HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-21, Page 7L11 1]('1 Vili,-NCV, 24, nee.
VrorJd's Tzweraa're Sn;:day,--Roan. r
t''nuur'nta'y,-J, Our duty to others
Iv,, 12-11), 12. so then -Difficult pro-
blems tern confronting the early church.
'Die questions of meats and drinks and
the observance of days 001'e nearly rend -
Mg the ehurrh. 10 the first part of the
chapter Paul exhorts then to have
L'hrir'tinn (ha'ity one for the other. The
31n1,y true solution must spring from the
Inn' of love. every one of us -The high,
an well as rho low, the rich as well as
the poor, lite learned as well as the ig-
norant, the ,1ew as well as the Gentile.
shill give necomit..-Of his own spiritual
life lord mit of the weaknesses dad fail-
ures of others. 1n view of this, wily all
this contradicting, sensoring, clashing,
contending and criticising among Chris.
Duns)! WO must give an nccannt of ho
00' spend our time, talents and oppor-
Unities. 13. let us not„ .,judge-judg-
mem bcluugetl unto the Lord. Do not
usurp his prerogative by passing judg-
❑0'a1 on Wyse unn-esoentials. Let us
nlluw' to our brclhren the saute liberty
we drmaott•for nurse]ves. ,judge this
rather --Instead of censuring our breth-
ren let 110 turd the judgment upon our-
selves, scnrell 011• mw11 liellOs and be
00101(ll aloud our own cont1001 and in-
fluen(e. a stumbling Klock'= -Any cause
of slu:nbling, nr auylhiug.ttiltt will lend
a brother to ball into sin.'i.'WC aloold
avoid those things that would have 'a
tendency to discourage, hinder, mislead
or prejudirr any Christian (Matt, 19:7;
Luke 17:1; 1 COI'. 10:32),
• 14, 1 l:nnw--By the light of his own
nm(icrstaul'ung, persuaded by the Lord
deme -Assured by a particular revela-
tion from lilies -Benson, nothing unclean
of itself -No hind of meat is essentially
wrong or unlawful under the gospel dis-
pewit Licn, ' ('amain things were pro-
nuunee3 ml•elc;ln to the ,Jew by the low
of \loses, for their religions training, an 1 their 01 puma tion from other nations.
It was not le:auae there was anything
essentially wrong in the use of them
(let; 10:13-1i ; 1 Tim. 44). to him that •
eslec neLh-\Vito in his conscience loofas
upon it as wrong. to 1110, it is unclean -
lie may be mistaken in his conception
of duty, but it is wrong, for hint to vin-
lat,, his own sense of duty. The con-
science is the arbiter of personal and in- ,
divhhaal duty. if n man goes against
his own conscience, he is doing wrong;
for/to do what one thinks to be wrong
has the saute effect as though it were
voting, some be yields in heart to con-
sent to 010 evil. The ,lowish converts
who believed 10 the distinction between
clean and unclean meats, would have
dove want„ hnd they acted eontlnry lu
Omit' consciences, Dr, ,Cocke says, "It
is a grant blowing to have a w'elbii-
101Med conscience; it is n blessing to
have a tender eolscience, and even a sore
conscience is better than none."
13. brother be grieved -Thy weak fel-
IOw-ehl'intiatt be injured o• Lord, 00 as
to stumble in Ids conduct, thou walk -
031; no lunger in love (ll. 1'.)-Tlie law
Has Been Used by the Good Sisters of the Academy of Grey Nuns in
Aylmer, Quebec, and at St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria, B. C.,
With Great Success.
Their Words of Praise and Recommendation Need No Special Qualification—ani Will Inspire Hepe in
Many a Drooping Spirit—They Know Whereof They Speak
The wonderful record that PSYCHINE
has made for it alt in restoring to
health when ail other remedies and 1e'92en
doctoro have failed, has become well
known throughout the Dominion of
Canada Asi a throat, lung, and stomach
restorer, P8YOEBIN3 has never, had an
equal, We herewith attach a few of the
statements from the moot reltwble peo-
ple who have find considerable expert-
enoe with PSYt»IINE.
On Juno 28th, 1907, this testimony
come from the Sister Superior of the
Academy of Grey Nuns, Aylmer, Que-
"Atteriving your excellent tonic
PSYtiHIN1 a trial, the Sister who has
taken 1t testifies that 1t llum done her
a great deal of pod. Will you kindly
send two more bottles as soon as poi,
slble." Signed.
Academy vi Grey Nuns, Aylmer, Que.
And was followed by another on July
"Your very kind letter is to hand,
rind I thank you gory much for the at-
tention you Iavo given to orders for
Payolline. Will you kindly send by
express, prepaid, six more bottles of
I'eychine. 1 11111 giving it to another
ono of our Sisters here, and we find It
very satisfactory, and we hope that by
the time the next six bottles are used
that these Sisters will be reestabltsldish-
ed In health," Respectfully,
And still further words of praise, on
July 30th: -
pies and convictions, even though they
' - 11(03' be wrong rind mistaken in some of
them. All things .,..., inure -Al] meats,
the thing about which they disagreed,
are lawful, hat "the man who either cats
rullt19103' 10 his own conscience, so
113 10 grieve, and stumble another, does
at otvil net," 21. It is good -Honorable,
noble. wort.h3'. FelGdeniul for the good
of others is one 'of the noblest of virtues.
Whereby thy brother stmubleth-It here ,
menus, spiritually, anything by w111011 11
man is so perplexed in his mind as to-do
prevented from making due progress in
the divine life,
22, Ilaat thou faith -That is, Do you
believe yourself to be in the right? Con-
demreth not himself -''Phot roan only
can enjoy peace of conscience who acts
according to Ole full persuasion of the
lawfulness of his conduct. 23, Doobteth
is condemned (14, V.) -The plain mean- t
ing is Wal the ono who ate that which
he believed to bo forbidden by the bnv
cinulltted sin and Wall "condemned" be- a
cause lie ate.
Questions, -By whom and to whom ,
was this epistle written? Where, when,
wily was it wn'itten) By when wits it
sent to ]Rome? What discussion was g"- f
hag on in the church at hones h1 what,
were they to hove chnrilyf 1YImt deem
the law of love forbid? flow is find's b
weds sometimes destroyed? What is the 1
nature of the kingdom of God? 11ow
min we "edify onathe•(" Show that in-
temperance dues 111e exact opposite of 1
this, Who enjoys pence of conscience?
Temperance instruction- There are ,
certain things about which good people
have u difference of opinion as to their
lawfulness, but the temperance question (
'nitwit be listed ]n that class. The use 1
of iutoxicante is an evil, and tho only i
right 000181 is to totally abstain, aid I,
lunch nut, taste not, handle not:' ]t it
is dangerous th take even 000 glass. No o
man is sale who touclle•s it. Mon du
Ihll Zoog remain moderate drinkers, No
druuknrd expected to be a drunkard. 1,
The tiling we must do if we would save J
our homed bud our nation is to kill the
liquor traffic. We must destroy this „
monster of 11 will destroy us.
1, Individual responsibility. "Each one I,
01' us aTioll give ncomtt of himself to
God" (v. 12), 1'01011 one of us Must learn Ic
and eat and drink and sleep for himself.
Each one of us must die by himself, w
The pronouns of the Bible me mph -
tie. "Ye must be born again" (John 3, I,
7). "Work tint your own salvation 101111
fear :tut trembling„ (Phil, 2. 12), "lie
ye herefore perfect" (310 t. 5, 48). Con -
aider "thyself lest thou also bo tempted" F
(Gal. (1, I), "Rea one of ns shall give
account of bifl
ntsalf to at."
11. Judgment, "Let us not, therefore,
judge one another any more'' (v, 13). 1,
Judging is arrogance. "\\'hl, aro t;um
that judgest another?" (v. 4; Jan, 4, le
12). Aro you infallible? Is there 110 pas- 43p
siuility that you are mistaken?
2, Judging is useless. "Who are thou 11'
that 3udgcst another man's servant? To 3•
his own master he eltndetli or 111 Id l0''
(v, 4). In
3. Judging ie Presumption, "Why in
dost thou judge thy brothers?.,. nee on
shell all stand before the judgment
Rea; of Christ' (v. 10), Judging is cu
Christ's work, not ours. We usurp CO
Ids prerogative when we judge en. 1'r
other to be bigoted, or wrong, or wicks bo
of save torous tau coag of attytumg
that would injure myself or others, de-
stroy nut him --Be not, on account of
yu'lr rash and uncharitable emiditct, 101
1n,asion bf your brother's sin and cun-
den111a.tion, 1'o injure a [Hatt in his (dr.
0111walnne018 is batt; to injure hitt iu bis
person is worse; to injure mint 111 Ilio
reputation is still horse, and to iuji1ru
hie soul is 11301381 of all.--Clarke.
11, 011r ditty to God (vs. 18.19). 10. Let
not then your good -Your Christian
liberty and indepetdunco in Uhrist, lie
evil spoken of -Be misunderstood, 'so
that you will be blamed if your fellow -
Christians be led astray by your lack of
love for them, 1'rove'your good inten-
tions by showing respect to Another's
ideas, Never exult over your sound
judgment at the expense of another's 1i0-
17, Kingdom of Goth'1S'ue, pure,
Mid male filed religion; colied the king-
dom of Uod, in distinction to earthly em-
pires and confederations, and also the
legal dispensation of :doses. "As it king-
dom it hike its laws -the precepts of the
gospel; its subjects -all who believe in
Christ .!esus; and its King -the Server.
vigil of heaven and earth.' Not meat
:dd drink ---IL dues not consist in the
observance of certain outward rites and
religious ceremonies. Ila! righteousness
-Pardon of sin, and holiness of heart
and life; uprightness, integrity. Peace -
Both with God and nam Joy -That
which is unspeakable and full of glory---
part of the fruit of the Spirit 'The king-
dom of God consists of the enthronement
of these pure principles in the heart. It
has no sin, strife or misery in it.
18. In these things -The Jew and the
Gentile who have these principles of the
kingdom in 10111. 00100(12 Christ -Lives
in obedience to Christ's uonlmands, and
Hikes such a 0010813 n0 is well -pleasing to
hind. Aueptable to trod-Wltothcr he be-
lieves in all the non -essentials or not.
"(l(1:l is u1^.^sr1 ‘011.11ch 11 rata n one though
11e lie nut. in uv','rytltiug ,just of our
length," Our first and highest duty is
to please (rod, approved'of men -0f all
wise, honest 810 good men.
4 111. V11 131 0 11 8 admonitions (vs. 19.23),
10, Follow'..,.pcac(, -I'at away cunicu-
00110 about non-c,asenlinls and insist on
the essentials of Christianity'. This, how.
ever, often involves what rattily cal] the
"little tidings;" Edify another-Encour-
nee and aid those things wh(c'h build rip
Christian character, ' intemperance does
the exact opposite of thin. 11 destroys
good morals, eoctnt standing, the hone,
happiness, character and soul. 20, For
111ml-A small and trifling matter. De-
stroy not the work --Tic W011: of faith
1'l the hearts of men is God's work (Eels
2: 10). Do not hinder the progress of
religion 111 the soul of man, by the care.,
less disregard of their nonscieetious Berm
"We are very grateful for your
prompt answer to our order. We are
in receipt of the six bottles of Pay-
able safety. Please acoept our 01n -
cern thanks, also for seeding them al -
pines prepaid, The second biater who
Imo begun to take Payehlne feels that
it is doing her a groat deal of good,
00 I have given it now to a third Me-
ter, We are very well satisfied with
it, and I have recommended it to moa
of our houses, and 1 think you will
reeedve orders from thous, I enolooe
a cheek. Minty thanks for your kind-
Aoadcmy of Grey Nuns,
Aylmer, Que., July 30th, 1907,
And in a letter doted as late as Sep-
tember let, this eagle good Sister Srtp-
orlor, la a letter to 1)r. Slocum, says:
"We have found PSYCHINE an excel-
lent tonic, mud wish you every, success
in the ado of three excellent remedies."
ewes' later ees' the following from
this same institution which is doing so
much on behalf of the religious senti-
ments of the community:
"Please send us six bottles of PSY-
CHINEwt 00011 as possible, express pro-
pnid Its usual, and send us the bill.
We thank you for the good work Ilia
excellent remedy is cluing 111 our institu-
Aylmer Consent,
Aylmer Eclat, Que,
And to this we add the "good words"
for Poydtine from the Sister Superior
of a well-known institution in the
ed because he differs from us in th
non -essentials in which each is coo
manned to "be fully persuaded i
hi., 0,18 mind" (v. 5).
111. Judge (v. 13), Iiea1 i; a Bible.
paradox We aro forbidden to ,fango'
rho motives of men, "the hidden
things...,the couusele of the hearts"
(1 Cor, 4: 5). Forbidden io judge '.'pc-
oording to ippenrnnces"'(John 7: 24).
P07+0(1(10;1 to judge one another for
not keepingJewish ordinances (Col.
3: 11). Forbidden to bulge others a1'
regards eating or drinking 'or service
(vs 3, 4). Pail did not judge'Apol
los (t Cor. 16: 12). We aro to judge,
sinful deeds, as Paul did the forni
enters of Vorinth (1 Cor, 0: 3), and
Peter judged Ananias 0113 Sapphire
(,lets 0,: 3), and John judged Dio-
trephes (3 John 9). We nro to ,iudge
he words of professed teachers (1
Cor, .10: 1b) to "prove all things; hold
tort that which is good" (1 These.
'1: 11). Above nil we are to "judge
ourselves" (I Cor. 111 31) as to words
acct deede and motives. numIV. Stepping -stones, "No nn put
n mumbling -block, or an occasion to
all, in his brother's way" (v. 13).
'It is good not to eat flesh, nor 1,0
lrink wine, nor to do anything wilcre-
y thy brother et.umhieth" (v, 21), We
lave no right to be stutnitling-blgrks.
God 111011118u8 to be stepping -stones.
No right to be a hindrance. (rod
nems us to help.
V.. Walk in love. "If because of
tient thy brother is grieved, thou
wafkest no longer in love" (v. 15),
Lose not only "thinketh Ito evil"
J Cor. 33:5), but "love worketh no
11" (13: 10), A Sunday school super-
ntendent went to the theatre. Af-
erwnrd, learning (lint n number of
le .school twits ill, 110 coiled to sect
int, (31111 1nund him hopeless of sal -
alien. "113' dear boy," he began,
Jesup will—" "Hush!" was the
rfld answer; "don't tulle to me about
esus. Three months ago 1 Dar ,you
O to the theatre, and that caused
10 to 1,10, and to -day I nun n. lost soul,
lel you are the cause of it," That
utterieten(lcnt said he world have
len willing to give his life -work if
O could have recalled that act.
VI geek pence (1 Pet, 3:11), "Fol -
'w after the things which rake for
0900 (1,13 .,edify" (v. 10), "Bo
'filling to part with n little of your
1:11 ground, rather than that your
rother's liaise should remain un-
fli' A. G, M,
• western capital, Hr Et. Joseph's Bos•
pita!, of Vittoria, B.C. On July 30U1 the
following letter came to lit, T. A.
Bloom, Limited, Toronto:
"I am happy to soy that we have
used Peyehlne with great suacesa, and
have ordered half a dozen more bottles
through our local house hese. Thank-
ing you ones more for introducing your
valuable medicine, I am gratehtlly,
8t, Joseph's Hoap(tn], Victoria, B. 0
To be followed by these confident
expressions of praise in a letter on
Sept. let: -
"I have ordered over it dozen large
bottles of PSYCHINE since the be-
ginning of July, and can truly say it
la giving exoetleut results, Eloping
malty more may be benefited by the
valuable modicino. Yours sincerely,
SL Joeeplie Hospital ,Victoria, B. Q
PSYCA.3INE, pronounced (SI•keon) is
the most manclous throat, hog, and
stomach healer and general bade that
has ever bean sold to liar.- piddle. It
has built up a reputation which has stead
the test al sixty year's, 11 is 'proscribed
today by many p1yeici0ns who know
that in PSYCIIINN there is a tuck for
WI forme of run down system, from
what ever cause, that cannot he equal-
led. It curse coughs, brotchitis, colds,
lumbago, night sweats, chills, anaemia,
and all mu down or emaciated condi.
Hons. For sole at all druggists for bot
and $1, or, at Dr, T. A. Slocum, Ltd,
179 Ring street west, Toronto.
n Sensational Suit of James Henry
Against Wm. Mothersill.
Husband and Father Accused of In-
human Cruelty,
Freeland, 1'a„ Nov. 1S. -Peter Po -
sky, nn liekley miner, (108 held in
3000 for court to -day by Squire Bock -
3' for attempting to kill iris wife and
rear -old child.
Neighbors, attracted by tho cries,
orae open the door and found 1110
other and 3 -year-old child unconscious
the floor.
The child was suffering from a deep
L across the forehead. The woman's
11110ion was Bitch ns to arouse the
oetost indignation. Tho condition of
th victims is precarious.
1 Brampton despatch: 'Minnie Henry,
daughter of John Henry, who is ,suing
William liothosill fur 31)10,0011 for alien-
ation of his wife's affeeliuns, was a pa-
thetic figure on the witness Hlhlld when,
telling of adult, she luul seen in I.he
house, She declared she and. the girls
hid behind 100 piano in the front 'room
and witnessed n meeting between 31oth-
-ersill and Mrs, Henry,
l'he w'ptimes bro0e d0w(f repeate,lly
while telling her story to llsrll'y 1)uw-
arl, 1s l'., counsel for the plainl.iff,
sill tiff the farm on ane occasion, and
at another time o11 their return from
of drive to Georgetown they tbuld thein
hither crying on the steps,
.(0 1(('10001 file IIlulll:f 01',, 1-1 tltL
north Wills of the hous, (11000. "1
lhi:ak slid is 000000-Lvarted," 811.1 than
cul "W11111 is your nu,itudcf'
"11'e love her, she is 0(10 ntuther,"
said 1110 witness, brokenly, llothersill
sal i1 the court, ruddy -faced and
The witness swore that in 1902 :Ho.
thersill tlu•entcned to kill her because
.,he WOO 1.1 nut 10a110 11101 ;8113 her 11110
lh01 1601(0.
Curious Apparitions Seen in Connecti-
cut Cemetery.
Noll' fork, Nov, l8,'l'Ito \Vrold has
received the iolluw'iug despatch from
)Vinelc3, Conn.: dolor hall, stage driv-
er between Snndisfield, 1100,8., and !Vin- ,
surd, driving' past the old burying•
gr0uud i11 North Colebrook at twilight,
saw' hug horns loom up atb0(0 the Land
gravestones and move noiselessly nboll.
110 knee it wits 110 optical iluwiou, be-
cause itis -houses at sight 0i the ghost.
like figures snorted and shied.
Rehire sunset lust evening llul1 told
his family he Was Doing down to the
cemetery to learn, it p0 ,ible, the source
from w,1(111 the burying -ground got it,
laking a 80at on a bank opposite the
place 11'hl9'e the 1010ns, had appeared, b1'
awaled lhe appiiritinn, '1'ln'ce Ggmre9
appeared. Iamb was a largo buck deer
with handsome shredding antlers.
1101(3 fell:, who have been :1(1001 t:'
((((0 pato,.,.c spook-;tau:lied (('0(0,193
'tic 10l:ing courage.
f11 13.000 SAVES [BABY'S LIFE.
00 1'iic Interne Dives Un Ei(3nt Ounc-
es of For Child.
('Mester, 1'a., Nov. 19. -The life of lit-
tle Alice ;short lla0e-, a 2 -year -odd grand
daughter of Coleman 101iley, of Chester,
was saved by the heroic action of a bus-
pi111 interne, name unknown, 111(0 al-
lowed eight ounces of his bland to be
taken fruit flint to save her life nt the
L'oivetsity Hospital.
She is the daughter of Coroner John
Bailey, of Clinton county, std was hur-
ried to the hospital after a physician's
diagnosis, before -her mother and father
could dress,
t'i;UE 'i 'I liE LAST'.
Remained Constant to Accused Man,
Visiting Him Daily in Jail, Win•
ning Regard of the Officials -Af-
fecting Parting With Mother,
Buffalo, Nov. 18.--Ilarlcy Stublmiller
will be token to -day to Auburn, whore
ho will bo placed in the State ('t'inuu by
Criminal Deputy Barry 801101. (4,341.•
miller pleaded guilty to murder in tit
second degree on Monday, thus Itvertm
a possible verdict of murder in the first
degree, the crime fur wlult. rue wa
indicted because. of his ehootoag caul
killing of George Dittnaut, u .,ur,u
Collins farmer,
Stulllmiller spent nearly all of ye,
lerday, through the kmd,a',;s u1 dotal'
11 mit, in last e1changes of greetings
and discussion of iia hostas ((•11(1 its
mother, his brothers and 10(111 fanny
friends of his family and Itinmcif who
called at the jail. Thu young maul is
said to have said: little 0uuccr0ilb lute
self shoe lie wan sentcneed uy 0041(02
11u03w-0r3 uu Monday afternoon to
Auburn l'rismt fur n term which any
be not lea, thin tv,cnly gents, w$Iea
may b' fur lits lifetime, 111 the discretion
vl add Jtat' pra0uliuu 0)0(3era.
At the lea rung betty :'ell mother and
A0a1 1119 1(03140(0, 6,2(3i1(g4 ((Id Ito
realization of the hainoILalles0 of his
Mod or ui tyle .sorrow wltle8 it has
brought In the aged woman, 8tuhl-
miller impressed upon quivering lip,; a
111,8 that to onlookers seemed chilly
II lid (11'01.1'11'08, 1lie 100Lfldl' 111 l'o:ol
aw'0.y 011 the arm of :mother son, u
faithful broiler to Marley, and, gasping
the words, "Good-bye, be a good buy,"
tottered out of the ;once.); office,
lute brothers, muuhke, ,sial„ chair bast
words quidJy and coded tau painful
_Another r one -- a young woman -
waited shyly in a hunter, 131,1 not until
the '°'brag of Ow Riot her (03,1 the
sold:log of the la others 033(31 b_ lr_ard
nu inure slid Promise Alf ttut:dly 80.11
(ortv1rd had extend ho'- hand to her
sweetheart, '1 lie two \t lics(0rcd Logetner
for a fen' minute., and 1ina;ly 1h ' young
tvunnln turned away. Skald:miller-his
' eyes 1(1(8171 with leafs, the 311y ((00'), it
wits said, that forced themselves into
his eyes during the lust hours of parl-
ng--lcisaiug ]''lureuce upon her cheek and
saying in feeble tones:
"lluud-bye, Florence, .good-bye."
Stuhlmiller was led bird: into the
cell 01,
frac'00ases .01f, good -looping and 101,1.
some, a country girl, plain, simple
affectionate and true, chryin'd lbs ,um
of it woman friend, thanked Jailer
Bunt for Ills kindness, and, w'itb team's
rolling down her checks, walked nut tit
,Ire J,(;1,
Flul'enca Alf is. about 22 years of
apse, the daugb(er, it, i; said, of hum-
ble bat excellent. parents. She way
reared a simple eouou'y girl, .ay Stuhl-
11I10l' was hul'il.:lud broil a plain coun-
try buy, The two had known cath other
ince c1t.4Jdl!}od. 1 They lived du tile'.
They tat 4iUPi'.ufrieriago, an,1 1111, ewer -
try yo11T coucw'1 '
asst . s
haft118a•irnd care-
less :01101 Ilt'000, very :energetic, 01,1 net
eosin tit get 'along in a' umnuer 11hieh
'aides one to marry,
Ilion tier` mime to her 1nv^'1 the dc-
siu gluid:ly¢u accumphsh hi; derive, had
he i'ns tc(i)11ed !,,rub hi, friend, lie
idiot the friend, thinking (u steal '3100
with which to 131010 :i p:;3'un'r,l, 101 n
foIII, settle 11000(1 with hi., sweet l--m:n•l,
grid be hnul10. '1110 1010331,31 aorto' 1:1010-
willrr only ,030. d-1 toad 110re.s0: and tit
probability of dean or the asylum an"'
the inrunc,
Iflnrcuer .111', the simple el100Lry• girl,
with true heart and (111,10' of 800111
timber, 1'e111uiued fruitier, to her duvet,
lha•e, (wire, sometimes Music' every
weer: she made the ,journey from_ her
humble Lome in N(0011l'olliiIs 1r, this
city and spent with Stuhlhmiller in jail
the Intif hour which the law grant; -
and the fel' extra' minute.; which
strong int kind -heated jail attendants
sometimes grant by overlooking the
clock. On each . visit Fllrcnc'e Ali
brought to ,ltl(hniller little delicacies.,
dishes trade by ltornelf, and she i; said
always to have held ant to her 10030 1:
the hope that he aright cacap(1 b1''
death chilly, even that he ;I:0'11 1+')
set free,
Want Trust in Delty Declared in Now .
Ten Dollar Gold Pieces.
New Pork, Nev. 19.-,i o'eing a tender-
ey to forget the Supreme Ruler in I,hu
omission from the new 810 St, (hoiden'.s
gold (mins of the motto, "In tied \Vo l
Trust," a vigorous ((attest against the
change was i1(nde n$ the regular meet -
in; of 1,10) I'resbyterhin minister; hero
t0-01111'. A. resolution to call the atten-
tion of President Roosevelt and he
'.Treasury Department to the object inn
(tbleuess 01 the omission was tabled till
the next meeting.
because it was re3300ed 310 all rut.' yih,
100171e t:, general ''(0is.9100 fir:• ;:,ol3,1
in Iho fat:u•o. `lief,n'getfuIuc-o ws it
i! ,'cit' for
reaaal 5Gumucio] troubles,
rumheller, Crippled While Out Gun-
ning, Never to Play Again.
(Christian Guardinm)
It teas lost midnight in the crowd-
ed city hospital, tuts[ ever its unrest
ing, sleepless life had for a moment
settled down into something like re-
pose. Hero and there could be heard
the deep breathing of those to whom
pain Asnd weariness had had a mer-
e ciful,' if brief, surcease, while an oc-
casional deep groan or querulous
complaint indicated tint others were
u being denied that one blest blessing
of the weary and the sick. Passing
to and fro through ward and corridor
the nurses attended to their Melte,
• quietly, patiently, deftly, and it were
not difficult to imagine, there in the
tread of the night, that their ministry
was truly an angelic one, or that He
win know man'0 weariness mrd pain
hart come with comfort and with
heeling in His hand.
1n a room apart lay our patient,
weary. yet restless rind opon•eyeol For
a week night hnd followed day, and
had wearily crept into day again,
. and still bleep had not come, save
the fitful fleeting sleep of the opiate.
As he lay tossing to and fro, in utter
weariness, lie turned his face, no he
had mu effort done, toward the quiet
calmness of the summer night that
lay asleep outside his windtnv. And
looking at the fleekn of moonlight as
they drifted through the leafy branch•
OS of the great trees, and beyond to
whore God's eters glistened in the
eky, the thought came to him, "Why
not pray that sleep may conte?"' Por•
haps it was strange that that thought
had not come before, Ag a true be -
het er
lieter he had been able to Icy ;his
ease of life and for death in the hands
of his God, and had found grace to
leave it there unwaveringly, ' But
somehow he had felt, that -the weari•
nese mrd the pain were for himself to
hear, and he had tried, to bear them
UN loll 0010 ''lv and with what show of
courage he could OIW1ter. '13ut now
the impression 0100 strong, upon him
11101 he 0h,enl(1(py .t0 ,jp,y even, that
burden ofj'fpr d nionlent,upon the
great Burden -Bearer..
And so he prayed: 'tis told his'
Father that he loved Him, and was
willing to endure what He might lay
upon hint, but he was tired, ch, so
tired. Ile asked that Gen aught
come to him and gather hi', :,I His
arms as a Mother would her child,
and soothe and 1011 Ilia tired soul to
sleep; tint nominee his little unrest-
ing spirit might he for a little gathers ',
ed up into the great Eternal Spirit
and know the peace and rest which
pissed] un0erinuding,
9110 then ns ho 103', a strange thing.
lineeetied-n. thine flint to his dying
frau' n0 Kill tai forgo,, a tbiug that
will never appear to hint as anytllin
else then it miracle from the hon
of the Goa who worketh all ,things.
Almost in a tangible form, like the
/Birt of ('sur 11100 shower upon the
sun -parched 'field, sleep, mune down
upon hila, Hell an hour later he
wakened, just,' long enough to realize
how good. ii' was,- and then lie slept
ngnin, And Bo, ihruughout the re-
l:miuing 110010 of the night, and when
in the morning -]re owaked fully to the
realities of another day it was with
n greet peace in his soul and a feel-
ing that in very reality he had slept
with God.
And from that experience two
things abide with our patient of that
summer night -things that cannot bo
s)Ialien by all the philosophies that
'tile mind of man ever elaborated.
First, there is a faith in the love of
God ns a Iove that is tenderer and
kinder than any .that man has ever
known; and second, there is un err
during faith that • somehow in the''
grent scheme of things there is a place
for prover. How this can be it is nut
any clearer to him than it was; buC
tint it is, is now and forever one of
the axioms of his faith, Science may
talk about the unbroken' reign of law,
and the philosophies. may heap up
the difficulties mountains high, but
he can smile nt these, for he hoe been
with God, he has 'learned the secret
of the eternal, he know. And it was
worth all the suffering and the weari
cess to get this.
Hazleton, 1'a„ Nov, 18,-- (Toward
Drumheller, the crack Midler of the
(onyngh(nn Baseball 0)011, wins so badly
Wounded today as to forever 0110 lain
baseball (11recr, 11'liile out on (t hunt-
ing trip his gun expludld, blowing off
two fingers on the left hand, and badly
shattering that member,
R'1' are far too little al';;y'e,. with 1,00,
and this, 1 am persuedee,1, elle of the
saddest features fn oµ0 :-btiOdero Cls is-
han living: lit f1' tvor, k- :;wo l ', war:: • -
the Yarn,;;b800,eprzt+y',111' nt, Siar-
Jesus by ee
willed self -a
}nimbly at
\v11e'e are
fin0 wit
e heart of
ery,jttiteh from aelf-
d; toils and ,staling
t to Iet Ri.n 09017
00 His blessed work within uuraerces?
11 the Mary -like method were 0030104 01,1,1
more it might abridge eoitsiderably t
amount of work apparently trot
pIk lish01, but it would incomparably
Ylanee the quality. Whitt though
should lose. a hundredweight and
instead of it only 0 mmol --if the i
dreolweight lust were only lend. and
pound gotten were pure gold?
God is not looking fur gloat 'nen.
1/1111110 snarl men, CM rf R3,•',•'uJ1
of babes and sucklings Ile oc•ir.iva
strength. 1le is not lr,o!ci'' 101- 1,10y
men; He can get along wil.h it I'"1, lir
once said that there were inn 110013. huL
Ile never said that there were too :ow.
But He does want Wren; lie In: tom
man into partnership iu Ili, ;'. ' L, aid
dues not seem disp"sed le n'nrk v;i; toot
him, When ,jndinent is to Lr ;r:erled
from Jerusalem.'
9 Ile tells the nrephel:
"Rau yo to and fro through the streets
of Jerusalem, and Fee 1100', n11d 1:11011',
ntnl Seel: in the brand laces thereof if
,ye 0011 find n. mon. if there le nnT that
execule10 ,judgment, that seekell1` the
truth; and I will pardon it"