HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-24, Page 7i , , '' � " 1, I , ­ - ,.� -_ - rp"w'74v" `7T7"w)FTW ­77-rvmF 01 I'll t d . - , 4. a • 4 , "or�c Cash, the Clinton N : - evo►' bra will be fi elft to new subscribers BUTOE-Bu sHaPs, t® . "T", . - ..A „ '� ,�, R' a N . V I I st of January, 1888 u,. ­:., I I 1. L to any, address in A ��+, /'}, .1. .. i C+OiDI{'S COttOtl ROOF C01IIpOp[ItI MEkU AND MAN. # �'-,t���.t�n 'CENTRALout of the ordinary . 11 BIITCHER SITUP the onlyy safe, reliabl}t�� that era xotd of cl,e (Treat >Dullt. Later crop returns do not jusGif ex• monthly medicitte oa which of Wena, It ie said that all the grandson of vc::; `"" FORlI Indic. can gtoa. pectations oP extreme prices Por wheat• I : - -� $ >xIURP]HY degead in the The Worlds of rowfnieoenoe and history Charles Dlekene bear the name of Argentina's revised statement shows a hour and lime of wttd agree that there was sometbing about the Charles, much better condition of the harvest, REAT'S r �Ve�"tpre doing business on the cash prinoi• I• prepared in twodegteee Duke of Wellington which rendered empty and she will have about two and a half AL� le,! and will supply '' , 1 Drunkards in the Argentine Repub- million tons for export. France will oar oustmers with of atren�th pratenee quite imDoeaible 1n his Dom a lie are sentenced to sweep the streets have 88,548,81)0 �13a;beat meats et the lowest a ut No, fpr ordin Ha was absolutely p Ay' for eight days. hectolitres (a hectolitre DRE$ a QObD$hth$no stook of Fa11 Goode that has arrived at . a paying g prtoes at7 Cases Y genuine, a man with- g Y is 220.48 lbs.) against 119,742,416 hecto- at will please any ono for both nails p theInppritiktr i. by far the best dollar medidne mown out vanity or desire of display. He was Australia has mora laces of chile year, and Ital FORD MIIRPHy, QLINTON -sold by druggists, one Dollar per boa, invariably oonrtooue to women, but that worship in P litres last y will have 20 _ Linen Towels, grand Mantle Cloth; Ladies, Misses and �hi�ldren'�p�,., KO. 2 for_ (,Val capes--Ia degraeo did not prevent him from staving og such than any'othper pount y, � Population . 400'0 not tolit safe t . on the whole Men's and Boys Underclothing of extra good value. Men's pardi $' 4 stronger -sold by drnggieta One box as were bores. One of sham a the hold- the beat value ever shown in the village. — . Buslness Change, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars: asked him to give her an aocountsofntbe Bicycle riders fn Southland, Austro- Ing of wheat for higher prices, double fold, regular rice 1, gR# _ g One ieoe of English Cottons Tw bottle of Waterloo, Shoes you want, if sothisis the pisoe,cwe arewtn good shape a an iy it, ` The undersigned desires to intimate to ice I, oro s, mailed s. receipt of Iia, are required to dIemount twenty- quality and lowest price is our motto, Bo e' Lon pilot and two 3 -cent stamps. "Oh,"sofa be, "It's very easily done! two yards from an approaching horse Mr Foster's estimates and supple- want some good Timothy Beed -we can ea PP y P �.I 'fife people of Clinton that he hue bought We Pommeled them, they pommeled ne, and draw their wheels past, mentary estimates for 1890.7 amount- thousand and one Timoarticlea that Y g Boots for $1. Perhgpe. I il t the batohering business lately conduct- Thb Cook corrlpany� and I eu ed to about $41,5�Op,OpO and Mr Foster Terms Cash, PPIY Y°°' We also have t i Roid Bros., and will continue the Windsor.0otstlo, Pilose we Pommeled the hardest' The robbery of graves is the only expected a deficit of $2,G00,000, if Foster a you want. Highest price for Butter and E e 401t� the old stand, Huron St„ Clinton, So we gained the day," crime under the Chinese law for Fielding g . ' where $old in Clinton and everywhere in Can. iaYet be was a great' punctilio which the thief may be g gets through with a deficit of r 11 by strict attention to the wants Of ado by all reoponaible druggists, FPpjj Deemed on the s y justly killed about half a million he hwe reason to � his customers, he hopes to Iriorit and receive 1'Q f b the proper Planes, pot by anyone finding hi Ii�AMB' EM I'ORIUM, aVhen a regilnefit o! bis ser I Douro out. g Iu feel that he ie in, luck. E; --., a Lair share of patronage, He will e U for was /t �� LONDESBORO A ' nosh only, and at the lowest rices• q'uariered at Dover, be oke viae A bicycle rider at Spring>lelcl, Mo., of port Alma, Kent, was burned out of e p �, For Twenty -Leven Rears sin ing at Weimer ofigtle, and the o890er Cain itt�cl` suicide, and a lot of his Preston IIeward, a well•to do citizen ' , Chas. J, i- IAX o"ver and left their Dards ail a matter friends attended the funeral on their ho use ay, and , u and b 'VKaIlit3, Clinton.DUNN ' ad form,. Soon after came an lnvltntion wheels which were draped in mourn- oni on Thursday, of t from the Duke of Wellington Inviting all ing, mons the burning embers of the build- CITY BIITCHER SHOP8 the officers to dips, ing lie the charred embers of his three but ignoring hie own A daughters, aged respectively, 18, 10 and ��o Makes �t ' F son, When Lord Douro poked for an ex- Peculiarity of the late John Hunt, 6 Years,who were the pi ide of his home. a ��,C�le a7 , I ,' . swish to inform the public that I will not Planation, rhodukogaveltthus, with great of Seekbonk, Masa., was that be did Just how the terrible tragedy h ANKLJIN I � be undersold b9 any other person in the gid humor: not speak to his wife for sweat g Y 14PPened Those w "1 make no Afetleotfon 1n the service. even kee in a gYeare, was never known, though the su who do not need not rend this, but to those who do I won1Q say that Ii -�bnainesa. Tem a branches the bur; and p g p the estrangement ition is that the fire, which destroyed I hnve just received a fresh supply of goods for pickling purposes, y , nndermtand all, the branches of the bneinees. PO. w ThOge gentlemen had paid me the cam_ while on his deathbed. the dwelling and caused the frightful vinegar, from Wilson, of Torouto, who hoe t g P Po es, such an ;, 4 We keep the very best menta, and a fall PNtnont of a viglt, qnd T invited chem to The "raft spider," found in Terra del death of these children or' the most reliable he reputation of 1.=rt3took always on hood, and will sell at the DER dinner. Yon were not among them, $o Fuego, is a most extraordinary Insect, originated from mnafnotarer, in Canada, and spices: as the sale bills say, `' THECOOWS BEST FRIEND I omitted you 1n the Invitation. It derives its name from the fact that it some live h alr,whichoin ng the house too numerous to mention, but all of first quality and right prices. Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along pear Tbum beoontd ahvn8s hold hieown with constructs a raft of molted leaves and into an ash barrel ad t money, and get the meat at the Dash price. i^'pR4g�T SALE IN CAANADA, ���� ABOUT '�9 'We will give credit, but not at oaeh prices, as lmpertarbpbill It seems that an unkind fate has been 1 J.J A #� ;, ty which might well pieces of wood, which it uses to pursue following this family, as about 3 years j� fiI'leame come and see what You can do for have served him on the field of battle, but Its prey on the water. ago one of the sons was killed b a kick r of all stories about him there is one which y Have You tries ns for that refreshing beverage? If not it will be to our G Cash of MCLEOD'S A school district in (}rani count from a horse, making 4 of the children advantage to do so. "$ALADA," to be had from ne only, yon will fin beet Droves hie almost quisotto honesty ganeas contains but one famll y' who have met violent deaths, There best volae in town. Our sal t R. FITZSI At °>,e time be bought a form lying no ' y. The a sales the �� . R MONS' SySteiil RENOVATOR big estate' and therefore very valuable . father, mother and eldest son have re still 3 eons left. SUGAR -Redpath Granulated $uga ris the only nk•ndewe oll�and for that o I ti • him' When the elected each other trustees and ap- will find our prices right. Fruit Geme as cheap as an y n \ hie steward con purchase was concluded, pointed the eldest daughter, at $35 a P y Oar Motto: Quality First " AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES got such a bargalat for, as W 1tS FLOIIR AND FE on g month to teach the younger children. A Radical Change �• . ii h \ ED STORE$, the owner was in dffiaoultlee and had been The patriotism of the owner of a _ e.� Central Grocery. P�lone 4V 11 SPECIFIC ' AND ANTIDOTE forced to part with tbo land. New York restaurant takes a novel • ji /� /� �j�ry� For Impure, Wenk end Tmpoveriahed aakod the duke"What do you mean by a bargain P" form in which to express itself: Wat_ A HAunTox�LADrIIND> aaoEs AN F%PEAIENOE :�'` '!.{ uiI e�xG/l (1 /l _ M Blood D s Q e ermelon ie served cut into thick red AND RELATEa THE HieTOgp OFA y , O Y P°Pais, Sleeplessness, Pnlpnta- "It was valued of .E],100," said the circles and placed on white plates with SEVEiiE Txini, ;a tion oP the Heart, Liver Complaint, Non- ■tewnM, "end we gut 1t for X800," � . H adgaat tars for all kinds of ralgia, Lomo of Memory, Bronohiais, Con- " Ia that case," the duke " blue borders so that the combination samption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney be kind enough t oa a Yon Will forms the tri -color. Thus the custom. Mre Jas,Grahom, 280 Jnmem street north, 'f 'Ii' �FIEL GARDEN SEEDS Y er miPY have atriotism and watermel- Hamilton, wife of the wall -known groper at Hungry and ale it r Diseases St. Vitae Dance the lata owner and never to talk oto me of Female irregularities and General Debility obean land again. "-youth's Com on, all for a nickel, that address, relates the followin ' stances. Mr and Qlre Graham have resided We:have a o1� Dice stook oP FEED CORN Laborator, -'' y, pnnlOD. Two steamers collided in the River I in Hamilton for the past 14 years, and are OATS,)BARLEY, PEAS, &o GoderiCly Q>■t- "-"— Volgga near Astrakhan. One sank and very well and fevorabiy known: Afalis Piles Cared i$ 3 to8 Ni hte-Itching Bnrn. while she was going down her pasaen- Mre Graham ea e:'• DelightJ. M, MoT,eod, g gers, panic-stricken Y During the 6 months 'Highest market,�rice paid for coarse grain, Prop, and Manufacturer ins Skin DiseaeesjRelieved in One Dny, y . jumped into the prior to taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve r taken in exoha fie. Cash paid for Eggs old in Clinton by Dr Agnew'e Ointment will care all Duxes riven &Ian of them succeeded in Pills I hada severe trouble arising from J. H. COMB, and ALLAN & WILSON g piles in from three to eia nights, reaching the shore, but 40 persons . o rlhne s Omin of the heart and nerves. One Is sbmething ood to eat. If you occasionally feel that you k t HILI. JOYNER of itchin were drowned. would lIke some to appease your a ' One application brings relief. For blind y Oms was that I could not lie on try some of the following petite, {' The Council of the Hamilton Board Y and bleeding pile it is peerless. Also °ares m left side, for if I did so my heart throb- HUR01vi S ,, QLINTON, of Trade considers it desirable that a bed so violently e° as to give me great pain. f 1 tetter, salt rheum, eczema, barber's itch route should be opened as soon as pus• The smallest noise or the slightest exertion Heinz s Sweet Pickles, 35c a quart, ;,.." and all eraptione of the skin, Relieve, in o Bible hrough Canadian territory, as y heart palpitating terribly. Heinz's Beall$ In Tomato Sallee t•, t G COOS It WAS start m t,$ �L� day. 35 cents, Soid by Watts & Qo, the trade to the Yukon country is now It Woe imPoaeible for met° Y' 1. ►7 MYENSONI lar el flight go ail n short , Blue Label Cassa Laurier Banquet g yin foreign hands m consequence a sin m stairs withoute topping to rest and o ed n is —Ham, Chicken, Partridge, (�C• . P tt Tea P„ of inade uac of communicatioii g ybreath,I was excessively nervous,z' 10 & Feed More t 1 � - - _ - through our own Dominion. A SPLENDID DEMONSTRATION AT and my limbs would trembleas if with ague' After nearly three months' idleness g Every delicacy the market affords, at lowest possible prices. "Ik MONTREAL My bands and feet were unnaturally cold, SRA SHORTS _ between 15,000 and 18,(00 coal miners andJ suffered from sharp pain, in the back The up-to-date Grocer3s ie ..xy" The ban uet tendered b the Mont- in the Pittsburg district have resumed n rl head. The slamming of a door would O ;ta tty t' -THE LEADING- q y work. It is Patimated that the strike, nearly set me wild, I would waken fright. G "g+ , In large or 9 11 quantities. real Board of Trade in honor of t e P g LE COOT 1'� & p ' s h which lasted six(y-five working days, sued, and then was unable to get to sleep , Phone. 23 "% ,' IINDERTgBER Right nHhtn' sir Wilfrid Laurier, Thuya- cost the people of the Pittebur die da g ,was a magrrificent tribute tries from 5,000,000 to 7,Ottsb 0, Of °gain. I lost flesh and became „�,,.r OIL C Ag N; an MEAL to a great Canadian who has rendered this amount t $ " g and despondent. I felt miserable ny m mind i 4.OF ALL KIND , -AND- distinguished ser3;ice to his fellow- he miners lose about and body, c ', M1. countrymen. The Occasion was one $2' '� it, wages, For G menthe I have been constantly FACTS It Pays to advertise facts only, Anything that can be proven is a ;;� pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 b el of �j i><iB�LM1;rD� of extraordinary significance, because c taking medicine, trusting that it would fact, We substantiate and prove all we advertise. Oats, ++1uLLiL it was taken advantage of by the busi- SEVERE HEADACHES CIIRED, help me, and for a timetheare oK" of phyeicans, but all the efforts Ism de to. i �A TITY n this countytolargest hoosstock e fromr Furniture .. nese men of Montreal without repand DEAR BIBS.—Being troubled with a se- words a cure were of Q A sic- D, COOK,. CLINTON. to politica! distinctions, to testily their vere headache I was advised by a friend to an finally told my hano av you know there ,T. UALITY p �� a preciation of the manner in which Onr goods oanoot be surpassed for deli A1� OGL LINa'OF p try Laxa Liver Pills, I only used half a is no cure for heart disease,' which made good, then see onre and you will be workmanship the Premier had reptPaented hie conn• bottle; and base not since anffered Prom the me more des Dude ins other finish. Remember wed° not handle any slop work, Eaam BANKS. G K1�p� i� STOCK try at the celebration of the Queen's complaint. They seem to be a perfect "$ia weeks o nt thQn ever. convinced that what we tell yon fs right jubilee `fn Creat Britain, and of the care." 8 I was inducedto tr Mil -PRICES Oar rices are awe down. We have the name of selling Fnrnitttre ' n achievement with which he must, fn a burn's $earl and Nerve Pills and from that cheaper than any other firm in this section, and weorng Fur item 0. _ The niols�ilS Ba��k large measure, be credited, of having A Foe TO 8e hist time my teat oration t° health dates; I fain tour than any o, Don't u � secured the denunciation of the Cer- have taken 4 boxes which I bought a6 J.A. buy furniture till you get our rices , Beat Embalmin Fluid used, man and Belgian treaties. It is doubt Chapter 202 R, S. O,, dietinctl states Barr's di ug store ' UNDERTAKING• P Incorporated by Act of Parlisnient 1886 • Y rick street, corner Of James and Mer- �` .1111, fol if ever tbefore there was of to that it shall be the duty of ever owner o! These pills are rho only mad- In thio department we carry a complete stook. We five a service that oanno CAPITAL 1g _ $2,000,000 ge`.her a better rept entation of the p Y icing that have done me an be sur aeeed b nn g g land or the noon ant thereof, to oat down y goods, or given P Y y, and our charges are as low as the lowest, Onr hearse REST FIINI) $1,400,000 solid commercial an financial inter- or destroy all the Canadine thistles oa-e a me relief, I arq hpPPy to say they proved g tr ` i - Splen.did Hears and outfit is undoubtedly the finest in the county, este of Montreal than that which was daiaY' wild oats, ra - y that the doctor was mistaken in saying that. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL afforded by the assemblage in the B weed, burdock and all heart disease coal other noxious weeds growing on his land. d not be cured. Since I BROADFOOT R Then section 9 of the same Chap, 202 die- commenced tpking Milbaru'a Heart and f�`-�O� CO. J• W. C,'I([dley Windsor dining•room last night. The tiactly states that it shall be the dot of Nerve Pills I have been getting better, I P S -Night find $nada calls ntt Wst. MOL.ON UACPUFROON, President cpm an F. WorpEasTox TaomAe, Gen Manager Resid9noe over store d company Politically ortaODInt it wacommercially bril- g y y manioi- can now stair, without trouble and at- Director reef manager _' p the overseers of hi hwe s in, pn go u Y ended to by °ailing at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral t Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts Tian .• rem a social point of view, a fact Polity to see that tbe'provisions of the not tend to daily daties without distress, I bavc ) residence. leaned, Sterling and American eaohange UPPOSITF TOWN HALL which ae emphasized by the resence relating to noxious weed, are curried out g°ined in bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- p flesh, in health and in strength. in the •g cry Of many ladies who within their respective highway divistone Lying on my loft side causes me no inoon- , posits. SAWNea BANE--Intereat allowed on evinced the • eenest interest in the by cuffing down or destroying at the proper °enienoe or pilin, and I enjoy health and sums of $1 and up, Money advanced to post-prandial o for times to prevent the ri snin of their seed, restful ales M farmers on their own note, with one or was in excellent fo y The Premier all the noaiona weeds growng on the hi h• p' y nerves are,troag and vis. THE BEST • ° and his speech, ways or road allowances within their re orbae, and there has been such a radical �7 more endorsers. No mortgage required C LI v C J v K 1 lI 6 G © VP J while necessarily non olitical in chat,- g Chang for the better in my condition that I , f atter, was patriotic in a loft . spective divisions; such works to be per- Ona say these wonderfal pills have practic- H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton 000rmv OLD STAND, sentiment, and, above all lupe, elan y formed a, part of the ordinary statute aIIY made a complete care. Nex to oommeroi.t IIote1. quest. The walls of the ba uetinslightPHOTOGRAPHS n hall were profusely decorated wt the labor, or a be paid for of a reasonable rate T can tion to all s them without ima- �� i/, McTAGGAiiT• its establishment is In full o, oration and a g by the treasurer of the municipality, as Qat hesitation to all sufferers from eimrlar order 1111edln the most eatiefaow.y iypy deme national colors, and opposite the Pr the council of the mnaioipality may di- °Omplainte, ($ fid,) Mrs J. Graham, Ham- exy and granite work a specialty, Prices a dent's chair was a portrait in oil of the root. But what is the fact? Ilion, Ont. o t' reasonable as those of any eetabliehn,ant be country, the by -ways nreA&iledrwi�hARE BANKER Queen. , 9EAL8 & HOOVER,olintoh. . In n one weeds which are rI'AKEN BY I. ' " -ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, Chap. 202, R: S. O. Proscribed by wauteci � » Scott`8 highway Y On one side of a .,h ' "71UISlOn I17akf'$ g wa aro fa a heavy growth o! woede Men and Women who can work hard T '� µ the �1 Whose seeds ll .00n be blown over the ing and writin six hours daily for Biz da s a P --y �y -A general 'Barkin $ ' r cod richer and ion- entire neighbor od.' The owner of week and wi#1$ �l 1 A ( )j 4 g Business ��������� w.... a content With ten do)�ars �-/ 1 transacted, N�rgpg proved the circulation, 'the farm on the of aide of the load ie a NEW yID Address, It man who bas some reg for hie own fn• EAS 00'' Medical Building, Toronto DiOTE$ DIl3COUNTED ltlCteata t�IC digestion and tereets and those o! his hbora. He a $ takes a little time occasional to ont'the Draftaiaeaed, Interest allowed on �`' nOUri3hE� body, It Cor- waedm along the whole front oP hi rm on �'� depeaite Plants, Shrubs, two roads, end keepo his side o be "ibis old r@Cts tis „, hi hwe ae smooth as a lawn. The fee tehed and reliable bueinesa ie ea6ed aCtlOfl alld g y rrr rr . I I __ 171 t FAR AN S ALL beans continued as usual, and those who want g eile th,d nervoUS 'alfa Of this good former and goof] oiti2en rrr . R TI D anything in our lin© Dao rely on the very boob �trell tri Sy$- towards Lis trhiftles. neighbors across the r rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrrrrrrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rr °t ,ervl°° tern, Ina word, it places road man be fma ined n he bo a all rosea °f r rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrrrrt . gg ,t>' BANKERS, cholcolPlants fore rin the b waeda, oonstitnting a regular jnfPgle of �,•, 41 Floral DeglQag for wecldl��• ddy in t}1C bCst noxious plant life, floufl.hin Withlfl a few �- �� CLINTON, ONT, Weddings or Funerals g NO Hard Pedalling •`•�' IYnit and Ornaraeatnl xreeo C011dltlOi Peet of hie own property, `gLeO a"slltld IP �,•�. .1 :� �4��I Advnces made to Parmera oa their own Orruce. Scotch •a AntraAiaa prao PMVenting > he did not know that there Weila Ihw r6• J notes at low rates of interest. germs Of Cpj1S n in the ti g of weeds along the Allow orders emir° stook very tow, � wrtption' from highw ys, and t why he did not oq. All ordure promptly filled. > --='+�igeneraL.Banking--Basinees~trrmumtsiI:_-_ ._._.bgOnnln_-OFC�f3f371tYi11 la' -__.__..-_____ -, __ _...__._..___..-_._-_ _._-__,.. -. _----- ._. ._to tLe-oommiegfoaeie o ��.pp __._____-__.-_..__...- _ __ . petiimaster ebb[it _JW Estate WOr iitlaFelr it, be Put is the plea that he did not ant �� _� Intereat allowed on deposits. k.n ti17t Ocie Sentence to Appear se a complainant against his Sale Notes bought Denmlllerp, IS the Whole g n6ighbor, That is the trouble With the • J, P, TISDALL, Manager, MAT . STAMPING} COVerlri eCret. $Op]� enforcement of finny excellent laws do. � - � _ g signed t benefit the public. I the subject Very otSoiale are indillerent ala,and ne liTgent,ewhile dm—`1. t Thai nde9 nod is prepay thoroughly sent free for g of Btu. ing for Mute Pe pared tc do all kinds ,,,,LL citizens prefer to boar many ilia and nni9- = 1 R MCKILLOP MIITIIAL FIRE 0108of J r. nature. Work don Ru em adyd u d rile apses rather than a - � 1• y� H reasonableStreet. rotor, I1Q)3g s WO�Ta�NC1TON king, spear nnnofghborly, INS' URANC Huron Btreet. rCLi�a c4aessfori of keeping the sides Of the �►- 11, CD. SCOTT a roads free o! weeds most concerns the �" { eowxll, f].li„in,, out• fervaera themselves, It to B matter of �- JH'ARM &ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY dollar. end'bent. t i iA, , `Y ' ONLY INSURED Selling them, who, it they permit weedstonourish on or near theirI 11oIr>rrOEtts ,S; Your Property, will tlnd the gruff interfering do—�_ I , Qeo• Ot, W. eFres t, Soarer P. O.• Jam°, with the grow(% of their -11 �Broadfoot ae-Pres, Soarer P. O.; W, J, FOR CASH, r drops, and its �►--- - a Shannon. Beoy.Trens , Seatorth P O.; M, Nordic � meed mixed with their grain nix li I'-. Inspector 0P losses Soaforth P. p, , • , an are now ofterin our entiro stock of Msat, Hesart injury arid dbpieciAtion of its oh to its � ••• a�aEcaolts and Gfoceries at t oat. Com value, If a`farmer should market i ;. Jae, Broadtoot, Soatorth• M. M with those you have been Day}o a and our prices , go on to his d - -+��; forth Quo, Dole, S forth• Goo. Watt Harlock• you can save b ordering see what neighbors land slid deliberatel • • �, „ 'I'. E, Hapr� �atorrt�� aiex Qnrdinor, Land' re our giro. ne. S �on 9' broad°est half a btlohbl o! thfatle seed scatter �`I.- bnry; ChL$�Carbuttl, Olinton; John M.Loan, prlao oriels rOB our �` injured stteigbbor would not bn good, the ="� R1DDea. iornstaroh,100.. 7o Coffee , 0.40 Drloe Cr have ou but would forcibly ejbet the Im ieious In. fir~-- ' eatttczs Laundry„ 100.. 7o Lain 400.•80° Y palpitation, throbbin Or I Thos. Sell Robt, MOM}Ilan P Glase,80„5o irregular beating, dizziness, short breath, traderfromthe premfsbs. Yet that ie ” m Korth, andJa ngs, hrgmondville. ' Sea. Peariine, 100., So Gia er P 11y what every Cbyrtier !•- ON L�� A CV CT+TJ TT �j (yIr11 Parties business to eiYoot insurances or trap- soa B Snaiisl0o, , 50 smothering or choking sensation, pain in Who Per• f�]c►� l l€L lJ N1�J 1x171 8 s ....50,..,40 'tea; ...,..SOo..�Oo In Who ads to grow qn Hifi felmn or by the ' .eat other bn n to waif be, romptiq attended to Pickles • • , ,1bo..l0e BlaeRibbon85e, , 25o the breast or heart. If so, your heart is side of �He zoad doom, T'He willcf ,all take ron appliopptith to eye oi'ptho above ofricsera Eatreota.,,,l0e,.$0 Tea affected and will in turn affect t is `_ adteseod to their rosD©Drive o>liooe. Yeast Oaken, loo.. Seed.� pp-er ilk 50..x8 aff`ctnerve, causin nervous the seeds the weedy a id, didtitfbute them cp Salmon .... 190.,IOD 8} lbRaieine..,,25o Hess, morbid anxious feeling, deb t . over bhe y on cation snrroaadiIt she MO g Hess, sleepless• pinoea whore ahoy are tolerated, d 'A I 11 Cll OII Planln �lll Caused s..25oo. , 0, 81 lb .INine....25o pnblic dot pp It fe a ,,; r g 810 Sodas..25o.,2(ki Y do what he oma tai diminifib this rt of every to �►•• f t 1, sow - i D — JAS STEEP & CO., Clintari M�Iburrr�s PROVIDENCE THAN4111— ' XL�Y .KILN. KED: level a,, n,, � 1 °'` ����� It is With pleasure that reoomhlend B, r► ' Y , i' --- W© Will Pay Straight :�elart B, D• for the curb of i`ndI estfon 'and fin- ��,,- 'I'he e'nbsoriber, Having the very latest, WC Salaries w��y pare blood. I had tried man t t„>... Proved machinery and employing the Of frorn 810.00 to but received no benefit until I thank nk Previa$100 and • Q .11 moat skilled t workmen is able to do Work in oanvaseors on -Quo., '�' Qi c oris : to a Life and �' "� denoe, Y was advi,ed to use B. B, B ,tit►.. • ;✓lux I t0 �1 l • alike, 1 chis lino in rho most satisfactory manner, Reign,,' after a trrionth on our big Llfe and it was with erfect success, '-and dkeasonablo rates end on the shortest no wo ciartul olumo�keopininil b ban �e wmking Cure all these complaints by regulating pp �r a bibs, A trlel tlolioited, g this MRS. WM, LO(7KE , �`-- earlvadd laic. The outycanadtan work acco t the heart's action and building up th© , Oshawo, Ont' fir._- f�, CO ; + r �.-•- H. A. LOZI •� �"V. COOPER C0 `tc "t'`At7OItY N +'AR p Z+, $,' ©d by Iibr Mpj©gtyund eadoreed b nervous and muscular system to perfect ��->Ig'r1�C� ►1 �rn%flt�, y=! °' f1LTNTON NATION Family. Abopgt}tnlblgbookataamgllRoyal health and strength, Price per hos t1miU 1Z*,�, �+ Abuts, Clinton , , hurry your application. TIrE BnADrar q' ate too `- ” " ' rtsss°N oo., L td, Toronto. Ont, or 6 bokes for $2.so. At all druggists, lnetgr� toof f- t I NNIUAWWWWW4�� ���» awillwiul , �' V• :` w "-. R 1,, 1� - 7' . i.1�'es .-�' i�.Gt3�$ t t.rti�;� � d� 1. _. a , - -- ,