The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-01, Page 2-e,- -a.:.- -
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' sh, ` the Clix ton New Bre,
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will be sent to new subscribers to
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, '., w
1st of January, 1898,
to any address in America
^x �7..'-^, -► �.••rr,;++avrrvarrvarovernmenthae,durin�' 1-- -.
. Testi
-' the past few months, been using every Crisp County Clippings. I Mr war. ,Siliery, Tucket•dwith, clad a - '_ -
.► reasonable means to exterminate the ---- I carIULU r uw ed niLux fru " ueatil w.ute starg. IT PAYIS� TO Professional and0therCards
Mr John McSane, merchant tailor of i lie wad cl,uaolug Luo ! wilwayyi,ra IL wu uCures
San Jose. scale, a pest with which our Bt ussels, has sold out and one to Sag. a,
I I`i orchards are threatened. The scale is inaw, Mich., to reside. g g Llrtl Lralu icuUl .ue eaot wan wwrug iu. JAMES SCOTT.
life Lrarll Wad Uludtlr Ulau lie ex et:,,eU, u „
prevalent to a vera large Extent in the The Workmen have paid the heirs of however, and he uarruwly tlocuvea ve- Cures in favor y -
° States, and it is urged that it will be elate Mar sden Smith, of Brussels, iub rust over, the ,lgiun gra wg the of Hood a Sarsaparilla,ualk. - _
Barrister, Solicitor
impossible to eradicate it thoroughly thecata ounI of his beneficiary, eat tiff- nucU tutl 1,110
W#A "au .0 itl �uLLO � lghL as for no other medi- '
, . 4 except some such drastic measui es as Dine, Its grant Dares recorded in truthful TheCanadaBusinessColle a OONVEYANCER ,�°'
f . 1' I � the putting of a prohibitive dui on Mr Robt. McGowan has sold the LurUevrug cul' auler•y utt toe i4aguu auu convincing language of grateful men and g Commleeionerfor Ontario and Manitoba,
pp y Ddbbie farm, on the Kippen road, ouster toe wueels, wuicu paooCu over women, constitute its most etfeotive ad- CHATHAM, ONT. Omoe imtnadietoly6outh of Guroy&Wisema
certain kinds d IIsi. States trees Tuckersmith, to Mr Glen, Usborne, for lard uuuy, 'toe nurdey uuuttuutu (stela verti9ing, Many of these curse are mar-
aud fruits is ado ted. There is some i•Iln UI, atlaW AL, JUuu tlUet'nar'y wuu velous. They have won the confidence of still dents. 115 of Dura °hO10e positions 2or
t�►N THE S.. 'A!R RIVER) $4,600.
show of reason or the taking of such
J'►19�1'T/t, p 1� a measure as this, because, if rill aven• John B. McLean has sold the Rosa atttlu,htCu w owl, tuetu, way turuwu the ,
r#dA�l i.l+k�1.1 people; have given Hood's Sarsa a- the Pupils placed during We BRYDONE.
• • use of infection are closed, it will be farm on con. 2 of Tuckeramith, which duwu auu rust .ul �urery wad rills the largest sales !n the world apnd reoentlstbeeamPlaced-FloraolFgoe, etenoe BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA]
�t>aettenofourgraduate9hav comparative) easy to draw a ring he purchased a short time a o to Mr cut auuut Lhe lace auu c�usiueraury, , Y
"round the infected areas and gradual ago, Urutdea, whiitl .►lr AUer•uai•L lvao aiyu have made necessary for its manufacture Montreal Herald; D. Stevens, book-keeper, PUBLIC, ETC.
ppalst lila good positions dot Leonard ler way
suwewuak Uruiyed, the greatest laboratory Erie Mille, St. Thomas• Eva Payne, steno„
teplast,year. Our a stem of ly get rid of the pest. gr r9 on earth. Handle y Office -Beaver T'bek.
The proper way to bail- health is to Sarsaparilla is k¢own by the cures !t has Chatham Ciao Co.; Robt. Hawthorn with a IIp stairs,
I)i . Olga is actual uainesa make the blopd rich and pure b (akin Winnipeg wholesale house; Jessie Honer- Opposite Foeter's to, Gauer,
>rUl, start to finish. Our Short• What looks like the beginning of a Sarsaparilla, y g made -Duces of ftcrotula, salt rheum and CLINTON
Hood's Sarsa the Dna true blood �p T YT 7T fngton, 8rd steno. Sutherland & Innes Co.,
ni@partment is the most thea- g g pacifier. rl 01], LOVE'S ErS SAKE8mar cures of rheumatism, neura is
Conservative job in lg Chatham; Jame. Redford, manager'Busi-
la in Canada. j Quebec was nip- and wank nerves cures of dyspepsia, ,
e Messrs Greig &McDonald, Seaforth, , y pepeia, liver nese dap t, TaeomaBueine9eCollege,Waeh, Mo Ge CAMERON
its >�orparticularB, ped in the bud by the success of the have purchased the merchant tailoring troablee, catarrh --Dares which rove
A S Nnii 0 Liberals at the ProvIneial elections, and gent's furnishing stock of Harry He had staked and lovE With 618 head p The above shows results from a course with (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)l
lla S eare, Seaforth, whirling and brain on fitrr, Dick Wellby ' aa. Write for catalogue of either depart- BARRISTER AND
The Flynn government advertised the P stopped out of the brilliantly lighted prom -Hood S I meat to SOLICITOR.
$haivenegap Fella, a water power at Mrs Jae, Proctor, Belgrave, has par- !lass of the Anenomone club into the dark- Office -Hamilton st"HR c osite Colborne House
chased the residence in Blyyth, at pres- 13089 of the deserted street, dazed and be- D•.MCLACHLAN & Co Chatham �DERIC�i' . ONT
e N the back of Three Rivets, for sale at ent occupfvd by Mr J. 13abkirk, and wildered. It was only a few hours, but It -_
0 "��if} ,,,VW an upset price of $10,000 without any will become a resident of that place seemed an age, slboe be entered the build- Sarsaparilla PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET D. I-• MACPHERSON.
V ��VV ��(jj// �{{{% conditions whatever. Before the day next month. Ing with high hopes of emerging a free - --__
of sale came on the Liberal W S. Robertson, teacher near Dun- man, for the big stake which he was going Is the best-tn fact the One True Blood Partner. FOR SALE. CONVEYANCING(,
1?'1iTpAY, OCTOBER 1, 1897 govern- Bannon, went home to Wingham on to Play was to be the grand coup which __ FIRE, LIIrE AND ACCIDENT lNSURANCH
" +L-. ment was installed to office and the Friday evenilig indisposed, and on would set him on his legs again. But, in cure ,liver ills; easy to The undersigned will sell atasacrifice, Lot 451
notice of the sale was cancelled. The' Monday was still to ill to go back to stead, Dame Fortune, with her accustom- hood S hills take, easy toopOraW. sr» or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars MONEY TO LOAN,
StrAthcona and Sir William hie aC1i001a ed fiokleneee, had laughed 113 his face, the upon application, JAMEA SCOTT, Barrister &e
power was again advertised for sale at ed her'two oris bank notes and she rose to Ofilce, MacKa Bl
l" . - I 'tecently told the Montreal the upset price of $50,000 and on con- ,came bad each which be had taken with him P y oak Clinton.
A. Shoebottom, of Lucknow,
, fid" Fiat the surest way fora young dition that within eighteen months to Wingham on Tuesday, to asset the had disappeared, end he was indebted to go'
s g n- Grayson, the well known habitue a the "Bytheark way, I don't know your name," HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT JOHN RIDOUT•
$2,000,000 must be expended in develo- corpse of his brother-in-law, J. M. he By
It," 1)lese0d with good health and P Weatherb Anenemone, to the tune of a hundred odd
t0 obtain a competency was to o pi�1g the power and the erection of y, formerly, of Kincardine, pounds. " Wellby-Mrs. Richard Wellby," Sha rer- several houses elthe for sale or to rent. Full
P y g factories, and a further sum of $2,000,- who died in Detroit last Monday, and plied. CONVEYANCER COMMISSIONER, Richard Wellby turned up his Dollar particulars on applicat on to JOHN MOGARVA ,
�e'111 �;No1+th West Territories and 000 expended 'within thirtymenthe. who was being taken to Kincardine for R, ETC
and then groped in bin pocket for the price The gentleman gave a start, BUSINESS PROIDEItTY FOR Fire Insuratide. Money to lend. Real estate
On the 9th last. the sale was made burial. of a cab fare. Not a penny, All We silver "Wellbyi" be exclaimed. "And he to iek.rwith his hands. This is a vera employedSALE matters careful
the price obtained being $50,000. Five What might have been a serious ac- had gone in inviting his friends to drink at' -- y attended to.
I 8dvice. and it is very applicable times the amount of premium has cident happened to Mr Peter Hepin- to Lis success. Giving an articulate groan, `:Brgnson & $ranson,a,Coleman street. 11 That destrable;Bri3k Business Stand on Al. Office -HURON STREET CLINTON,.
A present time when so many been obtained for the Provincal treas- stall of Gorrie. While driving on the he strode along -there AM Well, goodby, Mrs. Wellb and beat St. cl INTON
g`pnen are crowding into towns ury than the Conservatives asked for, Lith con. of Howick. His horse struck bu o walk home. Lere vase no help for it y, into n, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
tt she left, offered for sale, including rear lot and stable.
and in addition $4,000,000 of capital a stone, stumbled, and fell, thereby Presentl as be . . a 0 e The location is one of the hest in Clinton. The R. AG N E W
y Y, Passed the house. of + • preportqY is free from 1❑bumbrance and title in. Ctk>BB,. or are being bitten by the must be expended within two years throwing him from his cart, fracturing parliament on to Westminster bridge, Big When Dick reached home that evening, dispuGsble. Price reasonable and terms to suit
i Qppcl.1ation fever in which the and a half, This is undou4tedly a good his collar bone. Bon struck t6o Hour of I, and like a flash Purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- DENTIST, CLINTON
hie wife did not tell him of the adventure don Road, or address Clinton P. O _
bargain, and will lead to a very, great 4 thou bt pflsBgSl ChrggSh irl. brain, Tbis of the morning, and ns be Lad received no
sp gew and the blanks many. development of industrial activity in We re tet to have to chronicle the AT ZURICH THE 2ND
bit h eat offers every advan the diatricl. The people will benefit death of Mr W. J. Armstrong, of con. f v�aa th atSilverearyoP their wedding day! communication from the landlord he Don- BeauCiful Property for Salo. THURSDAY Op
Q of Howick. His death was due to I It was three gears since be had knelt be- eluded that gentleman Lad determined to EACH MONTH
t4^youn'g men that they can de by this sale, whereas only a few specu the infirmities of old age, though the fora the altar and sworn to love and cher- wait. The undersigned otters foe sale the eligible
latera would have reaped an advan- g g !sh his wife and no roan had ever meant But Dick ,Wallby was and beautifu,ly situated residence occupied by Office Hour" to 5.
with.the ceitainity of making for immediate cause ;was weakness of -the gloomy and himself ou Huron St., The house con-
if the sale had been effected un- heart. He had attained the ripe. old • it more than be had at the time. morose. His wife, putting It down to his tains ever u o n ., Clinton.Cli nion. for hood sloe-
�ly@p �ind�pendent positions in the conditions proposed by the P The young fellow quickened hie ace in monetary losses, pretended not to notice family, is well built, with atone foundation, Pur- na • T• �.'. BRUCE
IS�,Y Fl nn administ a ton. age of 89 years and 6 months. I P P
$lit Sir William added a rider, y L Lie agitation, Their wedding day and be any difference In him, nate, hard and soft water, stable nod bearing
.'effect that most people who J. H. Brandon, Of Morris, missed One had forgotten all about it. Good God! But she did not know that the sum he fruit trees. Particulars upon u plication to SURGEON DENTIST,
AAde`fortunes have done so with- Why Not of his colts On going to the field or, And ,his poor little darling, his Mabel, had lost had never been his own at all, JOHN CUNNING AM. Clinton. Graduate R O D e of Ontario, and Trinity
Iny'body's advice. The rider does Wednesday, and on ggoing to a well in was walting`Yor him at Lome, looking at but his employer's) varsity Toronto,
ply with any degree of force to It is said that the company having the field, found thecolt standing in the the clock as every Lour passed by, perhaps, Ruin stared him in the face at ovary the neourai attention given to the Preservation
the contract for the making of binder hottorn of it. About a dozen of the and wondering and wondering. turn. 1 PERRIN BLOC
vie green to young men to go twine in the Central Prison will make neighbors were Sammons- and after I How was he to y I�'OR SALE Otbce, Coate JC lock, over Taylor's shoe store
I$ Noi�T West, however forceful He said be would not be late It was Pay Grayson the debt Gt 2
ap Plication to the Government to be cruel not to have kept boner and re _ N. Bld eve visit Blyth every Monday and
y'.he as t0 advice liven in other much hard work the colt was hauled pt his word, end Low place the money be stolon $300 cash and 120monthl Bayfield
every Thursday afternoon during the
tions: There is solid comfort and allowed to manufacture rope as well. up, little the worse. could he tell her, what was only too true, from the firm? y Pa moats ot;,1s each
rtafte to be won in the Territories The Uovernment will not in 2,rease its The numerous friends_Of Mrs An- that be was a ruined mane Ina week or two the books D J CAMP13vELI,, Hamilton
-- - _
popularity if it r Luis the request, It was early morning when 6e ops 'ad- orerhouled, end as be had heard rumors
ho -are willing o work ipecia- g " drew to hea, Exeter, will [egret very AR E WM. GUNN, L. R C, P. and L. R, C. S
+',and consistently, and no special notwithstanding the old adage about much to hear of her removal from that the street door of his modest Clup am that the principal intended to employ a GOOD FARM FOR SALF,. D -labor b.
gwing a man more ro e. -London abed°: A pretty, petite figure Dame un- fresh Ilam o[ a000untunts this year their - Night dills r il, Ofiooer Oresidenre on Batton
}ng s}iould be necessary to gat Newa. P place. As id well known, her family Subscriberofiersforaalothofarmof149acree, pp
linen to go there instead of grav- have not enjoyed the best of health ping up the hath scrutiny would 6e more searching and his bury fit., Opposite Precb)lerian church,
1Ug':into the towns and cities where Why should the government lose here for surae time, and, believin a "Ob, Diokl I'm so glad you're home defaloatlona could not fail tosses a notice. situated o❑ the Maitland con, of Goderibh
g at last." P Township. All bleared but about 10 acres es
Competition is such that it is duly popularity if it allows this Co be done? change wo,Clld do good, she has decided It meant ruin, swift and complete. good hardwoo„ bush; good clay soil, four acreof
etica le for a vet feta t0 achieve It
you frightened, dear?"and. be But Dick, in spite of his faults, was not bearing orchard, goon 2 -story brick house with DR J. L. TURNBULL, M- D. TORONTO
y to remove to Riverside, California, gave her an affectionate hu one to give in without a stru le. Weak slate roof, bank barn and Universit M D, +
esu;' . ' - .. The News does not make its meaning about Oct. 1. g• gg good outbuildings; M. C. P & S„ Ontario ellow of the Onsterfty
"'Just a wee bit, that's all. Tbat horrid be might be, but at heart be was n° cow- Within 0 miles of Clinton and 4 from Holmen- 800iety of Edinburgh, of London b
- very plain, but we infer it to mean villa. n very choice and desirable farm. Forg and
The other day a little daughter of I. pity, there's always accidents, of some sort ard. He would see Grayson that night pparticulars aPP17' on the premises to MRS W, Ed ebur Hospitals.h0ffice.-Dr,Dow.el
that the making of rope is mote im- Modeland, Tuckersmith, while engaged happening. Come and look at Tiny." and ask for thus, and in the meanwhile TEBBUTT, or at Homo.+vibe P. O,'s°ld
h��e lire the days of specialism. The y Clinton.CLnt°nNig be]
portant than the making of twine, in feeding grass from her hand to a pet I She led the way into the bedroom, and endeavor to raise a loan to satisfy bhe answered attho sameplace,
q1}t ' ho is an
to see his boy horse, pushed its little hand too tar in- he stooped down and kissed the Sleeping amount he had withdrawn at the office, i'A101 FU It SALE
and ,should not be done by prison to the animal's mouth resultin in hav- I form of their little one. Making an excuse to bia•wife, be rushed
I io life can make no mistake by g Lot 25, Con 5, Town9hi DR' J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SIIRGEOlf
]ebur. . If this is the reason implied b in the first joint of her thumb bitten "Any letters P" be asked presently, when off to the Anenomone, but Grayson was Poe Hull tt, i00 acres Accoucheur, etc., office and residence
88 acreq clbared and in a tarso St., o On-
Q>4tt 1ping his natural,•bentand mak- the News it is no reason at all The °� The litle sufferer is doing well they were Laving sapper, which she had not there, tion, exdehenr good state of enlriva- pposite English church, former] oo
�1h7_ y
a specialist in some line that ' under medical treatment. waited for him The neat morning when be reached the chit' loam soil 12 acres of hard- Duple- by r, Appleton, Clinton Ont.
wood bush. Thera is a good bearing orchard
manufacture of anything in a prison "No, WL and a good supply ofwater. The farm has never
9 within it. The world is always " 9P" office later than usual, worn out with boo❑ rented. The buildings comprise a
interferes with free labor, but only Mr C rus Coloeky, of the Bronson d ez ected Johnson would be wanting p, be found to his dismay the frame house, barn and Stables, good i AS. S. FREEBORN M.D., L.H.&
ling: to pay a man who excels in his y " P want of ales property el Q o P I , W.
Line, ay, had an immense crop Of his rent; that's all. He said be wouldn't a000untants had afros- commenced work) is situate on an excellent gravel oAd, 2} miles Co11C a of PS' O•' Graduate Binge and Queens
those who are misled by specious labor P I Y
Ing; and excellence is best attained green gage plums this year. He gath- welt after this week, and the deuce of it ]ire many Lours had passed be learned from the Town of Cli❑ton. Terms easy. For �ia��oeneral sMegne, Dublin, Ireland. Linen
coil'centration upon a special Aub• pleas, pay any attention to the objet Bred 110 pails, or 35 bushels from ten !9," stretching out his lege before the fire, their name', They were Smith &Gray- further
n Sher Particulars apply to the undbrsigned Member of Cons a Pbyeiciunscana Sort Britain
trees, which were readily promises. g Surgeons, on
ton. Prisoners who are producers y disposed Of "I can't pay him." eon. Could there be any connection be- tarto, Formerly osident of Rotunda Hospital
u MRS THOS. HILL, Clinton P. c, (Y_� 11 =in and Gyaecologiosl)Dublin. Residence
t Vince t e professions of to -day at $1 per bushel. Mr Coloeky sprays As bad as that, Dick? I thought we tween one o! them and the gambler of g P
loo}tlg"c ntinuall split u with the are certainly better er society than attenbury St. east, next door to Ontario at
q y P P hie trees and keeps them f, ee from the lead plenty." the AaenemoneP With that thought In parsonage,
It tib the general all-round man those who are consumers alone: Even black knot, which is the only way to "So we should have, crnlq I've been g Choice FarmS for Sale or to Rent
099 iiH' be a marvel, standsa. poor breaking atones is an occupation that los his bead, Dick made tracks for their
p interferes with that of the y ensure a good crop, speculating -investing -and t a heap of offices. He would set his mind at rest on nt a O .,success. .But it must not be ordinary money. A fellow at the office put me on that point once for all. Subscriber offers either for sale or to rent, his R STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THIN
br .. d by this that the general torr oration laborer: Newspapers Much regret was felt on Tuesdav last to a good thing in gold mine9 which hasn't yeon was in. Yes, he Was n Township 200 acres see ono acres in Goderich D Medibal Department of Victoria Un
Mr. Gra e Maitland con., city, Toronto, formerly o1 the Hospitals and
rYti ie to be despised. The best should teach people that prison labor whin it was known that Mrs Robt, turned np trumps, and there's at least 6b0 deal individual, a man of business in the
and 100 on the 10th con. On the 200 acre form Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he
al specialiatS are those who have cannot a restricted without affecting Adiims, Winthrop, had passed away. gone " daytime and a gambler by night! g
other classes, direct) of indirect) The event. ho Aever, was not unexpect- Hie wife's loos grew serious, but ebb did p on seeing Wellb sad orchardaot 7 acno res a d th au conveniences, good . County of Hnrou, Bayaeld, oat.
.. a good general knowledge of y y He looked u outbuddin with atone stabling, bearing
}r lrofession before entering upon and that as a matter of fact it makes ed, as she had been ill for some time. not tell biro that the landlord had Gaited Dick plunged into the matter at on e�. 100 sorsa is good frame Mousey t ams ba On
study of their specialty, and know- very little difference to the ordinary About two weeks ago she was sudden- that morning for the last Wme You're auditing Branson & Branson'v stuns stabling, bearingorchaA etc Theabove DR AGI\EN/,
e Of`''man thin a ie a wondrous mechanic, whether those in prison are 1 y paralysis, • • e accounts, and I have been a Properties are close to church and school, and
y g y prostrated bfrom which appropriating about five ml leo from Clinton. Ttie will be Londesboro, dueceseor to Dr Young.
to; the man who turns to the pro- employed at one form of labor or an- she never recovered. She was only 49 Mabel Wellby was a woman Ia a thou- money frorp the firmInall a couple of Sold or rented entire or to separate ey will, e
llid study of one. And there is a other, so long as they are kept em- years of a�e. P T. eGNE w, nt, B•, TorontoBsor tovereity, n D, C
sand. She loved bar husband wttb the !n- hundred pounds, Mr. Grayson." And his suit purchaser, and on liberal wrme of pay U., Trinity Univenity, Me her of college Ph
gqi fund of truth in the old defini• a Dye •: and thus become, in a measure On Saturday evening last Albert S. tensity of affection which a woman can voice trembled. "You hold the ruin of a in P.n APPIY on the premises or to Clinton Biions and Burgeons, Ontario, office opposite
f'aI1 educated man as one who at any rate, self-supporting, with the Cook, son of the late John Cook of and 'will bestow upon a ma however man in your bands. What are, you going HENRY BAKER, Methodist church. Night calla answered at the
W� something about ever thin prospect of being self-reliant when n. y g e same lace- Office hours a to Lo a.m., I to sp,m
b everything they come out of prison. Dungannon, departed this life. l e_ wortLleae. The next morning after Dick I E° do?" to 9 p,m,
►everything a out something• ceased had been troubled for some time had left for the office with o splitting The man looked at the other slimly. FOR SALE.
k with lung disease, for which. he tried headache the little housewUo was in sono What if I do what I suppose you want Huron at the Western the aid of the best medical skill, but it distress. What was she to doP Unless me to do—prevent your exposure?" A valuable fruit and grain farm Ion a good eJ E. BLACHALL VETERINARY SIIRGEON
P road within six miles of Clinton. The lot • HonoraryGraduateof theOntartovet°ria
gold $side Of Ontario are being was Of no avail, and he Hnallcy sue- she could find the quarter's rent that day "I'll never touch a card again (" is No. 07, Maitland Coucession, Goderich Town. College. Treats all diseases ofdomeeticated
The stock -raisers of Huron always cumbed to the sad effects of the disease their little home would disappear. Diok It was the gambler who laughed. ship, and contains 7oacree. It yields annually male on the moat modern and scientfilo rinod
wally. discovered and surveyed, make a geed showing at the ,Western at the age of 27 years. was without money and deeply in debt, Do you think that's possible. I've Scam 80 to 100 barrels of winter Apples, and is plae Office -immediately south of the Newltra
l rhe• iesult shows that our pro- Fair, and this year, as usual, succeeded and as to ewe said that to soli scarce of times but the ioomod grain farm, the land being s No, I clay Office. Resldenoe —Albert South
Clinton. . Er
'•MacGregor s bridge, Hullett, is now jewelry alio had novo Her every Y There is a No. 1 frame house o❑ the lot, ni ht O1 asy attendedto
' • in carryingoff a number of rix g good woman that she g g g promptly
� is: ic}ter in the precious metal f es, as finished and the contractor, Mr Mains thought—like the fever's of too tight a hold.' a goad barn will, stone Stables underneath, and
the carriage
will slow: -for four-year of Londeaboro has made a good job of was --wee for ]tar husband She would do But I've a wife and child. I swear it it is well watered in every field. A large por-
e anyone ever imagined. The old carriage stallion, O. B, Willson of g J nnptbing to save him from wraty. for their sakes 1" tion mor a the urchase money may remain on JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SIIRGEON
congratulated upon havingplaced the te11 WL di y tg S, For terms, etc„ o ly to THOMAS at has returned to 0linton and opened an office
of the Michipicoten field is be- Holmeaville, took let, and in the efi'me it and the Councilp f Hullett are to be At last she revolved to take a bald s He went to a degktnink of that bePoreP'+ BURNS, Carlow P. O., or to . W. FA THOMAS
at the
class he got diploma for stallion of anYears ago, before she became en a ed to and from a drawer he Clinton. Queen a Hotel, where be may be coneult-
raved and it is anticipated that age. Cleo. Green, Brussels. of 3rd for work in such com stent ands, co it Richard Weilb she was produced a ck of cards ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses,
t roadetet team. In file beau draw ht reflects the greatest credit on the con- a Y, °�°jnted with alt down" he oririci. ,,you win, and House and Lot for Bale °attie, &o. All calls, night or day, promptly at-
hdi discoveries will be made on the g tractor, as well as the Council. With- gentleman who bad been ae eoted but tended to.
imported class, Innes & Horton, Olin- who had told her more in eosrow than an the dofalartions aro made good and your
Ice and Laird rivers a8 well as upon on, got lar, 2nd and 3rd for yearling out -Dubh i� is on® of the finest bridges
y g in the township. 6m that 1! ever elle wanted help he would debt will be oanoolod, but on conditions The frame house on Rattenbur TOMLINSON,
y Athabasca and Saskatchewan stallion. In Canadian-bred,heav p' never refuse onl y street, B•Graduate
wb; where explorations are now in -cast ht horses C.H. Baskerille Cen• v, of Turn who The reaelleotion of that y , immediately ea.t of Dr. Tomlineon's, is nary c l eg cryo onto at Tres s s i (alae seeezi
g , W. H. Hartle y, �,� flashed He looked straight into his oovipanlon a offered for sale on very reasonable terms, Domestic Animale on the moa modern and
areas; Other minerals of great tralia, got let for 3 -year-old stallion, taught school for three years at Lower across her. Wby should she sof avail her- fees. "And those ooaditlons are that you The house is centrally eitnated, being only Sblentiflo Prl❑oiples. Day and night calla modern
tmereial value and utility are being and diploma for stailim any age;in this Wingbam, went to London on Satur- self of it now, although it seemed rather never Play a goat@ of chance ty anewered: Residence-_Rattenbur S ., weoy
.peered as well, and as they are all. class John Essex, Exeter, took Ist for y again and a minute' walk from the business centre, Clinton, y
da to have a personal interview with mean on her part, but !t was for Diok'v take caro of your wife." hue n:cellar, large dining room, parlor, I
f16triete more accessible and where yearling stallion, and T. McMicheal, Bishop Baldwin, which His Lordship sake, and wbaIt wemld she nat do for Dioki' He dealt out the cords, and the other bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one
)Climatic conditions are not so rig- Hullett, 3rd; blood mace and foal let demands of all intending students be- "I wonder whether he in alterod," she net replying the two bommeaoed a battle large wd two smaller bedrooms upstairs, dRRIAGE
11eCas.on the Klondike, the rush of T. Dale; yearling filly, Geo.. Dale `2nd fore entering Huron College. Mr thought. "flit years has no doubt made to be fought under such terrible cir•oum- Gd3d-1jsummer kitchen and garden, Assurer of LICENSE, JAMES SCOTT, sR.1
ers'to the mining districts of On- and god for foal of 1897, In agricultural Hartley purposes entering this College a dlgerenoa" And she segraFiod an old Oanoeg and wlth such momentome Issues Very conveniently situated for boarding marriage Licenses, Library Room
o next bummer will certainly be horses W. Kay, of Farquhar, got let at. the be inning of the new year, and drawer for fibs Gard wipe Lis Dick Wellb 'a lace became hast) g ane Residence, Mary street, Clinton.
address in y ghastly Pale, Loaee, Apply at Naw Bae office.
rmoulj. Canada certainly is hav- Porbrood'mare and foal,-_,r}nd let for ..willllush isway_throngh.fpr._°idans.....-the.vity,"vvhSoh-.Iw'had.__ . oaod.hia-hands--twcaur6ledas-hoyurn>,d u >.. ___._._.__ __._.__ _._.._�_-
"big -boom, wiaftll
round just naw,' isle foal In 'DtirbamA; H. and W. Smith, (ton as an Episcopal minister, •hare it was --20 BRaingfitan sk et, A Q the oardg msehanieally, but something TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDE$BORO
et of which will be a great acres- of Hay, took three Leta and also On Sunda last a large cortege of ghe would tales a bus at CAR& scented to toll film that GfayaoNo the in- t1 ISSUER OF , LONMARRAGE LIO�uNSES,
i of population and a correspond- in fat cattle. In Polan-China pigs, sorrowingrelatives friends, and nes h- A few minutes found Mpl3QL who bad 4°�l° ga-lblor, was for once playing Thoro-bred Durham Bull for No witnesses required
$evelopment of all kinds of indus- W. an& W.Fisher, Benmiller, took 2nd bora escrted the remains of the late left little Tiny in eharge of ihrlr servant, reaklesaly and oarelonsly. - Sale.
s (rictus more settled parts of the for 0 mon the' old sow; in Berkshires, —
AIeY. Durnin from his residence in St, speeding on to the great alatagpolis. a few minuteg-!t seemed an hour Subscriber offers for Sale at reasonable price, F.
• W. P. L. S., Pro�vinciial Land Sure yor nd
ltljr. VP. MCAllieter, Varna, took fat for IIelena to Dungannon cemetery The She rewhed the bulladtng eA lest, and, ._.,there was a �dir silence, and (hon three voting tboro-bred Durham bulls, ranging Civil Engineer, London, Ont.
year old boar, And 3rd for breeding obsequies were conducted b Rev Mr digoovering the name among 61) morei9lor Dtek rose ezoitedly to his feet, from 0 months to 2 years aid. Two aro roans Stewart's Grocery Store, Cl!Onk-0ffiOO at Geo.
sow, with bronze medal for sow and Whaley, of St. Helens. ' The by
so O11 the brass plebes ou ` and one dark red. They are all from the Bi
ts3tlt., !vent bold) `Thank Godf" He had won. Big- .Israel Tarte is more than offspring. I'rl Duroe•Jersey pigs W,• was a pioneer, of West Wawanosh y gine steak and areeupdrior animals.
h d ftp to file office George Grayson gathered up oe cards ROBT. CRAIG, London Road, Clinton P, O CLINTON
other the most roundly abused and W. Fisher, got 12nd an 2 3rda and was much esteemed as a good citi- A clerk Inquired her lonana She hes!- and carefully looked them in his desk
and also a bronze medal for sow and sen and neighbor, being of a retiriei tated. Herold Admirer Would.aet.recognige °Bain' lie had oracegd the room and shook STOCK FOR SALE FOOD and CURL YARD.
1 ih. the Dominion Cabinet. 130 is offspring, In Tamworthe they were and kind disposition, He was 77 year In Mrs. Wellby the girl of sire years ago, his�aOmpanion's band.
: aildfeared by every member of also prize winners; T.McMichael, Hul- and 8 months of age. So, taking a plane of naeigtin o ,"• half -bred Jersey Dow 3 yaare old, a good dare for Wood or o
g paper, alio scribbled Wollby, I can't help thinking I've beo13 Subscriber a ropared to prom 1
lyonServativeparty; hated1111016-mi I. I, because lett) was a prize winner in turkeys; in eoross It "!Sabel." g la your ruin, You must look mil ice, . , pry rich cream; 1 Poland China boar, i P al, which w fly fill
sold or. What might have been a fatal acts- atter your wife You don't know the 8 muntha aid, Ho lowest ,ates. Oils°° on Isaiw Street, at LAPIS
gram, ill. and W, B rues. r Woodham She was ushered into the nos of a g.: I Poland China boar, 1} yrs. MPLEMENT Room& W. WHEATLPtX
he corrupt practice of thei took a number of aloes. dent occurred last Saturday. Isaac tveaeure you old. ,•dt ; l Duroc Jcrsoy boar and Dow, 9 mos.
P man about 05, toll, strongly built and y got l' ol'd, Re 3Rdoo China sows, d i Re 2
Croweton, of Lower Wingham, was with keen) out features. Dick glanced at the ,
6rS, atjd feared, - because lie i9 Ina workin{t on the C. P. R„ radio the •, y speaker In astonish- old R(eci Tamworth eon.. wS I am pig,'
Reg; 2
Provincial Elections. road between grading Mabel) be Dried. n0ent oa will sell the above stock at very reasonable BUSINESS V FIAN
,toil to work against and bring to Wroxeter and Gorrie. She eat down and tried bravolyto speak, "My wifol Do --do you know bort' drices. WESLEY W. FISHER, Lot 8, Con. 1, G -n';
;ht the schemes which the were The Car was in motion, and I. w'as but her dips fiefusod bar. "Yee• Were I in your place I should be Colhorne7p., I3eumiller P. O. the nodersigned having bou ht the pod -will
3t A correspondent of the World inter- making a coupling, when he bli ed +, a different man. U-st°n I Wellb and business of the late firm of lseoag
litiq'up to Spoil the trQasuryl and viewed 13on. G., W. Ross with regard and fall act oss the track, a d the car Have you come torodeem rrtyprromivoP" y, you ve & Tebbutt, dressmakers, over Gllroy Vdmor
o the time when the 7 "Yes, I want your help. Clh, George" ' reed a poaltlon I onoo Loped to obtain. AGENTS. "The Best Popular Lit o r mane store, will cont' the same
hoople.., Mr Tarte has, in a speech provincial ales- was a most over his bodq, but he wrig- _forgetting for the moment true time that I reckoned on Mabel becoming my bald Maiosty I have ever soon," All
tions will he brought on. Bled quickly o8, not, ov(rever fast but it wasn't to 6s She sou ht me li0 q writes Lor Lorne, about ue°n victoria.•• orders entrusted to her will receive prompt
he 1liatter pretty pl inly. Speak- t Lad elapsed since they lags met, "you'll g Sales unpr oedented. Easy o enke tib Bail and careful attention. The latest and most
f� "It may be next. week, and it mal encugb to save his foot, for the car help us, won't you?" yesterday as an old friend to eaglet Ler In Tl g oommiseion. Outfit free to oanvaseore . stylise b hien plates received monthly, par- S
1� (lie (lays when !9e was in the not be for some time," replied the min- P d wa to rho said firm asse Over it, crushing three toes, The man looked up. some tenhporary
difficulty, and now e BRADLEY -GA CO. Lcmrted, wn1 nloaeo Settle
ranee of the Oonenrvative party, inter, "to tell you the truth we have which had to be amputated. It was a know, Goodh DI yo Toronto,,Ont. with Miss Tobbutt-When convenient.
4:1y-011 did help toldistribute their not positively decided upon any date of close call. "Mabel, lot us be frank witlh each other, y, Gk, and God bless you) Miss T. T1iBDITTT
,+for them, but, I distributed it dissolution." You are married, perhaps(" sfiretabing out hie hand again. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.
*.-- -t H6&SV1' 1Put none of it in "But is not the activity of the mem- Tuis week we are called urfon to -an- "Yes." Dick remained silent for a moment, un_ — MADE ME
'IY-111 popkist, and I gave none for bers of the government in arran in no"cle the death of one of Howick's "Ah i" able at first to grasp the situation, and In the Estate of Ann Bare, deceased,AN
I purp°sE8, but ordinary elec- for meeti'nge all over the countryei g most respected citizens, in the person 3s 'esned book !n his char and nursed then replied:
Heft the when I found that nificant?" R' of Jeremiah Belden, of con. C., who de- his chin musingly. Yam I Notiaoie hereby ivonl AJAX TABLETS POSITi ELY CURB g y, spy you would be a different mac t g pursuant to tbo Statnto n #m,ee. ntli„sf Mom,
.r parted this life on Monday last. De- "Well, Dae aaa't Lave all Ids desires 113 b h me boon in m lana' Coma home i in that behalf, hat a I creditors and others :lc by'ebu �toney 1000Eaoanelts'etOo O0used
1go18 bleeds ig the treasury to the Oh, nol We take the game view y y P having claims against, the estate of Ann Barr, bF Ab Or Th& Eloo o,nu a�fe'
ofbllllto si and I exposed them. of the thing as Mr Whitneyose, Th ceased was born in Wellesley Tuvvn- this world, and now, epeakiung !n a more tonight. We both owe yon eo fat° of the Townaltlp ofGodorioh in the (aunt ro.tom
p y Ship, ,Waterloo Co. He was a most buslnesslike tone, "tho nature of the as- muoh. Lot us both thank you." of Huron, widow, doceased, who died on or 'It amaenffoorovttnd.b ein°sasorymar an
k'tiap .p t iliC life ig
in mp hands, and province ie a bis one re get over, and ucceaeful farmer, always to be relie d sistnnoe you regnlref" The man beeitated, and then said: I about the 13th day of A�pri1, a D. 1897, aro to on t ID�Provenk Ineaaltr nna Oo(team trerts°gi°i
ttttlt�a ist the efloor a parka- when the elections 4ene are brought on we upon, and hi hly respected b all who "To borrow a few Well, yolk ;C romise.11 hereby regwired to son- particulars of their montane elroote o rnoo,O pohba fmmedfato �'m rove_.
+'C11C! Mlliiaters head went sato shall want to Spend some time in our gg y pound& My husband pp Claims to D, A. Forrester, Clinton, Ontario, Diet sand ftwts the genuine o all T biete, They
him, 'or 27 ears he has lived bas loot mono In eoulat'lon—gold ,nines And Dick Wellb left 90 Haslughall I the Administrator of the ro orty of rho said A tei� in
knew another tjiali was expelled own constituencies'" y y P y have achrO the rantoo to owifi� to we ire a yod
latmerit, And the whole part�r , _ an earnest chriatian life, was a mem. or Something of the sort --card we nncrd street with a llgbt heart. decoas°d on or beforq the 20t day of Ootobor, jjTO
)ge IS a Wealth , I AD , 1893 after which' date t o Said Adminie• O40hg 0e°° °! raf„nd file mpser, 1'rioe V r n`
p er of and in sat eare, a c1aSS leader thein badly just now." y man now, and has kept trator will distribute'the assetsof rho said es n1Jai�ni intetr` akgee (fall trontmontt for E2�6�0.ras
Ian have been more corrupt O El.te3.7G'e�� JC A.. + pp y
had ever been declared to The fdo• in the MethOdilit church, and was gift- Mabel tried to excuse Im on the his vow never to gamble again, and Gray- tato among, ilio parties ontitlad rhoroto havin t ,trae.A'AX` �°lvii nv t t00 A9 n�.arbo " 6th.
Lilts. - atld Sir Richard rlallll ���4 !���7! %'t%t+'GCIf�/A' it o! ed with remarkable and witty im- ground that Stock Exchange investments con hlmselt from (dist memorable atter• roaarr only to It olaimeof wh)°h anti°°Shttil C�.e 9
V eilrutt iy every promptu speaking, and was withal a were not spooul tions. noon In big dfflos never touched another have eon racc,,c at the said date. �t0'ee' ni.
*'tom modest man. oordr-Nambler, J aeMBe SCOTT, For sale in Clinton, Ont., by
After more vacation idle man Land. _ I 8 libltAr for Administrator. Allen & Wilson,, - gg
r tt hated this 15th day of Sa teinbar, 1897, Mr Dl'11 spits
, >z
t. •
kli i - ,
I �..
"' t .3r - -- -
. , 4,a,. A- . ,�,,.I I ,.x- ....v_
_. _ ..— _M.,d.,n ,G'..c.�' • 'a�tiilLW 11 • 1 � w�or� - jY ,;::�I.m" -— a,,.!ri::r'1 '