HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-03, Page 4'� ttomllo t ls, i 4 �,�.', "; , � , .., - � � . � I I ,� M 11 I .1m I M eV, I � ta l Values V' , w - k.,�; For 80 days we will give specia I cuts in Bicycles and Music -it will be to your advantage ti call and see us. p' ,,• Welhave a number of accounts on oui SIO �j �(bbooks that �vmust be paid at once <n�+r*J1J�SON'r7 SHOUSE, CLINYCLE & TON �! -, ,-,�� M, I Cleveland 0ycle Livery, Clinton and Goderich. 11 . New Afterfiselatuts 11 I _ I &0 t—.New Era is all—R Adams Umbrella lost—New Era o : Stra,y cattle—Levi�Wiltse GFirl wanted—M rs W Foster + , , i+a11 Clothing—T. Jackson, or .Rooms to let—Lack Kennedy Dress goods—McKinnon & Co School Supplies—Cooper & Cc 1.., 3.ibrarian wanted—J Houston ` Your•p's and q's— W D Fair Cc 'Woman's Lot—Allen & Wilson ,�.: .eweled fingers—J B Rumball .Lean years past—W L Ouimette Business change—Miss Tebbutt s i '" Importing direct—Hodgens Bros $oar for service—Couch& Wilson ondon News—eni❑rg News Cc nn,`( LVPeareriEVght—EstJ Biddlecombe, '`` , Clinton � t r. MA ` FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1897 "''.. '' ',`` 1 The McC�illicuddyseameron . Controversy. We are free to admit that having published Mr Cameron's letter to Mf i McGillicuddy, the reply of the latter i lq"i,:,.,, • -entitled to a place in our columns. But 1 `• if we publish that reply we are in duty :bound to publish any letter Mr Came N,', ron writes, and the thing might go or ,ad infinitum. We think it beat, there• 'i, fore, though it may seem unfair to do r„�t':- so, to withhold Mr McGillicuddy's re F ' ply, and' at the same time we omit, a '�,, reply to it, received this week from Mr 'r ” Cameron. We fail to see that any good �' whatever will ensue by the further ,,F .,.; publication of the letters. The matter l,; '' its one in which the two persons are #�, more directly concerned than the pub• r lie, and it will be infinitely better tc V, `.` close up the breach than to widen it id;,4,1 Our opponents are revelling in the frig rr:;;;t h :n.,, tion that has already been caused, and .x`r: ' Liberals themselves feel that the sooner the matter is dropped from the press .F the better. If discussion would be of �,`,` ; any advantage to a transaction of t.hi '•`• kind which is past, there might be jus• ".. ti tification for its continuance, but the F;, partieular transaction cannot be affect. 4 ed one way or another. For these res - sons, we this week omit Mr MCGilli• " oiiddy's letter, and also a reply theretc :,', from Mr Cameron. 'i , . Cattle' Business. q' _ r The Toronto World says:- }h',. ."Twenty-five car loads for the Buf- `� �'' falo cattle market passed through Tor. _' onto yesterday morning." 1w . ltrT . Small as this item is there is room for -JNt, �, a good deal of hard thinking about it. ;�'�:', During this season there has been an 4 average of 15 or 20 car load of cattle - stockers - shipped from Toronto r < .weekly for Buffalo market. Then they t):", � - are shipped from Buffalo to farmers in "� the Western States, who fatten them. ,,Now this represents at least,two pro- Sts on the handling of those cattle, but -p1rofits tbatdid not come intothe hands of the Canadian farmer. The mistake ,Co- made is ie selling those stockers in the sf,, first place. Every Canadian farmer �_ -rtvho is in aposition to feed cattle should !�.,,; . "tten the stock on his own farm. He itierives double the advantage of enrich - f ,,, in his own land, and getting the pro- ?" $ta for his fatted cattle, which now the `'-`.; or farmericoeives. Somefarm- 'z ," ers are compelled to sell their cattle be- ` fore they are fat, but it should not take i Tong for the average farmer to put him- self in a position whereby he is able to fatten his own stock. Good farmers say that no grain Should leave a farm except in the shape of beef. Buyers of • "'batttle complain that Canadian farmers, as a'rule, do not fatten their stock to m2ake them equal to American expos t ,icAattle. and the consequence is that the fatter fetch a higher price than ours do. ,Tow, that corn 1s accessible at a mod- terate price, there is no use for this stateof thingscontiuuing. +; ', Opposition papers liken Whitney's ;° .:flour to that of Mr Bryan, the candi- ``lStte for President. The Liberals can't raduch P&u11.-H-.tlt.Lhat�for_-..Brian_ ourended in defeat. s ,`; ,' A. banker who hag returned from the i londike, speaks of the crowd that L, I11 got as fat as Skaguay as the most de- jected lot of men R was his misfortune �?,Ywmeet. He does not believe that one iitil a}lundred will ever get through. '1'hfs is also the warning of scores, but yt: will not be heede9. Bradley, the Caledon East store -keep- ", 4Or Who was sent to jail for defrauding ,hits Credito -a, has been released, with fi i tc months of his term unserved, on ab ground Of -serious illness. He 0h6tiId have been allowed to finish out hid term. On general principles it is ". ttti,*ise to interfere at any time with >11, l administration of justice. r The dishonesty of many of the items ,,�',*Allshed concerning the Hardy gov- ierb;bibnt and the offices at its disposal, i t0,"AoWn in a paragraph going the x tflds about Wentworth Registrar- 1 Ohipj which states that "the office is ioT th over $8000 a ear." This is ab. ' '61ti.teiy untrue. There is not a Regis- tt itt`altrstli to Ontario worth anything like t it:ttat>iount. The gr°seamountofthe E #.e be irned by the office in Wentworth Over $8000,.but the Registrar did a T ptib$ jroWive it all by any means. p No Place 1:1ke Rome. A magnificent reception was s000rdei Ron, Wilfrid Laurier and wife, on tbeh arrival at Quebec on Saturday, and in hii reply the Premier spoke as follows: - Mr Mayor, ladies and gentlemen, -Hoes can I And words to express to ) on the sent . ments of gratitude which fill my heart ai the eight of this immense audience, come from all parte of the country to offer me their sincere congratulations ? How can 1 I find wordei to tell you what are my feelings which fill my soul as a Canadian, and hove ' proud I am of my origin, of my nationality and of my country, in the face of this aud• ience, in the face of this panorama which 1 have ander my eyes and which has no rival I am sure, in the world ? Gentlemen, it 1 may believe the terms of the address, the voyage which I have just made in England, in France, in*. Europe, has found some echo in the herts of my fellow -country. men. Let me tell you without any hesita- tion that the flaeet part of that voyage, which, perhaps, I can say without boast- ing has 'had some success, that the finest part of that voyage is the return, (Applause) I loved my country when I was going away, 1 love it a hundred times more on my re- turn. (Applause) I was proud of my coun- try before having seen the countries of Europe, and now that I have seen the most famous of those countries, I am a hundred times more proud than I was before of Canada, my native country, (Applause) I have seen the hills of Scotland. I have seen the fields of England adorned with woods luxuriant in richness. I have seen the fertile plains of France covered with grain and vinee. I have seen the moun- tains, the lakes, the valleys of Switzerland, famous for their beauty, eternally young, celebrated especially because they were the cradle of liberty in Europe, at a time when liberty was unknown. I have seen Italy, I have seen the plains of Lombardy, those plains wboh Bonaparte showed to his sol- '3iere and which he pointed out to them' as the flneSt in the world. I have seen the hills of Tuscany, with their feet bathed in the azure waves of the Mediterranean, while on their sides the vines and the olive stretch up to the most inaccessible heights. Gentlemen, we must recognize it, heaven has been pro3igal in its gifts to these coun- tries; but let me tell you that, however fine they may be, Canada is still finer. (Ap- plause) I have Been London with its im- mense wealth. I have seen Paris with its in, omparable artistic beauty, I have seen rome with all its treasures—well, neither London, nor Paris. nor Rome, not even Rome, though it be the oapltal of the relig- ion to which I belong, have spoken ,to my soul like the rook of Quebec when I per- ceived it on my return. • (Applause.) What the Papers Say. The surest way to get gold out of the earth is to cultivate the soil. -New York World. Canada is here to stay, and is going to manage her own affairs according to the notions of her own citizens. There is no- thing "international" about this. We in. terfere with nobody else's business and we intend to be left- free to attend to our own. - Toronto Globe. After the Conservatives came into power in 1878, Mr, Rufus Stephenson, then M. P. for Kent, said that be would continue to support a government which had raised the price of wheat. Wheat brings many cents more per bushel than it did in the last year of the late Conservative Govern. ment of uanada. Will the men who gave the Conservative Government credit for raising the price of wheat extend the same courtesy to the present Administration of Canada? If not, why not? -London Ad- vertiser. The Montreal Star, Conservative, says: -Never since Canada bore a name and was a country, has she greet- ed one of her sons in a manner to com- pare with that accorded to the Right Honorable Sir Wilfrid Laurier yester- day. It•;vas not only in Montreal last evening that the Premier received the hearty greetings of the people, but the whole way up the St. Lawrence was a continuous ovation which the newly made Canadian knight might well be proud of, Personal and Political. North Essex Conservatives have nomin- ated Mr. G. A. Wintemute for the Legisla- tive Assembly. It is stated that Sir George Kirkpatrick will close his term as Lieutenant.Governor of Ontario in November neat. Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier were wel- comed at Qaebeo by a magnificent demon. stration taken part in by the; citizens generally. Mr. James Gibson, ex -Reeve of Athol, was nominated by the • Conservatives of Prince Edward as their candidate for the Legislative Assembly. The Royal Commission appointed to in- vestigate the charges of drunkeness pre- ferred against Judge Wood, County Judge of the County of Perth, at Stratford, com- menoed its sittings before Hon. Chancellor Boyd, on Tuesday. 60,000 people welcomed Laurier at Mon- treal, on his return from England. The Toronto World correspondent says: "Yonr correspondent saw the Reil gathering, also the 40,000 who turned out to welcome Mer- cier from his ill-starred European tour, but those were baby gatherings compared with this one," 110-n-. George -E:`•F'oster, ei=]Riaister--of " Finance, who is intereated in mining enter- prises in British Columbia, and who bag been visiting the Kootenay districts and points on the Pacific coast, returned east Monday. Mr. Foster said the crop along the line looked well, and, talking with far- mers, they were all pleased with the yield, while the enhanced value of grain had given them increased confidence and hope in looking into the future. Charles Durand, the noted patriot and friend of William Lyon Mackenzie, died at Toronto, Friday morning. He was born in 1811 on a farm, on which now stands the , city of Hamilton, He was associated with William Lyon Mackenzie in the conflict of , 1837, and as one of the prisoners in the jail I at the time witnessed the execution of Lount and Matthews, He was pardoned on condition that he would leave the conn- s try. He went to Chicago till the general ( imnesty was declared. i The London, Eng., Daily Mail, of the , 17th inst., referring to Sir Louis Davies' t t ,emarks, said: "Made in Canada," we cer- ainly hope with Sir Louis Davies, will soon )e the best pa sport to the homes of Great r 3ritain. Since the jubilee, and since the t Klondike boom, Canada has come to stay; v ,nd it will not be for laok of sentiment of I ellowsbip if Great Britain should fail to t' ut-distance the States as the greatest ccs- b Omer. Oar Lady of the Snows can send t' e almost everything that is worth eating, .nd the appetite of the mother country is b', ssuredly increasing in the way of oolonial Is reduce. of T * e . T , +r+ T0,�1,� �I4�,� W ERA, �W ­rmw 77 W79 x .1� �' 1. iI I . . 1 this column rom ail of our readers, If thropgh wt 1, lose and Personal with a oarload of fine sheep, He had a lDttngannOn Mies Mar We shall be lad to have contribution,, to rather stormy passage but got the stook I Y Williams, aged $4, daughter y in good oonditiou. OUT. -Mr Thorne, teamster, met °f Thos. Williams, gardener, Toronto, waa You have visitors or urpose gbfng away He expects to be hove in a !ew da a with h bad accident Tuesday mornin , riding wheal on Bloor St., and in orossing yourself drop in and ell u6, Or -end us a y while chopping g in trout of a belt line oar, was thrown fromWith •noteto hatestect. PP g wood, the axe caught her wheel, and ae she fell bar head etrnok Sh Tom Jackson, .of Jaok„on Bros., Clothiers in a clothes line- and bounding' back, Mrs. J. Farr, jr., is visiting at Detroit. arrived home from the west this week, with the pole hit blur a terrible blow on the on the iron hamper attached to the car, Miss M. Smith, Seaforth, is visiting here his grip fall of orders and his head full of forehead. Fortunately, the wound, causing a fracture of the skull, and ruptur- ; delightful .experiences. Everywhere he though painful, was not dee ing of a blood vessel of the brain, causing Morning Mr Jae, MoMabh is visiting at Kingston. met with either former Clintonians or old p' death in ten minutes. Eyewitnesses of g Mrs. Joe. Jackson is visiting at'koronto. Haroninne, who gave him the glad hand of RETIRED 1?'ROM. THE POSITION. -Mr the tragedy say the car was runningat a cordial welcome, and vied with each otlier McArthur, who has been assistant moderate rate of speed, and the motrman Miss McLaughlin, Brussels, is the guest in making his visit leasant. All are doin Postmaster at this place for consider - of Mrs H. d. tier. g P g able bine, and who racticall was blameless. ti Mise E. Taylor, of Blyth, is the nest of fairly well, with good prospects, and had no Practically had en. y Y g desire to return permanently to Ontario.- tire charge of the office, has reel tied, - Miss Briokenden. He found the NEw Enc a welcome visitor and Mrs J. McLean daughter of Mr BORN. • '; Miss Mae Biggart spent Sunday with in many homes, one section appreciating it Wigard, has been engaged by Mr Ro- CANTELON-In Clinton, Aug. 2sth,lthe wife K r berts. and she is a la to whom ever of Peter Cautelon; of a son. friends in Exeter. so much that it passes around among seven Y y families before it reaches the last reader. confidence can be placed. A.(;ood deal M°MICHAEL-In Hallett, on Aug, 20th, the a l Mies Hnnt has returned from a visit to ._ . of sympathy is also felt for Mr McAr- wife of Jas, McMichael of a daughter. friends in Seaforth, Mrs Anna Ross, and family, left here for thur, who is not in a position to do TAYLOR -At Minnedosa, Man„ on Aug 20th, l. Mrs Geo, Shipley ie visiting her old home Toronto yesterday, where she enters upon much for himself. the wife of Stephen Taylor, of a daughter, near Bowmanville. her duties in connection with a Missionary ROGERSON-In Hullett, on July 26th, the Miss McAllister, of St, Clair, is the guest Training School. It is perbaps not too HOUSE Os' RHFuoig NOTES.- Last wife of Chas. Rogerson, of a son. I 1 of Miss Mand Andrews. much to say that few women have left this Sunday ei bt or Monday morning REID-In Hallett, on Aug, 27, the wife of A. county who carry away the respect and ad. Christina Martin, who has been an in- Reid, of a daughter. , Mrs Perrin visited Belgrave friends for a miration that she does. Associated for so mate from Grey township since the RiLEY-In Hullett, on Aug. 21, the wife of couple of days this week, many years with her late husband -Rev, opening, absconded; she will be brought John Riley, of a daughter, Mrs. Fraser, of Galt, is the ;quest of her John Rose -in his sphere of special useful. back if information can be obtained as REID—In Hullett, on July 26, the wife of R. to bet- whereabouts; an Reid, 0f a son. cousin, Mr, John Powell, nese and activity, and since his death in y person drop- BOOTH—In HiHh view, Asea. Mias Jenkins of the Haron Boad has gone s0' � phases of mission world she has ping a card to Inspector Coats, Clinton, the wife of S, F. diooth formerly of 1 rat nto} been brought directly into contaot with the would confer a favor. Wm. Griffltb, a son. y / to take a school at Arthur. people, and holds an exceedingly warm from East Wawanosh, aged 23, is the KEMP-In Bayfield, on Aug. 2u, the wife of Mies Minnie Johnston, Berlin, is visiting place in their hearts, more especially those latest addition(to the inmates; l4e is Buff- H. S. Kemp, of as daughter. - / at the home of George Gordon. connected with the Presbyterian church, ering from bronchitis, bordering on HANLY-In GodbHch township, on Aug. 23, which is quite natural; and their prayers consumption. Poor old Tommy Sher- the wife of Robert Hanle Mr Edward Akam, of South Dakota, is q P y � y, of a son. ' visiting at his home, Princess St. and sympathies go with her into this new man is not very well; he says his heart MARRIED sphere of usefulness. Of tireless energy, fails to drive the blood of life through MCCLACHERTY - NIMENS.-At the resi- The school boys and girls may H. C. Brewer, and from nglaluff and wife, undaunted zeal, and consecrated effo , we his body, and he evidently is about deuce of the bride's parents on Sept, Ist. by now be, seen on our streets. are homeward bound from N7ngland• expect that her future will be just as feeful correct, There are in all 73 inmates. Rev. R. Millyard, James MaUlachere�� y, to Jen - Miss McDonald (of Beesley's) is attend- as the past. Last Sunday Rev Mr Pocock held ser- nie Edith youngest daughter of Mr George ing the millinery openings at Toronto. vice. Mr J. A, King has been awarded Nimens, ail of Clinton. We are prepared to supply the contract for bread .for the next STEEP—FLEMING—At the Rattenbury St. them with Mise McDermott, of Harper's Hospital, 'Death of John Waldron. three months. John 8 ge, ono Sept. Inti of a FlR, Mil1yard, Detroit, is the guest of Mrs Lack Kennedy. -- it of n Clinton.both . The in o e h Kingston News, of Mrs Will Coat as ant n nth August 2 o res weeks' ' 6 thea wee g NEw , (� g $NOTES LAVA RENCE_WHTITINGTON—At Nia are Books Scribblers, visit to friends in Cardinal and elsewhere. refers to the death of the father of Thos. Mr Laurier Bays "he likes plain Mr Falls, N. Y , on Aug, 21, S. Lawrence to Miss MiGs Susie Powell, who has been visiting Waldron, of the London Road:- Laurier” just as well as big new title. Lizzie Whittington, both of town. Ono of he patriarchs of Frontenac j�1:SIi. her brother in Petrolia, has returned home. The fourteen -year-old daughter of Hr Count a d awe on Tuesday, in the , W. Warren, was drowned at Cbhrleston g zJth, Franklin and other School Stationery County P Y FORD—In Clinton, on Ad' . • � ,l Mrs John Warner and daughter, of Sar- person of Mr. John Waldron, of Storring- Lake. Beeaco-m, son of John Ford, aged 5 months and that is needed in Public and nia, and Mr Allan, of Toronto,. are visiting ton. Mr. Waldron was born in Queen's ,� Mrs Warner,county, Ireland, ninety-two years ago. He Mr John Tissiman, ex -City Clerk of BEVERLY—In Hensall, on Aug. 30th, the High Schools and Collegiate came to Canada at the a e of 22 Chatham, who held the office for nearly 40 "rte of James Beverly, of a daughter. Institutes. Book Covers, Mies M. Baer, Woodstock, has been the g and at ears guest of Mise Baer, town, but returned once, entering the primeval forest, began. to years, is dead. MCDOUGALL—In Goderich township, on clear for himself a 200 -acre farm in the Lindsay Conservatives ave Major Sam- Aug. 25, Margaret McDougall, aged :,If years. supplied free. home Tuesday. g 1 eFRASER—In Stanley, on Aug, 28, Lydia M. township of Storrington, near Sunbury, Af- uel Hughes a reception on big return from Cameron, wife of Thomas Fraser, aged 38. Mrs Geo. Rogers, and children, who have ter 2 years he returned to Ireland, and mar- the Jubilee. • been away visiting for several weeks, have ried Mise Ann Sampson, of his native noun- on A LD2RON—ItWaldrontofathernt Thom ., returned home. tr The Ea-Ald. Charles Farrell of Brantford, y. young couple settled on the drowned himself in the river in ten inches Waldron,'London Road, aged :12 years. Mrs W. Harland went to Toronto this farm, and in due time became well-to-do of -water: WORSELL—In Southampton on Aug loth • week, owing to the illness of her youngest and influential residents. During the Richard Worsell, father of J. H, Worsell,ag'a sister, Mrs Elliott. troubles of 1837, Mr. Waldron was an en- The outbuildings belonging to Mr. D. 80 Years The 1�Te Miss Vantasael, who holds a stenograph- sign under Colonel Matheson, who for a Beaudin, near St. Chrystome, Que,,, were CURRY—In Hay, on Aug. list, Wm Curry, er's position at Toronto, returned there on long time was M. P. for the riding. At struck by lightning, killing Mr, D. Bean. aged 70 years- - Saturda after a month's holidayhere, about the same time Mr. Waldron was din and his two eons, also a pair of horses. FAIRBAIRN—In Tuckersmith, on 31st. Presbyterian Saturday, elected one of thelfirst councillors of the Dis- The buildings were. set on fire and were Mary' wife of Mr Elliott Fairbairn, aged Aug.G3 yrs - Mies Porter, of Seafortb and. Master N. trict, before the organization of the present burned to the ground. Book of Praise Thompson, of Paris, have returned home county of Frontenac. At later period he The eldest daughter of Rev. Wm, Tin - after spending a week with Mrs G.Bentley, entered the Township Council, and was dell, of Walkerton, was sewing in her all Term,Sept.1 now ready. Call aid Sf?6 Mrs. James,of Now York Cit Hospital, reeve of the township for years, this posi- al City p father'B office when the lid of the desk fell Our assortment. ani a sister of Rev. R. MoCoah, of Chat- fico, of coarse, giving him a• east in the down on the lamp, breaking it and spilling ham, has been the guest of Mrs. R. Irwin, County Codnoil, He served as a, coroner the contents over her clothing. In an in- 6��CE/1/T for some years, and at different times held stent she was enveloped RAL Pocket Edition $C to $I 00 Miss Emma Cloakey, of Morrie town- ped in flamee and was various positions of trust. He was a mem- so badlyburned that she died in a few ship, and Mrs. Thomas Cook, of Goderich her of the Church of England, and in poli- honre, Sold Type Edition 30c to 2 50 township, are the guests of Mrs. G. Ham- tics a Reformer.. Five of his children at- STRATFORD ONT mel. rained maturity. Of these, the eldest The India famine fond, raised in Can- Large Type Edition, bOc to 2 25 Mr Mack Dowzer, whobas been spending daugp ter died about thirty years ago. Those ads, closed on July 1st last with a total of A live, go -a -head school that thoroughly pre - his vacation at the summer cottage of Mrs still i'-ving are two eons and two daughters, $175,922. Notwithstanding that it was pares young men and women for business life. Bible bound with Presby. H. B. Walker, Bayfield returned home on as foAOWs : Thomas,, a farmer in the eoun. closed then, contributions have continued to Attendance this year doubled that of Inst. terian800k of Praise 60c fob 50 Monday. ty of Huron; Gordon, a farmer on the come in to the extent of $3,239, so that the Only one kind of busimss education given to total now reaches 1 our Btudends, and that "the best." We guarantee you the largest as. homestead; Dinah, who became Mrs. David $ 79,161. The whole y � Mrs Allen, of Whitby, sister of Mrs Jas, Cunningham, and the mother of Dr. Cnn- amount has been forwarded to India b Write for Circulars sortment and the lowest prices Baine, who, with her daughter, has been Courtney, Deputy y Mr W. J. Elliott, Principal visiting here for a month, 'went home on ni❑gham of this city; and Jane, who be- y' P Y MiniBter of Finance, came Mrs. N. A. Peterson, of Prince Ed. who was Treasurer. Friday. ward county. Mr. Waldron was both re- Mr. Flatt, M. P. P. for North Went- D O YOU SEE? Mrs Poulton, Cleveland, who has been spected and beloved by a great circle of so- worth, and who recently accepted re- visiting her sister, Mra fling, and otber re- quaintanees, and was regarded as a good nomination; bas declined to x ep again, _ ) latives in this vicinity, left for home on friend to the needy. Many a tale could be owing to ill health. His retirement I - RR WOK STORE Tuesday. told of his kindness in lending a helping means the nomination of Mr. Pirie, of COO �LU �� hand to oor men makin a start in a ne the Dundas Ba'.. Messrs Hodgene Bros., Gilroy, and Bees- P g w unci, a clever journalist ley are attending the wholesale markets at country. Had he retained his office in the and one of the most brilliant platform TQron,to this week, and W. Jackson leaves militia, he would have been'the oldest mi- men in the province. CLIl�TO . for Montreal next week. litia officer living. He and Sheriff Feign- Mrs. Gavin Park, of London son sat together in the old Uistriot council. , got $100 Rev. H. Newcombe and daughter were from her husband on Saturday night, Ever since we started in business, 12 visitors to Tiverton (a former appointment) and plat it in a parasol for safekeeping. ago, it nes been our custom to refund move°y8or do Sunday, and be took part 'in the ser- Sunday she went to ehutch, taking Occhangegoodsforanythingboughtof us that W. JACKSO'V' Agent viae there at this time. Church Chimes the parasol along, and dropped the was riot ent.rely satisfactory. r moue on the way. The loss is unfor- business, theeS Spectacle to every branch of our NorthivestTrans rtatlonCo The Misses Depow, of Detroit, neioes of The new Book of Praise has been in- y y' pectlies Department included. [N► W. Doherty, who have been visiting here troduced into Willis Church. tunate, but is a remarkably curious We fit spectacles accurately and scientifl- and at Goderich, left for home this week, way of putting money in out -of -the- calls and know when a customer is properly - ' Rev. B. Clement will're:fume his pul- way places, with the thought that bur- fitted. Incase we fail to suit yon we will of r y,e a accompanied by Mies Ethel Doherty, pit duties in Ontario St. Church on glars won't find it. g courseretui•n you the amount paid, but we are -1 Rev. Mr Locke, of Parkhill, was in town Sunday, pleae,•d tj say that every customer we have It On Friday night, burglars scoured admie- ratted has been so delighted with their Klasses =t �. on Wednesday; he had been on a cycle trip The monthly fellowship meeting will cion to the Dominion Bank,Napanee, work- member �hoewords—SATISFACTIONtback, Ro- } to Wingham, and was o❑ his way home be Kele in both Methodist churches on ed the combination, and secured $32,000: ANTEED, GUAR. -" when the rain compelled him to take train Sunday morning next. The bank officials thought the combination Through Tickets to all points in here. A Harvest Thanksgiving service will had gone wrong, and failing to open the W. COOPER . & { CO., MANITOBA and DAKOTA, Mrs Bennett, Stratford, Matron of the be held in St. Peter's, Sunmerbill, and vault, had an expert secured. Saturday CLINTON. at lowest rates' For all information Perth House of Refuge, was the guest of St John's, Holmesville, on Sunday, night the door flew open: and to the man. apply to above. Mrs French last week, with whom she had Sept. I2. ager's surprise the big robbery was made previously spent some time getting pointers known. A sorutiny, of the bank showed on management, On Sunday, Sept. 5th, service will be how thethieves had neatly ant their way in. �-�• t�� held t. a Peters, Smm. 3 P. ill, 11 a. There is as yet no clue. -r-VI-13M . wo .�- 11y W. Gibbinge left on Tuesday for Virden, m.; St, James', Middleton, 3 P. m.; and • Man. Jae. Steep left for Moosemin. Next St. John's Holmesville, 7 p. m. ' Mr. F. W. Hodson, government saperin- week W. Murch and E. Butt leave for Ed- Rev R. Mill and left yesterday on a tendant of farmer's institutes, hasreturned monton. All have been ticketed through y to Toronto from an extensive trip through by A. O. Pattison. g visit to his father; hie ppulpit on unday the counties of York, Peel, Halton, Welling- M Welling - next will be supplied by Rev. W. Mc- ton, Waterl000, Oxford, Middlesex, Perth a cad ! I, Mrs Horsey, wife of Dr. Horsey, and Donagh, of Stratford, and this gentle- and Huron, and reports that the harvest is a U 0 Y odes daughter of Dr. Macdonald, Wingham,who man's many old friends will be glad of practically done, with theexce tion of mil- O has been visiting here and at Wingham, an opportunity to hear him again. 1 left on Saturday en route to join her bus- et and corn. He says that in North Mid- The time to et a Necktie which band, who is in Japan. The devotional topic on Monday at dlesex and in the county of Huron he caw is "way ups in style, finish and the Ontario St L on every hand ev'd t ' , ; ming . "+ ' Face i ''} 3! . a - v f, X Rea. B. Clement returned on Tuesdayeague from his trip up the lakes. He feels much was taken by i en a gnsgof prosperity Miss Sarah Bennett, being "Paul's Fences were being renewed, houses painted, durability is when such Ties are "way down," That time is Are moving out, and it's the price I that's selling them L' better than when be went away, and Bays never realized how mnoh he prayers for his personal friends." The and many other improvements were no. address given by Mr C. M. Beizzo Hoed. The district between Brucefield °n now, and "we have them I" ':� re needed a rest until he was able to enjoy it. „ + and Seaforth he considers the beat of an he Theliieleandwewhyshouldetudylt," y was s°W' In Four•in-hands,Bows, Strings I We start at $1.10 and $1.25 for a I, Masers Robert and William Downs, who excellent. The meeting for next The Marquis of Lorne, when night will be the regular monthly Puft I4nots and Rour•in-hands Slue Serge Sult, and all we went to the old country early in June, re- mained a month longer than they had or- con- gover- serration meet'ng. The devotional nor -general of Canada, was present at topic will be taKen by Perry some sports beld the ice with flowing ends In all the later est shades. charge for the best is $3.50. iginally intended, getting back on Wednea- day, having had a splendid time. plum_ on of the St. steel. Lawrence Rime�,r. Though wrapped in furs he felt IT "IS HERE -We mean the season Men's Suits start at $3s60, and Jae, Snell, of the Hayne -Barton stock y th cold acutely, and was The quarterly official meeting of the astonished to see an ancient Indian board of Rattenbury St, Church for wearing Waterproof Coats and you should have h all we charge for the best is $S• l I farm. left this week for Toronto, where be is a judge of sheep. From there he proceeds was meandering around barefooted, caval- held on Tuesday. The finances Wert± oped only in a blanket. He asked in one when anti can get them from e Two lots of Fall Tweeds to hand. One line of Fall Suite to order for to New licit State and performs similar duties at several of the leading shows. reported the good condition, and the savage how he managed to bear such salary of the pastor for the ensuing a temperature when he hadso little fixed $13,b0 is the best value in the trade. When you are ready for a Fall Snit "` Jae. Tremier, Headmaster of Beamsvilla year on. . at the same amount as last "WhyA• year, $1,000, R. Holmes was appoint- India tno J. MORRISH, Clinton. .... ... call and see what we can do for you High School, and son-in-law of Mrs Wash- ' in' ington, was in town fact week,- sod -o ied 'ice Themarquisreplied that ed representative to the District -Meet-one ever did so, and that._bUwas.ac u ..... , Mrs FostEt dechuing _to- 8-ct ilk-tDdetl to 15-_-.. ...,, c s Hots a S - __ _ pecialty. _ A. J. ROLL ' _ . _..._.. �� f� [.,...L�1ntOQ._ ... --.._--- ----.._ his farm in Hullett to Mr Kincaid, of Belle. representative, to which position she birth. ' Good," rejoined roc akehe prairie Ville, for one year at a rental of $225, with was elected, Mr W. Harland as the king, ' me all face, and walked away. --" the privilege of purchase, next highest, was appointed in her Place- Governor Cook, of the Berlin gaol, has J � The Seafortb Expositor kindly ease:— an interesting gang of prisoners on hand "Mayor Holmes, of Clinton, preached in The Presbyter segs:—"St. Andrew's just now. Fridny morning be set them ato� Jac'kson's the Methodist chnroh here lout Sabbath. Chureb, . Bayfield, has outgrown the sawing wood, They refused point blank, , Hr Holmes is nearly ae good a preacher as anniversary social. At the recent ant. to do the work, and all the persoasiona and leis an editor, and Seaforth people always niversary services the congregation threats of the guards and governor were isten to his thoughtful discourses with was asked to contribute a Irpecial offer- unavailing, Finally Mr Cook decided to •OE ?leasure and profit," , ing, and .responded by placing the sum do the only thing the law allows under the M 'Will Cole, of Flint, Mich., (son-in-law of of $$9,191 upon the dates. Bayfield re- circumstance, and that was to pat the mu. 3. Cook) made a abort visit here this week. Ports thirty families belonging to its tineers on a bread and water diet, at only He learned bis trade with Mr. Hilyar, congregation. It is the second charge one meal a day. Next morning the gang vorking subsequently, with Mr. Leslie, but to that Presbytery that has got beyond professed themselves as ready to give in the tea rneeting stage, and we congrat- but Mr Cook refused to aoe9pt their ack- or 10 yearn has been n resident of Flint, ulate it."11 vbere he is one of the s❑perintendente in -a nowlddgment of regret and promises to do arge waggon shop. Rev. J. S. Fisher attended the C. E. better in future. Therefore one meal was Ilev, James Walker, of Ethol, formerly and S. S. Convention at Clinton this all they got, and that will be the program '• E Varna, was a caller at this oflioe on Tues- week' tic went on Monday, intend- for some days yet to some. in to visit his nephew, y, aI lay, he having come baro with hie two eons, g P w, R. B. Jeffrey, vho are attending the Collegiate. Mr station agent at Londesboro, before Road Reform. Valker is looking well, but has been laid the Convention. He also proposes, af- --- �� p for a oonplo of weeks by a spraa 6W ined foot, ter the Convention to spend some The result of Mr, A. W, Campbell's ea _ ----- he reaalt of falling down stairs. ,iys with old friends in and around oellent work as Good Roads Commigsione Holmesville, —Gorr•ie Vidette. of the Provincial Government may be no- Are the best and when Mr Maurine Nesbitt of Blyth, late of Snr- tined in a number of ways. r W y011 ellsrOifl 118 yOli is Business College, passed through Glin- Mr Fisher was one of the most at - g tentive men at the Convention, and The department has decided that statute get the beat Value in town, in on Tuesday on his way to Winnipeg, labor must betaken out oP the hands of A }}l18]11eS8 t}tat )ll - here he has secured a situation. Dame his old friends -he hasn't anything the different townships and placed in the creases every month is good evidence that We :amor states that although this is a intra- else -were pleased to see him looking county's control. veposition, he may not remain there long, 90 well and to know that through hie are selling reliable goods at low fiirure9, at will come bock to Clinton and look af- instrumentality the work of soul -Ban- Hardly had Mr, Campbell suggested that, sr a good -win. ing and character building was ro- when the County Council of Wentworth pressing. After spending some time decided to buy up the toll roads in that Mr Jae. Meb`nrlade, the wolf -known stock- among his former parishioners at county, .T�c�S��l Frvic Srror nr:u.un, ceder of Stanley, who has been in Scot- ( Holmesville, be returned to Gorrie on Now the County of Hastings has decided fwc�sO ' nd all summer, has got as far as Qaebeo 1 Friday, refreshed by his sport res Its to take control of 40 miles of road in that '11111011 i his way home, where he is quarantined I from work, and re -inspired o ase aspl. county. Other counties are considering the idea' "Nothing Like Leather," ,. I I i . �— . . I . . .� , . ., S , , 1: , , . � ­ � I.." I �� . , I . I P . - , 14.1 11 GA,r]i-ic_ . ..e. .J,, n... w. r, u...ri�.J ....._.,v.�.�. .._,., ,.... .. �,�.. .......,.. .._.. .... ._�.�.-.. ..—. w..... ..-... f,. -.. ._ A,iLL...�1...a.—,�-.-..,...--..__-_ __-.... .. . ,- i alit'. �Y,.]:...eWY, .�h�....w.J. �x