HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-21, Page 4rrx, PAGE FOUR— THE B LYT 1 1 STA N DARN- NovEstlin 1ST, tg07, JAS‘McMURCHIElvic giutit §tatocio. Id I CH :MITA riergraVOCIttae000000e4 4. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. BANKER, When the .; A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS • i.4131 THURSDA.Y, NOV: 21, tee7 Last Sunday morning Rey. S. Andersoti preached trete his own pulpit but In the evening Rev, 31r. Currie, of Londesburo, mud the pastor Hair ▪ Falls ! exchanged pulpits, The ConnexIon• ;oI feeds were token up et both • eer vices, TR A N SA G LID MYTH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED. sale Notes &specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own mites. No additional secuHty, requited, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Carnal Rats NVe offer every accommodation cou. sisteut with safe and conservative Intuiting principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on neat Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Portions wishing to sell will do well to t place their property on our list for sale. Renta colleoted, CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, end respect. fully solleit your amount. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A,11, to A P.m, Business Cara:. A. 13. MACDONALD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Sue. testier to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan. dartl Thu, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. polititu Bank, FIWIJDFOOT, HAYS le BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. OM/am—Those formerly occupied by Cameron and Holt, Cloderieh, W. Proudfoot, R.C. ; R. C. Rays, G. F. Blair. O. E. LONG, L.D.S., D,D.S. Dental Sorgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dunn' Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Ogles over James Cutt'e store, Pretoria block, Blyth. A t Auburn every Monday a.m. tu 5 p.m. ;4 W. J. MJLNE, ILD,C,M, Physician and Surgeon. M,D.0,51., Uni• versity of Trinity Conege; M.D., Queen's University; Fellow ot Trinity Medleal College, mid member of tho College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oor• oner for the County of Huron. office, one door north ot Commonest hotel, Queen street, Myth. faccytur • BRUSSELS, ONT, • Auctioneer for Huron County * Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the uftloe of Tug STANAMtA, Myth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Etables O 00 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Porcine, Y.S. PROPRIETOR. O 00 00 itit 0 First•class Nurses and Illgs for hire at reasonable rates. Beat ot accommodation to Comineretai Travellers and others requiring rigs, . r Veterinary office at livery stable. • KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, LARGEST AND BEST •I r`r II is! , attor • hsy being the hest Una eohooI bas be- onto:the largest business traininit school 1*l1,14lireatern Ontario. Our enroPmenr ..agiffitexoeeds that of a yvar ago, Why I Otieatitite our courses are t loraugh and ritotloal with seeetaikts to charge of our onunerolal, Shorthorn and Telegraphy *detente. our graduates &t tin poxitions. You may enter 11J$V.. rite tor (tor free catalogue, I.LIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. 4e4es.<0.4c.eitzne.e...• r,,,eph4air74D $ I upwards qp,55%.4v0V-41wAr9 People We Know tOi Dv. Will Sloan spent Sunday in (inderleh. Mr, Daniel Mai uwa ti returned home last Thursday from the west, Mrs. Wm. Campbell attended the, Horticultural Show at Turouto last week. Mrs. F. S, Scutt, of [Brussels, was visiting with Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Etnigh during the past week. 31r. C, E, Willows add Miss M. Anger, of Palmerston, were visiting at hie parents' home tor a few days, Inspector Robb, of Brussela, was in town Wednesday visiting the de. partmeuts in the school. Mr. Fred. B, Anderson, arrived frotu Wousley, Sask., on Tuesday and will spend the winter visiting around 13(3' Eh, Mr, 0. M. Chambers Ved hum frotu Winnipeg on Tuesday even- ing. He states that at titnee it was 15 below zero. Mrs. (Dr.) Milne gave a most suc- cessful thimble tea to her friends in Blyth yeeterday afternoon from four to six. About forty India were present, On Tuesday of this week 311', Jue Irwin left Blyth for nucleon], Mick, where it is said he will drive a mull rig this winter for J. Lewlor, for- merly of this laeality. Mr. John Smith, of Grey town- ship, has opened up it Deering agency in Mr. Andrew IffeNally'a name building end will he moving his family and household goods to town in the near future, Mr. Smith h ts secured the bowie formerly oc• cupied by Mr. Chas. Hamilton and will live there for the winter, Last Friday at noon Dr, J. M. and Dr, Wm. Sloan arrived home their hunting trIp„„ in Muskoka, bringing with them fur deer;:what the law allows. They bad fine time, donsidering tffat it rained nearly all the time! At Toronto they were met by a0 old Steatite. Dr, Win. Sloan, who is a past itteist• It hunting deer, and lie aceoinpanled them on their hunt. ,4/1he Editor re- turns hie thenks to the doctoi•s for kindly remembering him with a choice roast of venison and We are only sorry they could nut bring more home. We would advise 1)1'. Will that, it Is about time he cap- tured it "dear" down in Huron Co. Lendoebore. John Melville Whom from his trip to Muskokn. A very intereeting debate will be given in the ',envie On Wednesday evening, :est. ResolVed there is more 0) be learned by jra vetting than reading. The Methodist Sunday School have decided to hold a Chrietmas eeterteinment on Chriatinas night. Mr. and MISS Fergusoe, of Walton, were visiting friends here Sunday. iter. Mr. Anderson, of Myth, gave an excellent sermon here on Sonday evening. • Clinton. The waterworks by,law, carried by a god majdrity on September 30, is being attacked by the oppon- ems of the scheme, and a case will • teem) up fur trial at Osgoode hall to- day. The vowels of objection are that no poll clerks were appoimell ; that the clerk acted as deputy returning otlicer ; (he) there were irregulataties by one of the deputies, mid Also that the by-law was given its third reeding too seem Mrs, J. Bylines, probably the old• est woman in the twenty of ((Iran, As well as the longest continuoue resilient of the county, died itt her home in llotineeville Sunday 111 her 102nd year. Site was the widow of the late John Holmes, who represent. IA the Huron district in Parllainent in 1857, [ having defeated the Hon. Mr, Carlyle. She was the mother of 1)r. Themes Holmes, Detroit, and Dr. W. 11, Holmes, Goderich, County Treasurer ; John R. Holmes et Ifolmearlile, also Mrs, Lenelt aed Miss Deborah Holmen, who have reel led with her, end Mrs. R. W. MeKertzle„ nf Gottericit, She was buried in 0 ,elevich on 'I'000113 3'. MA !MET U8lol.. Whent 90-90 ; Barley 60-&0; Outs 45-45 80-80 ; Butter 23-24 ; Eggs '23-24 ; Flour $3,00-0.25, [ BLYTH, ONT. . d ; Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experl. ruent! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, tool So make up your mind this , very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It's nature's way. Tb. best klad ot a testimonial— . " geld tor over sixty y (An .” •"91;4=1:Qttr'wt: :1;7:—. • smatemou.t. MONTHLY FAIRS Rev. .1. L, Small 0, A., preached two excellent sermons last Sunday . in St. Andrew's church. [ 4 t A very enjoyable tiocial was held in the beseineet of Knox church, Auburn, last Friday evening. A choice prep.:nu of music, recitations .,- end addresses was give11. After the program refreshments were served by the Lodies' Aid Society, The proceeds were upwards of 050, •* "The World'a Temperance Sun- day" will be recognized in St. • And re w 's church next Sabbath by sermons appropriate to the day and subject. yers MOM 011 Tuesday evening itt the meet- ing of St, Andrew's church Christian Endeavor Society a new feature was t, Introduced, It is to be known as the 0 0 Men's Overcoatf, 54 to 510. Boys' Suits, 51..60 to 54. Penman's Underwear ----the best. 4 , 0. R Journal" and Rev. Small will ; ATact as Editor -In -chief assisted by BLYTHMisses Steinhoff and Stuart its Rub. Friday, December 6th, 1907 Friday, January 3rd, - 1908 Friday, February 7th, 1908 Friday, March 6th, - 1908 Friday, April 3rd, - 1908 All the leading horse and cattle buyers are weevilly Invited to attend. Let everybody come. Welcome to all. W. SLOAN, Prealdent. • WM. JACKSON, Vies President, J. LESLIE KERR, Secretary. IMPLEMENTS Having opened up the— DEERING AGENCY In the fr•Ille buntline, north of 11, 31. Bradt blacksmith shoo, 1 will he able to supply At y farmer with the 'woes. eery iutplentinw . Plow Points will be kept on hand. call mid Inspect 0111' new line ot — CUTTERS..... JOHN SMITH AGENT MEETING OF TRE IlLiftON COUNTY coUNCIL.—Tue Coueutt of the Oot. potation 0) 018 County of home will meet In the Cluncil Chaniber to tho Towu of Cludetich on Tuesday, tho ard day of December next, at 3 o'clock IL m. All acoounte against the County, 0itwit:1g aettlentent, must be placed wit h ttta0lerk by Da( tuber LANE, Clint. STIIA YRD.-LFrom the rirernisee of M. H. Craig, Con. 4, East Wawanosh, on ur about Ont. 140, three fitION anti one Iamb. Reward tor information. CHEAP READING The Standard St 00 The Standard arid Weekly Ad vet - tiger [ 1 65 The Standard end Weekly Wit. '''''' ' lk.dm1 (i51) 33 The Standard and t amity Herald and Weekly Star • 1 70 The Standard ittd Weekly Malt und Empire ''''' ,.• .. . 1'65 Thtit W Tho Sard and Himte ilton Sei- 1 80 The stendiulr..,,a .,Weekly Free Press1 80 TI TStandard and Termite Week- ly Sun .. 1 81 The Standard mid Hamilton Full stook of Winter Goods. editors. • • At the regular monthly meeting 01 00 W. F. M. 8., of St, Andrew's church held on Tuesday afternoon 31rs. Curtis gave the report of the mooting at Nippon. On Friday evening of this week Rev. W. R Hassard, 13. A,, 0, D., of Toronto, District Secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, will deliver an illustrated address in the; interests of Myth Branch 111 St. Andrew's church. Meeting to eont-j 'nonce at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr, Has. sard is a good speaker and everyd body interested in this work should hear him Tho Rev, gentleman will also address meetings in BOgrave on the 25th ; %then on the 27th ;: and Brussels on the 28th. The debate in tho Methodist church on, Tuesday evening on that great subject the Irish vs, Scotch was %INCAS% The basement was. crowded M hear the debate. The ceintnitteel, gave their deeisiou in favor of the Scotch. Those who up- held the "honor of Scotland were Misses BrIghlun, Carr, Bentley', Ta- man and NIrs, Crittenden, while the Irish had Messrs. McPherson, Sloan, Bender, Vincent and Crittenden. Ooderloli. An unfortunate accident occurred 'Tuesday morning on the G. T. R., which resulted in the death of Brakeman ,Durst, of Sebringville, Out. A switching crew, while tak- ing fourteen empty' ears down a hill, three[quarters of a mile west on Goderleh yard, struck n cow on the track, the collision derailing tier ears and. throwing Brakeman Durst under the train, killing Min instant.; ly. Dust was cut completely in two, death being instantaneous, lie was a. single man about 211 years of age. An inquest will be held, The Altar. • LONO-HussiiLL — In St. Michael's church, Myth, by Rev. Father Hanlon, 31r. Joseph Long, of Grey township, to Miss Kate, daughter of Mr. 1111d Mrs, Thos. Russell, of Morrie. IN the list of militia changes gazetted last Saturday Appears the following :— 33rd (1101•01) Regiment —To be provisional lieutenant, Sergeant James Dennison, Elo did'nt have a dollar ; he didn't Mom a dime. His clothes and shoes were looking just AS though they'd served their time. He didn't try to kill Limself to dodge misfortune's whacks. Instead, ho gut some ashes Twic„.a.week .. 80 Ind filled, five dozen seeks: Thee Tito Standard liA Toronto i;eily next ho begged a dollar. In the Star 2 25 paper itt the tnorn he advertised a The Standard aud Termite Deily2 25 I tin polish that ',you'd put the sun to ' News The Standard and Farmer's Advo- cate 2 30 seorn, Ile kept on ndvertising, end jest new, suffice to say, lie's net in The Standard and Daily Adver- California at hie cottage on the bay, user ............ ,... 2 50 ho Siam ar ant on tut tee I d 1 .Ei • i Press 2 76 The Standard and Toronto Daily '..".••••••••••. 1 ; Th‘erc.glitnd.a'rd—a.nd .. ....... "5i Press , 3 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 3 50 The kb it,•vderd and Evening .Mail l at hmeire • 3 50 TheStimilard and Daily Mail rod Empire 4 50 The Standard and,Daity Globe. ,4 50 Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, I LLON INGE-STAY FENCE NWT 1. 1•116 dluary Lao Moe HINUX (0*0 I ewe will la.11 a Ilretdmil. 141 ItYW uallor thata du (090 Lead aluali ..lret are Low rub.. Elaauttad C4•A•C. .011•110066{441 CLAJMWIRE • tt talCuS7 SA MITE. 7Sar 0 0 '0 4'4 0 10 '0 (p) 0 0 00, ‘8' 131-41CTEI 001:1"0 ti,v6\0000SOVIOVODSSOOODO, BLYTH STANDARD JOIE 0) 0 0, DEPARTMENT Our facilities are complete for the prompt production of general Print- ing and Binding. We do all grades of work and solicit the business of firms or individuals desiring 'something better than the ordinary" at simply a consistent price for the character of work we turn out. The following is a list of some of the lines we print : Letter Heads Note Heads Statement Bill Heads Envelopes—all sizes Wedding Invitations At Home Cards Calling Cards Business Cards Tickets Shipping Tags Memorial Cards Programs Posters Pamphlets Sale 13111s Circulars Catalogues, Etc. We carry a full line of papers, enve- lopes, cards and all the necessary ma- terial to turn out the above list. Collared "WariL a Specialty