HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-24, Page 1P. For 25 Cash, ° , 4 + . .. • -I • + r , •.1 - . 11 I , :, - 1. V V , r ', theClinton New. bra wild she- _se�,t:...to...new----subscribers to.... ,1st_..,.o� �anuamy� 1$8�, to an addx ass in di i .QT'S TIME To say something about Alarm Cloaks. The sun is not rising as early as it did, p' and perhaps you may be inclined to ,)_ -follow its example and need a remind- er that the day has commenced. There is nothing better than our Nickle Al. - 7 , LIN �\, C T . __ --I" . , , I . . I 0-.&- iN E I ,, -T. .E .... . . RA� . . arm Clocks at $1 Z; make enough noise — µ to waken the soundest aleeper. Good I � _ _ timekeepers too, and will last for years ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. ONT., SEPTEMBER 24 189? —� f$1 a your in advance $1.60 when not so paid Tq the Bully Man _ CLINTON,� - I? ' 4 0 .An accurate watch is a necessity, not I Aallett ' a luxury, as some seem to think. To AROUND THE' HTU13. NOTES.—Mr Thomas Sampson and Auburn Goderich Township utilize gvery moment of precious time, What wide-awake and reliable oorrespondeats tind worthy of recording for publication J. NIQI[OLBON, Manufacturer of and dealer NOTES.—Mesare O. Wliityel�y and O. to meet trains, keep appointments, to Mr ,(.hue. lklanning, of the 12th con„ in Lightand Hcavv Harness, Whips, valises, Ginn attended the Western Fair for a Goderich. are on the sick list. Court for the re, Combe, Brushes Robes Coate, Horse Trim- few days last week. Mr Gu be always on time, one ,most have a 6arIO WI. vision of rhe voters' list will be held in mines, Leather braces, No. y y Nicks WEDDING.- A quiet wedding took AN OLD SETTLER. -Death has a ain - and wife, of -the 11th_eWn-, spenFSup. good Watch, I?rop.in and let as talk place at the yesidence of M,r Humber, been among ue and took from our Londesboro on the 27th. CavRali Nicws. -Rev. Mr Higley day at he former'e parents, Huron �� atoh with you. It will paylyon to his only daughter, Miss Aggie, being midst one of Colborne'e earliest set- MYSTERIOUS. -A few mornings sin preached ons Sundayy evening, taking road. Mica $usy Chambers of Lon- bny now, for watches, like wheat, are wedded to Mr R•M.Castleo, ticketagent George .Barr found a- valuable steer for hie text Cast thy bread upon the I don, is visitingfriends advancing in price at Stratford. The happycoo `le left tiers, in the person of Mrs John Glen, 1 log dead in one of his fields there and acquatn- p who passed peacefully away on Sept. waters. Rev. Mr Richardson preach- Lances in this vicinityy. MrJohn Hood, Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. for an extended triptothe Eastern P P y y P being no apparent cause for its death. ed in he Presbyterian Church. Rep. of Goderich, spent Monda among his States. 11th, at the ripe old age of 79 years. On Tuesday morning he found two Mr Couzens gave an interesting die. old nes hboro; two members of his Cleaning $1, Mainspring $I, rand it will be She was a sister of Alex. and Gordon g done right if we do it, ` BASHBALL.-A game of baseball took ` Young, of this place, and leaves a . re dead. The services of a Veter- course on Sunday morning from Luke family have lately been stricken with place on Fridayafternoon between family of five boys r.nd two Iris to inary were called in, who found that 13:33• Mr Munroe gave a geod ad- typhoid fever, huh, we are lad to ea g death was caused by the animals par- dress at Epworth League on Tueaday they have almost fully recovered. Mr the Norton block and the Signal of 'ce, mourn her loss, and who have the taking too freely of frosted clover, and evening. resulting in favor of thb latter by a sympathy of all in their bereavement. P, A.. Campbell wheeled to Kincar- P. B. Crews score of lX to 10: The features of the he was just in time to cave the lives o1 HARVEST HomR.-A Harvest Home dine to visit relatives there on Friday game were the base runuin of W. NOTES. -Rev. John Young, of Ham- two others. was held in St. Mark's Church, which evening last. Mr Wilmot H,tacke Jeweler &Ex ort [3 Ilton, ie visitin at his father's Mr A. proved a great success. The church takes rn the excursion to Niagara i Watch Repairer all and the sharp fielding of C. An- youn Mise W Watson has returned FINE STOCK. -There are not many drewe. from Toronto, and resumed her duties men in the county of Huron, who was gorgeously decorated. Rey: Mr Falls thie week. Armstrong gave a very interestingt Quite there -opening ft• 1 RUNAWAY. -As Miss Hays, of Gode- as teacher of S.S. No. 3. Mrs J. Green knows the points of a good hog better discourse and some very fine musiic ofiKnoxlchitrch, Goderich, Sunday. rich township, was driving up West I is visiting Mies Annie Green at pies- than John ovier;'he has made this , street, a dog ran out and jumped at ' ent. Mica Sterling, who attended To• stock his hobby, and nearly always was rendered by, the choir. Miss Rathwell and Miss Burnett, o 1 has some good thorobreda on his NOTES. -The W.1�'.lM. S. had a large Goderich township, are visiting Mrs Usborne. the horse, causing it to run away. It i ionto fair, has returned. place. attepdance at their last meeting, when Bo 1 was stopped, after runuin a few He is always buying more and last Boyce, (Mies Rathwell's aunt) at Blake. 1 A PIONEER'S DEATH. -An aged and blocks, b a telephone post. week brought home a fine the Rev. J. Young, of Hamilton, gave Meeers B. Allen and J. Cox, of Chi- I Y p p he lady Bayfield Yorkshire Boar, from the herd of that ° grand discourse K the Island of caro, visited their' old he other day. I honored pioneer of this township pass- escaped with a few scratches. NOTES. -The funeral of Mrs J. Wat- well-known breeder, Mr Featherstone, then moria and Dr, McKay, along with Mr Joseph Rutledge, the other da . ed away on Monday, in the person of CHURCH NOTICE. -There was no ser= son, who died on Monde aged ears of Ontario count It is a R' g c lantern. Mrs Reynolds is the y I Mr Ishmael Hull. oil, Winchelsea, who vice in the R. C. Church Sunda morn- was followed b Y• g y y good adds• guest of her daughter, Mrs J. Nichol- 1 Nichol - had passed threescore ears Y y quite a number of her tion to the improved stock of the son. Mica Rose has returned home 'Brucefield p y ing, the Rev. Father West keine in old ftiendsand neighbors, to the Bayy- county. I and ten, being 83 years old at the time Clinton, The North Street Methodist field cemetry on"Wednesday. Rev, S. from visiting friends in Clinton. Mr ADDRESS. - Miss Wilson, Clinton, I of his death. He was a native of Eng- Church held no service Sunday morn- L. Smith announced in Trinity church WEDDING• -There is nothing that W. Youngbliit, who has been visiting who is well and favorably known in our land and came d this township when . in ivin their congregation achance last Sabbath that His Lordship the Bis- gives its greater pleasure than the an- his sister, Mrs Wettlaufor, has return- midst, will address the mission band to- I h was but a wilderness, Navin resided g' givingP nouncements we are called upon to ed home to Tavistock, taking with morrow afternoon(Satltrday, 22nd). It I here continuoaaly for over 5 years. to attend the opening of the Presby- hop would be visiting Bayfield soon. y g will be the closinrr meeting , the mil- 1 terian Church. The Victoria Street • Mr Geo. King denies the report which make ever now and again of the de- him Master Jacob Wettlaufer for a He wasa whole -hearted, generous soul, h P guttate of some °f our young people visit. Rev. Mr Stout visited friends cion band for the year. I greatly esteemed by all his neighbors, Methodist was closed at night for the was current that he purposed leaving from a state of singleness to ,that of here last week. Will Cummings took NOTES. Thos. Ross, Wineham, and his death removes one of those same purpose. town and taking a house in Clinton. wedded bliss, more especially when a tripp up to Wineham last week. Mr visited at the home of Mr A. Rose, near typical pioneers who made everybody AssizEs,- The fall assizes opened PERsoNAL.-Mr Ambrose Smith left the contracting parties move in good Alf Aekwith has disposed of hie fine •il that came within his reach cord. all at here on Monday before Judge Mere- on Tuesd t 1 The Huron CentrAl ' For Farmers ♦'-,d e Next TuesdayanOWednepday,:,2 t and 29th. It is a purely agrltl. tural show and on Wednesday,%ri ;, way You will be sure to be in f the day. Spend pert of it Wlth it We will be glad to have you 4r4 • in -glad to have you take a cboi 0 and rbet-glad to have you loo around, get acquainted and learn ll how well qualified we are to eery-, You- You will not be eApe¢tod . I, bay simply because you accept orli invitation to come in, you, will,,. ° of course, find us attentive In Stip. -plying any wants you may have: ;` but to be welcome you don't havi to buy. It might well pay Sou however, to make out a lists of " things you need, take advAtitsge;.of. the day and while in town have tq fill it oat. If you have any reoeipte ' yon want made up bring ,them i;p, leave them with as while you visit the fair, and we will have thsm,41l ready for you before you are ready to go home. If your eyes or sped, tacles are failing you and you don't : " see as well as you would like, visit our spectacle depwrtment: It will ;.,; take but a short time with our fa. •; oilities to fit you up with a pair o1 , perfect fitting, comfort giving glasses. We test free and charge ",! only $1 for best leuses in good frame, and as spectacle specialists we guarantee you satisfaction or a refund of your money,, Itis Q1tjr, ' way of doing business alnc>{ it protects you. What think You, is our way a good way? Is it a way you like? ALLEN & WILLSON j Graduate Druggists & Opticians,{:;; our vi age last week. Misses Emma dith and ay o resume his athdr i at social circles and are worthy of the driver, ''To sy," for he sum of $05 to Nevin and Maud McIntosh spent last l Personal ]come. Beyond being a staunch Li er- , there is a large number of Bishop Ridley College, St. Catharines, confidence and respect they enjoy, L. Wettlaufer. Mra Erratt is visiting week in London. Mr T. A. McL we shall be glad to have ,, al he took no part in public affairs. He capes on the list, both criminal and I Miss Foster of Varna has been visiting On Wednesday one of the most pogo• friends in Goderich. Mica Bertha Wil- lin, formers of thi &ugh . this column from an sof our =ibutione.:,td, was, life -ion member of the Metho- civil. One of the most salacious cases at Mr. T. Ward's for same weeks. Mr lar youn farmers in this township son and Willie and Herbert Gooier in school splaco,is now teach- y readers. ,'0`4 `,, g g Elora. Miss H. Callan- you drop in d purpose going u*,i*"': dietchurch. is wife pre. deceased 1tim ever tried was Bret on the list, being and Mrs J. Fraser, Mrs Stanbury, Mitts journeyed over into Grey, and whe❑ joined the Good Tem tars last Mon- der and Messrs G, Seller B, A, Din and tell as, or send us,a.. some time ago. He leader 3 sonsand 3' an action for seduction, the plaintiff Lily Elliott and Mr Jas, Pollock wire he returns to his farm on the 11th con. day evening. J. Nicholson has a bi- J. McKenzie, B. A, of y' ,and note to that elieot. a; daughters to mourn his loss. One of being a resident of town, and the de- among those who took in the excursion he will be accompanied bt ore of the cycle a rent. Mr W. Pollock has the home of Mrs G. Baiter visiting at T. Jackson, jr., is this week in. Toron#(k his daughters is ,he wife of Constable fendent a commercial traveller; a ver- to London on Wednesday. Mr H. winsome girls of that fine township, secured a situation as painter for J. to their respactive homes r,'Mertut returned on business, +; dict for p, _4„ Wheat ey, of Clinton, while Mr Enos $250 was rendered. Dritmen, tailor, took a holiday on his who has consented 'to;'share his lot Brunsdon, Londesboro. McKenzie, B. A., and Mr J. A. A. B ird Miss Gilroy, of Chicago, is visiting`, : Hall, formerly of Clinton, was his son. THE GREAT NORTH -WESTERN. -The wheel in the neighborhood of Palmer- "till death do us part,' Wednesday brother here, 1 Great North-Western exhibition was ston the early part of this week. afternoon Henry B. Moon, second �onstanCe attended the party given by Miss A. Stanley opened at Goderich on Tuesday, under [The above was intended for public- youngest son of the late Thos. Moon, Sellers, Kincardine, last Friday even.. J. C. Lindsay returned d .tie medics,, NOTES.- Farmers who have large moat favorable circumstances. Entries ,tion last week, but did not reach this g ie J. Morri- NOTES -The praise service of the Ep- Ing. Mr Jas. Baird leaves for McGill studies in Toronto on Monday, ` ' was married to Miss Mag worth League on Snuda ^'' ,fields of corn are beginning to cut it:, as .exceed any previous year, and every office until Friday morning. -Ed. NEW son, youngest daughter of Mr Mathew g y evening was this week, entering as 2nd year student. Mr John Carter and family, ted by Mr, R, Holmes, of Clinton; the of .1V�iah de artment will be filled. The fruit ERA. Morrison, of Grey, Rev. Mr Andrewsr meeting was gan, are among old friedd s at Sts leton 4`. ---theyar-eafraid-of thefrostinjuriag it P ) ,many had it spoilt last year I the frost display is one to bo proud of. It far officiating. The bride was beautiful) g good one and very tied Thames Road. P i,, . HURCH.--Educational sermons will Y itable to the leader, who gave a brief NOTES, --Messrs L. Adan Mrs John Morrish has gone on a vtsitf , last year before it was cut. excels any district fair in the Province y attired and was supported by Miss talk on"Personal Responsibility" in his Saulter visited friends in G�edttod M, her daughter, Mrs Puckering, at Aadley.a;r. .bepreached on the Bayfield circuit Bella McGill, of East Wawanosh, usual fluentst le.Missionar addresses non .STOCK. -Mr Jay. McFarlane the fam- as far as known. The display of agri- next Sabbath, Sept. 20th, and collet- while Geor a Moon, brother of the y Y• cultural products ingrain and roots is g Sunda Mr and Mrs Mallei, Bervy, Miss M. Schwitzer, of Niagara Falls; $t' ous stock raiser of the 3rd con„ recent- tions and subscriptions taken up in will be delivered by Messrs Lough and are visiting here this week. Mr.Bert visiting her friend, Mies Tillie Akam, this, 1 arrived home from the old county Proof that pfarmers have abun lance aid of the fund as follows:=Bethel, groom, erPormed,theduties ofgroome- Holmes, of Clinton, in the Methodist week. y Y, and that ro s are high both in The bride was the recipient of a church Sunda afternoon. Rev, Alex, Passmore who is attending the Clin- ;;'p•nr where he has spent the summer. He tity and qualit . There was also a 10.30; Cole's, 2.30; Bayfield, 7. Rev. G. number of cost) resents 9howi.n y too Moder School is spending a few Will Mora ar brought back with him 00 thorn -bred g W. Andrews, B. A., of Rol the high esteem In which s�ie is held Rapson is visiting his parents and other days under the parental roof. g Moet of Co's wholesale ho ee Toronton�i 14Io73ay dc, ood exhibit o stock, but the attend- sheep and a fine colt. It is a sYfe will preach. friends here. Mrs McDonald,Bhteyale• our citizens attended the South Huron a visit. a hornla'-, venture to say that he will make more ance was not up to previous years. After the ceremony the company par- and Mr Thos. Kin M. D., were visit , t KNOX CHURCH RE -OPENED.- Knox took of a bounteous wedding dinner, g fair held at Laster on Tuesday; a goad n out of the sheep than all the rest of his g in their brother, Mr J. W. gin this slice Belle eft on Monday Presbyterian Church,after having been Seaforth ' and the young couple received the con- g g+ many carried away prizes for stock, Murrayy y for farm, as he knows how to handle this gratul�ttons of theist friends, in which week. Messrs E. L. Farnham and H. @specially in the heavy horse and Dur- Aylmer, where she holds a position ,aa"- . class of stock to the very best advatage. enlarged and remodeled at coat of BASEBALL. -An inte'resting game of we cordially Fisher last week disposed of a horse ham cattle classes. milliner, , ; . $11,000, was re openedon Sunday when baseball was pissed on the Collegiate Y join. each to Mr J. Archibald of Seaforth. ,r 25 cents will pay for the Clinton .NEW EnA special services were held. Rev. RobL. Institute grounds on Monday last be • 25 cents will pay for the CLumx NEw EnA Mass Harriett Squires, of Granton, is Mr. and Mrs T. Walker, of Stapleton* to new subscribers, to sat of January, 1899. Johnston, B. A„ D. B., of London, twee❑ the Collegiate Institute club and to new subscribers, to Ist of January, 189, the guest of Miss Lottie Uook. Miss Blyth. have returned from a, lengthy visit to diet :; reached morning and evening, and the Centrale. Kate McDou all of Cranbrook is visit• TxR FALL FAIR. -The annual fall ex- Western States. Egmondville he game was very fust g Dlies'Ddl Sooner, who has beenviai11 tir"''f ev, J. A. Anderson, the pastor, held and good ball was indulged in. The Londesboro Ing her sister, Mrs J. Hincbley. Miss hibition of the Morris branch agricul- here for the act three wee), NOTES. -The Huron pottery is again an afternoon service. On each occasion Score by innings: HOME UI -ROLE. -An organizer be- Gertrude Farnham returned from a tural society will be held in the village p weeks, has returned,.;I running full"time. Miss C. A. Porter the edifice vias filled, and man could Col. Inst ...:......... . . 0 1 1 3 0 0 0-5 !Z g g y g to Albany, N. Y. I;, y ion in t° the Home Circle came here visit London during exhibition time, of Blyth, on Tuesday and Wednesday, is away at Uxbridge, attending her not even find standing room. The col- Centrals .............. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-2 on Saturday evening,and is canvassing Mt L. Proctor, of Bluevale, spent Sun- October 5tb and 0th. This fair is gen- Mrs Booth, of Orangeville, who has -., sister, Mrs Latimer, who is very ill, Mr lections, which were in aid of the build- Batteries .-- For' Collegiate Institute, for new members. Mrs Jae. Brown day here. visitin h °3.t! stalls a big success, and should the g er mother, Mrs Plummer I for.;•;,, Leonard $holdice has purchased the ing fund, were well up in the hundreds. Geary and Aberbordt; for Centrals, has received the cheque for the incur- weather prove floe, will be up to the home yesterday. Robe farm from Dir John McLean; the Knox church is one of the handsomest Dawson and.MeCullongh. Umpire -R. ance held in this order by, her late Rolmesville standard this year. The affable Sec- We are pleased to state that the wife, of;o': price paid was $4,500;he has got a good buildings of the kind in Ontario, being C. Cheswright. Time of game -1.35. husband. eta farm. lighted by acetylyne sae, haying all CHURCH NOTES.- League met on y Hugh DlcQuarrie, will supply Mr John Briokenden, who has been aerions=+ `WEDDING. -On Wednesda the 15th modern improvements, and is a credit DEATH OF MR NETTLE. -A Winni- . NOTES. -•Mr and Mrs R. R. Howson, Monday night and had an iutelestiog all intending exhibitors with prize Feta, lY ill, is some better. ;t"+, Wednesday, to the.Presbyterians terians of this town: peg telegram says: -The death of John of Chicago, are on a visit to friends in motto program; conducted by George NOTES.—Miss Mary McTavish, who Ernest Castle left a large gathering at the residence of y Nettle, M.L.A. for Turtle Monntain, and about here. Mr Wm. Pollock is Acheson, Next Sunda morning U. has been visiting yesterday for Londono E., Sunday g gin Bayfield and Stan- England, via Allan Line and was tioketed,•''':' Mr David Ferguson, when his daughter FALL AS6IZRt3.-The Fall Assizes for took place Monday morning at Boibae- working for Messrs Brunsdon &Son Coleman, of Hil sgreen, student of ley during the past month, returned through by A. O, Pattison, ,;1 Mary, was united in the bonds of mat- the county opened here Monda after- vain, Manitoba, from diabetes, from for a short time, ppreparin some rigs Belleville College will preach, Rev. home last week. Mise Lucy Stevens "` rimony with Mr Jae: Strong, youngest noon. Hon. Sir William Myeredith which he has been suffering for years. for the shows. mi Geo. Ylobnaton is a E. A. Shaw talting Mr Andrews' gave her home a visit last Sunday.- Mrs Walter Learoyd, who has been visits*1. - son of Mrs]Geo. Strong.ofTubkersmrth. presided. After His Lordship had lie was first elected to the Manitoba judge of pigs at Woodstock fair this other appointments. Rev. G. W. Misses Sanders, of Exeter, and Mies 1°a friends around here, returned to het+: ,M. The knot was securely tied by Rev. charged the Gravid Jury, the following Legislature at the general election of week, The Forresters expect an or- Andrews gave a very interesting Govenlock, of London, arrived in town home at Windsor on Monday, Neil Shaw, pastor of the First Presby- cases were disposed of: -Gordon vs. 1858 in the Liberal interest, defeating ganizer here in a short time to canvas sermon on a very interesting; subject this week, to take charge of the millin- John H. Helleby leaves next week for terian church, Egmondville. When Wright, action for •seductioti; verdict Dr. Schaffner, of Boissevain. He was for members of their order; suppose -girls• ery business; the former to look after old eoantry, being booked through via De� ;,,, the ceremony wa4s'over they sat down for plaintiff, $250. McNall vs. Russel, again elected at the general election of these things are the result of a good ANNIVERSARY. -The anniversary in the interests of McKinnon & Co., and minion iine, by A. O. Pattison. g , �,,r ' to a sumptuous repast and • the night action for seduction; verdict by con- 1892 over the same opponent. At the wheat crop. Frost on Sunday night, connection with he Methodist Church the latter for Mrs Graham. Rev and ,�'r' was spent in song and dance. The bride sent Por plaitltiff for $250. McKinnon last general election, 1$98, he defeated also on Monday night, but not very will be held on Sunday and Monday, Mrs Donald McVicar, of Montreal, vis- Mre Bargese• of Woodstodli, who 'hau was made the recipient of many costly . vs. McKinnon, et. al„ action 'for•con- W, R. Miller. Deceased was from severe. Weddings to right of us, wed- Oct. 10 and 1I. Rev W. Ayer of ited he lady's parents here this week. been the greet of Mrs n Woiidie for several ' and useful presents, thus showing the struction of will and other matters; Huron, Ont., having *een a resident ding to left of us, are now the order of Point 'Edward will preach mor Mrs Mrs S. Gracy, of Win ham, is visitingweeks, left for home on Monday high esteem in which she watt held. verdict for plaintiff in terms of min- of Teeswatee, Seaforth and Wroxeter, the day; there,is still room for more to and evening and Rev. B. Clement, of her parents, Mr and Mrs John BuiMise Maude Goodwin is on the sick 1tef�, . ` The young con Is left for their home utas filed. Elsie vs. Butt, action on He was 54 years of age. go and do likewise. Special children's Clinton, in the afternoon. On Mon- Mise Eliza Taman, of Detroit, is visit- having been confined to her room for about.;' -`i in McKillop on Thursday. They carry promissory note. No defence. Verdict NOTES. -Mr Alex. Stobil of the Sea- day services will be held in the Pres- day one of Holmesville's teas will be in her parent i in town; her sister, Miss two weeks with inflammation of the bowels. with them the good wishes of a host of for plaiptiff. The Griind Jury brought forth Egg Emporium, has branched out terian church on Sunday afternoon, served. Look out for it and don't miss Maggie, left for that place on Thurs- Mr D. Reynolds, of Hallett, was one pi, .~ friends• in a true bill against Russel for rape, into the butter business. Mrs David rs Ashley arrived here on Friday it. day last, to remain some timer Mr H. the judges on horses at Tavistook Show on ' `l but this case was taken from the jury Dorrance is confined tober bed through evening. Mr Howson took he serylce NOTES, -C. A. Tebbutt wheeled to Hammond is in the Count town this Tuesday, and he is a thoroughly coin stent';:' Ghlselhartst by his Lordship after the evidence of illness. Mr Herb Knight has secured here on Sunday morning and at Kin- Fordyce on Monday, and intends week, attending the Fall Assizes. Mr one. ,1 the girl Hart had been gone on with burn in the afternoon for Mr Andrews; spending a week with his brother and R. C. Andrews, of Wroxeter, occupied A. Innes was 'ad a of h "' " CHURCH OPENING. -The new Metho- a position ii,t Wilson's Egg Emporium. P for some time, and the accused .was at the evening meeting p judge horses oo'd' ,, dist church at Chiaelhuret will be open- Mr, Jos. McKim has reargued his posit- g g Mr Howson other friends. Mr E. Laois and wife the pulpit of the Methodist church on discharged. Jacklin vs. Proudlove, and Mrs Ashle a pp stook exhibition on Wednesday; I on Sunday, Uct. 3rd. Services at action for breach of romise of mar- ton as clerk at the Royal Hotel, Owing y g ve aseietance. spent last Sunday at Brussels. Mr. C: Siroday morning, the pastor in the ev- y; there, are'.',.. I 10.30, a.m. 2.30 and 7 p. m. Collections • P to a rush in their line of business O il- From another correspondent ravelle and wipe spent last $anda coin Mr James' Ireland and family few better men for each a position in the , :, riage. Verdict for plaintiff for $800 vie's flour mill has been running night CHURCH. -Neat Sabba hnthe annual with friends on the Sauble Line, Stan s engt Sunday in Goderich! Mr Fred Province, at each service in aid of building fund. Born vs. Clavin, action for slander, p li', On Monday a grand tea meeting and and day all"summer. Broadfoot, &Box, Missionary services will be conducted ley' Mr L. A. Rose, wife and daugh- Finkbinder, of Milverton, formerly of Hon. W. Meredith, Chief Justice of Ont), Verdict for the plaintiff for 25 cents. pptng by W. R. Lough and R. Holntee; ,Mr, uric an entertainment will be held. Tea served p furniture l'summ manufacturers, Br are chi ter, of Fargo, Dak., who have been "town, was in town on Thursday., Trin- d Judge Masson, spent sometime to ; The Queen vs. Richard Culbert. The visiting Mrs Roses sister, Mrs Elford, it church is lit u b i ether hereon Wednesday, while waiting IN from 6 p. m, until all are served. The grand jury came into court with a a large consignment bf furniture to the Lough will preach in the morning, g y p incandescent el- g church has undergone very extensive old country. Mr Alex. Cardno is bus- and R. Holmes will follow witha short returned on Friday. A large number ectric lights. Mrs G. Graham spent for a train. improvement, being rnettcally made true bill against the prisoner, who was y g y• g pp have taken in the WesternEair at Lon- Sundny at' Dungannon, )lir Geo. Kin Rev. Mr Hill, of Freelton, in the' Nis+ � 11 i p g p R p 11 en a ed in bu rn a les. Master address; in the evening the order will g riew, and thezeal of the actor, ev,W. charged with shooting with intent. Bert• ur h don and goodly number the Great is in Goderich this week, bein a jury- era Conference and former) of Ba •fieta P The jury returned a verdict of hilt of p Y is confined to the house likely be reversed. The superinten- g y g ] Y' g , y J. Waddell, should be appreciated by ] y guilty through illness. The fall show directors dent of the Sunda School has ado tr North-Western at Goderich Wednes- man at the Assizes. Mr Ed. Moser was was in town this week; he is related to. Mi unlawful) woundin Wm. Kell y p day. Template meet 'next Monday, in Stratford d last week. S. Hill, of town. r the people of toe circuit. y g Y• have secured the skating rink in which ed the use o£ the black board, and on when Varna Council is expected to be NOTES. -The contract for the exten- to have the -inside exhibits placed. Mrs Sunday next the review will be con- p WEDDING, -If the old adage Mr Israel Taylor, who has been spend-;,:,, , John Beattie is on the sick list we ducted b present and a good time is expected. A Perfect Cwt atom of the sewerage has been let, and y Mr M. Braithwaite, Mr D. Choral class will •meet in the hall a the bride the sun shines on he true, ing a month with friend in Manitoba, sr a large force of men star ted to work; a' her a speedy recovery. Mr J. U. Laid- E. Fair and Mrs Ashley. week from next Tuesday. then Mies Mary McLean, daughter of rived home on Taesday He bad a leafy , ' firm from Port Huron are doing the 'ob. law Is suffer in from a severely sprain- y Rev. A. McLean,, of this.. village. _ant_.tiwe_and_en'o edshe-meet ver p _ __ Mr Chris. Hod g ] ed ankle. aSt. Thomas church.Sunda -- .: NoTEs.-A number o _our_citizens,_ . .___.. ppm an t-_�_.-_ ..._ _ _ y -much, .•,:;a 1Y - -_.__ _- -L-,.-,--- .... ...- ___ge,-....an .employe --of- E. .-.'- - y who v�ere in assts: took iu the (000aaioaa correspondent) Fie Gappy,tndeed, for her marriage on but still was lad to et bank to Ontsrio, ampion's law officehere,leftfor Cleve- achooh6vill 66;W a heldin the afternoon wedding of one of our PERSONAL. -Mrs H. Elford, who ie a Wednesday, w:te, conducted under the g gli - g popular young Mr Benj. Allen, one of CLicago'a million.,) ' . land, where he has secured a ood sit- at 2.30. Mrs P. Magary, London, and farmers of Hallett that was held at delegate to the meetingof the W, C. most allRpicious circumstances. The t / good formerly of Seaforth, has again taken weddin took I aire merchante, accompanied by his nBtlrti nation with a large whplesale house. Walton on Wednesday afternoon. Mr T. II. in Toronto, leaves shortly them- g pace at 1.30 p. m., at the ew, Mr John Dos u her residence in town, Mr A. E. for, and intends at the same time to manse, the groom being Rev A. Mc- + who have been visiting f, The Goderich horses that took art in H. Riddell and wife have been send- their native heath drove over from GJbde ,�; ' p orbes, who was prostrated with the a end a little while visiting friends Vicar, of Huntsville. T e bride wore ' i the races at the London exhibition did heat playing lacrosse at Exeter, and in days with friends in Seaforth. p g rich and spent .part of last Snnddq o al -i' , ,-,, elsewhere. There are not man er- a dress c f Swiss muslin, over white, r iljpl"�1, not make an extra good showing; Vir- who was unconscious for five hours Mrs Jas. camp is on the sick list. Y P their friend, Collector Whitely., Tlii#..'` �,'. I��.". I ginia and Lady Norton being distanced Miss Nettie Webb who has been ill sons more entitled to or more deserv- with white flowers, and bridal veil, and we are leased to see is around a ain. ingeneionsthe race western proportions i e right That • 4, to the team race and the same luck P g for adme time, is slowly recovetin fog of a vacation than this lady, and carried in her hand a bench of white I t Mrs W. W. Meredith and Miss Alma n, roses; the bridesmaids, Mlsse.R Millie in she reoe for wealth they have right wall 'I befel Dinmont In the running race. Will Wallace and Charles Watson perhaps few have remained so closely preserved their health, '' Owing to a fall o$ In the bicycle trade Reid have returned home after spend• two of our poultry fanciers, are away and so continuously identified with and Katie McLean, sisters of the bride :A,3 �- % the Goderich Bicycle Co. are only work- ing heir vacation in Muskoka and orb- this week exhibiting their fowl at the their home•duties. During her mar- wore Swiss muslin over blue and pink, Mrs R. Craig, of the London Road,whosp Ing art time. Mr Jas. Robinson, one er places of interest. Egmondville, different shows; g ried life of 35 ears she has onl on a while Sadie McVicar, maid of honor, recent accident is fresh in memory,, to now p John Melville is also Y y 11 of the leading dry goods merchants, Dublin and Tuckersmith. are the clubs exhibiting a number of his fancy breed.` y from was dressed in pint. The groom was able to attend to her aeoustomad': atibs, that ace entered for the Tuckersmith few rare occasions been awn has moved hie place of business from Miss Townsend who has bben )ivin home for a week at a time. However, assisted by,Rev Mr Graham, of Petro- but has only the partial use of hqr ' t ht ,'. the corner of W Branch Agricultural Cup; it will be g iia. Rev D. McVicar, of Montreal arm Yes• Mre Robt• Nott, after+ a o West street to the store at Niagara Falls, is spending a few she expects to be away for several , lately occupied by J. T. Acheson. Mr pissed for next Thursday. Mr E. Case days with friends here. weeks on this occasion, and her hosts brother of the groom, performed the confinement to bed, is able to be up, 'an Geo. Tilt, .of Blair, has been in town Cas resiggned his situation with T,R F. marries ,- ceremony., mans es to os I Case &D Co. Mr J. ,he new) WEDDING. -The residence of Mrs a Prim wish her all the pleasure and , g 7• a Immediately' to the g g around the Fosse nt the the past few days bung two carloads y+ y enjoyment that is possible, and a safe bride's, father. Immediately after the aid of a oratoh, though her movements are appointed section foreman of Dublin scene oge was on Tuesday evening the ha neoesearil restricted..11 of cattle for his farm at that place.- PP ' scene of a ver interestin and hA return home. spy couple had received the consist- Y Mr Harper, of the firm of Harper & was °i�itin�� friends here .Sunday last. y g happy ulattons of ., their friends, lunch was Dir Hamilton, commission merchant; of ,„ Whou you or or a Suit of Clothes you want Lee, hardware merchants, has sold out Mr Chas' McNamara, the kin of hunt- event, when her youngest daughter, Taekeramith served. A pleasing feature of the af- Liverpool, has been spending some c" r ere, shot eight large coons Monda ev- Mien Maud, became the wife of Mr. I ' A perfect oat ie necessary. his interest in the Business to Mr C. g y" Charles d, be OOUNCIL.-A meeting of the council .fair was the photographing'of the brid• here and in company with D. Cantel'on, '_,;, A goods, perfect out and careful She ard, of this town. Dr, Thom a°1°g A. Davidson, proprietor of the g, of Hallett. Theal art , b Mise Cowan of Toronto has travelled the count extensively ilk, i ii Sheppard, p' bride was iven awa b was held aturnKyle's hotel on medstoparty, 7 Commercial hotel, hue returned home f3 y y her brotherSaturday.who carries a kodak, and afterwards of search of apples. When. last wor m neh p ere a combmat'on which • son, who has been practicing !Yore the Herbert, and at six o'clock took the ae per adjournment. Immediately p .year ,abogk• .gives the at resnits, In thali way you last year, has gold out his business and after an extended trip to the Old Coun- after dealing with the minutes of last the entire company. Amon assts 80,000 barrels were secured this year One • 4, try; he ha i•a very rough voyyage both floor in the parlor, while the wedding g resent from a p g g t ' get your money's worth, is going to locate in London. The cin and corrin Messrs Tage base march was played by Mre J. Rile to till the report of the Engineer, P distance were Mrs Pat- oar load only, of 160 barrels, was obtainsd. i'' Goderich electric, It ht plant, whic> g g g' The bride looked, ver y' Mr T. VA. Farrlcomb, on the condition terson and Mrs Donald McVicar, Mont- Mr Hamilton has handled frm`� Troia till ' �` Meh"i, canadiaw Tweed units, is order, & Co. shipped a car load of hogs to Tor• y charming and real plalk or fatter checks........... $I* to 1$15 was Put in here last all, is not giving wore a'' beautiful blue of the Sproat drain, was read to all 4 Mips Co an, Toronto, some of the sections of the lobe bathe says that th« ; '" onto yesterday. Messrs J. Malone and popIto dress local vests ere Misses Clara Moffatt apples grown in Westsrn Ontario usnoly ,, +• the satisfaction that wap expected; it y y' b the ratepayers in attendance. The re- g P J.Gilvin, of Beechwood, w'ho have been trimmed with lace, The ridesmaid , seateh and lirlsk Tweeds xow seems the dynamo is not large enough and groomsman were die tensed with. bort recommended the deepening, Edna Curti• , Millie Anderson, Jennie sarpaes those from any other part of `Lha �r,A t ries ofareens,bro•irns, greys,'r$la to il'e for the number of lights; there is to in Denver, Col., prospectingg for oil, }i Habkirk; - r. Milne and wife, John S. world. g have returned home, Dr. J. O. Rose is Rev. J. W. Andrews, of, Londesboro, widening and straighteningg of the McXinno , and others'. The bridewill `' Blue end. Black 6ertce...............�Io to � be an export .electrician here on, Thurs- creek from lot 1 con. 4, H.R.S., to the laid up;while on a bicycle trip to Dublin Performed the marria o ceremony, ' be read missed here, its alis .was a Mr James Snell returned from, taxi day to see what can be done. s Fred and Broad Hagen the doctor of over- after whi dh . upwards ,f $0 invited ppoint whore it enters the river on lot g York State last week tubera he Cat' bwwt '. 'Wine Itlae)k Worsted snits to order SlB,to ' f4 Bolange and Malcolm McDonald were g g assts co ole 7, con. 4 a distance of 2 miles, the low- most useful church member, and ,gen- + �- out sounding at the entrance o£ the heated; we wish him a speedy recovery, gg mp d mainl of the imme• er I ml�es to have a 12 foot bottom; era) favorite in social circles, She was engaged ae a judge on cheep at some of ({lief. ',; It coats you nothing but your time to les breakwater, the boat he were in u drate ffriends and relati es of the'fami• the estimated Cast of the work is $7�2.- a leading member of the , Hopeful State Fairs, Mr Snell gays that they ot%,, the goods, It is a waste of time, so an old got• the were rescued in a oxhaus- Exeter lies, sat down to s rand wedding Gleaners of the Christian Endeavor, hibit some fine cattle and shot , bttit' ;.1to+•, I 15. The assessment levied on lands in p proverb;seye, to.sorub a sow'a ear. You'll dinner. The bride w s the recipient the township of •Hibbert is $128.30 for and in fnany wia,'ye made her influence does not think Choy equal Canadian _ siool;i, just ae effeoturllq trying to ted condition after being in the water Sot7TIt HURON FAIR. -The South of many costly present The .eivening outlet lia 'ilit �" A tell for ood, and was rho ret in faob Dir Snell says they have noliher f , wast esu time 'u thtrty:mittutes• Sands McLean was Huron Fair, held here on Tuesday, was spent in social g ass, And every b y. iter a length and g a picot of in faotcountry nor the climate to develtY i equal our line of 2Go, Neckwe'ir, up before the police magistrate yes- was a success. Horses, cattle, sheep, one a erred to enjoy emaeande until careful consideration the report was a number of costly presents, tkatimon• sal to that P tbofr . tris of the patoem In whish ehe'Was un• of this country. 1,ayy u, - . T. Jackson sr. Clinton ° , terday for assaulting a man named and poultry were ;good. The indoor � a late hour. After tb usual congratr adopted, and the clerk instructed to him handsomely while, there. He wt11 l t Jackson, f McLeod. He was given ten days. department was not as good as last lotions and wishing em a leaeant prepare a by-law, to be submitted for iversally held. They left by the four set ps 'ad eat GalisO P rovisional ado tion at the neitt meet- train, south, for their future home, A laoes j g t+ Woodstock and oth*: ''Viataria Block, Established 1864. Dents will psi. for the CLtxrox Nimw Elie D,ettr. The attendance was larger than t urns through ilio he all retired � P y n �Od which t, b a in. -A. S ttin,� the usual wedding aceompanlWen with 2g. �� to now subscribers, to 1st of Janaarq,169$. last oar, y g y 00t1 ttf will paY fof' ilto (JLN) j'gy y j o their respective 110 es, i I. AA�.. i ' ... :11 ::�• /j),, . . . + :I 11 . .., . 4 � I , . I I I J I I �, Sit ' I � 11 � I ,. , I `n '� l� C, I I �, p 0 to new Intoe bard, to 1bttof radii}y,,INt�.,:, . , 4, •i .. \ t J.% `,., r F �1..,i.ypn�•a' lam7.W3t ar�w _