slackness in this Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER, T I Address all orders ding Presents in Huron. Call and see our Dods and et rices. Ik anyone with the requisiteener matter in the past, there is certainly hey g g P gy treseingly from Indigestion -Apparently none now was the emphatic reply. Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. I Advertiser Printing Co., Ltd., FRr:S t busineplplintelligence, and as much *EEDS-Timotby, Red and Alsike Clover, Turnip and Mangel. ey`,as would take him to the Yuk- a Hopeless Case of Stomach Trouble Un- "Every engineer and fireman is sup- Sm811 PIII. Small Dose,London, Out Cash paid for 'good Butter and Eggs. ,t )t3 i draw a comfortable livelihood, til South American Nervine was Used pposed to ea a sober man. By that I J. ���' a speedy competence, ed not mean that n i. formally while on Small Price. THE W Clinton -Hie words Are; "It Cured Me Ab- ed to total abstinence, But while on Substitution duty he must be absolutely sober. LONDON EVENING NEWS r When the engineer takes his train out, the fraud of the day, News Worth Printing, What thio wonderful remedy for all forms it is always known at the point of de- The Greatest One went Daily. of stomach trouble can do is beat told in the parture what state he is in. It would y See you get Carter'sFor the balance of this mouth f f Eaton Rapids Herald words of J. Bo er,banker, Kincardine,Ont not be correct to say that there is and r This paper is now on its second year, and has i nsvyspaper which constantly abuses rte About a year ago,ae a result of heavy work formal examination, but Certain ofiic reached a point in circulation and standing that no doubt, I became vet much troubled lues will know just whether that engin-k {O)i Carter'S other papers take years to attain, It gives all t�1 Contemporaries is a weakling with- y f the news of the day, with bright, fresh editorial WE WILL OFFER 1'O ,t'ASH -.PURCHASERS LIlluence. The fact that it constantly with indigestion; associated with it were eer is sober before he pulls up his train, points, for I cent an issue, or $1.50 a yearby mail jeep `a rival is proof of jealonsy, which as those terrible distressing feelings that can Any engineer seen going into a saloon Beautiful Decorated Dinner Set ,"illy caused by the success of the as- hardly be described in any language. I bad would simply have to leave the service Insist and demand Get a Copy from your nears dealer S, /� tried various methods of ridding myself of of either the G. T. R. or C. P. R, that Handsome Toilet Sets At Cost ed, •�I!:any one seeks the standing of e g y the trouble, but without acocese r iitli ler he has only to see if it is in the , until I was is se say, while on duty. And in any Carters Little Liver Palls The News - - London, China Tea Sets, lgory.of assailant or assailed. If it is influenced to use South American Nervine, case, suppose the companions were at !and Under• ho,$ormer it, has few readers and seeks The result, and I gladly say it for the bene- all alack, which is far from being the Fancy hand pointed Chinaware Wiiii6ut•barkin at its o4wessful rival fit of others -this remedy cured me, and I case, the organizations to which these ' never hesitate to recommend it to others af- men belong will not allow a drinking Call and satisfy yourself that this is a bonaliide offer- Having +Ct rkselt into no ice. The newspaper- c ,� g , pltpbr'that people like to read -bas very 1 f9g0d with any forge of rytomaoh troubles, man to remain amongst them. They bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our customers 6 spade to devote to the abuse of rival gold by Watts & cl i, haveamost vital interest in presentingthe benefit. Butter and Eggs taken as Dash. isrna It uses its columna fpr neww,all ... _ ._ _- to the companies sober men for to No' �e� 9 r4 £li'at iy worth printing, ployment. Should ai man be found to N. ROB►50N'S, - Clinton. A drunken man who haulers down a take to drink the societieswould discip- miniature -Stars and Strlpds from a line him as readily as the companies. . .. shop in the Union station at Toronto In this respect the organizations are to + } Pall Fairs. was fined a dollar. The fine, however, he commended. They have put their to was not for tearing down the flag, but foot down on drinking. You maytake CLI IVTONtt' ,tbct-6 for being drunk. The probabilities are it as axiomatic, but every engineer to- ith Perth, St. Mary's, Oct, 5-6. that all these flag incidents have their day in Canada must be a sober man." Burn t Attwood, Oct origin in bad whiskey, on whichever SEWING MABBINE Warerooms n9llitrd, Kirkton, Oct.Oc7-8. fide of the line they happen to occur. « C9N RHEIIMATIBM BE CURED? � ;' t It has been suggested to the government The application of Nerviline-nerve pain The subscriber desires to intimate that he is still in the Aof New York State that it ehonld stretch a cure-wbiah possesses such marvellous I' Sewing Machine business, and has made arrangements with the Prominent Citizen, wire cable across the Niagara rival haat power over all nerve pain, goes greatly NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, above the Falls, in the hope of catching prove that it can. Nerveline sots on the t` hos. Bennett, for over 22 years in any unfortunate who might be in the nerves, soothes them, drives pain out, and Money to burn is a com- ness as a wholesale and retail butcher, river and in danger going over. It is in this way gives relief. Try it and be ( To handle their machines, and am prepared to give the publican article unsurpassed for a ells experience with the now famous doubtful if the suggestion is practicable. oonvinoed, mon expression with some durability and the quality of work. They will be placod on trial free; we oompote with all ma- bdy, 'Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills, No man could hold on to a rope ana hold, chines on the market. I also have other grados at less money, and will procure any machLao I0ntlemen,-I have for a long time himself against the volume of water. The people, but they dont manufactured, if desired Needles and parts supplied for all makes of machines. WASHING MACHINES -1 am agent for the celebrated Authony Wayne Washer, the t nts r ed with extreme nervousness and depth of the water at the brink as supposed ing have it. 1 est manufacturers of Washers in the world. The machine cannot be Beat in any respect, h seats r atipl P therefrom. Freguuentl to be 15 feet, The beet way to avoid going still handle the Improved Ideal and Manitoba Washers. Also Clothee Wrin@mw, Bost in market a absn `ulna rimer t7ne Tieart. At -(�the-lalls-is-to-stay-out-of-the river, - -_---_ I __....._._.._........... ---...... ....... _ _ _ _ !s :u j memory was clouded, which wasw �� • MOOR Hoas> a Ari,. SCAncic,-The Globe's, Otta- R gat annoyance to me in my business,W w ', old Stand, Huron St., Clinton wa se rade ofent Bays: -A revival in the Q`� F >. co � ging ,me to forget orders which were n to me, and my attention had to be horse trade of Canada has begun, and is Q rapidly manifesting itself. There is to -day E OF V - _ 3{I to such mutters fie nil Ver y e anada•, caused by • • `T �� - 4 Y• Y a dearth of horses in C ` C lithe was a wort of melt came before the fact that breedingwas stopped by the ��LD� - .. 8 68, and I was extremelydizzy.One four ears of depression. Nearly •all theIle il5 worst features was that business small breeders have gone out of the bnei- j 066 of small importance assumed ex- nese. The resttlt of the relent eoaroit 0. To "burn, that's more like it, and get Coal that won't transform into clinkers. I E i4b'd forms, and I brooded over them has been to advance the prices of horses for ��B�j` we have the reputation for selling Hord Coal which ie free of the clinker sub- �t [Foot=form �� Shape pebosarily. At night l would often stance, is clean stuff when delivered, and hot staff when li hted. The one e- Up -With a start and it would bs a export by 30 per cent within the peat five trouble with it is that it burns. Leave your order with; ne. We are now deliv months. Like causes have brought about ering for the coming cold weather. English style, rounded curve on outer side time before I could again compose my- the same scarcity in the United States. of shoe, tapering to natTOw fiat toe. Fits 0`6166p. ` So unstrung were my nerves These facts were obtained from mon in tees ` te-of trembling occasionally, trade, who are exhibitors at the Central .I. LOWEST PIIICES GUARANTEED comfortably a foot which looks larger than sold :sensations wonld run down m easy was CURED. highly + the shoe'. Laced -Buttoned -Congress Y Canada Fair, now open here, he R ell- cid Sinswl can hi h1 RULAND Lsi x'ho -least a heart flu er noise g y ilby of � Stoves, Hardware, &c --or Oxford, in Black, Tan, Seal Brown, tied ineand set my heart fluttering. Keith, M. P., of Bowmanville, the well- m 'ed Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild 4 g known horse dealer, told your correspond- that wherry. It euros my boary of •l- 1 lrtfvetaleri a boa f Miibarn'B Heart . slat.'taeafter another means failed •p•Carmine, or Wine color. Halfsizessilo rr. ant that he had not stopped breeding horses to iI, ve itgreat Clinton Nsicgb Pills,tre, oh n got at Mr W, W. pP r Lz!! praise. It is excel= + Widths B to E Goodyear Welt" !'Jt drug store, corner Broadview and during the depression, but it was true that fe alt bowel complaints. .l. many had, and it was undoubtedly the fact r ts. 'IFAS. BOTT, Harlow, Ont., 'f - forth aventies. They restored my that there is to -day no supply of horses in 'f $3 °O. E4 �, E5 °o• Stamped on bb to theft normal oondition,and toned * C ��R RIAGE S �1! WAGGONS ale. ti� bY.80m to such an extent that a1P the country. lie also confirmed the ad- 'pHE 4EAD MASTER vanoo in prices. Ae this is a very impor- p y ^M, v.I have found great r Cistress#tag ailments I' have mentioned tant trade and a heavy one, its revival will •attr-acti,ni the use of Dr. Fowler's "The Slater Shoe" sapteared,, I Bay it without an Extract of wt, 'Strawberry, and con- Car•Leov �i Y have an important influence on the return Bider + tnvah ble in ally' '1- Fara f$#CI Ion whatever, that they area g g cases of �, W0 Keep In Sf ,' and make t0 order cd'tedidine f`or shattered nerves and Of cod times amen farmers and stockmen. It a,r'` a and mmer complaint. � Jute diffg ill. I cannot too highly it to, h :a) tee a Ise to recommend Carnia et> all ti aggons of all kinds, e# Wouderfal virtues of these pills <:J-A-FS3T'UR=13. R. 8.,�,ptt.ERT' -„Principal, g • ° . Ilk, �Of blurt trouble. Tj mails it an + Hfth Scb, „ River Charlo, N.B. MAP !THOMAS BENNETT, %� T, CL NTONDoncaster, out. '��';u° +V***.......�RUMBALL W. TALI OR & SONS9 SOLE AGENTS FORCLINTON .