HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-01, Page 4V ('
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O in o Now Baia W' _ A e sent to . new • subso " x t St of ,J �. r
Cil __t , .. ,' ibe ,. Q �. a_ ua . y�, x888,- to a I address. is mgr pa,
ngton, gold or silver tinsel work, B Wise, M H Iiarrison;red tall wheat, II Edwards, C
kIrs Nott; aixenille work Miss Symington, Proctor & eon; six rowed burley, R McMurray;
black oats, H Edwards; white oats 0 Proctor,
dre Nott; slipper Case, Mrs C Campbell, W &Son,McMurray; small peas, R oats,
large i
3artry; darned net, Mrs Nott, Mrs Avery; �eas 19 DfoGowan, H Edwards; tlmotvy, -R '
Allo shams Mrs W Downs; drawn work ooti R McGowan.
latae S min�ton Mrs Walker mantle FR>'IITS AND FLOWERS -Golden russett
Y g , apples M H Harrison T U Henderson, bald-
lrope, Mrs 8 Coats, Mrs Nott; tea cosy, wins 1� McGowan W' Geddes: snows, V& Ged-
YTrs Nott, Mrs Avery; sofa pillow, Mrs des, J Owens; Rhode Island greenin s, G Sow-
IGO, MISS Barlett; lady's fancy apron; B Goad a, Ben s northern dGw J wens, W
P reman 8 Wise- drawing Ila, cG an GProct OProetof
y g #Com screen, Canada rade, R MaGloit+an G Proctor; king of
Nits Nott; patched quilt, Miss Symington, tompkine. G Sowlar, D,fi Anderson- winter
3 Wise; crazy quilt, Mrs Nott, Mrs J Cun- apple4, W Geddes, 0 Proot;or; apples, k Look -
hart D B Anderson; fall pears Al H Harrison
ainghame; crochet quilt, J Howrie, Diss T M Henderson; winter pears M Lockhart, W
Va¢ Egmond; etched quilt, Mrs Avery, Miss Scott, variety of grapes6T M henderson• orab
3ymiugton; knitted ooverlid Mrs Nott, a plea R McGowan J bwena: plums. Vit Bone
Kra Hartry; etching in silk, lige Nott, Mrs frru t, Tt,V Beaches, u HCorley- tab eoboqueb
Walker; Roman embroidery, linen, Mrs C E Sackrider, Mrs Henry- hand boquet flowers
Campbell, Mrs J Avery; knitting, woollen E Sackrider W Taylqr; $ower in pot, Mrs A'
stockings, Mrs Nott S Wise knittin wool- McLean Et Saokrlder; collection of house
g / , , g. lants, L Saokrlder, Mrs H McLean- collection
len socks, 8 Wise, Mrs Nott; knitting,wool- foliage_pbants E Sackrider, Mrs H McLean.
len gloves or mitts, Miss Symington, Mrs MAN[JFAWRES-Union flannel, J Owens;
Nott; rag mat, Mrs H Walker, Mrs J blankets J Owens T M Henderson; coarse
boots, J haugh, lot and 2nd; men' a flue boors
Avery; yarn mat, Kra H Walker, Mrs J Baugh; home-made wine, R McGowan, T R
Nott; whisk holder, Mrs Nott,Mrs 8 Coats; Henderson,
parlor sachet Mrs Walker Mies S min R00'1's AND VEGETABLES -elephant pota-
P Syming. toes, W Geddes, W Taylor; matchless corlies
ton; table mats, crochet, Mrs S L Scott, J Coultas, 0 Proctor & son; empire state E
Mise P�arlett; table mats, embroidered, Mrs Sackrider, M H Harrison; any other variety,
8 Collie, Mlaa Barlett; fancy tidy, Mrs' R McGowan, W Tayylor; cabbage, E Sackrider
Nott, Mrs 8 Coats, fanny foot stool,. Mrs C W Taylor; red ppi�ckling cabbage E Sackrider,
W Taylor; cauliflower E Saakricier W Taylor;
Campbell, Mrs H Walker; toilet set; Mrs H• long blood beets, W Taylor, T M ilenderson;
Walker, Mrs C Campbell; pin cushion, Mrs turnip beets, W Taylor, T M Henderson; man -
0 Campbell, Mies Barlett shawl crochet gold wurtzels, E Saorider, W Geddes; swede
P turnips,J Coultas, W Scott; field carrots, E
or knit, Mrs Nott, Mrs 0 Campbell; point Sackrider R McMurray; early horn carrots, W
lace, Miss Symington, W Hartry; netting, Taylor, C Noctor &yon; paranr s E Saokrid-
r H d r p
e Ewa da onions from seed h Sackrider
W Hartry, T Cottle; linen Centre piece, WTaylor; hall'Wok Onions E Sackrider,
Mies Barlett, W Hartry; linen Centre piece, Taylor; oelery, W Taylor, E Sackrider; corn, R
lace work, Mrs Nott, W Hartry ; kitchen McMurray, IH 'McGowan; water melon A
apron, Mrs Walker, 1-2; home-made blan- Ketchebaw, E Sackrider musk melon, W �'ayy_-_
lor E Sackrider- pumpkin, E Sackrider, W
kets, S Wise, 8 Farae; handkerchief 09608, GeAdesi squash, h Sackrider, H Edwards; cit -
Mrs J Avery, Mrs Nott; easel drape, Mrs 0 ron E Sac rider HIEdwards; plate tomatoes,
Campbell, S Wise. R Murray W Taylor- beans, E Saokrider,
W Taylor- collection garden vege'ables E Sack-.
(original),-Anv design painted, J A Fow- DAIRY PRODUCE -be lb dairy butter, John
Coultas, M H Harrison; Crock of butter, C
ler; marine view, J A Fowler, Proctor;' butter in rolls or prints, J Coultas,
AMATEUR LIST, OIL -Landscape, Cana- G Sowlar; home-made bread, R McMurray H
dian subject, W Hartry, J Gibbings; mar- Edwards; maple syrup, W Scott, R Scott; Itio-
tor It A Ketchbaw,
ins view, Canadian subject, Mrs Campbell, r Allr$ - Painting, still life, Miss L
J Gibbings; animals, from life, J Gibbings; s arling, Miss Owens; pencil drawing, Mrs
flowers or fruit, Mrs Campbell, J Gibbings. Fele, Mrs Pr Carder; oil painting, Mias Mo -
PROFESSIONAL LIST, WATER COLORS, Ori- Clelland, D B Anderson; collection of oil
paintings, Miss Sperling, Miss Owens; colleo-
ginal).-Any design, painted, J A Fowler; tion of holograph@ Miss Edwards.
marine view, Canadian subject, J A Fow- LADIES' DEPARTMENT - Tatting, Miss
ler; Sepia, J A Fowler; pen and ink, J A Sparling Mrs Hele; crochet work, Mrs Dr
Carder Mrs Hele; bead work, Miss McClelland
Fowler. �� Mrs Haiei booked wool skirt, Mrs Bridges;
AMATEUR LIST, WATER CoLoas.-Land- fancy knitting, Mrs McKenzie Miss McClel-
scope, Canadian subject, Mrs Campbell; land: gent's linen shirt, Mrs RcKonzie Miss'
h1oC1 ll
e and• dent's f no flannel shirt Mrs
marine view, Canadian subject, Mrs Camp- Bridges, Mrs McKen ie• braiing, Miss'Brid-
bell; pencil drawing, any subject, J Gib- gas, Mise Sperling; festlterfiowers• Miss Owens
binge, T Cottle; Pastel, any subject, Robbie pair woolen stockings, Mrs McKenzie, Miss.
Stewart, Mrs C Campbell; flowers or fruit, McClelland; pair socks, Mrs Huugh, Mrs
P McKenzie; pair woollen glove., Mre Me -
Mrs 0 Campbell; collection of pictures, J Kenzie• pair woollen mitts, Miss. Owens,
P Tindall, I and 2. Mrs br Carden log cabin quilt, Miss
McClelland; knitted quilt, Mass Sow -
Judges -Fruit, T H Race, Mitchelll; Do- lar, Mrs Scott; patched quilt, Mrs Bone,
mestic Manufactures, D Cantelon, Gods- Mrs Dr Carder; rag mat, Mrs Henryy Mrs Ged-
rich; Vegetables, T C Naftel Goderiob• des; Berlin wool work raised, Mrs Carder,Misa
g ,
S viii^ • Berlin
�p wool work gat, Mrs Carder,
Dairy Products, H McCartney, Bruoefield; Miss Sparling; sofa pillow Mrs Carder, Miss
Grain, Thee Trick, Jas Connolly; Ladies' Sparling; silk quilt, Mrs Kele, Miss McClel-
work, Mise McTaggart, Mrs Robb, Clinton; land; painting on satin, Mrs Carder, Mrs Wil-
kinson;Goderich. hair fiowera, Mtaa MoClellanll; embrof-
+ dery on silk, Mrs Hale, Miss Sparling; embroi-.
Pigs, E. Bell, Londesboro, Poultry, W. dory on linen, Mrs Carder Mia. 1KcClelland;
Grieve, Seaforth. Heavy horses, James lace work, Miss Sparling, Mrs Hele; twine lace
Connolly, Goderich township; E. Bell, Hnl- Mrs Hole, Mise McClelland; rag carpet, Mrs
Owens; collection ladies' work, Miss McClel-
lett; W. Rinn, Hallett. Light horses, land, Kra Hele,
John Grieve, Seaforth, Sheep, John Gov-
enlock, Winthrop, Grade cattle, S. Smiths_ ' _�_iluea`tieixt.
Clinton; T. R6se�lytY T Coro -bred., H. M
Smith, Exeter.
NOTES ISS C. E. CLEMENT Graduate of Alma
M Collego, teacher of Piano.
The band rendered good service.
Why not boom next year's show? EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.
Local poultry fanciers made a great show
Clinton-oentrallysitaated-Should have All persons owl•g the ostate of the late
one of the beet fairs outside the ,ities, William Core are hercby notified that the same
The grand stand -free to all -was much must be paid to his sister, MISS LUCY CORE,
appreciated. It is a fine resting plane. Clinton, who is sole executor of the estate.
There's some grand live stook in Huron, CANADIAN LOME CIRCLE
and a good deal of it was at the Huron
Central. This Order has changed its night of meeting
Thomas Tipling, of Detroit, was shaking to the first Thursday in each month, and will
hands with Old friends on the show ground hereafter meet in the Oddfellows' Hall, over
on Wednesday. Allen & Wilson's. W. R. LOUGH, Secy.
Both J Leslie and F Rumball made ea- STRAY LAMB.
hibits of Carriages and nutters, of superb workmanship., Came' into subscriber's premises, Bayfield
Messrs Bra+dicot & Box made an excel- Road, Goderich Township, about the middle of
lent exhibit of furniture, i¢ ober a of their Septemb..r a Ram Lamb, Leicester. Owner Is
13 hereby notified to prove property, ray charges,
representative, Mr Cbidley. and take it away, ALBERT WISE.
Among Jos. Allaneon's large vegetable
exhibit were Some peanuts grown by him- STRAY HEIFER.
Self, and, they were a good sample, --
t f m subscriber's
Strayed ed ro
While H Joyner,s driving some
, 1
Y jr,J g
t a
of An ns
R Hallett about themiddle
bo s to
the rounds the became exhausted + Y Tia 1 bluish
g g two year old dehorned heifer• a h,t y
and one died; it was a valuable one, in color. Anyone returning her or diving in-
Will Coate, Secretary, is an expert in formation as to her whereabouts will be suit-
cit rewarded
manipulating tickets and making correct Londesbora.
change, and is equally efficient in keeping
all the items in order. MALE TEACHER WANTED.
The party who unintentionally carried N
away the peck of first prize tomatoes, will Wanted, a male teacher for S. S, No. lo, God -
oblige by leaving at the NEW ERA office, as Crich Townsbip, holding a second-class certifi-
they have been donated to the editor. tate; one who has had some experience pre er-
Amon those on the round were Jude red. Personal application desired. Applica-
g d g tions' received rip to October 15,
Doyle, M C Cameron, M P ; J T Garrow, PETER COLE, secretary, Clinton P. O.
M P P ; D McDonald, County Clerk; Wm
Lane, Clerk; M Y MoLean, M P P; and Joe TEACHER WANTED.
Beek. —
App'tcations for the position of teacher of S.
S. No. 4, Goderich Township, will b�3 received
East Wawanosh Fall Show. by the undersigned up to 3 p. m. on Saturday,
Oct. 16. Applicant must hold not less than 2nd,
The fall exhibition of the East �t'a- aedstatesalary, MURPHY,
.HENRYSecretary. Clinton P, O.
wanosh Agricultural Society was held
at Belgrave on Thursday and Friday. TTOTICE TO CREDITORS.
and on the whole was a success, both 1�
in attendance and financially. The day --
being flue, allowed many farmers to In the matter of W. T. Pellow, Insolvent.
be present.. We are indebted to the Notice is hereby given that W. T. Pellow of
Secretary, Findlay Anderson, for 011e the township of Ashfield, Grocer has this day
prize list as follows:- . made an assignment to me of all his estate,
HORSES -HEAVY DRAUGHT -Brood mare & pursuant to R S. O. Cap. 124 and amendments,
foal, M H Harrison; spring foal, M H Harrison; A meeting of creditors of,said insolvent is
two year old filly Barber Bros., Geo. Taylor hereby called for
Bros.; two year old gelding, Jas, •Forster, N. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0th, 1807,
Cuming; team harnessed, Jas Forster, John E at 2 o'clock p. m., at fay office in Goderich for
Fells, the appointment of inspectors and the giving
GENERAL PURrosE-Brood mare and foal, of directions with reference to the disposal
R Scott, Barber Bros, M Cardiff; spring foal, of the estate.
Barber Bros, J Casemore; two year old filly, Dated this 23rd day of September, 1807. ,
J Owens, D Scott & Sons* two year old gelding
J Taylor• year old filly, J 11'aylor, J Owens; year LOFTU.S E. DANCEY, Assignee.
old gelding, Barber Bros; team, G Taylor Bros,
J Owens.
r and foal
ROAD AND CARRIAGE -Broad mare a ,
J Brandon, W B Wilkison, N. Geddes; spring • •
foal, J Brandon, L Tasker; two year old geld- alkvn It Over
_g, R D1eMurray, W Geddes; year old gilding
JLBrandox1 LH -1. -Rimgle-Ari-ver�ia►>erb
Molndoo J Scandrett; hack horse, in saddle,
Levi Lott- team, J Brandon. �-r
CATTL>±-TnoltOUGHBRED-Cow, G Sowlar, 1
R Corley, R Corley two year old heifer, R Cor-
ley, D Cook; year oid heifer, T H Taylor; heifer 1k I J `
calf, T H Taylor, R Corley;'bull calf, R Corley, p
N Cuming; bull, two years or over, R Corley; U
bull, under two, R Scott. t
GRADE -Cow, M H Harrison, R Scott T H t e 11
Taylor; two year old heifer D Scott & Son, C
Proctor & sons- year old belie i D Scott & Sons G`, �
1 & 2; heifer oast, D Scott & Suns, T Ross; two
year old steer, 0 Proctor Jif' Sons, D Scott & �� 7 '_ .
sons; year old steer, J Barr, D Scott & Sons; '
steer call, D Scott & Sons, J Barr. /•ti' ,,,,,,,, nl,
ram, N Cuming, R G McGowan; shearling ram
J Coulter; ram lamb, J Coultas, N Cuming;
aged ewes, J Coultas, N Cuming; shearling -
ewes J Coultes,iN Cuming; ewe lamb, N Cu-- - ',- - l- .-
ing, 6 Henry.
DOWNS AND TnErn,GRADEs—Aged ram,L ,
T .ker ,}ae and the
Teaker.:f Tubb- shearling ram L e Shoes speak for themselves, p
Tubb; ram lamb L Taskor, J Tabb; aged owes, ple who admire comfortable Shoes
J Tabb, 1 and i; shearling ewes, al
Tabb, L need not look farther than our stook
Tasker; ewe lambs, J Tabb, L Tasker.
PIGS -LARGE BREED - Aged boar H Ed- to find whit they want. We have
wards, R MoMu'rray- brood sow, R Soott, H begun our usual Sale of fall
Edwardo; boar, H Edwards 1 and 2; sow, H
Edwards, RSoott. ; I
SmALi. BREED—Brood sow, R McMurray, I ;: H &RUBBER
and 2; boar, H Edwards.
POULTRY -Goose, DShowers T M Han,'(- , Call and see our lines in Men's and
ll• k T Y,
son; turkeys, D showers,; and ,duos Women's Boots and Shoes, also our
Henderson, 1 and 2; Plymouth rooks, T 14t Hert-
derson 1 and 2 Leghorns, W Taylor 1 and supply of
, TM
Henderson, l and 2• Wyandot tes,
T M Hondereon; Coohins, T M Renderson, 0st Single and Double Harness,
and 2nd. Trunks and Valises.
IMPLEMENTS - Farm gate H E lwards-
churn, W Taylor; pump, 0 korni^ Hstar, I� Red and White' Cedar Shingles
Showers; lumber wagon JBrunsdo:: buggy, J on band.
Brunsdon,J Walker; pldX. W Gaw ,-c, let and
2nd; gang plow, W Gannet; washing wachine, JAS. TWITCHRGL,
D B Anderson.
GRAIN -White fall wheat,T M Henderson, Victoria Block, Cllntdn.
The design for a new postage stamp has
bean approved by the Postmaster. General.
Gen. Neal Dow, the veteran probibition-
tat, is at the point of death at hie home in
Wm. Treemor, a farmer near Manilla,
committed suicide by hanging himself in
the barn. • _
Mr 0. M' Garvey, barrister, of Sarnia, is
dead. He was formerly law partner of the
Hon. T. B. Pardee.
Some children named Thompson set fire
to their dwelling at Pringle Village, and
the baby was burned to death.
r:A School >safith a Splendid
Students admitted at any time.
Five male teachers, nine beautiful
rooms. New methods; advantages
unsurpassed. Write for catalogue.
W. J. Elliott, Principal
Are evidence of refine-
ment and good taste,
when the gems are se-
lected with care. We
are showing some love-
ly rings in
Clusters o
t Diamonds,
Single Stone Diamonds,
Bands of Opals, and in
Combination with Pearls,
Rubies, Saphires, Torquois
The -prices range fom
$1.75 to $50.
�- 1-Bil
11 I 11 I I, I
House Cleaners,
r 'm
Will find our stook of
Wall Paper
Window Shades.
Just what they need to put their rooms in
first class order.
A large stock of window Shades just
Wall paper is always up-to-date and espe-
cially our prices.
Special values in remnants.
All paper trimmed free of charge.
" A" ,A"' ,V3
e are Right 0
At the verge of a
period of activity.
Leader of Jewelery Fashion t:. Of this come t0
Biddlecombe's and
Watob Inspector for the people. See what We have.
At the Beginning
of the fall season our
stock of Jewelery, Spec-
tacles, &o., and prices will
convince you.
Our Doctor of Refraction
The prices on these viii•
Has trade a special 'study of the human eye ales are away down.
It Your Eyes
Are weak or your eight pCor, it is Smportant REPAIRING of every kind
to have them carefully examined, guaranteed to give satis-
No Charge faction.
Whatever is made for teetinQ. Fine Steel frames including glasses fill.d by
our lie .
S ecia t 1.00P fS. Bi111111111
� tJsty e
Full stock of Gold Specs and Eye Glasses,
WA%,4rt, %AkV�1% 4.- COOPE, tw� I
R & CO.
--THSTWO -&.J'a-- I
. Will be held during the week commencing Sept. 97th. We extend an
invitation to everybody to inspect our stock which consists of imported
and domestic
In all the latest novelties. In Gents Furnishings we aim to carry one of
the most up-to-date stooks to be found west of Toronto, consisting of
Hats, Caps, Ties, Braces, Underclothing, Waterproof Coats
A J. MO !
RRISH Clinton. A. J. HOLY,OWAY, Clanton.,.
The ''.
1 ,./' Best is
;None toot
...*TAQ5-27 -%11�R
16`,L_ty f ,
„ r,
it 1 \"
� 1 1
. -
1, -
, _�'),-,-,
, --y",
. 1. - 7�5,1;
We want to say that our great range of Fall Goods is now coming to
band every day, and will comprise a stook of Boots and Shoes not to be
beaten in this section. Oar reputation for carrying reliable goods is thor-
oughly established, and from good buyers we ask an inspection. A business
that is growing every day is good evidence that our goods are being ^
FINE Strop DnA.Lnra
Jackson* '' Jacksons Clinton
"Nothing Like Leather."
� 11X'O1>t' Central Fall �.�illx.
J 13 Harland; Dorkinga, arey, G Irwin, J i
r _
Morarlane; Plymouth Book, barred, T d 1.
The fall exhibition of the Huron Oen-
walker, Chao tti +iiwr; i'tymouth Rook, ;
white, D A 1' Rook, any
Society was held at the Recreation
Park, Clinton, on Tuesday and Wed-
variety, W l WasonHoudans, 1 e 2 W
Carter; Polancle, W U B, W Darter; Po -
'. �
peach vibe weather was excellent,
and ave every pportunity for an en-
lands, kl S` Il, W Garter; Polands, C# U, W
Qarter(�ya¢dottes, 8 or G, G Irwin, J
- I ,+T�r(14� jt,yable
illus. • I�n . the, leading .deparU '(}aninghaxga;
meats the outside exhibit was much
Wpandottes; white, x & 2 J
C Gilroy; a,ndalusiane, blue, Walter Coate,
e maoh.pleasgse in inviting tide
plinton to and Inspect
better than last year, competition be,
in very peen in such classes as horses
sheep, and The
w a worsen; Game, bantams, 1 & 2 0
pami; �11, Bantams, any variety, C Camp -
of game
cattle, ppigs poultry.
bell, W Hartry; Fowl, any variety, F Wil.
otocl o0:'
interest recently taken 1n the latter
lis, W Wallace.
.��d '.
class by our townspeople was manifest
by the greatly increased exhibit in
GRAINS, -White winter wheat, M Bre
. `.,
that department, the apace usually al-
thour, 8 Furee; Red winter wheat, U Bre-
':hex-' filhn�ery
lotted hereto, and which has hitherto
been more than ample, being this year
tbour, M Brethour; Spring wheat, 8 Furee,
M Brethour; White oats, D Brethour, M
considerably too small, while the char-
Brethour; Black oats, M Brethour, D Bre-
titiR display of
atter of the birds shown is also much
thoar; 6 -rowed barley, D Brethour, M Bre-
thonr; 2 -rowed barley, D Brethour, M Bre-
'�i�' 4,# Wings, Tips,
superior. Sheep were also of superior
quality and increased numbers,
thour; Small peas, M Bre,,hour, John
�I.4,.-k Ribbons, &C.
The indoor departments were not all
as well filled ae on former occasions.
Salkeld; Large peas, J Salkeld, M Brethour;
White beans, J Salkeld, S Furee; Red
11 .Vegetables
orm new Veilings. We will be
and fruit were both partic-
ularly good, the judge of the latter
clover seed, M Brethour; Timothy seed, D
Brethour, M Brethour; Alaike clover, D
wto gide you a perfect fit in
class remarking that he rarely saw
Brethour, M Brethour.
g11q ob bur
better fruit than what was shown here.
On the whole, however, the show was
APPLEa.—Winter, B Tyrerpan, 0 Will-
isms; Cooking, W Elliott, Jae McFarlane;
a splendid success, the attendance and
De%rt, J McFarlane; Golden russete,. J
___ _--- _ _
gate receipts being considerably ahead
A•�p, W Weirt Northern spies, BTyre-
man, J MoFarlane;120-oz pippins, C Will-
�i1�lk` our Opening, Saturn
of last year. The following ie the
k rize list:-
tams, W Elliott; Seek -no -farther, C Will-
N--'svg., Sept. 25th, and
Tums, J McFarlane; Snow, B Tyreman, W
�I01 wring week.
Elliott; Ontario, 0 J S Naftel, J Wiggin-
Dale, W Doherty & Co;brood mare,
ton; Pomme Grise, Elcoat Bros., W Car-
, y `'; -
Geo Dale, Jno Dale; spring foal, Jae
ter Blenheim Pippin, F Hall, J Allan;
Chisholm, Geo Dale; year old filly or geld-
ing, Geo Dale, Jno Dale; two year old
filly Jae Reyynolds, J Carling;
wealthy, C J S Naftel, G Baird; Ben Davis,
C Williame, Elooat Bros., Tallman sweet,
or gelding,
beat horse or mare, Jas Reynolds•
B Tyrs�hitan, C Williams; Rhode Island
Greening, J Allan, G. Irwin; Spitzenburge,
rs0;�1. old stand, near Hotel Clarendon
AGRICULTURAL.—Agrioultu al team, Jno
C,Williams, J McFarlane; Baldwins, G
Dale, O Dale; brood mare with foal, G
Irwin, B Tyreman; Vandevere, W Elliott;
11. efty, `��oreftloc 1111'als
Stephenson, R B McLean; spring foal, G
Stephenson, Jno Dale; year old filly or
G Dale, Jno Salkeld; two old
King of Tompkins Co, B Tyreman, W
Carter; Ribston pippins, J Cartwright, C
J Cart-
114-lgy, o ze
y,Im yb-A iaa
gelding, year
filly or gelding, 'C Dale; J Cartney; best
Calton; Alexanders, D Tiplady,
Wright; Cayuga red streaked, Elooat Bros.,
: ,Hodi Zs Bros .
horse or mare, G Stephenson.
Cantelon & Junor; Faliwater, C Williams,
1oet=New Era
olfb't-W Hailes
GENERAL PURPosE.-Team, W Elliott, C
B Tyreman, Ducbess of Oldenburg, El-
i,-wlrb Fair Co
arymr-Heesle & Cc
'er;*dhted -P
J S Naftel.
Roene!raRs.-Spring foal, J J MoLaugh-
coat Bros„ G Nott; Gravenstein, Lindsay
Bros., B Tyreman; Maiden Blush, Glrwin,
ton, Harvey Davis; year old filly, Wm
W Elliott; Roxboro russett, B Tyreman, J
:gUWZ8 taotrson Bros
�?ill-Allen & Wilson
eq#C14--W R Lou h
Dale S Beattie; two year old fill J Car-
y Y+
ling, Walter Weston; brood mare, foal, W
Robinson, J W Yeo; horse, Oliver
S Howrie; Wagner, B Tyreman; Mann; G
Irwin, W Weston; Calvert, C Williams, J
er,wiiited-H Murphy
Johnston, Geo Date; roadster team, H C
Cartwright; Grimes Golden, A McKenzie,
J B Rumball; An other varlet W El-
Y y,
al h e =w L Oni
�i?itt ktr�tiver-J Twitchell
Barlett, hi I best horse or mare J
Ba W W to b e 1
t Al-
an vane J
lion, J Allan; Heaviest, y y,
.11 Ie;re .1g. ge-T Jackson ar
CAnmAGE.-Carriage horse, D A Ferree-
Tan, Elcoat Bros.
GnAPEs.-Bri bion, S L Scott; Concord,
auetrnation-Miss JAoheson
A;41]itia.sale-Gilroy &Wiseman
ter, McMnrchie & Co; best horse or mare,
C genre, J Cottle; Rogers No. 19, B Tyre -
D AForre�ter,
man; Rogers No. 4, B Tyreman; Delaware,
� TIt
SADDLE. -Saddle horse, J J McLauglin,
D B Kennedy.
8 L Scott, C Hoare; any other variety, S L
Scott, Jae Cartwright; collection of grapes,
.Y.....,. v
t :
CATTLE—DURHAM,-Aged bull, W J Big-
gins; two year old bull, H Plu¢isteel; one
S L Scott.
PEAR.. -Fall pears, Tyreman, 8 Furse; -
R,[D9 OCTOBER 1 1897
' ins Jae Snell; boll
year old bull W J BI S
Y , Biggins,
Bartlett, W Elliott G Baird F lemieh
Beauty, J Salkeld,. W Elliott; Duchess
,..,. '' ver Mowat, Lieutenant
calf ander one year, Elooat Sroe, Jas
milch cow, Elcoat Bros, Jae Snell; two
, ,
D Angonleine,J ( Gilroy,R Downs;jClapp S
' iyiovernor of. Ontario.
year old heifer, J Avery, Jae. _Snell; year
;aroma^ W Cartery; Keiferr,,r0 Hoare, Jno
j�eicial announcement that Sir
old heifer, Jas Snell, 1 and L; Le]fer'oalfI
1 and 2,JaS Snell; herd of Durham., Jae
Salkeld; Sheldon, W Weston, W Robb;
Josephine de Malines, T Holloway; Louise
xvei'Mowat w,jll soon return to his
�lve;Province to take a position at
Snell 1 and 2.
NATIVE OR, GRADE. -Milch vow, for stock
Bonne do Jersey, B Tyreman, D E'conee; '
Souvenir de Congress, J CnninghameI
Ili Mlead of lis' Government as repro-
breeding, Appleby &Hunter, Jae Reynolds;
geurre Bosc, B Tyreman, 8 Furse; ulair-
tl'11;gP 'of the Queeh, will be received
milub cow, for dairy, Jas Reynolds, Conte-
genu, 8 L Scott, D Prowse; D'Angou, B
rix: no leasure by the lar e- ma-
Ion & Junor; two year old heifer, J Aver ,
8 Furse;- an other varier B
y y'
l�3�o a people of n arta.
RIrUt'n the veteran statesman was re
Jidtan u— ray; yeerl�ng Tiei3er, 1 and 2 Ap-0II3t'n'
pleby & Hunter; heifer calf, Appleby &
Tyreman, D Prouse; Quinces, H Joyner,
eeted,by Sir Wilfrid Laurier to lend
Hunter, J Reynolds; steer calf, Appleby &
R Coate.
PLII916. -Peach plume, T Holloway;
0,114itlit the formation of a Liberal
Ottawa, Sir Oliver
Huntur, Jno Stanbury; year old Steer, El-
Bros, Jno Reynolds; two old
Green Gage, T Cottle; Glass Seedling, T
tigiin stration at
exft;,lty responded, taking up the
coat year
steer, J Stanbury, J Reynolds; best cow or
Holloway, T A Walker; Jefferson, C Hoare;
Niagara,THolloway;Victoria, T Hollaway;
Minister of Justice and Gov-
heifer, J Avery; herd of two-year-old
Imperial Blue, T Solloway; Reins Claude
—went leader of the Senate. For
txl'e'tlne however, it has been well
steers, J Reynolds; herd of yearling steers,
J Reynolds, Elcoat Bros.
de aaQay, T Holloway, Miss Fowler; Lom-
Miss Fowler; Pond's
t..., bd,that when the term of the
POLLED AHERDEENa,-Best herd, Jae Mo-
bards, T Holloway,
Seedling, R Coate, T Holloway; Duane
Ment Lieutenant -Governor was con-
d S'that Sir Oliver would be offered
Purple, T A Walker, T Cottle; Imperial
Gage, T Holloway; Bradshaw, T Cottle. T
ft of the -n� po]iltment. Such
'4,giling ot1' to the honorable gentle-
JERSEYS.—Milch COW, J Newcombe, A
MoOrea; bull, any age, W Robinson, Jno
Holloway; Smith's Orleans,y C Hoare, T
Holloway; Yellow egg, Mrs W Downs, T
1�@:pemarkable public career will be
Gibbings; heifer calf, J Newcombe, J Van•
Holloway; Coe'S golden drop, T Cottle, T
11 g�t(ae-A tbg gminently fitting by the
Egmond; year old heifer, J Newcombe.
A Walker; German prune, Miss Fowler, T
op�e'of.Ontario geticratly.
xt 1s'already hinted by Opposition
FAT C5�TTLE.-Fat cow or heifer, J
'Avery, J Stanbury: fat ox or steer, 1 and
Holloway; General Hund, F Hall, T Holl ,a"
way; Shipper's pride, T Hollowv, Miss
"I F the reason for this refile-
2, J Stanbury.
Fowler; any other variety, Mrs R Downs,
ie because of friction betweeA
!?Ii>;EP- I,Ei6ESTERe.-Aged ram, fl EOeu-
T Holloway.
.6''...", l€ and other members of Lhe cab-
hale, R Charles & Son; Sbearling ram, Jae
Peaches -Crawford, W Weston; any nth•
Vit',:but°it is not likely that there is
,'¢t:Jliht�st,pparticle of truth In t3UC11 A.
Snell, W Glenn; Ram lamb, J Snell, Geo
'Penhale; Aged ewes, G Penhale, J Snell;
er variety, R Coate, W Weston.
.e :i ..eat. lie entered the Cabinet in
dr.'tio help the Premier put things
Sbearling ewes, W Glenn, J Snell; Ewe
lambs, R Chambers & Son, J Snell•
VEGETABLES - Collection garden veget-
ables, by market gardener, J Allaneon;pot-
' Ired footing at the outset an
a, d
g .
HRo IR -Aged ism Cooper & on
B PSH E d C S ,
g P
• whit ,
white us G Baird
atoes D Prouse, P
, ,
landving been accomplished, nothing
A Duncan; Sbearling ram, J McFarlane,
A Duncan; Ram lamb, Cooper & Son, A
Lindsay Bros, J McFarlane; Burpeee extra
early, Mrs Walker; empire state, Lindsay
l,lliiote natural than that he should re-
a tall i
8 e sec who his age is conoid
i, y g
• Aged Ewes Coo er on A Dun
Duncan d & S
g P 1
Hibbs >�
F .man H ,
BI06 J Allaneon re
_p ¢
r4�he appointment possesses any
can; Shearling ewes, I & 2 Jae McFarlane;
Ewe lambs, A Duncan, Cooper & Son.
Bretbour; puritan, M Brethour, T Hollo-
way; any other variety, Lindsay Bros, J
p"I significance whatever, it will
FAT SHEEP-JaS McFarlane, G Penhale.
PiGs-YoREsHiRE.-Aged boar, J Stan-
Allanson; long mangolds, J Salkeld, J Al-
]arisen; mangolds,J Salkeld, H Hibbs;
It"','the prestige of the Government
tario. - A Lieut. -Governor, but,
bury, Lindsay Bros; brood sow, Lindsay
fieldloarrots, J McFarlane, C Calton, swede,
l0,pte'sence carries more or less per-
Bros; young boar, H Plumsteel; young
turnips, W Weir, Lindsay Bros; short
)p -1 -Influence,
Oliver's life has been busy and
saw, 1 and 2, Lindsay Bros.
BERKSHIRE, -Aged '-boar, Jae Dorrance;
carrots,. J B Lindsay, J Allanson; grey-
stone turnips, C Calton, J Allanson; long
> ,a
1►.g'htful one. With the years from
brood sow, W McAllister, Jae Dorrance;
blood beets, J Allanson, J Salkeld; blood
3{to J872, when he was a judge on
iale'$u�erior court bench, he htw been
Young boar, W McAllister, Jae Dorrance;
young sow, W McAllister, Jus Dorrance;
turnip beets, B Tyreman, D Prouse; vege-
tableoyster, M Brothour, J Allanson; par -
3 t;fuuii.11y in public life since be wag
boar livor ono year, W McAllister; sow over
Snips, C Calton, J Allanson; radishes, Jos
Allanson; winter cabbage, J Salkeld, J AI-
a'tG'ned to the old Parliament of Can.
akln-1837, He has been It member of
one year, Jae Cbiibolm.
CHESTER Warm -Aged boar, Jae Foster;
Janson; pickling cabbage, J Salkeld, J Al -
Ji i Governments of Canada. He
hIi4 ofltce in -the shortest lived Ad-
brood Sow, Jae Foster, W Weir; young
boar, G Pehhale, Jae Foster; young sow,
lanson; surchead, J Allanaon, C Colton;
Savoy, J Allanson, C Calton; cauliflower, J
'iietration in Canadian history -
hij tV,known as t :e Brown-Do:lon (lav-
Jas Foster, Lindsay Bros.
POLAND CriiNA.-Aged boar, W W Fisher;
Allanson; red onions, D Prouse, C Hoare;
prizotaker, H Walker, J Lanxon; silver.
j%nient-which: in 1858 was -swindled
brood Sow,' 1 and 2, W W Fisher; young
king, D Prouse; yellow onions, J Allanson,
T Hollo-
Mts rights by the famous "double-
' expedient. And he broke the
boar, 1 and 2, W W Fisher; young sow, 1
and 2, W W Fisher.
S Wise; Engl]sh potato onions,
way, H Walker: silver skin onions, J Al-
of the world by holding the
''i°,iitiiierahip of Ontario continuously
TAMwoRTHs.-Aged boar, W W Fisher;
young boar, W W Fisher, Geo Baird;
lanson; sweet corn, J Allanson; corn, any,
variety, J Allanson, J Salkeld; water mel-
�oMII871 to 1896, when he placed his
ildttt a on his trusted lieutenant, Hon.
young sow, Jae McFarlane, Geo Baird;
pair barrcw pigs, Robt Fitzsimons, W
one, J Allanson; musk melons, J Salkeld,
S L Scott; citrons, J Lanxon; cucumbers,
,m$ardy, and lent his aid to his
J Lannon, W Elliott; red tomatoes, T
Cottle J Allanson; purple tomatoes, 'H
I d friend, r Laurier, in the forma-
t6r4:Af the new Liberal Government of,
POULTRY.--Brahtnas, light, G Irwin, W
Walker; Brahmas, dark, 1 & 2 G Irwin;
Walker, J Lanxon; pumpkin, J Allanson,
Coohins buff, G Irwin N Davis;Coohins,
C Calton; largest squash, D Furse, J How-
rie; bubbard squash, J Allanson, S L
''1 hick has been the busy and phenom-
InillI successful career of the new
partridge, W W961196oe; La¢ge6nne, Fair•
Service Bros, W J Irwin; Game. B B R,
Scott; vegetable marrow, J Allanson; win-
aicutenant-Gover nor of Ontario. Could
N Davis, Lindsay Bros; Game, D W,
ter celery, J Lanxon; white plume celery,
J heaviest marigolds, J Salkeld,
heC, be anything more appropriate
Walter Coats; Game, Indian, WalterUOats;
Elooat Bros; heaviest Turnips, H Hibbs, J
". that now, wtth his ripened ex-
ience and mellowing owers, he
Hamburg., golden S, W Carter;Hamburgo,
silver S, W Carter, J Howrie; Leghorns,
Allan; heaviest carrots, Elooat Bros.
iiltinid be enabled to serve fellow-'•
white, W Carter, W Hartry; Leghorns,
DAIRY PRonucE-10 lbs crook butter, Jaa
'butttr`ymen as representative of her
t e.•falsvegrlrtae
brown, J D Mellville, W Wallace; Leg-
Van Egmond, S Wise; butter in prints, U
adv Ei=Nutt uMeritrrolie -6F Nott; Y}
0f;ilN native Province?
W J Irwin, G Irwin; Minoroae, blank, W
T]plady; home-made cheese, Miss Syming-
,• •l ' fb. David'Mills has accepted the
Hartry, T A Walker; Dorkin
y+ gS, silver grey,
ton factor obsess
y , J Hill.
68ition of Minister of Justice, as Mr
J McFarlane, G Irwin; Plymouth Rook,
Mous;; We successor.
barred, Walter Coate; Plymouth Rook,
honey, W Hartry, B Tyreman; honey in
white; Lack Kennedy, D A Forrester; Ply-
comb, W Hartry; display of honey in
Frederick Cnbitt, ea -Mayor of Bow-
mouth Rook, thi
mouoo, any other variety, W G Wat-
y; display of extracted
comb, W Hartry;
littnvrlle, to dead.
son; Hondans, W Carter, Fairservice Bros;
honey, W Hartry, B Tyreman; homemado
H1gin Taftord. was Sentenced to pantie^-
Yolanda, W C B, I & 2 W Carter; Polands,
G 0, W Garter; Polqnds, S 8 0, W Carter;
buns, plain, D Prouse, D Tiplady; home-
made buns, fancy, D Prouse, Mrs G Davis;
*'I;fG'r t o years at Hamilton for bigamy.
Wyandottes, 8 or G, Appleby & Hunter,
plate apple pie, J Howrie, Mrs H Walker;
bir,, A. . wood, M. P. for Hamiltob, is
Jae Cartwright; Wyandottes, white, Fair-
Bros, Milroy;
pumpkin pie, Mrs R Downs, Mrs H Hibbs
ItBpbtted a iqusl T11 at Vancouver. Mr.
service J C Andalueiane, blue,
custard pie, J Howrie, 8 L Scott; tea his -
;1 b$, hIS sort, left Winnipeg by
Elcoat Bros; Red Cape, W Wallace; Ban-
Cult, Mrs R Downs, J Howrie; fruit cake, J
pold,61 tra it for his bedside.
turns, game, G Irwin; Bantams, any other
Howrie, Mrs R Dowus,layer cake, JHowrie,
A ba%li despatch says it is reported on
I highog authority that Baron Edward
variety, G Irwin, C Campbell; Fowl, any
other variety 1 & 2 W Carter; Ducks, Pe-
kin 1 & 2 d Irwin; Ducks Rouen, W J
Mrs R Downs; tarts,JHOWCie,Mrs Walker;
P p, S L Scott ho
oatmeal cake, D Tiplady,
Gibson A hbourne, Lord Chancellor of
rrelabad 'ill soon succeed the Earl of
+ ,
Irwin, J Allan; Danker Aylesbury, W Car-
Cantelon &
made bre 968 white D Prouse Ca e
Junor; home-made bread, brown, S Wise,
t►�i60t4eerl a Gddefndi'-General of Canada.
ter; Geese, Toulouse, J Cartwright, J Al-
Tan Geese Bremen G Irwiir Geese an
+ 1 Y
W Carter; oolleotion pickles cad eau0es,
Mrs G Nott; canned tomatoes, J Howrie,
' bon h� on. Wm.4rt'y„� Minister of
VVa kg, iia�'rlt;t�nied'his
other variety, W J Irwin; Rabbits, Fair-
service Bros; Elliott Dymdnt & Bra; Plies.
Mrs Walker; collection preserves, D Prouse,
Ottblid residence
Mrs Nott; peaches, Mrs G Nott, J Howrie;
O the ament Bui din a, pronto, he
Is still Ytna IS to'tAvob�kr of his' depart-
ante, Lack Kennedy; Canaries, Mrs T Cot-
tle; Collection fancy N Davis, E
pears, J McFarlane, D Prouse! plume D
Pronse, W Carter; qu]noo8, H Walker, J
10111*, Un er the a vice his phgttlicians
Dyment & Bro.
Howrie; citron, D Tiplady, S 'Fly ISO; jelly,
14retnainS tri(% ,I Wet +gild is rick duan
CHIotts•--Brabmas, light, 1 & 2 Lack
J Howrie, 8 Wise; maple sagarx M dreth,
ti o* tb a atom illere.
* is.re"po ted thin; 73iettUhtVrit-&iJ'J 4
BrahmaS, dark, H Plumsteel, G
Irwin; Coohins, buff, 1 & 2 G Irwin; Lang
our; maple molasses, G Baird 8 Wise;
grape wine, S Wise, G Nott.
,`f the Northwest Ter itories,
$(6)htdan, • r
shans, Hartry, W J Irwin; Game B B
LADIES' WoRK-Co llection of ladiea' work,
0f resign b s poeitlon, . to,J pvhfoli Ihe *96n
1898, to the
1t, I & 2 F Willis; Game, Pyle, I & 2 Vtl'al-
ter Coats; Game, Indian, W J Irwin, Wal-
Mrs Nott, Mrs Avery; cotton crochet work,
#Iolhfddin . accept preferred
S Wise, Miss Symington; crochet work,
kl uitgarshl'p British Columbia of a lend;•
F I ter 'Coats; Hambarge, 8 S, Vairservice
wool, J Howrie; embroidery on Silk or satin
8g BklEish fi sticial corporation. One year
Bro1, J 8 Howrie; Legborns, white, W Car.
Miss Symington; table cover or Scarf, em-
liblttterm a lietitenant-gonernor its thus
ter, Jag Howson; Leghorns, brown, J B
broidered, Mrs Avery, S Wise; embroidery
I f�liax 4 , ,, h1 position Mr McIntosh me-
Rumball, F Willis; Leghorns, buff, W Wal.
on felt, Mrs Avdry, Mrs Nott; embroidery
flx',1941 ' d Looato be a very advantag•
pgt II � _^ ,-, -
lane J D Mellville; Minoreas, black, T'A
'Wainer, N Hartry; Minoreso, 1 & 2
on flannel, J McFarlane, Mrs 8 Coate; Sr.
Mies Sym-
raseno embroidery, Mra Nott,
ngton, gold or silver tinsel work, B Wise, M H Iiarrison;red tall wheat, II Edwards, C
kIrs Nott; aixenille work Miss Symington, Proctor & eon; six rowed burley, R McMurray;
black oats, H Edwards; white oats 0 Proctor,
dre Nott; slipper Case, Mrs C Campbell, W &Son,McMurray; small peas, R oats,
large i
3artry; darned net, Mrs Nott, Mrs Avery; �eas 19 DfoGowan, H Edwards; tlmotvy, -R '
Allo shams Mrs W Downs; drawn work ooti R McGowan.
latae S min�ton Mrs Walker mantle FR>'IITS AND FLOWERS -Golden russett
Y g , apples M H Harrison T U Henderson, bald-
lrope, Mrs 8 Coats, Mrs Nott; tea cosy, wins 1� McGowan W' Geddes: snows, V& Ged-
YTrs Nott, Mrs Avery; sofa pillow, Mrs des, J Owens; Rhode Island greenin s, G Sow-
IGO, MISS Barlett; lady's fancy apron; B Goad a, Ben s northern dGw J wens, W
P reman 8 Wise- drawing Ila, cG an GProct OProetof
y g #Com screen, Canada rade, R MaGloit+an G Proctor; king of
Nits Nott; patched quilt, Miss Symington, tompkine. G Sowlar, D,fi Anderson- winter
3 Wise; crazy quilt, Mrs Nott, Mrs J Cun- apple4, W Geddes, 0 Proot;or; apples, k Look -
hart D B Anderson; fall pears Al H Harrison
ainghame; crochet quilt, J Howrie, Diss T M Henderson; winter pears M Lockhart, W
Va¢ Egmond; etched quilt, Mrs Avery, Miss Scott, variety of grapes6T M henderson• orab
3ymiugton; knitted ooverlid Mrs Nott, a plea R McGowan J bwena: plums. Vit Bone
Kra Hartry; etching in silk, lige Nott, Mrs frru t, Tt,V Beaches, u HCorley- tab eoboqueb
Walker; Roman embroidery, linen, Mrs C E Sackrider, Mrs Henry- hand boquet flowers
Campbell, Mrs J Avery; knitting, woollen E Sackrider W Taylqr; $ower in pot, Mrs A'
stockings, Mrs Nott S Wise knittin wool- McLean Et Saokrlder; collection of house
g / , , g. lants, L Saokrlder, Mrs H McLean- collection
len socks, 8 Wise, Mrs Nott; knitting,wool- foliage_pbants E Sackrider, Mrs H McLean.
len gloves or mitts, Miss Symington, Mrs MAN[JFAWRES-Union flannel, J Owens;
Nott; rag mat, Mrs H Walker, Mrs J blankets J Owens T M Henderson; coarse
boots, J haugh, lot and 2nd; men' a flue boors
Avery; yarn mat, Kra H Walker, Mrs J Baugh; home-made wine, R McGowan, T R
Nott; whisk holder, Mrs Nott,Mrs 8 Coats; Henderson,
parlor sachet Mrs Walker Mies S min R00'1's AND VEGETABLES -elephant pota-
P Syming. toes, W Geddes, W Taylor; matchless corlies
ton; table mats, crochet, Mrs S L Scott, J Coultas, 0 Proctor & son; empire state E
Mise P�arlett; table mats, embroidered, Mrs Sackrider, M H Harrison; any other variety,
8 Collie, Mlaa Barlett; fancy tidy, Mrs' R McGowan, W Tayylor; cabbage, E Sackrider
Nott, Mrs 8 Coats, fanny foot stool,. Mrs C W Taylor; red ppi�ckling cabbage E Sackrider,
W Taylor; cauliflower E Saakricier W Taylor;
Campbell, Mrs H Walker; toilet set; Mrs H• long blood beets, W Taylor, T M ilenderson;
Walker, Mrs C Campbell; pin cushion, Mrs turnip beets, W Taylor, T M Henderson; man -
0 Campbell, Mies Barlett shawl crochet gold wurtzels, E Saorider, W Geddes; swede
P turnips,J Coultas, W Scott; field carrots, E
or knit, Mrs Nott, Mrs 0 Campbell; point Sackrider R McMurray; early horn carrots, W
lace, Miss Symington, W Hartry; netting, Taylor, C Noctor &yon; paranr s E Saokrid-
r H d r p
e Ewa da onions from seed h Sackrider
W Hartry, T Cottle; linen Centre piece, WTaylor; hall'Wok Onions E Sackrider,
Mies Barlett, W Hartry; linen Centre piece, Taylor; oelery, W Taylor, E Sackrider; corn, R
lace work, Mrs Nott, W Hartry ; kitchen McMurray, IH 'McGowan; water melon A
apron, Mrs Walker, 1-2; home-made blan- Ketchebaw, E Sackrider musk melon, W �'ayy_-_
lor E Sackrider- pumpkin, E Sackrider, W
kets, S Wise, 8 Farae; handkerchief 09608, GeAdesi squash, h Sackrider, H Edwards; cit -
Mrs J Avery, Mrs Nott; easel drape, Mrs 0 ron E Sac rider HIEdwards; plate tomatoes,
Campbell, S Wise. R Murray W Taylor- beans, E Saokrider,
W Taylor- collection garden vege'ables E Sack-.
(original),-Anv design painted, J A Fow- DAIRY PRODUCE -be lb dairy butter, John
Coultas, M H Harrison; Crock of butter, C
ler; marine view, J A Fowler, Proctor;' butter in rolls or prints, J Coultas,
AMATEUR LIST, OIL -Landscape, Cana- G Sowlar; home-made bread, R McMurray H
dian subject, W Hartry, J Gibbings; mar- Edwards; maple syrup, W Scott, R Scott; Itio-
tor It A Ketchbaw,
ins view, Canadian subject, Mrs Campbell, r Allr$ - Painting, still life, Miss L
J Gibbings; animals, from life, J Gibbings; s arling, Miss Owens; pencil drawing, Mrs
flowers or fruit, Mrs Campbell, J Gibbings. Fele, Mrs Pr Carder; oil painting, Mias Mo -
PROFESSIONAL LIST, WATER COLORS, Ori- Clelland, D B Anderson; collection of oil
paintings, Miss Sperling, Miss Owens; colleo-
ginal).-Any design, painted, J A Fowler; tion of holograph@ Miss Edwards.
marine view, Canadian subject, J A Fow- LADIES' DEPARTMENT - Tatting, Miss
ler; Sepia, J A Fowler; pen and ink, J A Sparling Mrs Hele; crochet work, Mrs Dr
Carder Mrs Hele; bead work, Miss McClelland
Fowler. �� Mrs Haiei booked wool skirt, Mrs Bridges;
AMATEUR LIST, WATER CoLoas.-Land- fancy knitting, Mrs McKenzie Miss McClel-
scope, Canadian subject, Mrs Campbell; land: gent's linen shirt, Mrs RcKonzie Miss'
h1oC1 ll
e and• dent's f no flannel shirt Mrs
marine view, Canadian subject, Mrs Camp- Bridges, Mrs McKen ie• braiing, Miss'Brid-
bell; pencil drawing, any subject, J Gib- gas, Mise Sperling; festlterfiowers• Miss Owens
binge, T Cottle; Pastel, any subject, Robbie pair woolen stockings, Mrs McKenzie, Miss.
Stewart, Mrs C Campbell; flowers or fruit, McClelland; pair socks, Mrs Huugh, Mrs
P McKenzie; pair woollen glove., Mre Me -
Mrs 0 Campbell; collection of pictures, J Kenzie• pair woollen mitts, Miss. Owens,
P Tindall, I and 2. Mrs br Carden log cabin quilt, Miss
McClelland; knitted quilt, Mass Sow -
Judges -Fruit, T H Race, Mitchelll; Do- lar, Mrs Scott; patched quilt, Mrs Bone,
mestic Manufactures, D Cantelon, Gods- Mrs Dr Carder; rag mat, Mrs Henryy Mrs Ged-
rich; Vegetables, T C Naftel Goderiob• des; Berlin wool work raised, Mrs Carder,Misa
g ,
S viii^ • Berlin
�p wool work gat, Mrs Carder,
Dairy Products, H McCartney, Bruoefield; Miss Sparling; sofa pillow Mrs Carder, Miss
Grain, Thee Trick, Jas Connolly; Ladies' Sparling; silk quilt, Mrs Kele, Miss McClel-
work, Mise McTaggart, Mrs Robb, Clinton; land; painting on satin, Mrs Carder, Mrs Wil-
kinson;Goderich. hair fiowera, Mtaa MoClellanll; embrof-
+ dery on silk, Mrs Hale, Miss Sparling; embroi-.
Pigs, E. Bell, Londesboro, Poultry, W. dory on linen, Mrs Carder Mia. 1KcClelland;
Grieve, Seaforth. Heavy horses, James lace work, Miss Sparling, Mrs Hele; twine lace
Connolly, Goderich township; E. Bell, Hnl- Mrs Hole, Mise McClelland; rag carpet, Mrs
Owens; collection ladies' work, Miss McClel-
lett; W. Rinn, Hallett. Light horses, land, Kra Hele,
John Grieve, Seaforth, Sheep, John Gov-
enlock, Winthrop, Grade cattle, S. Smiths_ ' _�_iluea`tieixt.
Clinton; T. R6se�lytY T Coro -bred., H. M
Smith, Exeter.
NOTES ISS C. E. CLEMENT Graduate of Alma
M Collego, teacher of Piano.
The band rendered good service.
Why not boom next year's show? EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.
Local poultry fanciers made a great show
Clinton-oentrallysitaated-Should have All persons owl•g the ostate of the late
one of the beet fairs outside the ,ities, William Core are hercby notified that the same
The grand stand -free to all -was much must be paid to his sister, MISS LUCY CORE,
appreciated. It is a fine resting plane. Clinton, who is sole executor of the estate.
There's some grand live stook in Huron, CANADIAN LOME CIRCLE
and a good deal of it was at the Huron
Central. This Order has changed its night of meeting
Thomas Tipling, of Detroit, was shaking to the first Thursday in each month, and will
hands with Old friends on the show ground hereafter meet in the Oddfellows' Hall, over
on Wednesday. Allen & Wilson's. W. R. LOUGH, Secy.
Both J Leslie and F Rumball made ea- STRAY LAMB.
hibits of Carriages and nutters, of superb workmanship., Came' into subscriber's premises, Bayfield
Messrs Bra+dicot & Box made an excel- Road, Goderich Township, about the middle of
lent exhibit of furniture, i¢ ober a of their Septemb..r a Ram Lamb, Leicester. Owner Is
13 hereby notified to prove property, ray charges,
representative, Mr Cbidley. and take it away, ALBERT WISE.
Among Jos. Allaneon's large vegetable
exhibit were Some peanuts grown by him- STRAY HEIFER.
Self, and, they were a good sample, --
t f m subscriber's
Strayed ed ro
While H Joyner,s driving some
, 1
Y jr,J g
t a
of An ns
R Hallett about themiddle
bo s to
the rounds the became exhausted + Y Tia 1 bluish
g g two year old dehorned heifer• a h,t y
and one died; it was a valuable one, in color. Anyone returning her or diving in-
Will Coate, Secretary, is an expert in formation as to her whereabouts will be suit-
cit rewarded
manipulating tickets and making correct Londesbora.
change, and is equally efficient in keeping
all the items in order. MALE TEACHER WANTED.
The party who unintentionally carried N
away the peck of first prize tomatoes, will Wanted, a male teacher for S. S, No. lo, God -
oblige by leaving at the NEW ERA office, as Crich Townsbip, holding a second-class certifi-
they have been donated to the editor. tate; one who has had some experience pre er-
Amon those on the round were Jude red. Personal application desired. Applica-
g d g tions' received rip to October 15,
Doyle, M C Cameron, M P ; J T Garrow, PETER COLE, secretary, Clinton P. O.
M P P ; D McDonald, County Clerk; Wm
Lane, Clerk; M Y MoLean, M P P; and Joe TEACHER WANTED.
Beek. —
App'tcations for the position of teacher of S.
S. No. 4, Goderich Township, will b�3 received
East Wawanosh Fall Show. by the undersigned up to 3 p. m. on Saturday,
Oct. 16. Applicant must hold not less than 2nd,
The fall exhibition of the East �t'a- aedstatesalary, MURPHY,
.HENRYSecretary. Clinton P, O.
wanosh Agricultural Society was held
at Belgrave on Thursday and Friday. TTOTICE TO CREDITORS.
and on the whole was a success, both 1�
in attendance and financially. The day --
being flue, allowed many farmers to In the matter of W. T. Pellow, Insolvent.
be present.. We are indebted to the Notice is hereby given that W. T. Pellow of
Secretary, Findlay Anderson, for 011e the township of Ashfield, Grocer has this day
prize list as follows:- . made an assignment to me of all his estate,
HORSES -HEAVY DRAUGHT -Brood mare & pursuant to R S. O. Cap. 124 and amendments,
foal, M H Harrison; spring foal, M H Harrison; A meeting of creditors of,said insolvent is
two year old filly Barber Bros., Geo. Taylor hereby called for
Bros.; two year old gelding, Jas, •Forster, N. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0th, 1807,
Cuming; team harnessed, Jas Forster, John E at 2 o'clock p. m., at fay office in Goderich for
Fells, the appointment of inspectors and the giving
GENERAL PURrosE-Brood mare and foal, of directions with reference to the disposal
R Scott, Barber Bros, M Cardiff; spring foal, of the estate.
Barber Bros, J Casemore; two year old filly, Dated this 23rd day of September, 1807. ,
J Owens, D Scott & Sons* two year old gelding
J Taylor• year old filly, J 11'aylor, J Owens; year LOFTU.S E. DANCEY, Assignee.
old gelding, Barber Bros; team, G Taylor Bros,
J Owens.
r and foal
ROAD AND CARRIAGE -Broad mare a ,
J Brandon, W B Wilkison, N. Geddes; spring • •
foal, J Brandon, L Tasker; two year old geld- alkvn It Over
_g, R D1eMurray, W Geddes; year old gilding
JLBrandox1 LH -1. -Rimgle-Ari-ver�ia►>erb
Molndoo J Scandrett; hack horse, in saddle,
Levi Lott- team, J Brandon. �-r
CATTL>±-TnoltOUGHBRED-Cow, G Sowlar, 1
R Corley, R Corley two year old heifer, R Cor-
ley, D Cook; year oid heifer, T H Taylor; heifer 1k I J `
calf, T H Taylor, R Corley;'bull calf, R Corley, p
N Cuming; bull, two years or over, R Corley; U
bull, under two, R Scott. t
GRADE -Cow, M H Harrison, R Scott T H t e 11
Taylor; two year old heifer D Scott & Son, C
Proctor & sons- year old belie i D Scott & Sons G`, �
1 & 2; heifer oast, D Scott & Suns, T Ross; two
year old steer, 0 Proctor Jif' Sons, D Scott & �� 7 '_ .
sons; year old steer, J Barr, D Scott & Sons; '
steer call, D Scott & Sons, J Barr. /•ti' ,,,,,,,, nl,
ram, N Cuming, R G McGowan; shearling ram
J Coulter; ram lamb, J Coultas, N Cuming;
aged ewes, J Coultas, N Cuming; shearling -
ewes J Coultes,iN Cuming; ewe lamb, N Cu-- - ',- - l- .-
ing, 6 Henry.
DOWNS AND TnErn,GRADEs—Aged ram,L ,
T .ker ,}ae and the
Teaker.:f Tubb- shearling ram L e Shoes speak for themselves, p
Tubb; ram lamb L Taskor, J Tabb; aged owes, ple who admire comfortable Shoes
J Tabb, 1 and i; shearling ewes, al
Tabb, L need not look farther than our stook
Tasker; ewe lambs, J Tabb, L Tasker.
PIGS -LARGE BREED - Aged boar H Ed- to find whit they want. We have
wards, R MoMu'rray- brood sow, R Soott, H begun our usual Sale of fall
Edwardo; boar, H Edwards 1 and 2; sow, H
Edwards, RSoott. ; I
SmALi. BREED—Brood sow, R McMurray, I ;: H &RUBBER
and 2; boar, H Edwards.
POULTRY -Goose, DShowers T M Han,'(- , Call and see our lines in Men's and
ll• k T Y,
son; turkeys, D showers,; and ,duos Women's Boots and Shoes, also our
Henderson, 1 and 2; Plymouth rooks, T 14t Hert-
derson 1 and 2 Leghorns, W Taylor 1 and supply of
, TM
Henderson, l and 2• Wyandot tes,
T M Hondereon; Coohins, T M Renderson, 0st Single and Double Harness,
and 2nd. Trunks and Valises.
IMPLEMENTS - Farm gate H E lwards-
churn, W Taylor; pump, 0 korni^ Hstar, I� Red and White' Cedar Shingles
Showers; lumber wagon JBrunsdo:: buggy, J on band.
Brunsdon,J Walker; pldX. W Gaw ,-c, let and
2nd; gang plow, W Gannet; washing wachine, JAS. TWITCHRGL,
D B Anderson.
GRAIN -White fall wheat,T M Henderson, Victoria Block, Cllntdn.
The design for a new postage stamp has
bean approved by the Postmaster. General.
Gen. Neal Dow, the veteran probibition-
tat, is at the point of death at hie home in
Wm. Treemor, a farmer near Manilla,
committed suicide by hanging himself in
the barn. • _
Mr 0. M' Garvey, barrister, of Sarnia, is
dead. He was formerly law partner of the
Hon. T. B. Pardee.
Some children named Thompson set fire
to their dwelling at Pringle Village, and
the baby was burned to death.
r:A School >safith a Splendid
Students admitted at any time.
Five male teachers, nine beautiful
rooms. New methods; advantages
unsurpassed. Write for catalogue.
W. J. Elliott, Principal
Are evidence of refine-
ment and good taste,
when the gems are se-
lected with care. We
are showing some love-
ly rings in
Clusters o
t Diamonds,
Single Stone Diamonds,
Bands of Opals, and in
Combination with Pearls,
Rubies, Saphires, Torquois
The -prices range fom
$1.75 to $50.
�- 1-Bil
11 I 11 I I, I
House Cleaners,
r 'm
Will find our stook of
Wall Paper
Window Shades.
Just what they need to put their rooms in
first class order.
A large stock of window Shades just
Wall paper is always up-to-date and espe-
cially our prices.
Special values in remnants.
All paper trimmed free of charge.
" A" ,A"' ,V3
e are Right 0
At the verge of a
period of activity.
Leader of Jewelery Fashion t:. Of this come t0
Biddlecombe's and
Watob Inspector for the people. See what We have.
At the Beginning
of the fall season our
stock of Jewelery, Spec-
tacles, &o., and prices will
convince you.
Our Doctor of Refraction
The prices on these viii•
Has trade a special 'study of the human eye ales are away down.
It Your Eyes
Are weak or your eight pCor, it is Smportant REPAIRING of every kind
to have them carefully examined, guaranteed to give satis-
No Charge faction.
Whatever is made for teetinQ. Fine Steel frames including glasses fill.d by
our lie .
S ecia t 1.00P fS. Bi111111111
� tJsty e
Full stock of Gold Specs and Eye Glasses,
WA%,4rt, %AkV�1% 4.- COOPE, tw� I
R & CO.
--THSTWO -&.J'a-- I
. Will be held during the week commencing Sept. 97th. We extend an
invitation to everybody to inspect our stock which consists of imported
and domestic
In all the latest novelties. In Gents Furnishings we aim to carry one of
the most up-to-date stooks to be found west of Toronto, consisting of
Hats, Caps, Ties, Braces, Underclothing, Waterproof Coats
A J. MO !
RRISH Clinton. A. J. HOLY,OWAY, Clanton.,.
The ''.
1 ,./' Best is
;None toot
...*TAQ5-27 -%11�R
16`,L_ty f ,
„ r,
it 1 \"
� 1 1
. -
1, -
, _�'),-,-,
, --y",
. 1. - 7�5,1;
We want to say that our great range of Fall Goods is now coming to
band every day, and will comprise a stook of Boots and Shoes not to be
beaten in this section. Oar reputation for carrying reliable goods is thor-
oughly established, and from good buyers we ask an inspection. A business
that is growing every day is good evidence that our goods are being ^
FINE Strop DnA.Lnra
Jackson* '' Jacksons Clinton
"Nothing Like Leather."