HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-24, Page 5•L.,L ID Pctpl ullvul 01111) 11t71 V uului-d fd2Llt3uijug uetiWeen wessrs unrayW 1Senlan, twill be dissolved on the first day of February, 189$,. by expiration of time' and mutual consent. j ' Now then, on account of said dissolution, the stock at present con' - It seems a pity to apply the knife to such a large and be i tained in, our store, which is one of the largest and best in the stock as we have now on hand, having only within the last few County of Huron, will have to be either cleared out entirely or days got through recei-ing and marking off and putting into i position, one of the finest and • most thoroughly up-to-date fall reducedf o the smallest proportions possible. stocks ever brought to this place by us, yet such is the fact that on SA TUR..DA Y,,, wow!//,,MONSt��#c AW _, commence issolution 1 ea .Sale' When every article within our doors Will be offered at Sale Prices, which will astonish those who come to buy, 50 to 75 pieces best wide Print. regular 121c for .... lie 4 pieces Stylish Tartans, latest mixtures rev. 45c ....30c T 2 special Black & Navy 46 in. all wool Serge, reg. 60c. . 40c 25 pieces best wide 32 in. Flannelette, reg. Se & 10c ...61c 3 pieces double fold 36 in. Dress Tweeds, reg. 25c ....15c 1 special Priestley's best 50 in. heavy I31k Serge, $1....74c Best all wool Factory Flannel, regular 30c for. ...... 20c 3 pieces -double fold 36 in. Dress Tweed4, reg. 45c 25c 1 large .�- €. ,; piece beautiful new Taaeed, new mixture, 3oc .. .1c 8 pieces best Fancy Wrapperette goods, reg. 121c & 15...9c 6 pieces Fawn and Grey 40 in. Tweeds, reg.25c, ........12c 5 Dress ends, beautiful heavy NavySerge, 75(,90(, $1..55e 11 pieces best fancyWrapperettegoods, reg 17 to 20c...12ic 2 pieces thney Tartan Dress Goods, regular 35e ......19c 1_ -piece extra heavy all wool A -W- Cashmere, reg. 65c -mac 2 large webs Seal & Garnet 40 in. Box Cloth, reg. .30c 20c 4 special -Dress ends, lovely Tweeds, re . 00( ........39( 1 piece lrgry fine Blk Winter Crepon (Priestley's)$1.2.5.. 89C k Clothing, Overcoats,- Ladies' Mantles, Jackets, Capes, Wraps. This sale continues without intermission until this stock is entirely disposed of. �V� Carpets in Tapestry, Brussels Wools Unions and Hemps,,, Fur and � Wr , Moquette Rus Floor Oil Cloths Linoleums all to go out at Disso-a RIM00% u. q g� t, ' lution Sale Prices. Look out for another list next week.i1ro i i /111<■r��t�d�t�������tr��....w...it�r,���.e..�,���_•-----_---- HY USE OUR XING POWDER? Because it pays, It is stronger and costs no more than others. Good results always. Assures the food againet all forma of adulterations commonwto the cheaper brands.' Always fresh and always the same. 25. cents per pound. -ads SPICES and ESSENCES. MIXED SPICES, 2 ounces for 25 cents.j J. E. HO V'EY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. STRAY CATTLE PROPERTY FOR SALE a For sale, that property on' the south side a dame into subscriber's promises, lot 20 con, Huron Street Clinton, directly opposite th, Hullett, about June 20th, 1 2• ear old i1eifer residence of hers Walsh. There is a two-storl and 1 1 year old Suer. Owner is hereby moil= frame house on the lot, which le ne9rly halt.a[ 7E{8d to prove Dprooppertyy.���pay chargee and take acre. Tho prof e['ty is most ell bly situated tb bm away. 3pHN REX130LDS. Clinton P. 0 and will be sold for 8400 cash. or partioulan apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. �rrrrr�rrrtrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrmrrrtrrrrtrrr� r. ,A fteniq6n r- r i We are still selling out and will continue the ..fir x .. _ _ --�•i `` `�a-i6�� nt l'-the-stockis 18­1-4ed of. ­ Everything will have to go as we are determined to clear all out, and the prices we are giving are sure to do it. If you have not given us a call' came and see the goods and bargains; it will pay you. � We have plenty of stock left yet. Most de- partments well assorted. We can't quote prices as we are continually selling out differ- ent lines, but we respectfully ask you to come and ejokwe will make it pay you to do so. NO Pllftwsteel & ,Gibbin s OLI1TTON ��It�11�11U1111111U111tUlulU111�1111111fILC Two lnmportanr Events AW OCTOBER 1st, 5(h and 6th. OCTOBER 1st is the date of our Fa 11 Will,fnery, Mantld and Dress Goods Opp. piney We extend a cordial invitation to you to be present and see what is to be the styles for this season. Special display on evening of 29th inst. Store will be closed from 6 to 7 p. m• on this date to complete display. BLYTH FALL FAIR TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5-6. It is not necessary to say anything about it. Every person is coming. While in Blyth at the Fair make this store your headquarters. We will take care of your wraps, parcels, Bac, TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE Lots of high Rrndt; phowle, pure, clean Ti .cr i PURE English PARIS GREEN thy Soed for sale at tHc. Warbhouse. Cash or time as desired. W. G.')PERRIN, Clinton OLINTON MARKETS 25c a ib. We will quote you close prices on quantity. Corrected every Thursdayitfternoon. We have jut received a large stock of - Thursday, September 23rd, 189CORONA ATHLETIC' CHEWING GUM. Wheat, -, •... •......, p 81 a '0 822 Athletics, Cyclists and other bard workers will find this am ver invi or- f�ata ............. 0 fLl a 0 L2 g Y� g Field,jBarley.......... 0 21 a 0 2� ating, containing Bola nut, Celery and Pepsin. It has wondf rful sustain - Peas 0 40 a 0 45 ing power, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth moist. Rye..::::::::':::::.. 2 40 a 2 41 BROMO-SALINE BATHING SALT Flour per cwt ....... 2 20 a 2 65 Butter in rolls ....... 0 1l a 0 13 Butter tub............ 0 10 a 0 11 Invigorating and refreshing, highly recommended for those desiring a Sea Bath Eggs per do¢.. ....... 12 a 0 13 Hay new $4; aid...... 6 25 a 7 00 25 I J H Co b�'iy Chemist and Druggist. Wool :......... 0 25 a 0 25 • • 0 18 a 0 18 No. 1Tr1 mmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25 1 Potatoes.. ..... ,,,: 0 25 a 0 25 Ulover Seed retail.. • 5 50 a 5 50 Timothy Seed........, 2 50 a 2 60 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETT-he -OUP . that eheers.'. There were about 600 head of butchers' ,cattle, 30 calves, 800 sheep and lambs, and 50 store bogs and pigs offered for sale at A few weeks ago we made they folloWin the east end abattoir on Monday. The gannouncement:-- weather was rather wet and cold for com- fort, yet the butchers were present in large numbers, and trade was fair, with A Gold Watch and other valuable prizes to be prices a little better than on last week's given markets. There were no prime beeves on gi away. the market to -day, Pretty good stook sold FM= We want your Tea Trade and we n44ke � at from 3fo to nearly 4o per lb; common dry cows and rough young stook sold at a strong bid for it. from 2e to Be per Ib, and the leaner beasts Like many other dealers who were mistaken in anticipated taritr at loo per lb. Calves were scarce and we find we are overstocked with Tea, and have decf ed to union i, aBn in p`y high, prices ranging from $3 to $8 order to do so quickly, oiler extraordlnary inducements. Our plain is brie eao Good large sheep pring from Be to as follows; -Tea will be put up in one pound paokages, and enclgsed in every,, Bic per lb. Lambe sold at from Bic to Bic package will be a ticket with a number marked thereon. When the sales per Lb. at hogs were scarce. Heat/ hos have reached an aggregate of one thousand pounds, the Gold Watch will be Y R presented to the holder of one of these tickets. Every purchaser will have sold at from 5u to 5jo, and the light ones an equal chance of winning. No person will know the win ndmker atfromfrom 5}o to a little over 629. the thousand _, Per_1b.... __... _. e,ft. ..Zond. np?lux hs� i been-sold--We-lrav' ariougei that a correspond - n _• ___.-_ _.. _. _.._ _ ore-more$6-to $f3 each and o , an one n 1crouton will each mark on a sheet of paper a _ . __ __.__.__..- -_ _--.-- - - - r number that maybe from 1 to 500, an forward it in sealed envelop. to Mr It `. ` pigs at from $3 to $6 each. Holmes, -Editor of the New Era, Clinton, who shall place them unopened in - the safe in his office. When advised by us that the thousand pounds have \ , been sold, he will, in the presence of two witnesses break the seals of the McKinnon,& Co. Blyth envelopes, add together the two numbers contained therein, and the Hegel eommeretal Notes with the number cortexpending to the num of these two oin, annumbers, shall be et 50 cars of atookers left Toronto for Buff- declared the winner. Thus should one envelope contain the number 18, and alo last week, the other 891, ticket number 409 would be the winner. In addition to the grand prize of a GOLD WATCH, there will be 50 Special ��� The potato crop in Waterloo county this Prides, one for the buyer of every 2r special and 09th pounds. Winners of special JThe is almost a failure. Owing to the wet Prizes are not required to surrender their tickets, but still retain their chnnoe of winning the Grand Prize. Should the winning ticket be held by ° weather the greater part is rotted, the family of any person employed in the store, then the person holding the n t k Last year's apple crop was given to the end this year it will be disposed of at pigs Y p the rate of $2 a barrel from the trees. The Mark Lane Express, of Sept. 20th, is et with next higher number will d8aw the prize. Teas bought from us have always been as good value as can be. procurers in the county, and the Teas now in stock are sudh as we can recommend, e , Uncolored Japan 25, A. MODERN MODERN BOAR FOR SERVICE SLAVE V A thorobred imported Yorkshire White Boar for service at (ouch & Wilson's slaughter house. Terms, $1 cash with�privilega of re- reviewing the crop situation, Saye: Though the Russian wheat aro [s under the aver- p beet at .......... 35, 50C eeylon at .. . ...... . . . . . . . . .........25, 35C Soucliling at,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 25, 35c turning. COUCH & WiLSON. figs the judges credit Russia with be- [ng able to export a surplus of quite 8,000,• Young Nyson at • • • .......... , 25, t15c 1 Imperial, our own blend, "Ceylon and '7 Who is more e. slave than the woman GOOD FRAME. RESIDENCE 000 quarters. lndia," a choice and most delicious ;a who worries and perspires over a red- hot stove to do the family baking. FOR BALE The flax crop this year, so far as acreage article ................................ 35C Nineteenth century women deserve a better fate. Genuine old fashioned The frame benne urysituato et the (cruor of j and Rattenbu Streets, is ofrered for is concerned, is the largpet for many years. For a time it was thought to be of a very but We will be glad to submit samples of any of our Teas, if you wish to compare ' them with others, if you are pleased with our 'Peas, recommend them to Your neighbors and friends; you will thus in hastening 7 Family Bread sale o sal. on reasonab a terms. It is story and a halt, s. containing, rooms and kitchen, with frost- good quality, as it is now coming in in rt/. g large quantities, it is found to be inferior in ssist th � close of the sale. Lotus all work together and see how quickly it can be clone.' L. at proof collar, hard and soft water quarter•acre lot, with a number of choice fruit trees both seed and fibre, and the price being W. OUIIIETTE, The Cash Dealer, Londesboro, James McClacherty's, Pure light and flaky, bag- on the place. APPIy �tor- particuiars to MRS THOMAS or MRS BAMU HOLMES, Princess Street Clinton, paid {s not satisfactory to thefarmer.—EN, chin e. g We are now pleased to adnounce that over half the quantity has been sold and in a q few weeks we will have the handing , cheap as Ing at home, too. We still lead in "4j Cnnnsn AND BUTTER.—The exports of pleasure :of the Gold watch to some one of our ottetomere. The special pr{zea have beau diatrinuted monthly, ' + CO RT OF . REVISION lee Cream and Canadian cheese from Montreal last week were nearly dotiblo those of the correspond- y p Now Season Teas are now in stook and are of superior "9 value, We guarantee ever P quality and excellent g y pound of tea we sell to be at least equal in value Ice Cream Soda. Notice is hereby givon drat a Court will be hold, pursuant to the 'voters' Liat Act," b ale Honor. the Judge of the County ing week of 1896, and the exports of butter were more'iban double. There is 'also a big increase in to any that can be procured at the price, and in addition the purchaser runs a obAnce of win. ning a valuable gold Watch. Buy a five or ten pound lot. You may be the lucky As we have now a now and up-to-date Court o the uounty of Huron, at Londesboro, on the 27th cheese and butter shipments for the year do far, Thus is illustrated the ptir- chaser, and in any ovent you get a firat-class tea at the right price. fountain with patent syrup jars. Call nail see our new $rat prize day of Se tember, 1897, at 10 o'clock tt m., to hear and c�'otermine the several eomglainte of orrors and omissions In the Voters' Not of the progress That ie being made ander the new order of things, with cold storage our ,r Try our Imperial Blend at 35c. eh#cage Lancll eakeg. Come early as they sell quickly. Medd#ng Oakes a Specialty MunhavingP lltyusin ea Huhe0 for 1837. All persons having bue said at. the Court aro required to at tons a� the said time and loco. JAMES CAMPB)�LL, Township Clark Dated the 10th day of Soiltember. dairy butter world n sold with the beet buttef in the world in Groat Britain. All ft requires is to beproperly p p 9 prepared, at- traotively naoked, and nremntly Awnnafi. ` . nn& - d4� 11. 9n _ _ ,. _ . Y _ �- ...