HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-21, Page 1fi
13011noil woo Idoil Non. Dry
VI VSoll'ICom urn being held at
LINOLEUMS ETC. th„ J0A.„ Illyrli tar.
. cuit,
llennonn, Fall line. lied visir
lin id his premises this fall by some hold
initorler who helped himself to 0 mom
The blg Furniture Dealers of Clinton curer apecial reductions to the people of Myth and vicinity. Your 011 densee paid both 1 it,v of grail! iithe Intru 41( 14') lag hi.
d I c II to our tieur t xtra oharoo as we 1 o
,nve our wn Gee for tilt jasi
wpsc. We gnat/mute Yon loll. 11 1.0 ,t PUY dlIdIvhttre odors email
A.1L,71-C 1E Fit etc, I-1 Clo
wa)s and the goo et el vay
8 Ouvlog of 20 per cent, each mems t4:21.1 on the 1;41011 put ditoc.
Mattresses, $3.00. Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90.
Carpets, 32o per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from $8.50 to $40.00.
Ur ATEXIE EtIE'11.11LIM 43".
We have thebost equipment In Western Ontario, the best rubber hem ontelde of Toronto. No charge for (bo hearse and is
caving of OW un the outfit. Our 'phone number Is 214. Night or day any (311 will receive Immediate atcontiou,
, I
Vi Ilk i ii CO Et (Ur A. AT
We handle the boot. General representativaa for the (Iourley, Winter Leming. Your credit, le good, any terms you want,
fie aura and bunt us up when you want anything M our Inc. Wo will make It pay )ou.
The Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers.
• Eyes
A very large number of children
attending the schools are In ini.
mediate need of glasses, and yet
are unaware of it.
Edueation depende largely on the
use uf the eyes. If thou aro dell.
Went then the °hid battle at learn.
lug In hampered.
Too groat care cannot bo taken In
remedying these defects, and only
an optician in whom explicit con
11141110 can be placed obold be
Our optician will glee consolen.
tious advice and recommend the
use of glaaaes only where 111 will
considerably benefit the child's vl.
READ the gid. in Trig STANDARD
10 Cents
gets The Standard
balance of year
are available with renewal of ioi,l nstrial
activitimi in early spring. 11 you (18-
4048 04)4', you must enter now. Short,
sharp, nappy courses for those whose
time or money is limited, and the broad-
est and moat comprehensive curricu-
lum for those who woold attain more
than ordinary Once0110,
Mail Courses in Commercial, Steno.
graphy, Telegraphy, 4 ivil 8ervi0e,
Mai rienlation, Penmanship, Etc.
Write for particulars to
14111111 CNIZOB
George Spotton
Red t•
'Phone 2S
MeEwau is enjoying rt
visit with friends 1 Toronto,
The Bethel Union Sunday School has
closed for the season lifter a very 1100111-
itble and encomnging summer.
The Lexilbury school is completed
and the eh ildree of the section are en-
joying the benefit of it COnifortoblo and
oommodione school house.
The apple packers aro finishing, up
the work for 1111 04010011 this locality.
Although the quality 14110 not nit to
other 40010 i large imantity hcrn
disposed of.
\\'in. limatilitel is home. from SOUriS,
Man., whore he opera the last two
Entrails superintending the harreating
and thronhing on Ids brother's. Imo
farm, 1 -lo seya crepe wnre fair and 1>10
• wheat graded good and only for the
tightness of money fermora would
have it very good year in that part,
100 formed on 1 110 Mnit lend above tho
(Min last Saturday for the first this
Brussels creamery line closed down
until next Opting after a sticceosful
The puttitig of content doors in tho
Pied 11101. -Wng n big improvement,
There is 100111 for other changes that
would prove beneficial in the saute dil-
John Ransford, of Clinton, who 04011.0
principal Brussels 4IIJI 'Works, was in town co
Tuesday last, lin is threatened with a
:mit by John Grainger, W110s8 farm ad-
joins the worko, for damages owing to
the action of the escaping brine on a
portion of 1110 farm
Lent week D. A, Lowry and Stuff
menced work 01 the brick building to
'l,o added to the furniture store of
Mosses. Walker & Black. It will be
foet 011E4 5001 high and will be
finished this fall if the weather keeps
open another week. The property be-
longs to Reeve Leckie.
Tuesday afternoon of lest week the
Piro Engine was taken to tho river mid
a test ',mule. Es ery t hint: worked well.
The air ('1,1(0 nf the hydrant opposite
Hugh Ito nasay's stuck 111111411041 set I
14111IS, ono of the 1(0410b11s 01
periodic tests,
(111 (111113' nut od ti y
Lrfit Ive(42 11(as 00
allarged 1115 duties as Station Agent at
the Grand 'Fronk 1Lil sy n 1 Brussels
for the past 113/4 years, was promoted to
0 similar post at 1Vingliam and is now
in charge. He will 0040 1)0 family as
soon ns he secures house to fruit. The
110 10 agent here is :Mr, I rye who comes
wit>) good recommendations.
not be unlined and tient to or at
Clorterich Kingstou.
It, is reported that. Aliss Ida, dittigh-
of 11einy Mooney, of 111eyltitro, for-
merly of the orb line, Morris, and Allen
8prifiruil, of ilio first tnentionerl I000l. -
it„e, were united in marriage on rho
tilili Int, The twiny old f rionds of the
bride here will wish her Fanny joys in
her new home,
The Ladies Guild of the Trivia
, 11 eitiorial church ititond holtibig their
Annual Boner, on Friday, December
A. masa meeting of the Conservatives
f S 1 B. I I 1 i I 0 •
0 Dui 1 uron 11040 10 t to petit.
lloture last evening when the following
delivered address on the pt 111 questions
of the day A wIrew Broder, M. P.,
Domino ; Dr. Chisholm, M. P„ Wing-
hani ; 0. B. Gunn, M. P„ Selifortli ;
and Henry Eilber, 31, P, P., Crediton,
Arthur Long received the and news
of the death of his wife at Bristol,
Eii glaud which ncenrved Thursday,
Nov. 7th. Mrs, Long MIS 38 years of
age nod had intended eoming to Canada
to join her husband, but owing to her
serious 111110,1a iloneor of the stomach
it wits impossible for her to make the
W, 10 Alger, the newly appointed
accountant at the Sovereign bank here
to take the place of Lorne Scott. Iwo -
mated 40 140 management of the branch
at Teaswator, arrived from lilillhank
Monday, and is now in charge. Last
week it was announced that Evarard
Gordon, of Chn thatn, would take Mr.
Scott'a place, bin 'Mr. Alger was sent
here in his mond, Mrs. Scott will visit
parents in Heneall until a house 10
scoured in Teeswater, when she trill
join her Immlinnd,
A mooting of the curlers Was lold lo
the 'l'oa'n Holl for the purpose of or-
ganization for the coming winter,
The following officers were electe(i --
Hon. P1011,, John Partner ;
Sweet ; Viee-Pre9.. E. 11 uston ;
Chap., Rev, 1). W. Collins ; Sec,1y•
Treas.. Geo, Anderson. A managing
committee sons appointed to interview
the owner of the rink regarding the
terms of retire> find what evenings eon
be engaged, the 00100111 (0 to reonrt nt
a meeting to he called later, It wits
decided to charge playing. lumbers
g4[,00 for the season and rion-playi»g
We are going to give our customers the benefit of a big
reduction, not in goods that are out of season, but everything
you see here is right in line with the weather and goods that
you need, so doar, delay in buying them at reduced prices
Overcoats, regular now q,,-) to ?I2,
Single and Double Breasted Sults that are up4o.date
to $12,.
altin's Odd Wool Pante, regular C1.50 to $350, now Si
Special Cravanette Ovetcoate, II 81400,
Hitt tl and Ospn, a large ranee from 5tts up.
Special Light and Heavy Wool Sox, 17a up.
Sweaters and Top Shirts, prices out In belf.
1)1.50 64111 Bosom Shirts, newest ohades, beat qualify,
60e to We.
Our Two and Tbree•Buckle Overshoe ritalmoat your
• regular $;,t; to now
regular tit to k1,25, now
own price.
For the nut couple of weeks we can save you moneey
on a Made-to-ordcr Suit or Overcoat, Black Melton and
Beaver Overcoats from $i6 up. Black and Blue Cheviots
and a big range of Scotch Tweeds and English Worsteds, a
perfect fit guaranteed. Our new fashion plate is ready to
loek at. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do to -clay
Clothier and Gents' Furnisher.
S. L. Tattbe, Eye Specialist of Tor-
onto, will be at D. E. Muuro's store,
Auburn, ou Monday, November '2541),
1> 1)1800 is anything whatever wrong
with your eyesight, do not liegloCt this
opportunity of consulting a reliable
The cooperage closed last week, the
output for the season totoling between
1,000 and 12,000 butTetg.
R. White, our barber, IMS left for
parte were the men 0101110143 particulor
about external appearance o[ their
(neve and heads,
The stork 11111> 14 busy time recently
41111 loft plump haby boys at the home
of 0. Beadle, .1, Shoultii, %ma
Cousins of the Base Line. Congratu-
lations to all.
The evaporator has enouglrapples to
keep it running until 80nie time in
Fire did lifts' thousand (Ware' tlnni'
0001011. R, Ives & Co.'s promises et
MaNaU, Nov. 25
Dolya the
Tea Girl
Under the Auspices
of the I. 0. 0. F.
- Admission, ,.).5 vents,
Resta voti Seal 8,
4 Plan of Hall nt Attiletson'S Store,
r Concert at 44.11.
No. 14.
Goods Clothing
Boots and Shoes
We find that keeping in stock nothing but
goods of superior quality and our low prices,
has given us the name by which we are known,
r•ELODUCM11.*3 ,
If you buy an article from us and you find it is
not as represented, bring it back and we will
gladly replace it for you.
Wa have just opened up a few lines of guaran-
teed Fine Furs, to be sold at less than whole-
sale prices, also many specials iu Ladies' Fall
Coats, Men's Suits and Overcoats, Fur Coats,
Underwear, Shirts, Mitts, Gloves, etc, Drop
in and see our values, you will then see why we
have been named the value producers.
Rubbers Underwear
the faces of the town clock and gilding
the figures. He removed the figures
bot could not remove the bends with-
out danger of injuring 1118 inechanistn
of the clock,
A crowd of 530 witnessed the football
match between Goderich and Galt
Collegiate Inatitmes for the Hough
Cop, which the latter won recently
from Clinton, tint svhicli ler Nome
reason or caber is still retained by the
ligetlIVa club, The genie woo a Lot
one with good play 011 each. side, Inn
tho Galt tom» showed superiority from
the start and W011 out, 14 to 0, The
line up: Galt -Goal, McCallum ; hooka,
Ferris aud Burgess ; Min backs, lio4s,
McDonald and Da vidson ; forwards,
Tilt, Colvin, E. McDonald, Biosonette
anti Todd. Goderich-Goal, Dean ;
hachs, Durvier and Wight:nen ; half
hockg, Kihatrick, 'McKenzie and
; forwards, latrwin,
W, Kibtotrir.11, ',Matheson and
Campbell, Referee- 0, A. 11,1cLach•
tan, Stratford, '1'1)18 is the final gatne
of the 5080011 and 4110 cop remains
Godcrich. -
The Bonnie Briar 14(111) 10 111 bo play -
in Goderich on Saturday evening.
The interior woodwork of the court,
house is being repainted.
There are hundreds of barrels of
apples yet to 1)0 brought iu front the
townships for dripuient.
ErireSt Jordan left for Montreal to
visit his mother before proceeding to
China to join Mussrs. 1180110 6(1(3 1 1 11
toll in slu'ves work on the Canton.
Miriam ltailway, Redmond 31 0.1)011-
ald and Alessi's. Burnside rtial
who are illgo going tO Chinn, !pays) 111)0
week for the (roast, tieing joined 011 the
way by 310. Jordan, and the party will
011 the 21,11i,
The grain sterimer Dundee was in
0(111 1(1110111011 413,00 bushels of 11(111 Ilt
the elevator here, leaving -mitt] t lie lad-
nnce of her cargo, 10111011 was wheat,
for Port Colborne.
Tho Daughters of the Empire an-
nounce that 10 litizaar will lie held On
December 30] (>40 town hall on 10'
bit of the McNamara Hospital. At
p• In, of that 'day ts. birthday Nuptial
will be served honor of the first an-
niversary nf,Vio hosplritl'a opettiog,
'Watson hes been repaintin
the last meeting of the Council
petition was pre0011te(t 14 400•44414.0 400444#11010 •44444
repeal ('o)) nn Local 0411(011, to be • •
taken at New Vears, which 1080 1408114. cL
An advertisement in TUN STANDA.R0
Style and Accuracy
In Eyeglasses
By the use of our own patent eyeglass
clip. we ten flt any nose,
Our specialists' examination of the
eyes for glen's, for which there is no
charge, cannot be equalled in Canada for
CTEstotr srEcIALtsys
237 Demise Street, Leaden, 011,
• •
Jaynes MeClacherty lino sold his fine •
1 50 001'» Corm, heing lot. 28, 1st conceit-
sion, to .1 a roes Shobbrook for the *urn COLLEGE •
of sitanu. 14 is a good 11Vopet 1 4 mid .• •
well situated, •
. of Toronto hal started thousands •
An old and highly respected resident • of 700141 0(00 and women on the
of tWheatley, died at hie 110100 in this early Way to independence and ear. es
he count y, in the persou of George •
towliallin 011 Monday hot in his 7,3rd • ortieisrst.. Lewt us give you the right 4.
for catalogue aud !
4081'. Born in Nottingham in 1835, he • p an to /mend the nest tux months 'y
mune to Canada in 1812, living for a ;I iiiiLlh11,8411',Kn"rai
IiShlY ti
aw, l
, ui.e,rlOAolpadl. is•
time at, Hamilton. He afterwards set- • Yonge and Gerrard Ste.. Toronto: 4.
tied on tho McDonald farm, Tooker.' • •
smith, which wits then 011 bush, and ***** "••••••••••
moved from there to the London road,
to the farm now occupied by Mr,
«1)100, where he resided for a number
of years. lu 1881 lie moved to the fith
con. of llullett, where he lived up till
(0111 yelirs ogo when to moved 1 0 his
hoe residence, lie 1.411s Mire Married.
Itis children being Mrs, Fisher, To-
ronto ; Mrs, Cowan, Edeo Grove ; Airs.
Jones Vinith, 011iitOti ; Adulue,'
; Mrs. 0. LOWiTy. 111111011 ;
Mrs, Itonorson, linnet t ; W.
ley, eliiilOn ; Joseph Wheatley, Idol.
hat ; Thomas Whittler, 1( 1111041
George 'Wheatley, Meliillop. Ile w a),
letliodist, and n moderate Conserve-.
Liberal Clubbing Offer.
The Cliimidian Pictorial and the Blyth
Standard one year each, worth $2.00,
for only This lo a genuine bar-
gain. Don't miss it, Call end see
051114(188 10; tAliS O014 Mid love your
subsoil ptio»,
Alfred Ullmann was killed by an
electric shock at Thetford Minas,
Brantford Conservatives nominated
W. F, Cockshutt, M, P„ for the Com.
• mons.
GIANT TIIIPLF1TS "Currency," "Bobs'
and "Stag" ebewine tobaeenes, In big
, pions. Quality always t be same.
We have just received another
large consignment of
We. have 25 sets to cho
from ranging in price, from
$13.50 Up.