HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-24, Page 8I F.• N . rT,q 40 " w CaQh, the Clinton New E ra vill be ent to new subscribers, to ew STocr0.�-H. L Davis,teel has bought On ficin Mr H. J. aveof Woodstock, a FOtl thoro-bred boar pig of the large im- The. tlI$Y, E�EPTi;MBl R 24, 1897 proved Yorksbire breed. He will be Kept for service on Hillside Stock Farm, adjoining the House of Refuge. JAijQAit NOTICES. The Yorkshites arethe most profitable r Best pigs for farmers, ° rwaii srrltq.p pen's fail to Aoa ou80.80 .art kIu reo--.1trQiit Snap--Broadfoot &Box. I•r STILL LIVES,—The firm of O. S. xt7fik wehaveaaumberoteubsoriberson Doan& San, tanners, have always an. La4w aveillooneutttheirowniatorosteaud joyed the reputation of being fully rccaye41pnoe by settling up at once.—Nsw abreast of the times wind quite tip to Mantles date in their line of business, but when MliiA XtUbek, Goderich, is re-organizin her it comes to tanning the hides while yet et+In elooutlou and pbyrical oulture here, upon the living animals we may safely ud..zpoaGi to start with them bare about the say that they are a little abead of their The best assortment of Man wt�[ Qctober. Those who wish to joiu can neighbors, On Sunday morning Mr vplwprdwlth Mr. H• B. Combe, Doan had occasion to enter the tan- tles ever imported into Clinto t•' �A�tVit �ilpp��ji, nery,wbere he found a large Newfound- , js that shown here this season -° land dog almost drowned in the vat. 'ft'QPERTY CHANGE. — Mrs Ralph The canine had evidently been. in the , B11 lug direct from the make Vit4e, of Dakota, hits sold her vacant bath for several hours, for the front an a iII him the cash put lotouI HIgh street, to Mrs Joseph Mills leg" were worn nearly to the bone by p y g, Wild purposes erecting a house there- its vain endeavors to, extricate itself us In a position to quote th oa, and bas awarded S. $. Cooper the from its perilous position, lowest Mantle- rices in til +r��ntra t, SUDDEN DEATH,—A very sad death trade. With styles right, val 061DENT.—The old friends of Mr occurred in town on Tuesday evening, h Winos Hull will regret• to learn that he at the residetice of Dr. Shaw, the ues right and the best assort ' �titet with a serious accident a few pparty being Mrs Hiscox, wife ofMr a '�eks• since. He is residing near Geo. T. Hiscox, a well known resident meat its no wonder the MaII 5avildion, Mich., and while driving of London. Mrs Hiscox came here on tle business is coming this way. A$ pjiieahe whiffietree broke, the horses Saturday morning to see her mother, Values like these are bringing 1 •,fishing whim out on the road and break- Mrs W. $attenbury, and was the plc a affix, three of his ribs. ture of health and good spirits. While B!aok rough cloth Mantles six buttons, $7COCK NoTne.—D. Cautelon ahipped spending the evening at the home of g ;t oar, of urge on Monday. C. J. Wal- Dr. Shaw, laughing and chatting, she od material, braid trimmed •.. $3.5 Ii 'will snake a shipment next week. received an apopletic stroke. The doc- tor at once adminiatei ed restoratives, Tweed Mantles, brown Qhades, 6 large tames Reid, Stanley, shipped a car of and she seemed a little better, but her ivory buttous, efhffs, a very servieacle sattlo to Toronto on Monday. James condition was still so serious that it garment •$5.00 Hearn. and Sid Smith made similar was deemed best to one for Mr shipments oa Wednesday. Hiscox, and I drov up, ar .1, ng here gg large bat - Black Ni erhead Mantles, 8 BEEN' HERE BEFORE. —Reference early Sunday m ting. be rallied tone, slash collar, wide military and Nwaj made a couple of weeks since to a somewhat, but not enough,to hold out narrow rassia braid round collar and beggar who had the faculty of shed- hopes for her recovery, and she linger- down front, special value at.... $5.50 dine tears at any time to help him in `ed until Tuesday evening, when she hiis, appeal for funds. It appears that passed away. She was a native of Black Frieze Jackets, 6 large buttons, the same fellow was in Clinton about town, being the youngest daughter of Velvet collar, cuff s,lined throughout6.50 Bigltit'yeara ago, and was committed to the late W. Rattenbury, and up to the jail #"oi a short term for stealing some time of her marriage twenty years Black and Fawn Beaver Mantles, 28in. ' ;small article here. ago, was the life of nearly every social long, turn over collar, cuffs, front .OUSE of REFUGE. —One of the gathering, land during her residence in and back trimmed with braid $900 igale inmates who recently absconded London enjoyed a wide social sand- @7hildren'e Reefers, navy, \niggdrhead, t . 6ja the house, was brought back last ins. She leaves three daughters and plaid, lined throughout, casae 3 to 6, week, making the total number now one son to mourn the loss of a loving plaid, stylish and a throughout., Rt the House 75; this is the largest mother. That Mr Hiscox and the re. Y , $.3.35 to 4.50 number ever in the House, Rev.B, ladyes here have the sympathy of the Brown Covert Cloth Mantles, double ement conducted religious services community; goes without saying, The breasted, tarn down collar, six large i 11, Sunday afternoon; this was his remains were taken to London Wed- ivory buttons, cuffs, a warm and ser. $ttservice there and the inmates ap- nesday afternoon for interment, after viceable Coat .................. $6,00 &;eared to enjoy it very much. a short service had been conducted at OLD HIIRONIAN.—Toronto papers the house by Rev. Mr. Parke; the pall- Brown and Black mixed Tweed Mantles record the recent death there of Dr. De bearers being Messrs Farran, Tisdall, J. shield front, high collar, small, but- Ransford,'F. Macpherson, Wiseman tons, louffs ....................$8.00 1 Hooke, aged 83 years. From about and W. Coats. to1843 he practiced in Goderich. The best time to buy a Coat is xn 1842 hewasappointed surgeonto the "NOTES.—A very large number of y 'st Batt. Huron Militia. In 1853 he was conveyances and sympa t hizing friends now, when the stock is at its iliransferred to the militia elsewhere. attended the funeral of Charlie Bow - alto beef, and before the choicest Wasgether40 'ears in thevergice. era, on Saturday, thin showing the served -during the Fenian troubles. It great respect in which he was -held; garinents are gone. itt3 possible that a considerable number the floral offerings were also vo•r y sof our readers will themselves have beautiful.- A Brantfoid Power Millis known, or heard their parents speak of being erected on the farm of H. Plum- These prices are for brand ne „the doctor, steel, h Geo. Lavin; the vvork of erec- ,� iTaTHETEACHERS.—MidsTurner, tion will be superintended by T. Wig- it WOPtli your while buyingh0 assistant teacher. Goriie, spent last ginton. Mr Joseph Wheatley was finding tat 1 eek in Clinton; the public school was called to Usborne, on Menday, owing g ose rdii iicccunt of a number of child- to the death of his father-in-law, Mr ;ren having scarlet fever. Miss Nellie Ishmael Hull; to make the matter Cash and On •" TtYr bull, who spent two months in more distressing was the fact that Mrs Zlianitoba, is hard at work in her Wbeatlev was too ill to leave her school, S. S. No. 10, Hullett, where she room. Civision Court will be held has been re-engaged at a salary of $300 here on Oct. 9th. The time given by flodg 16r,1898. We are pleased to hear that the judges for Mr Doherty's pacer at y��,A. Turnbull, who formerly taught London, last Wednesday, was 2.10, ant, oderich townsLip, has seven such not 2.08 as stated in the NEW ERA. '`satisfaction as teacher .in Boosevain, Some of the dailies are publishing rSl r M.an., that the trustees have secured portrait alleged to be a likeness of Sir Iiia services for next year at a salary of Donald A. Smith; it looks enough like Mrs Porter, Rattenbury "t., who has Mr Baird, late of Clinton Model, Dr: A platen, formerly of Clinton, to be a li eness of him also. Dr. Black- been spending five weeks in Michigan, has :• ha$ been engaged as teacher in No. 10, returned home. Glrey, for 1898, to succeed W. E. Arm- all was called to Mitchell for consults �itrong, bs �: ; po"ea attending school tion on Monday. A Miss Hillier, mil- THE ONLY HOLIDAY.—A number of After New ears" Miss Susie gen- liner, of Goderich, has rented a store merchants in western townsare kicking medy, now attending the Model, has in town and will commence business over the number of holidays this year. c :peen engaged for S. S. No. 4, Stanley. here; sheopens outthis week in Smith's In Woodstock the Crown Attorney block, in the store lately occupied by G, tells them that no one is compelled to - THAT RED PAINT.—Last week Reeve Emerson. Notice appears in this week's observe any holiday but Sunday. P ;$urns, of Bayfield, laid information Ontario Gazette of the appointment of ACCIDENTS.—The other day a son of before the Mayor, charging , W. Mc- his Honor Judge B. L. Doyle, of Gode- Alex. Frazer, Victoria St., was riding Murray, T. McKenzie, jr., P. Graelis rich, junior County Judge of Huron, a horse, when it threw him over ate end W. Erwin with being parties to to be Local Master of the County of head; beyond being stunned and re- painting of his buggy seat, while the Huron in place of the late Mr S. Mal- eeiving a scalp wound, he was notburt. vehicle stood in the Clarendon House colmson; this means that the Judge While a young man named Lanxon, •stables. The. case was, set down for, performs the duties in addition to his was leading a calf the other day, it shearing on Monday night, (Goldie other work, and reeves the fees as bolted, and threw him over against a c,RIke being only summoned as a wit- his revenue. The convenience of a stone, cutting his head so beverely tbi:t .mess) but on Saturday the two first bicycle is shown by 1 he cyclometer of a doctor had to put in several stitches. x1amed acknowledged the offence and Mr Will Jackson's wheel, which regia- DIBSOLIITION OF PARTNERSHIP.—The expressed their desire for a settlement. ters conaiderably ,over 300 milea this partnershi existing Reeve Burns was sent for, and after a season, and he has virtually ridden it p g between Messrs $eng thy conference with the parents very )ittle more than from his resi- Gilroy & Wiseman expires by effluxion �of�hhe boys, they settled by paying denceto his place of business. Mrs E. of time early in 1898, and in this issue the damages claimed by Mr Burns Moore, Albert St. has rented Mr they announce a dissolution sale. It and Mr Tressor, and . the costs incur- Swarts's house on Rattenbury street has not yet been decided which e sin - red, amounting in all to $24.40. It east, and will occupy it; Mr Swarta her of the firm will retire, but we sin- red expensive piece of busineass, will move to his property on Ratten- cerely hope it will not be necessary onfl''>the unturtanai.a part of the affair bury street west. The G. T. R. will is- for either to remove from town. Both was that the parents of the ,boys, who sue excursion tickets to Detroit, about are able business men, estimable citi- zens did not attempt to shield their boys, Sept. 30, ata $3 fare for the round tri and, we hope the way may open were the real sufferers. It should bb a p' up for them both to remain in active W. Doherty, jr., of his leg jammed lesion to others. relations with the people of Clinton. the other day wt a they y. (?•\sting BASEBALL-CRIO$ET MATCH.—On Sat anew engine in the factory. Hundreds : 'SUITE A DISTANCE.—Some persona of baskets of fruit have been disposed urday afternoon the .Organ Factory -W&e talking with Mr Robt. Coats as of here during the last few weeks, most base ball team played a match with the to'the distance a person travelled in a of it imported; if the express company cricket club. They thought they bad's year, ggoing to and from his residence, could see the way clear to reducing the cinch on the game, and were sure that wren he remarked "That old mare of charges on this class of goods to the un- although the cricketers can put up a tmitie must have travelled a Rood din itorm rate of 10c. a basket; it would first class game of cricket, they would tance, for I have driven her back and lead to the importation of a reatdeal not be able to play baseball, but in this forth for 14 years. Just for the the more. In conversation with r Gilroy y were mistaken. The factory boys amusement of the thing they started and the Mayor the other ay, Mr A. found they were unable to hit Terry's i fl3gtrring, to see what would be the re- Innes stated .that it was & intention and Agnew's curves, and after a game anuli., and it shows that Mr Coate and of the Stanley farmers to start and lasting one hour and, fifteen minutes, Aha, mare have travelled a consider- gravel the new street to the Bayfield the score stood 11 to 3 in favor of the Able distance during the 14 years. His __r Ross Roca and McCrea formed -` Ouse is a anile "from Sown; be drives fair season was over. The News -Record the battery for 't"be factory, while R. AW jA the morning, two miles at din -Foster umpired the game to the favor 1' --ner",time, and a mile at six o'clock, 'made certain insinuations heconcerning of all. P ` smoking four miles s day; he does this the Mayor's vote on the Staveley site, and when asked to be explicit and state TRhFLEs.—Advertise in the NEW ERA. on An average of 350 days a year, mak- openly what those insinuations meant, Should your subscription be renewed? log 1400 miles in the year or nearly it fails to do so for the very good reason The good times are at the threshold ,20.(Ib0 miles for the 14 years. One that there was no foundation for them Again. Farmeral What about that °ata►eAt hardly think .the distance so in the first place. The Finnigan For- stray animal at your lace? Threshing i gccat at first glance, tune Com an played to a fair house p g Company P y seeding, fall ploughing and the faire on Wednesday; their music was good, now occupy th � SAD FATAL ACCIDENT.— An exceed- py a attention of the farm - and their play wes'fairly meritorious. ers. The trout fishingg season ie c Walter Costs, on Saturdaymorn• Several took in the excursion to Nia- ended for 1897. The NEw ERA to +;<ngy,resulting in the death of his two- gara;ll'alla- yesterday. "Dr Ben. Tout- the end of the year for a quarter. The w gesw� old baby boy. Mrs Hamiltdn(Mrs 1int�on has been cooflned fo bed for weather has been somewhat cold for Z,0,4: ,0,46, mother) was engaged in perform- several days by a serious illness, and the last few days - 6, foretaste of what sing;eomehouseholdduties,.andhad jugb his friends will be _glad to know that we may expect later on. Rain is ver he is improving. There was not a very greatly needed, and late -sown fa otved into a pail on the floor, a pot of g y 1 bboing water; she turned to get Home large audience at the ball on Monday wheat is suffering for want of it. tola,water,and while so doing Mr Coats' night. G. F. Emerson has closed up COMMENCEMENT.—By vote of the his business here and will devote him - two -,year off -child, playing around the self to his Goderich establishment. Collegiate institute Board at its last T00"tir, walked backwards into the wat- Huron Central Fall Fair takes lace meeting, the date for the Commence- .er,,beipgfrigbtfullyy scalded from its P went exercises is Friday, Oct. 8th. &i u wards. Its in'thries were so sev- here next Tuesday and Wednesday. y p J The date chosen is a little later than iiare4that in removing its clothing the At the town ball, on Monday even usual, partly because of the Exhibition is of the child came away also and ins, a young fellow who was misbe- ki�Q; y neat week, and partly because of the the;i�oetor saw that there was very lit- having and interfering with the plea- uncertainty of receiving .certificates t16i�hance of its recovery, and held out surra of others, wad forcibly ejected by y for successful students at an earlier loo; tf ea, still doing all in his ower to Mr Welsh, who did perfectly right in vp P so doing, as he is es ected to main- date. This is the annual red letter day Xlq;;;ate its sufferings. It lived 24 fain order and in .future will eject of the Institute, and for three years • Yodcs after the accident, when death any who I�o not behave themselves, or back the interest in it has been grad- carfje to its relief. The child was an report them to the behave or. Miss Lea- ually increasing. We hope for a royal e%6e44ingly bright, one, and, as was P y time for the students and their friends quite"natural, was idolized b its par. lie has tendered her resignation an a y. P this year. In the afternoon there will entdt�twho are heart broken b the cak teacher in the a Public he col, which y' be a cod program of games and sports, There are occasions when the has been accepted by the board, and an4i' :. inclu Ing contests fob prizes well worth t ieaptit facommunitgisdeeplytonched, MiasNettieCotnbehas been appointed :h -i �it goes without is in that der In her place for the balance of the competing for. At night a public en- s saying y year, at the same salary. A new en- tertainment will be given. A fuller $r'at sympathy indeed is felt for the y y' notice will be Iden next week. Mean- r"ved parents, who desire to express gine and other new machinery is $ P ' P being put in the Doherty Organ fact- time let the citizens assist all they can their Appreciation of the many acts of ory, which tibeesaitates partial closing in making the day a success in every 'ails -dhess shown them. down; aftee'.that the -hum" will be respect, and one to be looked back to ,ate 6entia, tvlll nay for the Qux"X NEW Ethv greater than ever. with pleasant memories by all the stu- eq�+v,�"tl5C8Vi' NtrbAo>f'1betsk t6lit of iTaiiudrj/l l� rw 1 st of January 1898, to any address in America T he New Millinery We will hold our Fall Millinery Opening on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 28 and 29. The show -room will be open Tuesday afternoon and the store will close at n six and open again at eight o'clock Tuesday evening. • You are welcome to look the new styles over at any r time, but the best time to see all is Tuesday afternoon s or evening. 0 e FAIR WEEK MONEY SAVERS Just a few items that will iive' you an idea of what we are doing in the way of values. t Fine Boucle Dress Goode in shades�of Heavy Shaker Flannel, soft and fleecy Green, navy, bluet, garnet, brown finish, fast colors in pink and greys ..6c 0 and black, the best values we ever sold, special at....................50C Heavy Linen Crash Tweling .......... 5a Doable fold Tweed Dress Goode in English Tweed Shaker Flannels wide fancy mixtures ..................17c double fold, for dresses and waists, a Fine Tweed effect Dress Goode, good great range of patterns............ 20cs weight, stylish goods .......... . ...23e Cotton Blankets, used by many instead of sheets, white or grey, special per Heavy Black Serge,hard worsted finish, pair, . 75C 40in, wide, regular 65o quality """"""""""""" � g q y ....50� Fancy French Dress Goods in green Beat quality Table Oilcloth 5.4 ......20c and blas mixtures, very stylish ma- AxminsterpoorMats, fringed all round 40e serials, six dresses only, regular $5 25 the dress ....................... $4.25 Men's wool Sox, good quality, 2 pairs 25C Extra quality wool Mantle Cloths in red, navy, brown, myrtle, black. .$1.50 Fine black wool So eeamless........ 25e Ladies' Hygietin Ribbed Vests, open Hen's Lock �'op Shirts, the front, long sleeves, just the thing for beet worllin shirt made ..........50C early fall wear, sold in lots of. stores 'Illen'e fine woollen Underwear, the best at 250 ............................ 20C line in the trade, per suit ............ $ 1 Ladies' pure wool ribbed Vests, open Fur Felt Fedora Hate, stylish shapes, front, long sleeves, soft finish, a re. regular $1.25 and $1.50 .......... ..$1 pular 75c garment ................65C ' Men's Kid Gloves, unlined, for fall wear Kid Gloves, fine, soft'kid in shades of tan shades, regular$1.25............ $1 tan, four buttons, regular 90o ......68c Fancy black Dress Goode, 42 inch, all wool, good patterns ............ ..40C Special Hosiery Bargain All wool black Henrietta, extra fine silk Ladies' plain and ribbed Cashmere Hose, finish, 46 inch wide, a beautiful cloth 60c all qualities, a set of travellers :ampler at Fine fancy black Drees Goods, all wool, prices very little more than half regalar. l } 42 inch, new patterns, eztra value tat 60C w goods and first-class qualities. They're' low enough to make re In preference to anywhere else. More and more are people t pays to do ,their, Dry Goods buying -here, D Price. Your money back if, you avant tt. ens,76rothers, DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON. i C)urNewS.tock f:Zine14dtS&.0,aps We beg to announce our full "and complete range of New Hats and Caps for fall trade, and to say; that no such stock of fine goods will be found in the west. On Satu1 day next we will make a special display and we invite comparison of our styles and prices Our Boys' School Cap. at 25 cts. is better than ever, and we show' one line at The that is hard to equal. All the 'latest novelties in Children's goods at very low prices. Our Mens 50c,,75c,0 I Hats Are the best value ever offered in this section. ackson, Bros, CONS' BOCK,, CLINTON* Every Woman J1 14ds a Soft Spot In her heart for Fancy Needlework. Its construction in all 1 is minute and daintydetails eta is is a mark of refinemen t and talent. The parwe take in the promotion and gratification of this laudable characteristic of woman is by no means a small one. We are admittedly hea tern for materials used in the manufacture of Art N�' .. work. Stamped Linens in large assortment. Knitting and Crochet Silk in all shades. Art Wash Silks in end- less tints of all useful colors. Coronation Cord and Honiton Lace braid; Berlin, Zephyr, Saxony and Anda- lusian Wools. our novely at present is the - Ladies' Umbrella Cape. ?n It is very graceful when adJ'usted, and is quickly and easily made from Shetland Floss. In shape It is a per -91 r` feet circle, with the border full enough to fall in flutes. The floss maybe had in three colors, viz., Blue, Pink and White. It requires eight hanks of the floss, a me- dium sized bone hook and a larger one to make the cape. If you are interested we invite you to call and see one made up and get directions for their crocheting. The gyp', D. FAIR, 00, Clinton. , To e'ovei Your F 0..'..et In the best style 1s our aim. We carry a stoe of Shoes that is unexce led in the County. Wer' have Shoes that fit all feed and all tastes. A Shoe that wears is our boast. To sell you Shoes that are serviceable; at a low price, is our business. We have succeeded in,pleasing a great number of customers by selling them superior shoes at a small figure., A narrow margin of profit is our motto. Have you tried • the Dia- 35� monds on your feet 2 }0 �� They're all right. Wm. Taylor& Sons CLINTON. 76eesley &o. Piles of New Goods arriving, stock will be complete in a few days. Our Imported cashmere Hose Are here direct from the mak- ers in Germany, in all sizes a and in their usual well-known quality. They are made ex pressly for the best retail trade, and the satisfaction they have `I given in the past, ' both as to t wear, quality .and price, is in itself a guarantee for the fu- ture. Kid Gloves This week we have placed on sale our imported 7 hook lac- ing Glove in Tan shades at 95 cents, and is the best glove we ever sold at the money, quality considered. Our Milliner ►rill be held on Show Room &ening Tuesday Evening, September 28th. Any who cannot conveniently attend on this date we will be pleased to show you through on Wednesday at any time v 0 .. VV" H B E ES L.,.EY & C The Ladies Favorite Establishment, Clinton �. __ ,... .'.:vii.,., �� -' i:�,init• tr�l - - - +Ii '. •.�Ifk� r.,: -. :o ,N 1 st of January 1898, to any address in America T he New Millinery We will hold our Fall Millinery Opening on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 28 and 29. The show -room will be open Tuesday afternoon and the store will close at n six and open again at eight o'clock Tuesday evening. • You are welcome to look the new styles over at any r time, but the best time to see all is Tuesday afternoon s or evening. 0 e FAIR WEEK MONEY SAVERS Just a few items that will iive' you an idea of what we are doing in the way of values. t Fine Boucle Dress Goode in shades�of Heavy Shaker Flannel, soft and fleecy Green, navy, bluet, garnet, brown finish, fast colors in pink and greys ..6c 0 and black, the best values we ever sold, special at....................50C Heavy Linen Crash Tweling .......... 5a Doable fold Tweed Dress Goode in English Tweed Shaker Flannels wide fancy mixtures ..................17c double fold, for dresses and waists, a Fine Tweed effect Dress Goode, good great range of patterns............ 20cs weight, stylish goods .......... . ...23e Cotton Blankets, used by many instead of sheets, white or grey, special per Heavy Black Serge,hard worsted finish, pair, . 75C 40in, wide, regular 65o quality """"""""""""" � g q y ....50� Fancy French Dress Goods in green Beat quality Table Oilcloth 5.4 ......20c and blas mixtures, very stylish ma- AxminsterpoorMats, fringed all round 40e serials, six dresses only, regular $5 25 the dress ....................... $4.25 Men's wool Sox, good quality, 2 pairs 25C Extra quality wool Mantle Cloths in red, navy, brown, myrtle, black. .$1.50 Fine black wool So eeamless........ 25e Ladies' Hygietin Ribbed Vests, open Hen's Lock �'op Shirts, the front, long sleeves, just the thing for beet worllin shirt made ..........50C early fall wear, sold in lots of. stores 'Illen'e fine woollen Underwear, the best at 250 ............................ 20C line in the trade, per suit ............ $ 1 Ladies' pure wool ribbed Vests, open Fur Felt Fedora Hate, stylish shapes, front, long sleeves, soft finish, a re. regular $1.25 and $1.50 .......... ..$1 pular 75c garment ................65C ' Men's Kid Gloves, unlined, for fall wear Kid Gloves, fine, soft'kid in shades of tan shades, regular$1.25............ $1 tan, four buttons, regular 90o ......68c Fancy black Dress Goode, 42 inch, all wool, good patterns ............ ..40C Special Hosiery Bargain All wool black Henrietta, extra fine silk Ladies' plain and ribbed Cashmere Hose, finish, 46 inch wide, a beautiful cloth 60c all qualities, a set of travellers :ampler at Fine fancy black Drees Goods, all wool, prices very little more than half regalar. l } 42 inch, new patterns, eztra value tat 60C w goods and first-class qualities. They're' low enough to make re In preference to anywhere else. More and more are people t pays to do ,their, Dry Goods buying -here, D Price. Your money back if, you avant tt. ens,76rothers, DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON. i C)urNewS.tock f:Zine14dtS&.0,aps We beg to announce our full "and complete range of New Hats and Caps for fall trade, and to say; that no such stock of fine goods will be found in the west. On Satu1 day next we will make a special display and we invite comparison of our styles and prices Our Boys' School Cap. at 25 cts. is better than ever, and we show' one line at The that is hard to equal. All the 'latest novelties in Children's goods at very low prices. Our Mens 50c,,75c,0 I Hats Are the best value ever offered in this section. ackson, Bros, CONS' BOCK,, CLINTON* Every Woman J1 14ds a Soft Spot In her heart for Fancy Needlework. Its construction in all 1 is minute and daintydetails eta is is a mark of refinemen t and talent. The parwe take in the promotion and gratification of this laudable characteristic of woman is by no means a small one. We are admittedly hea tern for materials used in the manufacture of Art N�' .. work. Stamped Linens in large assortment. Knitting and Crochet Silk in all shades. Art Wash Silks in end- less tints of all useful colors. Coronation Cord and Honiton Lace braid; Berlin, Zephyr, Saxony and Anda- lusian Wools. our novely at present is the - Ladies' Umbrella Cape. ?n It is very graceful when adJ'usted, and is quickly and easily made from Shetland Floss. In shape It is a per -91 r` feet circle, with the border full enough to fall in flutes. The floss maybe had in three colors, viz., Blue, Pink and White. It requires eight hanks of the floss, a me- dium sized bone hook and a larger one to make the cape. If you are interested we invite you to call and see one made up and get directions for their crocheting. The gyp', D. FAIR, 00, Clinton. , To e'ovei Your F 0..'..et In the best style 1s our aim. We carry a stoe of Shoes that is unexce led in the County. Wer' have Shoes that fit all feed and all tastes. A Shoe that wears is our boast. To sell you Shoes that are serviceable; at a low price, is our business. We have succeeded in,pleasing a great number of customers by selling them superior shoes at a small figure., A narrow margin of profit is our motto. Have you tried • the Dia- 35� monds on your feet 2 }0 �� They're all right. Wm. Taylor& Sons CLINTON. 76eesley &o. Piles of New Goods arriving, stock will be complete in a few days. Our Imported cashmere Hose Are here direct from the mak- ers in Germany, in all sizes a and in their usual well-known quality. They are made ex pressly for the best retail trade, and the satisfaction they have `I given in the past, ' both as to t wear, quality .and price, is in itself a guarantee for the fu- ture. Kid Gloves This week we have placed on sale our imported 7 hook lac- ing Glove in Tan shades at 95 cents, and is the best glove we ever sold at the money, quality considered. Our Milliner ►rill be held on Show Room &ening Tuesday Evening, September 28th. Any who cannot conveniently attend on this date we will be pleased to show you through on Wednesday at any time v 0 .. VV" H B E ES L.,.EY & C The Ladies Favorite Establishment, Clinton �. __ ,... .'.:vii.,., �� -' i:�,init• tr�l - - - +Ii '. •.�Ifk� r.,: -. :o ,N