HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-01, Page 5El
Four days only have passed since we began this great Clearing Out could not stay at home, so came out in great crowds to our fair and
Dissolution Sale, and we can safely assure the buying public that to take advantage of attending our sale. We are safe, we think,
these days have been red letter days; and very satisfactory. The when we say that not for many years have we done so fine a days'
sale is having this effect, that it is bringing people from a long business as fair day, from early morning till late in the evening we
• distance to Clinton to buy, people who are in "the habit of Aping to were busy as bees, and with strangers who came to buy, some as
_ far as 15 miles, faces we have not seen for years came out to renew
other towns to , buy their stuff, say they will hereafter' come to old acquaintances and take home large loads of goods at our famous
Clinton, since they see how much cheaper they can `;buy, particu- low prices. Here everything is in full swing; the Dissolution Sale
larly while this sale lasts. Wednesday being the big day of t1fe is on and every article is cut to such a low price that people can't
Huron Central Fair, our town was literally packed as a matter of help buying, and not one day or article only but every day and for
course; the weather was most delightful and the people simply every article within our doors, will this sale continue.
Mantlew are at $3. worth Every, piece of lour lame If a, ..r et is wanted.
easily any place else stock of best Prints 32 in. , of any kind or quality, now is is your
'iwitlle / e
l�/��r �� great opportunity. We have some lov
4.50 and, $5.00 These are a sensatioo. .Iy things and they all must go.
SHIRT'S and DIiAtiVERS LADIES' VESTS 2 only Ladies' Greenland heal Capes 30in. long, 72in, sweep, reg. $2$.50 for $22.50
e CAPES 1 only imported Bear Cape; 28in. long, 39 in, breast,' regular $12.50 for $10
35e sale price, 25c. 25e for Uc 1 only Greenland Seal, 20in, long, Min. breast, regular $17.50 for $12.50
6Ue sale trice 33C ' 1 only Ladies' Black Astrachan, 20 in, long, 34 in, bust,...regular price $12.50 for 9.75
This is where we shine, no other store In Huron 1 3 c F�trdiea`Bta�k Cooney, an in. ong, satin lined, regular price $9 for $6.50
carr-ies--se-latae-and-selecl�a--htt-oi—Cashln rem; - 0�s ' Gents Ties, 25 & 30c for 19c
Serges, Priestley's best Brocades and Serges, and $1.25 sale price 98c" .
Satin Cloths. All must go out. TOP SHIRTS CARPETS— '01 •
60 olid 65c f01' .��c 3 peaces wool, $1, fer lar Cit
� tsullm4ran
Water rOOfS Gents heavy le, g Tweed 75f for 69c, $1 for 89c 1 beautiful Union, regular 50c for 400
2 pieces 36in good part Union, 30c for 23c
Waterproof, detachable Cape LADIES TAMS 2 pieces lovely Tapestry 90o for 65o CLINTON
regular price $8.50, for $i 60c for 49c, 48c for 35c 2 pieces fine Tapestry, 60c for 49a
Because it pays,
It is stronger' and costs no more than others.
Good results always.
Assures the food against all forms of adulterations common to the cheaper
Always freeb and always the same. 25 cents per pound.
High grade SPICES and ESSENCES.
BEST MI%ED SPICES, 2 ounces for 25 cents.)
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
Have you tried "Blue Rib PROPERTY FOR SALE
For sale, that property on the south side of
Huron Street, Clinton, directly opposite the
bon Teal' 2 If not, do so; residence of Jars Walsh. There is a two-story
frame' house on the lot, which is nesrly half an
acre. The ro arty is most eliCly situated,
can be had at J. STEEP'S and will ba sold for $400 cash, Cly
apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton,
rrrrrr�rrrrrrrmr� rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rrr
�# fie n1lon
r .-r
.~ We are still selling out and will , continue the
_sale_nnti -the stock•^is dl&posed ef:-Flverything _
-` will have to go as we are determined to clear
all out, and the prices we are giving are sure
' to do it. If you have not given us a call come
.�►- and see the goods and bargains; it will pay you. �_
_� We have plenty of stock left yet. Most de40
awl- partments well assorted. We can't quote�"�
��".. prices as we are continually selling out differ-
ent lines, but we respectfully ask you to. come,
dP and see, we will make it pay, you to do so.44
iii m orteel & rGibbinds
Corrected every Thursday afternoon,
Thursday, September 30th, 1897.
I Wheat .............. 0 78 a 0 79
Oats 0 21 a 0 -L2
Field Barley.. 0 21 a 0 22
Peas 0 43 a 0 46
} Rye .................. 0 40 a 0 40
Doin;; Business on a Cash Basis is Flour per cwt ....... 2.20 a T65
Butter in rolls :::... 0 12 a 0 15
Proving a Success here. {{ Butter tab.. 0 10 a 0 11
I 'Eggs per dos ...... 12 a 0 13
I We are constantly on the alert to secure good, reliable goods, Dur- I Hay new $4, old...... 6 00 a 7 00
ing.the fast weeks new goods of every description have been arriving, Sheepskins .......... 0 25 a 0 25
bought for spot cash, and sold lower than any firm doing a credit Wool ................. 0 18 a 0 18
business would suspect. M No. 1 Trimmed Bides. 4 00 a 4 25
When at the Blyth Fair next Tuesd by and Wednesday, Oct. 5 and 8, Potatoes .............. 0 25 a 0 25
drop in and see what we are doing, and find out if we sell goods as Clover Seed retail.... 5 50 a 5 50
_ cheaply as we advertise. Timothv Seed......... 2 50 a 2 50
PURE Englisli PARIS GREE.= ..,
25c a lb. We will quote you close prices on quantity, Flu
We haye just received a large stook of
Athletics, Cyclists and other hard workers will find this gum :sty invigor ,?
sting, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin. It has wonderful sustain.
ing power, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth moist. '
Invigorating and refreshing, highly. recommended for those desiring a Sea Bath; to
J. H. Combe, Chemist and Druggist.
Dress (}node, warm winter weight, sold in lots of places fur 25c, but MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET
our cash price is .. ..20c
Dress (foods, very sightly, and will Ove satisfaction in the wplie, in Montreal, Sept. 27.—There were about 600 'c
green, blue, brown and gray colorin{�s, extra value at 25c
head of butchers' cattle, 40 calves and 8W
sbeeBetter lines in black or colored Dress Goods at 30, 40, 50. 75, 85c and 1 End and loin t -tared for sale at the East
I End Abattoir to-day.re was agood. at- ;
I Flannelette, cod patterns, wide width, usually sold at 7che
or Sc8c ....Oc f tendance of butchers, but trade,., .ttle was
Leavy woolweed,check oratripes,worth 45c,we bought it to sell at 25 rather stow and prices easier A few of the elothes M1 best cattle were sold at about 4o per lb, the
LADIES' MANTLES I pretty good stock at frem 4c to Ste per lb-
common dry cows and rough young stock sold
at from 2c to 3c and the leaner beasts at about
We have them in all prices but ask your attention to three lines that I but triers Calves
no 1xat f from $2
we consider above the average, In light or dark effects. I sheep sold at about Se per 1b. Lambs were Do not make the man, but well -fitting garments .t
Prices $3.50,1194.50 and $8, higher to -day and sold at from Sic to 40
lb. Heavy hogs Bold at about 5;c ger lb, light p
im rove his app earance wonderfully. Our stock o
TABLE LINEN• hogs at Sic to Sic per ib, for fed hogs. `., �+
Two special lines we think might prove worthy of your attention, eommerclal Notes 'Tweeds, �(�[ brsteds and 1 rout. erings"',!,-j
may1 ie the same as w. have often sold at ... a yd., but now you The outlook in Ireland is more loom r f
may buy it for .................... ............ .. ...... ....25r.. gloomy �
No. 2 is a very wide table linen, good pattern and the quality is at the present time than at any period Is very complete, and we sell Suits made to order tt ;'
worth 45c, but we're selling it as long as it lasts at............35c. since 1879. Unless •remedial precautions low as X10 and as highas $25 best value at each price
White check muslin worth c Por ....................... ...5c be taken without delay the most lamentablef
Men's lined kid gloves, two fasteners, worth 75c, a special for Fair it consequences must ensue. and satisfaction guaranteed.
Dayat... ....................................... . ................50c. Goon Pnrese sea Flosses.—The prospects
You wile find our shoes and rubbers up-to•date, l for the horse trade in Canada are of the
brightest, says the Toronto Star, which is
Pants Cut Free of Charge. n
MIIi,LINERX OPENING another evidence of�� p¢avaof_proaperit
Fridasy; O+rtst;'uYsd'"'f7i1 wing"cIa`ys: You are cur -dialer invited to coming over the oo{antrp. The demand for
horeos in Great Britalin never was reater. We have secured a quantity of mill ends and 6tOC r i.
inspect our showing. g y
Since January let of this year there have remnants 2% yards each, at 40c to 75c a rd and d'
been imported into Liverpool from Canada iT1 the month of October any one buying these,
McKinnon & Oo ' Blyth andthembeled States 11,00 horses. m g
� this number probably 11,00.0 were ir'om have them cut -free of charge. ,'ar�`;';�"•
Canada. The supply is still short of the a;
demand, and Mr. J. H. Graham, a noted, kc
loose* evrmw horse dealer, says fhA the price of borsea
+ -- ---- will advance in the neat cis months 25 per Vd,maska Boots
MODERN V%rantpd, cod general servant. Apply to Taos Hoo CROR—Advioea from tpplyof i
i g sections of Ontario state that the supply 0# W
MRS. HOUSTON, High Strout, Clinton. PP,Y When wanting Lona' Boots just bear in mind that
SLAVE owingto the liblebogs at the moment is light, sell the Yamaska Boot with a positive guarantee that
GIRLS WANTED. owing to the liberal sales of live hogs o[
late; but the report adds that there are they will give YOU satisfaction in wear and dura"
Wanted at once, ggood dinin room girl. and a large numbers of small hogs in the country y
Who f more a slave than the woman cook. J. C, MILLER, Hotel Clarendon. that will commence to be marketed in No- lit or mons will be refunded. All you have to do 1S
who worries and perspires, over a red- vember, and consequently dealers and y y y
hot stove to do the family baking. ' FOR SALE. packers do not anticipate high prices for to buy the boots, we assume the risk of your purchase '<
Nineteenth century women deserve a P'aetory and oontonte on the roporty of D. dressed hogs daring the coming sedson. being satisfactory.
batter fate. Genuine old fashioned Buchanan for $125; by paging 'is down and Live bogs have sold in Montreal market y ?
balance at $10 a month. • Buil ing to be re- within the past few days at $5 50 to $5 85
Family Bread at moved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton.
per cwt. the latter rine been for nice
y p p g We have 50 pairs Long Boots, A 1 uality, sizes 11 to
James McClachert 'S BOAR FOR SERVICE ' bacon hogs. w �+ �;
y 'All
ill be sold at � 1, sizes 4 and 5 1.25 per pair.
Tan CaEras QUESTION.—The exports of
I Pare, light and flaky, cheap as bak- A thorobrefl imported Yorkshire White Bosh cheese from Montreal continue un reoedent-
in at home, too, a still lead in for service at (.ouch & Wilson's slaughter f P `•
g house. Terme, P cub with prevel a of re- odly large, every week adding to the al. GLOVES—Men's Wool Gloves 25c Men's gid Gloves, lined
turning. COUCI3 & W` �sOx. read heavy increase over the shipments of
Ice Cream and - tast year The quantity leavin pM- tree► 50C, 75c, 1. Mens Napa tan buck lined 1k1 50 ''7 t
Ice Cream Soda.
last week was 69,527 boxes, against 501050
As we have now a new and up-to-date
fountain with patent syrup jars. Call
The frame house situato on the cornerYof
Shipley -Rattenbury
boxes for the corresponding period last
year, piling P aggregate
ear ilin fi the re ata of the season
and see our new first prize
and Streets, Is. of for
saloon reasonable terms. Itlestoryandahal#,
containing.flve rooms and kitchen, with frost
to 1,851,881 boxes, as compared with 1,058,
172 boxes for the like eridd in 1896, and
!— +
Ohleago Luneh Oakes&
proof collar, hard and soft water, quartor-acre
lot, with appnyum_ number of choice fruit trees otr the
showing an increase of 298,809 bogies. The
Bulletin warns sellers not to demand, "too
� �
O 1 iixillill liiiliai»ii1iiii)11�1ii�
lit iii
Come early as they sell quickly.
or MIt8p9AMUELrHOLMEB Pr noeasHBtrloee
high prices, lest they may kill the demand
e .
I.. Wedding Rakes a specialty
in Britain,
The ,Cash, Dealer, Londesboro•