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The Clinton New Era, 1897-09-03, Page 9
+e a. d er _ Nortc we have a somber of subscribers on -our list who will ooneuit theirown interestsand THE CLINTON NEW EISA. �+THE �`1 15c will buy a Wire Lamg Shade Frame " bTAVELY ESTATE -The Com- 1 mittep met last, Friday night to con. NARROW ESCAPE. -- On fibllraday morning Mrs.Graeliahad �y eider lana. Five were submitted, but a wonderful] g y i strutted near the organ factory will be -, '>*'.#lf�Ak, SEPTEMBER 8, 1897 thecof w is lowed dawn to two, nei- Hier of which was satisfactory, but to be a serape from what threatened ' to he a serious accident. She got on i o� Ing ' each had features approved by the committee, and the architects the Toronto train to bid her daughter Kood bye, and did not succeed In get- 121c w*1buy a Coin Purse, two divisions, great value 30c will buy a very fashionable one for ladies use. ofAur,,l and parents may rely on 4heir little ones havjng every consideration debater. LOOAL NOTICES. ' were asked for further details, to be submit- ted to the ting off until after the train was under full headway, when she jumped at theDi*reet The Presbyterian Book of Praise' in all styles of binding and sizes of type at 8c, 10c, 20c, 30c, 350, PLXASE SEND that Umbrella that wee lett 4tyour place a few days ago, to Naw ERA office committee to -night. g TEMPERANCE DEBATE. -The Good London road crossing. She rolled di- redly under• the car, the wheels brush- greenhouse In flowers the leading ORGANIZATION. far•rner from the Lake shore road went to Goderich with a load of grain, I Redroew satta.-Doa't fail to see our eo•5o IBrdreooi finites-jreat snap-Broadtoot &Boa, Templars, at their meeting on the eve- I Hing of Sept. 10, will debate on the ing her clothes, but fortunately doing her no injury beyond the severe sbak- -A meeting to organ- ize the county under the W.G.T. U. will ire held at Win ham on the 0th W.C.T.U.win g • and the best offer he could of for it af- ter much jangling was 80c. He was not satisfied, and telephoned a buyer p k Mind Your Plps &ms's In buying goods, that is, mind your Price r Qua lities. We submit a little list of little prices assur Whenever it is possible we go right to the fountain l�Tew• _ Nortc we have a somber of subscribers on -our list who will ooneuit theirown interestsand subject, "Resolved, that woman has more influence for temperance than in u she Yo g p got. It was a doss Call. 15c will buy a Wire Lamg Shade Frame " our convenience by settling up at once.-Nriw ERe man." The affirmative will be led by W. Browd'lee, LAWN BOWLS. -A couple of rinks of we pay no wholesale house a profit. paid 6rc will buy a Spool of Crochet Silk, 25 yards strutted near the organ factory will be and the negative by Clinton bowlers went to Goderich, on while on either side are arranged a great variety of pot plants, the hull be- a fine one when finished; the earth was solid and firm all the way down; it will Private School.—Mise Hartt will resume tier private school for young children on the lath Wesley Moore, each of whom will have the assistance of a lad and gentleman y g Friday, where they suffered defeat at the hands of the Goderich bowlers the lkith arrived in New York last week, was a big shipp- iellit of Dry Goods, &c. for 121c w*1buy a Coin Purse, two divisions, great value 30c will buy a very fashionable one for ladies use. ofAur,,l and parents may rely on 4heir little ones havjng every consideration debater. fallowing being the score:- through the cust9qis, they will be opened up and on our counters for your inspection. Among the lines we The Presbyterian Book of Praise' in all styles of binding and sizes of type at 8c, 10c, 20c, 30c, 350, CLINTON AHEAD. -One day last week FIRST RINK 40c up to 43. Music edition at 90c:- greenhouse In flowers the leading ORGANIZATION. far•rner from the Lake shore road went to Goderich with a load of grain, I Clinton Goderich Silks Shawls"(!)ften more, came down in -A meeting to organ- ize the county under the W.G.T. U. will ire held at Win ham on the 0th W.C.T.U.win g • and the best offer he could of for it af- ter much jangling was 80c. He was not satisfied, and telephoned a buyer James Fair R. G. Reynolds L. Kennedy W. Campbell Joe. Rattenbury. A. MoD. Allan W. Jackson -skip la J. Wynn -skip 20 sheets, and soon 'the streets were y;:l+ 1`'an'd will be attended by revs;til ladies fr m this plats. here, who re lied that theprice id in 85c,. SECOND RINK And our famous line of heavy, wide Shaker Flannel.:x fall stock is former You'll find that for style, for assortment, for values, ourSummer t + + 'STOCK SHIPMENTS, -On Monday D. Clinton was He drove t0 Clititori and received 86c. per bushel for his J. JohnstonN F Jordan John Ransford W. Eliot long ado, when he thought no one knew anything his visit, but was k` M Ci,ntelon shipped a carload of s, ho�+ wid on WednesdayC. J. Wallis ship -stances grain, and himself told the circum- of the transaction. J. T. Harland D. C. Strachan J. P.Tisdoll-skip 19 W. Lane -skip 28 number of individual exhibitors. On w ped a bar load; the market for this class of stock has, dropEed alightly, IMPROVEMENTS -Skunk Bros„ who O Saturdaythe Goderich bowlers brought threteams down 'here for a Our Milliners have spent the past ten days in the work- rooms of the leading Millinery houses, copying Paris We have a few lines of Tan Goods and they being quoted at ffrom $5.30 to take possession of the Commercial Hotel on the 1st of October, purpose return match but it was decided to ' _ " $5.50, Mr McIntyre, of Seaforth, ship - ed a car of stock on Monde and S. y making considerable im rovemente,b g P y play only two rinks, and these were defeated by Clinton, with the follow - wish to sell them off. -Particip�ulinglQngR,_o_.etQr,_1V��I)QW- ze.r, W. P. Spalding, Bert Derr; Mrs, smith shipped a car yesterday. way way of modernizin its appearance, The first and second stories will pro- in score: - B. �• Gibbings, blies Couch, Miss Car- that his health is somewhat RUNAWAY. - On Friday a horse be- bably undergo considerable change; FIRST FIRST RINK precarious + longing to Ke ple Disney, fastened in p , S.S. Cooper is preparing plana therefor. Clinton Goderich W. Jackson Major Jordan tonian was satisfied it was Murray and front of Lavie shop, broke away, and Mr Bell has not yet decided where he John Ransford W. Eliot addressed biose such. The stranger ormer president of the was ran up Albert street at a speed that will go, but he will carry with him Jos. Rattenbury D. C. Strachan Present yesterday. The exhibition will him, when we express the hope that he should establish a record for it. The buggy wherever he goes the respect and ea- D. A. Forrester—skip 21W. Lane skip 13 may be speedily restored to vigorous a maintained its position until the teem of many friends made during his SECOND RINK let it be known he was here. Asked as horse ran on the sidewalk at Jas. Roes' sojourn here. I. T. Harland R. G. Reynolds to his business here Murray replied, y and fell down, but in turning the buggy righted itself, and the horse was soon VETERINARIES—The Huron Veterin- J. P. Tisch e ' R. Logan J. P. Tisdall Dr. Shannon WEDDING.—The weather on Wed- nesday was not as pleasant as one de - ley, Joseph in Blyth the well known was in Blyth on Wednesday, caught, without injury, ar y Association Held its regular• meet- ing at Goderich town hall, on Wednes- Gl•D.Mu'Pwggart-skipl:iJ. Wynn -skip 14 and and intends visitinir that place regular - ly d fut with the products of his RAILWAY NOTES. -The Presbyterian da There were resent, C.McGregor, y Pplayeda On Tuesday Kincardine. bowlers friendly game here and were containing short, biographical notices of all 'students who have attended the Toronto Nor. and MethodistSundaySchoolexcuraion Constance -Pres.; John Wilson, Wing- ham, 6dcy;• W. Gibbs, Seaforth; Wm. defeated by Clinton, who, if we mis• M were James McClac t it well known and justly popular young business from Seaforth, on Friday, carried about 450 passengers. Those wishing to visit Clark, J. Hamilton, Goderich; J Walk- take not, hays never been defeated on their own ground. The following was man and Miss Jennie Edith Nimene, of Robert Costa. George Nimens, jr•, the •the Industrial Fair can secure return er, Londesboro; J. E. Blackall, Clinton; Wroxeter. Several the'score:- who came home ill ,and was thought to be improving, is still very sick. Mrs tickets from Clinton to Toronto on September 6th or 8th, for $2.65; yester- papers were read by Messrs Hamilton, Gibb, FIRST MATCH -FIRST RL\'K receive from any reliable source, info.-- mation of the following kind as far as dayy was also excursion day, and 44 McGregor and Blackall, which elicited considerable discussion after which Clinton 1{incardine �l •Jackson R. A. Farquharson relates to East Huron; (Whether the ` e• 1;. tNets were sold. Anotber excursion to the North West is run on Sept. 14, meetin adjourned to meet in Wing- g J g- Dec., II. Tomlinson J. Motratt Iohn Ransford W. Bishop J. Twitchell, who was attired in cream cashmere land chi in. Alk with silk lace the the British Medical Association, at Montreal, and rel urns home to -night. good to Nov. 13; return tickets being ham, in at the Presidents dill. w Irwin -skip 17 W. ?Murray—skip 20 W. Doherty Co. are exhibiting 20 of their high -art Organs at Toronto from $2.8 to $40 according to distance. MODELITES.-The Board of Examin- SECOND RINK School. (3) e career through which Trsffle ieturds cf Clinton station fot ere have alloted the following Model- Jos. Rattenbury A. McIntyre eticb student has passed -whether he f ' the month of August are neatly double iter to Clinton School: -Minn ie Atkins John Wiseman G. Mackendrick numerous, especially the groorn's, .. whAtthey were lastyear. ' Clinton; Janet Anderson, Blyth; Dun- J. P. Tisdall J. Grey J. Johnston—skip 2R J. H. Scougall—skip 12 his eats be ng in anlagenage his Parents being in attendance on him, a on him, and we are glad to know he is getting ' ' SHOT HIMSELF --Mr John Hession, of Toronto, Mrs Marten, can Alison, Bel rave; James Bricker, Gorrie; Clara to Zurich; Eliza SECOND MATCH -FIRST iIINI{ Clinton Kincardine (nephew of t Dowzer, Clinton; Matilda Fowler, Sea- ' ,� •' town) reporter of Cycling, of Toronto, who is visiting his brother-in•iaw, Dr. forth; Alvina Herbina, Gorrie; G. R. Hoffman, Seaforth : Nina Isbister, W- Jackson R. A. Farquharson John Moffatt los. z Cunningham, V. S., St. Thomas, met with a very peculiar accident Wednes- Wingham; Annie Kennedy, and Susie Kennedy, Varna; Ella Lauwnt�, Ethel; attenburflayisford v A.Forrester— skip 33 Wm. Bishop 19 > - day. He was going into St. Thomas from Port Stanley, and when close to Henry Lennox, Londesboro ; Annie Murray, Kippen : Georgie Murray, SECOND RINK r. T. Harland A. McIntyre L. Hail " k the city a dog ran out at him. Mr Hes- Clinton; D. F. McEwen, Hensall; John Y J. A. Norris 1 P. Tisdall J. Gray sion had a revolver, and pulled it outMcKay, Whitechurch: Ada R. iVIcKin- G D.MeTaggirt—skipl8J. H, Scougall-skip 14 G, of his pocket to shoot thecanine, but ley, Seafortb; W. McTavish, Clinton; The next match will likely be with instead he shot himself in the leg at the Thos. Powell, Glenfarrow; John Rath, Lindon in the course of a few days. r thigh, the bullet barely missing the Clinton; Sarah Reid, Varna; Florence The Kincardine Reporter, in publish - main artery and embedding itself four inches in the flesh. He is now doing Reynolds, Hensall; Mary Robb, Ciin- ton; Teresa Switzer Cranbrook; John ing it report of the match here, says: - "From the time our club reached that { nicely.- Todd, Maguire; Alice Twitchell, Clin- smart town until they left in the even- IT JUST FITS. -Reporting the S. S. ton- John Torrance Zurich; Maud ing they were entertained in aprincely . and U. E. Conventions in this place Wiltse, Clinton. manner. Our former townsman, Mr J. W. Irwin, •Iabt week, the Toronto Globe says:- "What SCORE AGAIN FOR CLINTON.-The was unremitting in his kindness -he thought nothing too �.. Toronto is to the North Amer- scan continent in -the matter of con recently published results of the Blake Scholarship and Honor Matriculation P good could be bestowed upon his old-time 1" `k ventions,Clintonistothebannercounty . examinations of Toronto University friends from the lakeside. All the Clin- tonians appeared to act on like lines. of Huron. Its central position, its wide P and unbrageous streets, its comodious show that our Collegiate Institute is ,. again to the fore. Mr Garl Engler, Kincardine players report that they u '' r w "' churches, its numerousp'retty and hos- who attended the institute during g the never had a more enjoyable time. There was much interest manifest- pitablehomes, and its hundredsof earn- Past year, obtained the eighth general ed in the fo 1 d k Mind Your Plps &ms's In buying goods, that is, mind your Price r Qua lities. We submit a little list of little prices assur Whenever it is possible we go right to the fountain l�Tew• ing you the qualities are the best for the money. D. Connell has the contract forthea wood work of W. Wheatley'snewhouse on Victoria, etre fine et, and has making a it. tr sidewalk has been job oon fnge street from Huron, as far as John on be oS thorned through othe alk en bury street. Geo. Rabb, youngest son of W. Robb, town, Has bdu$ht out a drug business in Clifford; he is a care- fol, competent, young man, and the people of that place will find krill a good citizen. It took Over 30 panes of glass to repair the windowsof the pub - lie school. The tank head in buying. - This season we are importing a great portion of our fall stock direct from Britain and Ger- 15c will buy a Wire Lamg Shade Frame " many. Doing this we get the advantage of better as- sortment and better prices, for buying from the makers 10c will buy enough Crepe Paper to cover it vl. 50 will buy a Whisk as good asyou have 10t for. we pay no wholesale house a profit. paid 6rc will buy a Spool of Crochet Silk, 25 yards strutted near the organ factory will be n the S.S. eir cassia 5c will buy a Boys' Jack Knife, metal handle. 10c will buy abetter one, bone handle while on either side are arranged a great variety of pot plants, the hull be- a fine one when finished; the earth was solid and firm all the way down; it will Braces - - 25c will buy a clear Glass Flower Vase, very dainty, ing tastily decorated. Thos. Cottle, Florist, makes a very extensive display lkith arrived in New York last week, was a big shipp- iellit of Dry Goods, &c. for 121c w*1buy a Coin Purse, two divisions, great value 30c will buy a very fashionable one for ladies use. ' us. They should be in Clinton this week, and as soon as we can pass them 10c will buy a white metal Salt & Pepper Castor, glass bottles. through the cust9qis, they will be opened up and on our counters for your inspection. Among the lines we The Presbyterian Book of Praise' in all styles of binding and sizes of type at 8c, 10c, 20c, 30c, 350, with to -day, Fri- day. It here foi• are importing direct this season are:— 40c up to 43. Music edition at 90c:- greenhouse In flowers the leading ress Goods Mantles The W. A FAIR CO i the Orir murder case and others of Silks Shawls"(!)ften more, came down in ; �_� Velvets Hosiery the CGheapest, always the 8est,�.ChntOn. sheets, and soon 'the streets were antle Moths Tweed Flannelettes ' Kenzie, R. Agnew, Jos. Wheatley and J. Stepphenson. In house flooded; outside of town it hardly set- fled the dust, And our famous line of heavy, wide Shaker Flannel.:x fall stock is former You'll find that for style, for assortment, for values, ourSummer • tillelearin � away ahead of any season. You'll en's long ado, when he thought no one knew anything his visit, but was see the advantages of direct buying in the prices we quote. Afore than ever.. we are making it worth your e Goods 'v while to do your dry goods buying here. number of individual exhibitors. On in business in the old stand. Mrs Millinery, street. The party was going down the opening night the band gave a per- Our Milliners have spent the past ten days in the work- rooms of the leading Millinery houses, copying Paris We have a few lines of Tan Goods and fc; street, and saw ahead of him a man pattern Hats and Bonnets, and getting posted as to othe iSummer Footwear that we are clear - _ what are the correct styles for fall. The new Millinery will be here this ween{, and we are now ready to attend ing out. They are first-class stock Ocl� but w6 council ineeton Tuesday to early orders in this department. wish to sell them off. -Particip�ulinglQngR,_o_.etQr,_1V��I)QW- ze.r, W. P. Spalding, Bert Derr; Mrs, Hodgens Bros., l est Christian workers combine to make U[oflcleney scholarship. Mr ngler's , games p aye by v standing is highly d the spectators, arnong whom there DIRECT IHPORTERS CLINTON. it an ideal convention town. Previously g • ' s y ere "table to himself were A number of ladies. Before leav- the Huron Count Sabbath School As- and to the Institute. He is placed in t Y first class honors in Mathematics, first ing the Kincardine bowlers were each t y sociation and the C. E. Union have held presented by Mr Will Jackson with a " ?+i,;,,; their conventions separately, but this class in French, first class in German, floral token in the shape of chrysan- +R, year it was thought that it would add and second class in -English, This gives themums. The club is indebted to to the interest of each of them as well him first class honors in two complete this gentleman for many other cour- 4 Rs curtail expenses if they were held at departments. A year ago Mr Eneler tesies. the same place and time. Clinton had had no thought of writing for a schol- arship, arship, not indeed, until near Easter. the honor of being chosen as the NOTES.—Masers Jas -Young and JohnJackso place ofmeeting." Hesimply intended to complete His Menneliare both filling eache ons in� ros., + Matriculation, taking what Honors .he Seaforth at present. The teachers who TRIFLES. -September 8th is Labor could. Had he attended at Clinton have been spending their holidays at Day. Postmasters are now instructed the preceding year, there is no doubt home have all resumed their -1, 1 .`•° to hold letters „for thirty days, unless a notice on the corner of the envelope asks for them to be returned sooner. We print envelopes. Clinton was vis- n� ited on Thursday by a one man band; t the Italian played the bagpipes, drum cymbals at the same time. All classes Of fine lob printing executed on the shortest notice and in the best pos- ' sible style at the NEW ERA Job De- ` • „ partmeant. The harvest is now pretty well The exhibition season will t -s .- ford the next bolida e. Merchants should prepare for t e fall trade by i getting their job printing now; the " SPEeITiLS. Strong working Pants Apron Overalls - - Knit Top Shirts - - but that he would have stood first or near the first. The successful cities and towns this year were Toronto, Ot- tawa, London, Cobourg Aylmer, Strathroy, Clinton, Hamilton, Port Hope' Walkerton, Oshawa: Collin wood Lindsay. Ver few, if an of these, outside of the cities, a ear in pP the successful lists in both IS and 18A7 as Clinton did, THE FLORAL Show. -The annual ex- hibition of the Clinton Horticultural Society is now in progress at the Town Hall, and deserves a visit from all flor- al admirers. In the the hall D. Connell has the contract forthea wood work of W. Wheatley'snewhouse on Victoria, etre fine et, and has making a it. tr sidewalk has been job oon fnge street from Huron, as far as John on be oS thorned through othe alk en bury street. Geo. Rabb, youngest son of W. Robb, town, Has bdu$ht out a drug business in Clifford; he is a care- fol, competent, young man, and the people of that place will find krill a good citizen. It took Over 30 panes of glass to repair the windowsof the pub - lie school. The tank `? NEW ERA Job Department is fully centre of new being con- equipped for all classes of printing; call is a pyramid consisting of 250 flowers, strutted near the organ factory will be Shirts x nd see us before placing your order. thstanding the late harvest while on either side are arranged a great variety of pot plants, the hull be- a fine one when finished; the earth was solid and firm all the way down; it will Braces - - + the fa re pretty generally at their ' see ing': ing tastily decorated. Thos. Cottle, Florist, makes a very extensive display require about 4000 brick for the inside, q a`nd being 15 feet deep, should hold a ME • s `wckZECOGNIZED ofgreenhouse plants, beingthe chief exhibitor in this_d_epartmnt;,J Curl, lot of water. The Cricketers lay a here Guelph, Him. -Detective Mur- -..game nmghamaisoezthibitssorn'e with to -day, Fri- day. It here foi• # r y, whose name figures prominently ' greenhouse In flowers the leading rained half an hour on Sunday; it did it ME i the Orir murder case and others of pplants. cut ex- hibitors Messrs more, came down in i It a nature, is not unknown in Clinton, are W. Coats, A. Mc- sheets, and soon 'the streets were where he has been several times. He ` Kenzie, R. Agnew, Jos. Wheatley and J. Stepphenson. In house flooded; outside of town it hardly set- fled the dust, M was here on one occasion, not so very plants, Mrs- John Gfbbings, Mrs H. R. Walker, Misses Cudmore and Tebbutt, dressmakers, have en's long ado, when he thought no one knew anything his visit, but was and Mrs. W. Taylor, There are quite a dissolved partnership, and Miss Tebbutt remains of recoge nized by a friend who saw him on the number of individual exhibitors. On in business in the old stand. Mrs ME street. The party was going down the opening night the band gave a per- Moggridge's new house will be ready fc; street, and saw ahead of him a man formance, and a concert, under direr- tion Mrs Wall, those for occupation in a couple of weeks. The town "will �R whom h8 believed to be Murray, be- of was rendered, council ineeton Tuesday 111 cause..hekiss-wMurray'sl0uild-andwallrr- but features -Particip�ulinglQngR,_o_.etQr,_1V��I)QW- ze.r, W. P. Spalding, Bert Derr; Mrs, eveningnest.LLTh oiany._.fcienda._. rl ,Heywood wi 1 learrn with regret - j the man's were changed ' by dark B. �• Gibbings, blies Couch, Miss Car- that his health is somewhat Bo aheavy beard, which Murray precarious e does not wear usual] Still the Olin- y. ' ter, with Mia6es Gibbings and Irwin as and that he has some notion of attend - tonian was satisfied it was Murray and ianists. Rev W. J. Ford London a F� Society, in the Gravenburst Sanitarium; we $ voice the know Bo addressed biose such. The stranger ormer president of the was sentiments of all who .D i at first denied his identity, but after- Present yesterday. The exhibition will him, when we express the hope that he wards admitted tbat it washe, caution• close this (Friday) evening, The de- may be speedily restored to vigorous ing the friend to keep quiet and not ' corators of the hall, A. Morrish and O. health and strength. Mrs Msber has let it be known he was here. Asked as Cooper, with others, are entitled to moved from Huron Street to the house to his business here Murray replied, credit For their taste, on Rattenbury St,owned by Mre. Wha- t "Ah, tbat'a my business, not yours." The friend, however, observed the con- WEDDING.—The weather on Wed- nesday was not as pleasant as one de - ley, Joseph in Blyth the well known was in Blyth on Wednesday, fissure. sires to see for a happy event like a it interfered little and and intends visitinir that place regular - ly d fut with the products of his EX - STUDENTS OF THE NORMAL i SCHOOL. -A volume wedding, yet very with the leasant miirria,ga that took Mr garden. Mr Robertson, engineer of the epartment of Railways and Canals, containing short, biographical notices of all 'students who have attended the Toronto Nor. G place on t e lawn of Mr. eo. Nimens, r at high noon. The contracting parties co er In r1P yes on thN St. Lawrence near Cardinal, has been transferred to the mal School, between years 1817.1875 were James McClac t it well known and justly popular young business Trent Valley Canal; he is a son-in-law inclusive, is being prepared h the Y man and Miss Jennie Edith Nimene, of Robert Costa. George Nimens, jr•, Education Department, Toronto. In- Robb, Clinton like the highly respected and youngest who came home ill ,and was thought to be improving, is still very sick. Mrs Spector would to daughter of Mr. Gen. Nimens. The receive from any reliable source, info.-- mation of the following kind as far as bride was beautifully attired in crepon Campbell, Bayfleld, will move into the douse vacated her sister, Mrs Rosa. relates to East Huron; (Whether the and silk with silk lace and pefirl trim- ming. She was assisted by Miss Mary tt Gunn h -attending the meeting of the student is still alive, and. if not, when his or her death took place. (2) Twitchell, who was attired in cream cashmere land chi in. Alk with silk lace the the British Medical Association, at Montreal, and rel urns home to -night. The present residences of male stud- encs and the 15resent names and .resid' trimming, while the intei ests of the room were looked attef by Mr• Ed• W. Doherty Co. are exhibiting 20 of their high -art Organs at Toronto epees of female students who have married sine leaving the Normal antelon. The ceremony was per- 'Rev. exhibition they being in charge of g Wilbur Manning, and G. M. Sherlock, School. (3) e career through which formed by the Mr. Millyarc], as- Rev. the Company's eastern representative. eticb student has passed -whether he listed by Mr. Stevvarf. The pre- sents to the bride were both costly and Karn, of Monson s Bank, has been has romianed a teacher and where he numerous, especially the groorn's, suffering p i has ta4bt; whether he has gone into 's some other callin and if so what which was a handsoms gold watch and his eats be ng in anlagenage his Parents being in attendance on him, a on him, and we are glad to know he is getting THE FAMOUS eI.OTtIING = PEOPLES en's Shirts and Drawers - Heavy Braces - - ys' Knee Pants - - - ys' Shirts Call in ifyou want something in season- able footwear, and at low rates. W m• TaviorOFSo' �l8 CLINTON. • THIS WEED WE ARE SHOWING New Fall DresgAW , Goods New F/anise%ties 1 50 No 1 quality, 32 inches wide, - _ 50 at 7c and 8c a yard. - - - 50 Factory ai*cs 50 25 In 2 and 3 ply in the leading shades 50 - - �cotV I 50 t� ®ill er � sit Yarn. 5c an ounce or 75c a pound.' WE beg to advise our numerous customers MIN • throughout the West, that we have just 'V resden Saxony Yarns opened up two cases of English Neckwear, At 15 cents a bunch. Shirts and Collars, and three cases of English, and Scotch Tweeds per steamship "Van- Rodd Saxony Yarns couver" comprising, without exception, the 't`r finest range of goods to be s4en outside the At 20 c©pts a bunch. cities. Mcn'see,vy Tool Socks /4010 At 2 ")airs for 25c; 15c pair, 20c Zid 25c, • 1 + chain. After partaking of a bearty and where? whether he has taken anydinner. they leftfor Toronto, Niagara better. Among the celebrities fromCkson-"-- Other educational course since leaving. Goderich who either took art or wit - Other b'itlls and other points, where the hon- P t file Normal School, and, if so, what nosed the d Clintonof bowls between eymoon will the Orient, after which theyy Goderich and Clilast Saturday, Bros,,, other? The bank will be tastefully will take ap their residence nn Joseph yotten u and an one able to furnish p were Judge Masson, Mayor Shannon, ��V V r 1� !� P y Street, We cin with their many , ■ . ■ • . y Q` C 0 elle ipftyrmation asked for should send friends in wish�n them ion life and ex-poatmaeter Campbell, Sheriff Rey. j. (x •,it at ante, at least, before Sept. 15th. unepding happiness. g Holds and County Clark toms Lane.- COATS' I3Ii0CK, CLINTON. + The Ladies Favorite 1Lsto6lishmcnt, Clinton • n •i • Y r. +, t, ,f y ?��— - �'t:.�y,.r�?rl�...5..�'.•ni�ii.r..i4#t.,.. • , �::Aa.e./t�a.- ...._ ..��...����....��., ... r..`r�ti.e'-0..�"'.:+."1i ,"5,.:..,�au