HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-24, Page 4"111
0 V4
• ch�lA'Git Ghilal►ea.
Trade have unanimonah• resolyyyed that an I NEW13 NO(1T.8. Hens�iil
Rev, R. hlillyard and Rev, A, Stew. invitation doff by er , , ,,,,i to Right Hon, Sir Mr Frank J. Rogers, manager of the A bold attempt was made at kidnapping'
art exchange pulpits on Sunday morn- Wilfrid nr i 1, i ,. r to visit"thilt Mt' ' g, NOTES, -Mr Jeffer who moved on I in Berlin the othex da A 2 -year-old
G q 4nk of Montreal at Peterboro Is dyad. dao bier of e r y' Y nr-old Fall ,i LUNRY
in next. as guest„ .r N" uo, tu, and that on behalf to Mr White's farm In the spring, had i $ p ominent business man, liv-�! g George Waldrou, a veteran of the famous t
J. B,Glottehall will preach.in Perrin's of the boaw a banquet be tendered the Pro- Li ht Brigade, die eft Montreal from con- he misfortune to lose his wire on Ing on Queen street, had been playing on
j Hall on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. miex on that occasion; It tvae also decided gee Ion of tiro lungs. Th.lt's[lay;. the funeral took place on the lawn fa front of the house, Suddenly
T S All welcome. that the co-operation of the civic authorities David MoCraoken, a prominent resident Saturday to ]Mitchell, where there- the obild's mother missed the little tot, and i louse Cleaners,
P mains were interred; MIS Jeffery was just then a little girl said ehehad seen her
be aboepted in the direction of a public re- of DQoea township, was trampled to r death comparatively est
It is anticipated that a large num- caption to the;distinguiebed visitors. by a colt on Wednesday. P y Young woman. On the g gg down the street in oompan with an
bar will want to heat• the lecture of Surely Ool. Whitney mast have been Mr Henry Lako o! Barrie, was found first Sunday in October, Rev. J, S, evil -hooking tramp, At once the ether and
Rev, My McCaughan, of Toronto, in s Sarin o! natural scenery when hes dead on the lake side at Barrie,
one, IIs Henderson will have occupied the mother started in pursuit, and after a short
pid+Fleare:ln inviting the Willis chwoh, on the avenin of Oc- g Y poke
p toper 12, g o thegreat upheaval had probably ulpit of Carmel church for nine Barre; search they found the child in Victoria
fit; , n tp come and inspect p eaval he had noticed on his P y fallen over the cliff. C will preach a special sermon i the Park, but the kidnapper had evidently tak-
p#' - campaign through the country. At the The bequest of $6,000 made by the late morning to the children and in the en fright and disappeared.
The ladies of the Rattenbury St. proper time the farmers will doubtless take T. W. Yeomans to the library and reading evening he -will give a discourse suited
Methodist church, Clinton, purpose an interest in politios,but just now they are rooms of Bridge Street Church, Belleville, to the occasion. Mervin Brown, who
Q1,, �lld holding their notions supper and en- too happy over the pride of wheat, and too has been paid over to the trustees, has been ill since June 22nd, is now
tertain meat on the evening of Thanks- busy with the root crop to care whether
11ixazl8r giving da Wm. Bunt of Oshawa and John Webb o! steadily mending. He is able to•sit u
�j g fi Y• Hon, A. S. Hardy is a ealnt or a knave-- and to walk around the house. P
✓ The annual meeting of the W,C,T.U, Toronto Telegram. Toronto fell from a 40 -toot scaffold at
will be held at the home of Mrs Wash- The Bellevi118 Sun reports that a can. Owen Sound while working on the C. P. R.
tlispiay Of in ton Thursdayafternoon Sept. 30th. P elevator. Both were seriouslyinjured. Beverly Smith, an Ancaster farmer, was
c 1? vas of 24 commercial travelers who visited 1 fined $5 and costs for assaulting W m.Clark-'
root#, Tips, A ell attendance is requested, It being that City lately showed 10 who were Bare At Woodstock Ephraim Convoy was son, his hired man because the latter was
theiend of the year, election of officers Hardy would sweep the country in the ett• found guilty of manslaughter in connection conversing with the farmer's daughter,
41VAtl, ribbons, &c. and other business to be brought be- suing Provincial elections, 8 who thou ht with the shooting of young Frost at Prince-
fore the meeting. he ought to, as he practically bad eve ton. Sentence will be delivered to -day. rev. Theodore Crossman, D.D., aged 90;
n9w Veilings. We will be The Ontario street League meeting thin hie own wa and 8 who would like A ba the oldest Lutheran minister in Canada,
09,4V0 yon a perfect fit in g 8 g y. buggy driven by Jerry Ouellette was died at Lnnenbnrg to -day. He had been
on Monday evening was very interest- to see Whitney win, and hoped something struck by a M.C.R. train at Tilbury. Mr over 80 yearn in the ministry.
in The essay given by Mr Hamilton would yet turn up to give him a chance. Ouellette was killed, and Miss St. Peter,
r Follick, wasivery instructive, the sub- The Bt. Thomas Times, (Conservative) the other occupant of the baggy, severely Since the death of the old soldier in
ANTLES jet beifig-.' How, why, and where we bruised, Montreal the other da there is said to be
should pray." The devotional to to says' -the general style of comment made only one survivor of the "noble- six hun,,
' P by thaMeil and Empire- on Sir Wilfrid Mise L, Jaoksen, teacher of Steamboat
-O fol• next night will betaken by Miss Laurier's mission to Britain and what it Dock, Ia., was discharged beoauep she flog- died" who rode into the "jaws o! death" is
WY" 01 ':ening,' Satur. Editb Jennreun. The after art of the g g the Crimean war, He is John Harris, a
,i, Sept,,,, `Z.,th, and P line done for Canada, has been very die- gad a boy. Then she sued the board for
oto seises[. meeting will be in charge of the mis- tasteful to us." It is a lidalthy sign when breach of contract, and secured judgment resident of Washington, D. C.
sionary committee. pparty papers adopt this tone: The day for 0200.
t At a meeting of the Trustee Board has gone past for joarnalietio distiyotion, At Sturgeon Falls three young daughters 1sORN.
of Ontario St, church, held last even- .and it may safely be assumed that the of Mr L. Gatiea were burned to death in a wife o Mr A. Troottl of o sone 15th fust., the
;AU HILLIER" mg, to receive the report of the com- Mail and Empire does not speak for all. fire which destroyed their dwelling. The mittee having charge of arsons e TYNDALL.-In Hallett, on the 17th inst.,
g p f3 TheGovernment of British Colombia fatber, mother and five ohildren narrowly the wife of Mr born Tyndall, of a eon.
t MILLINER, i �iprovements, the Board, by unam- have become so impressed with the good escaped.
AkStand, near Hotel Olarendon mous vote, tendered their thanks to work accom liehed for a rioaltnre by the POWELL-In Goderich township Bayfield
• ' the contractor, S. S. Cooper, for the P g Rev Mr Savage, forner)y of Saugeen road on Sept. lo, the wife of Franit Powell,
P Farmers Institutes of Ontario, that it (nee se
Elliott) of a daughter.
satisfactory manner in which the work contemplates establishing a similar s s- where b bas gone to the Southern States.
Y where be will remain a few months. He MARRIED.
c ;, lovertiotttitutl0 way performed, he having even ex- tem in the Pacific Province. In order that McVICAR—MOLEAN—At the Manse, Bl th
ceeded the specifications, and in -con- has been in the Methodist ministry more p
ra9G,.cott P the new departure may be pro erl one on Sept, 22 by Rev. D. McVicar, assisted by
Jt. aimOtte sideration thereof he was voted ten P y g than 60 years. Rov A. Mc%ean
about the Premier of British Columbia has , father of the bride, Rev. A.
d 4Ie s n dollars extra on the contract. requested the Ontario Minister of A rioal- At Murray Lake, Me�icar o , to Miss Mary, laugh-
Jgckeon sr 4 Que., two farmers, f Huntsville
I�ted.-: , oitston Tbegeograpby social in Willis church tare to nominate a graduate of th& On - named Napoleon Roy and Jerry Brosseau, ter of Rev. A. McLean.
y g g toric A ri g P had a row over a ams of oro BROWN-McARTER-At the residence of
1, I— Fntti. Co last Fi ids avenin was a rand out- g bultural Colla a to erform the g quet. Bros- the bride's parents, Brussels, on Sept 15, by
cess. The occasion being an entertain, task. Accordingly,Mr T. F, Paterson, s sear struck Roy a blow with his mallet that Rev. A. Ross, John A. Brown, of psoitis, to
alt.-Jaoksoii Bros g may rove fatal,
yI .Miss E Hillier meat given to the Model and Collegiate" native of Bruce county, who has been thor- y P Catharine, eldest daughter of James McAr-
CJilroy&Wiseman students by the C. E. society. There oughly trained in scientific farming, will At Brockville Mr Grout, clerk in the ter, of Brussels.
it¢ry-$od6•ens giros Was a great number present, and a proceed to British Columbia, Bank of Toronto, was riding hie wheel n the NN ING mother GRIDGE-At. 22 theresidence
tide J
1 di p ay- AhJ Morrish most enjoyable able time was spent. The
display -A JHolloway J Y p The statesmanship of Sir Richard Cart- when he ran into a boy named Pennock, W. Andrews, Charjes Manning to Maud
e, t;al-Alien &Wilson fir at part of the event. erg was spent in wright has at length conquered the misun- The boy was knocked down and so serious- youngest daughter of Mrs, Mogridge, Hullett'
ea., }er-Jackson & Jackson social inter•cour se and getting acquaint- derstanding of the many people of Canada ly injured that he died. MOON-MORRISCN-At the residence of the
• ed with the strangers.- A short, but bride's father, by the Rev. J. W. Andrews
L g who regarded him as a sort of enemy of his At Boston on Saturday Jimmie Michael, Henry B. Moon, of Hullett, to Maggie. J'
very interesting program was given; country when he was standing up for those a little Welshman hardly out of his teens, youngest daughter of Mr M. Morrison, of Grey,
Rev, A. Steward occupied the chair ; principles of righteousness which exult s won the 25 mile bicycle rave, against the LABHBROOK-CHURCHILL-At the Metho-
t after which refreshments were served. nation His rinci les h t • (list P
I` b
. LL,
- . , . .
Will find our stook of
'kltrall Raper
Window Shades...
Just what they need to pat their rooms In.
first class order,
A large stock of Window Shades just
Wall paper is always up-to-date and espe-
cially our prices.
Special values in remnants.
All paper trimmed free of charge.
p p ave riumphed, two best riders in the world, in'46 minutes, s arsonage, Mitchell, on bept 22, by Rev. CLINTON..
k, i3E]?TEMBER 24, 1897 On Tueaddy avenin a social wan and now that be is understood, he is not beating all previous records. J. W. Holmes. Richard Lashbrook, of Mit-
g P chill, to Mies Rosa Churchill, formerly of
held in connection with the League of only popnlarbuthe possesses the most deep- At Brighton, as William Sprintall was Clinton.
dive No Preference Rattenbury St. ghurch,1 the room be- ly based confidence of Canadians of both SHORE-SIMPSON -At the residence of STRAY CATTLE.
ing filled to its utmost. The following Parties, He is recognised ere a pillar' o{ attempting to replace a loose belt upon a the bride's parents, near Newmarket, on the 1/� 1/,
position papers have been Program was rendered:- �ecitation, strength and tote tit in the planer be was caught and thrown with 9th inet., by Rev. C. E, Thompson Mr Frank Came into subscriber's premisee,London Road
11 integrity government such force against the -.ailing that every A. J. Shore, of Win ham, to Miss Carrie a few days' since seven head of cattle -bei
or$ ti a breeze against Mr Miss Vera Rogers; Turner
rte. Misses and the country. IIs has borne himself g Simpson, formerly of W' ham, two four-year o
p g Cuninghame, S. Turner at, bone was broken. Death was inatantan- 47ih't
ing We(d Cows, one freshly calved;.
d Messrs most proudly during the period in which ELLIS-GrLKINSON.-On the 8th inst., by W �r(� two two-year old Steer,
all two yearling Heifers
the assumption that he re- Jennie
and H. Rourke; recitation, Mise eOIIy' a and a yearling Steer, all mainly red m color.
be wan misunderstood. Now that the people Rev. M, C. Cameron, of Harriston, Laura, h
ttcrhpta preference for Cana- Jennie Shannon; solo, Miss Coning. delight in manifesting their confidence in The freight traffic on the G. T. R. and daughter of Wm. Gilkinaon, of Fordwich, to The owner is hereby notified to prove property,
Ct9,:-to be offered in England hame; recitation, Thos. Courtice, fol- him, his kindly, genial nature responds in C.P.R. for the past week is said to heave Thos, Ellis, of Howiek, _ pay charges and take them awa�yy
STRONG-FERGUSON. - In Tuckersmi Four LEVI WILTBE, Clinton,
t" erenee elttended English lowed by "scriptural conversation " a manner which is entirely winning, -Mon- been the biggest in twenty years. The th, o r of the above have since boon claimed.
on the 15 in At the ver e of a
,"Ctbat Even when it is after which refreshments were served. treal Witness. passenger traffic is also exceptionally heavy. Strong, of Tuc*keremith NtoSMary,lyoun est g
pt that England never offer- Mr Millyard occupied the chair. Those These are signs of the prosperity of the daughter of Mr Wm. Ferguson. g eriOd Of activity.
Sit, of the Mail and Empire, has this to P P Y p BUSINESS CHANGE.
, ), . an producre a prefer- ,present seemed to spend a pleasant say of Sir Wilfrid Laurier: -"what a sac. times. GODKIN-BOYD,-In_McKillop, on the 15th If OU W1Sh roof
"It ,the organa reply that evening inet., by Rev. Mr Titfen ,Alport Godkin t° y The undoreiggnod paving bought the goodwill
Ot]Id' have done a0 if Mr dens be has been everywherel Admired and Albert Lake was killed near Presque Isle Matilda -fifth daughter of Mr Anthony Boyd P - and -business of the late firm of Misses Cudmore
gill iv The Oil Springs Chronicle, of are- honored in England, it was also to --be ex- in Sarawak township Saturda morning, both. of trtcI�i_llop.. _ _+ _ Of this COII1e t0 . - & Tebbutt, dressmgkerS, over Gilroy & Wise-
,,] g' en it an opportun- Y g, y Wise
centdat�-thus-ai3udea- to the lecture peoted that be would'be colds received in while feeding a threshing machine at the r muff's store, will continuo the same, All
tltil3 is not true. But if Y MCWHINEY-KERR.-At the residence of Biddlecombe S and orders entrusted to her will receive prompb
s yvish to find out B stab g'yen by a native of Huron well and France, who always looked askance at per- farm of William Lee. He fell into the the bride's parents, on the 8tb inst., b Rev, 1 and careful attention. The latest and most
g favorably known in this section:- fide Albion. But no; bis tact, gentle man- cylinder, and his head and one arm were J. W. Pring, Mr Thomas George McWhiney, see What We flava, stylish fashion plates received monthly. Par.
,otl;;the matter all they Have "The lecture by Rev. E. Medd, Ph.D., ners, straightforwardness, brought every- taken off. of Colborne to Miss Ellen Jane, oldest daugh- ties indebted to the said firm wdl vieaso settle
11 i4terview any of the En ter of Mr Wm, Rerr, of Nile, with Miss Tebbutt when convenient.
lio,':coma to this country- Sarnia, in the Dlethodist church on one to his side. Not one jot was hie loyal- Mariah Billingsley, living near Rich- CASSELS-HUMBER.-In Godericb, on the At the Be lrl MISS T, TE13BUTT
y Thursday evening last, on the subject ty to Britain abated by his visit to Paris. mond Little River County, looked her five 15th fust., , Rev. los. Edge, Aggie Clarle, b ning
6rii the o representative of "Wooing and Wedding" was a de- And he franks told the French people, so, children, the eldest 11 years of age, in the Humber, only daughter of C. A. Humber, to
rQin the old country at all tided success in so far as the lecture Then he comes to old Ireland, and the house and went to church. During her ab- Roderick Mathbon Cassels, of Stratford of the fall season our � �-
,,we Venture to say that they itself was concerned. The reverend Dublin papers cannot speak highly enough sense the house caught fire and the five COLWELL-HODGINS.-In Stephen town stock of Jewelery, Speo- '"'
1, is most absurd to imag- gentleman for over an hoar and a half of him, Going down into the west to icor children were incinerated, ship, mi the 8th fust. by Rev. Mr 6altoc of tacles, &c., and prices will
ng and will tax itself for our Centralia, Mr J F. Coiwell to Miss Violet 9
met produce dealers held the rapt attention of his audience: into the steam packet matter, he captures The 3 -year-old child of Mrs W. Bell, of daughter of Mr J, S. Hodgins, convince tan.
efrom England, who have The lecture was brimful of good, sen- the heart of Connemara; finally, taking Buffalo who is visiting her brother, E. De- jIFLiJ,
$ _
calings here, and without Bible, solid advice to young men and his departure from Perry, he is escorted to OUR SILVERWARE
women, and while thus very instruc- his ship by an enthusiastic boatload of cow, at Doane Hollow, near Simco,, was COATS. -In Clinton on Se t. 19th, George
twig$ of their political views, tive, was at the same time quite an- barbormaeters; and to -da I am readin of •found dead Monday morning in the yard. Hamilton, son of Walter and Marion Coats,
tl,th,is them, as to England's q y g It is thought the child had climbed upon a aged 2 years and 6 weeks, Our Doctor of Refraction
this respect, and the ane- to being
c n v the audience frequently the ovation he met with on landing in Qua - wagon, had fallen off, and was run ovd'r, HULL. -In Usborne, on, the 20th fust., Ish- The prices on these arti•
y being convulsed with laughter by the pea Well may all Canada rejoice over bar mael Hull, aged 83 years, father of Mrs Jos. cies are down,
ariabl been that under no rev, gentleman's apt delineation of Premier. Party feeling and all such Dar- The Allan and Dominion Lines of steam- Wheatley, of Clinton. L Hae trade a special study of the human eye,
I,, eii wot,ld the English' pec- character. His description of the rowness should be laid aside in this mom- ships threaten to withdraw their vessels HISCOS-In Clinton, on Sept. 22 Sarah,
1t.A0 any tax being put on 'crazy quilt girl" was especially amus- ant of welepme and rejoicing over the re- g he winter If Your Eyes
11 thatinttst,necessarily,come j g from the Halifax route daria t wife of Geo. T. Hiscox of London, and young- Y
ing, Rev. Mr Ayearst deserves the turn to her shores of Canada's great son, months and run only to Boston and Port- est ds ughter of Mrs. W. Rattenbury, aged 47 REPAIRING of ever
ockets of the English peo- land nnle,s the Government oontinnes the years and 2 months. y kind Are week or your eight r, it ie ,tmportanb
tLiinks of the community for piovid• He has added to the lustre of the Dominion MURDbCH._In Ashfield, on the 4th mat„ guaranteed to give tatia- to have them care uuy examined.
Ing such a rare treat for the people." He has magnificently represented her at all subsidies which it has hitherto given for
Alexander Murdoch, aged 67 years. action. NO P-harge
iili>Dister Of Justice At the annual meeting of the W. M. the eventful doings of this moat eventful carrying the mails. GLEN, -In Colborne, on the loth fust., Mar-
, Owing --- S. of Ontario St. church the following Year, and it speaks largely in favor of the Owing to the resignation by W. W • garet Young wife of the late John Glen, aged whatever is made for teetina.
`e .;rumour that Sir Oliver report was read: -Our auxiliary can- diplomatic talent, the manners, education Buchanan, of Hamilton, of the position of 79 years an 11 months. Fine Steel frames including glasses fllled by
and appearance of Sir Wilfrid that in general manager and editor of the Temp- MULCAHY. In Seaforth, on the 18th last our Specialist, sLoo.
° not report an increase in member- PP Itati �. BiU1111sh$lYlister of Justice, would be- P V each countr he g g Edward Muleah y �+ Full stock of Gold Specs and Eye Glasses,
ship, although the interest in our Y has visited he has left the lar, which takes effect at the end of the y, aged so years.
leut-Glovernor of Ontario, work,appears to be increasing, and we same amiable impreodon," month, a Successor bas been appointed. I CLINTON {��
ii the report that Hon. David are thankful to say the amount raised The new general manager and editor will Al'W Aditertioeuifuto. � 1 V . COOPER c�L CO,
succeed him ill the Ga1�iileti {duping the year is larger than last be John H, Land, of Hamilton, Dominion �1
decided effort is being made 'year. Oitr aderage attendance is C',ommercial Notes. Secretary. CLINTON.
e glaims of this gentleman. about the same as that of last -- ISS C. E. Leacher of Pi Graduate of Alma
year. Dominion trade returns for Ann Eight hundred persona have signed aper- M College, teacher vii Piano.
one word to say against During the months of October and g st show ition for the pardon of McWherrall, Dow -�-�• T��-
udidate for the office; he is November last the ladies met at the an increase in both import and exports, serving a life sentence for a doable murder SERVANT WANTEh. " — T' -L-- - T V V O A. J�
till With a record as an au- home of Mrs Crich and re erred a The total trade increase for the month is g i
P over $1 000 000. committed in 1893, Unless good reasons, aVnnt�a,
Cot]6titutional law, but at quantity of beddiDgandjclot in ,which in the shape of evidence to exculpate 'him, MRS. HOUSTON, general servant. Apply to
ltitgi3 We think that .the Prem- was sent to (Rev.) 04 Edwards, Sar- Reports from tbresbers in central, south- are shown, the government will do well to High Street Clinton. OUR SEMI-ANNUAL DISPLAY OF
be allowed to make his own pia and distributed among rho needy western and northwestern portions of the pigeonhole thatpetition and forget that it
.' Rye do not agree with the ones on the Indian Reserve. e take province of Manitoba, all show a falling oil GIRLS RANTED.
g hat over entered, FALL AND WINTER WOOLLENS AND
t�v#itiser in its contention nine copies of the Outlook and a num- in the expected wheat yield, In many Wanted at once� qcod dinio room GENTS FURNISHINGS One One else is selected West- ber of Monthly Leaflets. As a society Places the yield goes as low as 12 bushels Willie McTavish, the 17 -months -old son cook. J. C. MILLER, Hotel Cla girl and
atrlp,*ill be without proper we miss very much the helpful letters Per acre, of Alex. McTavish, residing on William . .
tat .Ii in the Cabinet. The cont by Miss Ford; Missionary in China CANADIAN BACON ., ENGLAND. - f3a a the street, Stratford, watt drowned in the river, FOR SALE. Will be heli daring the week commencing Sept. 97th. We extend an
te, , T takes - a broader h Y about llo'olook Tuesday morning, Mrs Mo- invitation to everybody to inspect our stook which consists of imported
a� lY who has since been called oma, and London correspondent to the Montreal Tavish had occasion to go upstairs, leaving Factory and contents on the roperty of D. and domestic
{folitical than it does in read by Mrs (Rev,) Ford at"our Trade Bulletin: -There is not enough Can- Buchanan for 812b; by crying pply down and
g the child below, On her return the child p g
�Ibnc,,, and its sectional feeling meetings from time to time; but adian baoon on the market. I don't wish balance at $l0 a month. Building to be and
�j !
Cotxt►ted for. But in what God moven in a mysterious way. We to blow too mach about this, but will note fwaslea missing, and was shortly otter found moved. Apply to J. SCOTT, Clinton. WORSTEDS, R� S TWEEDS
V the interests of this section have great cause for thankfulness that a leading authority to show that others floating in the river.
14 'man from the eastern not one of our auxiliary has been call- begin to share my views:- "Canada is in Ii oil is discovered in paying quantities ROOMS TO LET. In alt the latest novelties. In Genie Farnir3hinge we claim to carry one of
iltetrro were taken into the ed away by death, although one of our brisk demand, and so popular is the brand in the vicinity of the Yukon river, it will the most up-to-date stooks to en found west of Toronto consisting ocaryof
4gstead of one from the West- number is not with us to day on ac- becoming that this week's arrival cannot Prove a grew boon for the miners in the Five good, com2ortablc rooms over store Suit p"
ate i$ just a danger that in ; ount of sickness, We trust that she half fill the demand and all orders have to Canadian gold region, At present the old able for dwelling, or for Students who wish to '
g provide for themselves, to root at a reasonable Hats Caps Ties Braces Underclothing Waterproof Coats
er-zealous for Cabinet repre- may speedily be restored to her usuhl be out down." bearing gravel can only be thawe3 oat by rate. LACK ]3ENNEDY, f + f f +
rt a section of the Dotpipion health. May each one of us be in- the slow process of bnilding fires over it
ry easily embarrass the free spired with greater zeal in this great A Marten aburg,Va., despatch says: -The and letting them barn down through, the HATS A SFE e'IALTY.
the%Premier, who, desirous of work is the prayer of the secretary. demand for fruit in this country has never dirt being dug out at fast as it thaws. Some WORKSHOP ON WHEELS
3 bbst'he could, would be pre- been so great. Yesterday John Miller sold tried blasting witli dynamite, but it was E. TAYLOR, the celebrated Cutler
'pus so doing by the demands personal and Political. his apple crop, estimated at 8,000 barrels, unsuccessful. Cheap petroleum would be and Grinder, of Sheffield, England, is back J 31ORRISH, Clinton. I A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.
finds. What should be done at $2,66 2 -Ba barrel thus realizingover 20, a great boon to the miners, g '
is to' amalgamate the office Archbishop Langevin is reported to be 0p0, His orchard Covera 34 acres of moan•, to town for a short time, and is located on
out of danger. tain land, the taxable valne of which is not An accident occurred at s old c illd Of din g' ,Corner, He will do
l i other, and thus lessen the Y'
If Ministers. Archibald Smirle, County School In- over $3. Last spring he planted 100 acre, which Manley, an 18 months old child of Grinding'
Repairs of'I>11 kinds
specter for Carleton County, is dead. W. A. Forbes, last hia7ife. It appear, g n "NOTHING LIKE LEATHER."
more in trees, His peaches an this season on short notice and at reasonable rates. '
'Liberal Meeting D. L. Moody, the noted evangelist, will netted him between $3,000 and $4 000, al- that the little tot was attempting to Drawl pocket Knives rebladed and made e
h0d.,a.d riea..of _ meetings. 1n .. Montreal_In -though he did vet have -a- fait or _through between._.the._bars. of. a.gatc,...._.$p_ equal to
;ing• Irl the interests of the the middle of Ooto er. w had just got his head through when his necv: "R ,mra-, Sdiga,iya, end- tzll `kfty g' (Ff - -
of the Ontario Government Jade Woods, of Perth Count has re- $ ,000 ,hiafts apples.
between $8,000 and foot slipped, and his whole weight name knivesaharpened. Umbrellas nndPnrasole
Judge Y+ $10,000 for his apples. PP g
old at Brussels, on Thursday, Signed. This is supposed to be the dome- non his bead and neck, which was fasten- neatly repaired and old ones bought. Cross
"be,addressed by Hon. Messrs. gnence of the recenti charges of drunken- To HANDLE PRODUCE.—One of the largest ed between the bare. When found onlya Cut Saws gnmmed and sharpened.
ibss: and Davis. Liberals and nese and neglect of duty against him, and strongest syndicates that has ever done few minutes afterwards life was extint,
the',t?.•rast Riding will be glad Maxima Lepine, one of the most noted business in Canada is being formed in Lon- and on examination it was found that the TENDERS WANTED The iortunity to hear these gentle- men amongst the Metis of Manitoba and don. The syndicate will invest in Cana• child's neck was broken.
ie date for the meeting at the northwest, died suddenly at his home dran products. The intention is to form William Holland and Jame, Venn, two . FOR ERECTION ON TnE
lois tiob•yet been decided upon. at Dnok Lake, He was one of Riel s lieut- direct communication between large house, well-known young men, of Ottawa, were Stavely Memorial Building,
. tenants. in Canadian centres and London, Eng, drowned after a deeps ate straggle for life Best is
The firm will deal in all food product, Ox- in Lake Duchene last Sunday night. These iii the Towti of Clinton.
pit`"e �retetide to believe Many readers will be glad to stent that Cept grain and floor, but
GVhitne 's meetings in vat- Mr Andrew Pattnllo, M. P. P. for North principally in two, along with B. Jamieson, went oat Scaled tenders will be received by the un -
Y g fruit and meat. The large produce houses dersigned up to 7 p. m. on TUESDAY. Sept. 28tb,
Oxford, who has been lyin ill at Oakville will be laced in Toronto sailing, when the and all were for the creation of the Stavei Memorial Hall.
itof the province have been P Montreal, and Plane ma yy
of typhoid fever, is now so err recovered at another ludo. The ne thrown into the water. Jamieson watfoand y bo seen at the offfoe of the under-
6ally,succeseful. Perhaps so. P gotiatione ora nom• None
Vfidetings at Clinton, at Exo. to be able to be about. P g. this morning lying an ionsohad on the beach, signed, and copy of the specifications will be �
sated, and the world will ,0 tn at once, p gone down. furnished snub intending contractor. Tenders
bat both his companions had
ltCtretl and at Stratford -all At the recent demonstration in his hon- The amount involved is $6,000,000, The Jamieson will recover, but as et can give may be offered for the whole or a part of the ? , .•
etiati of Ontario. Ask the or, John Charlton, M, P. for North Nor- members of the company do not oars to y g work. The lowest or any tender not necesearI.-
Conservative in any of these folk, was presented by Rev, Mr Slaight, have their names made public. no lengthened acooant of the disaster. The fly acoopted. W. COATS f� - '
two drowned young men were son, of prom- Town Clerk.
e C d�p' inion concernin the on behalf of his constituents, with amag- yp, C. Babcock, of Stratford, who has inent gentlemen at Ottawa. P mat .....:r.„cod
an the answer will not nificent gold watch and chain, been buying apples for D. C. Cantolon, of )•
the Mail -Empire's statement. The Newfoundland Lo ielatnre was die• Clinton env, that he ha, Capt. Cita, of the Twelfth Mexican In- s��'�,�^n f` 'I
--' 1 d T d g b 1 ' { purchased 2,000 fantry was some time ago condemned to fs
• .=
eo ve on nee ay. Sir Herbert Mnrray, arre a o NO. 1 quality spies at $1.60 per death for insubordination for the killing of A School with a Splendid '„Y, . �' ���-
6lIt Whitney was speaking the Governor, announces in his proclama- barrel. Last year in the same district be Record �b 1 , f� ,
had no difficult a major of lits regiment in Sonora during -, s
iOkcofisiderable pains to den tion that Oct. 28th next is the date for the y in purchasing ten times s ,
P Y the the Yaqui rebellion. 'He was shot at Mea- I C,�/i/T �- • - - ,
election of the new Parliament. quantity at from 40c to 50o a barrel, �,•Q % �,,� �
tb wait any alliance between These apples are for shipment to Liver- foo on Monday, Hie nerve was indomit- L ta_tgityy ,
Referrin to the recent statement that P
t9d the Conserative party in g pool. Mr Babcock Says that the a able, and his courage superb. As he ad- r
Sir Adol be Cba leuu will ever champion Y PPlea uL�/� ✓ Wo want to an that our teat range of Fal! Gouda is now coming to
P P p' vanced down the care a distance of at ' Y g g
rppd&y', yet, ata meeting in the cause of the Manitoba minority, the must be well packed and unmixed, or they least 100 yards. he square,
offing at a I STRATP ORD, ONT hand every day, and will comprise a stock of Boots and Shoes not to be
iopdaq, . On. G. W. Rias, y+ will not be looked on with favor in the q pp beaten in thi�',ection. Our reputation for carrying
i 'rip fife Mail Empire, showed Verite says: One thing is certain, namely, English markets. Leet ear be said man' cigarette, and when the snood halted he Student, admitted at an time. on hl e9tabliehed and from cod buyers we oaannelie tion CoA ihor-
that there was an alliance that tbe-Manitoba Catholics need not rely Y y walked deliboratelytothe position aasi:;ne l Y g Y g Y p business
Sir Adolphe Chapleau to help them to ob- many apple growers packed all their apples to him. When the officer trade t�warit. Five male teachers, nine beautiful that ie growing every day is good evid,noe that our coda are bein
W1litney was working in promiscously and abi ped them off, the re s rooms. New methods; advantages g g i''
rain justice *bother he takes the lead of him bands a in hand with the inteut•ion ges appreciated.
lnotly with Sir Chas.Tupper; justice, salt being that they id not pay the ex- g unsur aesad. Write for oatalo
otbi& the alliance for the ex- the Bien party or goes over to Messrs Lau- of blindfolding him, Capt. Cota at n•�oe mo- P catalogue. • .x ,
Tier and Torte, pestes. They are not making the fume tinned him away, declaring tbat h,- ... a not ���kSOil , Jackson, FrNE Snon DEALEaa,
KraQ;df trying to get back In., repent a this year, and will abund likely, to afraid, At the first discharge be dropped W. J. Elliott, PrincipalClinton11 Lr,
t't Ott iNa. Tho Council of the Toronto Board of repeat even in a year of an abnttdan,Xcrop, dead. �i\lothing Lykn Leather.” .
1i ,
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