HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-24, Page 2�, 1 I , S + ' ie il*+f. pt.. P0' s � X111 _ . 111itOnl etv Ura will Abe sent to new �su�bscribe s, to I st of January 18 to any address in A e on w Crisp County Xltppings. Capt. bee's Views. Al �^ HE TELLS CIF THE HORRORS AT SKAG- The McNamara farm, at Leadbur�yy, WAY. was sold on Monday, Sept., oth, to Mr I . . ma J. Kenny, for 01400. Kin Ston, Sept. 10.—Capt, A. G. + Mr Martin CNde, of I3ullett has nr- Lee, of the Regal Military College, who V + p went to the Klondike as special corn - t N,jp chased Mr McLarty a residence on Mor- rnissioner for a London ,paper, has re- I ris St., Blytb, and intends to move there shortly. turned. In tin interview be made the following statements: Master Fred Broadfoot, a young son Skagway and D ea are two small ^_ A`00yaP J. H. Broadfout, Seaforth, was bays, about three miles apart, and from 11,, thrown from a bicycle the other even- the latter runs the trail over the Chil- ing, and tied one arm broken at the coot Pass, which has been the highroad THE /�y'p�A,iyyB) wrtet. is route is dthe Yukon ifficult,r the but but quite ast twelve piare- aTt"a��r Mrs Wm. Snell has sold to Ilse gym. ivenofour graduateshav Cook, of Constance, north half of lot 2 ticable to determimed men, and some on con. 6, There are 50 acres of ooc� 8,500 old•seekr;,rs have passed over +gid 1p good positions sur tared in the fat, and hire Snell got 20(1(1 since last spring wltuJlut experiencing A, year, Our eySt In of for it. any very severe block, if ail geld-seek- �lr�g is actual btisineae ers had gone this way, much of the ,t: to finish. Our Short- Albert T. Godkins, McKillop, was un' hardship complained of at present 4rtnment is the most thor- ited in marriage to Matilda, 5th daugh- would have been averted. But 'some anada. ter of Anthony Boyd, at the residence two months ago it was widely advertis- orparticulars. of the bride's father, by Rev Mr Tiffin, ed by interested parties that it newer A. S. NINNO on Wednesday of last waek. and much easier trail had been opened Pure rich blood feeds a -the nerves. That Is from Skagway over the White Pass. why.Hood'Sarsaparilla, the great blood The result has been that during the purifier, oures nervousness. past ten weeks at leasto nine -tenths of This week it, is our sad duty to re- the travel has gone in the newdirection cord the death of Master Willie Wal- and there are now, at a moderate com- ker son of Mr Chi is. Walker, of near putation, at least 7000 men, 3000 pack Fordwich. He was but a few days animals, hopelessly blocked in the 18 The Scorcher. sick with that dread disease, inflam- alilea between the sea and the summit' mation of the bowels.. of the pass, The scene is one of unex- The many friends of Mr Fred Sand•angled horror, and there is no trail ers, of Elora, formerly of Exeter, will worthy of the name except that which be sorry to learn that he met with a is blazed out by dead animals, piles of very painful accident recently. He derelict baggage, and the curses of was operating a planer, and in some duped and disappointed men. Suicides rem his weary wheel, manner got his hand drawn into the are frequent, and there is more human ty his door; the feed rollers, lacerating it badly, misery to the square inch on the Skag- ithough he joyed to feel The wounded band is now . rovfn way trail, than to the cubic mile tri earth once more; nicely, P g most other portions of the earth. The peed hie rumpled head, route is blocked by enormous boulders a wreathed in smiles; When driving into Seaforth Thurs- precipices, mountain torrents and bog- y run," he said: day night of last week, Mr Wm. Keil- hole,, and the almost constant rain hdred milesl" or met with a painful accident. His and snow have greatly emphasized the horse got frightened at something on difficulties and dangers which already aiieal" I cried. "All, thinkl the road, and in trying to get it past existed. There is no possible chance of Ica you have seenl it he was thrown down and dragged one tenth of the parties now on this Dam where cattle drink, some distance, injuring hie leg so that trail ever reaching Lake Bennet, only 40 � ws rich and green, ,he will be unable to work for some miles distant, and even those that reach It wend youe rapid way— time, although he is now going around, that point will be unable to get to the Eby woodland aisles?" As an evidence of the large business Klondike this year, as the Arctic wint- bead. "I cannot say; • done in Seaforth annually in horse er has already set in. What will be the 1 dred milesl" "flesh, we may say that one leading fate of these thousands of men and even I Its saw your swift tires spin? dealer paid out last year over one hun- women, who are thus doomed to'spend uvy yonl deed thousand dollars for harass ship- the long winter in camp in this terrible, ty'sdust and din, ped from Seaforth station, • Most of region. I hesitate to predict, for fear of e heaven's blue; these horses were shipped to the old being suspected of hysterics. There is th of country air; country. When we consider that we no possible doubt that the death roll r rnstie stileal" have seven or night horse buyers locat- from cold, starvation and suicide will "The roads were fair; ed in this town, the total cost of the be a very long one before the spring. It Bred milesl" horse output may be judged. is impossible to find words stioug While Thos. Creech, of Exeter. son enough to condemn the action of inter - e of Creech, was o ratin a loner. at, estinp-parties who are lying upon the Ito World shows bad tem- p• g', p imaginations of the people and luring the Exeter saw inti! on Saturday last y to their dol - ter merel 'se taste in trying to offset he met with a very painful accident. them to disabg dol - ; feels impelled to ive Mr Hsuddenly flew back, striking his hand e was about to feed a board. when it tars betore they start. P g • In the course of my investigations I the saving he has effected with terrible force, and dislocating the have interviewed alargenumberof the office de artment, by alleg- wrist -joint. Beis now laid off duty, most trustworthy of the returned, and P successful miners. and they are unan- and it will be some time before he will Ie economical administfi - i have the use of the hand again. rnous in stating that there is nothing I striking • contrttet ..tote whatever in the present situation in the ce of the Government as a Grace Matthews, relict of the late Klondike to justify the present excite - Wm. Martin, who has been io a low, went. Nine out of every ten who de - re World has no justiflca- state of health at the residence of her cide to go there must face almost cer- rging the Government as a daughter, Mrs Th,lmas, Exeter, re- tain disappointment and the risk of de- ceived art, the final summons on Sunday. stroying their constitutions from the 'a4ulock had been doing in The deceased had been a long sufferer terrible hardships of the life. To all lice, Mr Tarte has been do- from chronic inflammation of the sto. who think of going I cannot say too Public Works, as his saving mach, and thus her death was not un- strongly, "Stay at home. in his first year in public expected. She was a former well -"Since my return from Alaska I have known resident of Usborne, having been making a tour of the Koo'.ena a to show. Mr Blair, in the g y ; of railways, is doing Simi- lived there for many years, but has goldfields, and here the outlook is most The Tory howls over His made Exeter her home for about five promising. Bath .the gold and silver dismissals" from the Inter. y°ara' mining industries have there settled ilway, prove that. And so Some time recently a mad dog•pass- down to a permanent paying basis,and e great spending depart- ed through Stephen, and seyeral ani- I know of no field more promising for rures will show at the end mals were bitten, a number of which the prudent capitalist." year, that the World's had to be killed. The amount of harm moral extravagance is grat• done is yet unknown, as other cages unfounded. may develop. Mr Jos. (Jamin, Mount PROMPT, PLEASANT, PERFECT. Carmel, was bitten by his dog, which ihad previously been bitten by the un Norway Pine Syrup is a prompt, p leas• Don't Do It. lucky strap er. He then had his dog ant, perfect care for coughs, colds, asthma, shot, and, after considerable considera- bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat, pain in, paragraph intimates that tion and worry, he went. to Chicago the chest, croup, whooping cough, quinsy !I. P. P. for North Went. and received the Pasteur treatment. • influenza, and all throat and lung troubles. He has since returned and is now out 25o and 500, of all drug stores. ' get the Registrarship va- of all danger. it constituency. Another 'Provincial Inspector Munn was in that Mr Proulx, M. P. for Mderich last week, and went through J. E. Geivais, one of the assistant the county stone building. He ex- postoffiae inspectors for the division III resign to accept a canal greased himself as well pleased with of Montreal, has not put in his appear- .lency. Neither of the ara- the way in which the premises is kept, ance since Saturday, and is stated to be correct. And we hope it being one of the cleanest and neat- be gone to the United States. est buildings in Ontario. He laid par- Triers is a rest demand £oc. railway at. The Liberals have al- g y enough of this sort of thing, titular emphasis On the fact that the cars in Manitoba, wheat is being sent whole plan of the building should be east with so much vigor. The C. P. R. Continued they will straing changed and modern conveniences in,itnand one da recentl ent out 1301 carloads of some of their begtfrienda. Y improvements placed in, it being one of rain from Winnipeg, 80c, a bushel is profess to have certain g P g+ of the most old fashioned and out of ind if we expect the support date prisons in Ontario. There are on- being paid. - ace of the electorate those ly three prisoners confined there at Jackson, Mise., is completely demor- ruet be lived up to without present. . alized and business is at a stern distill on til _deviation. What might have proved a serious account of the yellow fever. The people accident happened to Dr. J. Orr Rose continue to pour out of the city until Aon Campaigning and Mr Leopold VanEgmond, of Sea- two thirds of the population have gone. forth. It seems they were trying to F. Raddats, Cranbrook, had the mis- mign for the next Provin- drive a cow in a field in rear of the fortune to fall in front• of hie loaded woollen mills, when she took fright at n has fairly set In, and the wagon when 2 of the wheels passed some object and made straight for n over his body andbroke one of hie ribs. )ntario are being treated to VanEgmond, who jumped over a ten lose of speechifying. Mr rail fence to save himself, while Dr. David Walker, Morris, had one of e leader o[ the Opposition, Rose tried to seek protection under a his ribs broken in an upset of peas last pp° , wagon. The animal, seeing Mr Van- week. Jae. Maxwell had hie arm brok- rn the gauntlet sometime Egmond was safe, turned the wagon en at thesame time. Will Rands took over which the doctor wag under, and a tumble too but escaped injury. rose an easy matter far the P l y onlyy for the timely assistance of Fred Ontario to deal effectually o Neetin, with hie large Danish blood The Canadian Pacifle and Grand 3 and exploded bombs that hound, who, drove the infuriated ani, Trunk systema move steadily forward y lies been throwing around mal away, there might have been with earnings which a year ago no one something serious happened, would nave dared predict. The C.P.R. tously at his meetings. Had Joroner Holmes, on the sworn infor. forthe week ending September Tshowa y and his followers stayed mation of F. M. Russell, of Ashfield, an increase of $73,000, over the same tome-vva-have--no-doubt-that--keld.aa-iaquest.._.on�aturday_at;.Drin: _s-eQk_AaT__eAr_ :�ge�while-_for. the -same gannon, on the body of a baby not a period the Grand Trunk's increase and his friends would have day old, The informant stated that amounted to $42,270. Vise, and thus have been the child had come to its death from The new dollar bills are In da3- rouble and expense of refut violence or unfair means, From the mond. Since the Receive Gleneral yresentatione so zealously evidence given At the inquest it app gent out the first package notes of sty the time has come when` pears that Jessie Hart, of Ashfield, the $1 and $2 denominations a replace 4 are'qualifled to form an age¢ 17, , gave birth,to a child on Au- the $1ose and 0 use, there ha en e rcohclusion on all matters gat 17th, that the same day, the infant stead demand .from the bantling Ig to the government of this was buried in the garden near her pat- houses allover nadaforthe ba Cline tr better without the con- ents' residence, and that the child was Thee rein of them entails a large confusing assertions and born during the absence of the girl's amount of work, and as soon as it ie uTls of campaign orators. parents in Godericb. The jury return- . ill be sent out. Al. r, hey have an honeeit, econ- ed the Pa lowing verdlet: "That the Put through they w ibbral minded government, child did ome to its death on the 17th though it was only ereast month the new t3 bills were issued there are at present ird that Is simply matchless day of August, 1897, at its mothers some 11400,000 woi th In circulation. Of oo$.y of purpose. We do not residence in Ashfleld, for want of pro- these the greater part is in $1 bills. t it is infallible, but we do per attention at its birth, but no blame Within the next few months sever ret fear of contradiction,thats attached to anyone." .y murder trials will take place in Ontar• !tion, with all its strenuous Quite a bit of excitement was caused e not been able to substan- at Urquhart's Mill, Hensall, on Friday io. Farmer Convey will be tried next Iidhonest act during its ]ing evening, owingto a cow breaking 'week at Woodstock far the murder o1 lerbue regime. Under the througgh the cvering Gf an old well his hired boy. On Nov. lti, Mrs Stern ,%hi of Sir Oliver Mowat and fallin to the bottom, about 20 feet amara will be tried at Cayuga for pots � g ening her husband. On ov. 29, Jnmei uccessor the Province has below. Fortunately she landed on her Allison will be tried for, marderinF And the fature looks partle- bind feet, thus keeping her head above Mrs Orr at Galt, Wm. H. Hammon( tht. Why, then, should the winter. Thos. Hudson heard the bei- will be tried on the same date at Glrav r suppose for a moment that lowing of the poor animal and gave the enhurst for murdering his wife. Thi' s can be cajoled into making alarm, and in a few minutes about 40 is the second trial, the jury havingdig ti favor of men that have men rushed to the rescue. After eirect- agreed in the first instance. The allege( ,hon such a very few that ing a fixture for a rope and tackle, a accomplice of Troy, in the Xapanet ,h any'ability to govern. The mp6n descended, and placed a rope murder, will also be tried, Troy's sen lfty to govern is the fact that around the cows neck, and she was tence being deferred until the aesult o beets able successfully to Op- hoisted to the top, but unfortunately this case is known. The alleged Min we are two crucial testa here, the ringing was too low, and the cow den murderer, Thompson, will also b tbtlity to govbrnment the was lowered again and the fixture 'rail- tried.this fall, as will also the girl,Mar: ok ofability in thegoverning ca. The second attempt was success- McGraw, for child murder, in London wenty-flvo yeafs have been fur, and the frightened, trembling ani- The probabilities are that the capita it to show the one oetbe mill was released, and walked off ap- charge will not be proved in all then to hope of a changge is fo'rlorti pparontly none the worse, physically, cases. I,IANADIAN for her adventure, r The Patrons of Indusitry. 8 (Montreal Witnes) The organa QP both the great politicalMen),- ardeaarein ppaggreemeut in announc- , ing the pprobability oP the dfseolutian a Merit talks" the of the Patrons oP Industry, and are intrinsic 'value of � manifesting eatisfaction,if not joy,over Boad'et3araaparilla. k1s the event. Leading members of the as- Merit in medicine means the ptSwex to sociation held a meeting in Toronto the cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla t other day, and though the proceedings p possesses were not publicly conducted, certain and unequalled curative power and thatro- of the n9wapapers,from reports obtain- fore it has true merit. When you buy ed by hearsay,believe that the Qrgan- Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according ization will not be long maintained, or to directions, to purify your blood, or at least that its political activity will cure any of the many blood diseases, you never be renewed, It is to be hoped !!re w9rally certpin to receive benefit, that thetas reports are not true, ails even the 80-talilad leadn!,y of khg org&n, 1 The power to ours id there. You fire not ization are not all, or even for the most trying an experiment. It will make your art, in favor of abandoning any of the blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thug Urns and objects which the organiza- drive out the germs of disease, strengthen tion sprang Into existence in such a the nerves and build up thewhole,system, short time to attain. The association r „ was in many respects a most admirable ' one, audit hallaccompai sn great deal. Politiaally, Its chief aim was to secure tariff reform, which was imper- atively necessary in the interests of the , Hood s over -burdened farmer, who was being Sarsaparilla' Z.o heavily taxed to support other Indus- - tries while the producta of his own lab- Is the best In fact—the One True Blood Purifler, or where bringing prices so low as to 1'reparedonly byC.I.Hood &Co.,Lowell, Mass. be almost unprofitable. By encourag- ing independence of political views and Do not� purge, psire or gg lire opportunity for the exercise Roods Pills gripe. All druggists. sea, of them,the Patrons contributed great, ly to the victoryof tariff reform. Their strenuous and ably conducted agitation for economy had a very noticeable ef- fect upon the administration of public affairs in Ontario in some directions,an effect which is still bearing results. All that was contended for was not gained but much was, mid the next agitation for similar reforms will he easter as a result. Independence of political view both inside and outside of parties as they now stand, has been promoted by the patrons, and independent -minded statesmen and publicists have undoubt- edly been encouraged and strengthened by manifestation of Indeppendence on the partuf the farmers of Ontario,Man- itoba and the test of the Dominion who gathered into the association of the Patrons of Industry. The Liberal party has always been in sympat by with the farmers; and its at- tention to and study of their desires and needs have been quickened and deepened as a result of their politica! . organization. Dominion overument rspayingsomethin like aeeq;uatte at- tention to the chief and great industry of this agricultural nation. At the present time the energy of almost every ' department of the government is be- ing directed to the work of securing the rapid and cheap exportation of Canadian products to Great. Britain, and the easv and cheap importation of' Britieh goods to Canada. This is the chief need of the Canadian farmer and therefore of Canada, which is an agri- cultural country. The influence of the Patrons of Industry has had its share in this remarkable change of policy on the part of the country, from which there is so little dissent. It is to he bored, therefore, that the organization will be maintained, The Patrons of In- dustry have not been dedendent upon leaders in the past, and it may be ex fected that even though some of the leaders may have become discouraged because, as a mere political machine for the aggrandizement of the few, for which it was never designed, it has not proved useN,l to a few ambitious men. the organization, which is largely and rightly local so far as its vitality is con- cerned, will go on with its work of promoting the social and political in- terests of the farmers and laborers -and encouraging them to give free and in- dependent expression and support to their own views of what is fiscally and economically to their welfare. The training and experience in organiza- tion they receive incidentally is of great value to themselves and to the country. Golden thoughts on life Insurance It is difficult to frame language suitable to describe fully and completely or attempt to fathom the depth of meaning of life in- surance. "It is safety when danger is hard by—re- lief when disaster, comes—value in times of depreciation—assets when liquidation is im- perative—comfort when privation is epid- emie—just the same as money in the bank without putting it'there." •'Insurance is an addition tohumanipow- er, a valuation and a bid for unwrought plans.., A.prieed,invoice of,time not yet ar- rived nor certain to come; a selvedged in- stead of a ravellededge." "An endless belt is life insurance which will bring back all you put on it. Its value in keeping the wheels moving and egp9liz- ing the strain on business man is more or less recognized, yet not so fully appreciated as it should be, and will be." "Common sense teaches that legitimate life insurance, like other property can only be bad by pnrobaee,' It is a valne, and means something. It is not given away, and cannot be cheaply obtained." It you contemplateinauringg you should invest tie money in s eoimii, conservative and roses ''e company, hiving a large net urpine over all liabi,i: a. such a Com - pan ie the Confederation Lite. Wr'te f tionlare of the Inxestment soba, t Iereel Taylor, Clinton, Ont., 13ein do onsp'ley�o of the Government, Mr, ;I J. O'Donoghue belongs to a close ioh fs supposed train from partid- p tion in trio discuss and agitation of pre queskons, and as such his righk, to take pariV in the deliberations and pro. nouncements of the Trades Connoil is some- what doubtful. Mr. O'Donoghue is an able man and a good oiti2en, but he has failed to greeQ the maompatability of his position in office and his participation in popular agitations. If he cannot himself choose between hid office and his desire to discourse on every public topic, the Ontario Government might lend bim some anaist- anee: Toronto Star. 'MEN AND WOMEN &GREE That corns are painful, nob easily cured, and quite useless. Men and Women who have used Putnarala Oorn Extractor Coati - fy that it is the best, acts without pain, .and oures. Use Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. CAS�0 R 1A Fol tllfallts Iknd Children. ' The fes �44- .I ���V Is to similla .q DR. WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R, C. S _ _ GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Edinbargh. Office -Ontario greet, Clinton Night calla at front door of residence on Rattan bury St., opposite Preabyterian church, � ,• .- eituMed on the Maitland con. of Goderiolt. Townehip. All clearodi but about 10 acres of good hardwoon bush; good clay soil, tour acres bearing orchard, good 2 -story brick bougie with "R J. L. TURNBVLL, M. D. TORONTO University, M D. C.U,, Viotorfa Univerel to slate root, bank barn teed good outbuildings;: Within fi miles of Clinton and 4 from Holme.- { 13 O. P & S•, Ontario. Fellow of the0betetriea Soelety of Edinburgh,late o1 London, Eng , and ville. every choice and desirable farm. Nor partloulare apply on the premises to MRS W. f°iHoe TEBBUTT, or at Ho'.tno.viilo P. O. r EdinburghH000tals, Office.--Dr,Dowsely'eola Rattenbriry St. Clinton. Night bel •answered at the same place. .,. �76! 7jr Lot 2di.Cot) 5, Township of Hullett, 100 acres 88 acres cleared and in a .... good state of ctiltiva- tion, excellent clay loam soil- 12 acres of hard- bush. Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont. wood There is a goon bearing orchard and a supply ofwater. The farm good rias never been rented. The buildings comprise a good frame house, barn AS. S. FREEBORN, M. D., L.H.&Q,C.P.I., M. i O. P,.& 8. O., Graduate Kin s and Queens r College n Physi ,dim Dublin, Ireland. Lt& it General' Medinol 1, (;rest Brits in from the Town of Ciintoo Terme ea"y For further particulars apply to the undersigned Mem lejaus one, On Member of Collage Phgeint o Ona Rotunda tar•to. Formerly eaident of Rotunda Hospital on the premises.Lying.in MRS THOS. MILL, Clinton P. O. ( and Giaacologioal),Dublin. Residence - attenbury St. east, next door to Ontario St parsonage. Choice FarmS for Sale or to Rent a Subscriber offers either for sale or to rent, his DR STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THM Medical Department of Victoria Univer U611 siwated•farws of 300 acres in Goderiah Township;2M acres are on the Maitland con„ city, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals 81111 and 100 on the 16th con. On the 200 acre farm is good stone house, with all conveniences, good Dispensaries, New York, Ooroner for be County of Huroii, Bayfield, Out. outbuilding. with stone stabling, bearing orchard of Tacres and plenty. of water. On the . _ 100 acres to good frame house, frame barn and DR AQhEW. stone stabling, bearing orcba d, etc Theabove properties are close to ohurob - and school, and Londesboro, successor to Dr Young. about five miles from Clinton. They will be T. AQNEW, M. B., Toronto Uiiivereit y, M. D. O sold or rented entire or in separate parcels, to H•, Trinitp University, Member of College Phy suit purchaser, and on liberal terms of pay siclana.and 8wrgeons, Ontario. Office oppoelta Methodistohurch. Night 0, „ , . to 9 P.M. FOR `+ALE. R. BLACHALL VETERINARY 8U"ON J A valuable fruit and grain farm ion a good road within Clinton. aJ•tlonoraryGradoateoftheOntarioVeterinarrpp Oollege. Treats six miles of. The lot Is No. 67, Maitland Concession, Goderich Town. . ship, and contains 75 acres. It yields annually pies Office -Immediately south of the Now Ere �, 1 I , S + ' ie il*+f. pt.. P0' s � X111 _ . 111itOnl etv Ura will Abe sent to new �su�bscribe s, to I st of January 18 to any address in A e on w Crisp County Xltppings. Capt. bee's Views. Al �^ HE TELLS CIF THE HORRORS AT SKAG- The McNamara farm, at Leadbur�yy, WAY. was sold on Monday, Sept., oth, to Mr I . . ma J. Kenny, for 01400. Kin Ston, Sept. 10.—Capt, A. G. + Mr Martin CNde, of I3ullett has nr- Lee, of the Regal Military College, who V + p went to the Klondike as special corn - t N,jp chased Mr McLarty a residence on Mor- rnissioner for a London ,paper, has re- I ris St., Blytb, and intends to move there shortly. turned. In tin interview be made the following statements: Master Fred Broadfoot, a young son Skagway and D ea are two small ^_ A`00yaP J. H. Broadfout, Seaforth, was bays, about three miles apart, and from 11,, thrown from a bicycle the other even- the latter runs the trail over the Chil- ing, and tied one arm broken at the coot Pass, which has been the highroad THE /�y'p�A,iyyB) wrtet. is route is dthe Yukon ifficult,r the but but quite ast twelve piare- aTt"a��r Mrs Wm. Snell has sold to Ilse gym. ivenofour graduateshav Cook, of Constance, north half of lot 2 ticable to determimed men, and some on con. 6, There are 50 acres of ooc� 8,500 old•seekr;,rs have passed over +gid 1p good positions sur tared in the fat, and hire Snell got 20(1(1 since last spring wltuJlut experiencing A, year, Our eySt In of for it. any very severe block, if ail geld-seek- �lr�g is actual btisineae ers had gone this way, much of the ,t: to finish. Our Short- Albert T. Godkins, McKillop, was un' hardship complained of at present 4rtnment is the most thor- ited in marriage to Matilda, 5th daugh- would have been averted. But 'some anada. ter of Anthony Boyd, at the residence two months ago it was widely advertis- orparticulars. of the bride's father, by Rev Mr Tiffin, ed by interested parties that it newer A. S. NINNO on Wednesday of last waek. and much easier trail had been opened Pure rich blood feeds a -the nerves. That Is from Skagway over the White Pass. why.Hood'Sarsaparilla, the great blood The result has been that during the purifier, oures nervousness. past ten weeks at leasto nine -tenths of This week it, is our sad duty to re- the travel has gone in the newdirection cord the death of Master Willie Wal- and there are now, at a moderate com- ker son of Mr Chi is. Walker, of near putation, at least 7000 men, 3000 pack Fordwich. He was but a few days animals, hopelessly blocked in the 18 The Scorcher. sick with that dread disease, inflam- alilea between the sea and the summit' mation of the bowels.. of the pass, The scene is one of unex- The many friends of Mr Fred Sand•angled horror, and there is no trail ers, of Elora, formerly of Exeter, will worthy of the name except that which be sorry to learn that he met with a is blazed out by dead animals, piles of very painful accident recently. He derelict baggage, and the curses of was operating a planer, and in some duped and disappointed men. Suicides rem his weary wheel, manner got his hand drawn into the are frequent, and there is more human ty his door; the feed rollers, lacerating it badly, misery to the square inch on the Skag- ithough he joyed to feel The wounded band is now . rovfn way trail, than to the cubic mile tri earth once more; nicely, P g most other portions of the earth. The peed hie rumpled head, route is blocked by enormous boulders a wreathed in smiles; When driving into Seaforth Thurs- precipices, mountain torrents and bog- y run," he said: day night of last week, Mr Wm. Keil- hole,, and the almost constant rain hdred milesl" or met with a painful accident. His and snow have greatly emphasized the horse got frightened at something on difficulties and dangers which already aiieal" I cried. "All, thinkl the road, and in trying to get it past existed. There is no possible chance of Ica you have seenl it he was thrown down and dragged one tenth of the parties now on this Dam where cattle drink, some distance, injuring hie leg so that trail ever reaching Lake Bennet, only 40 � ws rich and green, ,he will be unable to work for some miles distant, and even those that reach It wend youe rapid way— time, although he is now going around, that point will be unable to get to the Eby woodland aisles?" As an evidence of the large business Klondike this year, as the Arctic wint- bead. "I cannot say; • done in Seaforth annually in horse er has already set in. What will be the 1 dred milesl" "flesh, we may say that one leading fate of these thousands of men and even I Its saw your swift tires spin? dealer paid out last year over one hun- women, who are thus doomed to'spend uvy yonl deed thousand dollars for harass ship- the long winter in camp in this terrible, ty'sdust and din, ped from Seaforth station, • Most of region. I hesitate to predict, for fear of e heaven's blue; these horses were shipped to the old being suspected of hysterics. There is th of country air; country. When we consider that we no possible doubt that the death roll r rnstie stileal" have seven or night horse buyers locat- from cold, starvation and suicide will "The roads were fair; ed in this town, the total cost of the be a very long one before the spring. It Bred milesl" horse output may be judged. is impossible to find words stioug While Thos. Creech, of Exeter. son enough to condemn the action of inter - e of Creech, was o ratin a loner. at, estinp-parties who are lying upon the Ito World shows bad tem- p• g', p imaginations of the people and luring the Exeter saw inti! on Saturday last y to their dol - ter merel 'se taste in trying to offset he met with a very painful accident. them to disabg dol - ; feels impelled to ive Mr Hsuddenly flew back, striking his hand e was about to feed a board. when it tars betore they start. P g • In the course of my investigations I the saving he has effected with terrible force, and dislocating the have interviewed alargenumberof the office de artment, by alleg- wrist -joint. Beis now laid off duty, most trustworthy of the returned, and P successful miners. and they are unan- and it will be some time before he will Ie economical administfi - i have the use of the hand again. rnous in stating that there is nothing I striking • contrttet ..tote whatever in the present situation in the ce of the Government as a Grace Matthews, relict of the late Klondike to justify the present excite - Wm. Martin, who has been io a low, went. Nine out of every ten who de - re World has no justiflca- state of health at the residence of her cide to go there must face almost cer- rging the Government as a daughter, Mrs Th,lmas, Exeter, re- tain disappointment and the risk of de- ceived art, the final summons on Sunday. stroying their constitutions from the 'a4ulock had been doing in The deceased had been a long sufferer terrible hardships of the life. To all lice, Mr Tarte has been do- from chronic inflammation of the sto. who think of going I cannot say too Public Works, as his saving mach, and thus her death was not un- strongly, "Stay at home. in his first year in public expected. She was a former well -"Since my return from Alaska I have known resident of Usborne, having been making a tour of the Koo'.ena a to show. Mr Blair, in the g y ; of railways, is doing Simi- lived there for many years, but has goldfields, and here the outlook is most The Tory howls over His made Exeter her home for about five promising. Bath .the gold and silver dismissals" from the Inter. y°ara' mining industries have there settled ilway, prove that. And so Some time recently a mad dog•pass- down to a permanent paying basis,and e great spending depart- ed through Stephen, and seyeral ani- I know of no field more promising for rures will show at the end mals were bitten, a number of which the prudent capitalist." year, that the World's had to be killed. The amount of harm moral extravagance is grat• done is yet unknown, as other cages unfounded. may develop. Mr Jos. (Jamin, Mount PROMPT, PLEASANT, PERFECT. Carmel, was bitten by his dog, which ihad previously been bitten by the un Norway Pine Syrup is a prompt, p leas• Don't Do It. lucky strap er. He then had his dog ant, perfect care for coughs, colds, asthma, shot, and, after considerable considera- bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat, pain in, paragraph intimates that tion and worry, he went. to Chicago the chest, croup, whooping cough, quinsy !I. P. P. for North Went. and received the Pasteur treatment. • influenza, and all throat and lung troubles. He has since returned and is now out 25o and 500, of all drug stores. ' get the Registrarship va- of all danger. it constituency. Another 'Provincial Inspector Munn was in that Mr Proulx, M. P. for Mderich last week, and went through J. E. Geivais, one of the assistant the county stone building. He ex- postoffiae inspectors for the division III resign to accept a canal greased himself as well pleased with of Montreal, has not put in his appear- .lency. Neither of the ara- the way in which the premises is kept, ance since Saturday, and is stated to be correct. And we hope it being one of the cleanest and neat- be gone to the United States. est buildings in Ontario. He laid par- Triers is a rest demand £oc. railway at. The Liberals have al- g y enough of this sort of thing, titular emphasis On the fact that the cars in Manitoba, wheat is being sent whole plan of the building should be east with so much vigor. The C. P. R. Continued they will straing changed and modern conveniences in,itnand one da recentl ent out 1301 carloads of some of their begtfrienda. Y improvements placed in, it being one of rain from Winnipeg, 80c, a bushel is profess to have certain g P g+ of the most old fashioned and out of ind if we expect the support date prisons in Ontario. There are on- being paid. - ace of the electorate those ly three prisoners confined there at Jackson, Mise., is completely demor- ruet be lived up to without present. . alized and business is at a stern distill on til _deviation. What might have proved a serious account of the yellow fever. The people accident happened to Dr. J. Orr Rose continue to pour out of the city until Aon Campaigning and Mr Leopold VanEgmond, of Sea- two thirds of the population have gone. forth. It seems they were trying to F. Raddats, Cranbrook, had the mis- mign for the next Provin- drive a cow in a field in rear of the fortune to fall in front• of hie loaded woollen mills, when she took fright at n has fairly set In, and the wagon when 2 of the wheels passed some object and made straight for n over his body andbroke one of hie ribs. )ntario are being treated to VanEgmond, who jumped over a ten lose of speechifying. Mr rail fence to save himself, while Dr. David Walker, Morris, had one of e leader o[ the Opposition, Rose tried to seek protection under a his ribs broken in an upset of peas last pp° , wagon. The animal, seeing Mr Van- week. Jae. Maxwell had hie arm brok- rn the gauntlet sometime Egmond was safe, turned the wagon en at thesame time. Will Rands took over which the doctor wag under, and a tumble too but escaped injury. rose an easy matter far the P l y onlyy for the timely assistance of Fred Ontario to deal effectually o Neetin, with hie large Danish blood The Canadian Pacifle and Grand 3 and exploded bombs that hound, who, drove the infuriated ani, Trunk systema move steadily forward y lies been throwing around mal away, there might have been with earnings which a year ago no one something serious happened, would nave dared predict. The C.P.R. tously at his meetings. Had Joroner Holmes, on the sworn infor. forthe week ending September Tshowa y and his followers stayed mation of F. M. Russell, of Ashfield, an increase of $73,000, over the same tome-vva-have--no-doubt-that--keld.aa-iaquest.._.on�aturday_at;.Drin: _s-eQk_AaT__eAr_ :�ge�while-_for. the -same gannon, on the body of a baby not a period the Grand Trunk's increase and his friends would have day old, The informant stated that amounted to $42,270. Vise, and thus have been the child had come to its death from The new dollar bills are In da3- rouble and expense of refut violence or unfair means, From the mond. Since the Receive Gleneral yresentatione so zealously evidence given At the inquest it app gent out the first package notes of sty the time has come when` pears that Jessie Hart, of Ashfield, the $1 and $2 denominations a replace 4 are'qualifled to form an age¢ 17, , gave birth,to a child on Au- the $1ose and 0 use, there ha en e rcohclusion on all matters gat 17th, that the same day, the infant stead demand .from the bantling Ig to the government of this was buried in the garden near her pat- houses allover nadaforthe ba Cline tr better without the con- ents' residence, and that the child was Thee rein of them entails a large confusing assertions and born during the absence of the girl's amount of work, and as soon as it ie uTls of campaign orators. parents in Godericb. The jury return- . ill be sent out. Al. r, hey have an honeeit, econ- ed the Pa lowing verdlet: "That the Put through they w ibbral minded government, child did ome to its death on the 17th though it was only ereast month the new t3 bills were issued there are at present ird that Is simply matchless day of August, 1897, at its mothers some 11400,000 woi th In circulation. Of oo$.y of purpose. We do not residence in Ashfleld, for want of pro- these the greater part is in $1 bills. t it is infallible, but we do per attention at its birth, but no blame Within the next few months sever ret fear of contradiction,thats attached to anyone." .y murder trials will take place in Ontar• !tion, with all its strenuous Quite a bit of excitement was caused e not been able to substan- at Urquhart's Mill, Hensall, on Friday io. Farmer Convey will be tried next Iidhonest act during its ]ing evening, owingto a cow breaking 'week at Woodstock far the murder o1 lerbue regime. Under the througgh the cvering Gf an old well his hired boy. On Nov. lti, Mrs Stern ,%hi of Sir Oliver Mowat and fallin to the bottom, about 20 feet amara will be tried at Cayuga for pots � g ening her husband. On ov. 29, Jnmei uccessor the Province has below. Fortunately she landed on her Allison will be tried for, marderinF And the fature looks partle- bind feet, thus keeping her head above Mrs Orr at Galt, Wm. H. Hammon( tht. Why, then, should the winter. Thos. Hudson heard the bei- will be tried on the same date at Glrav r suppose for a moment that lowing of the poor animal and gave the enhurst for murdering his wife. Thi' s can be cajoled into making alarm, and in a few minutes about 40 is the second trial, the jury havingdig ti favor of men that have men rushed to the rescue. After eirect- agreed in the first instance. The allege( ,hon such a very few that ing a fixture for a rope and tackle, a accomplice of Troy, in the Xapanet ,h any'ability to govern. The mp6n descended, and placed a rope murder, will also be tried, Troy's sen lfty to govern is the fact that around the cows neck, and she was tence being deferred until the aesult o beets able successfully to Op- hoisted to the top, but unfortunately this case is known. The alleged Min we are two crucial testa here, the ringing was too low, and the cow den murderer, Thompson, will also b tbtlity to govbrnment the was lowered again and the fixture 'rail- tried.this fall, as will also the girl,Mar: ok ofability in thegoverning ca. The second attempt was success- McGraw, for child murder, in London wenty-flvo yeafs have been fur, and the frightened, trembling ani- The probabilities are that the capita it to show the one oetbe mill was released, and walked off ap- charge will not be proved in all then to hope of a changge is fo'rlorti pparontly none the worse, physically, cases. I,IANADIAN for her adventure, r The Patrons of Indusitry. 8 (Montreal Witnes) The organa QP both the great politicalMen),- ardeaarein ppaggreemeut in announc- , ing the pprobability oP the dfseolutian a Merit talks" the of the Patrons oP Industry, and are intrinsic 'value of � manifesting eatisfaction,if not joy,over Boad'et3araaparilla. k1s the event. Leading members of the as- Merit in medicine means the ptSwex to sociation held a meeting in Toronto the cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla t other day, and though the proceedings p possesses were not publicly conducted, certain and unequalled curative power and thatro- of the n9wapapers,from reports obtain- fore it has true merit. When you buy ed by hearsay,believe that the Qrgan- Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according ization will not be long maintained, or to directions, to purify your blood, or at least that its political activity will cure any of the many blood diseases, you never be renewed, It is to be hoped !!re w9rally certpin to receive benefit, that thetas reports are not true, ails even the 80-talilad leadn!,y of khg org&n, 1 The power to ours id there. You fire not ization are not all, or even for the most trying an experiment. It will make your art, in favor of abandoning any of the blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thug Urns and objects which the organiza- drive out the germs of disease, strengthen tion sprang Into existence in such a the nerves and build up thewhole,system, short time to attain. The association r „ was in many respects a most admirable ' one, audit hallaccompai sn great deal. Politiaally, Its chief aim was to secure tariff reform, which was imper- atively necessary in the interests of the , Hood s over -burdened farmer, who was being Sarsaparilla' Z.o heavily taxed to support other Indus- - tries while the producta of his own lab- Is the best In fact—the One True Blood Purifler, or where bringing prices so low as to 1'reparedonly byC.I.Hood &Co.,Lowell, Mass. be almost unprofitable. By encourag- ing independence of political views and Do not� purge, psire or gg lire opportunity for the exercise Roods Pills gripe. All druggists. sea, of them,the Patrons contributed great, ly to the victoryof tariff reform. Their strenuous and ably conducted agitation for economy had a very noticeable ef- fect upon the administration of public affairs in Ontario in some directions,an effect which is still bearing results. All that was contended for was not gained but much was, mid the next agitation for similar reforms will he easter as a result. Independence of political view both inside and outside of parties as they now stand, has been promoted by the patrons, and independent -minded statesmen and publicists have undoubt- edly been encouraged and strengthened by manifestation of Indeppendence on the partuf the farmers of Ontario,Man- itoba and the test of the Dominion who gathered into the association of the Patrons of Industry. The Liberal party has always been in sympat by with the farmers; and its at- tention to and study of their desires and needs have been quickened and deepened as a result of their politica! . organization. Dominion overument rspayingsomethin like aeeq;uatte at- tention to the chief and great industry of this agricultural nation. At the present time the energy of almost every ' department of the government is be- ing directed to the work of securing the rapid and cheap exportation of Canadian products to Great. Britain, and the easv and cheap importation of' Britieh goods to Canada. This is the chief need of the Canadian farmer and therefore of Canada, which is an agri- cultural country. The influence of the Patrons of Industry has had its share in this remarkable change of policy on the part of the country, from which there is so little dissent. It is to he bored, therefore, that the organization will be maintained, The Patrons of In- dustry have not been dedendent upon leaders in the past, and it may be ex fected that even though some of the leaders may have become discouraged because, as a mere political machine for the aggrandizement of the few, for which it was never designed, it has not proved useN,l to a few ambitious men. the organization, which is largely and rightly local so far as its vitality is con- cerned, will go on with its work of promoting the social and political in- terests of the farmers and laborers -and encouraging them to give free and in- dependent expression and support to their own views of what is fiscally and economically to their welfare. The training and experience in organiza- tion they receive incidentally is of great value to themselves and to the country. Golden thoughts on life Insurance It is difficult to frame language suitable to describe fully and completely or attempt to fathom the depth of meaning of life in- surance. "It is safety when danger is hard by—re- lief when disaster, comes—value in times of depreciation—assets when liquidation is im- perative—comfort when privation is epid- emie—just the same as money in the bank without putting it'there." •'Insurance is an addition tohumanipow- er, a valuation and a bid for unwrought plans.., A.prieed,invoice of,time not yet ar- rived nor certain to come; a selvedged in- stead of a ravellededge." "An endless belt is life insurance which will bring back all you put on it. Its value in keeping the wheels moving and egp9liz- ing the strain on business man is more or less recognized, yet not so fully appreciated as it should be, and will be." "Common sense teaches that legitimate life insurance, like other property can only be bad by pnrobaee,' It is a valne, and means something. It is not given away, and cannot be cheaply obtained." It you contemplateinauringg you should invest tie money in s eoimii, conservative and roses ''e company, hiving a large net urpine over all liabi,i: a. such a Com - pan ie the Confederation Lite. Wr'te f tionlare of the Inxestment soba, t Iereel Taylor, Clinton, Ont., 13ein do onsp'ley�o of the Government, Mr, ;I J. O'Donoghue belongs to a close ioh fs supposed train from partid- p tion in trio discuss and agitation of pre queskons, and as such his righk, to take pariV in the deliberations and pro. nouncements of the Trades Connoil is some- what doubtful. Mr. O'Donoghue is an able man and a good oiti2en, but he has failed to greeQ the maompatability of his position in office and his participation in popular agitations. If he cannot himself choose between hid office and his desire to discourse on every public topic, the Ontario Government might lend bim some anaist- anee: Toronto Star. 'MEN AND WOMEN &GREE That corns are painful, nob easily cured, and quite useless. Men and Women who have used Putnarala Oorn Extractor Coati - fy that it is the best, acts without pain, .and oures. Use Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. CAS�0 R 1A Fol tllfallts Iknd Children. ' The fes �44- .I ���V Is to similla .q John Brittain, telegraph operator at the T. H. & B. station, Brantford, has beon arrested, and confessed to the robbery of $580 from the office safe a few weeks ago. He passed one of the stolen pills on Saturday Bright and the officers traced it back to•him. WITH INVALIDS Yesl with invalids the appetite is capri- cious and needs coaxing, that is, just the resem they improve so rapidly tinder Scott's Emulsion, which is as palmtable as cream. Who Will Win The FriZe (Toronto Telegram) Tho statement that Hon. David Mills may succeed Sir Oliver Mowat as Minister of Justice meets with con- siderable approval by several politic- ians here. Mr Mills seems to have the facts concerning the constitution of every civilixed country at his vomer moand, and often wbife others were' looking up authorities, he would be on his feet quoting the very authorities ft,om memory. He has never been a hide -bound party man. A consistent lviberal was Mr Mills,. but over ready 6o acknowledge the good in his oppon- ents. His hearty and, open sympathy with Sir Mackenzie Bowell in the dark daysof January last year endeated him to many of those- who differed from -hint in political thought. Sir Louis Davies deserves the poaitfen, and+it is said, bad the promise of it; but Sir Louie is not the Oran to press hiselu,ims under existingeircumstances. James F. Lister is caul to have the promise of a portfolio, and his claim cannot easily be overlooked. Mr List- er was prominently mentioned in con- nection with the last Cabinet make-up. When he failed to receive a portfolio, well informed politicians insisted that it was simply a matter of time till Mr Lister shot.ld be rewardedin the way of a. Cabinet position. Re was looked upon as• fairly certain to till the neat vacancy. Whatever the choice of the next shift, it muot be said there is a strong element of the Liberal party actiSely in support of Mr Lister's early recognition as a Cabinet Minister, He has lent"valuable support to the party and has qualifications for a Cabinet position which few could be found tc surpass. , Seems as it all the things we like disa- gree with ua, and all the things we don't like, agree with us. Dyspepsia lurks in most of the good things we eat, and in- digestion follows the gratificaiion of appe- tite. (,t course, it isn't Nature's fault. Nature does the beet she can, and if a man will only help her a little bit at the right time, he may eat what be likes and as much as be likes. Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellette are for people who are troubled with indigestion, Particularly for those in whom it manifesto itself in the form of constipation. The "Pellets" are quick and easy in their notion. They are in perfect harmony with Nature, They effect a per- manent cure. You need totke them regular- ly only a little while. After that, use them ooeasionally when you need them— when you have eaten anything that disa. grees with you. They may be taken just as freely as you would tat a water or any other necessity of life. Once used they are always in favor. IT PAYS TO ` 4 'bite Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Still leads in securing choice positions for students. 116 of our pupils placed during the past 11 months. The following have recently been placed: --•Flora Face, steno., Montreal Herald; D. Stevens, book-keeper, Erie Mills, St, Thomas; Eva Payne, steno„ Chatham Gas Co.; Robb, Hawthorn with a Winnipeg wholesale house; Jessie Hether- ington, Srd stone. Sutherland & Innes Co., Chatham; James Redford, manager Busi- uses dep't, T000wo 13t1ei119.90 Qollege, wash, The above ohawa reaults from a course with ns. Write for catalogue of either depart- ment to O, NcLACHLAN & Co Chatham PROPERITES FOR SALE ORTo LET FOR BALE. The undersigned will sell at a sacrilloe, Lot 451 or 12, Rallway Terrace Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAMEf3 SCOTT, Barrister &e HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full particulars on application to JOHN MCGARVA , BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE That desirable ;Brisk Business Stand on Al- bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is oTerred for sale, including rear lot and stable. The location is one of the beat in Clinton. The , ppropertyy is free from incumbrance and title in- disputablo. Price reasonable and terms to suit purchaser, Apply to OLEO. STANBUIbY, Lon- don Road, or address Clinton P. O Apples Wanted. I waub all the Marketable Apples I can buy and willipay the highest price commensurate with foneign quotations. Hold your apples un- til you,bave ascertained from me what I can pay for them, Donot make any mistake. D. CANTIELON Clinton. 0 At Ordinary Footwear Prices Hence they give satisfaction, and that accounts for their popularity. Out line of fall goods will bear out this statement. Call and inspect them. Also.see our tllsgortment of Trunks, 'Valises, Single and Double Harness, &c. Dealer in Itedand White Cedar Shingles. JAS. TWITCHELL, Victoria Blook, Clinton, .Beautiful Property for Sale. The undereignod offore for salte the eligible and beaatif*ly situated residence occupied by himself on Huron St., Clinton. The house con- tains every modern convenience Por good sized family, is welllm.ilt, with stone foundation, fur- naco, hard andl soft water, stable apd bearing fruit trees. Particulars uppon appplication to - JOHN CUNNINGHAM,.Clinton. W1 PERRIN BLOCK 2 _ FOR SALE eW cash and 190 monthly pa menta ofi$13osah D S CAMPBELL, Hamilton Professional N JAMES SCOTT. I f Barrister, Solicitor i'� . OONVHYANOBE &Q. Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba, - Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wisetn a i We DRYDONE, . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Oit#ce—Beaver Ttock. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's ta'a CLINTON M: Ge CAMERON � . (Formerly of Cameron, nolt & Qaweronli 1' BARRISTER ANb SOLICITOR. Offioo--Hamilton at., opposite Colborne House QODi1RICH. ONT - D• L. MACPHEREON- UONVEYANCINQ, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1NSURA14011 MONEY TO LOAN, Office, MacKay Block, Clinton: JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, RTO Fire Iasurauoe. Money to lend. Real estate matters carefully attendod to, Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON R. AGNEW. DENTIST, CLINTON AT ZURICH Tag 2ND THURSDAY OP EACI3 MONTH Office Hours -9 to 5, ]DR. T. C. BRUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity varsity Toronto, the n ciaral teeth a) attention ggiven to the Preservation Othee, Coate L lock, over Taylor's shoe store N. B.-WAI viait Blytb every Monday ant] Bayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the summer DR. WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R, C. S _ _ GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Edinbargh. Office -Ontario greet, Clinton Night calla at front door of residence on Rattan bury St., opposite Preabyterian church, � N � � eituMed on the Maitland con. of Goderiolt. Townehip. All clearodi but about 10 acres of good hardwoon bush; good clay soil, tour acres bearing orchard, good 2 -story brick bougie with "R J. L. TURNBVLL, M. D. TORONTO University, M D. C.U,, Viotorfa Univerel to slate root, bank barn teed good outbuildings;: Within fi miles of Clinton and 4 from Holme.- { 13 O. P & S•, Ontario. Fellow of the0betetriea Soelety of Edinburgh,late o1 London, Eng , and ville. every choice and desirable farm. Nor partloulare apply on the premises to MRS W. f°iHoe TEBBUTT, or at Ho'.tno.viilo P. O. r EdinburghH000tals, Office.--Dr,Dowsely'eola Rattenbriry St. Clinton. Night bel •answered at the same place. MARIU r'01t SAL.0,'r �76! 7jr Lot 2di.Cot) 5, Township of Hullett, 100 acres 88 acres cleared and in a .... good state of ctiltiva- tion, excellent clay loam soil- 12 acres of hard- bush. Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont. wood There is a goon bearing orchard and a supply ofwater. The farm John Brittain, telegraph operator at the T. H. & B. station, Brantford, has beon arrested, and confessed to the robbery of $580 from the office safe a few weeks ago. He passed one of the stolen pills on Saturday Bright and the officers traced it back to•him. WITH INVALIDS Yesl with invalids the appetite is capri- cious and needs coaxing, that is, just the resem they improve so rapidly tinder Scott's Emulsion, which is as palmtable as cream. Who Will Win The FriZe (Toronto Telegram) Tho statement that Hon. David Mills may succeed Sir Oliver Mowat as Minister of Justice meets with con- siderable approval by several politic- ians here. Mr Mills seems to have the facts concerning the constitution of every civilixed country at his vomer moand, and often wbife others were' looking up authorities, he would be on his feet quoting the very authorities ft,om memory. He has never been a hide -bound party man. A consistent lviberal was Mr Mills,. but over ready 6o acknowledge the good in his oppon- ents. His hearty and, open sympathy with Sir Mackenzie Bowell in the dark daysof January last year endeated him to many of those- who differed from -hint in political thought. Sir Louis Davies deserves the poaitfen, and+it is said, bad the promise of it; but Sir Louie is not the Oran to press hiselu,ims under existingeircumstances. James F. Lister is caul to have the promise of a portfolio, and his claim cannot easily be overlooked. Mr List- er was prominently mentioned in con- nection with the last Cabinet make-up. When he failed to receive a portfolio, well informed politicians insisted that it was simply a matter of time till Mr Lister shot.ld be rewardedin the way of a. Cabinet position. Re was looked upon as• fairly certain to till the neat vacancy. Whatever the choice of the next shift, it muot be said there is a strong element of the Liberal party actiSely in support of Mr Lister's early recognition as a Cabinet Minister, He has lent"valuable support to the party and has qualifications for a Cabinet position which few could be found tc surpass. , Seems as it all the things we like disa- gree with ua, and all the things we don't like, agree with us. Dyspepsia lurks in most of the good things we eat, and in- digestion follows the gratificaiion of appe- tite. (,t course, it isn't Nature's fault. Nature does the beet she can, and if a man will only help her a little bit at the right time, he may eat what be likes and as much as be likes. Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellette are for people who are troubled with indigestion, Particularly for those in whom it manifesto itself in the form of constipation. The "Pellets" are quick and easy in their notion. They are in perfect harmony with Nature, They effect a per- manent cure. You need totke them regular- ly only a little while. After that, use them ooeasionally when you need them— when you have eaten anything that disa. grees with you. They may be taken just as freely as you would tat a water or any other necessity of life. Once used they are always in favor. IT PAYS TO ` 4 'bite Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Still leads in securing choice positions for students. 116 of our pupils placed during the past 11 months. The following have recently been placed: --•Flora Face, steno., Montreal Herald; D. Stevens, book-keeper, Erie Mills, St, Thomas; Eva Payne, steno„ Chatham Gas Co.; Robb, Hawthorn with a Winnipeg wholesale house; Jessie Hether- ington, Srd stone. Sutherland & Innes Co., Chatham; James Redford, manager Busi- uses dep't, T000wo 13t1ei119.90 Qollege, wash, The above ohawa reaults from a course with ns. Write for catalogue of either depart- ment to O, NcLACHLAN & Co Chatham PROPERITES FOR SALE ORTo LET FOR BALE. The undersigned will sell at a sacrilloe, Lot 451 or 12, Rallway Terrace Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAMEf3 SCOTT, Barrister &e HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full particulars on application to JOHN MCGARVA , BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE That desirable ;Brisk Business Stand on Al- bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is oTerred for sale, including rear lot and stable. The location is one of the beat in Clinton. The , ppropertyy is free from incumbrance and title in- disputablo. Price reasonable and terms to suit purchaser, Apply to OLEO. STANBUIbY, Lon- don Road, or address Clinton P. O Apples Wanted. I waub all the Marketable Apples I can buy and willipay the highest price commensurate with foneign quotations. Hold your apples un- til you,bave ascertained from me what I can pay for them, Donot make any mistake. D. CANTIELON Clinton. 0 At Ordinary Footwear Prices Hence they give satisfaction, and that accounts for their popularity. Out line of fall goods will bear out this statement. Call and inspect them. Also.see our tllsgortment of Trunks, 'Valises, Single and Double Harness, &c. Dealer in Itedand White Cedar Shingles. JAS. TWITCHELL, Victoria Blook, Clinton, .Beautiful Property for Sale. The undereignod offore for salte the eligible and beaatif*ly situated residence occupied by himself on Huron St., Clinton. The house con- tains every modern convenience Por good sized family, is welllm.ilt, with stone foundation, fur- naco, hard andl soft water, stable apd bearing fruit trees. Particulars uppon appplication to - JOHN CUNNINGHAM,.Clinton. W1 PERRIN BLOCK 2 _ FOR SALE eW cash and 190 monthly pa menta ofi$13osah D S CAMPBELL, Hamilton Professional N JAMES SCOTT. I f Barrister, Solicitor i'� . OONVHYANOBE &Q. Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba, - Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wisetn a i We DRYDONE, . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Oit#ce—Beaver Ttock. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's ta'a CLINTON M: Ge CAMERON � . (Formerly of Cameron, nolt & Qaweronli 1' BARRISTER ANb SOLICITOR. Offioo--Hamilton at., opposite Colborne House QODi1RICH. ONT - D• L. MACPHEREON- UONVEYANCINQ, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1NSURA14011 MONEY TO LOAN, Office, MacKay Block, Clinton: JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, RTO Fire Iasurauoe. Money to lend. Real estate matters carefully attendod to, Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON R. AGNEW. DENTIST, CLINTON AT ZURICH Tag 2ND THURSDAY OP EACI3 MONTH Office Hours -9 to 5, ]DR. T. C. BRUCE, SURGEON DENTIST, Graduate R C D S of Ontario, and Trinity varsity Toronto, the n ciaral teeth a) attention ggiven to the Preservation Othee, Coate L lock, over Taylor's shoe store N. B.-WAI viait Blytb every Monday ant] Bayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the summer 1887, are s of their Ontario ' the Sala Gotbber, Adntinis- o said eg- o having ,tjce shall Dated this pith day of September, 1807, For sale In Clinton, Ont., by Allem & Wiloonp - Druggist, n , „■ 0'I .✓? - �� Y t - ` _.. f es. .,r , ....,t.a.... .t...• .. , _.. li-, ,..-, tYtil"'r�famel.: , 'll'a i�Y'! DR. WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R, C. S _ _ GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Edinbargh. Office -Ontario greet, Clinton Night calla at front door of residence on Rattan bury St., opposite Preabyterian church, subsoriber offers for Rate the farm of 149 acres, eituMed on the Maitland con. of Goderiolt. Townehip. All clearodi but about 10 acres of good hardwoon bush; good clay soil, tour acres bearing orchard, good 2 -story brick bougie with "R J. L. TURNBVLL, M. D. TORONTO University, M D. C.U,, Viotorfa Univerel to slate root, bank barn teed good outbuildings;: Within fi miles of Clinton and 4 from Holme.- { 13 O. P & S•, Ontario. Fellow of the0betetriea Soelety of Edinburgh,late o1 London, Eng , and ville. every choice and desirable farm. Nor partloulare apply on the premises to MRS W. f°iHoe TEBBUTT, or at Ho'.tno.viilo P. O. r EdinburghH000tals, Office.--Dr,Dowsely'eola Rattenbriry St. Clinton. Night bel •answered at the same place. MARIU r'01t SAL.0,'r \R, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, 13URGIMo N 1JAeooucheur, Lot 2di.Cot) 5, Township of Hullett, 100 acres 88 acres cleared and in a oto., office and residence On - tario St., opposite English church, formerly o0 cupied by good state of ctiltiva- tion, excellent clay loam soil- 12 acres of hard- bush. Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont. wood There is a goon bearing orchard and a supply ofwater. The farm good rias never been rented. The buildings comprise a good frame house, barn AS. S. FREEBORN, M. D., L.H.&Q,C.P.I., M. i O. P,.& 8. O., Graduate Kin s and Queens and stables, This property is situate on an excellent ravel road, 2 miles } r College n Physi ,dim Dublin, Ireland. Lt& it General' Medinol 1, (;rest Brits in from the Town of Ciintoo Terme ea"y For further particulars apply to the undersigned Mem lejaus one, On Member of Collage Phgeint o Ona Rotunda tar•to. Formerly eaident of Rotunda Hospital on the premises.Lying.in MRS THOS. MILL, Clinton P. O. ( and Giaacologioal),Dublin. Residence - attenbury St. east, next door to Ontario St parsonage. Choice FarmS for Sale or to Rent a Subscriber offers either for sale or to rent, his DR STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THM Medical Department of Victoria Univer U611 siwated•farws of 300 acres in Goderiah Township;2M acres are on the Maitland con„ city, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals 81111 and 100 on the 16th con. On the 200 acre farm is good stone house, with all conveniences, good Dispensaries, New York, Ooroner for be County of Huroii, Bayfield, Out. outbuilding. with stone stabling, bearing orchard of Tacres and plenty. of water. On the . _ 100 acres to good frame house, frame barn and DR AQhEW. stone stabling, bearing orcba d, etc Theabove properties are close to ohurob - and school, and Londesboro, successor to Dr Young. about five miles from Clinton. They will be T. AQNEW, M. B., Toronto Uiiivereit y, M. D. O sold or rented entire or in separate parcels, to H•, Trinitp University, Member of College Phy suit purchaser, and on liberal terms of pay siclana.and 8wrgeons, Ontario. Office oppoelta Methodistohurch. Night moot. Apply on the premises or to Clinton P. 0 HNNRY BAKER, calls answered at the same place. Office houra 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 8p,m to 9 P.M. FOR `+ALE. R. BLACHALL VETERINARY 8U"ON J A valuable fruit and grain farm ion a good road within Clinton. aJ•tlonoraryGradoateoftheOntarioVeterinarrpp Oollege. Treats six miles of. The lot Is No. 67, Maitland Concession, Goderich Town. all diseases ofdomeetioatodanrl male on the most modern and scientifloprino ship, and contains 75 acres. It yields annually pies Office -Immediately south of the Now Ere from 80 to 100 barrels of Winter Apples, and is a goodgrain farm the land being a No, 1 clay loam. There is as, 1lo. 1 frame house on the lot, Office. Residence - Albert tit., Clinton. Cal night orday attendedto promptyv a good barn with stone stables underneath, and It to well watered in field. A large every por- tion of the purchase money may remain on JOHN R. MILNE,, VETERINARY SURGEON has returned to 011ntdh and opened an office mor.Ma.e.. For terms, oto., a�tply to THOMAS BUR 3, Carlow P. O., ip W. W. FARRAN, at th"neen's Hotel, where be ma e o lt- or Clinton. ed for the "treatment of 811 dies ea of ha see, cattle„&o. AD csUa, night or day, promptly at- tended to. House and Lot for Sate O" D ioo GEON B. The Irene hones on Rattenbury street, Honorary Graduate of the nt,%riuy p Veterl College, immediately east of Dr. Tomlinson's, is nary Toronto'. Treats all diseases Domeetio AnIfnals on the modern and offered for sale on very reasonable terms, .most SoientifiePrinoaples. Day and nigbtcalls prompt The house is centrally situated, being onlyanswered. Residence—Rattenbury St., west a minute' walk from the business oentre, lint°°. . has ne cellar, large dining room, parlor, bedroon: and kitchen down stairs, with one Arid rid two.Smaller bedrooms upstairs. 1tLARRIAGR LIUEN&E', i&MRS SCOTT 8B.1 flit issuror of Marriage Licensee, Library!Room G•lood•aived summer kitchen and garden. and Residence, Mary street, Olinton. Very conveniently situated for boarding house. Apply at Nnw EPA office. IAMBg CAMPBELL LONDESBOW eJ ISSUER OP Ii 14MGE 1,10fiNSE8. No witneseel required PASTURE TO LET 1 _y_,_FARNCOMB,•-M&EIBHIB 03i' A88'N a! - __ _­ _ Fdoraesand Cattio'ttsken'ihto 'pasiiire, Good -� P• L. S•, Provincial Land Surveyor and •Civil Engineer, fences, plenty of shade, water and salt. No Bitsbed wire. Apply to C, MASON, at Staple- too or to M. GLiE W. of Orange Hall, Hullett. London Ont. -Office at Geo. , 8towart's Grocery Store, aunton. . Thoro-bred Durham Bull for OLINTON Sale. WOOD and COAL YARD. •. Subscriber ofYore for sale at reasonable prlee. tbrec , oung thoro-bred Durham bulls, ranging ill Subecriber is prepared to promptly All all or- dors for Wood from 6 months to 2 years old. Two are roans and out) dark red. They are all from the 108- or Uoal, which will be sold ob lowost rates. O87oe on Isaac Streot at LAVIS' MPLEIMF,NIT ROOMS. gine r t rk an 3 are superior animnis. W. Wi3EATLIEY ROBT. CRAIG, London Road, Clinton P. O WANTED STOCK. FOR SALE CANVd,MERS_„Queen Victoria: Her Life One half-brod Jersey cow 3 years old, a good milker. very rich cream, 1 Poland China boar, and Rel��nn" has captured the British Empire. Extraoxdfnary testimonials from the groat men. Send for copy+ free. MAr�uia of Lorne 8 months old, Rog.; I Poland G�tlna boar, 1i yrs. old, Reg; l buroo Jersey boar dud- cow, 6 mos. Bays: "The boclt popular Life of the queen i have seen.,, Her Maiesty sande a >kind lettez old, Reg- 3,7Tdand China sows, in pig, Rog; 2 importea Tamworth sows, As I am overstock- of appaeciation. Selling by thousands: gives ent usiaotio satisfaction, Capvaesora ma ed I will sell the above stogCk at very reasonable drices• WESLEY W. FISHNII;t, Lot 8, Con.1, ing 111to t4i1 weokly. Proepeotuv fico t ants. Tho IJstADLEY-GAuuntw r Co.,fnq Colborne Tp„ Benmiller P. O. , Toronto,ont. I+ ~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In flie Estate of Ann Barr, deceased. MADE ME A MAN X TABLM l f.y tiUBil Notice is berob given purguant to the Statute in that behalf, that all creditors and others .LLX.reouaDraewy -b-,71-b.. rr, Impot_.." aloe eeeneee, eta �e bs Abueo or other rceeeee and Fred 11"A Navin claims against the estate of Ann Barr, I Thdy q�u z Ona aursz I late of the Township of goderioh, In the County ree%tt,o_ net Yitattt to o�d oilcans. of Huron, widow, deooagod, wbo died on or".V. n Yui ...... �einM ow maHtiRi-ng�ef 1887, are s of their Ontario ' the Sala Gotbber, Adntinis- o said eg- o having ,tjce shall Dated this pith day of September, 1807, For sale In Clinton, Ont., by Allem & Wiloonp - Druggist, n , „■ 0'I .✓? - �� Y t - ` _.. f es. .,r , ....,t.a.... .t...• .. , _.. li-, ,..-, tYtil"'r�famel.: , 'll'a i�Y'!