HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-03, Page 57W ov , r. J' TEK OLMON HEwro, EE, . Q 1007, r N��MN��� •N�l��lN �� I Ir1�l�i�R■�[ Jeweled I There is a Great Deal to Tell About Our Now avers 1 D re�ss Goods A evidence of refine- III and good taste, New styles, new colors, new designs, everything new. It would be very in when the Ams are Be-teresting to tell how these goods are made, how they're colored and designed, g but what you are more directly interested in is the finished product. We've q. lected with care. We i been bending our energy during the past six months to secure a fashionable > assortment of Fall Dress Goods, and will ask you to be the judge and say are showing some love- whether or not we have succeeded. r ly rings in Special Lines now ready for your . inspection. fl Cluste Grey and Black tweed mixed for school wear, doable fold, very special at 17c Look out 1 o r the finest M 4 1lanlonds', Heavy Berge, fancy weave in all leading colors, blue, brown, myrtle etc..25o {� Fall �j 1 y� yS�ingle Slone Diamonds, Brooade Dress Goods, Congo Black, well finished goods, will not stsin....30o display 0 1 L a 1 1 Dry D•dnd$ Of Opals, and in Covert Cloth, a plain material, very stylish goods and will be greatly worn, y p . f in all new colorings, special line at..................................50o Combination with Pearls, a same goods in batter quality at .:... . ...:...........::.......:: .700 o o C Shown 1�, r 7C T y -a t y� ('� 1 a Rubies, Sa hires Tor nose d batter cilli at.. " ' $taco Goods X h o �/ �/ i 1 i n v n p , q You will be interested in our showing of exclusive The prices range from a DRESS LENGTHS ton for years. $@ 1.7� t0 Jr� l Boucle effects, pleasingloolors and correct styles, 7 yde. for a dress, the Dress L' a b r i e sy 1 1 1 Cal � n .� I piece for. .. ... ... .. .$3.50 - 1» atal aelegant goods, costume for $5.25 Th f i e e n t things. 1 Ij Cal, p Thatt means s 7 yds at 750 a yd. � Matalasae Boucle, shot effects, very pretty goods, to wool and silk at..$6.65 C� y�c C� T Black Dress Goods " ie a prominent feature of this business. They will pears �.7 Cil S 1 this S e a s o n V B Rumball special attention to "Congo & Lutiaa" make of black goods. They will not stain with rain or acid. Leading prices......30a, 50a and 75c a yard. Leader of Jewelers Fashion Tabular braid will be in great demand for trimming; we have it in all lead- sur C� rich- ing M t shades. Evidently better times are dawning. W hea. raising in price Willi S u l p C.(s s 1 n Watch Inspector for the people. and a good crop in this country.- Everything points to a new era of prosper - Watch We hays bought accordingly, own t better goods, larger assortment, but the ej ,� s, variety a 1 1 d style price here ie down to the lowest possible point. �� --- all. firmer efforts. McKinnon Co., Blyth Watch our windows `' y 7 We are Right��� then step inside. At the verge of a , BEATS ALL! ,• � � pperiod of activity. If you wish proof of this come t0 what ? Why the fine stock of Fall Goode that has arrived at the Emporlum. r Biddlecombe's and DRESS GOODS that will please any one for both quality and price. Handsome Linen Towels, grand Mantle Cloth; Ladies' Misses and Children's Vests and see what We have. Menge and Boys' ever Underclothing the v la e. good volae. Menge Cardigan Jackets, GILROY & WISEMAN ' the beet value ever shown in the village. One piece of English Cotton Tweed, double fold, regular price $1, ours 75o; who will get the snap ? Is it Boots or At the BeginninI Shoes you want, if so this is the place, we are in good shape to supply you. Beat g } I quality and lowest price is our motto. Boys' Long Boots for $1. Perhaps you of the fell season our want some good Timothy Seed—we can supply you. We also have the one C L I N T O N. stock of Jewelery, Speo- thousand and one articles that you want. Highest price for Butter and Eggs, tacles, &c., and prices will Terms Cash. convince you. OUR SILVERWARE A]�AMS' EMPORIUM, Re ADAMN.4 L(�NDESBORO Tlid prices on these arti• ales are awa down CLINTON MARKETS Y TIMOTHY SPED FOR SALE I Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Lots of high grade, choice, pure, clean Timo- ` Thursday, September 2nd, 1897, tbSeed for sale at the Warehouse. Cash or y - REITRIRING of every kind � time as desired. W. G• PERRIN, Cltnton Wheat, .....Q'........ 0 80 a 0 80 • guaranteed to give satis- Oats old .............. 0 22 a 0 22 faction. Oats, new............ 0 20 a 0 20 RIVER HOUSE, BAYFIELD Barley .............. 0.22 a• 0 24 1 Peas ........ "• . ' .' 0 40 a 0 42 �C���C �■ B1�d��CO� B Rye.:.. 0 35 i 0 40 Guests are assured of the best accommodation Floor per cwt 2 20 a 2 65 and courteous treatment. Butter in rolls ....... 0 11 a 0 13 4 CLINTONI gutter tab............ 0 10 a 0 11 barrels made the le of Great Britain TuUle,+ tLa Choicest. 1'rltes the Lawtsl Eggs per doz.......... 09 a 0 10 people better acquainted with. the transatlantic ' The Amheretburg Echo says: -"W. C P. McINTOSH, Prop • Hay new $4; old...... 6 00 a 7 00 Wright, of Barrow, says that he neve sheeins .......... 0 25 a 0 25 nd payments so good as they have bee fou product than ever before, and, as the pros- i psk Wool ...... .... 0,18 a 0 18 pests are that there will be noglutted mar- this season. His affairs are in better shat No. 1 Trimmed Hides. 4 00 a 4 25 kete.(n'the other side this year, as was the � than eyer before. He attributes it to th p Potatoes .............. 0 25 a 0 25 ease,last season, prices should prove re- National Policy extravagance and the Do You Deed a Tonic t toyer Seed retail.... 5 50 a 5 60 peers eratalike, T growers, dealers and ship- were disappointed in the results and four pars alike. The United E States crop is also • Timothy Seed.:....... 2 50 a 2 .50 I they mast economize and get down to her below the aver,ige, the Eastern States hay. pan. Produce was down below starvation MONTREAL LIVE 'STOCK MARKET. ing not mdre than half a crop at the most, p people lost eonfiden. Hate is s prescription that is one of the beet of tonics 1 rices and p �e. No, 1 while well-known authorities place it at I thins are changed, all kinds of prudes f v Montreal, Aug. •30).—There were about from 25 to 33 per cent of an average. Mich- readilysella at a Hovey's Compound Iron P><11S i ntr 700 head of butchers' cattle, 120 calves and igan is also very poor, but the western good price, the aonimi They combine in the most agreeable form the stimulant and tonic properties ( 600 she and lam'be offered for sate at states, especially I14nois and 111iesoari, will has cmor emonce money we have better tier, � and more mons in circulation. Ever, the east�d abattoir to -day. The bat- have a full crop. thin is bcomin If we have a good t( of Iron, Nao Vomica and other drugs, which constitutes one of the greatest � g • g• hra were out in considerable numbers, The Argentine Republic, the ver remedies for building up the system. Increases the appetite and power of eg p y name bocce crop, Essex will be in a better steal r d there was a brisk demand fur the best of which is now e* non mous with wheat assimilation and forme an excellent stimulant and tonic, y y than for 25 x.eare. 25o per boa of 50 pills, five boxes for $1, cattle and also for stockers, but common is knocking loudly at Canada's big door for — 6 and inferior animals continue dull of sale it. Five of the. leading cities of the South and bring low prioee. The beet beeves sold American Republic are in need of Canadian i THE J. E. HOVEY. at about -no per 7b; pretty good a,aimals flour, and want it shipped with all possibleT sold at fcom.3LONDON 10 rto 4c do; common dry COWS despatch. A Manitoba miller has been ap- EVENING NEW! Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. and rough young stook sold at from 20 to plied to inmost crgent terms by a large :Sc per lb. A number of pretty good Stock- concern in thefar south, who are ready to The Greatest One Bent Dail) erg were bought at about 3e per lb. Good handle large supplies for the entire country. This paper is now on its second calves continue in brisk demand, and bring It is likef that a cod business will be done year, and h. tett 'high rioee Common calves sold at Y g reacheda point in circulation and standing th pretty tg p and the trade between the Dominion and otlierpapers take years to attain. It gives f from $2 to !W-ob; superior ones -sold at the Republic given a marked impetus. Che news of the day, with bright, fresh editorl from •N to $15 -each. Mr. Boarassa bought A. M. Macrae was sentenced to four 'points, for 1 cent an issue, or $3 a year. y� tour superior -calves of the polled Angus years in the penitentiary for forgery at Fit. breed, for wbidh he paid $56. Good large Catbarines. Get a'Oopy from your news deals sbeep sold st+a'bout 3o per lb; lambs at from Wm. Hammond, a 19 -year-old boy of Sic too little -over 4c per lb. Fat frogs are London West, took a fit while fishing on The News,- Londoi rather scarce,* and sold to -day at from •'SSjc the river bank, dell.in and was drowned. - to 51o,pr Ib for fed hogs. Commercial Notes � New A•dil.ei<tiormento Apples Wanted. 2 want all the Marketable Apples I can b, Camtadian bacon continues to meet with and will pay the highest price coinmensurn LOST, with foreign quotations. Hold your apples u • h ff Qt til h tai d f h •: good demand to the Ort. a mar ate. is more sought after than Irish, German -- On the street between the market square and you ave ascer ne rom me w at I c,.0 pgy for them. Do not make any mistake, lean years they are this season cheered with an abundant reward fair their labor—and their futureros eats are ver bright and received fr farm gpersonall or Russian, J. ttidout's office, a pair of plain spectacles. The finder will canter a favor on returning same to D. CANTELON Clinton. --. neea than we have enjoyed for some years, 'WhoAle the price of wheat?" is about NFW ERA OFFICE PROPERTY FOR SALE will be complete, and ready for your inspection. the most On eapreeeion besod these BOAR FOR SERVICE — in four sizes, 50c, 75o, 80c and $1 a dozen. Cape and saucer, 75c to Of a dozen. day�. Farmers end everybody else ate For sale, that ppropperty on the south side of Enron Street, Olinton, directly opposite the r•:"�:, _;- higher than the white granite. watching the market reports with intense A thorobrod imported Yorkshire White Boar for service at Coueh ,& Wileon'a slaughter residence of Mrs Walsh. There is a two•ibory + eagerneas. A sadden demand has sprung ep for house. Terme, $1 cash with privilago of re- turning. COCCII R� WILSON. frame house on the lot, which is neirly half an acre. The property is most et.ably situated, We are still selling out and will continue the � Just A Word to The Men. evaporated apples, for European moolant. —'-- ET ROOMS TO LET and will bo sold for OU cash. or particularsL apply to JOHN RIDT, Clinton. they fit better, wear better and give better satisfaction than any other boot One large lot of this dried fruit was -sold to w W. Lo OUIMET sale until the stock is disposed of. Everything The Cash Dealer, Londesboro. A y a German concern, showing handsome pro- Five good, cowortablerooms over store, snit- Bi:ES FOR SALE + fit to the holders, and another big parcel able for dwelling, or for studouts who wish to g 7 7 will.have.to as_we.are to_ Clear was solei to a' Liverpool firm. provide for thenwelves, to rent• at a reasonable ucLe. LACK KENNEDY,. As any Apairies now number about one hun- died aodoffer for ss!e ten. or fl4• - :g0_ _determined __ _ _ Farniesii ere mdet fo> nnate individuals, -tenhivos, -L been goof strong colonies of bees. V, all out, and the prices we are giving are sure as they are not only getting advanced on their grain but are reaping a rich LIBRARIAN WANTED _ Head u Ql at'terf3 toll• Plumt9lu their to do it. If you have not given us a call come prices harvest of profits on their cheese and but- ter, the continued -demand for the former Ladyor Gentleman forCllistonPublie Library. Duties to begin about Oct. lyS. Salary will de- Season. U tl:i, lit 1 g Piano to Rent Out. at steadily appreoiatistg values being very p, nd largely or wholly an membership fees col• looted by Librarian. For dutlos &c. apply to C. HOAR E, Huron Central Fruit Farm. and see the goods and bargains; it will pay you. remarkable in face of the largest make J. HOUSTON, Secretary ever before known in Canada. The ship- — — We have plenty of stock left yet. Most de- menta of cheese from the commencement Good General Servalrt Wu rued at once. MODERN of the season up to the close of last week boxes 1� 1 artments Well assorted. We cant quote p q were 1,056,811 boxes, against 840,848 for the coffee engin cried last ear. The p g p Y fu small Tamil no scrubbing, must be Boort family., cook, scrubbing, laundress and p to ntisl:,t 1 A SLAVE total value of this season's exports iso far is care of youngchildat Dimes. Wages b7 per prices as We are continually selling out differ- about $6,250,000, against about $4,250,000 for the same period in 1896, an increase of month.IteterencosnuAp competo r,pqul v . Noppit-. Who is more a slave than the woman ;" t lines, but we respectfully ask you to come $2,000.000, which ig a handsome sum to be added to the farmers revenue of last ply afiornoons botHeen Sand 5 o'clork, Mlt4, W. Ft18TER, Albert : t. North who worries and perspires over a red- p P hot stove to the Family baking. d see, we will make it )a you t0 Cl0 a0. pay y ,year, with the season's production a little more Trade Bulletin. STRAY CATTLE. nt Nineteenth century women deserve a better fate. Genuine old fashioned than half oyer.—Montreal One of our leading exporters appears to that Canada not chi Cane into subseriber'spremiaes,London1toad n few days'sinee snvon head of cattle-noing l Family Bread at be ver confident will Y p over 260,000 barrels of apples this season, two four-year old <".own. one freshly cniver ; two two-year old Heifers; I wo yearling Heifers i eines McClacherty'S, against about 900,000 barrels for the sea. son of 1896-97. Others, however, disagree and a yearling steer, all mnlniy red in color. The owner is hercbt' nodflpd L , prnvo property, pure, light and flak g y, Cheap as bak. ! with him and state that the quantity to go q Y t pay eharµos and take them awayy 11rVI WtU'SE. Clinton ing at home, too. We still lead in ' r a , forward this season will be nearer half a -_..-.---- ---,---- --- -----, ice Cream and ,• Plumsteel & Gibbings million barrels. That the yield will fall be. BUSINESS CHANGE. ice Creaw Soda. low the average may be gathered from the fact that well -posted buyers in the west The undersigned havingbought the good will ned business oL the Into firm of Muses ('udmove As we have now a new and up-to-date CLINTON have made contracts for winter apples at $1.60 for the fruit picked in the orchard, & Tobbntt, drossmakers, over Gilroy & Wise- man's store, will continue the same, All fountain with patent syrup jars, Call I and see our new first prize against 80o to 40o last year, There will no orders entrusted to hcT wgil receive prompt, doubt be a good demand this season from England, me the immense quantity of Can- g 9 Y and careful attention. The latest. an most and stylish ease' n platers id fir ed monthly. Par. the said piease settle tiesIndebtedmss,; Lunch Cakes. Come early as they sell quickly. adieu and American fruit marketed -there on nt with Misv Tobbuttivhen eunvenienl. b MISS T, TEBBIITT I Wedding 'Oakes a -Specialty last season, amounting to about 2,760,000 �r�._�.�.-�.�.�.,• s < 1.-� �.:�..�...-.. 1��fl.,...A. � ...�....�t, ..: , _�..,� ....� B.A. ,• -_ _�,.. moor PURE English PARIS GREEN ti 25c a Ib. We will quote you close prices on quantity. We have just received a large stock of CORONA ATHLETIC CHEWING GUM. Athletics, Cyclists and other hard workers will find this gum very invigor- ating, containing Kola nut, Celery and Pepsin. It has wonderful sustain. ; ing power, allays fatigue and keeps the mouth moist. l` BROMO-SALINE BATHING SALT Invigorating and refreshing, highly recommended for those desiring a Sea Bath. J. H.Combe, Chemist and Druggist.' Evidently the' Seven Lean Years are last . In Ontario, and with abundant efcps in hay, paitare and' grain, and the now bighly favorable market for wheat, cattle, pork and dairy produce, the spending power of,the- farming community, will be increased in a very material and substantial manner. The farmers are the wealth producers of our country, to them we are indebted for the oil that keeps the wheels of commerce turning, and we rejoice that after a succession of lean years they are this season cheered with an abundant reward fair their labor—and their futureros eats are ver bright and received fr farm gpersonall products will more money to buy goods for comforts.y We have trimmed our sails to catch the increasing trade winds and prepared for a larger measure of buss neea than we have enjoyed for some years, In selecting the fall stock particular attention has been given to quality, as we think that with increased incomes our customers will demand a better and more servioable class of goods than they have been buying during the years of entorced economy, Sev- eral oases of goods are, already- at hand-and._,ve-ex.peot-that--with+n- ten days the stook- will be complete, and ready for your inspection. Just now we find a great demand for CROCKERY. We have a splendid line of White3 Granite ware—beavy strong goods—just the thing for common every day use. Platell in four sizes, 50c, 75o, 80c and $1 a dozen. Cape and saucer, 75c to Of a dozen. Our "Pearl Luton" semi -porcelain ware is a beautifully decorated ware of hard body and excellent finish; it is sold in separate pieces—caps and saucers, plates, vegetable dishes, meat dishes, and bowls, or in complete tea or dinner sets, at prices very little , higher than the white granite. Of the ten China tea sets advertised two weeks ago at $5 each, we still have three. You may never have another opportunity of buying such choice dishes at so low a price TEAS If you are not quite satisfied with the tea you are using, try our Imperial Blend at 35o, J' � Just A Word to The Men. If you want a pair of Long Boots, by our now celebrated YAMAS$A; they fit better, wear better and give better satisfaction than any other boot its the market. w W. Lo OUIMET The Cash Dealer, Londesboro. A y