HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-09-03, Page 1I P - r' V: ., r . . 1-9 , WatchesT Woman's Lot The Easiest 'Yee, we, have many of them, made by the best aR r talent to be fonnd anywhere Not by any means. There's me. � nails something to keep her "on ' • ` `' s and oases to please extravagant taste. But — , T _ �_ ` — _ stew. Just now its pickling , time -keeping qualities do not always dem and preserving., You have got the work to do but let us save 11 I pend on high price. We sell a first class ROBERTHpLME$, Editor and Proprietor, CLINTON, ONT., SEPTEMBER 3, 1897 t$1 a year in advance $1,50 when not so paid Yt,uanydisappointmentorwor- , -' 4+ watch, one we guarantee to ran within one ry about your spices. You'll I e,. L%,, I.minute a month at $8. If it falls to do ;, Y find our mixed pickling spice, ter- -- - - Cloves, Cinnamon,Alsplice, Our• this brin it book and we will exchange it -� �^ p Egmondville. Ruburn Stanley rie, Turneries Mustard, Peppers, or refu nr money. if your watch AR0 STI7 T'HF H V 17. NomEs.—Mrs W. Logan has returned I J. Nlau[oLdoN, ltlanutaoturer of and dealer NOTES. --Miss Atkins, Clinton, was Chilies Garlic, Mustard Seed, &c I is etc , > r ee not kegp correct time, what wide-awake and reliable correspondents rind worthy of recording for publication Ito her home in Uarberry, Man., after in Light and I3eavv Harness, Whipps, Valieee, visit ing in . tonics this week. Messrs right up to standard forstrengCh ; ' PP� Combs Iirushoe Robes, Goats. Horeo Trim- P. Cam bell and R. Baird wheels and unit You'll et 'none -bring it to us and have it repaired right, Wing4am. block, now vacant, is to be occupied by ending a Pew months in this place. minga,'Leather graces, Etc. Ethel last Satut day. Mr eo. Holman better anywhere. You'll get ev Jas. Dallas, of Alma, Michigan, y, y paid a short lots worse many places. You'll WE SHOULD BE GoOD,—Besides the a dry goods merchant in a few weeks. w DEATH.—Mr and Mrs J. E. Nae le and famil of Ba field, Cleaning, , $100 Farmers from the surroundin conn- spent a fewdays visiting relatives here. a no less an w `i g six churches and S. A.Batracks, ser• g Miss Maud Hick is visiting friends here have the sympathy of the community visit to G. Baird this week. P y y here. You'll Mainspring, $1.00 vices are being held in a tent at the try claim that the average yield of fall in the loss of their youngest child, pay rnore some places. 1,1 g wheat is 33 bushels to the acre. John at present, Mrs Ledger, of Hartford, Lorne Leslie, who was buried5aturda OBITUARY,—Death is no respect.or of CLI TTO �\__T iN ENA ERA north end of the town by the brethren, Conn., is visiting her parents, Mr and y persons, the young, the old, and the �' ti. -- and In a tent. at th south end by the Elder has returned from the Rainy Mrs W. Clarke. A number of the res-' PRESENTATION.—On Friday evening middle-aged are alike the victims of -its i `+ +-' Christian Workers. His Satanic Ma es- River District; John still claims that L05'1', idents of this place lost money in the last a large number of friends and ac- relentless grasp. We greatly regret between Bruoefield and Clinton, t is getting badly outed at all points. Ontario West is hard to beat. Mr Jno. Extra strong Flavoring Exp' _ aladies openfaeesilverElgin watch. Find y g g Y P bank failure in Seaforth. Miss Flora qquaintances took the house of Mr Thos indeed that we have this week to re- • Swartsehows his dashing span of black McLeod and the Misses Cummings IL'telifi'e by storm, and presented Miss. card the death of one in the prime of tracts l0c a bottle, - i ler will be rewarded by leaving at this store, SECOND TO No E: The improve- beauties at the Industrial this year; Our justly celebrated king ,,,; cuts to Messrs B attie Bros.' livery John's drivers are hard to beat. The spent Friday visiting friendsat Sprouts- Jean Rwtcltfie, the retiring organist of life, Lydia M. Cameron, wife of Thos, Powder, 25c a poultd. atablishment are, n aring completion. Agricultural Board rust Tuesday to ville. Mr Robt Muldrew and D. ands- Knox church of this village, with an Frazer, of con. 3, Stanley, at the early Gem Jar Rubbers, ilOc a dozen. he floor of the II�,teement is being laid make preliminary arrangements 'for borough succeeded in passing for their elegant gold' watch and chain and a age of 38 years. She conk ill with plea - with concrete, surf will rank with the the fall fair. Rev Mr Masan, of the second class certificates at the recent gold pen, together with a beautitul ad- risy on Wednesday, and gradually ALLEN & WILSON P. R Crews best equipped stt4ble in Western On- Congregational church, accompanied examinations. Smith Bros. are busy dress. A pleasant evening was then sank until Saturday evening, when costo. The new -b ement is 35x12$ ft. b Mre Mason, are arch, in at Strut- Painting John Steel's residence, The sent in conversation and games. Miss death gave release. Mrs Fraser was a Graduate Druggists ,& Opticians, Jeweler & Experre, and I Y holidaying gg P• 19, Watch Repairer etallsand wilAllnmoder'sewnveniences will ford and other pointe. The Rev Dr, heir annual show on Ucte1-2-3, ondMg Ste. Marie, the good wishes of the ter of Mr Malcolm Cameron foams ly Cliutou. be included. The s are ro resaive. Pascoe, lately appointed pastor of the jThomas Holland's grounds. Mrs Cook entire community. of Stanley, but now livingin Southern Y progressive. I Methodist church here is a preacher of 7 �f�1rL1V�iV1VL1L�i�rlrt�ti�1V ' of Ashfield, has been visiting under Dakota. The fruit of fifteen ears of ,11 MORE LIOIIT,—T ere is an agitation great power, and attracts large congre• NOTES.—Miss Maggie Arthur left y roof of her father, Mr Jacob McGee. mai reed life is a famil of four sons l,eeburn. on foot for the exte Sion of our street . gations to every service. Fish stories this week for Glencoe. Mre Howson y CHURCH NOTES.—•Dr Meldrum, of St, lighting system t the back streets. galore, but truth will prevail; Xr Jtys I, . • an��1l daughter Carrie, Londesboro, are and three daughters, the youngest son Paul, Minnesota, an old friend of our The main thorough ,re of the town is Shemin actually captured from the wa- I Londesboro guests of her daughter, Mrs J. Hankin, three weeks old at the time of her Rmberley sacci, took char a of the service on d d Mrs Whitel , Londesboro, was a treat death. Mr Fraser has the deepest, PROMPT PAYMENT.—Mr Jas. Wilkie 9 g fairly well lights , b t when the pedes- tars of the muddy Maitland, a bass WORKERS. - r Albert Ferguson, Y heartfelt sympathy of the entire com- 4junday !horning, and gave an excel- trian wends his w y into the side which had rown 10J inches long, and I who has worked with Mr Snell at the at the home of Mr C. Howson on Tues informs our correspondent that it was z.' lent discourse from Matt. 25 : 25; AI- g -unity, as was shown by the large onlyy streets, he has to co tend with dark- weighed'3} lbs blacksmithing for a year, ffnisbed on day. Miss M. Carter, Stapleton, is the ,number who attended the funeral on eight days from the time his barn ` though it is now fourteen years since ness. Especially is t 'a the case at the t�, Thursday last, and left for his home at guest of her brother James at present. Tueada to a the last token of res- was burnt until he recet'v»d the cheque ;,i,, Dr Meldrum was with us last, he was C. P. R. station, wh a more light is Seaforth 1 Smith's Hill in a few clays he expects AIr J. Young and wife are visiting Mrs y' pay for the amount of the insurance. The p�" urgently entl needed. pect to the departed wife and mother, building was insured in the British yi ,,Ere by many remembered friends. g y RACE.—The ten mile handicap road- to go to Manitoba on t e excursion,' Me -ee at present, Mrs D. McGillicud- The remains were interred in Baird'e ``, ,F: '•Rev Llr McLean; of Blyth, will preach, Mr Albert Haggitt has taken a situation dy and family wre visiting at the home Mercantile, �; ;:� NO FLIER ON OIIft 1E S.—A.II the race last Friday evening was won by of her scents. Quite n number from cemetery. Mr John Fraser, M. P., of ? al+ preparatory services on Ft !day at 21 a• factories in town has ke t ' oin all in Mr Snell's shop. P g ! Baldwin, chick Bell being' second and Goderich are cam in the river.— Ptrolia; Mr John McMillan, M. P., TEACHER.—Mr S, A. Blair has beers w m. Sunday morning service will tom summer. Bell &Son"p fu niture ac- G. Chesney third. The race was wan TRAVELLING.—On Tuesday morning P g a d Mr M. Y. McLean, M. P. were engaged to teach in our public school mance at 10.30 instead of 11 o clock, as for the Union furniture fi for , $Ll The I. O. G. T. are having a ,. wn so- lot another term. Mr Blau s meritsas urn tl y+ Y in 30 minutes. there was quite aturnoutof pasaengera cialou Friday eveningin Mr, J. Ya�•ng's aniongg those who attended the fungi- a teacLer have been more than eatis- NOTES.—Mr J. Horton is the rood ton & Tessant s chair fa cry, and FIRE•—The fire alarm sounded about for the train,—Messrs W. Brigham, T. rove; admission 10 and 15c. Mr Mu,. I cal. Mr Frasers lot is particularly p Lha mash s lova factor h ve stacks Miller, Amos Watson, William Towns- g bard in being left with the care of a factory and the section might well con- possesaer of a two year old Holstein P g y' one o'clock Tuesday morning, when it end and James Gtasby left for Mani- ro and wife, and Miss Blair are this young family, It is rather a singular ratulate the trustees in being able to - r of orders ahead, and in mos axes will g g w lieifer, with twin heifer calves, both was found the recreation park fence week in Toronto, secure the services of so efficient a ' have to forego the annual ustom of i toba, Mr J.R. Bell for Owen Sound and circumstance that both the Secretar r• loin well. Mr Hillary Horton brought was on fire. The firemen promptly Y worker. ' g y g closing down a week du the big Mrs R. Adams and Miss harsh Bell for and President of the South Huron Re rota Stratford a few weeks ago a parr turned out, but their aervicea were not Goderich fairs.. There are no flies or o� wheels, Toronto. form ,association should be suddenly NOTE$.— Messrs John and Robert of black Minorca chickens; the hen has required, the fire being quenched by a BETTER.—Mr James Dickson, a re de rived of` their wives b death, Mr Walker have urchased anew trac- since laid some especially lar e eggs, THE FLAX MILL.—This new dustry, few ails of water. NOTES.—Bread has advanced to 6c. a P Y ( P a ,,. P Y g gg P !airy office employe, who has been laid Mustard losinghis some time a tion engine this fall to run their thresh- . a.= one in particular measuring 7 by 6� oaganized by a joint stock co sups is EXcuftstoN —About 500 took in the loaf. Mr Geo, Johnston has pructrr ed a with typhoid fever a est two M ago,) g inches. Mr C. Morrie and Geo. Cook in full operation. The mill is !lusted from J. G. Snell of Edmonton, a flue P' YP P and all who know r Fraser will keen- er. Messrs Wiley and Bell have our- 1; excursion to Goderich on Friday last. months, is able to be around again. ly sympathise with him in this heart- chased a new separator. The farmers are busy fixing up Geo. Fulford's house; in the old Agricultural Park, ear the The passed the da in boatingand Young Berkshii e. There are numbers watch out for future results. Thomas C. P. R. station, and is modern aqui Y P Y'of young cattle coming from the north- REPAIRS.—The Ogilvie & Hutchison breaking bereaventenb. here have been greatly delayed with p bathing, a large number took in the y g g I+'otheringham was the guest of his sis- ped. The first seasons operate swill baseball match between Goderich and ern township this fall and going on Milling Company leave been busy the their harvest owing to wet weather, Holmesville ter, Mrs A. H. Clutton, last week.— of course, be somewhat limit , and south for the farmers to feed through past week putting in a new leg in most of the eas and oats are still is i.,. the Seaforth Stare, the score was 21 to p + Lizzie Horton returned on Thursday about 500 tone of flax will be eked. 5 in favor of Goderich, which was ac- the winter; this shows a lack of enter- their elevator, their old leg not being CHORAL SOCIETY.—The CliOr^tl society the field. Messrs Alex. Shiells, Geo. from a pleasant visit with friends near The first breakdown at the mill ccur- counted for by McCartney, Seaforth's Prise on the part of the sellers, as the long enough to reach the bottom of the met at A.J.Courtices on Tuesaay even- Dunn, Wm. and Alfred McBurney left Holmesville and Clinton. Miss Mar red Saturday evening, when t e roe- pitcher, beingindisposed. animals are growing into money faster hold of some of the large, grain boats ing with a very full attendance. Next last week tospend a few months in the Relton, of Windsor, passed through chinery had been closed down The at the age they are, than they have calling here. meeting to be held in two weaka, at the Prairie province. Our townsman Mr ' on Sunday to Sheppardton, taking in engine was started to pump wit r in- FIRE.—The fire alarm sounded about done in the past. The issuing of money STOLEN.—Mr Donald Johnston, tick- hall, Holmesville. They are practicing Geo. Wilkie left hereon Monday morn - the morning service here; her many to the boiler, when, from sotirr�� un- 12.15 Tuesday night; the firemen quick orders from our post office is proving a et agent at the G. T. R., had his bicycle for Lheir entertainment to be held on ing for Ripley, where he has secured a - friends were much pleased to see her, known cause, the whin shaft col%pserl ly responded and it was found that the great convenience to the public. stolen .on Thursday night. He was at• Thanksgiving day. They are arrang- position as clerk in Mr Kennedy's gen- .,;. • and several of the hangers broke. The1 circ was in the Agricultural building, NOT SOLD.—The Backwell farm, ad- tending a meeting of the baseball club, g r a course of training during Rl store; Geo. will be greatly missed- _ sd, Tuckersmith damage is estimated at about $100, which, being a large frame building the coming winter. among his many assoceatesthere, v0e DEATH.—On Tuesday another old burned very quickly, and the fire joining the village, containing about 76 and while upstairs somebody took the wish him every success in his new field y A POPULAR PRIEST.—The Rev Fath- �lr.d gained great headway before the acres. was put up for sale Tuesday, af- wheel. So far the police have been un- NOTES.—The nice shower on Wed- of labor. . resident passed away in the person of er McKeown, successor to the late farm was sent in, and in a short time ternoon. There was a very small at- able to get any trace of it, nesday will help pastures, as it was be- : ., Mre Elliott Fair bairn, in her 64th year. Father Qui lay as pastor the Wing- hd to the round. The tendance, only one person from a dis- SPORTS. —A baseball game was la coming very dry here Rev. G. W. An- ;! ' Death was 'caused by cancer of the g 1?g lance Nein resent. Mr Hamilton, in drews, wife and family returned home p . g play- Cwoderich To�trnshi ham and St. Augustine R. C. congrega- %1,`i1dai'ugxx;r'.'.' insured, butto what ex- g P ed here yesterday between Goderich Tueada from afew da s' ';stomach. She married Mr Fai%airnhis usual fluent wa ex atiated on the y y visit at Thed- ACCIDENT—On Tuesda while Jos- :' and settled on the farm near Hensall tions, ppreached his inaugural sermon it cannot as yet be ascertains&. The y+ and Seaforth, resulting in favor of ford. Miss Hamilton, of s e h Colclou h of the brise line was ,.., at the R. C. church here on Sunda merits of the farm and t e good pros- Goderich b a score of 21 to 5. Sea- Clinton,+ P g + very early, where she died. She was y h se of Mrs Hammond, which is very y visiting friends in the village and vicin- driving to town accompanied b his ' `u`' member of Carmel Presb terian morning, to an appreciative congrega- n r the Agricultural building, came ppact ahead(he thought perhaps the new forth has purely demonstrated that g + P y y GovernmenE would im rove thin s for ity. rJ.Crooks,of Goderich, is spend- wife and sister-in-law, the harness go ; y: tion. The reverend gentleman is an ve neargetting burned, but the fire P g) they can't play the game. They may eliurch. Deceased leaves 6 sons and 7 eloquent s esker, and his first u1 itef- w ke tg�ndel control, and what .farming. But, sorry to say, his speak- excel in fwothall and lacrosse, but ing a�hort time at borne. Mr J. T. way, causing all to he thrown out:,llQrs r:; daughters, besides her highly respect- q P P p P in was tike the flower that wastes eta Ccurtice has greatly improved the ap- Coaly, causing had her collar bone broken ,`." . . ed husband, to mourn her lose. fort here created a very favorable im- see led sure to become a serious con- g when it comes to playing bmeball,they earance of his store and dwelling b The others sacs ed without serious in pression upon his hearers. He ie par- flu scion was thus averted. This is sweetness on the desert air. Charlie are simply not in it. For Goderich to Phe a licationof several costa of t Jury. P gay titularly popular with the younger the )urth fire which' hws occurred in can usually effect a sale, if such a thing have a team like Seaforth come here PP P ] Y• 11 citron of the .con re airbus who are is ossible but the highest offer was Messrs Miller & Mason did the work. tow recently, , the ori in of which P g onl hurts the game, and the people NOTES.—Miss H. Middlet„n, who has _„ :,,� t', DEATH.— Another much i aspected onl 2.300 and this was below the re, y Quite a numberof the young people en- reaident of Ha Townshi passed awe determined to infuse new life into the ea+In t be discovered, a nd the council y $ will not go down to the grounds t� see o ed an afternoon's outing at the lake been visiting in Bayfield, has returned church b the institution of fine choir. bare ffered a reward of $75 for infor- serve bid. The property was with- an ag regatiou of ball -tossers like) Y g hotne. Mrs B. Switzer and Mr $ �+3'' HayTownship P Y Y Tuesday. Wise are visiting friends inM46g,"ition to ; inn Tuesday in his 74th year, in the per- mti�pn re ardin the arson dr arsons drawn and is now for sale by private them play. y'J s`, son of Wm. Curry, who was born near MORE CONCRETE WALKS.—A wave g g P P contract. I WOMB;N'S DAY.—As was advertised Miss M. Green, of Goderichn A New Glas ow, Quebec, and came'out wh, set fire to these buildings. The NOTES.— A frieudl ame of lawn +- g g of local improvement has set in, and whip have a man here under sus i- (From an occasional correspondent) y g the services on Sunday were under the at R. Hanley's. Miss C. Mcwest when trite nun settlin near our citizens are determined u on ad- p. P tennis was played here on Saturday, �' P cionand he may be at -rested at any PERSONALS.— Mrs J. Milton Elsley beeween Clinton and Goderich, result- directions of the W. M. Society, Mrs is visiting at Mr J. Middleton a. G. Hillsgreen where he died. He joined opting a permanent walk. Thesecond time This fire will spoil the Seaforth returned home Saturday after two In in easy victory for the hometeam. S. J. Pentland, of Dungannon, preach- Stirling, sister, and Miss Turner visit- 1`p the Methodist church some years ago special meeting of the Town ouncil fall flow to some extent, but the dir- weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs Rev. g ed !nibs morning a grand sermon from ed at Mr James Beacom's on Sunday. Mr 1Jouis Elliott., who has been cru e- the words For to me to live is Christ Miss Edna Miller, of isited at and has taken a great interest in re- during August, was called for Sat.ur ector' hoe to secure a suitable build- ” ii ions matters. About six weeks ago da avenin and petitions were re- P Dr. Medd, of Sarnia, and friends in De- taker of the postuffice here for a num- + Clinton,+ P in it, own to use for their inside Phil. 1. 21. The avenin service took J. G. Slee 's, last Sundae he was taken ill but was not confined rented from property owners res! ant gg troit; she was accompanied by her sis- bar of years, received a few days' notice g P y' P P y exhib;s. ter, Mrs Rev. Dr. Medd and her dau h- the form of a platform meeting, Mrs H. to his bed till two weeks ago, when he on Suterand Park Sta. re uestin that g to vacate, his place will be filled by Geo. d CHURCH.— Cole's Church has b n ' • g q ter, Josie Bell. John Tambl n r., and Elford, ores! ant of the society, presid- be2atpe worse and gradually sank. He concrete walks be laid in front ortheir NO'gs.—Miss Jennie Sclater and Mie Y , j Bissett., There was no service held in Ing.. The program was interesting and undergoing repairs and improv eme ts, "„� leaves a wife and six children. residences. The prayer of the petition- I'ou Dnn wet a rusticating in Goderich wife are away at Port Elgin and Tor- the A. C. church Sunday, Rev, Father varied, and consisted of a bible reading and will be re opened on Sunday, Sg t. t, — era wasgranted, and the Public Works last wctk. Mr Geo, Bethune, of 1)e- onto; we believe they are to attend a West being at Clinton. A heavy wind b Mrs Leech; "What are we. doin "b 12, special aervicea, morningg, afternoon Thames Road. Com. were authorized to proceed with troit, ivisiting his parents in Seafarth. wedding,iLt the latter place, in the near and rain stn► m passed over town Sun- y g y and evening. Rev. R. Millyard, of ,t�. NOTES.—Rev C. Fletcher and Miss the work. Mr Graham London, is Mrs Dr Campbell and son. Will, left future. day,doing considerable damage to Fruit. resident; Secretary s report by Miss Clinton, will preach at the afternoon r tephenson reading, To the work'by :, ;, ”, V. Russell attended the S. S. & C. E. the contractor; price, 10}c per squareft. for Broklyn on Tuesday after spend- $enmiller The passenger boat Carmona, which LVlise Pickard-, address, "wh��y am I a and evening service, and Rev. B. Cle- Convention in last week. Mr iitg they vacation in Seaforth. The has been calling here allsummer,makes member of the W. M. S.— Why am I II7ent, of Clinton, at. the morning ser - Pon Madge lost Clintonl valuable work horse FIRST OF THE SEASON.—Sociables Seafortl Lacrosse Club defeated the LEAGUE.—Our meeting on Friday her last trip hereon Wednesday, the nota member" W Mrs Pentland, The vice, On Monday evening a tea meet- -;_ and such like will. now be in order, as Lornea o Exeter, in Exeter, on Freda night ht was led b Rev, Mr Olivant and assen er scions a has been ver meeting was livened by appropiate in will be held at which it is ex ectad this week. Mr Bailey, Toronto, paid Y g y P g P' g Y g P .' a flying visit to friends here on Monday summer's sunny days get shorter, last, the core was 6 to 1, the score in- a paper entitled "St. Paul's prayer for poor this season owing to the cold sum- singing, duets, solos, &c, Collections the RaAddre s St. choir will be opres . ;t The first of this class of entertainment d icates tie la Mr Geo. Sutherland ersonal friends was given by Miss mer. The tug Daisy, owned by the ant, Addresses are expected frgm and T iesday. The anniversary ser- P y were taken by two of the women and viees of Bethanychurch were held on was held in the school roomof St.Paul's of St. Th(nas, is visiting at the resid- Lizzie Olivant. Next Friday night is Williams Lumber Company, has been well-known and popular preachers. church on Friday evening last and consisted of over $8, which is for the Sunday last; semons were preached Y, g ince of 141 Wm. Sclatera this week. consecration night; the report of the leased to Maddigan, the breakwater benefit of the society. The church was There will be no service at this ap- by Rev 0. Smith, of Exeter, and Rev was known as a "birthday party. A Miss LiUiepVilliams has returned home Epworth League Convention held at contractor, fcr towing his scows of pointp�ent next Sunday. local paper, in announcing the event, after a en4n her vacation, in Strat- Clinton will also be given then. ravel out into the lake. Miss Mina well filled both morning and evening, W. J. Salton, Centralia. Rev N. Rus- pp P, g P K g and but for the unpromising appearance .'' sell, missionary from Central India, gravely informed its readers to bring ford, Mis,Aggie Tovell left oil Satur- INJIIRED—H.Brindle who works for ee, daughter of Win. Lee, coal mer. Brucefleld �1'' along a 'sack, which would be expect- y+ of the evening it would doubtless have , occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian g P for bh Mars where she will reside in Mr Pframmer met with bad accident chant, is. dangerously ill with spine .c ed to contain as man cents as the vie- it been crowded. Those who were out RELIGION.—Quite a number from church on Sunda morning; he ave a Y future. Rve Murray has returned on Freda evening last; while leaden trouble, caused from a severe fall ." y g; g y g g enjoyed a treat. Mrs Pentland'is a very here attended the Christian Endeavor ver interestingaccount of the work, itor's age would represent in years. from Goderih where be has been vis- the horses to water, one kicked, str ik- from a bicycle; Mr Lee had the misfor• pleasant speaker, read clear and at Convention at Clinton, last Wednesday. s' as Carried on bthe missionaries there, Longevity is one of the many blessings icing friendE T. R. F. Case & Co. im- ing him' in the face, fracturin his tune to lose a grown -tip daughter last P P ' g sometimes fluent, lain in her argu- The delegates reports were very inter ,. and also showed the great of some enjoyed by. the average Wznghamite, orted a cr of ice from Paris. Mr skull and breaking the bred a of his sprin . The bells and prize lista for the p g p g g menta and earnest in her manner. She esting, they almost actually bringing #< x means of providing for the poor, fain- Wit it will be news to many to learn Y. Sutherlan of Detroit, is visiting his nose. Although he is in a very bad best North-western Exhibion to be held rises no notes and makes one feel From the Convention home with theta. The11 ine stricken children of that country, we have Methusalas dwelling in out arents in ton). Mr Dan Hutchison here next month, are out, and the at- y. p condition, it is thought that with care start to finish that she is in downright addresses were all excellent, and full midst. No doubt the large number of has returned tome after an extensive a will et around again. tractions and prizes are larger than eaiilest and means Just what she says. of bel fol suggestions for mare res the fair sex who attended the enjoy- h g g J y ' gg egg 11, � ; "^+, j. Y- trip to Clevetnd and Detroit. Cole- ever. In the races at Orangeville last p able entertainment an Friday evening ,van's foundr_is very busy these days, NOTES.—Mrs Thos. Gledhill, who has week Billy Dinmont captured second sive Christian service. We trust the ;:, • were perfectly content with a bag to so much so tht the workmen have to been visiting relatives in Stratfordand money in the runnin,q race, and Virgin- East wawauosli. meeting may be the means of giving et Rid of Your contain the number of cents re resen- Mitchell the past two weeks, returned „ g impetus,to our work, and imparting ';,",v P work overtimil A tramp was brought W is third in the fifty class; both horses NOTES.—Harvestin he will be about mores frit into our oun work. r ". . ting'theit respective ages. before 11Ir J. Bkttie, J.P., a few days home on ednesday. Miss C. Le- are owned here. completed this week; the crop has P Y g Touzel, of Goderich, was visiting at _ GOOD SITUATION.—The man friends • LOCAL LINxe.—Fall Fairs: Belgraye, ago by Conatblo Gillespie, charged g been very heav a lar a acres a of 'Y Summer Stilt Mr Thomas Gledhill's the est week. in this lace, of Miss Bessie Ross, of �11111with hemg drilk and disorderly he p Bayfield ,fall wheat has been sown, doubtless P -, Sept. 23.24; Wingham, Sept. 28-29. The was given 30datin DixonCastle,Gode- Mr Charles Walters had the misfor- owing to the good crop this year. D. Clinton, will be pleased to loarn that C. P. R. and G. T. R. announce cheap ri h. Mr T. Miler, Bandmaster of the tune to sprain his thumb and make an NOTES.—Mr John Eason took in the S. and J. S. Scott are on a trip to !Nan- she has secured an excellent situation F11. excursions for Labor Day, Monday 33rd Battalion find, has taken a poli ugly woundon his hand, while running excursion to Toronto on Thursday; he itoba; they will be gone two months. in Michigan as General Secretary of the '1 W next. The Star Plioto Co. have taken tion in the woobn mills of W. E. Van- the binder out of the barn last week. expects to be away-, about ten days. Y. W.C.A., and also as superintendent ',, fine groups of the lacrosse and football Miss Lizzie Cousins, of Sarnia, is the Mias Ma ie Falconer, of Goderich, is CORRECTED AGAIN,—With your per- of a Home far z eclaimin straying iris 1; t teams. P The tilting of the boards egmond. Rev. t Galloway of Learn- Maggie mission, Mr Editor, I will make a few g Y g 1," g ' ington, formerly actor of the Metho• g9est of her sister, Mrs Wm. Maedel, renewing old acquaintances here, and and women in that state. Miss ors , protecting one of the new concredt dist church bei returned bolus on lura Chaa. Fisher, whowas ill with Pry- visitin at the home of her fatherG DIr corrections to an item signed Mrs U. B, is rt very clever young lady and we fool walks on the Main street, ca se si elas the'past week, is around again. g Wilkinson in last week's issue of NEW horse to bolt on Friday evening, hut, it Tuesday after sp ding his vacation in P P g Chas. Simons, now of Goderich, .pent sure her talents will be mach appreciat k 9 g, u Mr Pennebaker's son ha been ill afew days last week »•mon his old ERA. In the first place the item she ed, in her new field of Ittbor, where she • Seaforth. The ..ar base -ball club of y complained of did not Appear in the ' - — - ---- -- � -- wa,s-stopped-be€ore-the-driverwas-hurt.. - o--�-''''7iL`"Sl'- orifi -in-Seaforth-- ith measles Miae Gracie. Stewart, of hiends. Mr John W. Whiddon has P Pp should be able to acro- lish a_ great fin L r p y rave-nc-ws-»,I�al-1--bili--tn tb Uocrrtt I Sacr»mint of the Lord's Supper will be Lucknow, is visiting her r»nTino`t 11`er; been` visiCIn in R`i e— I�incardYiie; y'` cal �f cod: "�C eivi9ii 1i 'l ��I;II Y administered at St, Paul's Episcopal on Labor day, we opt, the boys will g g g P y' Chi to s. This ma have been a mis- g her success. Mrs John Stewart, Mrs Wm. Brind- and other laces dutin the past week. PP g Y • ,' --' andKnox churcheson Sabbathnext. came out victoriot tis usual. Mr Phil- P g take on her art as she does not seem HARVEST, —Harvesting operations .�,-�2,'+W ip Murray, of Bla e, p»id Seaforth a ley and son returned to Sheppardton Sacrament S the Lwrd'e supper was to know the facts ver well. Then are almost now only considered ae a ;: yarae The Rector of St. Paul's church is form Y �g the end of t�e week. Mr M. Pframmer dis eased' at 'tet. Andrew's church last tom Taint is made that no mention g Y. Y g P Y�11`;� ` `` in a confirmation class. "Mine Host" short visit on Sttti da Misa Ma> ie P thin of histor the bein rett well f,;1. and William went to Stratford, where Sunda mornin , to a large union con- P corn leted last week and ftirmers are , John Swarta, who has a growing weak- Callahan and Mi Lizzie McNichol g was made of her meter uvaitin on Mrs P 1 g g sent Sunda in u0sels. Mr Wm. the latter is going to take a six month ggregatton of Bayfield and Bethany; g now bus" re aria for sowin their "i I ness for fine stock has added to his P y Rev Mr Hamilton, Goderich reached Fells, We do not know who penned Y P P g u ` _ _ t Scott, of St.rathro as visitin his course in the business colla a we wish ;', stable a high stepper in the form of.a y g at the preparatory services cin Friday. the article in question originally, buy fall wheat. Tt won d appear as though g pP arents in Seafort tis week. The him success. Mrs John Morrish of p p y y thebri ht prospects of the wbeat mark K•;;; Great Dano dog, whose front name is North Dakota, returned to her home The man friends of Mr A. Smith, son they certainly de,ierve the severest, g P P caforth Horticultzra Society intend y censure for not giving the names of all et are inducing the farmers around �.,+--�,y Rover. Our active Mayor takes a live- holding their first a ntrr.i show on the on Monday, after a two months visit of the popular rector of Tt inity church, R g here to tut in a very lar a acres o this ; ly interest in surveying for concrete 6th, 7t and 8th of B, ° Goderich with ,friends, Mias Maggie Olivant will besorr tc Iemnof his confinement the neighbors who called to enquire I Y g g walks, and may be seen, when occas• h and Harr Lon have returned to the to the house; thou h not ver ill he and at the same time render;aeaistance Year,— 30 or 40 acres being quite tom Your summer suit has seen its best baseball club plop .here on Friday. Y Long g Y to tho Tamil ►n their trouble. Mra mon. This seerna to be a propensityof f. I ion demands, hustling with a tatie line Some employes of the T. R. are Goderich CollPgrate. Harry Gledhill has.been unable to leave his room for y human naturriand is ver often an un - clays, and it's now time to make and such like. SincO Mr Blake + MottGriadale did not wait on Mrs Fells day Y busily engaged painting t.h arge wat• wheeled to Kincardine on Saturday, about three weeks, but is now recover- rofltable wne, hat in the resent case your selection for fall and winter- assumed management of the Times,our and returned on Monde and night during the last four days of p P This season we have a large local "Thunderer" has considerably er tank here. Mr Chas. Cu ingham, Y ing slowly. Miss os. Ce Cameron, her illness, as Mra Fells did not live it may bequite safe, as if the shortage aria of as cited of Toronto, has taken a posit n At W. daughter of Mr Thos. Cameron, has four days after Mrs Grisdale came to in Europe is so great as it. is estimated Y P brightened, and has benefitted by the returned to Detroit after several weeps Y :'�' recent change; Blake was raised in a D. Van ,.gmond'a Woollen D. Ila, Mr sorter's Hill assist in the sick room, With r� and to be, will take a year or two before S Snitin S Rwbt,. iVlcIiay has r parrrod ho a after visit at home. School reopened on to the money which was found, the the supply overbalances the demand. 1. printing office, and should know his visiting friend^ WENT oN STRIKE,—Mr D. Lindsay Wednesday with the new principal, rsteds an Serges, p'a and q's. The new Presbyterian g fit russets• _ uhlic may only read, it as being an in- ,` book of praise will be used the first , Mullett. has a Masse Harris binder wbieh he Mr Holman, in charge. Mrs Roberts P Y Y K A NUISANCE. —Public indignation FFaiiCVestinns 'Etc. has used every season for seven years, and family and bliss gStanley of Park- Mrs C.79g item, but people who know runs high over the continual ravages ancy t� time by Knox congregation, the aecnnd PERS — Quite a lot fro this without anything going wrong. Last hill, who have been occupyying one of Mrs (. ]3. Wilkison laugh at the idea of dogs among sheep. Nearly every Dix act from Arthur & Co., Glas• Sabbath in September, Thef cal townshi are attending Toronto air week, just when anxious ,to finish up Mr Marks'cottageaduring thesummer, of Mrs Fells telling her of her posses- night adds another nnfo><tunate tjoek gow. They are the choicest goods block, one of the bulwarks o amara Cp em being Bon Hunter, info being kept from the public. The mo the list. People who own such dogs to be had, and the cost is no wore commerce, has been painted a livoly g h g fin his the mac something went wrong, return hone at the end i this week; Tambl n, Miasea Minnie and Viol tin and the machine refused to tie a sheaf. they have become enthusiastic admir- inference which those who know all must surely know that the are not 'i ' an whatyou are asked to pay for tint. and is typical of the live men who y the parties can draw from the article p Thompson. and man ers. ere of Bayfield, and expect to be back 1 where they oughtto be and deserve to .. *Cerior ggoods. inhabit it. The Beaver block is paint- P Y : ACCIDENT. A peculiar accident hap• again next summer. The sale of Mise Penned by Mrs Wilkinson is that she be Punished severely for their dastard Handsome 5uititiga fn' the new green ed a sombre hue. and portrays the se- Fali�i Bovoilx—Th�nas ltlason, paned on the farm rented by Mr David Duncan's household effects went off wants the credit £or finding the monetp ly indifference. If one r out of every ; and brown mixtures, plain and date and sober men who do business has bought 73113 is known as the Cc - Lindsay, on Saturday They were un given to my sister, Mrs Grisdale, ten was shot and the remainder treated ' enc and none of them are an ex there. Our prosperous dentist, Dr..Te• tie faun of Cres, on the base ]in loading grain, and acting it on a scaf- very well last Friday; Reeve Burns, Y, ,,auctioneer" resided. The date of rather than to Mrs Scott, this being A to dose of "tough on rats" propert d £ P P d pensive luxury. It costs nothing rome, has purchased that fine resident and t.akea posses. on at once. . . fold right over the barn floor, the team Ba field Fall Show is Sept. 30 and Oct-, tremendous sum in the two sisters' would be safer afisl the wail wool to see the goods. al property formerly owned by D, standing beneath it; Mr Lindsay and 1; the best in years is expected. Mrs eyes, but is only a mere bagatelle or miss them little, —80 many people keep Sutherland and can now no lodger Sum erhill Robt. Marshall were on the scaffold, , McLean and Lou Gordon have been every day occurrence for Mrs Scott to two or three dogs, when they are hard Special line Boys' School Gaps ' „ see this sum of mons The item in at 25c. hum his air, Na foot of land leen it collapsed; fortunately the i do I possess." It is said that "mar- A Festival and a asic and Literary cam 'had turned to one side, or it I guests at the Rectory during the past last week's issue may not be worth no l able to keep themselves. It is t%me ria ea are made in Heaven," entertainment will a held at `rummer- con le of weeka. The friends of Trin- Y there was some measure taken to goG T. Jaehgon, sr., Clinton g but ater- hit on Wednesday, ept. 15th, where a ould likely have been kilted. the I Ity church picuiced tit the grove one tics, but as it conveys a wrong !mores rid of this public nuisance. tain young man opines that a arch cir pleasant time is loo ed for, Lnclan, had to be dug out from the ,day last week. sion to the readers of your paper, we R` , 'Victoria Blook,'Establiahed 1854. Iles sometimes go into that line, It is gt in, fortunately without injury. The I have condescended to notice and re - Agency London Laundry. Phone 10 rumored that the fine store in Button's THF .NEW E'RA GIV THE I1OME NER A witgon and rack were badly broken. , Tan NEw ERA GIVER THE HOME NEWS ply.—COR. (Additional local news on page 4.) 1 ) \,� , I �. V , � fl' n . v ,' ,. �. ' - . "1v r • �,