HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-10-01, Page 1:'QT'S TIME . . -,a- --m- T , fill�•�.,.�., W9 WILL To say something about Alarm Clocks. .. r� (� The sun is not rising as garly as it did, BUY RAM .and Verg,lps iron may be inclined to At fall pprices any endil. � from tie that do rpt fgrkl p`#, � follow its ezample and need a remind- q 11 q;, er that the day has commenced. There ,y represent thew. Tbiri le. �5 ; is nothing better than our Niekle Al. of doiu j l i g Fjaeines4, 4.gr Xt w, . arm Cloaks at $I 25; make enough --- - �-- and a novel way, h' t Alt, rlttYL>r to waken the soundest sleeper, Good — you. It keeps as fror nrecotprips timekee -- ROBERTHOLME$,EditorandProprietor. ONT. OCTOBER 1 1$97 rgganythingto outbq,w, e ' pars too, ana will last for years $1 a year Ia advance 81.50 when not so paid sare of, It Fneans pure ". e,,,,� y .CLINTON, r I cods and safety I m, 0 the Busy �i1n ----- -- o aq you; �oodwlllpYQAr Aop An accurate watch is a necessity, not TT Hallett denoe, and with it a contindiilly, i : fj I TO iNE " ERA AROUN]� THE H v B. I Stanley Londesboro oreasing trade. That is w11ir* loamy, every some seem to think, To A PRIZE W INNER. —M W. Stevens, 1 - --- BUTTER SOLD.—The Creamer Co. are atter, and -'that is what, tpei°oda., utilize every Igoment of precious time, What wide-awake and reliable ,correspondents find worthy or recording for pub atle, Of Sullen, was successful in wingin SILOS.—Messrs W. Murdock, J, Set- Creamery sot to ,,, to meet trains, keep appointments, to let g Chen and M. McEwen filled silos with sold to D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth, the •P get, from y I bl+,• 41, Cxodel Ch Township Seaforth prize at London, for Honiton lace, corn last week,. Mr Murdock had 11 butter up to last Saturday, The p+otecting yon from any alp, , i be always on time, one must have a band made. She is an expert in this amount realized was over $1000, buying. We will be lad t "� I I Y' ARM RIaNTED.-Mr G80. Youngblut NOTES. -Mr Ed. Hamilton, who has scree and Mr $atchetl 8 acres of corn, gg ;good watch. Drop in and let us talk has rented Wm. Baker's farm, on the been a most highly respected citizen of particular line, and it Saye a good deal This is 8 eomp:tita:1v01 new experimentc n, SVCCUSSFUL. - Children's Day in your trade on above and -rsta, 411 fill, 3 atoh with yon, It will paytyou to Maitland concession, for a term of five tocvq,leavea shortly for Hegsall, where as to her ability when it 161inOwn that in this neighborhood, end if sccieayful Knog church was very successful; sev- rn' buy now, for watches, like wheat, are years. He secures itat a rental of about he intends starting a feed store; the she has taken thla pr120 a nurQ001 of will be tried more in after sare. eral visitors were present. The collec- ALLEN a Wkb4,c, T, advancing in price $175 a year. people of Hensall will find him a gentle, Years in suCCQesion. p tion, in aid of S.S. committee, amount• '' ' Fine Watch .Repairing a specialty, man to ever respect, FARM BOUGHT.—Mathies Glew has HEAvY Lose. -Mr Jae. Ross, Bayfield ed to $7.44, . Graduate Drn rets & Olttiois 1. • $PECIAI. $SRPIOj�+19i-QA Sunday, at- y P + `bou ht from T. Noble, his 40 acre farm road, lost a cod horse lastweek which -SHOT IT. --Mr Fitzsimons, of Clinton,-aliat�f 88 gg.. Uleaning.$i, Mainspring $1, ,and it will be ternoon Uekt special rellgiot7s tidi-vi&s � ITW49O13LT 136 it6WEb. -Mr Mach ^r! t e Ord, adjoining the property of he had'purchasedbut a few days be- purchased from Messrs Lasham & Bell done right if we do it. will in Cole'church,commencing at 2.30 ' McLellan had his bicycle suit taken one Mr Glow, for somewhere in the net h- fore. It was injured by coming in con- a steer that was of a wild dispositign, Every pair of Spectacles fittoa b.�' 4 and 7p m. to be conducted by Mise L. evening last week. Mack put Detective borhood of$16W. Mr Glow is an inslus- tact with a fence, whsle with other and instead of attempting to drive him tte, is sold on above guarsnteep .`+j P'Q A. Zinkan, of Southampton, a young Reardiu on the scent, when after a little trious and reliable farmer,• this being horses. He also lost one of his cattle to the slaughter house, engaged Mr fe the safe way for yon to.bliy. ; . B. Crews lady who is thoroughly devoted to this searching, to Mack's surprise he found the third place he has purchased since whit. It was found dead on the roadside. Ed. Cantelon with his rifle to shoot anything, especially 8peata0 eg:;,t • class of work. The services will be con- the clothes. Meeting a young lady on he en aged with Messrs Ransford. These are heavy losses to Mr Roes. him. Ed., of course, liked the chance ' Jeweler & Ex art tinued every evening during the week the street with his suit on, Macklasked, To HE OFFICERB OF THE SUPREME CIRCLE ACCIDENT. -Mr S. Reed met with an to practice- before he goes to Muskoka. Watch Repairer except Saturday, and Miss during will for an explanation, when she told him O.C.H.C.,TORONTO.-I desire to soknow- accident while driving near the Ban- He made a good job of the matter. assist therein. it was only a joke and that she wanted ledge my sincere thanks for the prompt nockburn bridge on Sunday, the horse VOTERS' LIST, - Court of Revision • RE•ENGAGtED.-We understand that to •imitate the boys. and honorable manner in whioh you have taking fright at a bicycle. He was was held here on Tuesday by Judge Thames Road. the trustees of S. S. No. 5 have re -en- Boy's BRIGADE CONCERT. -A very paid the in,suranco on the life of my late thrown out and his collar bane hrokeq, Masson. It was well attended by can. Church Chl [as. ` , Peter Campbell for next husband, James Brown, amounting to and Mr Crai who was with him, was y , NOTES. -Mr Murray, of Hamilton, gaged year at successful concert under the auspices g, didates for Parliamentary honors but '''I spent a few daps visiting at the manse an increase of $20 salary. This is the I of the Bay's Brigade was given in Card. 81,000, and to express my warmest thanks badly shaken up. Mr Reid was con• there were not many present to get Mr John Ransfoid attended a sly',' ciaet week. Miss $yndman, of Exeter, first school Mr Campbell taught, and it no's Hall on Friay.Everything was to the officers and members of Londesboro fine to his room but is improving. put on the list. The court p g t, d y, y g d p g, their names u of Huron Executive meeting also is the oast of the Misses Ellerington. certainly speaks well for his ability carried out to the satisfaction of the Circle No 189, of which he was a member, was closed very early, and after dinner don last Thursday, gg for their man acts of kindness and re- COUNCIL.-Stanle Council met on the most of thc; •P who were notified to Miss E. All.., of Stratford. has been when he is continued on from year to audience, which was very much taken y The usual months fellowshr p]tei e eot shown b attending the burial oere- Monday, Sept. 27, a 1 the members pre- attend came along and were quite in will be held to both Method, a andfn a few days with her uncle, gear; he is giving excellent satisfaction. with the neatness and correctness of p ' y g > �pp gg y Wearelooking forward ho ' mony. With beet wishes for the enooees sent. The collector e. bond was assay- chs ria churches on 13unda Mr D. McInnes. Quite a number of g hopefully to the boys drill, which was all right and ted and his a ointment confirmed b g ed to find how rnattere stood, y morning tical,; young people met at Mr J. T. Allison's the tame when we can definitel elate reflected great credit on the instructor ander prosperity of the 'order, 1 remain pp Y An adjottrntnent had been asked for 10 o'clock. y ours sincerely, MARY A. BROWN. by-law. The Clerks fees, tinder the on Tuesday evening ands spent a ver that he is "engaged without the ''re" C. S Bilin The sin to of McIntosh y y. aurin the t to accommodate. those The Christian Endeavor loci11,p' , g P Y g T PP Ditches and Watercourses act, was fix- who were late, the Judge refused Willis church visited BrucefleldIC7ll ;, i��f.t-,I' . Me L.Adams who has and they say the indications point that and Dal w re read ga g lauded. Old r Geo. Monteith has way, and the duties of the latter will Erin was well represented with all her Stapleton. ed, by by-law, at lOc per hundred words to grant it 9 in Endeavor society last Friday 6p0 and l0c per mile for delivering papers; 1V . oma patty, work for Iease Johns. in no wise conflict with those of the wit and wisdom. The song and dance NOTES.-Mre J. Jarvis, Mrs McIntyre a b l iw was passed b the unanimous P ty or parties, was gg and had a very pleasant time,, : former. by-law P y mean enough to steal nears C . Hackney leave this which captivated the won and Mrs Chas. Mason went to Niagara consent of the Council sev mn 3 per g y all the ommunion services will be held'• rounds ofa applause encore after en- Falls last week, and hada most enjoy- levying P gra es belonging to one of our citizens Willis church on Sunda Oct 10,,^1! week for Toronto University,'F. Sack- NOTES. -Mr Porter, and two sisters PP 7 Y- cent on all taxes unpaid b Dec. 14. y' ". me for Detroit Medical College, and D. from Win ham, have been visiting S. core was tendered the king of all Irish able time returning home safes P y on unday evening. Mrs Dr. Medd preparatory service will be con 400 Y g g g Y• The following accounts were paid: -P. and daughter returned to their home y Rev. Mr Fletcher, of Thames Monteith for St. Mat ye Collegiate. Mr Johnston. 4iss May Johnston, who comedians in the person of Mr M. J. g $e . Baker, for removing atone under Mc- in Sarnia �n Thursday morning. In An excellent address was deliver'` G. SteTart has bought Mr Dechers' has been confined to her room by illness, McCauley. The next on the program - 8elgrave Ctilly's bridge, $2; Jas. Watson,timber prize team, paying a good figure for it, is, now, we are pleased to note, able to was a touch of elocution such as Sea- last weeks issue, re cattle dying, it at the meeting of the Rattenbury dtr$'e p p SPORT. -Our local sports find part- $3.02: Municipal World for blank forms should have read Isaac Barr instead of league, on Mondav,b Rev. A.- tewar, 11 Mr T. Russell filled his silos this week, be out. The trustees of S.S. No.10 are forth is not in the habit of listening to. ridge both scarce and wild. An occas- $2 58;C. Hartleib, spikes $5; Robt.Coats g y „ elevating the corn by means of the advertisin for a teacher for next ear. We refer to the work of little Mabel g d: Sons, underclothing for Mrs Banner- George. Mrs Jas. Brown has out bills on The Book of Danieli It show blowing machine which gave excellent Miss Flossie Cronyn, of Goderich town- anything of her conal rabbit makes them a savoury dish for a sale of farm stock, etc., for the very careful preparation. Tobin which excelled an PERSONAL. -Mrs Oaten left for Tor- man, $1.63. Council meets again on 1 satisfaction; quite a number of our chi is s endin a sou le of weeks with age we ha"ve yet.heard. Messrs Trott Monde Zt:h of October; the farm also is to rent. Rev, R. Millyard will occupy hIS odd P. P onto on Tuesda moraine to have an Y+ Nov, 29th, at 1 m. -J, T. feedeis intend building one next year. Mra P. Gunn, of Colborne. Mr and and Nealy gave several selections on y P Mr Stephen Grey had a colt nearly pulpit on Sunday, his discourse foY:. i' operation performed on an eye. Her CAIRNS, Cierk. „ Mrs M. Kell of Morrie sant Sunda their guitarewhich waswell received, P p y two years old die very suddenly this evening being Influence Cons'Gro Y• P Y many friends extend sympathy. NOTES. -Rev Mr Graham ISORN. with P. Cron n of Goderich townshi On the whole it was one of the best con- , of Bay. week. Mr J. J. Walker has returned and Unconscious." On the l0th.he ' Y p' carts ever held here and we expect at STOCK MARKETS. -. Numerous ship- field, conducted the services in Bu to his studies in Toronto Medical ossa the ul itof Seaforth M:etl a' SEELEY. In on Sept. 30th, the The trustees of S. S. No. 4 (Summer- P Y PY P pp di, • wife of Albert Seeley, of Clinton, daughter. hill are advertising for a successor to no distant day to have the pleasure of °Lente of lambs andpigs by our Popular field Road Presbyterian church Orson- School. church, Rev. Mr Bond being at $itlife„ , g hearing that kin of comed'ianA. Mr M. cattle dealer, Jos. (Oleg , during the day. Miss Alice Capling; Blake, is vie- ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. - These The missionary meeting at t;he.;U ' McMORbIE.-In Tuckersmith, on Sept,23th, Mr Silty, who leaver to prepare for the g past few g t'': the wife of Henry HoMordie, ofa daughter, ministry, Chris Nesbitt, after several J. McCauley who captivated the Bud- p fvireks, indicate lively times in iting friends in the vicinity of Strut- services were held in the Methodist tario St. League on Monday evetd these matters. �, FLYNN-In Hallett, on Sept. 22, the wire of weeks visit Bion relatives in Gre ience from his first appearance till the ford at present. Rev W. G. Richard- church last Sunday, morning and ev- was a very pleasant one. The.: ,ppt ' D. Flynn, ofa daughter g y concert was over. Much credit is even PUBLIC SrHOOL.-Now that the cold son, B. A., who has been for some time ening, and were conducted by W. R. gram consisting of,music and sptiee6is(, county, has returned home, g days are hinting'of the coming winter, preaching at St. Helens and Auburn, s , TIPPET -In Bayfield, on Sept. 22, the wife to Mr E. J. Walsh who played the ac- d P g Lough and eR.r Holmes, of Clinton, un- was thoroughly enjoyed. The d$ . of Charles Tippett, of s daughter comp animent on the piano for Mr Me- the children an Brenta interested are bee returned to his home. Miss R. Cap- der the superintendence of the pastor, ►Dual topic was presented by Diss - CASTLE—In Stanley, on Sept. 25, the wife of . p longing for a public school in the vill- lin one of the successful Junior Leav- Mr Andrews. In the morning Mr Jennison. The mee tin next M? { . Castle,-of-ason. - _ _- _ r . BrnCefle,(d , -Gouley. _ _ age Wliy not$ -- ----- g' - -Exam- - - -g - g 7411 is THE—C+ALh�FAIR. - The annual fall ung camdrdates at the Midsummer Lough gave a splendid sermon from niB�jvitl be the regula,e moutlil.00 h OUGHT TO BE STOPPED.- The Tuck- FALL SHow.-The beautiful day se- aminatione has secured a school on the the text "Will a man rob God," and secratmon meeting. The devol0on �` SHORTREED-ln QVii�gham. on Sept. 17, the show of the Tuckersmith branch a ric- + wife of w. Shortreed, of a son ersmith council is getting furious to ultural society was held here Friday, cured a large attendance at our annual Bronson Line for 1898. W. Baird, (son this was followed by a short address topic will be giveh by Mise Mary 1Netl1' 'v wife of W Con—In W f a eo +,oh Sept. 18, the find beton out to whom those b rasci se she s the attendance being unusually large. exhibition. The entries were numerous of Mr Goo, Baird) has been eqgaged to by Mr Holmes, and an appeal on bei ' ' "'{ g• g Y and exhibits fully up to the mark. teach in S. S. No. l0.next year; mf he is half of the missionary' cause. In the k f Owing to the burning of the agrfcul- Y + of qxw to of tw nes on Septdelite a wife now attack the sheepin.broad day) fght. rural hall about three weeks ago,,. the Everybody connected therewith seem a chip of the old block" he will be a evening the address pro er was given Porter's Hill .. + �' Last Sunday, they. no doubt jucl;;igg g greatly -pleased. good one,. for it would be hard to find by Mr Holmes, who ma it exclusive REPAIRS. -The congregation at $ei x' indoor exhibition was held in the curl- g + ,' wife of TVCartOw ahtn on�idangohte ept.27, the everyone in such a civilized land to be In rink on Main street. Roots and `METHODIST t HURCH.-The Epworth amore successful°teacher, or one with IY missionary, followed 'by an address el met last Tuesday evening lir �,bl ; in church, visited the homes of Mr S. g League is moving for a vigorous cam- a better record. Miss Minnie Graham ana eel b Mr Lough. The day's church to arrange for the ereeV11 , , ' veg�tablesofiall kinds were deficient. g g g PP Y g y' n DOWSON-In Clinton, on Sept. 22, the wife Royce and R. Watson, worrying sev- sign during the fall apd winter. An has one to Clinton to learn dres..mak- services were largely attended and new shed forthwith. The.tnee in . of Thos Dowson, of a daughter eral of their sheer. It is high time both in size and quality, as was also P g g y 1.11 ROBERTSON -In Clinton, on' Sept. 28, the ++ +• P g the fruit exhibit. Grain of .all kinds- interesting program ig being prepared. 'ing,as has Miss Isabella Nto Ewen. Mr were ver intareptin resulting in ;"' such "dogged" de redations were cur- It meets ever Tuesda at 7.30 y g' g needed sly decided to take, t e � wife of T. Robertson, of a daughter tailed or eheadeP was superior in every res ect to that y y P m• D. Fetcher and daughter ate were considerable increase to the mission- needed step. The church 'i's eek„ a• P The songservice in this church Sunday visitin JI BLATBrIn Bruseie, on Sept. 22 the wife of of former years. The ladies' depart- evening was a to the standard. t3 friends here; be was the guest wry_ funds. attractive and what was mps'i;✓eq►l. ii G. F. Blair, barrister, of a son. ENTERPRISING. -Messrs R. Ross and went was never better. Many new g P of his father-in-law Mr John Gilmour: DME CIRCLE NOTES. -Your come was a shed, thio lack will"B,Qon ;b p B AM IED. W. Murdock left en Tuesday for the and attractive features were in evid- Mr John Moffatt and wife were visit• spondent was in error last week in re- plied. Already willing peoplt3- ii& ; HARRISON-DANCEEY-At the residence of west, where they expect to secure their once, and the hall was literally packed West `Miawanosh ing friends near Lucknow last week. porting that Mrs Brown had received contributioned cash, lumber ,scud' ;t,�'t; C the bride's parents Goderich, on Sept; 2s, by winter stock of cattle. 'Thep are both with spectators both morningagdeveq- SCHOOL. -F. W. Ainsley, of Wing- blaster Phil Spear, who spent some cheque in settlement of her claims. bar. A bee will be held Saturday; #1t6 the Rev. Joseph hdge James Harrison, of extensive feeders and we trust their Ing. The 33rd Battalion Band added bam, is teacbing in S. S. No. 2 during time here among friends, returned to Chcque was in the hands of the circle for working at the church. All cute London to Kate Emma hell, youngest dough- enterprise may result in success. Such pleasingly to the program. The live the sickness of • . obertson. his home near Ridgetown, in Kent: here, and has since- been lid to Mrs este are kindly invited to be, preoi�., ter of Thomas Dancer. getting stock was shown on the agricultural iculfural NOTES. -Freda g k Tabb has engag- Y• p• difficulty in ettin cattle for winter g co4nt Mrs Jobn Butchart returned Brown. Mr C. H. Pattison is much and help. V ,:, ,111 W. T.,, on SeHptA10 by v Mr Bnrnesss Edwin N. feeding is almost unprecedented in this grounds in the afternoon. The display ed with J. J. Washington for th.rteen home last week from visiting ft lends encouraged with the result of his work NOTE - a � 1. h country. It seems ridiculous and ab- of horses was one of the bestever shown months for $150. For some nights re- near St. Thomas. Mr Peter Baker has here; many expressing their intention lis s. Mr M Berke t on the;di Jarvis, teacher, formerly or C+oderio town- y flgfshCd the bridge McOull ' t. Mr Jas. McDonald, jr., wh 8 ship, to Miss Lena Hamilton, late of Clinton, surd that farmers should have to pay, in Huron, both in number •and excell- cantly jack frost has asserted his right g McCully's side• of joining the order. On Monday ev. his shoulder dislocated, Is um rev p"- - WALTERS- MORRISH - In Colborne, on 4c. per pound with"prospects of getting ency of breeding;37 were shown in one to rule and reminding us of the ap- road, and it is now open for travel. ening Mr Pattison held, a meeting in I Sept., by Rev E. Olivant, Clarence welters, very little more in the spring. class alone. The cattle exhibit wets proach of winter. Mr Alex. McEwen, 'A.nd Dr Peter Me- Harlock: several members of the order rapidly. Mr and Mrs Joseph ook,''t to Miss Lizzie Morrish, all or Colborne I Point arrpil, visited friends in tlie,.v (� ' SOCIAL. -The social held b the Bruce. from the bbrds of well-known breeds of 810K. -Miss Margaret Clifton is slow- Ewen, of Detroit, have been visiting drove out from here; the meeting was ..y McDof the b= TER then. - At the reel- y this section. and could hardly be a ual- ly recovering from an attack of pleur= friends here this week. Miss Maggie very interesting, and at its conclusion late on. Wednesday. Miss enH. Ips dance of the bride's father. on Sept. 28, by field Christian Endeavor society last f London; is visitin returned to herhomeinKuppenonS$C=I Rev. w. Graham, Peter McDougall to Jessie, Friday night was a decided success. ed in excellence. The entries fora eep ley, much to her many friends gratifi- Sullivan,+ g lief six candidates were initiated. An op- aids At the annfversa daughter of W. Sterling, all of Goderich were equal to former years, but there crt.ion. Jae, Robertson, teacher in S. randpai ents, Mr and Mrs John Me- en meeting is 'to be held here this ev- y rd service11 s I Township. Clinton society kindly responded to Bethany church next Sunday, Rbi+7lic, 111,:p was a falling off in the swine exhibit. S. No, 2, is at present at his home in owan. ening, when it is expected six to ten ' C4ARDIIdER- AVIS -In Exeter, on the 22nd our invitation and showed their hearti- Shaw, Bayfield, will -p, reach at 2..3Q8n ness in the work b t• The show of poultry and pet stock was Wingham suffering from typhoid candidates will be received. The mem-+ e inst., at the residence of the bride's father, y he large number well up to the old line mark. The ring fever. Winthrop. bers are making a determined effort to 7 p. m. Avery interesting event otl' by the Rev C. Smith M. E. Gardiner, to Mise who came down. The evening was ex- curred at the home of Mr Wm. S~6e 4 I Susie daughter of Win. Davis. attractions were the captivating feat- NOTEia.-Mr H, Warden threshed increase their members to ono bun- ceedingly well spent and we hope pro- P g FARMS RENTED. -Joseph Jlifton has ing, con. 6, when hie daughter Jeasin0 10 KNIGHT -DREW- Exeter on. the 22nd fitable as well. A varied ro ram was ure of the days proceedinggs. The far- rented lot 23, con. 5, for a term of 1,000•brlshels of oats from 14 acres and died, and there is no doubt that when lust., at the residence ofthe bride's father by P g mer's trot was won b Robt,. Wilson's 40 bushels of wheat to the acre this the puplic become 'familiar with the and Peter McDougall, were united;ts V rendered in which the. Clinton friends Y �eare. Albert Jones has the farm be- man desirable features of the order, the bonds of matrimony in the it '4 ,' Bev H. Bray, Robert Knight. to Carrie , ave rest assistance Annie Laurie in splendid style. The on in ear; this beats the record. Mr James Y, , a g once ofabout 60 guests. youngest daughter of Win. Drew, all or Ewe- g g , and some time rela race between Seaforth and E Wilson re tedefortthe en acute Wm. mith, of Smithville shipped 20 car lar a addition to the membership will , � . ter. - was entin the interchange of ideas relay'race g g year. Pp - u p mondvillo sprinters was won b the Chas. Thom has leased load of tan bark to Clinton last $star- follow. McOAVIN-MOCULLOUG}H-In McKillop+ and the discussion of methods relating 300 acres on the >, ,on Sept. 22, by the Rev. P. Mns rove, Albert to Endeavor work, and we trust that for mer after an exciting cont0st. The 12th con, and will move thereto In the day. Mr J. Hart, of Bear elver, is .vie $eyfleld nfetlavin to Agnes eldest dau iter of Frans gate receipts were in advance to former near future; Mr Thom and fails will itiiig his brother Reuben. of this place. Holmesville ' gg the results may show themselves. Mr y p CHURCH. REPAIRS.;-- The Methdd>itut cis McCullough, both of Megillop., years, . be much missed b his` man friends Messrs T. Brown and J. Brewster pull • CHURCH NOTES. -Last Sunda Rev. church at this lace is underiroifig i`L -. Muir on behalf of the Brucefield society Y y Y ij]®• welcomed the Clinton visitors and ho on the 5th con, ed 14 acres of peas in 8 days. Mrs R. G}• W. Andrews took the work on. the airs and service will be held at..-• �I ' '' ,' EDMONSTON-In Goderich township, on ed that all would be mutuals benefitt, Blyth. Adams, who was taken down with par. Bayfield circuit, and Rev. Mr Shaw town hall next Sabbath. The $sobah& Sept., 18, J. F, Edmonston, aged S2 years. y PERSONAL,—Master Johnnie 'Leith, al acs, still keeps in a re took the outside appointments morning ed and a closer friendshipbeestablish- NOTES. -Misses Edna Curtis and An- 3'precarious con- PP g school will commence at I0 a. m: and_" accompanied by two chums, areguests dition. Mr M. abkirk of his foot ser- and afternoon and here irl the evening.' ;4-, FARROW -In Blnevale, on Sept. l8, John ed in the Endeavor work. nie Moffatt ]eft this morning for Chic- at Mr Mill's'just now. Reuben Wm. iousl hurt while engagedg Mr D. Coleman of Hilla the preaching sermon at 11 o clock. .Farrow, aged 66 years. �, NOTES. - Messrs Beverly ago. A few of our townspeople took in Taylor left on Tuesday at Mr Loch- gj sen, very ac- NOTES. -Mrs Penhale's little bo ' ADAMS -In Mogillop. on Sept 2t Cather- y Ketchen y y morning for art's am raisin M L t e cheap trip to Niagara last Thure- Watford g• r S. Brown has morning filled the pulpI here Sunday Yft'"" ire Ballard, wife of R. Adams, aged 49 years. and J. Foote left this week for Toronto da The Roman Catholic church is ,whither he has gone to at rentedthef+ovenlock -farm. The many morning. has been vary sick ie somewhat betty .1111, REIDY-In Seaforth, on Sept. 7, Ann Kea,. this week to attend Knox Colla e•tbeir y' tend the marriage of a fair cousin; friends of .11r J.Atcheson will be plows- MORE HONOAB.-At Goderich exhib- Mrs Peck„ofthefront road,wh0 recen ` 8 . going under repairs, being re -shingled, Reub. may g easy, wife of Wm Reidy, aged 50 years. many friends here wish therm success repainted and and re -modelled inside; y catch the fever while away- ed to know he is recovering from the ition Hol mesville cheese carried off the ly fractured her arm, is beginningg 't BELDEN-In Howick, on Sept. 20, Jeremiah in their callin , as both are Popular the sum .of $700 heir raised for the Mrs John Plunkett returned from a mend. Rev. G. W. Andrews, B A.., Belaen a e�d 68�rsare effects of his accident. The trustees of palm, taking first prize against all corn- young men an will be much missed in three weeks visit to Ashfield on Mon- $ $, No, 1tt, have re -en a ed their r etitors. This a asks well fol our at• Holmesvtile, preached 40 ropia q' ap;,. OLIPHANT-In Qn Appelle, N. w. T., on same. 11;ir and Mre N. B. Young are fja g g p es P Se t, 4 w. Oliphent aged 7a this neighborhood. Miss Wilson, Ciin- visiting friends in Detroit at y• Mre James Gibson, �r., is at re- entteacher, Miss M.Izzard, for another ions, factory and es eciall our maker much appreciated sermons }n theittte . �RMIJTRON(I-In r'Iowiok, on Sept. is. W. J, ton, ave an excellent address to the g present. P Y g sent taking a holiday wit East a- year; she is a good teacher and is ver Mr Johnston, and when we take iii est of the educational fun ast $abt4tliN -Armstrong, aged ss. members of the mission band last Sat- Mre G. Gibson, of Gqdarich, is visitingY y friends in town at Aviinosh friends. Root. McKenzie and o ular with the^scholars and residents that some of the cheese shown tock let on the Bayfield circuit; :Y, 1 '' tttlH;tVa71i>¢i sOTHERAN-In. Fordwioa on Sept, 17 the present. Mies He - popular wife of A. C. Sotheran, of a daughter. urday afternoon. Mre Allen who spent family spent $unday at Jas. Win -or we.ell sustained. Mr Clarliii??? fl r WILSON -In Fordwich, on sept, i8, the wife the summer at the home of his son J. wick of Auburn is visiting friends in mill's, boundary line. Wm. Mills and of that section: atAT HOME.-HThe members of -Holmes- has the contract for flxiii "r piirisc„I 11 h � of M Wilson, of a daughter. Allen of Northwest Territory, has re- town and vicinity. > Moran Jones were arriong the excur- ville council were At Home to their Methodist church here; a compete,° YOUNG -In Detroit on Sept. 27, Annie E LEAGIIE.-The hall earl el Westfield Young, third daughter of Jamieson Reid, turned home. Messrs H. Reed and A. y p ection of sionista to Niagara Falls last week, friends from Varna on •M-°nda even• and agreeable artisan, Mr Milie r'I b�j .; •'Goderich, aged 24 years and 8 mouths, McBeth have returned from, the Old officers of the Epworth League of the Frank and James McIntyre, of Nile, ANNIVERSARY. -.-Anniversary ser- fn when a ver ple,tsan t evening was of our popular masons, attends. tt thej. Country. A. McEwen, of Cleveland, Methodist church was held on Tuesday were guests of their brother, Wm. Me- mons will be preached in the Methodist spent. The members of Varna council exterior of the edifice. a .1 ' SALE REGISTER is visiting his mother, Mrs A. McEwen, evening when the following officers Intyre, one day this week. Hugh Fin- church, Westfield, on Sunday, Oct. 10. furnished an excellent program, ram a er From another correspondent "' ,- IA" The August cheese has been disposed ivere elected for the ensuing half yyear: *an, of Crew, Ashfield, visited at Mr by Rev. W. W, Shepherd, Principal of which the ladies of thephnrne council , Hon Pres. Rev, Rigsby; Pres. V. W. Plunkett's last Monde Mount Elgin Industrial Institution Non's. - Mr Jae. Pollock, of, ,itis, f4+ihl„,'.,,�,ti - Farm stock of Andrew Reid, lot u, con. 7, of to Mrv$mith, Centralia, for 9;}e per + + g Y; , y. Mica Annie g• , an provided a lunch of coffee and cake. Queen's, has returned from an eXtQtldw: Hallett, on Satuiday, Oct. 2, D. Dickinson, ib, and will be shipped tbia week... The Taman; let vice pres., F. V. Denstedt; Dobie, of Nile, Silndayed with her sis• ex -President of the London Conference. r►.Auctioneer. E. Krealing� ter at Mr Feagan'e. Miss Carrie $ervice at 10.30 a, m., 2.30 and 7 . q1, a hope we may be able to meet our ed ,sit to Manitoba; he was seren'ad11. `� _ farmers may con ratulate themselves 2nd vice ores., Rec. Sec., by the Bayfield braes band on. Mozifla •d Sale of farm stook of Mrs M. A. Brown lot Y B friends on snrh occasiot,s oftener in the _.__csa, oon..12 Hnllet on Tuesda .Oct_. __. C that.�h ._.have ot_.their.� _Mise Ste9ens; dor Sec., E..Moeer.;a_reas. Mills is at... re4ont.._in _B�y _th .lealTtin Clollections in_, and pf. TrusG_i. 2 -_. is s, z has, g -corn. safely _ P tea meetfn _ ... _.-- _.. _... _ _ .__ evening Rev* Mr Muit,- of $rurcI Hamilton, soot. .secured from the destructive clutches . .O i�tenden;organist,Miss Bentley. the dressmaking Dr. llfi of Dun ._. _..•.g_ -will be held on bond Y fOANNIVL'RSARY. - Anniversary ser- s ent Monday ntght at the malleo' ;', of the frost, as the very severe frost on Bannon, spent l3unday at his father's, evening, Oct. 11, when a sumptuous vices in connection with the Holmes- O Stanbur , B; A., returned to Tibtiip; Monday night would render uncut . Leeburn deputy reeve 11[edd. Mise M. Church, tea will be served by the ladies to the villa Methodist will be held on Oct. 10- y YOU are a J UDC corn almost valueless for feedin Mr NOTES. -The lecture given bore on who was sojourning at her aunt's, Mrs basement of the church, after which to last week t° attend .lectures 4't ' A. McEwen, Cleveland, and Dr . Me Y evening b Rev Jas. Johnston returned to her home pro ram will be tendered 11. Rev W. Ayers will preach -at 10 a. node hall. Don't forget the Ba c g Frida an excellent p P g y oho Young, g m, and 7 p. m., and Rev B Clement, of chow, g ;; i, Yon have worn enough bate; yon can Ewen, Detroit, are spending a few days of Hamilton, on the 'History of the in Goderich last week. Miss M. A. in the auditorium. Addresses are ex- Ontario street church Clinton will tell good ones when you see them. We resting at the home of their mother; Scottish church," was very interesting, Rose leaves this week for Detroit, pasted by Revs. W. Rigs y, Blyth; B. reach in the afternoon at 2.30.' OOl- ACCIDENT. -A lad of about 14" "b" are willing you should judge those we They both look as though they were and was en oyetl by a,v0rysfair grad- where she will reside in future. Mas- Button, Dungannon, E, livant, Ben- pp ofa e, oldest son of Mr Little, ofTfftal' ience; Rev McKa ter Wyatt, lecttons in behalf of the Trust Fund of g y y prices but b able to hold their own with Uncle Sam• y a former aster, Y tt of Goderich is visiting miller, and C. H. Tiffan Wklton. berr , near W in ham, met with a ve , offer not only b' y quality. P g the church. On Monday evening a , , ., We believe that for the same quality yet: We are glad to see that Mr John acted as chairman in his usual good with his cousin, Robt. Rutledge, at public tea will he given, after which a serious accident g in Donaldson s;,sa the prices are lower here than else- Aikenhead is now able to take short manner. Sunday being childreri'sdap, Present East Wawranosh platform meeting will be held, to be mill on Thursday afternoon dk';16u: drives; we hope the fresh air may =did sermon was given to the BRICK CHURCH.- The anniversary add reseed by Revs. W. Ayers, R. Mill- week. He and another boy h&d:,gpt1.' t ,•V' where,,and that's the way we mean to soon recover him to his sten th. The children by our pastor, Rev Jae Ham- Summerhill of the Epworth League is to be held in yand, B. Clement, .T. Edge, W. Godwin, over to look atound, and get tingg .'tie have prices here g' Ilton. Mrs McIntyre g the caw happened to throw out tIl Sacrament of the Lnrd'ssupper will be yre and child, of LEAVING. -The man friends of our this church, on Sunday and Monday, in Olivant and others. observed in Union church a week from Southampton, are visiting her father, Y Oct. 8rd and 4th. Special service at Biamps.-Mr and Mrs A. J. Courtice Kana which came In contact • . lYlen s Black. -Brown and Cuba P g popular teacherMr G. M. Kitty, will be p i i Stiff Hats, lined and unlined Sunday, Oct.10th. The continued dry Mr D. Cummings. On Saturday Mra sorry to learn that Le "leaves at the I0,30 a.m. Sunday to Epwortb League have been visiting ftiends in Ashfield The first finger was „a�tl'$ered royili' all shapes, $2 and 2,28 Val- weather is very hard on fall wheat, R. Fulford slipped and sprained her close of the resent year, and will take by the pastor and an address on league and Lucknow during the past week. hand and th0 than '6`Ahd other ,muga some has not started t° grow yet. Our ankle quite severely, Mr J. Rapson, u hie residence in London where he work by W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, at Messrs W. Andrews, A. Wilson, M. were severelv'ln•ure, , lie wait L"bu nes, very sipeciAl at....TBets merchants had a visit from Mr Brown from near Harlock, paidfriendsa short ' 7.30. Monde evenin a fins enter- Macon ,S. Ferris, D.Wilson and arum- over to the ,gti3 of Dr. ta�ppktl will study for the ministry; be will be Y g where his rtl+tfttYmds wale dreesed.r':„:. r ;} 1p0 far stiff hats, Brown and Ihem feel School of Pharinacy,hemade Crich this week. Mr and Mrs Geo. greatly missed from our midst, as he tainment will be given. The program her more took in the excursion to Nia- was very fmieh CGlstrate ,,b the; b Black, the, very latest styles, them feel rather unpleasant for a while, Crich, T ickeramitb, spent a short time has always taken. an active part in will consist of music, literary n mbere gara, Friday,and reported a good time. for a couple of c'`it d; bet a ab U �2 and 2 80 but nothing more serious. Great im- with friends Isere on Frida Master and addresses b Revs, W. W. Leech School was closed Wednesda after- $ . church and Sunday school work, but y �, y removed $urad:tiy 'aftbr000p tb” 't;1j ' i provoments have been made in our Alex. Clutton, from Hamilton, who and C. O, Oouzens. Collections tL all hoon so that all could attend the Olin - we hope our lose will be his gain. He N M'eti�'s son Felt Hats, new shaves Poet Office. has been with his uncle here for about is clever, conscientious Dung man services in aid of league work, ton Fair, which was Very good. Ac- home of his 'frier M0 Totmoo�, . . colors black and brown, 80c, two months, left on Monday for home, and the best wishes of his man friends cording to reports agricultural fairs are Goderich townehl�i. 78a and $1 Zurich. intending to stop o8 a few days at will accompany him, V Colborne not what they used to be, and is it any — •�*+•- -+r i Stratford. wonder, for nowadays evert one horse •'den's Flat Brown Fedoras 1.80 FALL FAIR.-The;fall fair held at Zur- NOTES. -Mr J. Johnston and wife MARRIED. -On Tuesday, Sept. 28th, town has its exhibition; every not have The Christian Guar,y#sin. bhui-alltttl(liii ` and $1.78 - ich on the 22nd and 23rd was a grand Hilly► 'spent Sunday in the village. Mr Al- Mr Clarence Walters and Mise Lizzle only one,in the count Cheri one would' the father of Mr ,§, sill •-.+�M success. The display in the palace was FIRES. -Bush fires aro raging in in Ha berr MoBrien, of ,Mitchell, called on Morrish were united in the holy bonds Y y+ Thomas J. Polly, Ainhoxpt;. uiliintl, expect something pretty, good, provid- 'Theg g y friend, around here on Sunda Mr of matrimony by Rev Mr Olivant at g aton, warr oalled to hip tow dB6}�t u . ors School Oaps 180 and 28e tap to farmer years, except the rnotand township swamp, e ion winds on y ing it was held ata suitable place- For some months a sritxar: I .11 It Ladies' Tams 38c fruit crop3. The outside department Saturday and $undo fanned the and Mrs J. H. Lowery spent $aturd�a_y the parsonage. Holmeaville for inatance. Mr J.Elford � was well up to any other year. There flame, until now thedangeas assum- and Sunday at the home of Mr A. H. NOTES. --A greatnumher of the young Wingham, is visiting hie son,H.Elford. but role be is at rest. He itiAit 4pe' " every food thing costs an effort, &.0d was a good show of cattle pigs, sheep,, Plummer, Myth. Mr Harr McVittle people have the measlesand grip. Mia, eight years old and spent tt 6ft who, „ + q g + P t4 + ce dollars pact aria rtliltny hundred if p P g P• of his litehere� coming out frortr xit4 reading par oar Bas' a the you you pay for horses and poultry. The attendance dollars worth of dams a has alread North Bay, is spending his holiday, Lizzie Stewart; and Mrs Fred $cokes eonstanie country young He ,,' 0'. the pnr3haeing advantage you possess over was much larger than it has bean for been done. Farmers lie ng in that vis among his relatives and friends here. have inflammation,on the lungs;along count when a ono ms'Ii'r your lees enlightened neighbor years past, and the gate receipts exceed intty say that fibt in may gehra has Mr Smith Xilty, Clinton, spent a.,fe'w with the rest.' Mr Wm. Vanstone. sr., ANNIvxnsAR4.--On Sunday, Oct. 10, thoroughgoing business na`a'ii, hr►+Fing. lastyear's,b6ndithe officers of the vociety the fire fiend so severely' raged ae at days this week with his brotber, G. M. had the misfortune tisfall from a p1ntn harvest borne anniversary services will cumulated much wealth.. His d8iril�NiI T. Jacks on, �r., Minton are well pleased with the whole show. the present time, with np possible Kilty. A number of our citizen, took tree atld got a good shaking up also a be held preaching tci be at 2.30 and 7 bo graatly regretted by the maaiay f> i0 The weather could not have been more chance ofletting u unless we eta in the Goderich fair last week. Mr ., ,rained ankle. C. L, Fisher and Mrs Plm. do the following, aliar- the family. He was a. d'eyodia ilhirldI "Victoria Bloc Ebttibliphed 1851. - g P g Lower sold a fine mare re curl at a pp vest home tea will be held, ofwhich fur+ and a memlfiner ei the MethCdipf Oils +' Block, 'favorable, good shower of rain, good fig ure. y Pickard rtlpited the for'tner s parents on ther notice will be given. whioh he was the flnanaiat {liar; , g g Saturday. t 101 - I L.. ,:;f 1 1 f L;,.,,'�' I 11 0 ( q*I 14 I.., .... . I 11111 I .. I f ' � A F,�y I 1- .11� ¶� a v 1- �' . .1 . . . I 11 .!: .. _. 1. 1,. . .. 1. .111 I I L I ''I". 1. - 11:� I I . 1. .. r' 4 L,` .11 , ,1 . I , "'. ;.I ,. r 1.1. ,.. I 1. 1. .1 . I I L, ' r' .. 1. I—- . -1. ', �, ' '', L '' I ., I .. '. r11111.1 'L I L 1:1 . I., . I ," , I 1.11 I . .. 1. 1, I . ­ , 1 :, - I 11 , L . .1. 1 I I 1 .1 F `.��_ '1 9 `F ', I . �,. Y: it:'ate iii. ;M'�'. � . _ L ,I L'... ,:�, IL ,1,1, -L, . I rh-.. �. I..*�+'• �'' ..t i1.Sr_ .>., ti _ s':� _._+_` illi` ra+ Al..+..4 r:- A.:_ m:.ti .1,. i.-�e.'J '�R��B "6: i, 3a:.r t ll�Arr _ _ rliii�iif .Il9h lit ::.'_n .l>.r�y, t g jur'hiifiw.. .