HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-11-14, Page 8Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY' even numbered section of Dome - mien Lauds In Manitoba, Srskstch0• wan and Alberta, exceptlug 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any per- son who is the sole head of e. tautly, or any male over 18 years of age, to the ex- tent ot one-quarter section of 100 neves nacre or less. Apphcatiol for entry must be made in person by the applicant at a Dandnton Lauds Agency or Sub•ageney for the dis- trict In which the land Is situate. bitty by proxy may, however, byy made et the Agency on certain couditfons by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or stater of an intendlug homesteader. The bmneeteader le required to perform the homestead condltlonsunder one of the following plane : (1) At least six nontli a residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) A, bolneeteader !nay, It he so desires, perrornl the required residence duties by livlugon farnrng laud owned solely by him, not lues than eighty (80) acres in ex• tent, in the vicinity of Ills homestead. Joint ownership h3 land wilt not meet thus requirement, (5) It the father (or mother if the father le deceased) ot the homesteader has per- etanept resldeoce ppm1efarming land owned solely be bio, noteleas than eighty (80) acres In extent, In the vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by hlm in the vicinity, such home. ateader may perform his own residence duties by Jiving with the tattier (or brother). (4) The term "vicinity" In the two pre- ceding paragraghs is detlned as meaning not more than nine males 1n a direot;llne, exclusive of the width of road ellowarcee crossed In the measurement. (5) A homesteader intending to perform his residence duties In accordance with the above white living with parents or on farming land owned by himself must notify the Agent for tete district of such intention. ' " Six mont410 notice In writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion ,Lands at Ottawa of tntentton to apply for patent. W. W. COPY Debtity of the Minister of Interior. N, B.- 1Jdauthorlaed publication of this advertisement w111 not be paid for. 1ime w, Table TO TORONTO Roderic!' L v. 7.01) a.m. Atiburn ", 7.22 „ Blyth ... , ....," 7.3:1 „ Walton " 7.46 Milverton " 8.21 " Elmira . , , .. 8,56 " Guelph " 0.21) " Toronto Ar, 11.10 " P11001 TORONTO. 4,30 le 01. 5,113" 11.40) " 6.45 ' 7.12 " 0.15 " Toronto Lv. 8.00 cin. 5 50 p. 01. Guelph Ar. 10,00 ` 7,30 " Elmira " 10.25 " 8.14 " Milverton ... 11.01 " 8,50 " Walton ` 11,311 9.25 " Blyth , 11.52 " 036 " Auburn " 12.02 " 0.46 " Godorioh " 12.30p,m. 10.10 " GRAND TRUNK SYs EM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGIIAM BRANCH. 8011118, am Pm nm pm 0 40 3 3() Wingham 11 50 7 :15 046 8 ;fit Winghanl Jet. 11 48 7 25 0,5f J 4) B0lgrave It 411 7 lit 7'00 3 56 Blytb 11 28 7 (NI 714 4 01 Londesbore 1 t 20 (1 52 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 41 (15 0 113 8 (b3 4 di) I3rucefield 11 59 6 10 818 ,L1(7 jeippcn 9:a) 6 11 8 22 4 52 Mensal) tl 41 (3 05 8 35' 5 05 Exeter i) :10 5 34 8 48.5 15 Centralia 11 18 6 411 8.00' 5 2ti Claudeboye 9 (N) 5 31 :1141 530 Lucan Croesing 0 03 it :011 fi 37 Denfield 0 55 5 25 5 40 Ilderton 8 40 5 15 i ri 54 121(1 out 8 35 5 07 ;35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 2ti 5 0'2 07 0 len Hyde fart- Jet, 8 21 0 tris '0 45 6 10 London 8 15 4 56 Connections aro made at Wingham for all atgttons on the P1lnteratou and leen• cardloe branch. Conneotlon• are merle at Clinton for all stations on'thho Buffalo and Gode'lch branoe, and alt station front Stratford to Termite Co neettona tut m e at'i teen Crossing tor all etatlOtna es@ Sevilla; t'O lntlatlonri ttj a at,I.ontlon for all 'h AMbdalI x [ be main line, PAGE EiGfir---I'IIE i3LYTH STANDARD•--Novr•,mER I-ITI3i 1907. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED INTEREST PAID QUARTERLY BTYTH BRANCH T. W. SCOTT - AGENT A Hen Party. A most enjoyable live o'clock tea was given at the handsome home of Mrs. Erin lien on al up town S(ciety Poultry Avenue in Neu Square list Friday eft0rnuon when the lws108s aut0rtained i11 11011e-' of her guest, Mrs, Duck of Y towl, There were no mas- culines present excepting Mr -Rooster and his intimae friend, Mr, (haste Drake. Refreshments were served on the lawn, Atter luncheon \lis0C'(ekle entertained the company by warhlbng a solo, and Mrs. Biddy Speckles fend a selection from the Lay of 111eL0st, Egg. lett, The fall fashions were discussed and Miss l'ullett, the milliner, stated that feathers would be much worn this winter and also that combs of bright colors will bo fashionable head gear. Airs. Duck, who is tight in the SW (111 of fashiobable society, regretted the epin'onch of winter so notch ns she enjoyed the wearing of her bathing suit. Of eoar80 the usual amount of society chat cropped up. '!'hey were all in a flutter over the appl'Olelling wedding between .lane Black and Billy Strultcs, Sally Prim said it was just awful the way Widow Giddy Pin- feathers leas currying on with Young ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • Tell it to the 2 STANDARD • • • • • • • • • •••• •••••• ••••• ••••••••• • While the Public is invited to make use of this column for Ole expression of personal views on public matters and public 1nen personalities are debarred and In all 080„4 the suitability of the conn- muntentlou for publication Is a matter to be decided by the Editor. Without dl0'orenoea of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, and for the oniniun of our correspondents and their differences with our awn 'rent ST.tNUAln1 must (Reclaim responsibility. COekrcll and her llusbnnd 1101 dead More then 1111011 months, and she would 1000 her hoed entirety if she kept on. (('hy she sat 00 the (v0111(.00(1 with hiin et all hours billing Ind cooing when respectable folks had retired, West Huron Liberals. The Liberals of West Iluron will hold a convention oh' Thursday, De - h' el ', De- cember ,1 ( , th, for rho nomination of It candidate in the party interest for the next Provincial general election, 'Phe meeting will he held in Victoria Opera House, Ooderieh, opening ot 1 o'e.lock, The leader oft ho Proyincial Liberal party, lion. A. 0. MncKIty, M. P. 1'., will be present end will address the corlt'euti0n. A public meeting any be held in the Opera !louse in the even- ing, to be addressed 1>.v the lender, the nominee of the convention, F, G. In- wood, of Toronto, secretary of the Om tarfo Liberal Association, and others. 'Further announcement will be made later, In the meantime meetings have been called in the various polling iub'divi- sfons to appoint delegates to the conven- tion. Printed by Request. Mix the following by shaking well in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses after meals and at bedtime t Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Compound liargorl, one ounce Compound Syrup Sa('septtrilla, three ounces, A local druggist. is the an• dimity that these simple, harmless in- gredients can be obtained at nominal cost from our tonne druggists. The (111111110 is se id to cleanse and strengthen the clogged and inactive leidnol'e, ut•erooming Backache, Blad- der weakness old Urinary trouble of all kinds, if taken before the stege of Bright's disease 'Mose who have tried this say it peslticely (Vere, tees pain i" the hark, Chairs the trine 01 r'edimSOl a1:d re,41- 1(118.; urinnliuu, iapcciltlly fit night, ;s: c, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value, It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy- sicians with the moat satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so little? BUY IT NOW. A convenience much appreciated by every owner of a Pandora is the towel roti attachcl to the range. As cue-t'.lird of the rod is made of emery, it makes a splendid kni sharpener, too. It':; always there handy for you. You need waste no time hunting around for the easily mispiaced;'steel." B'l'ight idea, eh ? An accurate thermom- eter is a reliable !guide to successful baking, '0,111le an inaccurate one isa"cheat" of the • worst In kind, ICNnu8tlt. Every Pandora ther- mometer is carefully ad- justed and undergoes a practical test by ]teat -is proven correct before being cart out. The figures, w hich show the regained degree of heat necessary for the successful baking of bread, calces, pies, etc., etre plainly inscribed i:1 black on a white 0n0m0.1 sur`.ac'e, so that they are easily readable, even when the day is dull. If your local dealer does not Dell the Pandora, write direct for free booklet. '.mine ecce the worst forms of bladder weakness, (every man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong or 11(o. !ug in a healthy manner should mix this hr140111(plion at 1101110 end give it a trial, as itis said to do wonders for many persons,. The 5erauton (Pa,) Times was first to print this remarkable piescriptiou, iu October of 1906, since when all the lending newspapers of New York, Bos- ton, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities beet. made niftily announcements of it to their renders. Railways : Area and Population. Two chief considerations determine the construction of railways in a 8011011 county' 01' state -area and population prewar or prospective ; in other words, room for building aid people to fur- nish tnfhc. Compered with European countries the United States and most of the suttee have a much greater pro- portionate 11100 10 a given mileage of railways -much more roost for rail- ways; but, on the other hand, our buieles hove heerl fru' 1)10(0 liberel in providing transportation in proportion to the 11(Ilnber of p00(11e served th1111 any of the old world countries. To hnild a shortrni)tvay in a deneely pope - hoed region inns not indicate foresight or courage, but to push along lines into thinly peopled territory and even be- t'0ud the confines of civilization, over arid plains and through mountain wilds, and then to set (11(001 the sloe' labor of, finding and bringing in the people to use the rn1110(83' is to do n brave week which oughtto command gratitude as well 08 admiration fu'01l1 its beneficiaries, For this line of re- flection the folicwing specimen figures tare worthy of study : Miles line Al files per per 100 10,000 in - se Countries' per miles habitants Belgium 59.6 0.0 Creat Within, Ireland,7 5.5 Switzerland 10.7 8.0 Germany 18lti.7 0.2 Net)erhuuls, Luxemburg 130 35 France 10,0 7.-:1 Denmark 14.7 8.11 Sweden 4.5 Ito All Etienne4.8 48 United States 7.8 27 8 Mexico 1,6 8.4 Canaan q,6 88.6 Massachusetts 26.0 0,96 TeXas 4.6 06,4 Washington 50 60.2 Montana ('.2 120.2 Nevada 1,11 205.6 Compared with Belgium, for example, the United States affords room for live and 0ne•hnlf time their present t'ailwey mileage, or say 1,200,000 mile; ; but with respect to number of people served the U, 8. railway builders have provid- ed over four tint00 as nanny miles of road as dose of Belgium; in other words, on the Belgium basis, instead of having 224,000 n(ll08 of railway we ghoul(' have only 53,000, Populous Mexico, with far smaller railway m(lr• ago eonlpared with area (hat most of the European countries, does not yet show much grottier mileage compared with number of inhabitants them those counties ; but Canada, with prodigious area, already has provided many times as ranch railway per oral as 1110 old counties. A few 0xemples of states of )argent and smallest 1(tilvay density are given as suggestive of poselhilities ahead -for extreme examples, Nevada, with twenty-six times the area Mess- aehtts0tte. but already furnishing thirty-six times more railway per 11)- ((0hit0nt than the densely peopled little Bay State. -Railway Age. Auburn. John Ferguson has gone to New Ontario to engage in bridge building. 1''. It. Munro 13, A., of Winnipeg, and C. Robertson, of '1'orot0, were horse attending the funeral of their grau(lmother, Mrs, Blair. Rev. G. N, Hazen, B. A., of liole'ich, preached Missionary anniversary ser- mons at Auburn last Sunday evening. Collection and aubeeriptiels on 101(01) of missions were taken up. A well signed petition hes been sent to ilia 0, le. R. asking the company 10 festal a 1Plephou0, at the 5111 011, Wo 11)10 the petitiel will hear fruit and save 11(01111 illcOnt'elllellee in meeting trains 4(0,1 loves viag freig111, ti, L. Tambo, Tye Specialist of To' - onto, will be at 15, E. Munro's store, Auburn, on M. achy, November 25th. If there is anything whatever wrong with 705I' eyesight, do not eegle1t 11115 opportnu'ty of consulting et reliable spec:Meet An Over-worked Elocutionist. Onte Dene was n little boy, whose mime wits Robert Reece ; And every Friday niteriteon he hail to speak ;1 piers, So tunny poems thus he learned, that soon 110 11nd a store Of re00ati lie in his head, and still kept learning more. And now this is what happened : He was called upon ono week, And totally forgot the piece be was 8)10111 to speak ! His brain he cudgelled. Not it word remained within his head ! And so ho ap0ko at ranttom, and this is whathe said : My beautiful, my beautiful, who stand. est proudly by, It was the schooner Hesperus -the brooking waves dashed high ! \Vhy is the Forum crowded ? What menus this stir in Itonle 7 'Under n spreading chestnut tree there is no place litre home ! When freedom from her 01000) 11 freight creed Twinkle, little star. Shoot if you Inst this old grey head, King Henry of Navarre Roll on, thou deep and dark blue cast - jet) crag of .Drachenfels. My nacre is Norval, on the Grampian Hills, ring out, wild belts ! If you're waking, call me early, to be or not to be, The curfew most not ring to -night ! 01, woodman, spare that tree ! Charge, Chester, charge ! On, Stanley, nu ! And lot who will be clever 1 The boy stood on dee burning deck, but I go on forever 1 His elocution w118 superb, his voice and gestures f1r10 ; His schoolmates all applauded at he finished the last line, "I see it doesn't matte'," Robert thought, "what words Isay, So long as 1 declaim' with oratorical display," -Carolyn Wells, in St. Nicholas, Our Big . Offo; To all new subscribers from now on . . THE T S AN D A R D will be sent till Jan. ist 19o8 for the small suns of 1 Subscribe Now A Blended ' Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) Makes the W'LTHITEST BREAD at LIGHTEST BISCUITS " TASTIEST PASTRY rr DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheat -are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home baking -they are also the MOST ECONOMICAL.' They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. "Made in Ontario" Thi; it the .ipt of a Blended Flour Look for 0 whenever Yee bey. Catalogues Booklets Programs Periodicals Book Work Price Lists Producers of good work -a little better than most. LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, 'WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N, B., HAMILTON Business Cards Office Stationery If Wedding 'invitations 91 Posters --all kinds Dodgers Horse Bills