HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-24, Page 3- - - TJ�wu u,� b1_y .i 0v0 1Q any u The Grim Reaper Foiled IVlli_IAM WATSOht. to be et�➢Ig1jlng Ill my seri}�� � �atl to -- , __ �, strong, Sweet voice beyond the sunrise my tato t10 aopErglglld, Cv35TaA i 'U an ) Beast to n In ozohange for Amstloan mo h 10USE FOR SCRAPB OF TIN.The Marvellous Virtues of Io¢mething of the old prophetic tong" a000mmodabe one of our paetren Y s ���d WA ➢ • erpaktxit when thy scornful numbers didn't welt bo look q the 1 Employed Largely to Stop But Holes la ax Paint's Celer coinp OullA rung P e° d, { °r P!Y Houses and Factories. Ilabnke to treacherous Placed It on my dock, ewitchedofi the hit a IL �y jD Engfand'e sordid eaeo an �- A two horst load of tin clippings was uununnnemuiprnarrinnaµaa,�ausuS ,! Con uer and Banila a And Slumbers yet St. George? And lies the d d,urrfed away. I tree no fear foe the being transferred to the rear basement o! � � ��` � `� q s safet�i of the eavelofgns, a,y door having a THE BiJRD BURDEN a prominent hotel. It had Dome from a Lady's Troubles Still idle?, mold days, not so long BOO inbrioaee logit, is whish 2 tooilt can factory, and the narrow, curling strips Departed, he awaked to oombat wrong care tq ftrn the bey before leaving, , -- had become so twisted and intertwined ue J For leas than thy deep Summons on hie oar. I rernalned below for as hour or so !n- to fofim a 6 I 11 Ah, case for merry England u he sleep veetlgatdng these fresh oornplstints, bfl% so Of Sickness and the Shadow moved with °tib glom°Tato mase that wag +� Five Doctors wero Unable to TOq aonndly for thy calling to arcus°! In the other oases, I was utterly ,unable Ou Of Graver Things greatest difficulty by two ' tr Not soon Shall sound another voice so deep make bead o, tall of them, Vexed and Sturdy follows with Stable forks. _ .THAT '_'; P Help the Sufferer with Purposed aide of virtae, lib with flame wilttesed I went book bo A bystander who was ourious enougb to _ '. s' Diviner, O thou with nnlnureled brows ray tie- inquire what use a swell hotel had for such .�11Wreathed with the widening ettnrtete of thy looked tbq Boor. turned °n the ifabb and { e truck case answered b an attache of the _ _ _ fame! meohanitx�lly wretch out n y band to BITING LIFTED hoose: "Wo iso it for rats, I mean the .- I il IT " jr Twelve years of misery and agony from-willlam Field to Boakmtw tQ>no lbs 6overeig� iraavr Hwy desk big, gray fellows with whiskers. The ho_ � FAC-SIMILE. I `J �r�.r'3emale, kidney and stomach troablesl haAd aloes$ ,upon nothing e6}iB tel rpt Js biand- *�R Physicians were atterly perplexed and 1m. �A ph• My utile pelta of Frolr� Z housands of Homes in any other rat. He He lq Abe of ops,°p�tana I;,,R', able to onre the lady! In s time of gloom THE SHIP'S THIEF. tlsbea tl°+a bel v�O on of �1Yegefi1610P1elklraCjpillprAg_ T �* /� ^l, and despondency the magic virtnas of pbr o mi'n,utra or two I stood b11o� Canada P son, and the killing or chasing of j simllatingl(1��OOQp[kj$ u�_ �i�iv,P'ti Paine's Celery Compound bring get•- dogs, Oats And Perrone is his pet diversion. g joy and in blankly before me so utterly oo -- Even when energetic meiuearea have rid lie [1[I titeStOIl1t1G115aI1�02yp�gpj � 11 VOW life, These are the leading tants in ,t Mrgm elhnrab's compliments, sir, and as d�smayed that I could scaroay bring Mr W. Nelson engineer Newe °! the y aro with us a sin in ..��fp .. '''"j l the following statement made by Mrs G would please come down to hes' state- my cal�e bo bear ng' g pests the g Stone, of ore than t Ont. room immediately?" falzt Then I ]ttan edtb�o Mysterious �_ Toronto, Canada, Bays:-"I was troubled 8ugmented for within a day or two, "For more than twelve ears I was of. I had 'just shut myself into my little Pill m with the moot aevere form of catarrh for They will tunnel through almost two, gather and, book a look around my iittlo eight years, find tried eye thing .to et- for inorediblo dlstppoes, Itis their borin fiioted with kidney, etomaoh and fQpiale °flits on deck, having run through. the ostia In- thovoursea[--.__-- — -. _._ _ .. g g my ubeertwtions well, but without success. The pains ability- that has given us so much trouble PromottsDigesfron,C11Cet�{i}- - troubles, and had been attended by five ship a000rynts before turning !n that my ay ha doctors, and tried medicine after medicine, I1Pened to rest Upon the porthole, across my forehead were so severe at night ht hSthdrto. No matter how we closed u their nigbt. It Is quite a mistake, by the way, wblob stood wide open, tiro weather being that I was unable to obtain the needed Passageways, promptly re- nessandRest,ContatnSnf'itl�r Without any good results. to think that we pursers have no more op volt' hot the routes were onerous duties to rest. I was also subject to sneezing to °1i0°ed. Filling the holed with broken.rlOfphlnfl nOrM1Q�al "My sufferings a year ago from the kid- perform when at eon such an extent that I would Sneeze as often glass Was considered a gopd scheme until ""T �C70TId. i� �� �.s3;1'1 ,'.41 neya and stomach were dreadful. I was in than to watch over the passengers' Dom- wfffibo �� naOOvverita�b� g � as 40 to 50 times a day. At the g patience anoh a state that I thought I could nob fort, read prayers on Sunday and keep a Ho1meS, I V tmt general R° found that with marvelous live, and concluded there was no use trying O and thrust m hospital, where I wont Yor treatment, I they removed the glass piece by piece. store of nautical information at our finger arta, In through the y - other medicines. ends for the benefit of every ourious voy- did ri:at reach wlthln t bat my Dead was told that a° Out was necessary "Bat wo think we've got them now. o�OGlPDSifltfllEi pl7 R /e D� ager, Nowadays the purser of a crack the des§, Still, tt st,rUok me as ejtwo� °f A8 a morning it out the only Dope. I have With this tangled lip tin we construct a I ]fun ;n �L'1j j "I was advised, however, 11 try tided s 1, ng the unyon'e Cold and Catarrh Cure for sort of abatis, covering all places where A Sr ,r. " Celery Compound, and 2. finally decided to American liner-making perhaps a record only way by which tb. thief one month, and bold an rapidly better. I give it a tri al. Before I had finished the Passage of Six days or so-bas his work could have] the btxieta are likely to enter our cellars. A4011dSarh- r; first bottle I had improved very much, and gob at the tnq°°g' °rid I deeerulined to put believe Mnnyon has dope more for mo They °f6n't get bgrougDt it, They can't ,4°"Dy� • OF EVERY, Pretty well out out for him during the on- mq theory bo a prao4f0a) best than all the others and I have sent hen- chew it, and they. can't carry it away aearra - after the see of a few more bottles I had tiro voyage, I.hurrfod down into the Saloon, wbeiv dreds of people to Munvon " they do broken bottles, Por, when Dor. Rat ft eI not been So well for long years, and am On the present occasion I had Scarcely most of the passengers ware congregated. blun on's Rbeumatio Care seldom fails takes hold of a single strip of the tin, he &rgor.. MOW altogether a different person. The g°� my accounts fairly in hand when I As yet few of them wem" r*Bthe nrgotsd, to relieve in Dna to three Doers and cares part of n network > . I ®rte �F;; use of Paine's Celery Compound also ban. was Interrupted by slight tap at the doorl beries, for wo has kept the mabbetfae secretrub- finds it an Inseparable Al faked my nervousness. I can therefore re- I arose at onto and op°nod it, and Chore as possible. I wont eeraighb up to a young in s Dyspepsia Cure positively weighing many pounds. "—Philadelphia commend Paino's / stood Mrs, Melhurst's Canadian maid, American Record. %1►pedbCfIIemedyFOrConsillla- �elerq Compound to with flushed face and nervous, agitated g°°ta° who I knew bad a cares all forme of indigestion and stomach tion, Sour StOIIIcLCh,DlFlrrhOe?d Say one sufferingeu from kidney, stomach 8 groat many trinkets in his Stateroom, and tro es. Price 25e. A Tall But Story, I WorfilS,EOnvUiS101is,l everi911r1. - and female troubles," manner. came rubber parol The London Field tolls this story: "Is there anything wrong?" I asked, them 1 to about. tO°' in the was be left nnyon'a Cold Cure prevents pneumonia y: A rat ReSS•dlfdLosg of SLEEK!I. y 8 bout and breaks lip a cold in a fete hours. Price was caught alive on board a British naval with some surprise, when She had deliv- "Don't show •+ 'Died of Droken Heart. ered her message. pared, °� surprl�ee I whir- 250. • vessel 1n a trap, and the beast was thrown I FncSixnile SiI GA I ;1 _ ° 6 ng around at the other Oxon- Mnnyon's Cough from the trap into the water without lie- i gnatum of "There is, sir," she replied bastily, pante of tbo tinlrton, "bat might I ask g 6 Cure elope coughs, Ing killed, A large "All I know" night sweats, allayt+ soreness and a eedil 8 gull that was follow- ' , `r; Anna B. Clarke died ofa broken heart Whether Your etirteroom is tookedP" heals the lents. Price 25c. p y in8 in the woke oP the Ship to pio)�• n I actual! and physically, She died in Chi- Sho Was about to make some other State- !t fa scraps of food thrown overboard by the NEW YQHIt' ca.go a week ago and her remains merit, hut, pulled 'herself up suddenly and "And the Manyon'e Kidney Cure speedily cares Oastoria ie pit lip in one-sine butt porthole upon?" pains in the back, !Dine or groins, and all steward stopped several Limos, endeavor- r i N , is not sold !n bilk. Don't allow apyosstyp were taken to her Cleveland home for tripped along the deck without another "I should Say sol I don'bwaut to find forme of kidney di5.o:1Be, Price 25c, Ing to pick the rut lip. Once the turd got ( 1 You anything oleo on the ploy or romp .interment. From that city came the word. the place as stuffy as the engine room y too close to the rat's, * O and t-e boast is jnat i good" and "will or prr eco information theta phyaicau examining I Switched off the electrio light, looked when I go to turn !a" and bands up top lie v o.snesa i1s� g the door and hurried away after her. When " Woll, just pass me grabbed it by the pack. After a e, rt fight Pow• �`13ea that p. the body asked if IVlias Clark bad re- p the rat succeeded in kinin t You got 0-A-S-T-O It"- I got to Mrs. Melhurst's stateroom, I saw to your key. I want M.anyon's Headache Cure stops headacbe 8 he j31rd. i The faoiA cantly suffered any sadden and great try a little experiment, Wait till 1, In in three minutoe. Price `L6. When the gill was dead, the rat soratn- •►oT CBPYOP WRAPPER, airullo sorrow or a shock. He was told that at once that something had occurred to gone and then stroll ap on deo$ Let Manyon'e filo Ointment positively cares bled upon the bird's body, apo, hoisting signatnra fN, she had been informed that; total blind- cause her se tons anxiety. The berth, the yonreelf be soon Otr the ]owerdook ptartlrnt all forma of piles. hilae 25c one wing ne o sail and uefng� the other as !q ���CA P?l'; Hess was near and inevitable. The phy- °Ouch, and oven the floors were littered larly, but don't pay too olos0 attention to Manyon's BIoOd Cure eradicates all im_ a rudder, snoeeeded In eteoring for the vrspy,�; sician said that there was a heat t lesion, with the contents of cabin franks and any ono you may notice JoftOring them,, parities of the blood. Price 25c• shore. Whether the rob reached Stoic he r and that one of the few authentic re- hand bags. In the midst of the confusion $e Pell !n readily with my Scheme Manyon'e Female Remedies are a boon not ie the ga0etion, since tfly ship soon got 11 corded deaths from a heart broken b stood the lady herself, looking decidedly I want and Shat myself in bfe atatsroom, out of eight Of the el>i ,!' sox row was hers. y Perplexed and annoyed to all women, peer and its craft. Probably nomove pathetic story than crouching down so that I could fust keep Muhyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. --�- This is very Singular, Mr. Morse," she an eye on the porthole over the top of the 1 A Wily Waco} }maker. `, C� this of the death of Anna B.Clarke has said, pointing to an empty jewel case lower berth, I remained in that m"amped The Catarrh (;ire- cry a 250-eradicates NOW IS I'DOR (iTf1NC'E Which lay open on the u the disease from the s stem, and the Ca. The following story told of the late lJ R been recorded. At least the facts ate peer berth. "My position ,until my limbs PnirJq oohed, and tarrh Tablets-price 25x,-cleanse and heal athetic, but it is hard to put Buell a diamond ornnmenta are missing," I was ha1P til Mixt to glue }i lip as a bad p Sir John Bennett, t} o watchmaker: He You don't say sol" T exclaim In foh the arts. was, with two Pries traveling up to urden of pathos a paper Ina way to Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in town from nn aptly, ng Place sono 18 or +�� - , ,tng d make manifest the full weight of the Sheer astonishment Blit sudden three minutes, and Dore permanently, trouble which was a load upon the heart "Idosayso,"sherepliedshar 1 "Yon ryas I glanced up at the 20 miles distant, lvhan a little disputa p p y tbote my blood, ran cold, and 1n ail my Price $1. arose as to the exact distance of the jour„, - of anoble wo,� i man, &lid which at last can son for yonreelf that they are 1.: ,,,�;, - - .ay gond.” _,.. "Flow did it happen?" +xr° I Hover had anoh d1ffianlGy to keep Munyon'e�Vitalizer restores loaf vigor. ney. The two fr/iends war omphatfc in CIO eaiised a noble heart to break. down a yo1L In the dim light I Saw a Price $1. their contradictl na OP each other's state- Having purchased a large, U -t0 date There is nota lawyer's office in Chic- "I oanraot possibly tell You. At dinner long, thin, hairy or thrtllst in A separate care for each disease. At all recite, and ev tinily offered 's book t' $ ago where she was known. For manyy this evening_ L, happened to mention to th�ngh drnggiate. Mostly 25o a vial, g h • sto, Qi years this busy little women had an of- Mrs, Latimer that I had picked u a, Der- the Opening. 'fho troat moment a Small their own op ions. At this point Sir Worsted and Tweed Suitings and Trousers "� flee in the Methodist church block; hex twain crescent shaped brooch on the cont]- black hand had fastened upon a leather Personal lettere to Prof. Dlanyon, 11 and John carne to/the resene. He would not far the spring trade, at a ver IOW ga? neat, Sbe expressed a wlsb tosee it. When case lying close to the window and with- 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free (ear of a money bot, but consented to Al-' Y price, We., ,,> headquarters were there, but the round drew 1t as gniok'As thought almost, 'iaIdical advice for Any disease. . low them prepared to give the gentlemen of Clinton of her duties kept her constantly mov- the tables were cleared, I came in here, settle mutters by betting a ing about, one of the busiest facture in took out the brooch and left the jewel case I Sprang b° my'teet and bolted outside tun guinea"(Dennett's) watch. Vlcllllty 7 ', J inbo.bhe passings. I dashed IIP the saloon DOE AND KID, Ordered (iiOthlIIg cheaper than. a busy city's life. She sold law station- lying on the berth, but when T got book stairs and made Pointe lower dealt The _ er'y, not peddling it, t,ut taking orders the case was empty.- re ever y et been offered here. i;; p e „ j lgt about tbo spot whore I n An att�empt was made to stab Presi- � ; for it from people who for years had How long were you absent? ebabprroonu: to be sittxnted, I Judged the Hew the Old Chamois Teaches the Yoang dent DYaz at the Cit d Mexico. The �v4.tip„ never known any other Diaster- ;;Not more than half an hour." fees vital' the Brazil coins ]ewe Co Ater to Jump, Sli1tS t()t Qlyder Iron'10 UIl f^ �I /"who was unsuccessful, was ing their supplies save by a word to the YOl? are sure you had the key of goer D0 Gatrtro. In We bad a tall half hoar to wait before promptly arrested. • x' little woman, who seemed to divine oaUin in year possession all the time?" epldo of the beat be was wearing Ats }cog the drive bo :', cloak with the deo cape began were rewarded by one OUr $13.50, $15 and $16 Suits are Leaders. "t� neverf r asupply was lied one to w i0 Positive. I never let it out of m D Pe end Dud bio of the pretttestand most interesting sights J n Brittain pleaded runty in never for ammoent allowed one to wait band whir°, I was in the saloon." y ebernai cigarette between bye teeth. Flo and 1 Brr ntford Police Court to robing the A", r„ for what was needed beyond the allot iookAtl at too with an six of Prank sur- seen essons,in natuml history I have ever T f'g• B, station recently of $590, We use nothing but first-class triminin S. ," I case totally staggered. I examined the namely, the sight of an old chamois b ilt'�? ted time. !oak carefully, but there was absoldtthe Priep' and I looked at him with an air of giving 1t9 poling kid n lessen in juvtping, ayfd was held for sentence. A perf6Ct fit and latest style I; Two weeks ago yeaterdayMiss Clarke nothing to show thAt it had been tam- Profound euspla3aa. I must promise by mentiontng that it is guaranteed. 1,,�' went the daily round of her duties, and pored with. I could bit upon no better Suddenly ° haDDY thou _ % �Jiu then, owing to some Slight trouble, as through my mind. I burned roundel .and one but alvery old hand to distingin fact, uisbna ,/ �� suggestion than that Mrs. Melharst might sprang down the saloon Stasis, running book chamois from °deo as they are mov, ' / I , she suppcsed, with her eyesight. she possibly Dave mislaid the joweis some- full E#le against the chief r�''1 ---- -- j. visited an oculist. mi told her that where. This had the sale effect e, Dens �O�rd, who Ing, and kbe rule,, is aft to shoot 0t ri O B 1 COATS n the loss of her sight might be the quer- Aerating the lady to such a degree, for it was Standing at the bottom, chamois U 18 has a kid with it, as that is a V 1 "Qct me a handful of nets ,uSokt'• I tion of but a few hours, this was Sat_ seems that she had already searched every orleb q Pretty caro sign 1t to a dee urday. Sunday afternoon she returned nook aLd corner In the cabin, that I was A Paw minutes after we had been sued ' : ' -�' to Ler 'residence, 364 glad to beat a retreat in order to !s the When he brought them, I hurHed back Ontario street, matter before the captain, y on deck, The Brazilian bad. moved awe began et our posts avd before the rive r � r from a walk. She entered the door, s little toward the stern. I want dose u y man the keeper called my attention to and some one spoke to her. She turn- I baa fust got to the head of the saloon stood r1 P, a Chamois' head ed and said: right in front of him and thon end deck which bad sad- A Desperate Woman, LL I DORI You ��stairs when I heard someone boundin u began donly appeared on the sky line a0Out 180 Experts in insanit tell / 1 "I hear your voice but I cannot see aftermethree or four st g D dtaIlborately to crack the nubs. yards off. It turned out to be n'doo vs that w y r ` t� you." turned and Saw Mr. Cartterawho be I Heregarded me with a pitylnlg sort of a i with hen an one l'' Y the look, but I paid little attention bo Dim kid. They carne along slowiq /not ab•all insane, frequently tbei�whole nature is re_ �e ■ ■ 7� Her own volae was a bit broken, but way, had made several voyages with as on thinking of danger and not In any way r versed. They do and say exact] the o THE SA rT E TIME AND TEMPER the significance of what she said was previous occasions. Presently [ Saw a corner of the oapo drown yet dietarbod by the drivers,ho were a ,; riot felt by those about her. The nest aside, and behind a pair of am polite things to what the y P we Handle the Celebrated Laph I say, Mr. Morse," be said, taking mo ing °yes Haar greedl2y on me. �' glaeam mile or two awayand who hqd not yet be- their sane minds. A mother who a doOn alms RiV 1. It h11 I morning she Was dead. oOnfldentially by the arm, "you've t3+m to drive They both/eamo breaks down under extreme nervous ten. Slotted Capillary Feed Piece, therefore will not flood "A heart lesion caused by a sudden wine queer customers on board this trite It was enough. M quietly Sioa razy turn u B y eaepleione were down the steep mountain eido until they the world most precious to lien- her baby, shock . of sorrow was the cause," said R" ooaflrmed I Sing the rest of the nuts in pimp to pun the one object in all How so P" the sea, and walking Piece where here was n drop The terrible nervous tension under which Or drop lIIlz, ¢ ;1 the physician: "Why, some one's gone and walked off Castro said: g atra3ght ,up L° Ile a about 19 feet, and ' r11 vlth my silver cigarette Dees, A couple of I must ask/then took plane many women live and safer because of Do not allow Dealers to press upon you lines 1e ++ you e000m the Fallowing beatlPnl sight, which was some weakness Or disease of their sex, rings and A pair of gold"- pauy me to also witnessed by S, avd bis Jager from Ps them on the ve ve ]Ust ,good' `�'' '" "' the captain's asbin." kee rge of insanity. ry a8 l 'Tell ma exactly what has happened " ++ where they eat; The bid obatiwfa jumped The ,..stent drab and drain u but get the best. TORTURED AND HELPLESS. `, yon the tom. i "Dty dear fellow, Dow can IP It is baro) you n008¢p drnvving dowv, as a matter plicated and delicate organism affects the 11 a enough to puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer. course, bit the kid ti g LAPIIAbi'S RIVAL Rheumatism hos Hordes Of Victims and is y stateroom after din- tanked and would/not Mlloat, The old whole nervous system and works upon the Yon Sae, I went tom I woe determined bo stand no nonden ono looked n at 1t brain with an almost irresistible madness a ' Her-I can swear to that -and I remember and straightway took him P and then went back Thousands of suffering women have been no Respeotor of persons-South Amer- dors• The moment I laid m by the shoal another catty to the ledge On .Irlah the kid literally saved from the insane asylum been If Your Stationer dose not handle it white us and slinging my cigarette ossa, 'rings and a n htaiide upon was standing anid again jam , the timely influence of Dr, sen e's Favorite Wlli' 36I1d �(� ioan Rhenmatio Core Resists Die Cruel pair of gold sleeve links on the upper berth• Dim I heard a vloSoue snorl nadez hie ogpQ as to show the ou Dae how doott and ptidn. It is the one perfect and os. Grasp, and Heels the Wounds hd Inflicts Then Iput on mydressib It case palled suddenly aside and out flew looking up to t as �h Ise to • "Come ties specific for eve p our reduced Price List. g Sown, stretobed a monkey, every derangement of we- The -Relief in Six Hours. . ' mySelf upon the conob and had a down- The little brute want at along, yea ttlo stupid 1 It won't burn Kron special organism. It is a scientific Copp, Clark Co.,right good snooze. When I got up about booth a4d yea." Bnt Skid funt<ed and $ermaaent cure for those severe, Ltd., dl'opb Geo, W. Platt, Manager"World's"Newe- five minutes ago, I found my trinkets btad Hall' I sew the gleam of a kn efSaln and would chronic, complicated cases which doctors : the Brazilian's hand, bat I let Mm Dave ed not The moths thereupon return- paper Agency, Toronto, says:-I am at vanlehed " d time to Phe led o avd usually consider hopeless. It iris the only " ' loss for words to express my feelings of sin- Pon my word things were beginning my fist Straight between the eyes before ed to ptr� fho kid with her head COQ medicine of its kind devised by an educated I care gratitude and thankfulness for what look serious and no Penske I Ioat o he could use 1b, and he measured his 1 it u {�o and made and skilled physician. - upon the deck. j +r� down and followed It herself. Mrs, Sarah $. Rains, of Dayton, Cass Cb, Mo, / /j II- 7j• South American Rheumatic exposure Cure has done time ao huntID9 lip th captain and m do '-hon Dame the climax. The dd ane and in a tetter to Dr. Pierce, writes. ' a was fn the / ' for me. As a result of expoenre I was tok- him acquainted with t state of off ire, The quartermaster Dame running up, the young One both went round agAln to sinter of r8W that my �ugerings commenced, it _ en with a severe attack of Rheumatic fever He was just as mach puz ed ria I can m end the rascal case dragged aH the cap- tbe�samo ledge, and the old one Jumped gwas cls a tike ywjthethHe`jat oren'ent. i took the 1�1whish attacked both my knees. I saffered self. Tha first thing nez a ho twin's cabin. When searched there, Mrs down first, and this time the k"ld'tollow ,d "°"%��"+"inn ' bialhnret a cNamonde bdr. Oarter•s 1}�medlatei9, Dnvl mY tend. I suffered drendfWly, nndswhen i gni �I %' painalmoatbeyondhumanendarance. $ay sant a message to Mrs, Moih,uret, request ga- �y birth tom little �Y ing heard of marvelloneonres by South Am_ !ng a private interview in his cabin on roue °ase and rings and a mieoelfaneoue os aaPe and aaeggenough�gm Awn nervous spasms and was deliriou-I kept ting worse i apllootion of other on Magazine. doctored but nMhiag did me an • Sri can Rheumatic dare, I gave it a trial, dock. He also Signified his wish that 1 y g°� r had him. Ib his eboteroomwadSecoveredaper tad to Less my s'"en"68- I was advised by After taking three doses the pain entire! ehonld be present. We both questioned ]v ry your medicine and I old. I got one 1 left me, and in three days I left my bed. the lady closely, bqt her replies did not forested box, apparently intended for tit�t± bot le of the • Favorite Prescription • and one of .Now every trace of my rheumatism bas dill.. tend t0 throw any light upon the. - n alar use of tbo monkey, who was. O"Ilev ly - tw • Golden Meciirue icir, , 77--­ appeared:" __.. _ -._ °aallrrena0. -.. - _ . . >31 g Bila as aOOOWPTished`9e bis �maeter.- a Its worrkaR If began tot Set better,iana tiny _ c Nevertheless we determined to keep a AWAY DOWN EAST. 1tl1 j r I dinned getting better. In a abort time I Pett like / I / ,f close watch ❑ / another women. 1 gained strength and flesh. I / o Postmaster-General Mulock states in a the stateroom a future. From east to west people have heart em now forty-one years of age. It cane pretty evident we Dad a blank - trouble. Tbis oansoe violent headaches, 't was your medicine that s� ecI my life.,rLe'sad i1 the clear picot from the Bale of jubilee shEep" on board-probably an old hand at neuralgia, nerve trouble and prostration. Dr, Pierce's rood. "h ' stamps will beat least a quarter of a the business. For the next few days we Saye Mre. Somers. of Moncton, N. B. ; ,.I Page book, "The Peopc 1 , ` million dollars over and above what plaints. The t, Medical Adviser" sent, paper_bound, - had no further Dom The Universal A1tisH`er tried many remedies but never found an for onetcent stampscustoms ooth bottn'd 5o p3t would have been realized in the sale of evidently"lying low,"wilting until tray- � - � �, ordinary stamps. thing to give me such prompt relief as Mil- Address Dr. IL v. pierce, Buffalo. N.'Y. stamps, y p qu[I11ty was restored before risking a fresh -- i" barn's Heart and Nerve Pills have done. The Montreal Gazette remarks that "the attempt, Meanwhile I kept my eyes open. I anffered from the above symptoms, but ` r r.' deficit period is on lie again," Let us see. I observed the little peculiarities of the what Dyes are slwayd ga ravteed, now gladly testify to the cure these won- ` And in our oonntry take be lend? 1 ;'. In 1893-4 the Conservatives had a deficit of different Paesongers, and took Parbionlardorfnl pills hove mads in my case, and Ir'"- _ $1,210,000; in 1894-6, one $4,168,000 and note of the manner in which they occupied e Diamond Dyest hope all sufferers will try them," rd . a smaller deficit in 1896-6. And before their time. What Dyes are stropZ,..'nd bright and fast, v \ I11 •;',,. i 1893-4 they had deficits of about $12,600,- Wo happened to have a passenger on And always dye to live and last? --•--- 41—T, ��C.vlgil a000. Their 18 years of financing averaged mrd'-•n Brazilian named De Castro- ' The Diamond DyeBl Yielding to iledlw,l Advice. - deficits of about a million a year. The or. who was ° bit of a mystery to mo ell "Mabel, the docu,r sa s�,"W gens ehonld avoid the subject of definite, thio,ugh the voyage, But Por the foot Ghat l What Dyes brim profit, pleasure, eace, y you drink en- E; ", P tiroly too mach 0offee. It is not good for M conclusive evidence to show be could And by their �ork a great increase? you•" not have been directly concerned In the The Diamond Dyes! "Why, mamma, It doesn't hurt mon ];CRE e.r t�r_ PAIN IN TSE BAOH. robberies, for inyyufrles proved bo Dad re- ''1"O 67x1 mained on deck ties whole eve What he Der- �4hat Dyep/should every woman try? particle, and I lllco it too well to gilt p i� C •� ^� a Mr, M. P. Halpin, Brookville Ont. tatnly would have boon treated too ri- Harkl Listen to that mighty Ory- using it. I just couldn't get along with- BILIOUSNESSLLL makes a Statement as follows: "For two. vate interview in the captain's cabin. ©s The Diamond Dyeat Out my ooffaO,' yearn I saffered from •kidney trouble, cane- tt was, T was forced to aouofude that black "And Mir°' Loockes, the celebrated an- CONSTIPATION !ng Severe pain across my back, dizzinessswarthycox° ooPJos°Iu beauty, Saye It is ruinous to the MRS. JOHN �A:3Ii. 1� hair, ompa i e with hat and SICK O��O�ON� y husband has t headache, sleeplessness, oto. I had often cloak tears quite compatible with a men's �' Patterson, of the Hamilton Yu- "Oh wall. tf the doctor thinks 7 Dight been k can on the counter when serving a one- innooenoe, .. k6n party, has been drowned in the not to drink' el), tb any more I'll drop It or q� � p po or, n intones was the pall in my back Nothing further occurred to czadto sus_ ,Athabaska.LI SER f IiOUDL�S troubled with dyspepsir.�•r' O !-taking Doan'd Kidney Pill I improved Plalon anti) qie legit dagor twooi ttip voy , of Hanover, fell dead oourso, Ubfoago Tribune. •ao air Mr Frank Teft and finds from the very first, end now after nein agb• Then one aveat} on the Exhibition R1 ens • evening 4iter dine grounds while tit- A onigne Sian. /e S a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, p Tabule!i three boxes am all right; all ap pared, word was lnoullltt to nae thpt three dt tending the fall Show at Walket ton. 0`� aches and dizziness having disappeared, staterooms ]rad boom riLlst3' !n tke me Albert Mason a Tn the line of novelties of advertising and if a strongerdaction `is '` ` the only relief He Danks to Doan's Pills." mlaterloue manner, VStltobea r prosperous young there is arca Chicago druggist whose de- desired a cathartic epfect is produced In ha$, and o�eo model/ had dies ' • f alry, farmer in Scarboro township, blew his partum would be bard to discount. This b two ' - Pp a hough brains out. No cause is assigned for gentleman, whose place of business is In erY Pills. In obstinate cases, been troubled With in., in all three oaeea the paseon i stoutly the suicide. g p here a purgative is tlecessa three C7A163W4=0XLXA,. dsolpae/ iabe7 bad retia their d'o s loaileed, Hyde ark district, announces that be tae ry It oh01O0 line of Nuo �blooded'd,ngom eats. Pills will be found Sufficient. These i. , gestion �x the a t fit. Kho too h�n the alarm reached m9, I happened Tho iso a'�.�.�'e,a.•�3E3 3c-lL, His busilloss cards bear a picture of an P p e"tte ills leave no unplhasant After effect. Mia �6re � t rq; / simile to on aristooratio looking tabby to one oorner, One pill taken each night during ,,teen yer�I'so t . . per• % r! of. + �� sysry and 4and Cattery. -As am the words, „Drag thiri days will cure constipation. arappas Store and Oatterq. "�Amarioan Druggist. y y Pa / . 0"109 saa. oh a yoit 41,06 i • r • , , 1, �l r +a,, �s� - . "•.Lj.,,r�39si�b,° .rrlir•1.i1� . • .-..n . _� '. - . ,