HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-21, Page 613 u, lir' I:' 1-01 You v n e d tie, ,,114 )11) pump, The tretdmustt of Comfit ores by a. Toronto firm is Cutsing so much annoy- ance 117 the alislluu'ge of arsenic fumes that _ petitions are Leine circulated agaht.;, lie.hal 1150• and the 101)00 De- partment is inspecting. ♦.e Wheat buying in the West is slow, The buyers say that 100017 to move the.; crop is lucking, and the softness_ 00 the wilent anal the consequept.dlfffieulty of grading it offer serious problguis. s The surplus store is es- tlnlated at 111,000. tons 1)0t, In October the stocks were reduced 14,000 tons, so that there is still a marginon which de- mand may calk Gen Booth says: 11,`Soeiolism i either loo late or too early. It should ha\ e ellrne before Eden or should oofne liter the judgment day." The Gummi has been doing some think- ing. A United States; contemporary des= Bribes in cartoon President Roose- velt's role in the financial panic as the fellow who rocked the boat, int• 'perilling others' !fees. And it is alit, too.:., .4 - We very-111111doubt if the suppres• on of meetings intended to promote 41g11011,n in Intlut trill meet the needs of. the hour, ''J o'ldraw the fires, er arn- ish , ins outlet for ) id' roarar n 4a4,1 would seem' to'r be a t rper ozonic than ;sit on the safety =001vt.' he publishing of ghost stories has he- i>pe a triiiiiS 1000x, The lave hedges the Supreme court hav'e held that tiro d%flmlp q Tree press nest pay $1,000 mages to the Owner of a ceriain house hich 1t said was h uultcd last as if ql ghost wasn't worth a suint of ori$1y tooth) property, timers are getting lower ln'fces for tile, while colslune1s pay- the old Trice: for their beef. How is it? In. soula parts of Mine there is great 051,1• .wont the beef !told -up and 1,1100 pts in; in Augusta and otllerlewns in `Iieturbee County have resolved to ab -i st0iu front beef for ten days and to de- creas;e their beef purchases permanently. A general campaign to load people to eat ..loss meat might have a good et'feet. The warden of. the Central Prison says that not one in fifty of _he young eon- t'iets sb io 41101 11 '10111 'll have S 0(1411e. That raisco the presumption that the p4 ,esslm1 of 11 tr'adee tends to pre- vent ci nue a is not only the fact 014a0 the pc session of a trade qualifies u pe ,n)a toetre a 111r - 1,'; 1 a o. i9) Citertiell of endea)41 Int the Joh d,-•.ip' 1010 acquired in iruuing it help', t 1,111 1 tip ch natter, --- • 4 a ..--.- '.17he effect of -1st' seasons' drouth id non' being seveilel, .felt, and is strongly reflected in the m its -et prices Farmers throughout the country tic short of fudder Ifor stock, and many dairymen are anxious about the future. Pastures were'00 poor that dairy herds had to be put on winter rations some time ago, and in ninny barns the stock on hand ilr winter feeding is quite inadequate 'ith hay as high ao $20-114 Toronto it quoted, as high its $22 to $24—ami W 810 and upward, while oats are in ' botiet, cattle feeding becomes an bl,Oiaca9, The dairyman who acconmodatlon, , and who pro- f ed+orpp # (it C ltWlLy, is for - so happily ing' their here is a nd it is felt. 73utter, 11gh as to be a or the housekeeper, will prob. higher during the winter. say they get much lower prices on the hoof than formerly, as animals sold are not in the pink condition, being parted with to reduce the demand on the fodder and grain supply. 1f the farmer gets less for the live animals, the beef consumer does not seen to profit, Rs there has been 00 de- cline in beef prices at retail. 'l'0 mak matters writs for thedairymen, root crops have been lighter than usual- Bow - ever, his position is better than that of the consumer. Ile can hi some measure make up in higher prices fqr 1110 shortage of; his product, but the housewife must have the goods and must economize in other directions to meet the cost. And the fanner tvould far rather have largo crops and fair prices than scarcity and excessive dearness, SHILOH'S to g,& coldt CURE Get a bottle to -day from your druggist. If it doesn't cure you QUICKER than anything you ever tried he'll give you your money back . .. .. .,., , ....:,..ancessamarassissarre,.., azueeas.r�+r.....as Shiloh s is the best, safest, surest and quickest medicine for ye -en's coughs and colds. - It has been curing coughs and colds for 34 yea,-,. - druggists - 25c., 5oc., and $1,00 a bottle, cos A Helping Hand, When the foreign missionary had eon - eluded his talk, he made the usual ap- peal for contributions, however small, Coining up to the platform with several others, a small boy mooted to the level of the lecturer and hastening to- ward him, said: "Please, sir, I was very much inter- ested in your lecture, ail—and—' "Go on, my little man," said the 111Js- siona•y, encouragingly. "You want help 01 the good work?" "Not exactly, sir; said the boy, "What 1 want to know is, have you any foreign stamps you don't want.?" --Sia cess Magazine, BETTER THAN SPANKING • Spanking does not cure children of bed- wetting. There le a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs, M. Summers, Box W. 3, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her sucooseful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money but write her to -day it your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances aro it can't help 1t ibis treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night, ore Select Good Men, Anyway. (Toronto Saturday Night.) If wage earners want to moor) an influence in Parliament, let them form no party, exact no pledges, lino up nowhere to he crushed by forces alwaye superior t0 them. Let them, instead, be openly what Choy truly are, party -men as dyed in the wool as any others, but let them concentrate their ener- gies an nominations—not elections—and see that men of character and worth are put la the Dela. � 'ILiiltV4 "It's simply astonishing the way Ste George's Baking Powder has taken hold of my customers," " They say it makes lighter, tastier, finer -grained I3iscuits and Cakes than any other they ever used 1" Send for our new Cook -Book --free. National DrugR Chemical mical Co, of Canada, I mote 1 Montreal. INTERNAL PREFERRED, She—Do you go to the opera much? He—Never, She—But I understand your wife to say you were passionately fond of Italian productions? He—So I, am; I love macaroni, SCHOOL DAYS. Teacher—What is steam? Johnny—Steam is cold water gone crazy wi.d de heat. 86.60 IN the less expensive Brooches Diamond Hall has never shown such excellent value as the one illustrated above at $5.50. THE mount is made of heavy 14k. gold and the pearls are of the finest quality, THE crescent is 1 4 inches long and finished in the bright gilt. Bend for oar Catalogue. RYRIE BROS., Limited 134.138 Yonge Si. TORONTO A Hero -Worshipper. There is testimony to Sir Walter Scott's popularity with all classes in the "134f0011 Papers," a chronicle of former days and doings in England and Scot- land, 1n 1831 Scott was invited to a break- fast at an Edinburgh Louse. Ile was so pleased with the Yarmouth bloaters that were served piping hut, that ono 0f the feminine guests went to the market the next day to order some for him, to be sett to Sussex Place, where lie was stay- ing. I don't send so far," said the fish- monger, "I am sorry," said the lady. "The or- der was for Sir Walter Scott." The lough fishmonger started back, then pushed forward to the lady through his piles of fish. "For Sir Walter Scott, did you 'say, madam? Sir Walter Scott? Bless may soul, he shall have them directly if I have to carry them thyself! Sir Walter Scott! They shall be with hien to -night," then, pausing, "No, not to.eight; for to- morrow morning a fresh cargo comes in, and he shalt have them for his break- fast. Sir Walter Scott)" --Youth's Com- panion, ' .• ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes front lienees, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by drug- gists. s.a- HE DISAPPPROVED. (Canadian Courier.) In the city of Ottawa lives a cheerful cabman of the name of Charlie Kelly, who has been on friendly terms with Sir John -Macdonald, 111x. D'Alton _McCar- thy and other parliamentarians of lesser degree. Charlie is a faithful son of what Mulvaney calls the "Mother Church, which is so regimental in her Pain's.' On the occasion of the baptism of a youth- ful Belly, the reverend father asked what mine was to be given to 010 child. "Ituglh John," was Kelly's prompt re- ply, "That's no proper name for the poor infant. Another name, Belly!" demand- ed rather 11----. "Clarke Wallace," suggested the val- orous Kelly, This was ton much for the worthy priest, who weld as soon have bestowed the name of William of Orange on the waiting 'Infant. Ile frowned darkly and said with sternness to the abashed par- ent: "No levity, Belly! No levity!" I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD'S LiNIMI?NT, I-Ialifax. ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by 14INARD'S LINIMENT. Sussex. LT. -COL. C. CREWE READ. I was cured n Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Marl:balm Ont, C. S. BILLING. ( Two Kinds of Public Enemies. President Darwin P. Kingsley, of the New York Life Insurance COmpatly, to Leslie's weekly, A dishonest trustee should be treated es a criminal, A di/thereto looter of a .railroad ought to be in the penitentiary. The man who maces a great laduo:real combination, and by 01,011) of (lectured statements indeed) wa- nted stocks ou a poorly-lnformod public., putting; the proceeds in his own pocket, r, a 1000ern typo of highwayman, and ought to be treated as such. DM when conditions like these are shown 'with equal clearness, even in 0 period of great pu11.10 excitement, that they are superficial and fugitive, when It appears that the groat body of business to which they aro related Is sound, useful, and honestly conductsd, what shall 00 say of tbo political leader who le the name of re- form uses the situation to fashion a cunning Iden to ill the baser passions of the human heart ? What offense has he committed ? What shall we say of the organ of public pplalou which deliberately misstates facts, garbles testimony, destroys reputations, and cultivates suspicion and hate which always Ito near to the surface of human feeling and deliberately brings ou a social tempest, to order to sell Its wares ? Whet shall we any of a great mag0xlne, which, professing to put before the world a dispassionate review of life -Insurance and life-lusuranca compan- ies, refuses to see responsible life -Insurance mei, apparently from fear that the truth In possession night deprive its article of cer- tain sensational features 7 HANDS TERRIBLE CRACKED. Mrs, Yellen, of Portland, says: "Ivry hands were so sore and cracked that I could not put them near water, 0 11110m - ed quite umtbl0 to get relief from any- thing I put ou them until I tried Zam- Buk. It closed the big cracks, gave me ease and in a very short time healed my hands completely." Znm-b.3uk heals all skin injuries and diseases. Of all stores and dr'7ggists at 50 cents, or from lads -11e0 Co,, Toronto, for price, 3 boxes for $1,25, LUCK. UCK. The Millionaire—Yes, I never give more than a nickel for a cigar. Young Stonybroko—Ah, yes, you rich chaps can afford to smoke cheap cigars. Italians Swarming to America, Italy is losing population by emigra- tion at the rate of nearly a million—or three per cent, of the total nunlbor of her inhabitants—a year. All the prov- inces in the kingdom are represented in this exodus, but it is chiefly from the Southern part of the peninsula and Sicily, The United States receives most of the emigrants—New York City alone has an Italian population of 450,000, larger than that of any Italian city except Naples, Rome and 1filan though many go to Argentina, ten per cent, of whose popu- lation is of Italian origin. Northern Italy, thanks to its recent industrial develop meat, is p1-ospelaus, but the difficulty of earning a 111"11hod in other parts of the country has resulted in the virtual depopulation of whole districts, many vil- ages having been drained of their able- bodied inhabitants, and large tracts of land consequently pausing out of cultiva- tion. "Emigration,' ns one observer puts it "has become it kind of epidemic." An- other result, which is causing alarmto the government, is the decreasing num- ber of mien available for military ser- vice. The present organization of the army calls annually for 100,000 new re- cruits for the standing army and 25,000 for the reserves. Last year the number r4f ionnseriptions fel to 75,000. It is suggested that sone of the causes ex- empting men from military service be disallowed, but such a proceeding would probably only increase the volume of emigration.—From Leslie's Weekly. - Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. A propogltion Is tieing considered to amalgama4.e'e.tbe several unions of elec- trician o y n„1l 110, iseo, Cal, SIN -TAX. Teacher—'`'ilium, what is syntax? William—I don't ]snow unless it's the tax on whiskey. 07'4- e� Dy fat r cooler C Make a Frame House Loot Lille Stone Outside the mint rsbG, most rivhtly fiabh for any h mates it wamur winters, r m re—erather-proufait helps make it file -proof loo—thsi's PEDLAR si1DiN 00 Hundreds of pnitrms, to suit any idea You bays,— Rudest ove, pedest imita0on of tack, cul cone, cough crane, 00. .art Ire. than you'd think for such value. Senates the book about maks” metal finuh,1e. all kinds of wander, lis FRGS, Addreu 211 The PEDLAR People ' sari 1)0005 Mont, -a1 are nv Tor500 40,1 ,11 n90n1p, LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL In your snare clam at home, or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn we leach on cash or instalment plan, 04e also teach a personal class at school once a month, Class commencing last Tuesday of each month, These lessons teaches how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist shit, to the most elabor- ate dress. Tho whole family can learn from onecourse. We have taught over seven thousand dress -malting, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of t4 and 4o. You cannot leant dress -making as thorough as this course teaches if you worse in shops for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside (ho school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School un Canada and excelled by none in any other Country, Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one- third for a shot time. Address:— , UNDER' ddress:- 8ANDEAB' DREGS-CUTTINO SCHOOL, 31 Elio St., 8krattord, Ont., Canada. Our Clock, When our cling: strikes 1 always dread To look, for fear it's time for bed. And when we leave our play to see It seems to sable and wink at me. Nly Mother says, and she knows bent, That children must lie down to rest. Yet our old clock stands 111 the hall And never goes to sleep at all, Ohl Wouldn't it be lots of fun If we could be would up to run, And never had to stop our play Nor lose a minute all the day? I love our old clock when 0711 sick, I 1101010 to its tick -tack -tick. And in the dark 0 says to me. "I go to keep you company." —Youth's Companion. A Gifted Crab. The crab known as the scale -tailed apes was believed to have become ex- tend in Creat Britain fifty years ago, t1e last recorded specimen being, taken in the ponds on 1-luwpstead Heath, But now it has turned up again in some num- bers in two ponds on Preston Merse, near Southwick, in Kirkcudbrightshire, About two and a half ruches long, the opus bears a striking likeness to that remark- able creature, the king crab,.. and this be- cause the fore part of the body is cov- ered by a great semicircular shield or carapace, while, as in the king crab, it swims on its back. In the great num- bar of its legs, the scale -tailed opus has few rivals, while in the number of the joints which these share between then) no other creature can compare. The naturalist Shaffer once escaped the task of counting then) and made the magnifi- cent total of 1,802,604. Latreille put down the number at a round 2,000,000.— Daily Graphic. ITOH Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured In 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion, It never falls. Sold by druggists, The Cuddley "Kind, Some bice the girl that rides and shoots, 1110'4111 with lots of fire; The mannish girl who shrilly hoots at furbelowed attire, But Pm old fusnioed, I'm afraid, and quite the times behind, I'll let you have the mannish maid. Gimme the euddley kind, I'll take that girl ,with frills and things, and heels unduly high; The fluffy girl that to you clings at thoughts of danger nigh. The mannish girl, no doubt, is smart and has a brilliant mind, But still she doesn't win my heart. Gim- me the cu ld1ey kind. —Philadelphia Bulletin. 40 Minard's Liniment Cures Gorget in Cows. -♦ The Way of the .Child. A small boy who had recently passed his fifth birthday was riding in a sub- urban car with his mother when they were asked the customary question, "How old is the boy?" After being told the correct age, which did not require a fare, tie conductor passed on to the next person. The boy sat quite still as if pondering over 00010 question, and then, conclud- ing that full information had not been given, called loudly to the- eoliluctor, then at the other end of the ear: "And mother's thirty-one)" " Mniard's Liniment Cures Distemper. r♦ INDIAN INK, Made in China and Exported All Over World. So-called Indian Ink, to be more correct - le ly ovince of Chinacalled China f� to every part of China from the aand all over the world. Last year about two tons of it, valued at 13,00o, were exported from Shanghai to foreign countries. The mater- ials with which this beautiful black Ink is made are geea0Um or colza ell, or tin oil expressed from the poisonous seeds of a tree extensively cultivated In the Yaugtsze Val- ley and also well known In Japan. To this varnish and pork fat are added. The lampblack made by the combustion of these substances Is classed according to the materials and the gt•ado of fineness, sed also according to the time taken over the process of cmnhustlrn. The par.), made of this lmnp- blaclt has some glue added, and la beaten on wooden anvils with steel hammers. Two good hammers can prepare In a day 30 pieces, each weighing halt a pound, A certain qual- ity of musk of the musk doer or of Damon camphor, for scenting, and gold leaves, vary - Ing from 20 to 100 to the pound, are added to give a metallic lustre. The materials thus prepnrod are molded in molds of carved woad, drled, which takes about 20 days In fine weather, and adorned with Chinese characters in gliding. About 30 to 32 average -sized sticks of Ink go to the pound. The price varies from 50 cents or less per pound to as much as $35, there be - Ing over a dozen different grades. Nearly all writing is done by the natives throughout China, Japan, Korea, Tougking and Anton with this China Ink, rubbed down on a stone ink slab and applied with a paint brush or sable, fox or rabbit Bair, set In a bamboo -holder, and when not In use care- fully covered with a protecting braes cap, The superior kinds of this ink appear to be need In China, and mat ex,3orted. Minard's Liniment (:ores Colds, etc, OBEYING MOTHER. Manager—Wouldn't you like to go on the stage? Johnny—Now. I promised me madder I'd be a burglar, ISSUE NO. 47. 1907 Sea Wave Cure for Insomnia, For many years Lord Rosebery has suffered from insomnia. It is asserted, in fact, that his lordship retired from public life because he thought that the worry and stress of politics had a great deal to do with his sleeplessness. After leaving the House at midnight laird Rosebery would often instruct his coach, nlan to drive hila about the streets for an hour or two in a closed carriage, that being the only way in which he could court sleep, In the swish of the sea waves, however, his lordship claims to have discovered an effective cure, and when staying at Dalmeny Lord Rosebery always sleeps at Barnbogie; a house 200 yards away. This building is on the edge of the Firth of Forth, and the waves lap the sides of the tower; at high tide the spray is flung against tine windows of his room. Lord Rosebery says that Barnbogie is the only place where he can enjoy 0 good night's rest.—Tit-Bits, -TRADE MARK 500(504000.r� .. remedies cure Al skin and blood diseases—Eczema, Salt Rheum, Sores, Piles, Constipation, indigestion cad other results of impure blood. They costed the cause and destroy the evil condition. Mira Ointment o oIha end heals all diseased skin. Mira Mood Tonic and Miro Tablets cleanseMedinad and invigorate stonideh, liver, kidneys and bowery. Ointment andl1'tablets, each 50a. Blood Tonics, $1. At drag -stores — or from The Ch,miei Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamiltoo-- Toronto. Strike at the Root. (Toronto Star,) The W. C. T. U. still maintains its praise- worthy struggle against the cigarette. But why not, we ask somewhat Impatiently, at- tack the evil at its source' by cutting oft the gupply of carpet rags 7 Kendall's aptavirz Cure PORTAGE RIVi1R, N.B„ March 5'03,. "1 non using your Spavin Cure and can say there is nothing to be eompnted with it," Garr/Maaerall, Cares t Spavins Thoroughpfn Curb Splint Ringbone Sores Swellings Sprains Bruises end all Lameness pa bottle -6 for $5. Our great book— "Treatise on the Horse "—free from dealers or 32 01, 6.1.00140111110., hotel Fabs, FeneRnt, USA SUCH iS FAME. Primadonna—When I become fa. mous, the ranchers will all be looking for the town in which I was born: Father—Yes, and every town will try to blame it on the other. er Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure --safest' regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting—gives healthful rest --cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opiaun or other injurious drags. 49 Cures 2.5e.—at drttg-atarea. National lDr g7,&1 Chem. i en - Co.D a.rrhoea Montreal, Boxmakers' and Sawyers' Union at Boston, llfass., has secured a two-year agreement with a wage increase of 10 per cent. BEER* IS GOOD FOR MOST FOLKS (HARDLY ANOTHER BEVERAGE FEEDS SO WELL) LEER really excels milk as a food -drink for most grown people. And many, many people cannot digest milk easily, because it is so lacking in solid food -contents. Moreover, milk is so liable to contagion that it is seldom pure when we get it in the cities. But Ontario - brewed beer is really pure,—brewed in cleanliness, of sound materials, in a sanitary way, and brought to the user in the same fit -to -drink state. Beer Is No Stimulant Drink beer with meals and at bedtime, as an item of diet that will help the stomach do its work better, and will feed the body besides. Don't choose beer as a stimulant, though,—it does not contain enough alcohol for that. Use it as a food -drink that induces lazy stomachs to do their work well, and so helps them get more good out of all food, Beer Makes, Better Nerves Ontario beet is not only deliciously appetising and refreshing, because brewed of pure malt and hops only ; but, besides, all the power that hops possess to repair nerve wastes is kept In these brews. That is what makes beer so particularly good for women to drink regularly. Ask your own doctor what he thinks of beer for your household. * BEER is a term which covers lager, ales, porter and stout; and, in the p' disc of Ontario brewers, implies bevera,;c, made under most hygienic conditions from Out.tno Out.,l o d _y (the bestir the world) malt, hops and pure water. 301