HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-03, Page 6. 77 . 7 .. `} ,. .. 44, 1971 r i oo, 1. M� V++!4 . - �f N 11 � .j r• ` FIR1 ', .. r. ... ,. • u ' im. SUMESS AnInsane Pather LA OY FLORA'S GARDEN. ipe'lay own family. Near the station the � yo s I love to watch (qty tad blue homes appeared as before in the thought Samuel b[aetettler. a young farmer y nit light. BY a singular coincidence I thought residing near Wooster, Ont., while Among her garden's quaint trim pieta. all at once of my shipwreck In the Blau& 1.laboring under religious exciteruent, Hor tresses mutob the sunflowers' gold, sea. It moat have been thus Ghat day, — made an attempt to offer up his young Her oyes the blue forgotmenota, palm and indifferent as ever, while out son as a sacritice. He carried the boy A ver flower among the flowers, tbere in my last hour I thought of it, but Only What Ought t0 be into the real' yard and gathered a targe She Muth the same unconscious grana the train wgs stopping just in front of it, quantity of wood.Just watch her as the sunshine falls and I saw In th8 garden under the arbor, From Expected FroThe buy helped his father and was in I Upon her blossom of a face. surrounded by children and cranoblldten, high glee over the prospective bonfire. Oh, happy rose that at her waist an elderly woman, not really aged, but --- The young wife came to the rear door with bands of silver hair under a large She tiet,lt with her girdle inf y i of the house and watched the prepara. Thrice happy piuke she tucketh close Cap• ,t HIS METHODS. tion curiously for a moment. She did Beneath her little, dimple chinl It was Laurtnel No one would have F not anticipate the intention of her hus- known bar but Inc. Not one minute was + ' band until after the pile was in lentil- White butterflies that she doolareB Hess to light and Aostettler drew a Are dead floosie' scuta drift to and I in doubt. And in a flash I saw her a "lprigbt in Everything -Always Keepinfi gazer flew his pocket and called the 'mid solemn bees on thrift intent ' again as a child, playing with bar doll, With their sweet burdens come and Bien a.girl, thea as a woman, now as a Faith With the People, and, Above All child to him, go• • Realizing grandmother, always different, yet always Caring Them of Their Ills -Why g the fate in store for herTo Pansies' wistful runes seem like herself. This time I regretted bitterly child, she rushed toward her husband, brighten at her sunny smile, that I must go away, I knew that I would oVonlda't Success Follow 7 crying for an explanation. He told The sweet Pena nod their heads to her never pass this way again, and I wanted bet, that he had been directed b divine Yo their own easy kind of style. to stop a moment to speak at least to this Mr Atkey, No. 49, Northcote Ave., To- y ;'r;' Vonto, Canada, says: -"I have been a con- power to offer up the child as. a sacri- In Booth, it is a goodly eight, mold friend of 40 years whom I did not ntant sufferer for the last ten or fifteen f ce, and explained that he was going This garden with its trim, quaint plots know. Chance favored my wish. A slight • year9. Attimas I suffered pains in the t Ole f fagut his gots, and burn him on the And Goddess Flora in its midst accident happened--to-the engine. They stomach and obest. At other times it has she would fagg ts, and warned her that yes like the forgetmonote, told us we would have an hour at least to taken the form of soreness of the stomach. go to hell if she interfered. I love my Indy at her work, wait. That decided me. 11 Again intense spasms would occur. I have She tried to pall the child away, bat I love her in her hours of rest, I advanced almost trembling to the gate. treated with a number of medical men who failed, and then she fought for the ra• But when I goo her 'mong her flowers I tell you I was never so moved. I was ' � • all failed to effeoy a cure. I began taking zor•. She finaliy got the razor, but not I think I love my lady best. never timid, however, and I had just Been 11 I Munvon's Dyspepsia and I can unhesitat- until her hands and arms were cut -M- Hodderwiclt Browno'in Kansas Cit Star. Same rough times among the Turks. At 1 tingly say tht hnew treatment has acted badly. Neighbors got the husband tin- y last I rang. The gardener opened the wonderfully and I am vastly improved, der control and he was lodged in jail.7� HOU gate. I told him that I wanted to speak - 'The pains have disappeared and the depres- THE t3LHO ll UE SE, to the elderly lady In the arbor. He told pion after eating also. I mast express my THEY DO GOOD WORK, me to enter, ran to tell the lady, and she ,entire satisfaction with Munyon a Reme- The following letter tells what people 9 y Une1e Jean came, dies:' P P Here Is the story that m tbink about Lax& Liver Pills: who died recently, used often to tell me: ' the neat minute taurine was near me, Munyon'B Rheumatic Cnre seldom fails DEAR Srae,•-T gladly testify to the virtuesnd I knew no longer what to say to bar. to relieve in one to three hours, and cures of Laxa Me,; Pgla, I used to be troubled You know, ho would say to Inc,mo, that my It was she who broke the silence. business c lled me often to the four quar- "What is it, monsieur, to which I owe lin a Yew days. Price 250. with Be% a headache and oansti ation for tare of Franco. I noticed on one of m I Manyon's Dyspepsia Care positively a long time, and took these ills hopingfor journeys, near the outskirts of DIJob the honor of your visit?" Cures all forms of indigestion and Stomach a cure, and my hopes wererepldly fl&ied. which Is called {llaisy Das, a little cottage 1 asked, Do you not know troubles. Price 250. I have found them a never failing remedy of strange aspeot and of still more strange "No, Indeed, monsieur," + Manyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and heartily recommend them. Signed, color. + and breaks up a cold in afew hours. Price Miss S, LAWSON, Moncton, N. B. g Theilret time I noticed it --it is full 40 "But I know you well. .Just think, it +„5a. Y is a long time that I have known you. I Manyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, years since then --it was at a stopping of saw you as a child, playing with your doll the express train. In the garden In front in this garden. I was the man, you must , night sweats, allaya soreness and speedily The Western Fair, London. ( of It a little girl was playing with a doll, remember, who said good day from the car ' • heals the lungs. Price 25c. --- n child oP bout 10, ver f y, window when ligan en's Kidney Cure speedily cares 4 y air and rosy, you were betrothed Y Y P, 9 Un 0th Of September the teat Live dressed in a dainty spring dress and with and ,' r psins in the back, loins or groins, and all Stuck and Agricultural Show at Lon. a blue ribbon in her hair. She was ver later, quite a little a lits It was I who forme of kidney disease, Price 25x, don Will open its at pretty, I was not happy that morning. Y threw an orange to the little" - ,1 P gates. and from that I Py Manyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness day until the 18th many thousands of g The good lady looked at me quite Business had not ono well, and I was re- frightened. She had at first receded Sov- e' ' diad builds up the system. Price 2ba, visitors will puss in and out of theta, turning to Paris sad and preocou Sed, eral ste F, taking me no doubt for a mad- „ Manyon's HeadaoboCarestopeheadache The Secretar Thin sudden vision in the tin P p, • an titres minutes. Prise 25. y Dersists in calling it y garden man, then, reassured by my good old Canada's Favorite Live Stock and Ag- calmed me. �Vua it. the beautiful day, the fa(>c, she answered quite sweetly: Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cares ricultural Fair oil account of the large charm of this little girl and the beautiful ` '.' all forms of piles. Price 25c number of Breed(-rs herdarnt n y )3 You are certainly in error, rnoneieur, oountr that I was looking ate I Said to my family and I have lived in the blue „`,, Munyon's Blocd Care eradicates all Sm- and buyers who make their appearance myself, One mast bo happy to live here; ,Irnrities of the blood. Price 25o. annually, with and in search of the I no sarmow, no weariness." And I envied house only about a year. I' Alanyon'e Female Remedies are a boon create of droves, hoards and flocks of I g I wus stupefied. You -ere -not - the little girl her childish carelessness and Lau-ri-no"- t to all women. this country, The word A ri gayety. Manyon's Catarrh Remedies neverfail. is broadin its meanie ird Agr cultural y But the train started to move. At the "Laurine? I do not know what oa The Catarrh Cure -price 25e -eradicates thing g g every meati. We have no one hero by that g growing froui the soil. Al tie same enoone of the windowsaP the house name.- .'..the disease from the system, and the Ca- Nest ern it not only incl uds the varied ttarrh Tablets -price 25o. -cleanse and heal roducta of the ileitis, gardens, or- wan opened! p taurine!' It seemed as though I dreamed. As she the arts. ' a voice called. walked away I asked: p chards, greenhouses and conservator- And the little girl went in. Laurine- ` lf�iunyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in les, but the best Of each variety the name was Irardon me, madame, one more nos - '11. `. 'throe minutes, and ogre permanently. y and pretty, and an hour after- tion. Who lived q, shows what this country is capable of 'ward in the Idleness of the journey I od here before you titch' A'rice 1. Y "Before use An old man, a bachelor. $ raising. thongbt of it again, and I saw once more He lived here ten years." a Mtlnyon'BSVitalizer restores lost vigor, The Directors are doing their best to the child, the doll, the garden and the lit- Bowing crremoniouSly, she took Inc to Apzice $1. give the people in this advanced schol• tle blue house, Then all was jumbled to- the gate :lad closed it behind mo. I found ,'W A separate cure for each disease. At all astic exhibition ttgreat pictorial lesion druggists. Moett 25c a vial, gethor, grew faint and was forgotten, the myself in the tiny streets of Blaisy-Baa, t gg• Y from nearly every branch more because for a lou �, ---.Personal lettere to Prof. Munyon, 11 and learning moi practical g time I had nb quite confused, my heart heavy, as tbougn t business In that part of France. after some misfortune. I wished, how - l,aI3 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free In addition to the Complete exhibits I went often to the north of France or ever, to inquire about the mat ; ,. medical advioe for any disease. they have provided a frill plist of special to the east; now to Lille now to N ter, quite t !�'''Nancy, sure that there was some unheard of mis- Yeatures of the very best toatnuse, in_ and you understand I bad other things to take, Borne strange coincidence, I ues- More Money Yet• spire and educate their visitors. Pro- think of. About ten years passed thus, tioned the guard at the station. He knew '" grammes of the special attractions will when one fino day I set out for Marseilles, nothing, being new in the country, but he s In estimating the increased money be mailed free to any address. and ou my return the old memories re- directed me to an old man, the oldest iD a s'` " ;,wming to Ontario fanners from this A pleasant and eujoyable time is in turned to Inc,. I tont: the night express in the tillage, who liven quite near the eta - year's wheat crep. We recently placed store for all who can make it conven- order to pass through B1alsy-Bas in the tion, just opposite the blue house, a �''. , the added income from this source ient to attend. Special train arreng. morning, It was still there, the blue house, He gathered together his thoughts.f :alone at,$10,000,00,9, The Montreal Star meats have been Prnvided to enable of a wall faded blue now, and, moreover, those who wish to stn over for the "Laurine-lot me Bee-Laurine. I I PM goes one better, as the saying is, and y it seemed to me that it had a less well don't remember n ' ` a+eachesthe conclusion thatLhe increase grand Jubilee Pyrotechnic display in cared for, less well kept look than former- "But the lady I saw in the garden about is equivalenE tO$15,COO,U00. We accept Rerraembes to do so; ask your agent, ly, but In the garden a tall girl was seated. 15 gears ago, rather plump and having `Ahe amendment, The more the better ,the greater the success of She was very fair and with a pink ribbon light chestnut hair. She bad with her a .1t3will be for ever) ones. "The farmer the exhibition the greater the benefit in her hair. It was Laurtne. I recognized little child and a great dog," T feeds us all," as the saying is, and to the people who go. her at once. Near her was a young man, "Ali " said be "with a ver r , great dog, Wait To plow Bpd to sow, , Y prepossessing and animated, her fiance a minute -with a great dog. Oh, yea, that r And to reap and to mow, without doubt, and around them was the was the wife of the comptroller. She waa �' , And twbe a fgsmer's boy" NEWS NOTES . same smiling calm, the same peace of from bi000n, hime. Gilamet, but bar maws 4 t,' aje the best trade of all in these piping A Piano dealer named Jones, from mind. was not taurine. I remember well, for I hi limen of goad crops and increased Woodstock, had a marvellous escape II I was positively quite happy, gUite was over there a great deal. Her name W tries, from death at St. Marys on Friday af- moved myself, and when again the ilei❑ was FranoolBe." I "r' ternoon, While driving out of town ) started I leaned from my window and, I was dumfounded, so 11 l OHl THE MISERY. he was run into at the crossing be-' waging my hand' nodded my bead and' 1 "But look here, monsieur, think back h + tween the market and the Jut�coon cried: about ten years before, A Young girl, fair d +' Mra Galbraith of Shelburne, Ont„ teas a station by a freight train, Wbicb was Farewell, Ml]e. Laurine!" also; toll, with a hloe.rfbbon in her flair, A follo%;ng the noon ex i The young girl looked at me niteaston- who was there with a tall, dark young di GlreatSaffererfro- Indigestion, the Bane west. Tne horse Pass' going fished. Then the young man. They burst man, her fianoo " th was thrown tigainat of so mart' Lives -South American Ner- the embankment, and the roan was out laughing, and still from my window I Tho old man thought and thought, At ca '• carried over fiftyfeet all watched diem tffgyin their handkerchiefs lgst h, called his wife, a little old woman, b' da_.iPiine Released its hold -It relieves in one ghtin in the g 1'' tie railway ditch, Both man an horse ! at me. I was doligLted. I with rig�it eyes and a determined oto jjay, luckily escaped broken donee, or ser- I Yenyafter ygar passed. I was nearly I who seemed to have a good memory. We all t" `' 'I wag, for & long time a great sufferer lou. injury, although badly shaken up, ver9abnsy tEaohtimelI was foles rted t but buain I toldOber t1 a divossBlD$llo Stephanie, the +, Jtia indioeation, i experlea9ed all misery Mr John D. Tollant, president of hour or tddo Sjr taking tt�e ft}eG express daughter of the contractor, A tall girl, at rtfid rinnOjtatide 86 o0tl1117on to this ailment. the Tollant Banking Co,, of San Fran• that prised Blaiey-$aa i`n. the night vrS6h- +with a ribbon. Certainly, that upas she. th Itried many remedies and spent a g�ea> Qiec h", confined fn the police station out stopping, At last one day, lase busy I She married a merchant from Dijon, poor T "' •deal on doctor's bills without receiving any' in Chmago, a "raving maniac Satur- than before, I took the evening train vFblgh girl, and they are separated. She lives of permanent benefit. I was strougly recom- day evening Mr Tollant left San Fran- stops at Blafsy-Bae 1n the mo -ruing. How with bar parents up there at Sombermon, w! a , mend to try South American Nervine. I cisco for x vacation in Europe. He many years had passed since that little and Is very unhappy." ' ;,•, Vroeured and used it, after using only two was to meet his wife in Paris. ry PPy•' I Pelt my head In Soon Boone in the garden when I had seen Lau- swim. The bpur was over and the train Qu lbottlea I am pleased to testify that I am fully after the ti ain left Council Bluffs, he rine with her fiance? Twelve, or perhaps was ready- .fA salt, sid , ;restored to health, and I have never had the drew a $20gold DieCe from his pocket 10 8eprsi t don't remember, "Bat Laurine," I exclaimed, "but Lau- be >, l";. slightest indication of areturn of the trouble. and threw it with great force at his This time, wben" the train stopped 1n rine. I saw her when she was quite small to "'I. I recommend it most healthy." nearest neighbor. This was followed front of the little station, there was in the and heard her name. 'fid seems to me I See st jp' by a volley of gold coin, which was garden only a small boy, with unkempt bar yet playing with bhr doll in the gar- enl `''.; Fa;ll [Pairs. hurled at the fleeing passengers. Tol- hair, playing with a great dog stretched den." tio r;;, __ lant chased them with a revolver in on the grass. Was I not to see Laurine? "Why, monsieur," began the old lady, mi Industrial, Toronto Aug. 30 Sept, 11. !land as far as the coach door, where I was already quite sad, when the little I id didn't he was overpowertidb the tram bands boy began to call: Y you sag that at first? You de ' ' bdontreal, Aug 10 28. and confined. y I speak first of a woman, then of a young va Western. London, Sept. 0 18, Mamma, mamma, the train I" girl, and at last of a ehild. Yes, I recall ble antral, Guelph, Sept. 15-16. A LoNo HEADED COBBLER, - A Then a lady stepped outof the house. It her. I have my faculties yet," she said, gr Ft Walkerton, Sept. 15.16 Scotch cobbler, described on the police was certainly she, a little less fair, but with pride. "Laurine? Yes, that is it, do lRotthwestern, Glodericb, Sept. 21.23 books as a "notorious offender, was nevertheless 1 recognized her at once, and but you speak of a long timo ago. It is tri uthern, Brantford, Sept. 21 24 sentenced byli, Forfar magistrate to looking at her quite tenderly I discreetly • no leas than 4o years. A little blond, the ter, odstock, Sept. 22.2:3 pay a fine of half acrown or, in default ralseti my hand to my hot. She answered daughter of the druggist, They were tela- an Pprth, Stratford, Sept, 23 24 twenty four hours hard labor. If he my salutation a little aurprlsed, She was uvea of ours, We lust her just as she was dol i�iiron, Brussels, Sept. 30 Oct 1 Chose the latter he would be taken to indeed always the same, aB aftnplo and finishingher tenth ^r ail at Perth. '+Then I'll go to Perth," ainlnble ae her own life. On de artln year, poor thing, in per Wingham, Sept. 28-20 J p g, ,, the same year in the month of May." r+n1 lhLINTON, Sept, 28-20 he said "for I have some business to mark my passage with a little souvenir, ( Just the year and month in which for I0 1 'Myth, Oct. 5 6 there." An official conveyed hire to I tossed an orange to the child in the gar- i the first time Ihad noticed the blue house. oaf '; I:fast WawanOsh, Beigrave, Sept. 23-24 Perth, but when the cobbler reached den, and saw St roll down the terrace fol- A few days at most after I had 15ttanley, Bayfield, Sept. i0 and Oct. 1 the jail he said he would a lowed h the big do passed p»i p the fine. Y g g. I through, and I for 40 years bad followed Ing The governor found he would have to Then carne the most eventful period of bar life. and take it: And now," said the cobbler; my life. It was a short time after this At this place in his story m uncle al- vis! il­ I.';-, Geo. M. Dates, a prominent farmer' "I want my fare home." The over that I made m great r y yeartd, a.xeside.nt�fB _noldax' governor y g at journ y to Turkey- ways became sad. He would pass his hand as g ' rlemurredrbub•found tilers Was t1ZS wi` sa-oventfui; sa--fuH'-of--sudden rohanges; two -or• three-ttru, aarass-hf "Was stung to Lhe nose today baa hor- ternative; the prisoner must be sent at that today, offer so many oars, I Seem to would en a +, sForehead-and-----•--- >fiet while ploughing. and dropped dead the public expense t° the place he had spank of a dream. Ho years, y lowly. you see, my boy, my 'Before he reached his house. w any tips and story is of no Importance, and yet it is the been brought from. So Elie canny downs I had before I made my little for- whole of life. To live happily In our dolu- It has been held that consumption is he. Scot got the 2 shillings 8 1-2 pence that tune It was down there, you know, that ,.'answe must not examinethem tooclose- keditary, and the fact that one person of a represented his fare, did his business I was shipwrecked on the Black sea. You ly, nor open our eyes too wide, nor descend ikmily had died with consumption was con- and went borne triumphant -2 pence can imagine if In that life I thought often leo Par into the depths of things. "-Trans- . ;Mitered a sure sign thatothers of that fam halfpenny and a railway tide the bpi- of Blalsy-Bas and the blue house. Ah, toted For Short Stories. '' .ilyoonld not eeoapeit, This is partly tree ter for his Offense. This beats the old well, on the sinking Ship, in that ominous And partly untrue, A man with weak "saxpence" story, -Scottish American. hour when I was separated from death Who First Opened a Sunday School? 'lgngg is likely to transmit that weakness to only by a plank, It was still that memory Robert Ralkes has been much belauded Ir19 children. But there is no reason in the that crossed my mind as clear and precise *pyorld why that weakness should be allowed P as the originator of Sunday schools, but f An Unburied Han as in the first hour. I said to myself: when be was a small boy, with all his f6develop. Keep the lunge full of rioh,red t• "lyly poor Jean, this will tench yon to ' holesome blood, and the weakness will It will surprise most people to learn travel around the world. If teach bud been philanthropies in the future, a neighbor `..` IIIt►ppear. Decaying tisanes will be thrown that the late king of Spain Is not yet bur- travelto liveyou of his living 12 miles from his native city " alfa and new material will be added, until willing quietly, like your friend wag quietly holding y led, but, covered with a winding sheat, g a Sunda school on Laurine, in some blue house under the sun her own account. On a white marble slab �,,�i'iE lungs are well and perfectly strong lies on a marble slab in a vault of the of Burgundy, each things as this would In Flaxley church, among other records of �lgiin. This is the thing that Dr. Plaice's Escurial, This SS in accordance with a not have happened to on either." �,Oblden Medical Discovery does. This is custom dating from the year 1700. The Catharine Dovey's life work, there !e a } Xttl}>xt makes it cure 98 per cent of all cases body will ]Se whore it is until the resent I escaped nevertheless, and I hayo often mention of this: ,I P told you how. X,dn know of the holland I "How far bar bounty extended was best ,t atf# ildnanmption where !t is taken according king Blas, Then it will be deposited with abip that passe¢; as though by a mirnate, `td diteatibne. It searches oatdlsease germ great pomp beside the remains of his pied- at the end a ,two s s when m known to herself alone, but much of it ap- ttlVhbxe'Ier they may be in the body, end ecessors In the chapel of the Escurial, Y y strength peered to her honor and clod's glory In ire- ' %rbeb them out of the system, It snppliea was spent. ,.At the end of 15 or 20 years- quont distribution to the poor, and aspect. ap (kite blood with rich, life-giving properties. Power Zn Ancient Arrows. you see, t(t my age one forgets the t+xne•t' ally the- charity schools round about the tnnkes the appetite good, digestion per- dates -1 returned to France, and after dcuntry, relieving those !n prison and de- g P At 2re feet only the best Spanish armor forlb g a last time days in Mnrso111us I tock ltvoring many of them out of it, in con- v {� Send 81 aenta in one -cent to could resist the EnglSeh arrow, hinny for he lust time the train for Paris. I -Z{i►Ohld'e bispensary Medical Association, muaettnis have steel oorselets pierced bbd never been ambitious, and tbo little trfbating to ohurn$ee of the English estsb- ,06 0", Nr ',.,and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 through by an arrow. money I was carrying home would a lisufttle lishment abroad as well as aiding several " �i1Jile i0OWW' 6a Sense Medical Adviser, for my old ago, This was Ghon my lace at hone, in clothing and feeding bar in- It K. 111icoCt#ilety illustrated. Studies teach not their own use- lint Journey, the end of all my adventures. digest neighbors and fn t8aohing their 71. ' Ss, a wisdom without them and above At 1 o'clock we arrived at Blais Bas, turnschildshe some rt whom every Sunday d ` �"�'• `f"�r'A''��x�• y' turns aIle entertained at her house and l i Ohl iii them, won by oboervatfon,-Bacon, Can YOU believe me? My heart beat as if oondeseenied to exam i ne'them herself." — i ";atmil/ to an it would buret, and I confess that I wan 1'wngman s Magazine, i' sla. i��CA overt' A single need vessel of the tfxba000 pleat; not ao moved when afew hours Tatar I ,11 � r •� atapptt' aoritains usually about 1,000'Feode. I+, & �` , . '' o I. . . 1 -0 �/ .., t �. h ,t I 11 k - , . I 1 r ,. :.... .r.. . .. ' rY ., p ..:.... r .' V....,... You can't go on losing VV�-+eer� �r flesh under ordinary con- E Eit.l�( i'AIR I'll ditions without the knowl- LONDON, SEPTEMBER 9TIR TO 18 TLi� 1897 edge that something is CAIJAVA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK ANI) AGIUOULTURAL EXEII0ITION } The wont complete Live Stock Itulldings in America. More ltuprovcrltente nod slid , wrong, either with d1geS- lutists addltlol,e this year. hurry atorhruar, Agriculturist, Manufacturer, Lolrywan, tion or nutrition. If the ArtElatrles close hOlbt. Utb,'tn all l epartni�nte Succcsaasaured. brain and nerves are not fed SIE HA,SSEN $EIB ALI, THE RRIi13 PRiN a'E, r llas neem hecured to Furnleh and Nulrerintend the t3tage Aitraetleas they can't work. If the Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges, Aug, 15th, on the Grounds at 2 p.m. For Prize Lists, Program and Maps, apply to blood is not well supplied, LT. COL. F. B. LEYS, PRESIDENT. it can't travel on its life ,4THOS. A. BROWNE, SECBETAMT.- journey through the body. Wasting is tearing down; Scott's Emulsion is building - k ' up. Its, first action is to im- (*. prove digestion, create an ap- petite and supply needed nu- , trition. Book free. SCOTT h 9OWNE, lie11evia■, Oar- 41 . ere'? '. .— ----------- 4�� To aid them in plundering his residence a, desperadoes Set fire to the residence of Mr bt. Wilson, a farmer living just within p'l�+re" the Brampton corporation, on Fri9ay night e baeween 9 and 10 o'clook. One of the barna �/� ` WAS consumed by fire together with 8 tons W.Fa iiln-, of hay and Some small implements. The in- cendiaries then proceeded to Mr Wilson's realdence, about 25 yards distant from the . `rt _. burning building, and ransacked the house atilt of valuables, including a ladies' gold watch and chain, gentleman's watch and chain, - money, old coins, etc. Mr and Mrs Wilson - were absent, spending the evening with re- = Amber lalivea four mi)ee distant, and did not know Shield of the calamity which had befallentbem. -- "I HAVE HAD mmm yf[Rbeumatism for years, and Nerviline is url- only remedy that has done me any good," So writes Thomas McGlashan, North Pel. bam, and his testimony is Sappo^ted by thousands of others who have experienced the wonderful penetrating and pain subdu81NOtH TWI - Ing power of Nerviline - the great nerve � PRIC", vi NE ES Low■ pain care, ' A London, England, letter says:-Tt ��� {.i1,r may rs within recollection that when ND BROS, �tOYeS, �Ial'(1{Fare, (�(;the first cargo of turkeys, geese and! Lllllt011 chickens carne up into Liverpool after the McKinley - tariff and did so well, 1 suggested an all -the -year trade. If ClintonaSil D00-riB C, the paid then and since gave profit lindFactoryto the shippers, there is a mine of i wealth for Canada untapped in this trade. Our impol is mostly come in at S. S. COOPER `�"' "°'�" Christmas.' The rest of the year the - . • PROPRIETOR, P masses -do they not eat Poul- Gene al Builder and Contractor. ry. Not because they don't like it, but because it is too dear. Yes- This factory is the largest in the couniy, and has the very latest improved ma- erday Ipaid 3s retail for a fowl obinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive weighing tinder two pounds. Only and reliable Stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class. hobe with money can afford to treat es of bnildinge on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervis- poultry as anything but a luxury, ad in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in. If Canada -now that she has got cold tei•ior and e torage-could ship to sell at reason- Lumber Lath Shill le exterior material, ble prices, she could make a trade r�• 'S, Limf', Sash, Doors,, Blit{{lSl Ete which does not at present exist -an Agent for the Celebrated GIHAY]BI[LL SCHOGL D SII, In ds,, E eta I1 -the -ay to oundOctober, trade, or a trade at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your order•aa roar May to October, which mould put eople on to eating poultry as an alter- ative to meat. ��1 - A HEALED HER eci i 1 TEAS A I , TEAS I hinks Blieamatism is Born of the Lower 13arg illi CEYLON, ASSAM and JAPANS,1 Regions, but Proclaims South American 8 pounds good Young Hyaon Tea for til, Rheumatic Cure a Heaven -Sent Healer. Just to hand, car ( SL7QARS ! SIItxARS 1 SUGAIIS! Henry Humphrey's, East London, sends 1Vlolltreal SUtra S No. I Granulated, Coffee and Raws in barrels, one s r•rsolicited testimony: "I was seized �' • t( hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices. itb painful rheumatism in my left foot, We keep the best cop 'd not rest day or night, the pain was assorted BtOC]t Of `peed_ I Dinner, Tea and Bedroom Sete, Fancy China intense. I tried many remedies, but they ding Presents ill j and Lampe. 25 per cent less than regular price, ad no more effect on me than water on a b'urOn • JJ Call and see our goods and get prices. du back. I was persuaded to try -South FRESH SEEDS-Timotby, Red and Alaike Clover, Turnip and Mange]. merican Rheumatic Care. I followed the Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs. rcttions closely and in a very short time T'�' is wonderful remedy effected a complete �� WM . 't�TiT�� re, and there has not been the 'slightest vv - - .. Clinton nt of a return of the disease. It is a euro I E� medy and I delight to herald the goodneeS over the land," Sold by Waite do Co. ____- For the balance of this 111(D11t11 - Every indication points to the 11;rgest teneir ancegra Toronto has ever hat! at WE WILL OFFER TO CASH •PURCHASERS air great Industrial Fair, this year. Th added features aro enormous, and Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, such varied style that few people II stay away who can afford to o, Handsome Toilet Sets, Ate Cost additiov to the fac-simile of the Ching Tea Set, �'p een's Jutilee Procession, one of the s, ' ' and L./ ]��e]°o e featutes, the Hanlon Bro-,, Lave Fancy hand painted Chinaware i en induced to bring their gv(-w ,pee- cular "Superba" toTorontj, ar,d the Call amd satisfy yourself that this is a bona fide offer. Flaying tige of the Princess Theatre has been bought Sugars since the decline in rice we'll arged to admit of its vast prohor- the benefit. Butter and E p give our oastomere ns. This great spectacular panto- Eggs taken as cash. ai will be put s in most gorgeous N 'p OBSON'S tails. Hundreds of dramatic artiste, 1 �1 . .L�+ A7 lv I '- Clinton. udevilleperformances, acrobats, tum - r9 and rdliletea of a+ll description and ballets, heautil'10 transforma• -� --- --`- -- ns, electlice! effect-', llhisions and ck performances cit' till kinds, are in- CLINTON sparred t hrouFhunt t he hlerform s of SEWINGdanexpendttur•�• cf thons»nde of MACHINE lars daily is necessary to give the Warerooms forrnance in its egtirity• It is the The subscriber desires to intimate that ho is still in the ii I e atte the way of English pan- Sewing Machine business, and has made arrangements with tho line attempted on this side of the er, The Hanlon gr Bros. hr i:ngl%sh NEW HOME ,SEWING MACHINE, ('OIiPANV, itoniimista of great celehrit}•, hav- dnne this sort of thing in E,,iigland To handle their machines, and am prepared to give the public an article unsurpanserl for France for marry years before they durability a+ d the quality of work. They will be placed on Irbil free; we compote with a.Il mafi tell I his country. In its way it is chines on the market, 1 also have other grades at loss money, and wwil pax+are any ma "eat tin attraction as the Pair itself, manufacturod, if desired Needles and parts supplied fol* al]' makeN of maciunee, Y chino �1'ARHiNh JIMMINES-1 am agent for the celebrated Amiben W r • �} __. _.-. _ . 1.lar cAt.-roan e 13ABY WAS CUREb. •I• DEAR $IRS, --1 can highly recom- m td br. Fowler's Extract of Wild + St ,wberry, It cured my baht'y, of + dial.'toeaafterall other means failed, +l- To�I � ve It tort praise, It is excel- +} r ° o all owel complaints. .l- Mr`rA.:. 'PIAS. BOTT, Harlow, Ont. + 'rHh v1EAD MASTER + 0 "', -^ra, v, -I have found great '1' Hitt! ,action i the •ase of lir. Fowler's •1' Extract of W i, ' Strawberry, and con• •1' Bider " (nvah ble in all cases of 'I' diary .- and ,miner complaint. ' 1% r 'aF,•'e t ne to recommend jr pu ic. + 12, B. ,'., - .'ERT' -., Principal, High Sob, , River Charlo, 1.I I I Sk , riatotur-erSot-Wagberarrrthe-uorhi,--'7'httYun�hfn.e_ tttrct" a+her (lie _. Y + ue stt handle ,�the Improved Iddeeaalanand Manitoba Washers. Also Clothes Wry ingerp best In ma market old stand, Huron St., Clinton How much of your Shoe is leather,--workma�shlp-and �! ; how much of it is profit The Shoe °oe most Ro.11 de Iersosellll, differ asbuy and tthese he hpropor- ' tions differ. Your next pair will w. have more leather value, and less . profit for the dealer, if you see that it's Goodyear Welted, and stamped on the sole, $3, $4, or $5, CArAL06UC "The Slater Shoe." fate W TAYLOR ct SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR CLINTON I l ' .1, i , . A"'91. You can't go on losing VV�-+eer� �r flesh under ordinary con- E Eit.l�( i'AIR I'll ditions without the knowl- LONDON, SEPTEMBER 9TIR TO 18 TLi� 1897 edge that something is CAIJAVA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK ANI) AGIUOULTURAL EXEII0ITION } The wont complete Live Stock Itulldings in America. More ltuprovcrltente nod slid , wrong, either with d1geS- lutists addltlol,e this year. hurry atorhruar, Agriculturist, Manufacturer, Lolrywan, tion or nutrition. If the ArtElatrles close hOlbt. Utb,'tn all l epartni�nte Succcsaasaured. brain and nerves are not fed SIE HA,SSEN $EIB ALI, THE RRIi13 PRiN a'E, r llas neem hecured to Furnleh and Nulrerintend the t3tage Aitraetleas they can't work. If the Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges, Aug, 15th, on the Grounds at 2 p.m. For Prize Lists, Program and Maps, apply to blood is not well supplied, LT. COL. F. B. LEYS, PRESIDENT. it can't travel on its life ,4THOS. A. BROWNE, SECBETAMT.- journey through the body. Wasting is tearing down; Scott's Emulsion is building - k ' up. Its, first action is to im- (*. prove digestion, create an ap- petite and supply needed nu- , trition. Book free. SCOTT h 9OWNE, lie11evia■, Oar- 41 . ere'? '. .— ----------- 4�� To aid them in plundering his residence a, desperadoes Set fire to the residence of Mr bt. Wilson, a farmer living just within p'l�+re" the Brampton corporation, on Fri9ay night e baeween 9 and 10 o'clook. One of the barna �/� ` WAS consumed by fire together with 8 tons W.Fa iiln-, of hay and Some small implements. The in- cendiaries then proceeded to Mr Wilson's realdence, about 25 yards distant from the . `rt _. burning building, and ransacked the house atilt of valuables, including a ladies' gold watch and chain, gentleman's watch and chain, - money, old coins, etc. Mr and Mrs Wilson - were absent, spending the evening with re- = Amber lalivea four mi)ee distant, and did not know Shield of the calamity which had befallentbem. -- "I HAVE HAD mmm yf[Rbeumatism for years, and Nerviline is url- only remedy that has done me any good," So writes Thomas McGlashan, North Pel. bam, and his testimony is Sappo^ted by thousands of others who have experienced the wonderful penetrating and pain subdu81NOtH TWI - Ing power of Nerviline - the great nerve � PRIC", vi NE ES Low■ pain care, ' A London, England, letter says:-Tt ��� {.i1,r may rs within recollection that when ND BROS, �tOYeS, �Ial'(1{Fare, (�(;the first cargo of turkeys, geese and! Lllllt011 chickens carne up into Liverpool after the McKinley - tariff and did so well, 1 suggested an all -the -year trade. If ClintonaSil D00-riB C, the paid then and since gave profit lindFactoryto the shippers, there is a mine of i wealth for Canada untapped in this trade. Our impol is mostly come in at S. S. COOPER `�"' "°'�" Christmas.' The rest of the year the - . • PROPRIETOR, P masses -do they not eat Poul- Gene al Builder and Contractor. ry. Not because they don't like it, but because it is too dear. Yes- This factory is the largest in the couniy, and has the very latest improved ma- erday Ipaid 3s retail for a fowl obinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive weighing tinder two pounds. Only and reliable Stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class. hobe with money can afford to treat es of bnildinge on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervis- poultry as anything but a luxury, ad in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in. If Canada -now that she has got cold tei•ior and e torage-could ship to sell at reason- Lumber Lath Shill le exterior material, ble prices, she could make a trade r�• 'S, Limf', Sash, Doors,, Blit{{lSl Ete which does not at present exist -an Agent for the Celebrated GIHAY]BI[LL SCHOGL D SII, In ds,, E eta I1 -the -ay to oundOctober, trade, or a trade at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your order•aa roar May to October, which mould put eople on to eating poultry as an alter- ative to meat. ��1 - A HEALED HER eci i 1 TEAS A I , TEAS I hinks Blieamatism is Born of the Lower 13arg illi CEYLON, ASSAM and JAPANS,1 Regions, but Proclaims South American 8 pounds good Young Hyaon Tea for til, Rheumatic Cure a Heaven -Sent Healer. Just to hand, car ( SL7QARS ! SIItxARS 1 SUGAIIS! Henry Humphrey's, East London, sends 1Vlolltreal SUtra S No. I Granulated, Coffee and Raws in barrels, one s r•rsolicited testimony: "I was seized �' • t( hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices. itb painful rheumatism in my left foot, We keep the best cop 'd not rest day or night, the pain was assorted BtOC]t Of `peed_ I Dinner, Tea and Bedroom Sete, Fancy China intense. I tried many remedies, but they ding Presents ill j and Lampe. 25 per cent less than regular price, ad no more effect on me than water on a b'urOn • JJ Call and see our goods and get prices. du back. I was persuaded to try -South FRESH SEEDS-Timotby, Red and Alaike Clover, Turnip and Mange]. merican Rheumatic Care. I followed the Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs. rcttions closely and in a very short time T'�' is wonderful remedy effected a complete �� WM . 't�TiT�� re, and there has not been the 'slightest vv - - .. Clinton nt of a return of the disease. It is a euro I E� medy and I delight to herald the goodneeS over the land," Sold by Waite do Co. ____- For the balance of this 111(D11t11 - Every indication points to the 11;rgest teneir ancegra Toronto has ever hat! at WE WILL OFFER TO CASH •PURCHASERS air great Industrial Fair, this year. Th added features aro enormous, and Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, such varied style that few people II stay away who can afford to o, Handsome Toilet Sets, Ate Cost additiov to the fac-simile of the Ching Tea Set, �'p een's Jutilee Procession, one of the s, ' ' and L./ ]��e]°o e featutes, the Hanlon Bro-,, Lave Fancy hand painted Chinaware i en induced to bring their gv(-w ,pee- cular "Superba" toTorontj, ar,d the Call amd satisfy yourself that this is a bona fide offer. Flaying tige of the Princess Theatre has been bought Sugars since the decline in rice we'll arged to admit of its vast prohor- the benefit. Butter and E p give our oastomere ns. This great spectacular panto- Eggs taken as cash. ai will be put s in most gorgeous N 'p OBSON'S tails. Hundreds of dramatic artiste, 1 �1 . .L�+ A7 lv I '- Clinton. udevilleperformances, acrobats, tum - r9 and rdliletea of a+ll description and ballets, heautil'10 transforma• -� --- --`- -- ns, electlice! effect-', llhisions and ck performances cit' till kinds, are in- CLINTON sparred t hrouFhunt t he hlerform s of SEWINGdanexpendttur•�• cf thons»nde of MACHINE lars daily is necessary to give the Warerooms forrnance in its egtirity• It is the The subscriber desires to intimate that ho is still in the ii I e atte the way of English pan- Sewing Machine business, and has made arrangements with tho line attempted on this side of the er, The Hanlon gr Bros. hr i:ngl%sh NEW HOME ,SEWING MACHINE, ('OIiPANV, itoniimista of great celehrit}•, hav- dnne this sort of thing in E,,iigland To handle their machines, and am prepared to give the public an article unsurpanserl for France for marry years before they durability a+ d the quality of work. They will be placed on Irbil free; we compote with a.Il mafi tell I his country. In its way it is chines on the market, 1 also have other grades at loss money, and wwil pax+are any ma "eat tin attraction as the Pair itself, manufacturod, if desired Needles and parts supplied fol* al]' makeN of maciunee, Y chino �1'ARHiNh JIMMINES-1 am agent for the celebrated Amiben W r • �} __. _.-. _ . 1.lar cAt.-roan e 13ABY WAS CUREb. •I• DEAR $IRS, --1 can highly recom- m td br. Fowler's Extract of Wild + St ,wberry, It cured my baht'y, of + dial.'toeaafterall other means failed, +l- To�I � ve It tort praise, It is excel- +} r ° o all owel complaints. .l- Mr`rA.:. 'PIAS. BOTT, Harlow, Ont. + 'rHh v1EAD MASTER + 0 "', -^ra, v, -I have found great '1' Hitt! ,action i the •ase of lir. Fowler's •1' Extract of W i, ' Strawberry, and con• •1' Bider " (nvah ble in all cases of 'I' diary .- and ,miner complaint. ' 1% r 'aF,•'e t ne to recommend jr pu ic. + 12, B. ,'., - .'ERT' -., Principal, High Sob, , River Charlo, 1.I I I Sk , riatotur-erSot-Wagberarrrthe-uorhi,--'7'httYun�hfn.e_ tttrct" a+her (lie _. Y + ue stt handle ,�the Improved Iddeeaalanand Manitoba Washers. Also Clothes Wry ingerp best In ma market old stand, Huron St., Clinton How much of your Shoe is leather,--workma�shlp-and �! ; how much of it is profit The Shoe °oe most Ro.11 de Iersosellll, differ asbuy and tthese he hpropor- ' tions differ. Your next pair will w. have more leather value, and less . profit for the dealer, if you see that it's Goodyear Welted, and stamped on the sole, $3, $4, or $5, CArAL06UC "The Slater Shoe." fate W TAYLOR ct SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR CLINTON I l ' .1, i , .