HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-21, Page 5•••••••••...
FA, Ea WM' &oar! an as NM-WM adalinfl
Mon' s Fur Coats
We sorry a larger collection in 11100 1 Ear Coats than ever before.
Se Sour leuders at 418, $1U and $20,
IVICeres Crverocwits
Thad: 18 the leading shade this loll In GotsOVerCOAIN, In whish
W� have a good 148Yortuanut melting nt the lowest fulees. We also have
severe' good Hues la greys and grey with white, black with fancy
Merl's arta Boys' Sults
A nand (Hanley In Mon's and Boys' Winter suits. You will have
no chilloulty In getting your manta oupplied.
Heavy TJziaer-vcrear
We carry a tell range in Heavy Underwear for winter wear. No
better to he had for the money.
See Our prices on Dressed Poultry
Highest prices paid for Farm Produce.
Tun news IS always welcome at Coon fall weather,
Tui STANDA101, COLIN'VY Calneii us December BEd,
TAX D'..dIeetur ‘Vestlalte suites dint, DON'T forget the concert on Mon- 1
.ho taxes aro coming in very slow day eveniug. Secure yotir NO:lt,i, „,
so C81' this year.c°! er
ONLY 115 more. days till Christmas, '111113'1'..: GI eetrie lights are, being in
From now on the small boy will be in the movellig, which 1) 110 doubt
a willing worker or0L1111/ home, appreciated by the users w ho rise
11,18T Week W. Dempsey shipped a in tho morning early. ;
ear load of long wood to Toronto for Tee. Methodist Church Snialio :
whieli he received II good price, School will hold their Christmas en
Tue. lInvoil Poultry and Pet Stock tertainment and tea tot Weduesda)
Association will hold the anneal evenilig, ilie• I SOL
slimy In the town hall, Senforth, tu. 'rue: Habhnul school of St, An
day, Friday and Saturday. ' deetv's church will hold their anima
' STAICI IND lag Saturday l'oplestcte, entertainment in Industry Hall on
1 & Gardiner began their big cash re., Friday evening, Dee. DIM.
idnetlou sale, ell'orlog special prices - Do not look fur wrong and evil,
1 ; In niell'S CIOLIIIng and overcoats.. You will 1110 thent it you do
Y ;
43 u!. prices see large bills or call at; As you ineasere ler your neighbor,
the store. lic will measure hack to you,
EIGHTY FIVE per cent uf hearl• S. I, Taupe, Eyesight Specialist,
ches are the result or eye-straio, et Toronto, will be „t the
Properly fitted glasses will give per- chi; motel; 013,1,b, 011 Tuesday, No.
anthem relief. If you are troubled vomiter Nth. If there is anything
0.gnms.maIFIriaria..Tiz lizignitrivAr.14
osionammirommemamininat 1
'THE Lueknow Sentinel Is moving
to new office this week.
Tuts season over 940 barrels of
apples have been packed from the
orchard of A, W. Sloan,
SEND THE STANDARD to your dis-
tant friends. Ten cents will pay
for it till the end of the year.
APPLE bnyere are fuming and
fretting these days, because they
cannot get CM'S, it Is the same story
that way consult S. L. Taube at
Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on Tues-
day, November 26th,
' Ten entertainments are not going
to be scarce fur a few weeks :—
Dolya the Tea Girl, Monday eveo-
, Mg, i5tIi; SL Andrew's church S.
, S. ente.rtaininent, Dec. 1 3th ; the
Nlethodist S. S. entertainment, Dec,
18th ; Trinity church S. S. en ter-
tainnteet, Dec. 20t11.
Dimon: the past week R. 11. Rob-
inson, harnesamaker, from Londes-
tor°, who purchased the harness
business of the late J, W. Bell, has
been busy erranging his stock, etc.,
in the premises, The store has been
painted and sevoral changes made
which addgreatly to the shop. We
welcome the flintily to town.
A MEETING was held in the Com-
mercial Hotel last Friday afternoon
to decide whether there would he
, Horse Fairs held in town this year
or not. After a discussion it was
LicavE your order now for your decided to bold a fair the Friday
n11 priming. We will do our best after Brussels Horse Fairs, and the
o please you. old officers were re-elected :—Presi-
dent, A. W, Stoat; ; Vice•Presitlent,
ROBERT H. GARN1SS tVin. Jackson ; Secretzry, J. L.
: ICerr' The dates will be found on
page 4 of this issue.
Auctioneer for Huron Co. i 11fATINMONY.—At Sc, Michael's
'church, Blyth, on Tuesday morning
Terms reasonable. Soles Arranged for ;
by Rev, Father Hanlon, Joseph
at 'fris SrAnnaan Arc, Myth. •
, Long, of Grey township, was united
all over the Province. ' in marriage to Miss Kate, daughter
1.1AVE you, renewed your subaerip•
tlen yet ? Don't forget that the
of Thos. and Mrs. Russell, of the 7th
COTI. of Morris. The bride's costume
Editor needthe money to pity his , was bleu. Tho ceremony wits per.
way along. Your dollar will help WANTED formed at nine u. in, before a large
along, i number of friends and acquaint -
FOR Sat.—Br. J. N. Perdue, V. We are paying the higheat prises for ; anees. Miss McCiteghey played the
S., offers a few second-hand cutters Turkcys, nem, Ducks, Chicks, Butterwedding march, Thoy will live on
and Eggs,
and a set a double wort; harness for ' the groom's farm on the 1 1th eon.
sale cheap at his livery stable. Call Grain cheeks paid after bank hours. • of Grey. Their friends will wish
and Inspect. . thein many happy years.
REMEMBER the date of S. L.
ONE of oar exchanges was pessi-
Titube's visit to Blyth, and if your Mogi LLPsI4 & CO. inistie last week and got off' the
eyes bother you tit any way make
it a point to see Min at the Corinne- °Insley Street Blyth' fetvdelorNyvtibnit4 ;pita ysoeiet tilnoetoyujurst,tiolillkice
dal Hotel on Tuesdny, November paper, go around the streets and
2611i. howl. The editor is never supposed
purchase your ticket at town ticket uggestions to
cannot do so. Other people can, but
W FI.N travelling by the C. P. R. Smake a mistake and of course
office, All information to rates, the editor Is ublquituous, omniscient,
thne.table and connections cheer- omnipresent, omnipotent, ;'oud.
fully furnished by .1. McMurchie, C.
P. R. Rail and steamship agent.
to the removal of J. S.
Golden from town the Public Library
is closed, till some person can be
fogad to take charge of 11. 1118
stated that some people are willing
to take i,t so if this is so the Library
will likely be opened in a couple of
SELLING OUT.— From now till
Dec. tot .) R Johnston, the harness
maker, Is selling MIL 111 COM, 88 11C is
leaving tiWo and intends to start up
business le Clintoe, hitt old home
town, Mr. Johnston will be missed
not only in business hut with the
checker club arid baseball boys, as
he was a gond one at either game.
PRIZE W N ERS. — FIMOV; limg are
the prize whiners in the Huron Co.
exhibit lit the Ontario Fruit Grow-
ers' Association held in Toronto re•
cently ;—Baldwin — 1V. earner»),
Lueknow Win. Getidea, Morris,
Ben Davis—Geo. Fethergill, Eng
Wawanosh ; W. Cameron, Luck.
now, Canada Red E, B. Jenkins,
Turn berry ; (.1eo. Fothergill East
Watvanosh Fameuse (Stiow)-10.
E. Bingham, Goderieb ; F Hogg,
Seaforth. Golden Resset—George
Laithwaite, Ooderich Twp. ; E. 13.
Jen k li, To re berry, Greening
(Rhode Island) -1L G. McGowan,
East Vrawanosh 10 W. Slow,
Birth King— A. \V. Sloan, Myth ;
R. Mellwain, Nile Northern Spy—
W, Cameron, Lucknow ; A. W.
Sloan, Myth. Ontarlo—Benry Cui . and bettiberonghly educated for businese both the actleg rind singing was of
Win, God rie Twe. ; rm. Faller. lihs'olutellyysin'rdeue"tt(i';Rettlrng111106Atint'irNme excePLl'uud "ill"; Should Mr.
gin; Ease wawanesh Any other deemed Is considerably potty than (ho Firth again see IR to visit our town
desirable variety—J B. Henderson, forn
Um to with 1118 company,
cat togue,
Senforththe mere men-
tion of their cornieg ivuuld assure a
; ltIc3uwan, East Ws.
wannSII. W. J. Elliott, Principal, full house.
whatever wrong with your eyesight
do not WI to consult him.
Even since we learned that Henri
Bourassa, Adam Beck and Beattie
Nesbitt were Intent on raising a
howl over the laud, we have been
wetting hard on a pretty little
balled entitled, "When .the 13's are
in the hive,"
Now is the time to look after
space fur your Christmas display ad•
ver Liftmen t, As the holiday cumes
on a Wednesday the advertisements
should he lo the elliee for the weeks
of the 5th, 1 2111 8101 31411 to allow
time for your customers to look over
your bargaies. Think this 0000 11(1(1
act accordingly,
1'11r. CaNAGIAN PICT ,I(AL 00(1
NOVEMBEIL—The November issue
close.; the seeund volume ef dOs
popular illustrated monthly. It con-
tains the usual delightful selection of
pictures—many of them tine full-
page ones—making up in all about
one thousand square hmehcs of 11(215-
1151810, the more notable
pictures are :—The English thatch.
ed cottage (prize picture), and a
splendid selection from the recent
photo competition ; the DOW ABMs -
ter ut' Public Works, lion. Wm,
Pugsley ; a fine portrait uf Mrs.
Pugsley ; the seven Canadian pre.
'niers since Confederation ; a page
of snapshots of Alberta Indians ;
pictures of airships, ballooning and
wireless telegraphy that are worth
coluinns of descriptions ; the Prince
of Wales on the grouse. moors ; n
spirited Algerian war picture, and a
flee full page portrait of Sir Thomas
Lipton, the famous yachtsman.
Numerous other timely pictures,
'hellions, patterns, trews of the
month, hints on Christmas gilt mak-
ing, anti other interesting feittnres
go to nmaka up a most entertaining
nember. Annual subscription $1,
single (emits 10 cents, Next issue
(the Christmas. number) will prob-
ably contain about 1 500 square
inelmo of fine etchings.
It can't be out of the
way for us to suggest
that when you are
thinking of a holiday
purchase you should
not overlook Met -
calf's Jewelry De-
partment. We have
the largest assortment
of Gold Watches,
Rings, Bracelets,
Lockets,- Fobs and
Chains ever shown in
Blyth, and we are
prepared to meet any
catalogue prices.
For ;polity and quantity ask your
baler for the new Idg pluns 01 "Bobs"
"Stag" and "Currency" chewing
mous " If you can't see a gond •
uollit, don't 11)1( 10 see it had (me—
lt' a thousand pleasant things are Debentures for Sale.
said about people, hunt for some
thing unpleiteant. If you don't Baal VILLAGE OF BLYTH.
it, 'low' some mode ;ifyoot do, howl Sealed tenders will be received hy the
anyway. Never mind yen!. own Te''k%li" . for 24i,,he1,1„,e
business ; watch fur something to 057.52 &went Walk Debeui\wes of the
find fault with in some other man's vinage or Hleth, dated the 2nd day el
htlSilleS8 ; this will make you great."
(1) LuCtep
ellIrbDra, y12\))71,e ey,arair Interest
at t2 pe
SertotAL Council nietn,ing.on 'Puts. imilton, F10,(,in equal annual pay•
wat. • ;
ANY,—The l
- The highest or any tendeript,riecei.
dine Reporter' bus the followleg "Vt;Yrthect!PIielUrm t I
comment uron the company that 3allIng at the aletk'sonnicrbe had by
appears In ludustry Hall on Monday " A, ELDER, Clerk,
night :—The b'raneis Firth Operetta
Cu. (11)1(1(3 kg (tilt appearaeoe, le Kin. LOST,—oa October 24th, an. imitation
day evening next,. 'omits ot $15,10, tieing principal and 111.
eardine on Wednesday and -
daYr :Nov 6th and 7th, playing
el)olya, the Tea Girl,"it Japanese
operetta: and ‘1110 Beggar Student,"
Jewelry and Stationery.
a Spanish operetta, It is quite
within bounds to say that this cum
Take Rival Herb Tablets pony present the most refined ad
for Sternlieb Livor, Kiducys and Inc .
titi.,trelass entertal•IIIDelit ever given
cleanieg the Wand. no day!' treatment
1, 30 days' treatment 25c, For •ale 8G in Kincardine, Both operetto
were roost charmingly staged, 11
quit gave a smartness of effect; 10
1,110 Scene We, would Bloke sprit 1
mention of dr Jnpanese play (Del!,
the 'Pea (3irl.) It is exceptional!)
well written, both from puini et th,
plot and beautiful music. It . is full
of comedy of the relined order, tam
'sect; that caused the heartiest
laughter that has been beard het;
' in maily a day. A better lailinicee
company.would bo hard to end, for
Dr. MlIne's Drug Store
Wbcdesale from ti‘r;
Niue irdino, oat.
At, anti the popular and progressive
artiste Mzeinass Collego
Toronto, Ont.
Corner Youge and Alexander Streets.
imitate robe, between Aburn pos
cines and Robert iticileel;, on the hour -
dory. The Roder be suitably TU-
wArdod by leaving the oanin itt Stsndm d
sfileo or Auburn pest Wilco—Robe;
McGee, Auburn, Oat.
1, -*-
Woorall pay the bigkout
prim. torullto 010 HEIM,
1311%1101 CHICKEIWIlt41,
1310E11, 'skill
le Big
a e
full swing.
Buy your
Clothing Now
Sale ends Satur-
Dec. 14
Successors to McKINNON & CO.
Beautify Your Home
With a Few Pictures
Befng In your pletut es and got them neatly framed. We have 1,0 different styles
01 Frames at prices from 25e unwaro. We have 15 Moe lot of Framed Picture, in-
cluding, Paintings and Etchings by famous artists, Paetalles, Steel Engravings,
'note Grarures, Etc. Prim are very low consideriug the quality of goods.
Wanted—Dry Picked Gook and Goose Featherc.
Fresh GIrrooerles
Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags.
Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family.
People Read First
Then Then Think
And Afterwards Buy
1-ive them something to read. Give t
something think about. Give them
something to buy.
adver:Ising In `Tne Standard' uou cover lin
Canada Mil and Countrn
ou,b7 & Merchants Should Remember This When
Produce Making Their Contracts
an, Get Our .ktai.es — — Telephone No.4